-- | -- Module : Aftovolio.General.Datatype3 -- Copyright : (c) OleksandrZhabenko 2023-2024 -- License : MIT -- Stability : Experimental -- Maintainer : oleksandr.zhabenko@yahoo.com {-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude, BangPatterns, StrictData #-} module Aftovolio.General.Datatype3 ( Read0 , isA , isB , isC , readU2 , readSimple3 , basicSplit , line2Strings , read3 , readEq4G , readEq4 , zippedDouble2Word8 ) where import GHC.Base import GHC.List import GHC.Word import GHC.Real (floor,fromIntegral,(/)) import GHC.Float (int2Double) import Data.List (groupBy,find,maximumBy,minimumBy) import Data.Char (isDigit, isSpace,isLetter) import Text.Read (readMaybe) import Text.Show (Show(..)) import GHC.Num ((*),(+),(-)) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Tuple (fst,snd) import qualified Data.Foldable as F (foldr) import qualified Data.Sequence as S import Data.Ord (comparing) import ListQuantizer (round2GL) -- | Is a way to read duration of the additional added time period into the line. readU2 :: String -> Double readU2 (y:ys) = fromMaybe 1.0 (readMaybe (y:'.':(if null ys then "0" else ys))::Maybe Double) readU2 _ = 1.0 {-# INLINE readU2 #-} -- | Splits a 'String' into list of 'String' so that they can be read by other functions here into respective datatypes. splitL0 :: String -> [String] splitL0 = groupBy (\x y -> (isDigit x && isDigit y) || (x /= '_' && x /= '=' && not (isDigit x) && y /= '_' && y /= '=' && not (isDigit y)) || ((x == '=' || x == '_') && isDigit y)) {-# INLINE splitL0 #-} data Read0 = A {-# UNPACK #-} !Double | B {-# UNPACK #-} !Double | C String deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Converts a specially formatted 'String' into a 'Read0' value. reRead3 :: String -> Read0 reRead3 xs = case uncons xs of Just ('=',ts) -> A (readU2 ts) Just ('_',ts) -> B (readU2 ts) _ -> C xs isA :: Read0 -> Bool isA (A _) = True isA _ = False isB :: Read0 -> Bool isB (B _) = True isB _ = False isC :: Read0 -> Bool isC (C _) = True isC _ = False filterReads :: [Read0] -> S.Seq Read0 filterReads xs@(B y:A t:us) = B y S.<| filterReads (dropWhile isA us) filterReads xs@(A y:A t:us) = A y S.<| filterReads (dropWhile isA us) filterReads xs@(t:ts) = t S.<| filterReads ts filterReads _ = S.empty -- | A preparatory function for the further ones here. basicSplit :: String -> S.Seq Read0 basicSplit = filterReads . map reRead3 . splitL0 {-# INLINE basicSplit #-} readSimple3 :: (String -> Bool) -- ^ A special function to check whether the 'String' contains needed information. Must return 'True' for the 'String' that contains the needed for usual processment information, otherwise — 'False'. -> Double -> (String -> [Word8]) -> S.Seq Read0 -- ^ Is should be obtained using 'basicSplit' function here. -> [Word8] readSimple3 p temp fConvA rs@(C xs S.:<| A x S.:<| ts) -- This branch is fixed in the version because earlier it has an issue. | null qs = readSimple3 p temp fConvA ts | null q1 = floor xl1 : readSimple3 p xl1 fConvA ts | otherwise = q1 `mappend` (floor xl1 : readSimple3 p xl1 fConvA ts) where qs | p xs = fConvA xs | otherwise = [] (q1,q2s) = splitAtEnd 1 qs ql1 = head q2s xl1=min (x*word8ToDouble ql1) 255.0 readSimple3 p temp fConvA rs@(C xs S.:<| ys@(B x S.:<| ts)) = qs `mappend` qqs `mappend` readSimple3 p ql fConvA ws where (!ks, ws) = S.spanl isB ys !qs | p xs = fConvA xs | otherwise = [] !ql | null qs = 0.0 | otherwise = word8ToDouble . last $ qs qqs = F.foldr (\(B k) js -> double2Word8 (k * ql):js) [] ks readSimple3 p temp fConvA rs@(B x S.:<| ts) = qqs `mappend` readSimple3 p temp fConvA ws where (ks, ws) = S.spanl isB rs qqs = F.foldr (\(B k) js -> double2Word8 (k * temp) : js) [] ks readSimple3 p temp fConvA (C xs S.:<| _) = qs where qs | p xs = fConvA xs | otherwise = [] readSimple3 _ _ _ _ = [] -- | Is