module FrontEnd.Tc.Main (tiExpr, tiProgram, makeProgram, isTypePlaceholder ) where import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.Writer import Data.Graph(stronglyConnComp, SCC(..)) import System.IO(hPutStr,stderr) import Text.Printf import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ as P import Doc.DocLike import Doc.PPrint as PPrint import FrontEnd.Class import FrontEnd.DeclsDepends(getDeclDeps) import FrontEnd.Diagnostic import FrontEnd.HsPretty import FrontEnd.HsSyn import FrontEnd.KindInfer import FrontEnd.SrcLoc import FrontEnd.Tc.Class import FrontEnd.Tc.Kind import FrontEnd.Tc.Monad hiding(listenPreds) import FrontEnd.Tc.Type import FrontEnd.Tc.Unify import FrontEnd.Utils(getDeclName,maybeGetDeclName) import FrontEnd.Warning import GenUtil import Name.Name import Name.Names import Name.VConsts import Options import Support.FreeVars import Util.Progress import qualified FlagDump as FD import qualified FlagOpts as FO listenPreds = listenSolvePreds type Expl = (Sigma, HsDecl) -- TODO: this is different than the "Typing Haskell in Haskell" paper -- we do not further sub-divide the implicitly typed declarations in -- a binding group. type BindGroup = ([Expl], [Either HsDecl [HsDecl]]) tpretty vv = prettyPrintType vv tppretty vv = parens (tpretty vv) tcKnownApp e coerce vname as typ = do sc <- lookupName vname let (_,_,rt) = fromType sc -- fall through if the type isn't arrowy enough (will produce type error) if (length . fst $ fromTArrow rt) < length as then tcApps' e as typ else do (ts,rt) <- freshInstance Sigma sc e' <- if coerce then doCoerce (ctAp ts) e else return e --addCoerce nname (ctAp ts) let f (TArrow x y) (a:as) = do a <- tcExprPoly a x y <- evalType y (as,fc) <- f y as return (a:as,fc) f lt [] = do fc <- lt `subsumes` typ return ([],fc) f _ _ = error "Main.tcKnownApp: bad." (nas,CTId) <- f rt as return (e',nas) tcApps e@(HsVar v) as typ = do let vname = toName Val v --let nname = toName Val n when (dump FD.BoxySteps) $ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "tcApps: " ++ (show vname) rc <- asks tcRecursiveCalls -- fall through if this is a recursive call to oneself if (vname `Set.member` rc) then tcApps' e as typ else do tcKnownApp e True vname as typ tcApps e@(HsCon v) as typ = do (e,nname) <- wrapInAsPat e let vname = toName DataConstructor v when (dump FD.BoxySteps) $ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "tcApps: " ++ (show nname ++ "@" ++ show vname) addToCollectedEnv (Map.singleton nname typ) tcKnownApp e False vname as typ tcApps e as typ = tcApps' e as typ -- the fall through case tcApps' e as typ = do printRule $ "tcApps': " ++ (show e) bs <- sequence [ newBox kindArg | _ <- as ] e' <- tcExpr e (foldr fn typ bs) as' <- sequence [ tcExprPoly a r | r <- bs | a <- as ] return (e',as') tcApp e1 e2 typ = do (e1,[e2]) <- tcApps e1 [e2] typ return (e1,e2) tiExprPoly,tcExprPoly :: HsExp -> Type -> Tc HsExp tcExprPoly e t = do t <- evalType t printRule $ "tiExprPoly " ++ tppretty t <+> show e tiExprPoly e t tiExprPoly e t@TMetaVar {} = tcExpr e t -- GEN2 tiExprPoly e t = do -- GEN1 (ts,_,t) <- skolomize t e <- tcExpr e t doCoerce (ctAbs ts) e doCoerce :: CoerceTerm -> HsExp -> Tc HsExp doCoerce CTId e = return e doCoerce ct e = do (e',n) <- wrapInAsPat e addCoerce n ct return e' wrapInAsPat :: HsExp -> Tc (HsExp,Name) wrapInAsPat e = do n <- newHsVar "As" return (HsAsPat (nameName n) e, n) wrapInAsPatEnv :: HsExp -> Type -> Tc HsExp wrapInAsPatEnv e typ = do (ne,ap) <- wrapInAsPat e addToCollectedEnv (Map.singleton ap typ) return ne newHsVar ns = do nn <- newUniq return $ toName Val (ns ++ "@",show nn) isTypePlaceholder :: HsName -> Bool isTypePlaceholder (getModule -> Just m) = m `elem` [toModule "Wild@",toModule "As@"] isTypePlaceholder _ = False tiExpr,tcExpr :: HsExp -> Type -> Tc HsExp tcExpr e t = do t <- evalType t e <- tiExpr e t --(_,False,_) <- unbox t return e tiExpr (HsVar v) typ = do sc <- lookupName (toName Val v) f <- sc `subsumes` typ rc <- asks tcRecursiveCalls if (toName Val v `Set.member` rc) then do (e',n) <- wrapInAsPat (HsVar v) tell mempty { outKnots = [(n,toName Val v)] } return e' else do doCoerce f (HsVar v) tiExpr (HsCase e alts) typ = do dn <- getDeName withContext (simpleMsg $ "in the case expression\n case " ++ render (ppHsExp $ dn e) ++ " of ...") $ do scrutinee <- newBox kindFunRet e' <- tcExpr e scrutinee alts' <- mapM (tcAlt scrutinee typ) alts wrapInAsPatEnv (HsCase e' alts') typ tiExpr (HsCon conName) typ = do sc <- lookupName (toName DataConstructor conName) sc `subsumes` typ wrapInAsPatEnv (HsCon conName) typ tiExpr (HsLit l@(HsIntPrim _)) typ = do unBox typ ty <- evalType typ case ty of TCon (Tycon n kh) | kh == kindHash -> return () _ -> ty `boxyMatch` (TCon (Tycon tc_Bits32 kindHash)) wrapInAsPatEnv (HsLit l) ty tiExpr (HsLit l@(HsInt _)) typ = do t <- tiLit l t `subsumes` typ wrapInAsPatEnv (HsLit l) typ tiExpr err@HsError {} typ = do unBox typ wrapInAsPatEnv err typ tiExpr (HsLit l) typ = do t <- tiLit l t `subsumes` typ return (HsLit l) tiExpr (HsAsPat n e) typ = do e <- tcExpr e typ --typ <- flattenType typ addToCollectedEnv (Map.singleton (toName Val n) typ) return (HsAsPat n e) -- comb LET-S and VAR tiExpr expr@(HsExpTypeSig sloc e qt) typ = deNameContext (Just sloc) "in the annotated expression" expr $ do kt <- getKindEnv s <- hsQualTypeToSigma kt qt s `subsumes` typ e' <- tcExpr e typ return (HsExpTypeSig sloc e' qt) tiExpr (HsLeftSection e1 e2) typ = do (e1,e2) <- tcApp e1 e2 typ return (HsLeftSection e1 e2) -- I know this looks weird but it appears to be correct -- e1 :: b -- e2 :: a -> b -> c -- e1 e2 :: a -> c -- (: []) \x -> x : [] `fn` tiExpr (HsRightSection e1 e2) typ = do arg <- newBox kindArg arg2 <- newBox kindArg ret <- newBox kindFunRet e1 <- tcExpr e1 arg2 e2 <- tcExpr e2 (arg `fn` (arg2 `fn` ret)) (arg `fn` ret) `subsumes` typ return (HsRightSection e1 e2) tiExpr expr@HsApp {} typ = deNameContext Nothing "in the application" (backToApp h as) $ do (h,as) <- tcApps h as typ return $ backToApp h as where backToApp h as = foldl HsApp h as (h,as) = fromHsApp expr fromHsApp t = f t [] where f (HsApp a b) rs = f a (b:rs) f t rs = (t,rs) tiExpr expr@(HsInfixApp e1 e2 e3) typ = deNameContext Nothing "in the infix application" expr $ do (e2',[e1',e3']) <- tcApps e2 [e1,e3] typ return (HsInfixApp e1' e2' e3') -- we need to fix the type to to be in the class -- cNum, just for cases such as: -- foo = \x -> -x tiExpr expr@(HsNegApp e) typ = deNameContext Nothing "in the negative expression" expr $ do e <- tcExpr e typ addPreds [IsIn class_Num typ] return (HsNegApp e) -- ABS1 tiExpr expr@(HsLambda sloc ps e) typ = do dn <- getDeName withContext (locSimple sloc $ "in the lambda expression\n \\" ++ show (pprint (dn ps):: P.Doc) ++ " -> ...") $ do let lam (p:ps) e (TMetaVar mv) rs = do -- ABS2 withMetaVars mv [kindArg,kindFunRet] (\ [a,b] -> a `fn` b) $ \ [a,b] -> lam (p:ps) e (a `fn` b) rs lam (p:ps) e (TArrow s1' s2') rs = do -- ABS1 --box <- newBox Star --s1' `boxyMatch` box (p',env) <- tcPat p s1' localEnv env $ do s2' <- evalType s2' lamPoly ps e s2' (p':rs) -- TODO poly lam (p:ps) e t@(TAp (TAp (TMetaVar mv) s1') s2') rs = do boxyMatch (TMetaVar mv) tArrow (p',env) <- tcPat p s1' localEnv env $ do s2' <- evalType s2' lamPoly ps e s2' (p':rs) -- TODO poly lam [] e typ rs = do e' <- tcExpr e typ return (HsLambda sloc (reverse rs) e') lam _ _ t _ = do t <- flattenType t fail $ "expected a -> b, found: " ++ prettyPrintType t lamPoly ps e s rs = do (ts,_,s) <- skolomize s e <- lam ps e s rs doCoerce (ctAbs ts) e lam ps e typ [] tiExpr (HsIf e e1 e2) typ = do dn <- getDeName withContext (simpleMsg $ "in the if expression\n if " ++ show (dn e) ++ "...") $ do e <- tcExpr e tBool e1 <- tcExpr e1 typ e2 <- tcExpr e2 typ return (HsIf e e1 e2) tiExpr tuple@(HsTuple exps@(_:_)) typ = deNameContext Nothing "in the tuple" tuple $ do --(_,exps') <- tcApps (HsCon (toTuple (length exps))) exps typ (_,exps') <- tcApps (HsCon (nameTuple TypeConstructor (length exps))) exps typ return (HsTuple exps') tiExpr tuple@(HsUnboxedTuple exps) typ = deNameContext Nothing "in the unboxed tuple" tuple $ do (_,exps') <- tcApps (HsCon (nameName $ unboxedNameTuple DataConstructor (length exps))) exps typ return (HsUnboxedTuple exps') -- special case for the empty list tiExpr (HsList []) (TAp c v) | c == tList = do unBox v wrapInAsPatEnv (HsList []) (TAp c v) -- special case for the empty list tiExpr (HsList []) typ = do v <- newVar kindStar let lt = TForAll [v] ([] :=> TAp tList (TVar v)) lt `subsumes` typ wrapInAsPatEnv (HsList []) typ -- non empty list tiExpr expr@(HsList exps@(_:_)) (TAp tList' v) | tList == tList' = deNameContext Nothing "in the list " expr $ do exps' <- mapM (`tcExpr` v) exps wrapInAsPatEnv (HsList exps') (TAp tList' v) -- non empty list tiExpr expr@(HsList exps@(_:_)) typ = deNameContext Nothing "in the list " expr $ do v <- newBox kindStar exps' <- mapM (`tcExpr` v) exps (TAp tList v) `subsumes` typ wrapInAsPatEnv (HsList exps') typ tiExpr (HsParen e) typ = tcExpr e typ --tiExpr (HsDo stmts) typ = withContext (simpleMsg "in a do expression") $ do -- newExp <- doToExp stmts -- tcExpr newExp typ tiExpr expr@(HsLet decls e) typ = deNameContext Nothing "in the let binding" expr $ do sigEnv <- getSigEnv let bgs = getFunDeclsBg sigEnv decls f (bg:bgs) rs = do (ds,env) <- tcBindGroup bg localEnv env $ f bgs (ds ++ rs) f [] rs = do e' <- tcExpr e typ return (HsLet rs e') f bgs [] tiExpr e typ = fail $ "tiExpr: not implemented for: " ++ show (e,typ) tcWheres :: [HsDecl] -> Tc ([HsDecl],TypeEnv) tcWheres decls = do sigEnv <- getSigEnv let bgs = getFunDeclsBg sigEnv decls f (bg:bgs) rs cenv = do (ds,env) <- tcBindGroup bg localEnv env $ f bgs (ds ++ rs) (env `mappend` cenv) f [] rs cenv = return (rs,cenv) f bgs [] mempty deNameContext :: Maybe SrcLoc -> String -> HsExp -> Tc a -> Tc a deNameContext sl desc e action = do dn <- getDeName let mm = maybe makeMsg locMsg sl withContext (mm desc (render $ ppHsExp (dn e))) action ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- type check implicitly typed bindings tcAlt :: Sigma -> Sigma -> HsAlt -> Tc HsAlt tcAlt scrutinee typ alt@(HsAlt sloc pat gAlts wheres) = withContext (locMsg sloc "in the alternative" $ render $ ppHsAlt alt) $ do scrutinee <- evalType scrutinee (pat',env) <- tcPat pat scrutinee localEnv env $ do (wheres', env) <- tcWheres wheres localEnv env $ case gAlts of HsUnGuardedRhs e -> do e' <- tcExpr e typ return (HsAlt sloc pat' (HsUnGuardedRhs e') wheres') HsGuardedRhss as -> do gas <- mapM (tcGuardedAlt typ) as return (HsAlt sloc pat' (HsGuardedRhss gas) wheres') tcGuardedAlt typ gAlt@(HsGuardedRhs sloc eGuard e) = withContext (locMsg sloc "in the guarded alternative" $ render $ ppGAlt gAlt) $ do typ <- evalType typ g' <- tcExpr eGuard tBool e' <- tcExpr e typ return (HsGuardedRhs sloc g' e') tcGuardedRhs typ gAlt@(HsGuardedRhs sloc eGuard e) = withContext (locMsg sloc "in the guarded alternative" $ render $ ppHsGuardedRhs gAlt) $ do typ <- evalType typ g' <- tcExpr eGuard tBool e' <- tcExpr e typ return (HsGuardedRhs sloc g' e') -- Typing Patterns tiPat,tcPat :: HsPat -> Type -> Tc (HsPat, Map.Map Name Sigma) tcPat p typ = withContext (makeMsg "in the pattern: " $ render $ ppHsPat p) $ do typ <- evalType typ tiPat p typ tiPat (HsPVar i) typ = do --v <- newMetaVar Tau Star --v `boxyMatch` typ --typ `subsumes` v typ' <- unBox typ addToCollectedEnv (Map.singleton (toName Val i) typ') return (HsPVar i, Map.singleton (toName Val i) typ') tiPat pl@(HsPLit HsChar {}) typ = boxyMatch tChar typ >> return (pl,mempty) tiPat pl@(HsPLit HsCharPrim {}) typ = boxyMatch tCharzh typ >> return (pl,mempty) tiPat pl@(HsPLit HsString {}) typ = boxyMatch tString typ >> return (pl,mempty) tiPat pl@(HsPLit HsInt {}) typ = do unBox typ addPreds [IsIn class_Num typ] return (pl,mempty) tiPat pl@(HsPLit HsIntPrim {}) typ = do unBox typ ty <- evalType typ case ty of TCon (Tycon n kh) | kh == kindHash -> return () _ -> ty `boxyMatch` (TCon (Tycon tc_Bits32 kindHash)) return (pl,mempty) tiPat pl@(HsPLit HsFrac {}) typ = do unBox typ addPreds [IsIn class_Fractional typ] return (pl,mempty) {- tiPat (HsPLit l) typ = do t <- tiLit l typ `subsumes` t -- `boxyMatch` typ return (HsPLit l,Map.empty) -} -- this is for negative literals only -- so the pat must be a literal -- it is safe not to make any predicates about -- the pat, since the type checking of the literal -- will do this for us tiPat (HsPNeg (HsPLit (HsInt i))) typ = tiPat (HsPLit $ HsInt (negate i)) typ tiPat (HsPNeg (HsPLit (HsFrac i))) typ = tiPat (HsPLit $ HsFrac (negate i)) typ tiPat (HsPNeg (HsPLit (HsIntPrim i))) typ = tiPat (HsPLit $ HsIntPrim (negate i)) typ tiPat (HsPNeg (HsPLit (HsFloatPrim i))) typ = tiPat (HsPLit $ HsFloatPrim (negate i)) typ tiPat (HsPNeg (HsPLit (HsDoublePrim i))) typ = tiPat (HsPLit $ HsDoublePrim (negate i)) typ tiPat (HsPNeg pat) typ = fail $ "non-literal negative patterns are not allowed" --tiPat (HsPNeg pat) typ = tiPat pat typ tiPat (HsPIrrPat (Located l p)) typ = do (p,ns) <- tiPat p typ return (HsPIrrPat (Located l p),ns) tiPat (HsPBangPat (Located l p@HsPAsPat {})) typ = do (p,ns) <- tiPat p typ return (HsPBangPat (Located l p),ns) tiPat (HsPBangPat (Located l p)) typ = do v <- newHsVar "Bang" tiPat (HsPBangPat (Located l (HsPAsPat (nameName v) p))) typ tiPat (HsPParen p) typ = tiPat p typ -- TODO check that constructors are saturated tiPat (HsPApp conName pats) typ = do s <- lookupName (toName DataConstructor conName) nn <- deconstructorInstantiate s let f (p:pats) (a `TArrow` rs) (ps,env) = do (np,res) <- tiPat p a f pats rs (np:ps,env `mappend` res) f (p:pats) rs _ = do fail $ "constructor applied to too many arguments:" <+> show p <+> prettyPrintType rs f [] (_ `TArrow` _) _ = do fail "constructor not applied to enough arguments" f [] rs (ps,env) = do rs `subsumes` typ unBox typ return (HsPApp conName (reverse ps), env) f pats nn mempty --bs <- sequence [ newBox Star | _ <- pats ] --s `subsumes` (foldr fn typ bs) --pats' <- sequence [ tcPat a r | r <- bs | a <- pats ] --return (HsPApp conName (fsts pats'), mconcat (snds pats')) tiPat pl@(HsPList []) (TAp t v) | t == tList = do unBox v return (delistPats [],mempty) tiPat pl@(HsPList []) typ = do v <- newBox kindStar --typ `subsumes` TAp tList v typ `boxyMatch` TAp tList v return (delistPats [],mempty) tiPat (HsPList pats@(_:_)) (TAp t v) | t == tList = do --v <- newBox kindStar --TAp tList v `boxyMatch` typ --typ `subsumes` TAp tList v ps <- mapM (`tcPat` v) pats return (delistPats (fsts ps), mconcat (snds ps)) tiPat (HsPList pats@(_:_)) typ = do v <- newBox kindStar --TAp tList v `boxyMatch` typ ps <- mapM (`tcPat` v) pats typ `boxyMatch` TAp tList v return (delistPats (fsts ps), mconcat (snds ps)) tiPat HsPWildCard typ = do n <- newHsVar "Wild" typ' <- unBox typ addToCollectedEnv (Map.singleton n typ') return (HsPVar (nameName n), Map.singleton n typ') tiPat (HsPAsPat i pat) typ = do (pat',env) <- tcPat pat typ addToCollectedEnv (Map.singleton (toName Val i) typ) return (HsPAsPat i pat', Map.insert (toName Val i) typ env) tiPat (HsPInfixApp pLeft conName pRight) typ = tiPat (HsPApp conName [pLeft,pRight]) typ tiPat (HsPUnboxedTuple ps) typ = tiPat (HsPApp (nameName $ unboxedNameTuple DataConstructor (length ps)) ps) typ tiPat tuple@(HsPTuple pats) typ = tiPat (HsPApp (nameTuple DataConstructor (length pats)) pats) typ tiPat (HsPTypeSig _ pat qt) typ = do kt <- getKindEnv s <- hsQualTypeToSigma kt qt s `boxyMatch` typ p <- tcPat pat typ return p tiPat p _ = error $ "tiPat: " ++ show p delistPats ps = pl ps where pl [] = HsPApp (nameName $ dc_EmptyList) [] pl (p:xs) = HsPApp (nameName $ dc_Cons) [p, pl xs] tcBindGroup :: BindGroup -> Tc ([HsDecl], TypeEnv) tcBindGroup (es, is) = do let env1 = Map.fromList [(getDeclName decl, sc) | (sc,decl) <- es ] localEnv env1 $ do (impls, implEnv) <- tiImplGroups is localEnv implEnv $ do expls <- mapM tiExpl es return (impls ++ fsts expls, mconcat (implEnv:env1:snds expls)) tiImplGroups :: [Either HsDecl [HsDecl]] -> Tc ([HsDecl], TypeEnv) tiImplGroups [] = return ([],mempty) tiImplGroups (Left x:xs) = do (d,te) <- tiNonRecImpl x (ds',te') <- localEnv te $ tiImplGroups xs return (d:ds', te `mappend` te') tiImplGroups (Right x:xs) = do (ds,te) <- tiImpls x (ds',te') <- localEnv te $ tiImplGroups xs return (ds ++ ds', te `mappend` te') tiNonRecImpl :: HsDecl -> Tc (HsDecl, TypeEnv) tiNonRecImpl decl = withContext (locSimple (srcLoc decl) ("in the implicitly typed: " ++ show (getDeclName decl))) $ do when (dump FD.BoxySteps) $ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "*** tiimpls " ++ show (getDeclName decl) mv <- newMetaVar Sigma kindStar (res,ps) <- listenPreds $ tcDecl decl mv ps' <- flattenType ps mv' <- flattenType mv fs <- freeMetaVarsEnv let vss = freeMetaVars mv' gs = vss Set.\\ fs (mvs,ds,rs) <- splitReduce fs vss ps' addPreds ds mr <- flagOpt FO.MonomorphismRestriction sc' <- if restricted mr [decl] then do let gs' = gs Set.\\ Set.fromList (freeVars rs) addPreds rs quantify (Set.toList gs') [] mv' else quantify (Set.toList gs) rs mv' let f n s = do let (TForAll vs _) = toSigma s addCoerce n (ctAbs vs) when (dump FD.BoxySteps) $ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "*** " ++ show n ++ " :: " ++ prettyPrintType s return (n,s) (n,s) <- f (getDeclName decl) sc' let nenv = (Map.singleton n s) addToCollectedEnv nenv return (fst res, nenv) tiImpls :: [HsDecl] -> Tc ([HsDecl], TypeEnv) tiImpls [] = return ([],Map.empty) tiImpls bs = withContext (locSimple (srcLoc bs) ("in the recursive implicitly typed: " ++ (show (map getDeclName bs)))) $ do let names = map getDeclName bs when (dump FD.BoxySteps) $ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "*** tiimpls " ++ show names ts <- sequence [newMetaVar Tau kindStar | _ <- bs] (res,ps) <- listenPreds $ local (tcRecursiveCalls_u (Set.union $ Set.fromList names)) $ localEnv (Map.fromList [ (d,s) | d <- names | s <- ts]) $ sequence [ tcDecl d s | d <- bs | s <- ts ] ps' <- flattenType ps ts' <- flattenType ts fs <- freeMetaVarsEnv let vss = map (Set.fromList . freeVars) ts' gs = (Set.unions vss) Set.\\ fs (mvs,ds,rs) <- splitReduce fs (foldr1 Set.intersection vss) ps' addPreds ds mr <- flagOpt FO.MonomorphismRestriction scs' <- if restricted mr bs then do let gs' = gs Set.