{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns              #-}
-- | Derive <https://flow.org/ Flow types> using aeson 'Options'.
module Data.Aeson.Flow
  ( -- * AST types
    FlowTyped (..)
  , FlowType
  , Fix (..)
  , FlowTypeF (..)
    -- * Code generation
    -- ** Wholesale ES6/flow modules
  , FlowModuleOptions (..)
  , defaultFlowModuleOptions
  , Export (..)
  , generateFlowModule
  , writeFlowModule
  , exportFlowTypeAs
    -- * Utility functions
  , showFlowType
  , dependencies
    -- * Internals
  , defaultFlowType
  , defaultFlowTypeName
  , FlowName (..)
  , PrimType (..)
  , GFlowTyped
  , FlowTypeI
  , Info (..)
  , Var (..)
  ) where
import           Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Aeson              as A
import           Data.Aeson.Types        (Options (..), SumEncoding (..))
import           Data.Fixed              (Fixed)
import           Data.Foldable
import           Data.Functor.Classes
import           Data.Functor.Compose
import           Data.Functor.Foldable   hiding (fold)
import           Data.HashMap.Strict     (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict     as H
import qualified Data.HashSet            as HashSet
import           Data.Int
import qualified Data.IntSet             as IntSet
import           Data.Proxy
import           Data.Reflection
import           Data.Scientific         (Scientific)
import qualified Data.Set                as Set
import qualified Data.Set                as Set
import           Data.Text               (Text)
import qualified Data.Text               as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO            as TIO
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy          as TL
import           Data.Time               (UTCTime)
import qualified Data.Tree               as Tree
import           Data.Typeable
import           Data.Vector             (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector             as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable    as VS
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed     as VU
import qualified Data.Void               as Void
import           Data.Word
import           GHC.Generics
import           GHC.TypeLits
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen as PP

-- Magical newtype for injecting showsPrec into any arbitrary Show

inj :: Proxy s -> a -> Inj s a
inj _ = Inj

newtype Inj s a = Inj a
-- needs UndecidableInstances
instance Reifies s (Int -> a -> ShowS) => Show (Inj s a) where
  showsPrec i (Inj a) = reflect (Proxy :: Proxy s) i a

data Showy f a = forall s. Reifies s (Int -> a -> ShowS) => Showy (f (Inj s a))
instance Show1 (Showy FlowTypeF) where
  liftShowsPrec _ _ i (Showy a) = showsPrec i a


-- | A primitive flow/javascript type
data PrimType
  = Boolean
  | Number
  | String
  | Void
  | Mixed
  | Any
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)

newtype Var = Var { varName :: Text }
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)

-- | A name for a flowtyped data-type. These are returned by 'dependencies'.
data FlowName where
  FlowName :: (Typeable a, FlowTyped a) => Proxy a -> Text -> FlowName

instance Show FlowName where
  show (FlowName _ t) = show t

instance Eq FlowName where
  FlowName pa _ == FlowName pb _ = typeOf pa == typeOf pb

instance Ord FlowName where
  FlowName pa _ `compare` FlowName pb _ = compare (typeOf pa) (typeOf pb)

-- | The main AST for flowtypes.
data FlowTypeF a
  = Object !(HashMap Text a)
  | ExactObject !(HashMap Text a)
  | ObjectMap !Text a
  | Array a
  | Tuple !(Vector a)
  | Fun !(Vector (Text, a)) a
  | Alt a a
  | Prim !PrimType
  | Nullable a
  | Omitable a
  | Literal !A.Value
  | Tag !Text
  | Name !FlowName
  | Poly !Var !(Vector a)
  | PolyVar !Var
  deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Traversable, Foldable)
-- XXX: vector >= 0.12 has Eq1 vector which allows us to use eq for Fix FlowTypeF
-- and related types

instance Show1 FlowTypeF where
  liftShowsPrec sp sl i a =
    liftShowsPrec sp sl i (reify sp (\p -> Showy (fmap (inj p) a)))

data Info a = Constr !Text FlowTypeI a | NoInfo a
  deriving (Show, Functor, Traversable, Foldable)

