    Module      :  AERN2.MP.UseMPFR.Ball.Elementary
    Description :  Elementary operations on arbitrary precision dyadic balls
    Copyright   :  (c) Michal Konecny
    License     :  BSD3

    Maintainer  :  mikkonecny@gmail.com
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable

    Elementary operations on arbitrary precision dyadic balls
module AERN2.MP.UseMPFR.Ball.Elementary
  -- * Ball operations (see also instances)
  -- * Helpers for constructing ball functions
  , fromApproxWithLipschitz

import MixedTypesNumPrelude
import qualified Prelude as P

import AERN2.Normalize

import AERN2.MP.Dyadic (Dyadic)
import qualified AERN2.MP.UseMPFR.Float as MPFloat
import AERN2.MP.UseMPFR.Float (MPFloat, mpFloat)
-- import AERN2.MP.UseMPFR.Float.Operators
import AERN2.MP.Precision
import qualified AERN2.MP.UseMPFR.ErrorBound as EB
import AERN2.MP.UseMPFR.ErrorBound (errorBound)

import AERN2.MP.UseMPFR.Ball.Type
import AERN2.MP.UseMPFR.Ball.Conversions ()
import AERN2.MP.UseMPFR.Ball.Comparisons ()
import AERN2.MP.UseMPFR.Ball.Field ()

{- trigonometrics -}

piBallP :: Precision -> MPBall
piBallP p = MPBall piUp (piUp `EB.subMP` piDown)
  piUp = MPFloat.piUp p
  piDown = MPFloat.piDown p

instance CanSinCos MPBall where
  sin = sinB 1
  cos = cosB 1

sinB :: Integer -> MPBall -> MPBall
sinB i x =
    -- increasingPrecisionUntilNotImproving (fromApproxWithLipschitz MPFloat.sinDown MPFloat.sinUp lip) x
    fromApproxWithLipschitz MPFloat.sinDown MPFloat.sinUp lip x
        | i == 0 = mpFloat 1
        | otherwise = snd $ endpointsMP $ abs $ cosB (i - 1) x

cosB :: Integer -> MPBall -> MPBall
cosB i x =
    -- increasingPrecisionUntilNotImproving (fromApproxWithLipschitz MPFloat.cosDown MPFloat.cosUp lip) x
    fromApproxWithLipschitz MPFloat.cosDown MPFloat.cosUp lip x
        | i == 0 = mpFloat 1
        | otherwise = snd $ endpointsMP $ abs $ sinB (i - 1) x

-- increasingPrecisionUntilNotImproving :: (MPBall -> MPBall) -> (MPBall -> MPBall)
-- increasingPrecisionUntilNotImproving f x =
--   waitUntilNotImproving $ map aux (precisions xPrec (xPrec*2))
--   where
--   xPrec = getPrecision x
--   precisions p1 p2 = p1 : (precisions p2 (p1 + p2))
--   aux p = f $ setPrecision p x
--   waitUntilNotImproving xx@(x1:_) = aux2 (getAccuracy x1) xx
--   waitUntilNotImproving _ = error "AERN2.MP.UseMPFR.Ball.Elementary: internal error in increasingPrecisionUntilNotImproving"
--   aux2 x1AC (x1:x2:rest)
--     | x1AC < x2AC = aux2 x2AC (x2:rest)
--     | otherwise = x1
--     where
--     x2AC = getAccuracy x2
--   aux2 _ _ = error "AERN2.MP.UseMPFR.Ball.Elementary: internal error in increasingPrecisionUntilNotImproving"

{- exp, log, power -}

instance CanExp MPBall where
  exp = intervalFunctionByEndpointsUpDown MPFloat.expDown MPFloat.expUp

instance CanLog MPBall where
  type LogType MPBall = CN MPBall
  log x
    | x !>! 0 =
        cn $ intervalFunctionByEndpointsUpDown MPFloat.logDown MPFloat.logUp x
    | x !<=! 0 = noValueNumErrorCertainCN err
    | otherwise = noValueNumErrorPotentialCN err
    err = OutOfRange $ "log: argument must be > 0: " ++ show x

instance CanPow MPBall MPBall where
  powNoCN b e = (~!) $ pow b e
  pow = powUsingExpLog (mpBall 0) (mpBall 1)

instance CanPow MPBall Dyadic where
  powNoCN b e = (~!) $ pow b e
  pow b e = powUsingExpLog (mpBall 0) (mpBall 1) b (mpBall e)

instance CanPow MPBall Rational where
  powNoCN b e = (~!) $ pow b e
  pow b e = powUsingExpLog (mpBall 0) (mpBall 1) b (mpBallP (getPrecision b) e)

instance CanSqrt MPBall where
  type SqrtType MPBall = CN MPBall
  sqrt x
    | x !>=! 0 = cn $ aux x
    | x !<! 0 = noValueNumErrorCertainCN err
    | otherwise = prependErrorsCN [(ErrorPotential, err)] $ cn $ aux (max 0 x)
    aux =
        (\ e -> MPFloat.sqrtDown (P.max (mpFloat 0) e))
        (\ e -> MPFloat.sqrtUp (P.max (mpFloat 0) e))
    err = OutOfRange $ "sqrt: argument must be >= 0: " ++ show x

{- generic methods for computing real functions from MPFR-approximations -}

    Computes a real function @f@ from correctly rounded MPFR-approximations and a number @lip@ which is a
    Lipschitz constant for @f@, i.e. @|f(x) - f(y)| <= lip * |x - y|@ for all @x@,@y@.
fromApproxWithLipschitz ::
    (MPFloat -> MPFloat) {-^ @fDown@: a version of @f@ on MPFloat rounding *downwards* -} ->
    (MPFloat -> MPFloat) {-^ @fUp@: a version of @f@ on MPFloat rounding *upwards* -} ->
    MPFloat {-^ @lip@ a Lipschitz constant for @f@, @lip > 0@ -} ->
    (MPBall -> MPBall) {-^ @f@ on MPBall rounding *outwards* -}
fromApproxWithLipschitz fDown fUp lip _x@(MPBall xc xe) =
    normalize $ MPBall fxc err
    fxl = fDown xc
    fxu = fUp xc
    (MPBall fxc fxe) =
      setPrecision (getPrecision xc) $ -- beware, some MPFR functions increase precision, eg sine and cosine
        fromEndpointsMP fxl fxu
    err = (errorBound lip) * xe  +  fxe