\\ Set.fromList (freeVars rs) addPreds rs quantify_n (Set.toList gs') [] ts' else do when (dump FD.BoxySteps) $ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "*** tiimpls quantify " ++ show (gs,rs,ts') quantify_n (Set.toList gs) rs ts' let f n s = do let (TForAll vs _) = toSigma s addCoerce n (ctAbs vs) when (dump FD.BoxySteps) $ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "*** " ++ show n ++ " :: " ++ prettyPrintType s return (n,s) nenv <- sequence [ f (getDeclName d) t | (d,_) <- res | t <- scs' ] addToCollectedEnv (Map.fromList nenv) return (fsts res, Map.fromList nenv) tcRhs :: HsRhs -> Sigma -> Tc HsRhs tcRhs rhs typ = case rhs of HsUnGuardedRhs e -> do e' <- tcExpr e typ return (HsUnGuardedRhs e') HsGuardedRhss as -> do gas <- mapM (tcGuardedRhs typ) as return (HsGuardedRhss gas) tcMiscDecl d = withContext (locMsg (srcLoc d) "in the declaration" "") $ f d where f spec@HsPragmaSpecialize { hsDeclSrcLoc = sloc, hsDeclName = n, hsDeclType = t } = do withContext (locMsg sloc "in the SPECIALIZE pragma" $ show n) ans where ans = do kt <- getKindEnv t <- hsTypeToType kt t let nn = toName Val n sc <- lookupName nn listenPreds $ sc `subsumes` t addRule RuleSpec { ruleUniq = hsDeclUniq spec, ruleName = nn, ruleType = t, ruleSuper = hsDeclBool spec } return [spec] f HsInstDecl { .. } = do tcClassHead hsDeclClassHead ch <- getClassHierarchy let as = asksClassRecord ch (hsClassHead hsDeclClassHead) classAssumps forM_ hsDeclDecls $ \d -> do case maybeGetDeclName d of Just n -> when (n `notElem` fsts as) $ do addWarn InvalidDecl $ printf "Cannot declare '%s' in instance because it is not a method of class '%s'" (show n) (show $ hsClassHead hsDeclClassHead) Nothing -> return () return [] f i@HsDeclDeriving {} = tcClassHead (hsDeclClassHead i) f (HsPragmaRules rs) = do rs' <- mapM tcRule rs return [HsPragmaRules rs'] f fd@(HsForeignDecl _ _ n qt) = do kt <- getKindEnv s <- hsQualTypeToSigma kt qt addToCollectedEnv (Map.singleton (toName Val n) s) return [] f fd@(HsForeignExport _ e n qt) = do kt <- getKindEnv s <- hsQualTypeToSigma kt qt addToCollectedEnv (Map.singleton (ffiExportName e) s) return [] f _ = return [] tcClassHead cHead@HsClassHead { .. } = do ch <- getClassHierarchy ke <- getKindEnv let supers = asksClassRecord ch hsClassHead classSupers (ctx,(_,[a])) = chToClassHead ke cHead assertEntailment ctx [ IsIn s a | s <- supers] return [] tcRule prule@HsRule { hsRuleUniq = uniq, hsRuleFreeVars = vs, hsRuleLeftExpr = e1, hsRuleRightExpr = e2, hsRuleSrcLoc = sloc } = withContext (locMsg sloc "in the RULES pragma" $ hsRuleString prule) ans where ans = do vs' <- mapM dv vs tr <- newBox kindStar let (vs,envs) = unzip vs' ch <- getClassHierarchy ((e1,rs1),(e2,rs2)) <- localEnv (mconcat envs) $ do (e1,ps1) <- listenPreds (tcExpr e1 tr) (e2,ps2) <- listenPreds (tcExpr e2 tr) ([],rs1) <- splitPreds ch Set.empty ps1 ([],rs2) <- splitPreds ch Set.empty ps2 return ((e1,rs1),(e2,rs2)) mapM_ unBox vs vs <- flattenType vs tr <- flattenType tr let mvs = Set.toList $ Set.unions $ map freeMetaVars (tr:vs) nvs <- mapM (newVar . metaKind) mvs sequence_ [ varBind mv (TVar v) | v <- nvs | mv <- mvs ] (rs1,rs2) <- flattenType (rs1,rs2) ch <- getClassHierarchy rs1 <- return $ simplify ch rs1 rs2 <- return $ simplify ch rs2 assertEntailment rs1 rs2 return prule { hsRuleLeftExpr = e1, hsRuleRightExpr = e2 } dv (n,Nothing) = do v <- newMetaVar Tau kindStar let env = (Map.singleton (toName Val n) v) addToCollectedEnv env return (v,env) dv (n,Just t) = do kt <- getKindEnv tt <- hsTypeToType kt t let env = (Map.singleton (toName Val n) tt) addToCollectedEnv env return (tt,env) tcDecl :: HsDecl -> Sigma -> Tc (HsDecl,TypeEnv) tcDecl decl@(HsActionDecl srcLoc pat@(HsPVar v) exp) typ = withContext (declDiagnostic decl) $ do typ <- evalType typ (pat',env) <- tcPat pat typ let tio = TCon (Tycon tc_IO (Kfun kindStar kindStar)) e' <- tcExpr exp (TAp tio typ) return (decl { hsDeclPat = pat', hsDeclExp = e' }, Map.singleton (toName Val v) typ) tcDecl decl@(HsPatBind sloc (HsPVar v) rhs wheres) typ = withContext (declDiagnostic decl) $ do typ <- evalType typ mainFunc <- nameOfMainFunc when ( v == mainFunc ) $ do tMain <- typeOfMainFunc typ `subsumes` tMain return () (wheres', env) <- tcWheres wheres localEnv env $ do case rhs of HsUnGuardedRhs e -> do e' <- tcExpr e typ return (HsPatBind sloc (HsPVar v) (HsUnGuardedRhs e') wheres', Map.singleton (toName Val v) typ) HsGuardedRhss as -> do gas <- mapM (tcGuardedRhs typ) as return (HsPatBind sloc (HsPVar v) (HsGuardedRhss gas) wheres', Map.singleton (toName Val v) typ) tcDecl decl@(HsFunBind matches) typ = withContext (declDiagnostic decl) $ do typ <- evalType typ matches' <- mapM (`tcMatch` typ) matches return (HsFunBind matches', Map.singleton (getDeclName decl) typ) tcDecl _ _ = error "Main.tcDecl: bad." tcMatch :: HsMatch -> Sigma -> Tc HsMatch tcMatch (HsMatch sloc funName pats rhs wheres) typ = withContext (locMsg sloc "in" $ show funName) $ do let lam (p:ps) (TMetaVar mv) rs = do -- ABS2 withMetaVars mv [kindArg,kindFunRet] (\ [a,b] -> a `fn` b) $ \ [a,b] -> lam (p:ps) (a `fn` b) rs lam (p:ps) ty@(TArrow s1' s2') rs = do -- ABS1 (p',env) <- tcPat p s1' localEnv env $ do s2' <- evalType s2' lamPoly ps s2' (p':rs) lam [] typ rs = do (wheres', env) <- tcWheres wheres rhs <- localEnv env $ tcRhs rhs typ return (HsMatch sloc funName (reverse rs) rhs wheres') lam _ t _ = do t <- flattenType t fail $ "expected a -> b, found: " ++ prettyPrintType t lamPoly ps s@TMetaVar {} rs = lam ps s rs lamPoly ps s rs = do (_,_,s) <- skolomize s lam ps s rs typ <- evalType typ res <- lam pats typ [] return res typeOfMainFunc :: Tc Type typeOfMainFunc = do a <- newMetaVar Tau kindStar -- a <- newMetaVar Tau kindStar -- a <- Tvar `fmap` newVar kindStar return $ tAp (TCon (Tycon tc_IO (Kfun kindStar kindStar))) a nameOfMainFunc :: Tc Name nameOfMainFunc = fmap (parseName Val . maybe "Main.main" snd . optMainFunc) getOptions declDiagnostic :: (HsDecl) -> Diagnostic declDiagnostic decl@(HsPatBind sloc (HsPVar {}) _ _) = locMsg sloc "in the declaration" $ render $ ppHsDecl decl declDiagnostic decl@(HsPatBind sloc pat _ _) = locMsg sloc "in the pattern binding" $ render $ ppHsDecl decl declDiagnostic decl@(HsFunBind matches) = locMsg (srcLoc decl) "in the function binding" $ render $ ppHsDecl decl declDiagnostic _ = error "Main.declDiagnostic: bad." tiExpl :: Expl -> Tc (HsDecl,TypeEnv) tiExpl (sc, decl@HsForeignDecl {}) = do return (decl,Map.empty) tiExpl (sc, decl@HsForeignExport {}) = do return (decl,Map.empty) tiExpl (sc, decl) = withContext (locSimple (srcLoc decl) ("in the explicitly typed " ++ (render $ ppHsDecl decl))) $ do when (dump FD.BoxySteps) $ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "** typing expl: " ++ show (getDeclName decl) ++ " " ++ prettyPrintType sc sc <- evalFullType sc (vs,qs,typ) <- skolomize sc let sc' = (tForAll vs (qs :=> typ)) mp = (Map.singleton (getDeclName decl) sc') addCoerce (getDeclName decl) (ctAbs vs) addToCollectedEnv mp (ret,ps) <- localEnv mp $ listenPreds (tcDecl decl typ) ps <- flattenType ps ch <- getClassHierarchy env <- freeMetaVarsEnv (_,ds,rs) <- splitReduce env (freeMetaVarsPreds qs) ps printRule $ "endtiExpl: " <+> show env <+> show ps <+> show qs <+> show ds <+> show rs addPreds ds assertEntailment qs rs return ret