{- Generated by DrIFT (Automatic class derivations for Haskell) -}
{-# LINE 1 "src/FrontEnd/Representation.hs" #-}
module FrontEnd.Representation(

import Control.Monad.Identity
import Data.IORef

import Data.Binary
import Doc.DocLike
import Doc.PPrint
import FrontEnd.Tc.Kind
import Name.Name
import Name.Names
import Name.VConsts
import Support.CanType
import Support.Unparse
import Util.VarName

-- Types

data MetaVarType = Tau | Rho | Sigma
    {-! derive: Binary !-}

data Type  = TVar     { typeVar :: !Tyvar }
           | TCon     { typeCon :: !Tycon }
           | TAp      Type Type
           | TArrow   Type Type
           | TForAll  { typeArgs :: [Tyvar], typeBody :: (Qual Type) }
           | TExists  { typeArgs :: [Tyvar], typeBody :: (Qual Type) }
           | TMetaVar { metaVar :: MetaVar }
           | TAssoc   { typeCon :: !Tycon, typeClassArgs :: [Type], typeExtraArgs :: [Type] }
    {-! derive: Binary !-}

-- | metavars are used in type checking
data MetaVar = MetaVar {
    metaUniq :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int,
    metaKind :: Kind,
    metaRef :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef (Maybe Type)),
    metaType :: !MetaVarType
    {-! derive: Binary !-}

instance Eq MetaVar where
    a == b = metaUniq a == metaUniq b

instance Ord MetaVar where
    compare a b = compare (metaUniq a) (metaUniq b)

instance TypeNames Type where
    tBool   = TCon (Tycon tc_Bool kindStar)
    tString = TAp tList tChar
    tChar   = TCon (Tycon tc_Char kindStar)
    tUnit   = TCon (Tycon tc_Unit kindStar)
    tCharzh = TCon (Tycon tc_Char_ kindHash)

instance Ord (IORef a)
instance Binary (IORef a) where
  put = error "Binary.put: not impl."
  get = error "Binary.get: not impl."

tList :: Type
tList = TCon (Tycon tc_List (Kfun kindStar kindStar))

-- | The @(->)@ type constructor. Invariant: @tArrow@ shall not be fully applied. To this end, see 'tAp'.
tArrow :: Type
tArrow = TCon (Tycon tc_Arrow (kindArg `Kfun` (kindFunRet `Kfun` kindStar)))

-- | Type application, enforcing the invariant that there be no fully-applied 'tArrow's
tAp :: Type -> Type -> Type
tAp (TAp c@TCon{} a) b | c == tArrow = TArrow a b
tAp a b = TAp a b

instance Eq Type where
    (TVar a) == (TVar b) = a == b
    (TMetaVar a) == (TMetaVar b) = a == b
    (TCon a) == (TCon b) = a == b
    (TAp a' a) == (TAp b' b) = a' == b' && b == a
    (TArrow a' a) == (TArrow b' b) = a' == b' && b == a
    _ == _ = False

tassocToAp TAssoc { typeCon = con, typeClassArgs = cas, typeExtraArgs = eas } = foldl tAp (TCon con) (cas ++ eas)
tassocToAp _ = error "Representation.tassocToAp: bad."

-- Unquantified type variables

data Tyvar = Tyvar { tyvarName ::  {-# UNPACK #-} !Name, tyvarKind :: Kind }
    {-  derive: Binary -}

instance Show Tyvar where
    showsPrec _ Tyvar { tyvarName = hn, tyvarKind = k } = shows hn . ("::" ++) . shows k

tForAll [] ([] :=> t) = t
tForAll vs (ps :=> TForAll vs' (ps' :=> t)) = tForAll (vs ++ vs') ((ps ++ ps') :=> t)
tForAll x y = TForAll x y

tExists [] ([] :=> t) = t
tExists vs (ps :=> TExists vs' (ps' :=> t)) = tExists (vs ++ vs') ((ps ++ ps') :=> t)
tExists x y = TExists x y

