-- Example: Machine Tool with Breakdowns -- -- It is described in different sources [1, 2]. So, this is chapter 13 of [2] and section 6.12 of [1]. -- -- Jobs arrive to a machine tool on the average of one per hour. The distribution of -- these interarrival times is exponential. During normal operation, the jobs are -- processed on a first-in, first-out basis. The time to process a job in hours is -- normally distributed with a mean of 0.5 and a standard deviation of 0.1. In addition -- to the processing time, there is a set up time that is uniformly distributed between -- 0.2 and 0.5 of an hour. Jobs that have been processed by the machine tool are routed -- to a different section of the shop and are considered to have left the machine tool -- area. -- -- The machine tool experiences breakdowns during which time it can no longer process -- jobs. The time between breakdowns is normally distributed with a mean of 20 hours -- and a standard deviation of 2 hours. When a breakdown occurs, the job being processed -- is removed from the machine tool and is placed at the head of the queue of jobs -- waiting to be processed. Jobs preempted restart from the point at which they were -- interrupted. -- -- When the machine tool breaks down, a repair process is initiated which is -- accomplished in three phases. Each phase is exponentially distributed with a mean of -- 3/4 of an hour. Since the repair time is the sum of independent and identically -- distributed exponential random variables, the repair time is Erlang distributed. -- The machine tool is to be analyzed for 500 hours to obtain information on -- the utilization of the machine tool and the time required to process a job. -- Statistics are to be collected for thousand simulation runs. -- -- [1] A. Alan B. Pritsker, Simulation with Visual SLAM and AweSim, 2nd ed. -- [2] Труб И.И., Объектно-ориентированное моделирование на C++: Учебный курс. - СПб.: Питер, 2006 import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Category import Data.Monoid import Data.List import Simulation.Aivika import qualified Simulation.Aivika.Queue.Infinite as IQ import qualified Simulation.Aivika.Resource.Preemption as PR -- | The simulation specs. specs = Specs { spcStartTime = 0.0, spcStopTime = 500.0, spcDT = 0.1, spcMethod = RungeKutta4, spcGeneratorType = SimpleGenerator } -- | How often do jobs arrive to a machine tool (exponential)? jobArrivingMu = 1 -- | A mean of time to process a job (normal). jobProcessingMu = 0.5 -- | The standard deviation of time to process a job (normal). jobProcessingSigma = 0.1 -- | The minimum set-up time (uniform). minSetUpTime = 0.2 -- | The maximum set-up time (uniform). maxSetUpTime = 0.5 -- | A mean of time between breakdowns (normal). breakdownMu = 20 -- | The standard deviation of time between breakdowns (normal). breakdownSigma = 2 -- | A mean of each of the three repair phases (Erlang). repairMu = 3/4 -- | A priority of the job (less is higher) jobPriority = 1 -- | A priority of the breakdown (less is higher) breakdownPriority = 0 -- | The simulation model. model :: Simulation Results model = do -- create an input queue inputQueue <- runEventInStartTime IQ.newFCFSQueue -- a counter of jobs completed jobsCompleted <- newArrivalTimer -- a counter of interrupted jobs jobsInterrupted <- newRef (0 :: Int) -- create an input stream let inputStream = randomExponentialStream jobArrivingMu -- create a preemptible resource tool <- runEventInStartTime $ PR.newResource 1 -- the machine setting up machineSettingUp <- newPreemptibleRandomUniformServer True minSetUpTime maxSetUpTime -- the machine processing machineProcessing <- newPreemptibleRandomNormalServer True jobProcessingMu jobProcessingSigma -- the machine breakdown let machineBreakdown = do randomNormalProcess_ breakdownMu breakdownSigma PR.usingResourceWithPriority tool breakdownPriority $ randomErlangProcess_ repairMu 3 machineBreakdown -- start the process of breakdowns runProcessInStartTime machineBreakdown -- update a counter of job interruptions runEventInStartTime $ handleSignal_ (serverTaskPreemptionBeginning machineProcessing) $ \a -> modifyRef jobsInterrupted (+ 1) -- define the queue network let network = queueProcessor (\a -> liftEvent $ IQ.enqueue inputQueue a) (IQ.dequeue inputQueue) >>> (withinProcessor $ PR.requestResourceWithPriority tool jobPriority) >>> serverProcessor machineSettingUp >>> serverProcessor machineProcessing >>> (withinProcessor $ PR.releaseResource tool) >>> arrivalTimerProcessor jobsCompleted -- start the machine tool runProcessInStartTime $ sinkStream $ runProcessor network inputStream -- return the simulation results in start time return $ results [resultSource "inputQueue" "the queue of jobs" inputQueue, -- resultSource "machineSettingUp" "the machine setting up" machineSettingUp, -- resultSource "machineProcessing" "the machine processing" machineProcessing, -- resultSource "jobsInterrupted" "a counter of the interrupted jobs" jobsInterrupted, -- resultSource "jobsCompleted" "a counter of the completed jobs" jobsCompleted, -- resultSource "tool" "the machine tool" tool] main = printSimulationResultsInStopTime printResultSourceInEnglish (fmap resultSummary model) specs