module Agda2Hs.Compile.Name where import Control.Arrow ( (>>>) ) import Control.Applicative ( (<|>) ) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Except ( catchError ) import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.Functor ( (<&>) ) import Data.List ( intercalate, isPrefixOf ) import Data.Text ( unpack ) import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts as Hs import Agda.Compiler.Backend hiding ( topLevelModuleName ) import Agda.Compiler.Common ( topLevelModuleName ) import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract as A import Agda.Syntax.Common import Agda.Syntax.Internal import Agda.Syntax.Position import qualified Agda.Syntax.Concrete as C import Agda.Syntax.Scope.Base ( inverseScopeLookupName, amodName ) import Agda.Syntax.Scope.Monad ( resolveName, isDatatypeModule ) import Agda.Syntax.TopLevelModuleName import Agda.Syntax.Common.Pretty ( prettyShow ) import qualified Agda.Syntax.Common.Pretty as P import Agda.TypeChecking.Datatypes ( isDataOrRecordType ) import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty import Agda.TypeChecking.Records ( isRecordConstructor ) import qualified Agda.Utils.List1 as List1 import Agda.Utils.Maybe ( isJust, isNothing, whenJust, fromMaybe, caseMaybeM ) import Agda2Hs.AgdaUtils import Agda2Hs.Compile.Rewrites import Agda2Hs.Compile.Types import Agda2Hs.Compile.Utils import Agda2Hs.HsUtils isSpecialCon :: QName -> Maybe (Hs.QName ()) isSpecialCon = prettyShow >>> \case "Agda.Builtin.List.List" -> special Hs.ListCon "Agda.Builtin.List.List._∷_" -> special Hs.Cons "Agda.Builtin.List.List.[]" -> special Hs.ListCon "Agda.Builtin.Unit.⊤" -> special Hs.UnitCon "" -> special Hs.UnitCon _ -> Nothing where special c = Just (Hs.Special () $ c ()) -- Gets an extra parameter, with the user-defined rewrite rules in it. -- If finds it in the user-defined or the built-in rewrite rules, then it returns the new name and a possible import in a Just; otherwise returns Nothing. isSpecialName :: QName -> Rewrites -> Maybe (Hs.Name (), Maybe Import) isSpecialName f rules = let pretty = prettyShow f in case lookupRules pretty rules of result@(Just _) -> result Nothing -> case pretty of "Agda.Builtin.Nat.Nat" -> withImport "Numeric.Natural" "Natural" "Haskell.Control.Monad.guard" -> withImport "Control.Monad" "guard" "Agda.Builtin.Int.Int" -> noImport "Integer" "Agda.Builtin.Word.Word64" -> noImport "Word" "Agda.Builtin.Float.Float" -> noImport "Double" "Agda.Builtin.Bool.Bool.false" -> noImport "False" "Agda.Builtin.Bool.Bool.true" -> noImport "True" "Haskell.Prim._∘_" -> noImport "_._" "Haskell.Prim.seq" -> noImport "seq" "Haskell.Prim._$!_" -> noImport "_$!_" "Haskell.Prim.Monad.Dont._>>=_" -> noImport "_>>=_" "Haskell.Prim.Monad.Dont._>>_" -> noImport "_>>_" _ -> Nothing where noImport x = Just (hsName x, Nothing) withImport mod x = let imp = Import (hsModuleName mod) Unqualified Nothing (hsName x) (Hs.NoNamespace ()) -- ^ TODO: add an option to specify this in the config file (whether it is a type or not) -- as far as I know, there are no type operators in Prelude, but maybe a self-defined one could cause trouble in Just (hsName x, Just imp) lookupRules :: String -> Rewrites -> Maybe (Hs.Name (), Maybe Import) lookupRules _ [] = Nothing lookupRules pretty (rule:ls) | pretty == from rule = case (importing rule) of -- check if there is a new import Just lib -> withImport lib (to rule) Nothing -> noImport (to rule) | otherwise = lookupRules pretty ls compileName :: Applicative m => Name -> m (Hs.Name ()) compileName n = hsName . show <$> pretty (nameConcrete n) compileQName :: QName -> C (Hs.QName ()) compileQName f | Just c <- isSpecialCon f = do reportSDoc "" 25 $ text $ "compiling name: " ++ prettyShow f ++ " to special constructor: " ++ Hs.prettyPrint c return c | otherwise = do f <- isRecordConstructor f >>= return . \case Just (r, Record{recNamedCon = False}) -> r -- use record name for unnamed constructors _ -> f hf0 <- compileName (qnameName f) rules <- asks rewrites let (hf, mimpBuiltin) = fromMaybe (hf0, Nothing) (isSpecialName f rules) parent <- parentName f par <- traverse (compileName . qnameName) parent let mod0 = qnameModule $ fromMaybe f parent mod <- compileModuleName mod0 currMod <- hsTopLevelModuleName <$> asks currModule let skipModule = mod == currMod || isJust mimpBuiltin || prettyShow mod0 `elem` primMonadModules qual <- if | skipModule -> return Unqualified | otherwise -> getQualifier (fromMaybe f parent) mod -- we only calculate this when dealing with type operators; usually that's where 'type' prefixes are needed in imports namespace <- (case hf of Hs.Symbol _ _ -> getNamespace f Hs.Ident _ _ -> return (Hs.NoNamespace ())) let (mod', mimp) = mkImport mod qual par hf namespace qf = qualify mod' hf qual -- add (possibly qualified) import whenJust (mimpBuiltin <|> mimp) tellImport reportSDoc "" 25 $ text $ "-------------------------------------------------" ++ "\ncompiling name: " ++ prettyShow f ++ "\nhaskell name: " ++ Hs.prettyPrint hf ++ "\nparent name: " ++ prettyShow parent ++ "\nmod0: " ++ prettyShow mod0 ++ "\nmodule name: " ++ Hs.prettyPrint mod ++ "\ncurrent module: " ++ Hs.prettyPrint currMod ++ "\nqualifier: " ++ prettyShow (fmap (fmap pp) qual) ++ "\n(qualified) haskell name: " ++ pp qf return qf where parentName :: QName -> C (Maybe QName) parentName q = (theDef <$> getConstInfo q) >>= return . \case Constructor {conData = dt} -> Just dt Function {funProjection = proj} | Right (Projection {projProper = Just{}, projFromType = rt}) <- proj -> Just $ unArg rt _ -> Nothing getQualifier :: QName -> Hs.ModuleName () -> C Qualifier getQualifier f mod = (inverseScopeLookupName f <$> getScope) >>= \case (C.QName{} : _) -> return Unqualified (C.Qual as C.QName{} : _) -> liftTCM $ do let qual = hsModuleName $ prettyShow as lookupModuleInCurrentModule as >>= \case (x:_) | qual /= mod -> isDatatypeModule (amodName x) >>= \case Just{} -> return $ QualifiedAs Nothing Nothing -> return $ QualifiedAs $ Just qual _ -> return Nothing `catchError` \_ -> return $ QualifiedAs Nothing _ -> return $ QualifiedAs Nothing qualify :: Hs.ModuleName () -> Hs.Name () -> Qualifier -> Hs.QName () qualify mod n = \case (QualifiedAs as) -> Hs.Qual () (fromMaybe mod as) n Unqualified -> Hs.UnQual () n primModules = ["Agda.Builtin", "Haskell.Prim", "Haskell.Prelude"] primMonadModules = ["Haskell.Prim.Monad.Dont", "Haskell.Prim.Monad.Do"] -- Determine whether it is a type operator or an "ordinary" operator. -- _getSort is not for that; e. g. a data has the same sort as its constructor. getNamespace :: QName -> C (Hs.Namespace ()) getNamespace qName = do definition <- getConstInfo qName case isSort $ unEl $ getResultType $ defType definition of Just _ -> (reportSDoc "" 25 $ text $ (prettyShow $ nameCanonical $ qnameName f) ++ " is a type operator; will add \"type\" prefix before it") >> return (Hs.TypeNamespace ()) _ -> return (Hs.NoNamespace ()) -- Gets the type of the result of the function (the type after the last "->"). getResultType :: Type -> Type getResultType typ = case (unEl typ) of (Pi _ absType) -> getResultType $ unAbs absType _ -> typ mkImport mod qual par hf maybeIsType -- make sure the Prelude is properly qualified | any (`isPrefixOf` pp mod) primModules = if isQualified qual then let mod' = hsModuleName "Prelude" in (mod', Just (Import mod' qual Nothing hf maybeIsType)) else (mod, Nothing) | otherwise = (mod, Just (Import mod qual par hf maybeIsType)) hsTopLevelModuleName :: TopLevelModuleName -> Hs.ModuleName () hsTopLevelModuleName = hsModuleName . intercalate "." . map unpack . List1.toList . moduleNameParts compileModuleName :: ModuleName -> C (Hs.ModuleName ()) compileModuleName m = caseMaybeM (liftTCM $ fmap hsTopLevelModuleName <$> getTopLevelModuleForModuleName m) (genericDocError =<< text "Cannot compile non-existing module: " <+> prettyTCM m) $ \tlm -> do reportSDoc "" 25 $ text "Top-level module name for" <+> prettyTCM m <+> text "is" <+> text (pp tlm) return tlm