{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-} -- | -- Module : Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Chart.DeviationChartView -- Copyright : Copyright (c) 2012-2014, David Sorokin -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : David Sorokin -- Stability : experimental -- Tested with: GHC 7.6.3 -- -- The module defines 'DeviationChartView' that creates the deviation chart. -- module Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Chart.DeviationChartView (DeviationChartView(..), defaultDeviationChartView) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Lens import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.IORef import Data.Maybe import Data.Either import Data.Array import Data.Array.IO.Safe import Data.Default.Class import System.IO import System.FilePath import Graphics.Rendering.Chart import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.HtmlWriter import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Utils (divideBy, replace) import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Chart.ChartRenderer import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Chart.Utils (colourisePlotLines, colourisePlotFillBetween) import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.SamplingStatsSource import Simulation.Aivika.Specs import Simulation.Aivika.Parameter import Simulation.Aivika.Simulation import Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics import Simulation.Aivika.Event import Simulation.Aivika.Signal import Simulation.Aivika.Statistics -- | Defines the 'View' that creates the deviation chart. data DeviationChartView = DeviationChartView { deviationChartTitle :: String, -- ^ This is a title used in HTML. deviationChartDescription :: String, -- ^ This is a description used in HTML. deviationChartWidth :: Int, -- ^ The width of the chart. deviationChartHeight :: Int, -- ^ The height of the chart. deviationChartFileName :: ExperimentFilePath, -- ^ It defines the file name with optional extension for each image to be saved. -- It may include special variable @$TITLE@. -- -- An example is -- -- @ -- deviationChartFileName = UniqueFilePath \"$TITLE\" -- @ deviationChartSeries :: [Either String String], -- ^ It contains the labels of data plotted -- on the chart. deviationChartPlotTitle :: String, -- ^ This is a title used in the chart. -- It may include special variable @$TITLE@. -- -- An example is -- -- @ -- deviationChartPlotTitle = \"$TITLE\" -- @ deviationChartPlotLines :: [PlotLines Double Double -> PlotLines Double Double], -- ^ Probably, an infinite sequence of plot -- transformations based on which the plot -- is constructed for each series. Generally, -- it may not coincide with a sequence of -- labels as one label may denote a whole list -- or an array of data providers. -- -- Here you can define a colour or style of -- the plot lines. deviationChartPlotFillBetween :: [PlotFillBetween Double Double -> PlotFillBetween Double Double], -- ^ Corresponds exactly to 'deviationChartPlotLines' -- but used for plotting the deviation areas -- by the rule of 3-sigma, while the former -- is used for plotting the trends of the -- random processes. deviationChartBottomAxis :: LayoutAxis Double -> LayoutAxis Double, -- ^ A transformation of the bottom axis, -- after title @time@ is added. deviationChartLayout :: LayoutLR Double Double Double -> LayoutLR Double Double Double -- ^ A transformation of the plot layout, -- where you can redefine the axes, for example. } -- | The default deviation chart view. defaultDeviationChartView :: DeviationChartView defaultDeviationChartView = DeviationChartView { deviationChartTitle = "Deviation Chart", deviationChartDescription = "It shows the Deviation chart by rule 3-sigma.", deviationChartWidth = 640, deviationChartHeight = 480, deviationChartFileName = UniqueFilePath "$TITLE", deviationChartSeries = [], deviationChartPlotTitle = "$TITLE", deviationChartPlotLines = colourisePlotLines, deviationChartPlotFillBetween = colourisePlotFillBetween, deviationChartBottomAxis = id, deviationChartLayout = id } instance ChartRenderer r => ExperimentView DeviationChartView r where outputView v = let reporter exp renderer dir = do st <- newDeviationChart v exp renderer dir return ExperimentReporter { reporterInitialise = return (), reporterFinalise = finaliseDeviationChart st, reporterSimulate = simulateDeviationChart st, reporterTOCHtml = deviationChartTOCHtml st, reporterHtml = deviationChartHtml st } in ExperimentGenerator { generateReporter = reporter } -- | The state of the view. data DeviationChartViewState r = DeviationChartViewState { deviationChartView :: DeviationChartView, deviationChartExperiment :: Experiment r, deviationChartRenderer :: r, deviationChartDir :: FilePath, deviationChartFile :: IORef (Maybe FilePath), deviationChartLock :: MVar (), deviationChartResults :: IORef (Maybe DeviationChartResults) } -- | The deviation chart item. data DeviationChartResults = DeviationChartResults { deviationChartTimes :: IOArray Int Double, deviationChartNames :: [Either String String], deviationChartStats :: [IOArray Int (SamplingStats Double)] } -- | Create a new state of the view. newDeviationChart :: DeviationChartView -> Experiment r -> r -> FilePath -> IO (DeviationChartViewState r) newDeviationChart view exp renderer dir = do f <- newIORef Nothing l <- newMVar () r <- newIORef Nothing return DeviationChartViewState { deviationChartView = view, deviationChartExperiment = exp, deviationChartRenderer = renderer, deviationChartDir = dir, deviationChartFile = f, deviationChartLock = l, deviationChartResults = r } -- | Create new chart results. newDeviationChartResults :: [Either String String] -> Experiment r -> IO DeviationChartResults newDeviationChartResults names exp = do let specs = experimentSpecs exp bnds = integIterationBnds specs times <- liftIO $ newListArray bnds (integTimes specs) stats <- forM names $ \_ -> liftIO $ newArray bnds emptySamplingStats return DeviationChartResults { deviationChartTimes = times, deviationChartNames = names, deviationChartStats = stats } -- | Simulate the specified series. simulateDeviationChart :: DeviationChartViewState r -> ExperimentData -> Event (Event ()) simulateDeviationChart st expdata = do let labels = deviationChartSeries $ deviationChartView st (leftLabels, rightLabels) = partitionEithers labels (leftProviders, rightProviders) = (experimentSeriesProviders expdata leftLabels, experimentSeriesProviders expdata rightLabels) providerInput providers = flip map providers $ \provider -> case providerToDoubleStatsSource provider of Nothing -> error $ "Cannot represent series " ++ providerName provider ++ " as a source of double values: simulateDeviationChart" Just input -> (providerName provider, provider, samplingStatsSourceData input) leftInput = providerInput leftProviders rightInput = providerInput rightProviders leftNames = flip map leftInput $ \(x, _, _) -> Left x rightNames = flip map rightInput $ \(x, _, _) -> Right x input = leftInput ++ rightInput names = leftNames ++ rightNames source = flip map input $ \(_, _, x) -> x exp = deviationChartExperiment st lock = deviationChartLock st results <- liftIO $ readIORef (deviationChartResults st) case results of Nothing -> liftIO $ do results <- newDeviationChartResults names exp writeIORef (deviationChartResults st) $ Just results Just results -> when (names /= deviationChartNames results) $ error "Series with different names are returned for different runs: simulateDeviationChart" results <- liftIO $ fmap fromJust $ readIORef (deviationChartResults st) let stats = deviationChartStats results h = experimentSignalInIntegTimes expdata handleSignal_ h $ \_ -> do xs <- sequence source i <- liftDynamics integIteration liftIO $ withMVar lock $ \() -> forM_ (zip xs stats) $ \(x, stats) -> do y <- readArray stats i let y' = addDataToSamplingStats x y y' `seq` writeArray stats i y' return $ return () -- | Plot the deviation chart after the simulation is