{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} module TestUtils.Arbitrary ( ArbitraryObject (..), forAllArbitraryObjects, ) where import Control.Monad (forM) import Data.Aeson (ToJSON (..), Value (..), encode) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import Data.List (nub) import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..)) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import GHC.Exts (fromList) import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol) import Language.Haskell.TH (ExpQ, listE, runIO) import Language.Haskell.TH.Instances () import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote (QuasiQuoter (quoteType)) import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift) import Test.QuickCheck import Data.Aeson.Schema (IsSchema, Object, schema) import Data.Aeson.Schema.Key ( IsSchemaKey (..), SchemaKey, SchemaKey' (..), SchemaKeyV, toContext, ) import Data.Aeson.Schema.Type ( Schema' (..), SchemaObjectMapV, SchemaType, SchemaType' (..), SchemaTypeV, SchemaV, showSchemaV, toSchemaObjectV, ) import Data.Aeson.Schema.Utils.All (All (..)) import qualified Data.Aeson.Schema.Utils.Compat as Compat import Data.Aeson.Schema.Utils.NameLike (NameLike (..), fromName) data ArbitraryObject where ArbitraryObject :: IsSchema schema => Proxy (Object schema) -> Value -> SchemaV -> ArbitraryObject -- Show the value and schema as something that could be copied/pasted into GHCi. instance Show ArbitraryObject where show (ArbitraryObject _ v schemaV) = unlines [ "ArbitraryObject:" , " " ++ show (encode v) , " [schema| " ++ showSchemaV schemaV ++ " |]" ] {- | A Template Haskell function to generate a splice for QuickCheck tests to generate arbitrary objects with arbitrary schemas. Note that for repeated runs of the test suite, the schemas will be the same, with the actual JSON values generated randomly. You need to recompile in order to generate different schemas. -} arbitraryObject :: ExpQ arbitraryObject = do arbitrarySchemas <- runIO $ genSchemaTypes 20 [|oneof $(listE $ map mkSchemaGen arbitrarySchemas)|] where mkSchemaGen schemaV = let schemaType = quoteType schema $ showSchemaV schemaV in [|genSchema' (Proxy :: Proxy (Object $schemaType)) schemaV|] {- | Splices to a 'forAll' with 'arbitraryObject', outputting information about the object generated, to ensure we get good generation. >>> $(forAllArbitraryObjects) :: Testable prop => ArbitraryObject -> prop -} forAllArbitraryObjects :: ExpQ forAllArbitraryObjects = [|forAllArbitraryObjects' $arbitraryObject|] forAllArbitraryObjects' :: Gen ArbitraryObject -> (ArbitraryObject -> Property) -> Property forAllArbitraryObjects' genArbitraryObject runTest = forAll @_ @Property genArbitraryObject $ \o@(ArbitraryObject _ _ schemaType) -> tabulate "Key types" (map getKeyType $ getKeys schemaType) $ tabulate "Schema types" (getSchemaTypes schemaType) $ tabulate "Object sizes" (map show $ getObjectSizes schemaType) $ tabulate "Object depth" [show $ getObjectDepth schemaType] $ runTest o {- Run time helpers -} deriving instance Lift NameLike deriving instance Lift SchemaV deriving instance Lift SchemaTypeV genSchema' :: forall schema. ( ArbitrarySchema ( 'SchemaObject schema) , IsSchema ( 'Schema schema) ) => Proxy (Object ( 'Schema schema)) -> SchemaV -> Gen ArbitraryObject genSchema' proxy schemaV = do v <- genSchema @( 'SchemaObject schema) return $ ArbitraryObject proxy v schemaV getKeyType :: SchemaKeyV -> String getKeyType = \case NormalKey _ -> "Normal" PhantomKey _ -> "Phantom" getKeys :: SchemaV -> [SchemaKeyV] getKeys = getKeys' . toSchemaObjectV where getKeys' = \case SchemaMaybe inner -> getKeys' inner SchemaTry inner -> getKeys' inner SchemaList inner -> getKeys' inner SchemaUnion schemas -> concatMap getKeys' schemas SchemaObject pairs -> concatMap (\(key, inner) -> key : getKeys' inner) pairs _ -> [] getSchemaTypes :: SchemaV -> [String] getSchemaTypes = getSchemaTypes' . toSchemaObjectV where getSchemaTypes' = \case SchemaScalar name -> [fromName name] SchemaMaybe inner -> "SchemaMaybe" : getSchemaTypes' inner SchemaTry inner -> "SchemaTry" : getSchemaTypes' inner SchemaList inner -> "SchemaList" : getSchemaTypes' inner SchemaUnion schemas -> "SchemaUnion" : concatMap getSchemaTypes' schemas SchemaObject pairs -> "SchemaObject" : concatMap (getSchemaTypes' . snd) pairs SchemaInclude _ -> error "ArbitraryObject unexpectedly generated a schema that includes another schema" getObjectSizes :: SchemaV -> [Int] getObjectSizes = getObjectSizes' . toSchemaObjectV where getObjectSizes' = \case SchemaScalar _ -> [] SchemaMaybe inner -> getObjectSizes' inner SchemaTry inner -> getObjectSizes' inner SchemaList inner -> getObjectSizes' inner SchemaUnion schemas -> concatMap getObjectSizes' schemas SchemaObject pairs -> length pairs : concatMap (getObjectSizes' . snd) pairs SchemaInclude _ -> error "ArbitraryObject unexpectedly generated a schema that includes another schema" getObjectDepth :: SchemaV -> Int getObjectDepth = getObjectDepth' . toSchemaObjectV where getObjectDepth' = \case SchemaScalar _ -> 0 SchemaMaybe inner -> getObjectDepth' inner SchemaTry inner -> getObjectDepth' inner SchemaList inner -> getObjectDepth' inner SchemaUnion schemas -> maximum $ map getObjectDepth' schemas SchemaObject pairs -> 1 + maximum (map (getObjectDepth' . snd) pairs) SchemaInclude _ -> error "ArbitraryObject unexpectedly generated a schema that includes another schema" {- Generating schemas -} class ArbitrarySchema (schema :: SchemaType) where genSchema :: Gen Value instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} ArbitrarySchema ( 'SchemaScalar Text) where genSchema = toJSON <$> arbitrary @String instance (Arbitrary inner, ToJSON inner, Typeable inner) => ArbitrarySchema ( 'SchemaScalar inner) where genSchema = toJSON <$> arbitrary @inner instance ArbitrarySchema inner => ArbitrarySchema ( 'SchemaMaybe inner) where genSchema = frequency [ (3, genSchema @inner) , (1, pure Null) ] instance ArbitrarySchema inner => ArbitrarySchema ( 'SchemaTry inner) where genSchema = frequency [ (3, genSchema @inner) , (1, genValue) ] where genValue = oneof [ pure Null , Number . realToFrac <$> arbitrary @Double , Bool <$> arbitrary , String . Text.pack <$> arbitrary ] instance ArbitrarySchema inner => ArbitrarySchema ( 'SchemaList inner) where genSchema = Array . fromList <$> listOf (genSchema @inner) instance All ArbitrarySchema schemas => ArbitrarySchema ( 'SchemaUnion schemas) where genSchema = oneof $ mapAll @ArbitrarySchema @schemas genSchemaElem where genSchemaElem :: forall schema. ArbitrarySchema schema => Proxy schema -> Gen Value genSchemaElem _ = genSchema @schema instance All ArbitraryObjectPair pairs => ArbitrarySchema ( 'SchemaObject (pairs :: [(SchemaKey, SchemaType)])) where genSchema = Object . Compat.unions <$> genSchemaPairs where genSchemaPairs :: Gen [Aeson.Object] genSchemaPairs = sequence $ mapAll @ArbitraryObjectPair @pairs genSchemaPair class IsSchemaKey (Fst pair) => ArbitraryObjectPair (pair :: (SchemaKey, SchemaType)) where genSchemaPair :: Proxy pair -> Gen Aeson.Object genSchemaPair _ = toContext schemaKey <$> genInnerSchema @pair where schemaKey = toSchemaKeyV $ Proxy @(Fst pair) genInnerSchema :: Gen Value instance (IsSchemaKey key, ArbitrarySchema schema) => ArbitraryObjectPair '(key, schema) where genInnerSchema = genSchema @schema -- For phantom keys, Maybe is only valid for Objects. Since phantom keys parse the schema with -- the current object as the context, we should guarantee that this only generates objects, and -- not Null. instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (KnownSymbol key, inner ~ 'SchemaObject