{-# OPTIONS_JHC -fno-prelude -fffi #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Foreign.C.Error -- Copyright : (c) The FFI task force 2001 -- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : ffi@haskell.org -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- -- C-specific Marshalling support: Handling of C \"errno\" error codes. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Foreign.C.Error ( -- * Haskell representations of @errno@ values Errno(..), -- instance: Eq -- ** Common @errno@ symbols -- | Different operating systems and\/or C libraries often support -- different values of @errno@. This module defines the common values, -- but due to the open definition of 'Errno' users may add definitions -- which are not predefined. eOK,{- e2BIG, eACCES, eADDRINUSE, eADDRNOTAVAIL, eADV, eAFNOSUPPORT, eAGAIN, eALREADY, eBADF, eBADMSG, eBADRPC, eBUSY, eCHILD, eCOMM, eCONNABORTED, eCONNREFUSED, eCONNRESET, eDEADLK, eDESTADDRREQ, eDIRTY, eDOM, eDQUOT, eEXIST, eFAULT, eFBIG, eFTYPE, eHOSTDOWN, eHOSTUNREACH, eIDRM, eILSEQ, eINPROGRESS, eINTR, eINVAL, eIO, eISCONN, eISDIR, eLOOP, eMFILE, eMLINK, eMSGSIZE, eMULTIHOP, eNAMETOOLONG, eNETDOWN, eNETRESET, eNETUNREACH, eNFILE, eNOBUFS, eNODATA, eNODEV, eNOENT, eNOEXEC, eNOLCK, eNOLINK, eNOMEM, eNOMSG, eNONET, eNOPROTOOPT, eNOSPC, eNOSR, eNOSTR, eNOSYS, eNOTBLK, eNOTCONN, eNOTDIR, eNOTEMPTY, eNOTSOCK, eNOTTY, eNXIO, eOPNOTSUPP, ePERM, ePFNOSUPPORT, ePIPE, ePROCLIM, ePROCUNAVAIL, ePROGMISMATCH, ePROGUNAVAIL, ePROTO, ePROTONOSUPPORT, ePROTOTYPE, eRANGE, eREMCHG, eREMOTE, eROFS, eRPCMISMATCH, eRREMOTE, eSHUTDOWN, eSOCKTNOSUPPORT, eSPIPE, eSRCH, eSRMNT, eSTALE, eTIME, eTIMEDOUT, eTOOMANYREFS, eTXTBSY, eUSERS, eWOULDBLOCK, eXDEV, -} -- ** 'Errno' functions -- :: Errno isValidErrno, -- :: Errno -> Bool -- access to the current thread's "errno" value -- getErrno, -- :: IO Errno resetErrno, -- :: IO () -- conversion of an "errno" value into IO error -- errnoToIOError, -- :: String -- location -- -> Errno -- errno -- -> Maybe Handle -- handle -- -> Maybe String -- filename -- -> IOError -- throw current "errno" value -- throwErrno, -- :: String -> IO a -- ** Guards for IO operations that may fail throwErrnoIf, -- :: (a -> Bool) -> String -> IO a -> IO a throwErrnoIf_, -- :: (a -> Bool) -> String -> IO a -> IO () throwErrnoIfRetry, -- :: (a -> Bool) -> String -> IO a -> IO a throwErrnoIfRetry_, -- :: (a -> Bool) -> String -> IO a -> IO () throwErrnoIfMinus1, -- :: Num a -- => String -> IO a -> IO a throwErrnoIfMinus1_, -- :: Num a -- => String -> IO a -> IO () throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry, -- :: Num a -- => String -> IO a -> IO a throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry_, -- :: Num a -- => String -> IO a -> IO () throwErrnoIfNull, -- :: String -> IO (Ptr a) -> IO (Ptr a) throwErrnoIfNullRetry,-- :: String -> IO (Ptr a) -> IO (Ptr a) throwErrnoIfRetryMayBlock, throwErrnoIfRetryMayBlock_, throwErrnoIfMinus1RetryMayBlock, throwErrnoIfMinus1RetryMayBlock_, throwErrnoIfNullRetryMayBlock ) where import Foreign.C.String