{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} -- | -- Module : Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Chart.XYChartView -- Copyright : Copyright (c) 2012-2017, David Sorokin -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : David Sorokin -- Stability : experimental -- Tested with: GHC 8.0.1 -- -- The module defines 'XYChartView' that plots the XY charts. -- module Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Chart.XYChartView (XYChartView(..), defaultXYChartView) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Lens import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.IORef import Data.Maybe import Data.Either import Data.Array import Data.Monoid import Data.List import Data.Default.Class import System.IO import System.FilePath import Graphics.Rendering.Chart import Simulation.Aivika import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Base import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Chart.Types import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Chart.Utils (colourisePlotLines) -- | Defines the 'View' that plots the XY charts. data XYChartView = XYChartView { xyChartTitle :: String, -- ^ This is a title used in HTML. xyChartDescription :: String, -- ^ This is a description used in HTML. xyChartWidth :: Int, -- ^ The width of the chart. xyChartHeight :: Int, -- ^ The height of the chart. xyChartFileName :: ExperimentFilePath, -- ^ It defines the file name with optional extension for each image to be saved. -- It may include special variables @$TITLE@, @$RUN_INDEX@ and @$RUN_COUNT@. -- -- An example is -- -- @ -- xyChartFileName = UniqueFilePath \"$TITLE - $RUN_INDEX\" -- @ xyChartPredicate :: Event Bool, -- ^ It specifies the predicate that defines -- when we plot data in the chart. xyChartTransform :: ResultTransform, -- ^ The transform applied to the results before receiving series. xyChartXSeries :: ResultTransform, -- ^ This is the X series. -- -- You must define it, because it is 'mempty' -- by default. Also it must return exactly -- one 'ResultExtract' item when calling -- function 'extractDoubleResults' by the specified -- result set. xyChartLeftYSeries :: ResultTransform, -- ^ It defines the series plotted basing on the left Y axis. xyChartRightYSeries :: ResultTransform, -- ^ It defines the series plotted basing on the right Y axis. xyChartPlotTitle :: String, -- ^ This is a title used in the chart when -- simulating a single run. It may include -- special variable @$TITLE@. -- -- An example is -- -- @ -- xyChartPlotTitle = \"$TITLE\" -- @ xyChartRunPlotTitle :: String, -- ^ The run title for the chart. It is used -- when simulating multiple runs and it may -- include special variables @$RUN_INDEX@, -- @$RUN_COUNT@ and @$PLOT_TITLE@. -- -- An example is -- -- @ -- xyChartRunPlotTitle = \"$PLOT_TITLE / Run $RUN_INDEX of $RUN_COUNT\" -- @ xyChartPlotLines :: [PlotLines Double Double -> PlotLines Double Double], -- ^ Probably, an infinite sequence of plot -- transformations based on which the plot -- is constructed for each Y series. Generally, -- it may not coincide with a sequence of -- Y labels as one label may denote a whole list -- or an array of data providers. -- -- Here you can define a colour or style of -- the plot lines. xyChartBottomAxis :: LayoutAxis Double -> LayoutAxis Double, -- ^ A transformation of the bottom axis, -- after the X title is added. xyChartLayout :: LayoutLR Double Double Double -> LayoutLR Double Double Double -- ^ A transformation of the plot layout, -- where you can redefine the axes, for example. } -- | The default time series view. defaultXYChartView :: XYChartView defaultXYChartView = XYChartView { xyChartTitle = "XY Chart", xyChartDescription = "It shows the XY chart(s).", xyChartWidth = 640, xyChartHeight = 480, xyChartFileName = UniqueFilePath "XYChart($RUN_INDEX)", xyChartPredicate = return True, xyChartTransform = id, xyChartXSeries = mempty, xyChartLeftYSeries = mempty, xyChartRightYSeries = mempty, xyChartPlotTitle = "$TITLE", xyChartRunPlotTitle = "$PLOT_TITLE / Run $RUN_INDEX of $RUN_COUNT", xyChartPlotLines = colourisePlotLines, xyChartBottomAxis = id, xyChartLayout = id } instance ChartRendering r => ExperimentView XYChartView (WebPageRenderer r) where outputView v = let reporter exp (WebPageRenderer renderer _) dir = do st <- newXYChart v exp renderer dir let context = WebPageContext $ WebPageWriter { reporterWriteTOCHtml = xyChartTOCHtml st, reporterWriteHtml = xyChartHtml st } return ExperimentReporter { reporterInitialise = return (), reporterFinalise = return (), reporterSimulate = simulateXYChart st, reporterContext = context } in ExperimentGenerator { generateReporter = reporter } instance ChartRendering r => ExperimentView XYChartView (FileRenderer r) where outputView v = let reporter exp (FileRenderer renderer _) dir = do st <- newXYChart v exp renderer dir return ExperimentReporter { reporterInitialise = return (), reporterFinalise = return (), reporterSimulate = simulateXYChart st, reporterContext = FileContext } in ExperimentGenerator { generateReporter = reporter } -- | The state of the view. data XYChartViewState r = XYChartViewState { xyChartView :: XYChartView, xyChartExperiment :: Experiment, xyChartRenderer :: r, xyChartDir :: FilePath, xyChartMap :: M.Map Int FilePath } -- | Create a new state of the view. newXYChart :: ChartRendering r => XYChartView -> Experiment -> r -> FilePath -> ExperimentWriter (XYChartViewState r) newXYChart view exp renderer dir = do let n = experimentRunCount exp fs <- forM [0..