a, ArbitrarySchema inner) => ArbitraryObjectPair '( 'PhantomKey key, 'SchemaMaybe inner) where genInnerSchema = genSchema @inner -- For phantom keys, Try can be used on any schema, but for all non-object schemas, need to ensure -- we generate 'Null', because Try on a non-object schema will always be an invalid parse. instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (KnownSymbol key, ArbitrarySchema ( 'SchemaTry inner)) => ArbitraryObjectPair '( 'PhantomKey key, 'SchemaTry inner) where genInnerSchema = castNull <$> genSchema @( 'SchemaTry inner) where castNull inner = case inner of Object _ -> inner _ -> Null -- For phantom keys, Union can be used on any schemas, as long as at least one is an object schema. instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (KnownSymbol key, FilterObjectSchemas schemas ~ objectSchemas, ArbitrarySchema ( 'SchemaUnion objectSchemas)) => ArbitraryObjectPair '( 'PhantomKey key, 'SchemaUnion schemas) where genInnerSchema = genSchema @( 'SchemaUnion objectSchemas) {- Generating schema definitions -} genSchemaTypes :: Int -> IO [SchemaV] genSchemaTypes numSchemasToGenerate = generate $ sequence $ take numSchemasToGenerate [resize n arbitrary | n <- [0, 2 ..]] instance Arbitrary SchemaV where arbitrary = Schema <$> sized genSchemaObject {- | Generate an arbitrary schema. SchemaType is a recursive definition, so we want to make sure that generating a schema will terminate, and also not take too long. The ways we account for that are: * Providing an upper bound on the depth of any object schemas in the current object (n / 2) * Providing an upper bound on the number of keys in the current object (n / 3) * Providing an upper bound on the number of schemas in a union (n / 5) -} genSchemaObject :: Int -> Gen SchemaObjectMapV genSchemaObject n = do keys <- genUniqList1 (n `div` 3) genKey forM keys $ \key -> frequency [ (10, genSchemaObjectPairNormal key) , (1, genSchemaObjectPairPhantom key) ] where genSchemaObject' = do n' <- choose (0, n `div` 2) SchemaObject <$> genSchemaObject n' genSchemaObjectPairNormal key = do schemaType <- frequency $ if n == 0 then scalarSchemaTypes else allSchemaTypes return (NormalKey key, schemaType) genSchemaObjectPairPhantom key = do schemaType <- frequency [ (2, SchemaMaybe <$> genSchemaObject') , (2, SchemaTry <$> frequency nonNullableSchemaTypes) , (4, genSchemaObject') , (1, genSchemaUnion genSchemaObject') ] return (PhantomKey key, schemaType) scalarSchemaTypes = [ (4, pure $ SchemaScalar $ NameRef "Bool") , (4, pure $ SchemaScalar $ NameRef "Int") , (4, pure $ SchemaScalar $ NameRef "Double") , (4, pure $ SchemaScalar $ NameRef "Text") ] nonNullableSchemaTypes = scalarSchemaTypes ++ [ (2, SchemaList <$> frequency allSchemaTypes) , (1, genSchemaUnion $ frequency allSchemaTypes) , (2, genSchemaObject') ] allSchemaTypes = nonNullableSchemaTypes ++ [ (2, SchemaMaybe <$> frequency nonNullableSchemaTypes) , (2, SchemaTry <$> frequency nonNullableSchemaTypes) ] -- avoid generating big unions by scaling list length genSchemaUnion gen = SchemaUnion <$> genUniqList1 (n `div` 5) gen {- | Generate a valid JSON key See Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.Parse.jsonKey' -} genKey :: Gen String genKey = listOf1 $ arbitraryPrintableChar `suchThat` (`notElem` " \"\\!?[](),.@:{}#") {- | Generate a non-empty and unique list of the given generator. Takes in the max size of the list. -} genUniqList1 :: Eq a => Int -> Gen a -> Gen [a] genUniqList1 n gen = do k <- choose (1, max 1 n) take k . nub <$> infiniteListOf gen {- Helper type families -} type family Fst x where Fst '(a, _) = a type family FilterObjectSchemas schemas where FilterObjectSchemas '[] = '[] FilterObjectSchemas ( 'SchemaObject inner ': xs) = 'SchemaObject inner : FilterObjectSchemas xs FilterObjectSchemas (_ ': xs) = FilterObjectSchemas xs