# Agda Language Server ## Installation The simplest way of acquiring Agda Language Server is through [agda-mode on VS Code](https://github.com/banacorn/agda-mode-vscode#agda-language-server). Follow the instructions and the language server should be installed within seconds. ### Prebuilt binaries You can also download prebuilt binaries [from the release page](https://github.com/banacorn/agda-language-server/releases) if you are using other LSP-compatible text editors. Supported platforms: **Windows**, **Mac**, and **Ubuntu**. ### Build from source You will need [Haskell Stack](https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/) to build the project: ``` stack install ``` ## Versioning The version is _x.y.z.w.a.b.c.d_ where _x.y.z.w_ is the version of the Agda Language Server and _a.b.c.d_ the version of Agda it embeds. It follows the Haskell PVP (package versioning policy). ## Why make it standalone? * for less impact on the Agda codebase * to help [decouple the Agda codebase](https://github.com/agda/agda/projects/5) * we can always merge it back to Agda later anyway