(n - 1)] $ \i -> resolveFilePath dir $ mapFilePath (flip replaceExtension $ renderableChartExtension renderer) $ expandFilePath (xyChartFileName view) $ M.fromList [("$TITLE", xyChartTitle view), ("$RUN_INDEX", show $ i + 1), ("$RUN_COUNT", show n)] liftIO $ forM_ fs $ flip writeFile [] -- reserve the file names let m = M.fromList $ zip [0..(n - 1)] fs return XYChartViewState { xyChartView = view, xyChartExperiment = exp, xyChartRenderer = renderer, xyChartDir = dir, xyChartMap = m } -- | Plot the XY chart during the simulation. simulateXYChart :: ChartRendering r => XYChartViewState r -> ExperimentData -> Composite () simulateXYChart st expdata = do let view = xyChartView st loc = localisePathResultTitle $ experimentLocalisation $ xyChartExperiment st rs0 = xyChartXSeries view $ xyChartTransform view $ experimentResults expdata rs1 = xyChartLeftYSeries view $ xyChartTransform view $ experimentResults expdata rs2 = xyChartRightYSeries view $ xyChartTransform view $ experimentResults expdata ext0 = case resultsToDoubleValues rs0 of [x] -> x _ -> error "Expected to see a single X series: simulateXYChart" exts1 = resultsToDoubleValues rs1 exts2 = resultsToDoubleValues rs2 signals = experimentPredefinedSignals expdata n = experimentRunCount $ xyChartExperiment st width = xyChartWidth view height = xyChartHeight view predicate = xyChartPredicate view title = xyChartTitle view plotTitle = xyChartPlotTitle view runPlotTitle = xyChartRunPlotTitle view plotLines = xyChartPlotLines view plotBottomAxis = xyChartBottomAxis view plotLayout = xyChartLayout view renderer = xyChartRenderer st i <- liftParameter simulationIndex let file = fromJust $ M.lookup (i - 1) (xyChartMap st) plotTitle' = replace "$TITLE" title plotTitle runPlotTitle' = if n == 1 then plotTitle' else replace "$RUN_INDEX" (show i) $ replace "$RUN_COUNT" (show n) $ replace "$PLOT_TITLE" plotTitle' runPlotTitle inputHistory exts = forM exts $ \ext -> let x = resultValueData ext0 y = resultValueData ext transform () = do p <- predicate if p then liftM2 (,) x y else return (1/0, 1/0) -- such values will be ignored then signalx = resultValueSignal ext0 signaly = resultValueSignal ext in newSignalHistory $ mapSignalM transform $ pureResultSignal signals $ signalx <> signaly hs1 <- inputHistory exts1 hs2 <- inputHistory exts2 disposableComposite $ DisposableEvent $ do let plots hs exts plotLineTails = do ps <- forM (zip3 hs exts (head plotLineTails)) $ \(h, ext, plotLines) -> do (ts, zs) <- readSignalHistory h return $ toPlot $ plotLines $ plot_lines_values .~ filterPlotLinesValues (elems zs) $ plot_lines_title .~ (loc $ resultValueIdPath ext) $ def return (ps, drop (length hs) plotLineTails) (ps1, plotLineTails) <- plots hs1 exts1 (tails plotLines) (ps2, plotLineTails) <- plots hs2 exts2 plotLineTails let ps1' = map Left ps1 ps2' = map Right ps2 ps' = ps1' ++ ps2' axis = plotBottomAxis $ laxis_title .~ (loc $ resultValueIdPath ext0) $ def updateLeftAxis = if null ps1 then layoutlr_left_axis_visibility .~ AxisVisibility False False False else id updateRightAxis = if null ps2 then layoutlr_right_axis_visibility .~ AxisVisibility False False False else id chart = plotLayout . renderingLayoutLR renderer . updateLeftAxis . updateRightAxis $ layoutlr_x_axis .~ axis $ layoutlr_title .~ runPlotTitle' $ layoutlr_plots .~ ps' $ def liftIO $ do renderChart renderer (width, height) file (toRenderable chart) when (experimentVerbose $ xyChartExperiment st) $ putStr "Generated file " >> putStrLn file -- | Remove the NaN and inifity values. filterPlotLinesValues :: [(Double, Double)] -> [[(Double, Double)]] filterPlotLinesValues = filter (not . null) . divideBy (\(x, y) -> isNaN x || isInfinite x || isNaN y || isInfinite y) -- | Get the HTML code. xyChartHtml :: XYChartViewState r -> Int -> HtmlWriter () xyChartHtml st index = let n = experimentRunCount $ xyChartExperiment st in if n == 1 then xyChartHtmlSingle st index else xyChartHtmlMultiple st index -- | Get the HTML code for a single run. xyChartHtmlSingle :: XYChartViewState r -> Int -> HtmlWriter () xyChartHtmlSingle st index = do header st index let f = fromJust $ M.lookup 0 (xyChartMap st) writeHtmlParagraph $ writeHtmlImage (makeRelative (xyChartDir st) f) -- | Get the HTML code for multiple runs. xyChartHtmlMultiple :: XYChartViewState r -> Int -> HtmlWriter () xyChartHtmlMultiple st index = do header st index let n = experimentRunCount $ xyChartExperiment st forM_ [0..(n - 1)] $ \i -> let f = fromJust $ M.lookup i (xyChartMap st) in writeHtmlParagraph $ writeHtmlImage (makeRelative (xyChartDir st) f) header :: XYChartViewState r -> Int -> HtmlWriter () header st index = do writeHtmlHeader3WithId ("id" ++ show index) $ writeHtmlText (xyChartTitle $ xyChartView st) let description = xyChartDescription $ xyChartView st unless (null description) $ writeHtmlParagraph $ writeHtmlText description -- | Get the TOC item. xyChartTOCHtml :: XYChartViewState r -> Int -> HtmlWriter () xyChartTOCHtml st index = writeHtmlListItem $ writeHtmlLink ("#id" ++ show index) $ writeHtmlText (xyChartTitle $ xyChartView st)