instance Show1 (Showy Info) where
  liftShowsPrec _ _ i (Showy a) = showsPrec i a

instance Show1 Info where
  liftShowsPrec sp sl i a =
    liftShowsPrec sp sl i (reify sp (\p -> Showy (fmap (inj p) a)))

type FlowTypeI = Fix (Info `Compose` FlowTypeF)

type FlowType = Fix FlowTypeF

text :: Text -> PP.Doc
text = PP.text . T.unpack

ppAlts :: [FlowType] -> FlowType -> PP.Doc
ppAlts alts (Fix f) = case f of
  Alt a b -> ppAlts (a:alts) b
  x       -> PP.align (sep (map pp (reverse (Fix x:alts))))
    sep [x]    = x
    sep (x:xs) = x PP.<+> PP.string "|" PP.<$> sep xs
    sep _      = PP.empty

braceList :: [PP.Doc] -> PP.Doc
braceList =
  (\s -> PP.lbrace PP.</> s PP.</> PP.rbrace)
  . PP.align
  . PP.sep
  . PP.punctuate PP.comma

braceBarList :: [PP.Doc] -> PP.Doc
braceBarList =
  (\s -> PP.text "{|" PP.</> s PP.</> PP.text "|}")
  . PP.align
  . PP.sep
  . PP.punctuate PP.comma

ppJson :: A.Value -> PP.Doc
ppJson v = case v of
  A.Array a  -> PP.list (map ppJson (V.toList a))
  A.String t -> PP.squotes (text t)
  A.Number n -> PP.string (show n)
  A.Bool t -> if t then PP.string "true" else PP.string "false"
  A.Null -> PP.string "null"
  A.Object obj ->
     (\(name, fty) ->
        PP.space PP.<> text name PP.<+> PP.colon PP.<+> ppJson fty PP.<> PP.space)
     (H.toList obj))

mayWrap :: FlowType -> PP.Doc -> PP.Doc
mayWrap (Fix f) x = case f of
  Nullable _ -> PP.parens x
  Omitable _ -> PP.parens x
  Alt _ _    -> PP.parens x
  Array _    -> PP.parens x
  _          -> x

ppObject :: HashMap Text FlowType -> [PP.Doc]
ppObject = map
  (\(name, fty') ->
     case fty' of
       Fix (Omitable fty) -> text name PP.<> PP.text "?" PP.<> PP.colon PP.<+> pp fty
       fty -> text name PP.<> PP.colon PP.<+> pp fty)
  . H.toList

pp :: FlowType -> PP.Doc
pp (Fix ft) = case ft of
  ObjectMap keyName a -> braceList
    [ PP.brackets (text keyName PP.<> PP.text ": string") PP.<>
      PP.colon PP.<+>
      pp a
  Object hm -> braceList (ppObject hm)
  ExactObject hm -> braceBarList (ppObject hm)
  Array a -> mayWrap a (pp a) PP.<> PP.string "[]"
  Tuple t -> PP.list (map pp (V.toList t))
  Alt a b -> ppAlts [a] b
  Prim pt -> case pt of
    Boolean -> PP.text "boolean"
    Number  -> PP.text "number"
    String  -> PP.text "string"
    Void    -> PP.text "void"
    Any     -> PP.text "any"
    Mixed   -> PP.text "mixed"
  Nullable a -> PP.char '?' PP.<> mayWrap a (pp a)
  Omitable a -> PP.char '?' PP.<> mayWrap a (pp a) -- hopefully these are caught
  Literal a -> ppJson a
  Tag t -> PP.squotes (text t)
  Name (FlowName _ t) -> text t
  _ -> PP.string (show ft)

-- | Pretty-print a flowtype in flowtype syntax
showFlowType :: FlowType -> Text
showFlowType = T.pack . show . pp

-- Module exporting

-- | Generate a @ export type @ declaration.
exportFlowTypeAs :: Text -> FlowType -> Text
exportFlowTypeAs name ft =
  T.pack . render $
  PP.string "export type " PP.<>
  PP.string (T.unpack name) PP.<+> PP.string "=" PP.<$>
  PP.indent 2 (pp ft) PP.<> PP.string ";"
    render = ($[]) . PP.displayS . PP.renderPretty 1.0 80

