============================ Adblock2Privoxy installation ============================ From binary package ------------------- There are packages for various systems available at `downloads page `_ * For linux: you can try RPM or DEB package (depending on your package manager). * For windows: Just unzip the file provided. You'll find adblock2privoxy executable is in bin folder. From sources ------------ You can build and run adblock2privoxy from sources if there is no binary package for your system. 1. Ensure you have Haskell compiler and Cabal * Install `Stack `_ for your platform 2. Run:: stack setup stack unpack adblock2privoxy cd adblock2privoxy-* stack build stack exec adblock2privoxy -- [YOUR ARGS] #for example: stack exec adblock2privoxy -- -p /etc/privoxy -d example.com https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylist.txt Packaging --------- You can create your own binary package for adblock2privoxy. * Use scripts from `distribution` folder for your platform.