{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes        #-}
module Data.Aeson.Picker
  ( (|--)
  , (|-?)
  ) where

import           Control.Lens    (Traversal', (^?))
import           Data.Aeson      (FromJSON (..), Result (..), Value, fromJSON)
import           Data.Aeson.Lens (AsValue, key, _Value)
import           Data.Maybe      (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Text       (Text)

-- | From given JSON and selectors returns typed field. If input JSON is not valid or selected field is not found then error is thrown.
-- If you need more safe way use '(|-?)' instead. Examples:
-- > ghci> "5" |-- [] :: Int
-- > 5
-- > ghci> "5" |-- [] :: Float
-- > 5.0
-- > ghci>"5" |-- [] :: String
-- > *** Exception: Data.Aeson.Picker: could not pick field with path: []
-- >
-- > ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- > ghci> "{\"a\": 5}" |-- ["a"] :: Int
-- > 5
-- > ghci> "{\"a\": 5}" |-- ["b"] :: Int
-- > *** Exception: Data.Aeson.Picker: could not pick field with path: ["b"]
-- > ghci> "{\"outer\": {\"inner\": [1,2,3]}}" |-- ["outer", "inner"] :: [Int]
-- > [1,2,3]
-- > ghci> {\"outer\": {\"inner\": [1,2,3]}}" |-- ["outer", "inner"] :: [Double]
-- > [1.0,2.0,3.0]
-- > ghci> "{a: 5}" |-- ["a"] :: Int
-- > *** Exception: Data.Aeson.Picker: input json is not valid
infix 5 |--
(|--) :: (AsValue t, FromJSON a) => t -> [Text] -> a
json |-- selectors = fromMaybe (error $ "Data.Aeson.Picker: could not pick field with path: " ++ show selectors) $ json |-? selectors

-- | From given JSON and selectors returns typed field inside 'Maybe'. If input JSON is not valid then error is thrown.
-- Examples:
-- > ghci> "5" |-? [] :: Maybe Int
-- > Just 5
-- > ghci> "5" |-? [] :: Maybe String
-- > Nothing
-- > ghci> "{\"a\": 5}" |-? ["a"] :: Maybe Int
-- > Just 5
-- > ghci> "{a: 5}" |-? ["a"] :: Maybe Int
-- > *** Exception: Data.Aeson.Picker: input json is not valid
infix 5 |-?
(|-?) :: (AsValue t, FromJSON a) => t -> [Text] -> Maybe a
json |-? selectors = let validJSON = checkValidity json
                     in pick validJSON selectors >>= convert

-- | Checks validity for JSON format. Throws error if it is not valid.
checkValidity :: AsValue t => t -> t
checkValidity json = fromMaybe (error "Data.Aeson.Picker: input json is not valid") (json ^? _Value) `seq` json

-- | Picks from given JSON selected field
pick :: AsValue t => t -> [Text] -> Maybe Value
pick json []        = json ^? _Value
pick json selectors = json ^? genGetter selectors

-- | Converts from 'Value'
convert :: FromJSON a => Value -> Maybe a
convert value = case fromJSON value of
  Success r -> Just r
  Error _   -> Nothing

-- | Generates getter from given selectors
genGetter :: AsValue t => [Text] -> Traversal' t Value
genGetter []     = error "Data.Aeson.Picker.Internal.Functions.genGetter: this should not be happened"
genGetter [x]    = key x
genGetter (x:xs) = key x . genGetter xs