-- | Compute all the dependencies of a 'FlowTyped' thing, including itself.
dependencies :: FlowTyped a => Proxy a -> Set.Set FlowName
dependencies p0 = subDeps (immediateDeps (flowType p0) Set.empty)
    this :: Set.Set FlowName
    this = foldMap Set.singleton (FlowName p0 <$> flowTypeName p0)

    subDeps :: Set.Set FlowName -> Set.Set FlowName
    subDeps =
      (\fn@(FlowName p _) acc ->
         if Set.member fn acc
         then acc
         else dependencies p `Set.union` acc)

    immediateDeps :: FlowType -> Set.Set FlowName -> Set.Set FlowName
    immediateDeps (Fix (Name n)) acc = Set.insert n acc
    immediateDeps (Fix p)        acc = foldr' immediateDeps acc p

data FlowModuleOptions = FlowModuleOptions
  { -- | You might want to change this to include e.g. flow-runtime
    flowPragmas :: [Text]
  , flowHeader  :: [Text]
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

defaultFlowModuleOptions :: FlowModuleOptions
defaultFlowModuleOptions = FlowModuleOptions
  { flowPragmas = ["// @flow"]
  , flowHeader = ["This module has been generated by aeson-flowtyped."]

data Export where
  Export :: FlowTyped a => Proxy a -> Export

generateFlowModule :: FlowModuleOptions -> [Export] -> Text
generateFlowModule opts =
  . (\m ->
       (flowPragmas opts ++ map ("// " `T.append`) (flowHeader opts)) ++
       (T.empty : m))
  . foldr addExport []
  . Set.unions
  . map (\(Export a) -> dependencies a)
    addExport (FlowName p name) acc =
      exportFlowTypeAs name (flowType p):acc

writeFlowModule :: FlowModuleOptions -> FilePath -> [Export] -> IO ()
writeFlowModule opts path =
  TIO.writeFile path . generateFlowModule opts


-- | 'flowType' using 'Generic'
defaultFlowType :: (Generic a, GFlowTyped (Rep a)) => Options -> Proxy a -> FlowType
defaultFlowType opt p = gflowType opt (fmap from p)

-- | 'flowTypeName' using 'Generic'
  :: (Generic a, Rep a ~ D1 ('MetaData name mod pkg t) c, KnownSymbol name)
  => Proxy a
  -> Maybe Text
defaultFlowTypeName p = Just (T.pack (symbolVal (pGetName (fmap from p))))
    pGetName :: Proxy (D1 ('MetaData name mod pkg t) c x) -> Proxy name
    pGetName _ = Proxy

flowTypePreferName :: (Typeable a, FlowTyped a) => Proxy a -> FlowType
flowTypePreferName p = case flowTypeName p of
  Just n  -> Fix (Name (FlowName p n))
  Nothing -> flowType p

class Typeable a => FlowTyped a where
  flowType :: Proxy a -> FlowType
  flowTypeName :: Proxy a -> Maybe Text

  flowOptions :: Proxy a -> Options
  flowOptions _ = A.defaultOptions

  isPrim :: Proxy a -> Bool
  isPrim _ = False

  default flowType :: (Generic a, GFlowTyped (Rep a)) => Proxy a -> FlowType
  flowType p = defaultFlowType (flowOptions p) p

  default flowTypeName
    :: (Generic a, Rep a ~ D1 ('MetaData name mod pkg t) c, KnownSymbol name)
    => Proxy a
    -> Maybe Text
  flowTypeName = defaultFlowTypeName

class GFlowTyped g where
  gflowType :: Options -> Proxy (g x) -> FlowType

class GFlowVal g where
  gflowVal :: Options -> Proxy (g x) -> FlowTypeI

instance (KnownSymbol name, GFlowVal c) =>
         GFlowTyped (D1 ('MetaData name mod pkg t) c) where
  gflowType opt _ = runFlowI (checkNullary (gflowVal opt (Proxy :: Proxy (c x))))
      checkNullary :: FlowTypeI -> FlowTypeI
      checkNullary i
        | allNullaryToStringTag opt, Just r <- go [] i, not (null r) =
          (\a b -> FC (NoInfo (Alt a b)))
          (map (FC . NoInfo . Tag) r)
        | otherwise = i
          -- single-constructor data types have a "contents" field of Prim Void
          isNullary :: FlowTypeI -> Bool
          isNullary (FC (Info (Prim Void))) = True
          isNullary _                       = False

