{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Grin.FromE(compile) where import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.Graph(stronglyConnComp, SCC(..)) import Data.IORef import Data.Monoid(Monoid(..)) import Data.List import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import C.FFI hiding(Primitive) import C.Prims import Cmm.Op(ToCmmTy(..)) import Control.Monad.Identity import DataConstructors import Doc.DocLike import Doc.PPrint import Doc.Pretty import E.E import E.Program import E.TypeCheck import E.Values import GenUtil import Grin.Grin import Grin.Noodle import Grin.Show import Grin.Val import Info.Types import Name.Id import Name.Name import Name.Names import Options import Stats(mtick') import StringTable.Atom import Support.CanType import Support.FreeVars import Util.Graph as G import Util.Once import Util.SetLike as SL import Util.UniqueMonad() import qualified Cmm.Op as Op import qualified FlagDump as FD import qualified Info.Info as Info import qualified Stats {- | Tags 'f' - normal function 'F' - postponed function 'P' - partial application of function 'C' - data constructor 'T' - type constructor 'Y' - partial application of type constructor (think, broken T) 'b' - built in funttion 'B' - postponed built in function (built in functions may not be partially applied) '@' - very special function or tag -} ------------------- -- Compile E -> Exp ------------------- unboxedMap :: [(Name,Ty)] unboxedMap = [ (tc_State_,TyUnit), (tc_MutArray__,TyPtr tyINode), (tc_Bang_,tyDNode) ] newtype C a = C (ReaderT LEnv IO a) deriving(Monad,MonadReader LEnv,UniqueProducer,Functor,MonadIO,Stats.MonadStats) runC :: LEnv -> C a -> IO a runC lenv (C x) = runReaderT x lenv data LEnv = LEnv { evaledMap :: IdMap Val, lfuncMap :: IdMap (Atom,Int,[Ty]) } data CEnv = CEnv { scMap :: IdMap (Atom,[Ty],[Ty]), ccafMap :: IdMap Val, tyEnv :: IORef TyEnv, funcBaps :: IORef [(Atom,Lam)], errorOnce :: OnceMap ([Ty],String) Atom, dataTable :: DataTable, counter :: IORef Int } dumpTyEnv (TyEnv tt) = mapM_ putStrLn $ sort [ fromAtom n <+> hsep (map show as) <+> "::" <+> show t <> f z <> g th| (n,TyTy { tySlots = as, tyReturn = t, tySiblings = z, tyThunk = th}) <- toList tt] where f Nothing = mempty f (Just v) = text " " <> tshow v g TyNotThunk = mempty g x = text " " <> tshow x tagArrow = convertName tc_Arrow flattenScc xs = concatMap f xs where f (AcyclicSCC x) = [x] f (CyclicSCC xs) = xs instance Op.ToCmmTy Name where toCmmTy n = do RawType <- return $ nameType n toCmmTy $ show n instance Op.ToCmmTy E where toCmmTy (ELit LitCons { litName = tname, litArgs = [], litAliasFor = af, litType = eh }) | eh == eHash = toCmmTy tname `mplus` (af >>= toCmmTy) toCmmTy _ = Nothing scTag n | Just nm <- fromId (tvrIdent n) = toAtom ('f':show nm) | otherwise = toAtom ('f':show (tvrIdent n)) cafNum n = V $ - fromAtom (partialTag (scTag n) 0) toEntry (n,as,e) = f (scTag n) where f x = (x,map (toType tyINode . tvrType ) as,toTypes TyNode (getType (e::E) :: E)) toType :: Ty -> E -> Ty toType node = toty . followAliases mempty where toty (ELit LitCons { litName = n, litArgs = [], litType = ty }) | ty == eHash, TypeConstructor <- nameType n, Just 0 <- fromUnboxedNameTuple n = TyUnit toty e | Just t <- toCmmTy e = TyPrim t toty e@(ELit LitCons { litName = n, litType = ty }) | ty == eHash = case lookup n unboxedMap of Just x -> x Nothing -> error $ "Grin.FromE.toType: " ++ show e toty e | sortKindLike e = tyDNode toty _ = node toTypes :: Ty -> E -> [Ty] toTypes node = toty . followAliases mempty where toty (ELit LitCons { litName = n, litArgs = es, litType = ty }) | ty == eHash, TypeConstructor <- nameType n, Just _ <- fromUnboxedNameTuple n = keepIts $ map (toType tyINode) es toty e | Just t <- toCmmTy e = [TyPrim t] toty e@(ELit LitCons { litName = n, litType = ty }) | ty == eHash = case lookup n unboxedMap of Just TyUnit -> [] Just x -> [x] Nothing -> error $ "Grin.FromE.toType: " ++ show e toty e | sortKindLike e = [tyDNode] toty _ = [node] toTyTy (as,r) = tyTy { tySlots = as, tyReturn = r } {-# NOINLINE compile #-} compile :: Program -> IO Grin compile prog@Program { progDataTable = dataTable } = do let entries = progEntryPoints prog mainEntry = progMainEntry prog tyEnv <- liftIO $ newIORef initTyEnv funcBaps <- liftIO $ newIORef [] counter <- liftIO $ newIORef 100000 -- TODO real number let (cc,reqcc,rcafs) = constantCaf prog funcMain = "b_main" :: Atom wdump FD.Progress $ do putErrLn $ "Updatable CAFS:" <+> tshow (length rcafs) putErrLn $ "Constant CAFS: " <+> tshow (length cc) putErrLn $ "Recursive CAFS:" <+> tshow (length reqcc) -- putErrLn $ "Found" <+> tshow (length cc) <+> "CAFs to convert to constants," <+> tshow (length reqcc) <+> "of which are recursive." when verbose $ do putErrLn "Recursive" putDocMLn putStr $ vcat [ pprint v | v <- reqcc ] putErrLn "Constant" putDocMLn putStr $ vcat [ pprint v <+> pprint n <+> pprint e | (v,n,e) <- cc ] putErrLn "CAFS" putDocMLn putStr $ vcat [ pprint v <+> pprint n <+> pprint e | (v,n,e) <- rcafs ] errorOnce <- newOnceMap let doCompile = compile' cenv lenv = LEnv { evaledMap = mempty, lfuncMap = mempty } cenv = CEnv { funcBaps = funcBaps, tyEnv = tyEnv, scMap = scMap, counter = counter, dataTable = dataTable, errorOnce = errorOnce, ccafMap = fromList $ [(tvrIdent v,e) |(v,_,e) <- cc ] ++ [ (tvrIdent v,Var vv TyINode) | (v,vv,_) <- rcafs] } ds <- runC lenv $ mapM doCompile [ c | c@(v,_,_) <- map combTriple $ progCombinators prog, v `notElem` [x | (x,_,_) <- cc]] wdump FD.Progress $ do os <- onceMapToList errorOnce mapM_ print os let tf a = a:tagToFunction a ds <- return $ flattenScc $ stronglyConnComp [ (a,x, concatMap tf (freeVars z)) | a@(x,(_ :-> z)) <- ds] -- FFI let tvrAtom t = liftM convertName (fromId $ tvrIdent t) --let ef x = do n <- tvrAtom x -- return (n, [] :-> discardResult (App (scTag x) [] [])) let ep x = do when verbose $ putStrLn ("EP FOR "++show x) n <- tvrAtom x case Info.lookup (tvrInfo x) of Just l -> return [(n, l)] Nothing -> return [] -- efv <- mapM ef entries -- FIXME efv <- return [] epv <- liftM concat $ mapM ep entries enames <- mapM tvrAtom entries TyEnv endTyEnv <- readIORef tyEnv -- FIXME correct types. let newTyEnv = TyEnv $ fromList (toList endTyEnv ++ [(funcMain, toTyTy ([],[]))] ++ [(en, toTyTy ([],[])) | en <- enames]) wdump FD.Tags $ do dumpTyEnv newTyEnv fbaps <- readIORef funcBaps let cafs = [ (x,y) | (_,x,y) <- rcafs ] --initCafs = sequenceG_ [ BaseOp Overwrite [(Var v TyINode),node] | (v,node) <- cafs ] initCafs = Return [] ds' = ds ++ fbaps --a @>> b = a :>>= ([] :-> b) --sequenceG_ [] = Return [] --sequenceG_ (x:xs) = foldl (@>>) x xs let grin = setGrinFunctions theFuncs emptyGrin { grinEntryPoints = minsert funcMain (FfiExport "_amain" Safe CCall [] "void") $ fromList epv, grinPhase = PhaseInit, grinTypeEnv = newTyEnv, grinCafs = [ (x,node) | (x,node) <- cafs] } theFuncs = (funcMain ,[] :-> initCafs :>>= [] :-> discardResult (App (scTag