intended to 'floor' the values greater than 255.0 to 255::'Word8' and to be used for non-negative 'Double'. double2Word8 :: Double -> Word8 double2Word8 = floor . min 255.0 {-# INLINE double2Word8 #-} -- | Is done using intermediate 'Int' representation. word8ToDouble :: Word8 -> Double word8ToDouble = int2Double . fromIntegral {-# INLINE word8ToDouble #-} read3 :: (String -> Bool) -- ^ A special function to check whether the 'String' contains needed information. Must return 'True' for the 'String' that contains the needed for usual processment information, otherwise — 'False'. -> Double -> (String -> [Word8]) -> String -> [Word8] read3 p temp fConvA = filter (/= 0) . readSimple3 p temp fConvA . basicSplit {-# INLINE read3 #-} splitAtEnd :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) splitAtEnd n = (\(x,y,_) -> (y,x)) . foldr f v where v = ([],[],0) f x (zs,ts,k) | k < n = (x : zs,[],k + 1) | otherwise = (zs,x : ts,k + 1) -- | Is a specialized version of 'Data.InsertLeft.dropFromEndG' function variant from the @subG@ package. Is taken from there to -- reduce the dependencies. Is not intended to be exported at all. dropFromEnd :: Int -> [a] -> [a] dropFromEnd n = (\(xs,_) -> xs) . foldr f v where v = ([],0) f x (zs,k) | k < n = ([],k + 1) | otherwise = (x : zs,k) line2Strings :: (String -> Bool) -- ^ A special function to check whether the 'String' contains needed information. Must return 'True' for the 'String' that contains the needed for usual processment information, otherwise — 'False'. -> (String -> [String]) -> S.Seq Read0 -- ^ Is should be obtained using 'basicSplit' function here. -> [String] line2Strings p gConvC xs@(C ts S.:<| tt@(A x) S.:<| ys) | null qs = ks `mappend` line2Strings p gConvC ys | otherwise = ks `mappend` ((ql `mappend` ('=':showRead0AsInsert tt)) : line2Strings p gConvC ys) where (ks, qs) | p ts = splitAtEnd 1 . gConvC $ ts | otherwise = ([],[]) ql = head qs line2Strings p gConvC xs@(C ys S.:<| ts) = gConvC ys `mappend` line2Strings p gConvC ts line2Strings p gConvC xs@(y@(B x) S.:<| ts) = showRead0AsInsert y : line2Strings p gConvC ts line2Strings _ _ _ = [] -- | Is intended to be used in the "music" mode for AFTOVolio. readEq4G :: (String -> Bool) -- ^ A special function to check whether the 'String' contains needed information. Must return 'True' for the 'String' that contains the needed for usual processment information, otherwise — 'False'. -> (String -> [Word8]) -> (String -> [String]) -> S.Seq Read0 -- ^ Is should be obtained using 'basicSplit' function here. -> [(String, Word8)] readEq4G p fConvA gConvC xs = zip ks rs where ks = line2Strings p gConvC xs rs = filter (/= 0) . readSimple3 p 1.0 fConvA $ xs {-# INLINE readEq4G #-} readEq4 :: (String -> [Word8]) -> (String -> [String]) -> S.Seq Read0 -- ^ Is should be obtained using 'basicSplit' function here. -> [(String, Word8)] readEq4 = readEq4G (not . null . filter (not . isSpace)) {-# INLINE readEq4 #-} showRead0AsInsert :: Read0 -> String showRead0AsInsert d@(A t) = '=':(filter (/= '.') . show $ t) showRead0AsInsert d@(B t) = '_':(filter (/= '.') . show $ t) showRead0AsInsert d@(C ts) = ts {-# INLINE showRead0AsInsert #-} -- | Is intended to be used to transform the earlier data for AFTOVolio representations durations from 'Double' to 'Word8' values. It was used during the transition from the ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array- to ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array- zippedDouble2Word8 xs = map (\(t, u) -> (t,fromMaybe 15 . hh $ u)) xs where !h = snd . minimumBy (comparing snd) $ xs !lt = snd . maximumBy (comparing snd) $ xs !del = (lt - h)/14.0 !ys = take 15 . iterate (+del) $ h !zs = zip [1..15] ys gg !u = fromMaybe lt . round2GL True (\_ _ -> EQ) ys $ u hh !u = fmap fst . find ((== gg u) . snd) $ zs