          -- try to detect if the type is a bunch of single-constructor
          -- alternatives
          -- XXX: this should preserve the order in which they are declared
          -- ... but does it?
          go :: [Text] -> FlowTypeI -> Maybe [Text]
          go alts (FC (Constr name h _)) = (name:alts) <$ guard (isNullary h)
          go alts (FC (NoInfo (Alt a b))) =
            case (a, b) of
              (FC (Constr nameA ha _), FC (Constr nameB hb _)) ->
                (nameA:nameB:alts) <$
                guard (isNullary ha && isNullary hb)
              (FC (Constr nameA ha _), b') -> do
                guard (isNullary ha)
                (nameA:) <$> go alts b'
              (a', FC (Constr nameB hb _)) -> do
                guard (isNullary hb)
                (nameB:) <$> go alts a'
              _ -> do
                as <- go alts a
                bs <- go [] b
                return (as ++ bs)
          go _ _ =

      runFlowI :: FlowTypeI -> FlowType
      runFlowI = cata $ \(Compose i) -> case i of
        Constr _name _t a -> Fix a
        NoInfo a          -> Fix a

gconstrName :: forall conName fx isRecord r x.
               KnownSymbol conName
            => Options
            -> Proxy (C1 ('MetaCons conName fx isRecord) r x)
            -> Text
gconstrName opt _ =
  T.pack (constructorTagModifier opt (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy conName)))

gfieldName :: forall name su ss ds r x.
              KnownSymbol name
           => Options
           -> Proxy (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just name) su ss ds) r x)
           -> Text
gfieldName opt _ =
  T.pack (fieldLabelModifier opt (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy name)))

noInfo :: f (Fix (Compose Info f)) -> Fix (Compose Info f)
noInfo = Fix . Compose . NoInfo

infoConstr :: Text -> FlowTypeI -> f (Fix (Compose Info f)) -> Fix (Compose Info f)
infoConstr tag nxt = Fix . Compose . Constr tag nxt

discardInfo :: Info a -> a
discardInfo (NoInfo a)     = a
discardInfo (Constr _ _ a) = a

pattern Info :: a -> Info a
pattern Info a <- (discardInfo -> a)
  where Info = NoInfo

pattern FC :: f (g (Fix (Compose f g))) -> Fix (Compose f g)
pattern FC a = Fix (Compose a)

instance (KnownSymbol conName, GFlowRecord r) =>
         GFlowVal (C1 ('MetaCons conName fx 'True) r) where
  gflowVal opt p = noInfo $ case sumEncoding opt of
    TaggedObject tfn _ -> ExactObject $!
      H.insert (T.pack tfn) (noInfo (Tag tagName))
    UntaggedValue -> Object next
    ObjectWithSingleField -> ExactObject (H.fromList [(tagName, noInfo (Object next))])
    TwoElemArray -> Tuple (V.fromList [noInfo (Tag tagName), noInfo (Object next)])
      omitNothings =
        if omitNothingFields opt
        then H.map $ \(Fix t) -> Fix $ case t of
          Nullable a -> Omitable a
          _          -> t
        else id

      next =
        (cata noInfo)
        (omitNothings (gflowRecordFields opt (fmap unM1 p)))

      tagName = gconstrName opt p

instance (KnownSymbol conName, GFlowVal r) =>
         GFlowVal (C1 ('MetaCons conName fx 'False) r) where
  gflowVal opt p = infoConstr tagName next $ case sumEncoding opt of
    TaggedObject tfn cfn -> ExactObject (H.fromList
      [ (T.pack tfn, noInfo (Tag tagName))
      , (T.pack cfn, next)
    UntaggedValue -> discardInfo n
    ObjectWithSingleField -> ExactObject (H.fromList [(tagName, next)])
    TwoElemArray -> Tuple (V.fromList [noInfo (Tag tagName), next])
      next@(Fix (Compose n)) = gflowVal opt (fmap unM1 p)
      tagName = gconstrName opt p