complete. finaliseDeviationChart :: ChartRenderer r => DeviationChartViewState r -> IO () finaliseDeviationChart st = do let title = deviationChartTitle $ deviationChartView st plotTitle = replace "$TITLE" title (deviationChartPlotTitle $ deviationChartView st) width = deviationChartWidth $ deviationChartView st height = deviationChartHeight $ deviationChartView st plotLines = deviationChartPlotLines $ deviationChartView st plotFillBetween = deviationChartPlotFillBetween $ deviationChartView st plotBottomAxis = deviationChartBottomAxis $ deviationChartView st plotLayout = deviationChartLayout $ deviationChartView st renderer = deviationChartRenderer st results <- readIORef $ deviationChartResults st case results of Nothing -> return () Just results -> do let times = deviationChartTimes results names = deviationChartNames results stats = deviationChartStats results ps1 <- forM (zip3 names stats plotLines) $ \(name, stats, plotLines) -> do xs <- getAssocs stats zs <- forM xs $ \(i, stats) -> do t <- readArray times i return (t, samplingStatsMean stats) let p = toPlot $ plotLines $ plot_lines_values .~ filterPlotLinesValues zs $ plot_lines_title .~ either id id name $ def case name of Left _ -> return $ Left p Right _ -> return $ Right p ps2 <- forM (zip3 names stats plotFillBetween) $ \(name, stats, plotFillBetween) -> do xs <- getAssocs stats zs <- forM xs $ \(i, stats) -> do t <- readArray times i let mu = samplingStatsMean stats sigma = samplingStatsDeviation stats return (t, (mu - 3 * sigma, mu + 3 * sigma)) let p = toPlot $ plotFillBetween $ plot_fillbetween_values .~ filterPlotFillBetweenValues zs $ plot_fillbetween_title .~ either id id name $ def case name of Left _ -> return $ Left p Right _ -> return $ Right p let ps = join $ flip map (zip ps1 ps2) $ \(p1, p2) -> [p2, p1] axis = plotBottomAxis $ laxis_title .~ "time" $ def updateLeftAxis = if null $ lefts ps then layoutlr_left_axis_visibility .~ AxisVisibility False False False else id updateRightAxis = if null $ rights ps then layoutlr_right_axis_visibility .~ AxisVisibility False False False else id chart = plotLayout . updateLeftAxis . updateRightAxis $ layoutlr_x_axis .~ axis $ layoutlr_title .~ plotTitle $ layoutlr_plots .~ ps $ def file <- resolveFilePath (deviationChartDir st) $ mapFilePath (flip replaceExtension $ renderableFileExtension renderer) $ expandFilePath (deviationChartFileName $ deviationChartView st) $ M.fromList [("$TITLE", title)] renderChart renderer (width, height) (toRenderable chart) file when (experimentVerbose $ deviationChartExperiment st) $ putStr "Generated file " >> putStrLn file writeIORef (deviationChartFile st) $ Just file -- | Remove the NaN and inifity values. filterPlotLinesValues :: [(Double, Double)] -> [[(Double, Double)]] filterPlotLinesValues = filter (not . null) . divideBy (\(t, x) -> isNaN x || isInfinite x) -- | Remove the NaN and inifity values. filterPlotFillBetweenValues :: [(Double, (Double, Double))] -> [(Double, (Double, Double))] filterPlotFillBetweenValues = filter $ \(t, (x1, x2)) -> not $ isNaN x1 || isInfinite x1 || isNaN x2 || isInfinite x2 -- | Get the HTML code. deviationChartHtml :: DeviationChartViewState r -> Int -> HtmlWriter () deviationChartHtml st index = do header st index file <- liftIO $ readIORef (deviationChartFile st) case file of Nothing -> return () Just f -> writeHtmlParagraph $ writeHtmlImage (makeRelative (deviationChartDir st) f) header :: DeviationChartViewState r -> Int -> HtmlWriter () header st index = do writeHtmlHeader3WithId ("id" ++ show index) $ writeHtmlText (deviationChartTitle $ deviationChartView st) let description = deviationChartDescription $ deviationChartView st unless (null description) $ writeHtmlParagraph $ writeHtmlText description -- | Get the TOC item. deviationChartTOCHtml :: DeviationChartViewState r -> Int -> HtmlWriter () deviationChartTOCHtml st index = writeHtmlListItem $ writeHtmlLink ("#id" ++ show index) $ writeHtmlText (deviationChartTitle $ deviationChartView st)