mainEntry) [] [])) : efv ++ ds' return grin where DataTable dtMap = dataTable scMap = fromList [ (tvrIdent t,toEntry x) | x@(t,_,_) <- map combTriple $ progCombinators prog] initTyEnv = mappend primTyEnv $ TyEnv $ fromList $ concat [ makePartials (a,b,c) | (_,(a,b,c)) <- toList scMap] ++ concat [con x| x <- [cabsurd] ++ values dtMap, conType x /= eHash] Just cabsurd = getConstructor (nameConjured modAbsurd eStar) mempty con c | (EPi (TVr { tvrType = a }) b,_) <- fromLam $ conExpr c = return $ (tagArrow,toTyTy ([tyDNode, tyDNode],[TyNode])) con c | keepCon = return $ (n,TyTy { tyThunk = TyNotThunk, tySlots = keepIts as, tyReturn = [TyNode], tySiblings = fmap (map convertName) sibs}) where n | sortKindLike (conType c) = convertName (conName c) | otherwise = convertName (conName c) as = [ toType TyINode s | s <- conSlots c] keepCon = isNothing (conVirtual c) || TypeConstructor == nameType (conName c) sibs = getSiblings dataTable (conName c) con _ = fail "not needed" discardResult exp = exp :>>= map (Var v0) (getType exp) :-> Return [] shouldKeep :: E -> Bool shouldKeep e = TyUnit /= toType TyNode e class Keepable a where keepIt :: a -> Bool --instance Keepable E where -- keepIt = shouldKeep instance Keepable Ty where keepIt t = t /= TyUnit instance Keepable Val where keepIt t = getType t /= TyUnit keepIts xs = filter keepIt xs tySusp fn ts = (partialTag fn 0,(toTyTy (keepIts ts,[TyNode])) { tyThunk = TySusp fn }) makePartials (fn,ts,rt) | 'f':_ <- show fn = (fn,toTyTy (keepIts ts,rt)):f undefined 0 (reverse ts) where f _ 0 ts = tySusp fn (reverse ts):f fn 1 ts f nfn n (t:ts) = (mfn,(toTyTy (reverse $ keepIts ts,[TyNode])) { tyThunk = TyPApp (if keepIt t then Just t else Nothing) nfn }):f mfn (n + 1) ts where mfn = partialTag fn n f _ _ [] = [] -- ans = (fn,toTyTy (keepIts ts,rt)):[(partialTag fn i,toTyTy (keepIts $ reverse $ drop i $ reverse ts ,TyNode)) | i <- [0.. length ts] ] makePartials x = error "makePartials" primTyEnv = TyEnv . fmap toTyTy $ fromList $ [ (tagArrow,([tyDNode, tyDNode],[TyNode])), (tagHole, ([],[TyNode])) ] -- | constant CAF analysis -- In grin, partial applications are constant data, rather than functions. Since -- many cafs consist of constant applications, we preprocess them into values -- beforehand. This also catches recursive constant toplevel bindings. -- -- takes a program and returns (cafs which are actually constants,which are recursive,rest of cafs) constantCaf :: Program -> ([(TVr,Var,Val)],[Var],[(TVr,Var,Val)]) constantCaf Program { progDataTable = dataTable, progCombinators = combs } = ans where ds = map combTriple combs -- All CAFS ecafs = [ (v,e) | (v,[],e) <- ds ] -- just CAFS that can be converted to constants need dependency analysis (lbs',cafs) = G.findLoopBreakers (const 0) (const True) $ G.newGraph (filter (canidate . snd) ecafs) (tvrIdent . fst) (freeVars . snd) lbs = Set.fromList $ fsts lbs' canidate (ELit _) = True canidate (EPi _ _) = True canidate e | (EVar x,as) <- fromAp e, Just vs <- mlookup x res, vs > length as = True canidate _ = False ans = ([ (v,cafNum v,conv e) | (v,e) <- cafs ],[ cafNum v | (v,_) <- cafs, v `Set.member` lbs ], [(v,cafNum v, NodeC (partialTag n 0) []) | (v,e) <- ecafs, not (canidate e), let n = scTag v ]) res = Map.fromList [ (v,length vs) | (v,vs,_) <- ds] coMap = Map.fromList [ (v,ce)| (v,_,ce) <- fst3 ans] conv :: E -> Val conv e | Just [v] <- literal e = v conv (ELit lc@LitCons { litName = n, litArgs = es }) | Just nn <- getName lc = (Const (NodeC