instance GFlowVal f => GFlowVal (M1 i ('MetaSel mj du ds dl) f) where
  gflowVal opt p = gflowVal opt (fmap unM1 p)

instance FlowTyped r => GFlowVal (Rec0 r) where
  gflowVal _opt p = case flowTypePreferName (fmap unK1 p) of
      | not (isPrim p'), Just name <- flowTypeName p' -> noInfo (Name (FlowName p' name))
      | otherwise -> cata noInfo ty
      p' = fmap unK1 p

instance (GFlowVal a, GFlowVal b) => GFlowVal (a :+: b) where
  gflowVal opt _ = noInfo
     (gflowVal opt (Proxy :: Proxy (a x)))
     (gflowVal opt (Proxy :: Proxy (b x))))

instance (GFlowVal a, GFlowVal b) => GFlowVal (a :*: b) where
  gflowVal opt _ = noInfo $
    case (fA, fB) of
      (Tuple tfA, Tuple tfB) -> Tuple (tfA V.++ tfB)
      (Tuple tfA, _)         -> Tuple (V.snoc tfA b)
      (_        , Tuple tfB) -> Tuple (V.cons a tfB)
      _                      -> Tuple (V.fromList [a, b])
      a@(Fix (Compose (Info fA))) = gflowVal opt (Proxy :: Proxy (a x))
      b@(Fix (Compose (Info fB))) = gflowVal opt (Proxy :: Proxy (b x))

instance GFlowVal U1 where
  gflowVal _ _ = noInfo (Prim Void)

class GFlowRecord a where
  gflowRecordFields :: Options -> Proxy (a x) -> HashMap Text FlowType

instance (KnownSymbol fieldName, GFlowVal ty) =>
         GFlowRecord (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just fieldName) su ss ds) ty) where
  gflowRecordFields opt p =
    (gfieldName opt p)
     (Fix . discardInfo . getCompose)
     (gflowVal opt (Proxy :: Proxy (ty x))))

instance (GFlowRecord f, GFlowRecord g) =>
         GFlowRecord (f :*: g) where
  gflowRecordFields opt _ =
      fx = gflowRecordFields opt (Proxy :: Proxy (f x))
      gx = gflowRecordFields opt (Proxy :: Proxy (g x))
      H.union fx gx

-- Instances

instance FlowTyped a => FlowTyped [a] where
  flowType _ = Fix (Array (flowTypePreferName (Proxy :: Proxy a)))
  isPrim _ = True
  flowTypeName _ = Nothing

instance FlowTyped a => FlowTyped (Vector a) where
  flowType _ = Fix (Array (flowTypePreferName (Proxy :: Proxy a)))
  isPrim _ = True
  flowTypeName _ = Nothing

instance FlowTyped a => FlowTyped (VU.Vector a) where
  flowType _ = Fix (Array (flowTypePreferName (Proxy :: Proxy a)))
  isPrim _ = True
  flowTypeName _ = Nothing

instance FlowTyped a => FlowTyped (VS.Vector a) where
  flowType _ = Fix (Array (flowTypePreferName (Proxy :: Proxy a)))
  isPrim _ = True
  flowTypeName _ = Nothing

instance (FlowTyped a, FlowTyped b) => FlowTyped (a, b) where
  flowTypeName _ = Nothing
  flowType _ =
    Fix (Tuple (V.fromList [aFt, bFt]))
      aFt = flowTypePreferName (Proxy :: Proxy a)
      bFt = flowTypePreferName (Proxy :: Proxy b)

instance FlowTyped a => FlowTyped (Maybe a) where
  flowType _ = Fix (Nullable (flowTypePreferName (Proxy :: Proxy a)))
  isPrim _ = True
  flowTypeName _ = Nothing

