-- |
-- Module     : Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics.Var
-- Copyright  : Copyright (c) 2009-2011, David Sorokin <david.sorokin@gmail.com>
-- License    : BSD3
-- Maintainer : David Sorokin <david.sorokin@gmail.com>
-- Stability  : experimental
-- Tested with: GHC 7.0.3
-- This module defines a variable that is bound to the event queue and 
-- that keeps the history of changes storing the values in an array.
module Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics.Var
        freezeVar) where

import Data.Array
import Data.Array.IO.Safe
import Data.IORef

import Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics.Internal.Simulation
import Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics.Internal.Dynamics
import Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics.EventQueue
import Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics.Internal.Signal

import qualified Simulation.Aivika.Vector as V
import qualified Simulation.Aivika.UVector as UV

-- | Like the 'Ref' reference but keeps the history of changes in 
-- different time points. The 'Var' variable is safe in the hybrid 
-- simulation and when you use different event queues, but this variable is 
-- slower than references.
data Var a = 
  Var { varQueue :: EventQueue,  -- ^ Return the bound event queue.
        varRun   :: Dynamics (),
        varXS    :: UV.UVector Double, 
        varYS    :: V.Vector a,
        varChangedSource :: SignalSource a, 
        varUpdatedSource :: SignalSource a }
-- | Create a new variable bound to the specified event queue.
newVar :: EventQueue -> a -> Simulation (Var a)
newVar q a =
  Simulation $ \r ->
  do xs <- UV.newVector
     ys <- V.newVector
     UV.appendVector xs $ spcStartTime $ runSpecs r
     V.appendVector ys a
     s  <- invokeSimulation r newSignalSourceUnsafe
     u  <- invokeSimulation r $ newSignalSourceWithUpdate $ runQueue q
     return Var { varQueue = q,
                  varRun   = runQueue q,
                  varXS = xs,
                  varYS = ys, 
                  varChangedSource = s, 
                  varUpdatedSource = u }

-- | Read the value of a variable, forcing the bound event queue to raise 
-- the events in case of need.
readVar :: Var a -> Dynamics a
readVar v =
  Dynamics $ \p ->
  do invokeDynamics p $ varRun v
     let xs = varXS v
         ys = varYS v
         t  = pointTime p
     count <- UV.vectorCount xs
     let i = count - 1
     x <- UV.readVector xs i
     if x <= t 
       then V.readVector ys i
       else do i <- UV.vectorBinarySearch xs t
               if i >= 0
                 then V.readVector ys i
                 else V.readVector ys $ - (i + 1) - 1

-- | Write a new value into the variable.
writeVar :: Var a -> a -> Dynamics ()
writeVar v a =
  Dynamics $ \p ->
  do let xs = varXS v
         ys = varYS v
         t  = pointTime p
         s  = varChangedSource v
     count <- UV.vectorCount xs
     let i = count - 1
     x <- UV.readVector xs i
     if t < x 
       then error "Cannot update the past data: writeVar."
       else if t == x
            then V.writeVector ys i $! a
            else do UV.appendVector xs t
                    V.appendVector ys $! a
     invokeDynamics p $ triggerSignal s a

-- | Mutate the contents of the variable, forcing the bound event queue to
-- raise all pending events in case of need.
modifyVar :: Var a -> (a -> a) -> Dynamics ()
modifyVar v f =
  Dynamics $ \p ->
  do invokeDynamics p $ varRun v
     let xs = varXS v
         ys = varYS v
         t  = pointTime p
         s  = varChangedSource v
     count <- UV.vectorCount xs
     let i = count - 1
     x <- UV.readVector xs i
     if t < x
       then error "Cannot update the past data: modifyVar."
       else if t == x
            then do a <- V.readVector ys i
                    let b = f a
                    V.writeVector ys i $! b
                    invokeDynamics p $ triggerSignal s b
            else do i <- UV.vectorBinarySearch xs t
                    if i >= 0
                      then do a <- V.readVector ys i
                              let b = f a
                              UV.appendVector xs t
                              V.appendVector ys $! b
                              invokeDynamics p $ triggerSignal s b
                      else do a <- V.readVector ys $ - (i + 1) - 1
                              let b = f a
                              UV.appendVector xs t
                              V.appendVector ys $! b
                              invokeDynamics p $ triggerSignal s b

-- | Freeze the variable and return in arrays the time points and corresponded 
-- values when the variable had changed.
freezeVar :: Var a -> Dynamics (Array Int Double, Array Int a)
freezeVar v =
  Dynamics $ \p ->
  do invokeDynamics p $ varRun v
     xs <- UV.freezeVector (varXS v)
     ys <- V.freezeVector (varYS v)
     return (xs, ys)
-- | Return a signal that notifies about every change of the variable state.
varChanged :: Var a -> Signal a
varChanged v = merge2Signals m1 m2    -- N.B. The order is important!
  where m1 = publishSignal (varUpdatedSource v)
        m2 = publishSignal (varChangedSource v)

-- | Return a signal that notifies about every change of the variable state.
varChanged_ :: Var a -> Signal ()
varChanged_ v = mapSignal (const ()) $ varChanged v     

invokeDynamics :: Point -> Dynamics a -> IO a
{-# INLINE invokeDynamics #-}
invokeDynamics p (Dynamics m) = m p

invokeSimulation :: Run -> Simulation a -> IO a
{-# INLINE invokeSimulation #-}
invokeSimulation r (Simulation m) = m r