tyvar n k = Tyvar n k

instance Eq Tyvar where
    Tyvar { tyvarName = x } == Tyvar { tyvarName = y } = x == y
    Tyvar { tyvarName = x } /= Tyvar { tyvarName = y } = x /= y

instance Ord Tyvar where
    compare (Tyvar { tyvarName = x }) (Tyvar { tyvarName = y }) = compare x y
    (Tyvar { tyvarName = x }) <= (Tyvar { tyvarName = y }) = x <= y
    (Tyvar { tyvarName = x }) >= (Tyvar { tyvarName = y }) = x >= y
    (Tyvar { tyvarName = x }) <  (Tyvar { tyvarName = y })  = x < y
    (Tyvar { tyvarName = x }) >  (Tyvar { tyvarName = y })  = x > y

-- Type constructors

data Tycon = Tycon { tyconName :: Name, tyconKind :: Kind }
    deriving(Eq, Show,Ord)
    {-! derive: Binary !-}

instance ToTuple Tycon where
    toTuple n = Tycon (nameTuple TypeConstructor n) (foldr Kfun kindStar $ replicate n kindStar)
instance ToTuple Type where
    toTuple n = TCon $ toTuple n

instance DocLike d => PPrint d Tycon where
   pprint (Tycon i _) = pprint i

infixr      4 `fn`
fn         :: Type -> Type -> Type
a `fn` b    = TArrow a b


-- Predicates
data Pred   = IsIn Class Type | IsEq Type Type
              deriving(Show, Eq,Ord)
    {-! derive: Binary !-}

-- Qualified entities
data Qual t =  [Pred] :=> t
              deriving(Show, Eq,Ord)
    {-! derive: Binary !-}

instance (DocLike d,PPrint d t) => PPrint d (Qual t) where
    pprint ([] :=> r) = pprint r
    pprint ([x] :=> r) = pprint x <+> text "=>" <+> pprint r
    pprint (xs :=> r) = tupled (map pprint xs) <+> text "=>" <+> pprint r

instance  DocLike d => PPrint d Tyvar where
  pprint tv = tshow (tyvarName tv)

instance Binary Tyvar where
    put (Tyvar aa ab) = do
        put aa
        put ab
    get = do
        aa <- get
        ab <- get
        return (Tyvar aa ab)

instance DocLike d => PPrint d Module where
   pprint (Module s) = tshow s

withNewNames ts action = subVarName $ do
    ts' <- mapM newTyvarName ts
    action ts'

newTyvarName t = case tyvarKind t of
    x@(KBase Star) -> newLookupName (map (:[]) ['a' ..]) x t
    y@(KBase Star `Kfun` KBase Star) -> newLookupName (map (('f':) . show) [0 :: Int ..]) y t
    z@(KBase KUTuple) -> newLookupName (map (('u':) . show) [0 :: Int ..]) z t
    z@(KBase KQuest) -> newLookupName (map (('q':) . show) [0 :: Int ..]) z t
    z@(KBase KQuestQuest) -> newLookupName (map (('q':) . ('q':) . show) [0 :: Int ..]) z t
    z -> newLookupName (map (('t':) . show) [0 :: Int ..]) z t

prettyPrintType :: DocLike d => Type -> d
prettyPrintType = pprint

instance DocLike d => PPrint d Type where
    pprintAssoc _ n t = prettyPrintTypePrec n t