import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.Storable import Jhc.Basics import Jhc.Basics import Jhc.IO import Jhc.Maybe import Jhc.Monad import Jhc.Num import Jhc.Order import Jhc.Type.C instance Eq Errno where errno1@(Errno no1) == errno2@(Errno no2) | isValidErrno errno1 && isValidErrno errno2 = no1 == no2 | otherwise = False -- common "errno" symbols -- {- eOK, e2BIG, eACCES, eADDRINUSE, eADDRNOTAVAIL, eADV, eAFNOSUPPORT, eAGAIN, eALREADY, eBADF, eBADMSG, eBADRPC, eBUSY, eCHILD, eCOMM, eCONNABORTED, eCONNREFUSED, eCONNRESET, eDEADLK, eDESTADDRREQ, eDIRTY, eDOM, eDQUOT, eEXIST, eFAULT, eFBIG, eFTYPE, eHOSTDOWN, eHOSTUNREACH, eIDRM, eILSEQ, eINPROGRESS, eINTR, eINVAL, eIO, eISCONN, eISDIR, eLOOP, eMFILE, eMLINK, eMSGSIZE, eMULTIHOP, eNAMETOOLONG, eNETDOWN, eNETRESET, eNETUNREACH, eNFILE, eNOBUFS, eNODATA, eNODEV, eNOENT, eNOEXEC, eNOLCK, eNOLINK, eNOMEM, eNOMSG, eNONET, eNOPROTOOPT, eNOSPC, eNOSR, eNOSTR, eNOSYS, eNOTBLK, eNOTCONN, eNOTDIR, eNOTEMPTY, eNOTSOCK, eNOTTY, eNXIO, eOPNOTSUPP, ePERM, ePFNOSUPPORT, ePIPE, ePROCLIM, ePROCUNAVAIL, ePROGMISMATCH, ePROGUNAVAIL, ePROTO, ePROTONOSUPPORT, ePROTOTYPE, eRANGE, eREMCHG, eREMOTE, eROFS, eRPCMISMATCH, eRREMOTE, eSHUTDOWN, eSOCKTNOSUPPORT, eSPIPE, eSRCH, eSRMNT, eSTALE, eTIME, eTIMEDOUT, eTOOMANYREFS, eTXTBSY, eUSERS, eWOULDBLOCK, eXDEV :: Errno -- -} -- the cCONST_XXX identifiers are cpp symbols whose value is computed by -- configure -- eOK = Errno 0 {- #ifdef __NHC__ #include "Errno.hs" #else e2BIG = Errno (CONST_E2BIG) eACCES = Errno (CONST_EACCES) eADDRINUSE = Errno (CONST_EADDRINUSE) eADDRNOTAVAIL = Errno (CONST_EADDRNOTAVAIL) eADV = Errno (CONST_EADV) eAFNOSUPPORT = Errno (CONST_EAFNOSUPPORT) eAGAIN = Errno (CONST_EAGAIN) eALREADY = Errno (CONST_EALREADY) eBADF = Errno (CONST_EBADF) eBADMSG = Errno (CONST_EBADMSG) eBADRPC = Errno (CONST_EBADRPC) eBUSY = Errno (CONST_EBUSY) eCHILD = Errno (CONST_ECHILD) eCOMM = Errno (CONST_ECOMM) eCONNABORTED = Errno (CONST_ECONNABORTED) eCONNREFUSED = Errno (CONST_ECONNREFUSED) eCONNRESET = Errno (CONST_ECONNRESET) eDEADLK = Errno (CONST_EDEADLK) eDESTADDRREQ = Errno (CONST_EDESTADDRREQ) eDIRTY = Errno (CONST_EDIRTY) eDOM = Errno (CONST_EDOM) eDQUOT = Errno (CONST_EDQUOT) eEXIST = Errno (CONST_EEXIST) eFAULT = Errno (CONST_EFAULT) eFBIG = Errno (CONST_EFBIG) eFTYPE = Errno (CONST_EFTYPE) eHOSTDOWN = Errno (CONST_EHOSTDOWN) eHOSTUNREACH = Errno (CONST_EHOSTUNREACH) eIDRM = Errno (CONST_EIDRM) eILSEQ = Errno (CONST_EILSEQ) eINPROGRESS = Errno (CONST_EINPROGRESS) eINTR = Errno (CONST_EINTR) eINVAL = Errno (CONST_EINVAL) eIO = Errno (CONST_EIO) eISCONN = Errno (CONST_EISCONN) eISDIR = Errno (CONST_EISDIR) eLOOP = Errno (CONST_ELOOP) eMFILE = Errno (CONST_EMFILE) eMLINK = Errno (CONST_EMLINK) eMSGSIZE = Errno (CONST_EMSGSIZE) eMULTIHOP = Errno (CONST_EMULTIHOP) eNAMETOOLONG = Errno (CONST_ENAMETOOLONG) eNETDOWN = Errno (CONST_ENETDOWN) eNETRESET = Errno (CONST_ENETRESET) eNETUNREACH = Errno (CONST_ENETUNREACH) eNFILE = Errno (CONST_ENFILE) eNOBUFS = Errno (CONST_ENOBUFS) eNODATA = Errno (CONST_ENODATA) eNODEV = Errno (CONST_ENODEV) eNOENT = Errno (CONST_ENOENT) eNOEXEC = Errno (CONST_ENOEXEC) eNOLCK = Errno (CONST_ENOLCK) eNOLINK = Errno (CONST_ENOLINK) eNOMEM = Errno (CONST_ENOMEM) eNOMSG = Errno (CONST_ENOMSG) eNONET = Errno (CONST_ENONET) eNOPROTOOPT = Errno (CONST_ENOPROTOOPT) eNOSPC = Errno (CONST_ENOSPC) eNOSR = Errno (CONST_ENOSR) eNOSTR = Errno (CONST_ENOSTR) eNOSYS = Errno (CONST_ENOSYS) eNOTBLK = Errno (CONST_ENOTBLK) eNOTCONN = Errno (CONST_ENOTCONN) eNOTDIR = Errno (CONST_ENOTDIR) eNOTEMPTY = Errno (CONST_ENOTEMPTY) eNOTSOCK = Errno (CONST_ENOTSOCK) eNOTTY = Errno (CONST_ENOTTY) eNXIO = Errno (CONST_ENXIO) eOPNOTSUPP = Errno (CONST_EOPNOTSUPP) ePERM = Errno (CONST_EPERM) ePFNOSUPPORT = Errno (CONST_EPFNOSUPPORT) ePIPE = Errno (CONST_EPIPE) ePROCLIM = Errno (CONST_EPROCLIM) ePROCUNAVAIL = Errno (CONST_EPROCUNAVAIL) ePROGMISMATCH = Errno (CONST_EPROGMISMATCH) ePROGUNAVAIL = Errno (CONST_EPROGUNAVAIL) ePROTO = Errno (CONST_EPROTO) ePROTONOSUPPORT = Errno (CONST_EPROTONOSUPPORT) ePROTOTYPE = Errno (CONST_EPROTOTYPE) eRANGE = Errno (CONST_ERANGE) eREMCHG = Errno (CONST_EREMCHG) eREMOTE = Errno (CONST_EREMOTE) eROFS = Errno (CONST_EROFS) eRPCMISMATCH = Errno (CONST_ERPCMISMATCH) eRREMOTE = Errno (CONST_ERREMOTE) eSHUTDOWN = Errno (CONST_ESHUTDOWN) eSOCKTNOSUPPORT = Errno (CONST_ESOCKTNOSUPPORT) eSPIPE = Errno (CONST_ESPIPE) eSRCH = Errno (CONST_ESRCH) eSRMNT = Errno (CONST_ESRMNT) eSTALE = Errno (CONST_ESTALE) eTIME = Errno (CONST_ETIME) eTIMEDOUT = Errno (CONST_ETIMEDOUT) eTOOMANYREFS = Errno (CONST_ETOOMANYREFS) eTXTBSY = Errno (CONST_ETXTBSY) eUSERS = Errno (CONST_EUSERS) eWOULDBLOCK = Errno (CONST_EWOULDBLOCK) eXDEV = Errno (CONST_EXDEV) #endif -} -- | Yield 'True' if the given 'Errno' value is valid on the system. -- This implies that the 'Eq' instance of 'Errno' is also system dependent -- as it is only defined for valid values of 'Errno'. -- isValidErrno :: Errno -> Bool -- -- the configure script sets all invalid "errno"s to -1 -- isValidErrno (Errno errno) = errno /= -1 -- access to the current thread's "errno" value -- -------------------------------------------- -- | Get the current value of @errno@ in the current thread. -- getErrno :: IO Errno -- We must call a C function to get the value of errno in general. On -- threaded systems, errno is hidden behind a C macro so that each OS -- thread gets its own copy. getErrno = do e <- peek _errno; return (Errno e) foreign import ccall "errno.h &errno" _errno :: Ptr CInt -- | Reset the current thread\'s @errno@ value to 'eOK'. -- resetErrno :: IO () -- Again, setting errno has to be done via a C function. resetErrno = poke _errno 0 -- throw current "errno" value -- --------------------------- -- | Throw an 'IOError' corresponding to the current value of 'getErrno'. -- throwErrno :: String -- ^ textual description of the error location -> IO a throwErrno loc = do errno <- getErrno ioError (errnoToIOError loc errno Nothing Nothing) -- guards for IO operations that may fail -- -------------------------------------- -- | Throw an 'IOError' corresponding to the current