nn (keepIts $ map conv es))) conv (EPi (TVr { tvrIdent = z, tvrType = a}) b) | isEmptyId z = Const $ NodeC tagArrow [conv a,conv b] conv (EVar v) | v `Set.member` lbs = Var (cafNum v) TyINode conv e | (EVar x,as) <- fromAp e, Just vs <- mlookup x res, vs > length as = Const (NodeC (partialTag (scTag x) (vs - length as)) (keepIts $ map conv as)) conv (EVar v) | Just ce <- mlookup v coMap = ce conv e@(EVar v) | isLifted e = Var (cafNum v) tyINode | otherwise = Var (cafNum v) tyDNode conv x = error $ "conv: " ++ show x getName = getName' dataTable fst3 (x,_,_) = x getName' :: (Show a,Monad m) => DataTable -> Lit a E -> m Atom getName' dataTable v@LitCons { litName = n, litArgs = es } | Just _ <- fromUnboxedNameTuple n = fail $ "unboxed tuples don't have names silly" | isDataAlias (conChildren cons) = error $ "Alias still exists: " ++ show v | length es == nargs = do return cn | nameType n == TypeConstructor && length es < nargs = do return ((partialTag cn (nargs - length es))) | otherwise = error $ "Strange name: " ++ show v ++ show nargs ++ show cons where cn = convertName n cons = runIdentity $ getConstructor n dataTable nargs = length (conSlots cons) getName' _ _ = error "FromE.getName': bad." isDataAlias x = case x of DataAlias {} -> True _ -> False instance ToVal TVr where toVal TVr { tvrType = ty, tvrIdent = num } = case toType TyINode ty of -- TyTup [] -> Tup [] ty -> Var (V $ idToInt num) ty doApply x y ty | not (keepIt y) = BaseOp (Apply ty) [x] doApply x y ty = BaseOp (Apply ty) [x,y] istore (NodeC t ts) | tagIsWHNF t = dstore (NodeC t ts) :>>= [Var v1 TyNode] :-> demote (Var v1 TyNode) istore n = BaseOp (StoreNode False) [n] dstore n = BaseOp (StoreNode True) [n] demote v = BaseOp Demote [v] evalVar :: [Ty] -> TVr -> C Exp evalVar fty tvr = do let v = toVal tvr if getType v == tyDNode then return $ Return [v] else do em <- asks evaledMap case mlookup (tvrIdent tvr) em of Just v -> do mtick' "Grin.FromE.strict-evaled" return (Return [v]) -- Nothing | not isFGrin, Just CaseDefault <- Info.lookup (tvrInfo tvr) -> do -- mtick "Grin.FromE.strict-casedefault" -- return (Fetch (toVal tvr)) Nothing | getProperty prop_WHNF tvr -> do mtick' "Grin.FromE.strict-propevaled" return (BaseOp Promote [toVal tvr]) Nothing -> return $ gEval (toVal tvr) compile' :: CEnv -> (TVr,[TVr],E) -> C (Atom,Lam) compile' cenv (tvr,as,e) = ans where ans = do when (getProperty prop_WRAPPER tvr) $ liftIO $ putErrLn $ "WARNING: Wrapper still exists at grin transformation time: " ++ show tvr --putStrLn $ "Compiling: " ++ show nn x <- cr e let (nn,_,_) = fromJust $ mlookup (tvrIdent tvr) (scMap cenv) return (nn,((keepIts $ map toVal as) :-> x)) funcName = maybe (show $ tvrIdent tvr) show (fromId (tvrIdent tvr)) cc, ce, cr :: E -> C Exp cr x = ce x stripBang :: E -> E stripBang e = f e where f (EAp p a) = g p a f e = e g (EPrim (PrimPrim "fromBang_") [b] _) a = EAp b a g e a = EAp e a -- | ce evaluates something in strict context returning the evaluated result of its argument. ce (ELetRec ds e) = doLet ds (ce e) ce (EError s e) = return (Error s (toTypes TyNode e)) ce (EVar tvr) | isUnboxed (getType tvr) = do return (Return $ keepIts [toVal tvr]) ce (EVar tvr) | not $ isLifted (EVar tvr) = do mtick' "Grin.FromE.strict-unlifted" return (Return $ keepIts [toVal tvr]) --return (Fetch (toVal tvr)) ce e | (EVar tvr,as) <- fromAp . stripBang $ e = do as <- return $ args as lfunc <- asks lfuncMap let fty = toTypes TyNode (getType e) case mlookup (tvrIdent tvr) (ccafMap cenv) of Just (Const c) -> app fty (Return [c]) as Just x@Var {} -> app fty (gEval x) as Nothing | Just (v,n,rt) <- mlookup (tvrIdent tvr) lfunc -> do let (x,y) = splitAt n as app fty (App v (keepIts x) rt) y Nothing -> case mlookup (tvrIdent tvr) (scMap cenv) of Just (v,as',es) | length as >= length as' -> do let (x,y) = splitAt (length as') as app fty (App v (keepIts x) es) y | otherwise -> do let pt = partialTag v (length as' - length as) return $ dstore (NodeC pt (keepIts as)) Nothing | not (isLifted $ EVar tvr) -> do mtick' "Grin.FromE.app-unlifted" app fty (Return [toVal tvr]) as Nothing -> do case as of [] -> evalVar fty tvr _ -> do ee <- evalVar [TyNode] tvr app fty ee as _ -> error "FromE.ce: bad." ce e | Just z <- literal e = return (Return z) ce e | Just (Const z) <- constant e = return (Return $ keepIts [z]) ce e | Just z <- constant e = return (gEval z) ce e | Just [z@NodeC {}] <- con e = return (dstore z) ce e | Just z <- con e = return (Return z) ce (EPrim ap@(PrimPrim prim) as _) = f prim as where f "touch_" xs = do return $ BaseOp GcTouch (args $ init xs) -- artificial dependencies f "newWorld__" [_] = do return $ Return [] f "dependingOn" [e,_] = ce e -- arrays f "newArray__" [v,def,_] = do let [v',def'] = args [v,def] return $ Alloc { expValue = def', expCount = v', expRegion = region_heap, expInfo = mempty } f "newBlankArray__" [v,_] = do let [v'] = args [v] return $ Alloc { expValue = ValUnknown TyINode, expCount = v', expRegion = region_heap, expInfo = mempty } f "readArray__" [r,o,_] = do let [r',o'] = args [r,o] --return $ Fetch (Index r' o') return $ BaseOp PeekVal [Index r' o'] f "indexArray__" [r,o] = do let [r',o'] = args [r,o] return $ BaseOp PeekVal [Index r' o'] f "writeArray__" [r,o,v,_] = do let [r',o',v'] = args [r,o,v] return $ BaseOp PokeVal [(Index r' o'),v'] -- rts f "toBang_" (args -> [x]) = do return $ if getType x == tyDNode then Return [x] else gEval x f "fromBang_" [x] = do return $ Return (args [x]) -- (BaseOp Demote $ args [x]) f "mallocHeapWords" [w,_] = do let [c] = args [w] v <- newPrimVar (TyPtr (TyPrim Op.bits_ptr)) return $ Alloc { expValue = ValUnknown (TyPrim Op.bits_ptr), expCount = c, expRegion = region_atomic_heap, expInfo = mempty } :>>= [v] :-> BaseOp (Coerce tyDNode) [v] f p xs = fail $ "Grin.FromE - Unknown primitive: " ++ show (p,xs) -- other primitives ce (EPrim ap xs ty) = do --let prim = ap let xs' = keepIts $ args xs ty' = toTypes TyNode ty case ap of PrimTypeInfo {} -> return $ Prim ap xs' ty' Func {} -> return $ Prim ap xs' ty' IFunc {} -> return $ Prim ap xs' ty' --Func True fn as "void" -> return $ Prim ap xs' ty' --Func True fn as r -> return $ Prim ap xs' ty' --Func False _ as r | Just _ <- toCmmTy ty -> do -- return $ Prim ap xs' ty' --IFunc True _ _ -> -- return $ Prim ap xs' ty' --IFunc False _ _ | Just _ <- toCmmTy ty -> -- return $ Prim ap xs' ty' Peek pt' | [addr] <- xs -> do return $ Prim ap (args [addr]) ty' Peek pt' -> do let [_,addr] = xs return $ Prim ap (args [addr]) ty' Poke pt' -> do let [_,addr,val] = xs return $ Prim ap (args [addr,val]) [] Op (Op.BinOp _ a1 a2) rt -> do return $ Prim ap (args xs) ty' Op (Op.UnOp _ a1) rt -> do return $ Prim ap (args xs) ty' Op (Op.ConvOp _ a1) rt -> do return $ Prim ap (args xs) ty' other -> fail $ "ce unknown primitive: " ++ show other -- case statements ce ECase { eCaseScrutinee = e, eCaseAlts = [Alt LitCons { litName = n, litArgs = xs } wh] } | Just _ <- fromUnboxedNameTuple