instance (FlowTyped a, FlowTyped b) => FlowTyped (Either a b) where
  flowTypeName _ = Nothing
  flowType _ = Fix
     (Fix (ExactObject (H.fromList [("Left", aFt)])))
     (Fix (ExactObject (H.fromList [("Right", bFt)]))))
      aFt = flowTypePreferName (Proxy :: Proxy a)
      bFt = flowTypePreferName (Proxy :: Proxy b)

instance ( FlowTyped a
         , FlowTyped b
         , FlowTyped c
         ) => FlowTyped (a, b, c) where
  flowTypeName _ = Nothing
  flowType _ = Fix (Tuple (V.fromList [aFt, bFt, cFt]))
      aFt = flowTypePreferName (Proxy :: Proxy a)
      bFt = flowTypePreferName (Proxy :: Proxy b)
      cFt = flowTypePreferName (Proxy :: Proxy c)

instance FlowTyped Text where
  isPrim  _ = True
  flowType _ = Fix (Prim String)
  flowTypeName _ = Nothing

instance FlowTyped TL.Text where
  isPrim  _ = True
  flowType _ = Fix (Prim String)
  flowTypeName _ = Nothing

instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} FlowTyped String where
  isPrim  _ = True
  flowType _ = Fix (Prim String)
  flowTypeName _ = Nothing

instance FlowTyped Void.Void where
  isPrim  _ = True
  flowType _ = Fix (Prim Void)
  flowTypeName _ = Nothing

instance FlowTyped Char where
  isPrim  _ = True
  flowType _ = Fix (Prim String)
  flowTypeName _ = Nothing

instance FlowTyped Bool where
  isPrim  _ = True
  flowType _ = Fix (Prim Boolean)
  flowTypeName _ = Nothing

instance FlowTyped A.Value where
  isPrim  _ = True
  flowType _ = Fix (Prim Mixed)
  flowTypeName _ = Nothing

instance FlowTyped UTCTime where
  isPrim  _ = False
  flowType _ = Fix (Prim String)
  flowTypeName _ = Nothing

instance Typeable a => FlowTyped (Fixed a) where
  isPrim  _ = False
  flowType _ = Fix (Prim Number)
  flowTypeName _ = Nothing

-- | This is at odds with "aeson" which defines 'A.ToJSONKey'
instance FlowTyped a => FlowTyped (HashMap Text a) where
  -- XXX this is getting quite incoherent, what makes something "Prim" or not...
  isPrim _ = True
  flowType _ = Fix (ObjectMap "key" (flowTypePreferName (Proxy :: Proxy a)))
  flowTypeName _ = Nothing

instance FlowTyped a => FlowTyped (Set.Set a) where
  isPrim _ = False
  flowType _ = Fix (Array (flowTypePreferName (Proxy :: Proxy a)))
  flowTypeName _ = Nothing

instance FlowTyped IntSet.IntSet where
  isPrim _ = False
  flowType _ = Fix (Array (Fix (Prim Number)))
  flowTypeName _ = Nothing

instance FlowTyped a => FlowTyped (HashSet.HashSet a) where
  isPrim _ = False
  flowType _ = Fix (Array (flowTypePreferName (Proxy :: Proxy a)))
  flowTypeName _ = Nothing

-- | This instance is defined recursively. You'll probably need to use
-- 'dependencies' to extract a usable definition
instance FlowTyped a => FlowTyped (Tree.Tree a) where
  isPrim _ = False
  flowType _ = Fix (Tuple
                     [ flowType (Proxy :: Proxy a)
                     , Fix (Array (flowType (Proxy :: Proxy (Tree.Tree a))))
  flowTypeName _ = Just "Tree"

-- monomorphic numeric instances
$(concat <$> mapM
  (\ty ->
      instance FlowTyped $ty where
        isPrim  _ = False
        flowType _ = Fix (Prim Number)
        flowTypeName _ = Nothing |])
  [ [t|Int|], [t|Int8|], [t|Int16|], [t|Int32|], [t|Int64|]
  , [t|Word|], [t|Word8|], [t|Word16|], [t|Word32|], [t|Word64|]
  , [t|Float|], [t|Double|], [t|Scientific|]