value of 'getErrno' -- if the result value of the 'IO' action meets the given predicate. -- throwErrnoIf :: (a -> Bool) -- ^ predicate to apply to the result value -- of the 'IO' operation -> String -- ^ textual description of the location -> IO a -- ^ the 'IO' operation to be executed -> IO a throwErrnoIf pred loc f = do res <- f if pred res then throwErrno loc else return res -- | as 'throwErrnoIf', but discards the result of the 'IO' action after -- error handling. -- throwErrnoIf_ :: (a -> Bool) -> String -> IO a -> IO () throwErrnoIf_ pred loc f = throwErrnoIf pred loc f >> return () -- | as 'throwErrnoIf', but retry the 'IO' action when it yields the -- error code 'eINTR' - this amounts to the standard retry loop for -- interrupted POSIX system calls. -- throwErrnoIfRetry :: (a -> Bool) -> String -> IO a -> IO a throwErrnoIfRetry pred loc f = do res <- f if pred res then do err <- getErrno if err == eINTR then throwErrnoIfRetry pred loc f else throwErrno loc else return res -- | as 'throwErrnoIfRetry', but checks for operations that would block and -- executes an alternative action before retrying in that case. -- throwErrnoIfRetryMayBlock :: (a -> Bool) -- ^ predicate to apply to the result value -- of the 'IO' operation -> String -- ^ textual description of the location -> IO a -- ^ the 'IO' operation to be executed -> IO b -- ^ action to execute before retrying if -- an immediate retry would block -> IO a throwErrnoIfRetryMayBlock pred loc f on_block = do res <- f if pred res then do err <- getErrno if err == eINTR then throwErrnoIfRetryMayBlock pred loc f on_block else if err == eWOULDBLOCK || err == eAGAIN then do on_block; throwErrnoIfRetryMayBlock pred loc f on_block else throwErrno loc else return res -- | as 'throwErrnoIfRetry', but discards the result. -- throwErrnoIfRetry_ :: (a -> Bool) -> String -> IO a -> IO () throwErrnoIfRetry_ pred loc f = throwErrnoIfRetry pred loc f >> return () -- | as 'throwErrnoIfRetryMayBlock', but discards the result. -- throwErrnoIfRetryMayBlock_ :: (a -> Bool) -> String -> IO a -> IO b -> IO () throwErrnoIfRetryMayBlock_ pred loc f on_block = throwErrnoIfRetryMayBlock pred loc f on_block >> return () -- | Throw an 'IOError' corresponding to the current value of 'getErrno' -- if the 'IO' action returns a result of @-1@. -- throwErrnoIfMinus1 :: Num a => String -> IO a -> IO a throwErrnoIfMinus1 = throwErrnoIf (== -1) -- | as 'throwErrnoIfMinus1', but discards the result. -- throwErrnoIfMinus1_ :: Num a => String -> IO a -> IO () throwErrnoIfMinus1_ = throwErrnoIf_ (== -1) -- | Throw an 'IOError' corresponding to the current value of 'getErrno' -- if the 'IO' action returns a result of @-1@, but retries in case of -- an interrupted operation. -- throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry :: Num a => String -> IO a -> IO a throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry = throwErrnoIfRetry (== -1) -- | as 'throwErrnoIfMinus1', but discards the result. -- throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry_ :: Num a => String -> IO a -> IO () throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry_ = throwErrnoIfRetry_ (== -1) -- | as 'throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry', but checks for operations that would block. -- throwErrnoIfMinus1RetryMayBlock :: Num a => String -> IO a -> IO b -> IO a throwErrnoIfMinus1RetryMayBlock = throwErrnoIfRetryMayBlock (== -1) -- | as 'throwErrnoIfMinus1RetryMayBlock', but discards the result. -- throwErrnoIfMinus1RetryMayBlock_ :: Num a => String -> IO a -> IO b -> IO () throwErrnoIfMinus1RetryMayBlock_ = throwErrnoIfRetryMayBlock_ (== -1) -- | Throw an 'IOError' corresponding to the current value of 'getErrno' -- if the 'IO' action returns 'nullPtr'. -- throwErrnoIfNull :: String -> IO (Ptr a) -> IO (Ptr a) throwErrnoIfNull = throwErrnoIf (== nullPtr) -- | Throw an 'IOError' corresponding to the current value of 'getErrno' -- if the 'IO' action returns 'nullPtr', -- but retry in case of an interrupted operation. -- throwErrnoIfNullRetry :: String -> IO (Ptr a) -> IO (Ptr a) throwErrnoIfNullRetry = throwErrnoIfRetry (== nullPtr) -- | as 'throwErrnoIfNullRetry', but checks for operations that would block. -- throwErrnoIfNullRetryMayBlock :: String -> IO (Ptr a) -> IO b -> IO (Ptr a) throwErrnoIfNullRetryMayBlock = throwErrnoIfRetryMayBlock (== nullPtr) -- conversion of an "errno" value into IO error -- -------------------------------------------- -- | Construct a Haskell 98 I\/O error based on the given 'Errno' value. -- The optional information can be used to improve the accuracy of -- error messages. -- errnoToIOError :: String -- ^ the location where the error occurred -> Errno -- ^ the error number -> Maybe a -- ^ optional handle associated with the error -> Maybe String -- ^ optional filename associated with the error -> IOError errnoToIOError loc errno maybeHdl maybeName = unsafePerformIO $ do str <- strerror errno >>= peekCString {- #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ return (IOError maybeHdl errType loc str maybeName) where errType | errno == eOK = OtherError | errno == e2BIG = ResourceExhausted | errno == eACCES = PermissionDenied | errno == eADDRINUSE = ResourceBusy | errno == eADDRNOTAVAIL = UnsupportedOperation | errno == eADV = OtherError | errno == eAFNOSUPPORT = UnsupportedOperation | errno == eAGAIN = ResourceExhausted | errno == eALREADY = AlreadyExists | errno == eBADF = OtherError | errno == eBADMSG = InappropriateType | errno == eBADRPC = OtherError | errno == eBUSY = ResourceBusy | errno == eCHILD = NoSuchThing | errno == eCOMM = ResourceVanished | errno == eCONNABORTED = OtherError | errno == eCONNREFUSED = NoSuchThing | errno == eCONNRESET = ResourceVanished | errno == eDEADLK = ResourceBusy | errno == eDESTADDRREQ = InvalidArgument | errno == eDIRTY = UnsatisfiedConstraints | errno == eDOM = InvalidArgument | errno == eDQUOT = PermissionDenied | errno == eEXIST = AlreadyExists | errno == eFAULT = OtherError | errno == eFBIG = PermissionDenied | errno == eFTYPE = InappropriateType | errno == eHOSTDOWN = NoSuchThing | errno == eHOSTUNREACH = NoSuchThing | errno == eIDRM = ResourceVanished | errno == eILSEQ = InvalidArgument | errno == eINPROGRESS = AlreadyExists | errno == eINTR = Interrupted | errno == eINVAL = InvalidArgument | errno == eIO = HardwareFault | errno == eISCONN = AlreadyExists | errno == eISDIR = InappropriateType | errno == eLOOP = InvalidArgument | errno == eMFILE = ResourceExhausted | errno == eMLINK = ResourceExhausted | errno == eMSGSIZE = ResourceExhausted | errno == eMULTIHOP = UnsupportedOperation | errno == eNAMETOOLONG = InvalidArgument | errno == eNETDOWN = ResourceVanished | errno == eNETRESET = ResourceVanished | errno == eNETUNREACH = NoSuchThing | errno == eNFILE = ResourceExhausted | errno == eNOBUFS = ResourceExhausted | errno == eNODATA = NoSuchThing | errno == eNODEV = UnsupportedOperation | errno == eNOENT = NoSuchThing | errno == eNOEXEC = InvalidArgument | errno == eNOLCK = ResourceExhausted | errno == eNOLINK = ResourceVanished | errno == eNOMEM = ResourceExhausted | errno == eNOMSG = NoSuchThing | errno == eNONET = NoSuchThing | errno == eNOPROTOOPT = UnsupportedOperation | errno == eNOSPC = ResourceExhausted | errno == eNOSR = ResourceExhausted | errno == eNOSTR = InvalidArgument | errno == eNOSYS = UnsupportedOperation | errno == eNOTBLK = InvalidArgument | errno == eNOTCONN = InvalidArgument | errno == eNOTDIR = InappropriateType | errno == eNOTEMPTY = UnsatisfiedConstraints | errno == eNOTSOCK = InvalidArgument | errno == eNOTTY = IllegalOperation | errno == eNXIO = NoSuchThing | errno == eOPNOTSUPP = UnsupportedOperation | errno == ePERM = PermissionDenied | errno == ePFNOSUPPORT = UnsupportedOperation | errno == ePIPE = ResourceVanished | errno == ePROCLIM = PermissionDenied | errno == ePROCUNAVAIL = UnsupportedOperation | errno == ePROGMISMATCH = ProtocolError | errno == ePROGUNAVAIL = UnsupportedOperation | errno == ePROTO = ProtocolError | errno == ePROTONOSUPPORT = ProtocolError | errno == ePROTOTYPE = ProtocolError | errno == eRANGE = UnsupportedOperation | errno == eREMCHG = ResourceVanished | errno == eREMOTE = IllegalOperation | errno == eROFS = PermissionDenied | errno == eRPCMISMATCH = ProtocolError | errno == eRREMOTE = IllegalOperation | errno == eSHUTDOWN = IllegalOperation | errno == eSOCKTNOSUPPORT = UnsupportedOperation | errno == eSPIPE = UnsupportedOperation | errno == eSRCH = NoSuchThing | errno == eSRMNT = UnsatisfiedConstraints | errno == eSTALE = ResourceVanished | errno == eTIME = TimeExpired | errno == eTIMEDOUT = TimeExpired | errno == eTOOMANYREFS = ResourceExhausted | errno == eTXTBSY = ResourceBusy | errno == eUSERS = ResourceExhausted | errno == eWOULDBLOCK = OtherError | errno == eXDEV = UnsupportedOperation | otherwise = OtherError #else #endif -} return (userError (loc ++ ": " ++ str ++ maybe "" (": "++) maybeName)) -- #endif foreign import ccall "string.h strerror" strerror :: Errno -> IO (Ptr CChar) foreign import primitive "const.EINTR" eINTR :: Errno foreign import primitive "const.EWOULDBLOCK" eWOULDBLOCK :: Errno foreign import primitive "const.EAGAIN" eAGAIN :: Errno