{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-| Module : AERN2.MP.Ball.PreludeOps Description : Instances of Prelude.Num etc Copyright : (c) Michal Konecny License : BSD3 Maintainer : mikkonecny@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : portable Instances of Prelude classes Eq, Ord, Num etc -} module AERN2.MP.Ball.PreludeOps ( ) where import MixedTypesNumPrelude import qualified Prelude as P import AERN2.MP.Dyadic (dyadic) import AERN2.MP.Ball.Type import AERN2.MP.Ball.Conversions () import AERN2.MP.Ball.Comparisons () import AERN2.MP.Ball.Field () import AERN2.MP.Ball.Elementary () {- Instances of Prelude numerical classes provided for convenient use outside AERN2 and also because Template Haskell translates (-x) to (Prelude.negate x) -} instance P.Eq MPBall where a == b = case a == b of CertainTrue -> True CertainFalse -> False _ -> error "Failed to decide equality of MPBalls. If you switch to MixedTypesNumPrelude instead of Prelude, comparison of MPBalls returns Kleenean instead of Bool." instance P.Ord MPBall where compare a b = case (a < b, a == b, a > b) of (CertainTrue, _, _) -> P.LT (_, CertainTrue, _) -> P.EQ (_, _, CertainTrue) -> P.GT _ -> error "Failed to decide order of MPBalls. If you switch to MixedTypesNumPrelude instead of Prelude, comparison of MPBalls returns Kleenean instead of Bool." instance P.Num MPBall where fromInteger = convertExactly negate = negate (+) = (+) (*) = (*) abs = abs signum = error "Prelude.signum not implemented for MPBall" instance P.Fractional MPBall where fromRational = convertExactly . dyadic -- will work only for dyadic rationals recip = recip (/) = (/) instance P.Floating MPBall where pi = error "There is no pi :: MPBall, use pi :: Real instead" sqrt = sqrt exp = exp sin = sin cos = cos log = log atan = error "MPBall: atan not implemented yet" atanh = error "MPBall: atanh not implemented yet" asin = error "MPBall: asin not implemented yet" acos = error "MPBall: acos not implemented yet" sinh = error "MPBall: sinh not implemented yet" cosh = error "MPBall: cosh not implemented yet" asinh = error "MPBall: asinh not implemented yet" acosh = error "MPBall: acosh not implemented yet"