restricted :: Bool -> [HsDecl] -> Bool restricted monomorphismRestriction bs = any isHsActionDecl bs || (monomorphismRestriction && any isSimpleDecl bs) where isSimpleDecl :: (HsDecl) -> Bool isSimpleDecl (HsPatBind _sloc _pat _rhs _wheres) = True isSimpleDecl _ = False --getBindGroupName (expl,impls) = map getDeclName (snds expl ++ concat (rights impls) ++ lefts impls) tiProgram :: [BindGroup] -> [HsDecl] -> Tc [HsDecl] tiProgram bgs es = ans where ans = do let (pr,is) = progressStep (progressNew (length bgs + 1) 45) '.' wdump FD.Progress $ liftIO $ do hPutStr stderr ("(" ++ is) (r,ps) <- listenPreds $ f pr bgs [] ps <- flattenType ps -- ch <- getClassHierarchy -- ([],rs) <- splitPreds ch Set.empty ps (_,[],rs) <- splitReduce Set.empty Set.empty ps topDefaults rs return r f pr (bg:bgs) rs = do (ds,env) <- (tcBindGroup bg) let (pr',os) = progressStep pr '.' wdump FD.Progress $ liftIO $ do hPutStr stderr os localEnv env $ f pr' bgs (ds ++ rs) f _ [] rs = do ch <- getClassHierarchy pdecls <- mapM tcMiscDecl es wdump FD.Progress $ liftIO $ do hPutStr stderr ")\n" return (rs ++ concat pdecls) -- Typing Literals tiLit :: HsLiteral -> Tc Tau tiLit (HsChar _) = return tChar tiLit (HsCharPrim _) = return tCharzh tiLit (HsInt _) = do v <- newVar kindStar return $ TForAll [v] ([IsIn class_Num (TVar v)] :=> TVar v) --(v) <- newBox Star --addPreds [IsIn class_Num v] --return v tiLit (HsFrac _) = do v <- newVar kindStar return $ TForAll [v] ([IsIn class_Fractional (TVar v)] :=> TVar v) -- (v) <- newBox Star -- addPreds [IsIn class_Fractional v] -- return v tiLit (HsStringPrim _) = return (TCon (Tycon tc_BitsPtr kindHash)) tiLit (HsString _) = return tString tiLit _ = error "Main.tiLit: bad." ------------------------------------------ -- Binding analysis and program generation ------------------------------------------ -- create a Program structure from a list of decls and -- type sigs. Type sigs are associated with corresponding -- decls if they exist getFunDeclsBg :: TypeEnv -> [HsDecl] -> [BindGroup] getFunDeclsBg sigEnv decls = makeProgram sigEnv equationGroups where equationGroups :: [[HsDecl]] equationGroups = getBindGroups bindDecls (nameName . getDeclName) getDeclDeps bindDecls = collectBindDecls decls getBindGroups :: Ord name => [node] -> -- List of nodes (node -> name) -> -- Function to convert nodes to a unique name (node -> [name]) -> -- Function to return dependencies of this node [[node]] -- Bindgroups getBindGroups ns fn fd = map f $ stronglyConnComp [ (n, fn n, fd n) | n <- ns] where f (AcyclicSCC x) = [x] f (CyclicSCC xs) = xs -- | make a program from a set of binding groups makeProgram :: TypeEnv -> [[HsDecl]] -> [BindGroup] makeProgram sigEnv groups = map (makeBindGroup sigEnv ) groups -- | reunite decls with their signatures, if ever they had one makeBindGroup :: TypeEnv -> [HsDecl] -> BindGroup makeBindGroup sigEnv decls = (exps, f impls) where (exps, impls) = makeBindGroup' sigEnv decls enames = map (nameName . getDeclName . snd) exps f xs = map g $ stronglyConnComp [ (x, nameName $ getDeclName x,[ d | d <- getDeclDeps x, d `notElem` enames]) | x <- xs] g (AcyclicSCC x) = Left x g (CyclicSCC xs) = Right xs makeBindGroup' _ [] = ([], []) makeBindGroup' sigEnv (d:ds) = case Map.lookup funName sigEnv of Nothing -> (restExpls, d:restImpls) Just scheme -> ((scheme, d):restExpls, restImpls) where funName = getDeclName d (restExpls, restImpls) = makeBindGroup' sigEnv ds collectBindDecls :: [HsDecl] -> [HsDecl] collectBindDecls = filter isBindDecl where isBindDecl :: HsDecl -> Bool isBindDecl HsActionDecl {} = True isBindDecl HsPatBind {} = True isBindDecl HsFunBind {} = True isBindDecl _ = False