n, DataConstructor <- nameType n = do e <- ce e wh <- ce wh return $ e :>>= (keepIts $ map toVal xs) :-> wh ce ECase { eCaseScrutinee = e, eCaseAlts = [], eCaseDefault = (Just r)} | not (shouldKeep (getType e)) = do e <- ce e r <- ce r return $ e :>>= [] :-> r ce ECase { eCaseScrutinee = e, eCaseBind = b, eCaseAlts = as, eCaseDefault = d } | Just ty <- toCmmTy (getType e :: E) = do v <- if tvrIdent b == emptyId then newPrimVar $ TyPrim ty else return $ toVal b e <- ce e as' <- mapM cp'' as def <- createDef d (return (toVal b)) return $ e :>>= [v] :-> Case v (as' ++ def) ce ECase { eCaseScrutinee = scrut, eCaseBind = b, eCaseAlts = as, eCaseDefault = d } = do v <- newNodeVar e <- ce scrut case (b,scrut) of (TVr { tvrIdent = z },EVar etvr) | isEmptyId z -> localEvaled [etvr] v $ do as <- mapM cp as def <- createDef d newNodeVar return $ e :>>= [v] :-> Case v (as ++ def) -- (_,EVar etvr) -> localEvaled [etvr,b] v $ do -- as <- mapM cp as -- def <- createDef d newNodeVar -- return $ e :>>= [v] :-> Return [toVal etvr] :>>= [toVal b] :-> Case v (as ++ def) (TVr { tvrIdent = z },_) | isEmptyId z -> do as <- mapM cp as def <- createDef d newNodeVar return $ e :>>= [v] :-> Case v (as ++ def) (_,_) | isLifted scrut -> localEvaled [b] v $ do as <- mapM cp as def <- createDef d newNodeVar return $ e :>>= [v] :-> demote v :>>= [toVal b] :-> Case v (as ++ def) (_,_) | otherwise -> do as <- mapM cp as def <- createDef d newNodeVar return $ e :>>= [toVal b] :-> Case (toVal b) (as ++ def) ce e = error $ render (text "Grin.FromE.compile'.ce in function:" <+> pprint funcName <$> text "can't grok expression:" <+> pprint e) localEvaled vs v action = local (\lenv -> lenv { evaledMap = nm `mappend` evaledMap lenv }) action where nm = fromList [ (tvrIdent x, v) | x <- vs, tvrIdent x /= emptyId ] localFuncs vs action = local (\lenv -> lenv { lfuncMap = fromList vs `mappend` lfuncMap lenv }) action createDef Nothing _ = return [] createDef (Just e) nnv = do nv <- nnv x <- ce e return [[nv] :-> x] cp (Alt lc@LitCons { litName = n, litArgs = es } e) = do x <- ce e nn <- getName lc return ([NodeC nn (keepIts $ map toVal es)] :-> x) cp x = error $ "cp: " ++ show (funcName,x) cp'' (Alt (LitInt i t) e) | Just ty <- toCmmTy t = do x <- ce e return ([Lit i $ TyPrim ty] :-> x) cp'' _ = error "FromE.cp'': bad." getName x = getName' (dataTable cenv) x app :: [Ty] -> Exp -> [Val] -> C Exp app _ e [] = return e app ty e [a] | not (keepIt a) = do v <- newNodeVar return (e :>>= [v] :-> BaseOp (Apply ty) [v]) app ty e [a] = do v <- newNodeVar return (e :>>= [v] :-> doApply v a ty) app ty e (a:as) | not (keepIt a) = do v <- newNodeVar app ty (e :>>= [v] :-> BaseOp (Apply [TyNode]) [v]) as app ty e (a:as) = do v <- newNodeVar app ty (e :>>= [v] :-> doApply v a [TyNode]) as app' e [] = return $ Return [e] app' e as = do mtick' "Grin.FromE.lazy-app-bap" V vn <- newVar let t = toAtom $ "Bap_" ++ show (length as) ++ "_" ++ funcName ++ "_" ++ show vn tl = toAtom $ "bap_" ++ show (length as) ++ "_" ++ funcName ++ "_" ++ show vn targs = [Var v ty | v <- [v1..] | ty <- (TyINode:map getType as)] s = istore (NodeC t (keepIts $ e:as)) d <- app [TyNode] (gEval p1) (tail targs) liftIO $ addNewFunction cenv (tl,(keepIts targs) :-> d) return s addNewFunction cenv tl@(n,args :-> body) = do liftIO $ modifyIORef (funcBaps cenv) (tl:) let addt (TyEnv mp) = TyEnv $ minsert sfn sft (minsert n (toTyTy (args',getType body)) mp) (sfn,sft) = tySusp n args' args' = map getType