prettyPrintTypePrec :: DocLike d => Int -> Type -> d
prettyPrintTypePrec n t  = unparse $ zup (runIdentity (runVarNameT (f t))) where
    zup = if n >= 10 then pop empty else id
    arr = bop (R,0) (space <> text "->" <> space)
    app = bop (L,100) (text " ")
    fp (IsIn cn t) = do
        t' <- f t
        return (atom (text $ show cn) `app` t')
    fp (IsEq t1 t2) = do
        t1' <- f t1
        t2' <- f t2
        return (atom (parens $ unparse t1' <+> text "=" <+> unparse t2'))
    f (TForAll [] ([] :=> t)) = f t
    f (TForAll vs (ps :=> t)) = do
        withNewNames vs $ \ts' -> do
        t' <- f t
        ps' <- mapM fp ps
        return $ case ps' of
            [] ->  fixitize (N,-3) $ pop (text "forall" <+> hsep (map text ts') <+> text ". ")  (atomize t')
            [p] -> fixitize (N,-3) $ pop (text "forall" <+> hsep (map text ts') <+> text "." <+> unparse p <+> text "=> ")  (atomize t')
            ps ->  fixitize (N,-3) $ pop (text "forall" <+> hsep (map text ts') <+> text "." <+> tupled (map unparse ps) <+> text "=> ")  (atomize t')
    f (TExists [] ([] :=> t)) = f t
    f (TExists vs (ps :=> t)) = do
        withNewNames vs $ \ts' -> do
        t' <- f t
        ps' <- mapM fp ps
        return $ case ps' of
            [] ->  fixitize (N,-3) $ pop (text "exists" <+> hsep (map text ts') <+> text ". ")  (atomize t')
            [p] -> fixitize (N,-3) $ pop (text "exists" <+> hsep (map text ts') <+> text "." <+> unparse p <+> text "=> ")  (atomize t')
            ps ->  fixitize (N,-3) $ pop (text "exists" <+> hsep (map text ts') <+> text "." <+> tupled (map unparse ps) <+> text "=> ")  (atomize t')
    f (TCon tycon) = return $ atom (pprint tycon)
    f (TVar tyvar) = do
        vo <- maybeLookupName tyvar
        case vo of
            Just c  -> return $ atom $ text c
            Nothing -> return $ atom $ tshow (tyvarName tyvar)
    f (TAp (TCon (Tycon n _)) x) | n == tc_List = do
        x <- f x
        return $ atom (char '[' <> unparse x <> char ']')
    f TAssoc { typeCon = con, typeClassArgs = cas, typeExtraArgs = eas } = do
        let x = atom (pprint con)
        xs <- mapM f (cas ++ eas)
        return $ foldl app x xs
    f ta@(TAp {}) | (TCon (Tycon c _),xs) <- fromTAp ta, Just _ <- fromTupname c = do
        xs <- mapM f xs
        return $ atom (tupled (map unparse xs))
    f (TAp t1 t2) = do
        t1 <- f t1
        t2 <- f t2
        return $ t1 `app` t2
    f (TArrow t1 t2) = do
        t1 <- f t1
        t2 <- f t2
        return $ t1 `arr` t2
    f (TMetaVar mv) = return $ atom $ pprint mv
    --f tv = return $ atom $ parens $ text ("FrontEnd.Tc.Type.pp: " ++ show tv)

instance DocLike d => PPrint d MetaVarType where
    pprint  t = case t of
        Tau -> char 't'
        Rho -> char 'r'
        Sigma -> char 's'

instance DocLike d => PPrint d Pred where
    pprint (IsIn c t) = tshow c <+> pprintParen t
    pprint (IsEq t1 t2) = parens $ prettyPrintType t1 <+> text "=" <+> prettyPrintType t2

instance DocLike d => PPrint d MetaVar where
    pprint MetaVar { metaUniq = u, metaKind = k, metaType = t }
        | KBase Star <- k =  pprint t <> tshow u
        | otherwise = parens $ pprint t <> tshow u <> text " :: " <> pprint k

instance Show MetaVarType where
    show mv = pprint mv

instance Show MetaVar where
    show mv = pprint mv

fromTAp t = f t [] where
    f (TAp a b) rs = f a (b:rs)
    f t rs = (t,rs)

fromTArrow t = f t [] where
    f (TArrow a b) rs = f b (a:rs)
    f t rs = (reverse rs,t)

instance CanType MetaVar where
    type TypeOf MetaVar = Kind
    getType mv = metaKind mv

instance CanType Tycon where
    type TypeOf Tycon = Kind
    getType (Tycon _ k) = k

