name: acme-zero version: 0.0.2 synopsis: The absorbing element of package dependencies description: package dependencies form a commutative monoid with an absorbing element. They satisfy the following axioms: . [Associativity] . For all dependencies @a@, @b@ and @c@, . @ (a , b) , c = a , (b , c) @ . In fact, the Cabal syntax does not even allow you to use the parentheses for this reason. . [Commutativity] . For all dependencies @a@ and @b@, . @ a , b = b , a @ . [Identity element] . For all dependencies @a@, . @ acme-one , a = a a , acme-one = a @ . Depending on @@ has no additional effect. . [Absorbing element] . For all dependencies @a@, . @ acme-zero , a = acme-zero a , acme-zero = acme-zero @ . Depending on @@ in addition has the same effect as /only/ depending on @acme-zero@. license: PublicDomain license-file: author: Johan Kiviniemi maintainer: Johan Kiviniemi stability: provisional homepage: bug-reports: category: ACME build-type: Simple extra-source-files: cabal-version: >= 1.10 source-repository head type: git location: library build-depends: acme-zero == 0 default-language: Haskell2010