args liftIO $ modifyIORef (tyEnv cenv) addt -- | cc evaluates something in lazy context, returning a pointer to a node which when evaluated will produce the strict result. -- it is an invarient that evaling (cc e) produces the same value as (ce e) cc (EPrim don [e,_] _) | don == p_dependingOn = cc e cc (EPrim (PrimPrim "fromBang_") (args -> [e]) _) = return $ if getType e == tyDNode then demote e else Return [e] ---- $ demote e -- e <- ce e -- return $ e :>>= [v] :-> demote v cc e | Just _ <- literal e = error "unboxed literal in lazy context" cc e | Just z <- constant e = return (Return $ keepIts [z]) cc e | Just [z] <- con e = return $ bool (isLifted e) istore dstore z -- BaseOp (StoreNode (not $ isLifted e)) [z] -- if isLifted e then Store z else Return [z] cc (EError s e) = do let ty = toTypes TyNode e a <- liftIO $ runOnceMap (errorOnce cenv) (ty,s) $ do u <- newUniq let t = toAtom $ "Berr_" ++ show u tl = toAtom $ "berr_" ++ show u addNewFunction cenv (tl,[] :-> Error s ty) return t return $ Return [Const (NodeC a [])] cc (ELetRec ds e) = doLet ds (cc e) cc e | (EVar v,as@(_:_)) <- fromAp e = do as <- return $ args as case mlookup (tvrIdent v) (scMap cenv) of Just (_,[],_) | Just x <- constant (EVar v) -> app' x as Just (v,as',es) | length as > length as' -> do let (x,y) = splitAt (length as') as let s = istore (NodeC (partialTag v 0) (keepIts x)) nv <- newNodePtrVar z <- app' nv y return $ s :>>= [nv] :-> z -- | length as < length as', all valIsConstant as -> do -- let pt = partialTag v (length as' - length as) -- mtick "Grin.FromE.partial-constant" -- return $ Return (Const (NodeC pt as)) | length as < length as' -> do let pt = partialTag v (length as' - length as) as <- return $ keepIts as return $ if all valIsConstant as then Return [Const (NodeC pt as)] else istore (NodeC pt as) | otherwise -> do -- length as == length as' return $ istore (NodeC (tagFlipFunction v) (keepIts as)) Nothing -> app' (toVal v) as cc (EVar v) = do return $ Return [toVal v] cc e = return $ error ("cc: " ++ show e) doLet ds e = f (decomposeDs ds) e where f [] x = x f (Left te@(_,ELam {}):ds) x = f (Right [te]:ds) x f (Left (t,e):ds) x | not (isLifted (EVar t)) = do mtick' "Grin.FromE.let-unlifted" e <- ce e z <- newNodeVar v <- localEvaled [t] z $ f ds x return $ (e :>>= [z] :-> Return [z]) :>>= [toVal t] :-> v f (Left (t,e):ds) x = do e <- cc e v <- f ds x return $ e :>>= [toVal t] :-> v f (Right bs:ds) x | any (isELam . snd) bs = do let g (t,e@(~ELam {})) = do let (a,as) = fromLam e (nn,_,_) = toEntry (t,[],getType t) x <- ce a return $ [createFuncDef True nn ((keepIts $ map toVal as) :-> x)] g' (t,e@(~ELam {})) = let (a,as) = fromLam e (nn,_,_) = toEntry (t,[],getType t) in (tvrIdent t,(nn,length as,toTypes TyNode (getType a))) localFuncs (map g' bs) $ do v <- f ds x defs <- mapM g bs return $ grinLet (concat defs) v f (Right bs:ds) x = do let u [] ss dus = return (\y -> ss (dus y)) u ((tvr,e):rs) ss dus = do v <- newNodePtrVar v' <- newNodeVar e <- cc e let (du,t,ts) = doUpdate (toVal tvr) e u rs (\y -> istore (NodeC t (map ValUnknown ts)) :>>= [toVal tvr] :-> ss y) (\y -> du :>>= [] :-> dus y) rr <- u bs id id v <- f ds x return (rr v) -- This avoids a blind update on recursive thunks --doUpdate vr (Store n@(NodeC t ts)) = (BaseOp Overwrite [vr,n],t,map getType ts) doUpdate vr (BaseOp StoreNode {} [n@(NodeC t ts)]) = (BaseOp Overwrite [vr,n],t,map getType ts) doUpdate vr (BaseOp StoreNode {} [n@(NodeC t ts)] :>>= [p] :-> BaseOp