module Agda2Hs.Compile.Term where import Control.Arrow ( (>>>), (&&&) ) import Control.Monad ( unless ) import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.List ( isPrefixOf ) import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe, isJust ) import qualified Data.Text as Text ( unpack ) import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts as Hs import Agda.Syntax.Common.Pretty ( prettyShow ) import qualified Agda.Syntax.Common.Pretty as P import Agda.Syntax.Common import Agda.Syntax.Literal import Agda.Syntax.Internal import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce ( instantiate ) import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute ( Apply(applyE) ) import Agda.Utils.Lens import Agda.Utils.Impossible ( __IMPOSSIBLE__ ) import Agda.Utils.Monad import Agda.Utils.Size import Agda2Hs.AgdaUtils import Agda2Hs.Compile.Name ( compileQName ) import Agda2Hs.Compile.Types import Agda2Hs.Compile.Utils import Agda2Hs.HsUtils import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda2Hs.Compile.Function ( compileClause' ) isSpecialTerm :: QName -> Maybe (QName -> Elims -> C (Hs.Exp ())) isSpecialTerm q = case prettyShow q of _ | isExtendedLambdaName q -> Just lambdaCase "Haskell.Prim.if_then_else_" -> Just ifThenElse "Haskell.Prim.Enum.Enum.enumFrom" -> Just mkEnumFrom "Haskell.Prim.Enum.Enum.enumFromTo" -> Just mkEnumFromTo "Haskell.Prim.Enum.Enum.enumFromThen" -> Just mkEnumFromThen "Haskell.Prim.Enum.Enum.enumFromThenTo" -> Just mkEnumFromThenTo "Haskell.Prim.case_of_" -> Just caseOf "Haskell.Prim.Monad.Do.Monad._>>=_" -> Just bind "Haskell.Prim.Monad.Do.Monad._>>_" -> Just sequ "Agda.Builtin.FromNat.Number.fromNat" -> Just fromNat "Agda.Builtin.FromNeg.Negative.fromNeg" -> Just fromNeg "Agda.Builtin.FromString.IsString.fromString" -> Just fromString _ -> Nothing isSpecialCon :: QName -> Maybe (ConHead -> ConInfo -> Elims -> C (Hs.Exp ())) isSpecialCon = prettyShow >>> \case "Haskell.Prim.Tuple._;_" -> Just tupleTerm _ -> Nothing tupleTerm :: ConHead -> ConInfo -> Elims -> C (Hs.Exp ()) tupleTerm cons i es = do let v = Con cons i es err = sep [ text "Tuple value" , nest 2 $ prettyTCM v , text "does not have a known size." ] xs <- makeList' "" "Haskell.Prim.Tuple._;_" err v ts <- mapM compileTerm xs return $ Hs.Tuple () Hs.Boxed ts ifThenElse :: QName -> Elims -> C (Hs.Exp ()) ifThenElse _ es = compileElims es >>= \case -- fully applied b : t : f : es' -> return $ Hs.If () b t f `eApp` es' -- partially applied _ -> genericError $ "if_then_else must be fully applied" specialClassFunction :: Hs.Exp () -> ([Hs.Exp ()] -> Hs.Exp ()) -> Elims -> C (Hs.Exp ()) specialClassFunction v f [] = return v specialClassFunction v f (Apply w : es) = do checkInstance $ unArg w f <$> compileElims es specialClassFunction v f (_ : _) = __IMPOSSIBLE__ specialClassFunction1 :: Hs.Exp () -> (Hs.Exp () -> Hs.Exp ()) -> Elims -> C (Hs.Exp ()) specialClassFunction1 v f = specialClassFunction v $ \case (a : es) -> f a `eApp` es [] -> v specialClassFunction2 :: Hs.Exp () -> (Hs.Exp () -> Hs.Exp () -> Hs.Exp ()) -> Elims -> C (Hs.Exp ()) specialClassFunction2 v f = specialClassFunction v $ \case (a : b : es) -> f a b `eApp` es es -> v `eApp` es specialClassFunction3 :: Hs.Exp () -> (Hs.Exp () -> Hs.Exp () -> Hs.Exp () -> Hs.Exp ()) -> Elims -> C (Hs.Exp ()) specialClassFunction3 v f = specialClassFunction v $ \case (a : b : c : es) -> f a b c `eApp` es es -> v `eApp` es fromNat :: QName -> Elims -> C (Hs.Exp ()) fromNat _ = specialClassFunction1 (hsVar "fromIntegral") $ \case n@Hs.Lit{} -> n v -> hsVar "fromIntegral" `eApp` [v] fromNeg :: QName -> Elims -> C (Hs.Exp ()) fromNeg _ = specialClassFunction1 negFromIntegral $ \case n@Hs.Lit{} -> Hs.NegApp () n v -> negFromIntegral `eApp` [v] where negFromIntegral = hsVar "negate" `o` hsVar "fromIntegral" f `o` g = Hs.InfixApp () f (Hs.QVarOp () $ hsUnqualName "_._") g fromString :: QName -> Elims -> C (Hs.Exp ()) fromString _ = specialClassFunction1 (hsVar "fromString") $ \case s@Hs.Lit{} -> s v -> hsVar "fromString" `eApp` [v] mkEnumFrom :: QName -> Elims -> C (Hs.Exp ()) mkEnumFrom _ = specialClassFunction1 (hsVar "enumFrom") $ \a -> Hs.EnumFrom () a mkEnumFromTo :: QName -> Elims -> C (Hs.Exp ()) mkEnumFromTo _ = specialClassFunction2 (hsVar "enumFromTo") $ \a b -> Hs.EnumFromTo () a b mkEnumFromThen :: QName -> Elims -> C (Hs.Exp ()) mkEnumFromThen _ = specialClassFunction2 (hsVar "enumFromThen") $ \a b -> Hs.EnumFromThen () a b mkEnumFromThenTo :: QName -> Elims -> C (Hs.Exp ()) mkEnumFromThenTo _ = specialClassFunction3 (hsVar "enumFromThenTo") $ \a b c -> Hs.EnumFromThenTo () a b c delay :: QName -> Elims -> C (Hs.Exp ()) delay _ = compileErasedApp force :: QName -> Elims -> C (Hs.Exp ()) force _ = compileErasedApp bind :: QName -> Elims -> C (Hs.Exp ()) bind q (e:es) = do checkInstance $ unArg $ isApplyElim' __IMPOSSIBLE__ e compileElims es >>= \case [u, Hs.Lambda _ [p] v] -> return (bind' u p v) [u, Hs.LCase () [Hs.Alt () p (Hs.UnGuardedRhs () v) Nothing]] -> decrementLCase >> return (bind' u p v) vs -> return $ hsVar "_>>=_" `eApp` vs where bind' :: Hs.Exp () -> Hs.Pat () -> Hs.Exp () -> Hs.Exp () bind' u p v = let stmt1 = Hs.Generator () p u in case v of Hs.Do _ stmts -> Hs.Do () (stmt1 : stmts) _ -> Hs.Do () [stmt1, Hs.Qualifier () v] bind q [] = return $ hsVar "_>>=_" sequ :: QName -> Elims -> C (Hs.Exp ()) sequ q (e:es) = do checkInstance $ unArg $ isApplyElim' __IMPOSSIBLE__ e compileElims es >>= \case (u : v : vs) -> do let stmt1 = Hs.Qualifier () u case v of Hs.Do _ stmts -> return $ Hs.Do () (stmt1 : stmts) _ -> return $ Hs.Do () [stmt1, Hs.Qualifier () v] vs -> return $ hsVar "_>>_" `eApp` vs sequ q [] = return $ hsVar "_>>_" caseOf :: QName -> Elims -> C (Hs.Exp ()) caseOf _ es = compileElims es >>= \case -- applied to pattern lambda e : Hs.LCase _ alts : es' -> do decrementLCase return $ eApp (Hs.Case () e alts) es' -- applied to regular lambda e : Hs.Lambda _ (p : ps) b : es' -> do let lam [] = id lam qs = Hs.Lambda () qs return $ eApp (Hs.Case () e [Hs.Alt () p (Hs.UnGuardedRhs () $ lam ps b) Nothing]) es' -- applied to non-lambda / partially applied _ -> genericError $ "case_of_ must be fully applied to a lambda" lambdaCase :: QName -> Elims -> C (Hs.Exp ()) lambdaCase q es = setCurrentRange (nameBindingSite $ qnameName q) $ do Function{funClauses = cls, funExtLam = Just ExtLamInfo {extLamModule = mname}} <- theDef <$> getConstInfo q npars <- size <$> lookupSection mname let (pars, rest) = splitAt npars es cs = applyE cls pars cs <- mapMaybeM (compileClause' (qnameModule q) $ hsName "(lambdaCase)") cs case cs of -- If there is a single clause and all patterns got erased, we -- simply return the body. [Hs.Match _ _ [] (Hs.UnGuardedRhs _ rhs) _] -> return rhs _ -> do lcase <- hsLCase =<< mapM clauseToAlt cs -- Pattern lambdas cannot have where blocks eApp lcase <$> compileElims rest clauseToAlt :: Hs.Match () -> C (Hs.Alt ()) clauseToAlt (Hs.Match _ _ [p] rhs wh) = pure $ Hs.Alt () p rhs wh clauseToAlt (Hs.Match _ _ ps _ _) = genericError $ "Pattern matching lambdas must take a single argument" clauseToAlt Hs.InfixMatch{} = __IMPOSSIBLE__ compileLiteral :: Literal -> C (Hs.Exp ()) compileLiteral (LitNat n) = return $ Hs.intE n compileLiteral (LitFloat d) = return $ Hs.Lit () $ Hs.Frac () (toRational d) (show d) compileLiteral (LitWord64 w) = return $ Hs.Lit () $ Hs.PrimWord () (fromIntegral w) (show w) compileLiteral (LitChar c) = return $ Hs.charE c compileLiteral (LitString t) = return $ Hs.Lit () $ Hs.String () s s where s = Text.unpack t compileLiteral l = genericDocError =<< text "bad term:" prettyTCM (Lit l) compileVar :: Nat -> C String compileVar x = do (d, n) <- (fmap snd &&& fst . unDom) <$> lookupBV x let cn = prettyShow $ nameConcrete n let b | notVisible d = "hidden" | hasQuantity0 d = "erased" | otherwise = "" whenM (asks checkVar) $ unless (null b) $ genericDocError =<< text ("Cannot use " <> b <> " variable " <> cn) return cn compileTerm :: Term -> C (Hs.Exp ()) compileTerm v = do reportSDoc "agda2hs.compile" 7 $ text "compiling term:" <+> prettyTCM v reportSDoc "agda2hs.compile" 27 $ text "compiling term:" <+> pure (P.pretty $ unSpine1 v) case unSpine1 v of Var x es -> do s <- compileVar x hsVar s `app` es -- v currently we assume all record projections are instance -- args that need attention Def f es | Just semantics <- isSpecialTerm f -> do reportSDoc "agda2hs.compile.term" 12 $ text "Compiling application of special function" semantics f es | otherwise -> isClassFunction f >>= \case True -> compileClassFunApp f es False -> (isJust <$> isUnboxProjection f) `or2M` isTransparentFunction f >>= \case True -> compileErasedApp es False -> do reportSDoc "agda2hs.compile.term" 12 $ text "Compiling application of regular function" -- Drop module parameters of local `where` functions xs <- asks locals reportSDoc "agda2hs.compile.term" 15 $ text "Locals: " <+> (prettyTCM xs) n <- if | f `elem` xs -> size <$> lookupSection (qnameModule f) | otherwise -> return 0 (`app` drop n es) . Hs.Var () =<< compileQName f Con h i es | Just semantics <- isSpecialCon (conName h) -> semantics h i es Con h i es -> isUnboxConstructor (conName h) >>= \case Just _ -> compileErasedApp es Nothing -> (`app` es) . Hs.Con () =<< compileQName (conName h) Lit l -> compileLiteral l Lam v b | usableModality v, getOrigin v == UserWritten -> do when (patternInTeleName `isPrefixOf` absName b) $ genericDocError =<< do text "Record pattern translation not supported. Use a pattern matching lambda instead." unless (visible v) $ genericDocError =<< do text "Implicit lambda not supported: " <+> prettyTCM (absName b) hsLambda (absName b) <$> underAbstr_ b compileTerm Lam v b | usableModality v -> -- System-inserted lambda, no need to preserve the name. underAbstraction_ b $ \ body -> do x <- showTCM (Var 0 []) let hsx = hsVar x body <- compileTerm body return $ case body of Hs.InfixApp _ a op b | a == hsx -> Hs.RightSection () op b -- System-inserted visible lambdas can only come from sections _ -> hsLambda x body -- so we know x is not free in b. Lam v b -> -- Drop erased lambdas (#65) underAbstraction_ b $ \ body -> compileTerm body t -> genericDocError =<< text "bad term:" prettyTCM t where app :: Hs.Exp () -> Elims -> C (Hs.Exp ()) app hd es = eApp <$> pure hd <*> compileElims es -- `compileErasedApp` compiles an application of an erased constructor -- or projection. compileErasedApp :: Elims -> C (Hs.Exp ()) compileErasedApp es = do reportSDoc "agda2hs.compile.term" 12 $ text "Compiling application of erased function" compileElims es >>= \case [] -> return $ hsVar "id" (v:vs) -> return $ v `eApp` vs -- `compileClassFunApp` is used when we have a record projection and we want to -- drop the first visible arg (the record) compileClassFunApp :: QName -> Elims -> C (Hs.Exp ()) compileClassFunApp f es = do reportSDoc "agda2hs.compile.term" 14 $ text "Compiling application of class function" hf <- compileQName f case dropWhile notVisible (fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es) of [] -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ (x:xs) -> do curMod <- currentModule reportSDoc "agda2hs.compile" 15 $ nest 2 $ vcat [ text "symbol module: " <+> prettyTCM (qnameModule f) , text "current module: " <+> prettyTCM curMod ] unless (curMod `isLeChildModuleOf` qnameModule f) $ checkInstance $ unArg x args <- compileArgs xs return $ Hs.Var () hf `eApp` args compileElims :: Elims -> C [Hs.Exp ()] compileElims es = compileArgs $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es compileArgs :: Args -> C [Hs.Exp ()] compileArgs args = mapMaybeM compileArg args compileArg :: Arg Term -> C (Maybe (Hs.Exp ())) compileArg x = do reportSDoc "agda2hs.compile" 8 $ text "compiling argument" <+> prettyTCM x if | keepArg x -> Just <$> compileTerm (unArg x) | isInstance x, usableModality x -> Nothing <$ checkInstance (unArg $ x) | otherwise -> return Nothing