Demote [p']) | p == p' = (BaseOp Overwrite [vr,n],t,map getType ts) doUpdate vr (x :>>= v :-> e) = let (du,t,ts) = doUpdate vr e in (x :>>= v :-> du,t,ts) doUpdate vr x = error $ "doUpdate: " ++ show x args es = map f es where f x | Just [] <- literal x = Unit f x | Just [z] <- literal x = z f x | Just z <- constant x = z f (EVar tvr) = toVal tvr f x = error $ "invalid argument: " ++ show x -- | Takes an E and returns something constant which is either a pointer to -- a constant heap location only pointing to global values or constants. -- this includes a CAF which may be evaluated, a literal, a saturated -- application of constant values to a supercombinator, or a constructor -- containing constant values. constant is sort of a misnomer here when -- runtime behavior is considered, it means a compile time constant, the -- CAFs may be updated with evaluated values. constant :: Monad m => E -> m Val constant (EVar tvr) | Just c <- mlookup (tvrIdent tvr) (ccafMap cenv) = return c | Just (v,as,_) <- mlookup (tvrIdent tvr) (scMap cenv) , t <- partialTag v (length as), tagIsWHNF t = if isLifted (EVar tvr) then return $ Const $ NodeC t [] else return (NodeC t []) -- False -> return $ Var (V $ - fromAtom t) (TyPtr TyNode) constant e | Just [l] <- literal e = return l constant e@(ELit lc@LitCons { litName = n, litArgs = es }) | Just es <- mapM constant es, Just nn <- getName lc = if isLifted e then return $ Const (NodeC nn (keepIts es)) else return (NodeC nn (keepIts es)) constant (EPi (TVr { tvrIdent = z, tvrType = a}) b) | isEmptyId z, Just a <- constant a, Just b <- constant b = return $ NodeC tagArrow [a,b] constant _ = fail "not a constant term" -- | convert a constructor into a Val, arguments may depend on local vars. con :: Monad m => E -> m [Val] con (EPi (TVr {tvrIdent = z, tvrType = x}) y) | isEmptyId z = do return $ [NodeC tagArrow (args [x,y])] con v@(ELit LitCons { litName = n, litArgs = es }) | isDataAlias (conChildren cons) = error $ "Alias still exists: " ++ show v | Just v <- fromUnboxedNameTuple n, DataConstructor <- nameType n = do return ((keepIts $ args es)) | length es == nargs = do return [NodeC cn (keepIts $ args es)] | nameType n == TypeConstructor && length es < nargs = do return [NodeC (partialTag cn (nargs - length es)) $ keepIts (args es)] where cn = convertName n cons = runIdentity $ getConstructor n (dataTable cenv) nargs = length (conSlots cons) con _ = fail "not constructor" --scInfo tvr | Just n <- mlookup (tvrIdent tvr) (scMap cenv) = return n --scInfo tvr = fail $ "not a supercombinator:" <+> show tvr newNodeVar = fmap (\x -> Var x TyNode) newVar newPrimVar ty = fmap (\x -> Var x ty) newVar newNodePtrVar = fmap (\x -> Var x TyINode) newVar newVar = do i <- liftIO $ readIORef (counter cenv) liftIO $ (writeIORef (counter cenv) $! (i + 2)) return $! V i -- | converts an unboxed literal literal :: Monad m => E -> m [Val] literal (ELit LitCons { litName = n, litArgs = xs }) | Just xs <- mapM literal xs, Just _ <- fromUnboxedNameTuple n = return (keepIts $ concat xs) literal (ELit (LitInt i ty)) | Just ptype <- toCmmTy ty = return $ [Lit i (TyPrim ptype)] literal (ELit (LitInt i (ELit (LitCons { litArgs = [], litAliasFor = Just af })))) = literal $ ELit (LitInt i af) literal (EPrim prim xs ty) | Just ptype <- toCmmTy ty, primIsConstant prim = do xs <- mapM literal xs return $ [ValPrim prim (concat xs) (TyPrim ptype)] literal _ = fail "not a literal term" bool b x y = if b then x else y