instance CanType Tyvar where
    type TypeOf Tyvar = Kind
    getType = tyvarKind

instance CanType Type where
    type TypeOf Type = Kind
    getType (TCon tc) = getType tc
    getType (TVar u)  = getType u
    getType typ@(TAp t _) = case (getType t) of
                       (Kfun _ k) -> k
                       x -> error $ "Representation.getType: kind error in: " ++ (show typ)
    getType (TArrow _l _r) = kindStar
    getType (TForAll _ (_ :=> t)) = getType t
    getType (TExists _ (_ :=> t)) = getType t
    getType (TMetaVar mv) = getType mv
    getType ta@TAssoc {} = getType (tassocToAp ta)

tTTuple ts | length ts < 2 = error "tTTuple"
tTTuple ts = foldl TAp (toTuple (length ts)) ts

tTTuple' ts = foldl TAp (TCon $ Tycon (unboxedNameTuple TypeConstructor  n) (foldr Kfun kindUTuple $ replicate n kindStar)) ts where
    n = length ts
{-* Generated by DrIFT : Look, but Don't Touch. *-}
instance Data.Binary.Binary MetaVarType where
    put Tau = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 0
    put Rho = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 1
    put Sigma = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 2
    get = do
	    h <- Data.Binary.getWord8
	    case h of
	      0 -> do
		    return Tau
	      1 -> do
		    return Rho
	      2 -> do
		    return Sigma
	      _ -> fail "invalid binary data found"

instance Data.Binary.Binary Type where
    put (TVar aa) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 0
	    Data.Binary.put aa
    put (TCon ab) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 1
	    Data.Binary.put ab
    put (TAp ac ad) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 2
	    Data.Binary.put ac
	    Data.Binary.put ad
    put (TArrow ae af) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 3
	    Data.Binary.put ae
	    Data.Binary.put af
    put (TForAll ag ah) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 4
	    Data.Binary.put ag
	    Data.Binary.put ah
    put (TExists ai aj) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 5
	    Data.Binary.put ai
	    Data.Binary.put aj
    put (TMetaVar ak) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 6
	    Data.Binary.put ak
    put (TAssoc al am an) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 7
	    Data.Binary.put al
	    Data.Binary.put am
	    Data.Binary.put an
    get = do
	    h <- Data.Binary.getWord8
	    case h of
	      0 -> do
		    aa <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (TVar aa)
	      1 -> do
		    ab <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (TCon ab)
	      2 -> do
		    ac <- Data.Binary.get
		    ad <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (TAp ac ad)
	      3 -> do
		    ae <- Data.Binary.get
		    af <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (TArrow ae af)
	      4 -> do
		    ag <- Data.Binary.get
		    ah <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (TForAll ag ah)
	      5 -> do
		    ai <- Data.Binary.get
		    aj <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (TExists ai aj)
	      6 -> do
		    ak <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (TMetaVar ak)
	      7 -> do
		    al <- Data.Binary.get
		    am <- Data.Binary.get
		    an <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (TAssoc al am an)
	      _ -> fail "invalid binary data found"

instance Data.Binary.Binary MetaVar where
    put (MetaVar aa ab ac ad) = do
	    Data.Binary.put aa
	    Data.Binary.put ab
	    Data.Binary.put ac
	    Data.Binary.put ad
    get = do
    aa <- get
    ab <- get
    ac <- get
    ad <- get
    return (MetaVar aa ab ac ad)

instance Data.Binary.Binary Tycon where
    put (Tycon aa ab) = do
	    Data.Binary.put aa
	    Data.Binary.put ab
    get = do
    aa <- get
    ab <- get
    return (Tycon aa ab)

instance Data.Binary.Binary Pred where
    put (IsIn aa ab) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 0
	    Data.Binary.put aa
	    Data.Binary.put ab
    put (IsEq ac ad) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 1
	    Data.Binary.put ac
	    Data.Binary.put ad
    get = do
	    h <- Data.Binary.getWord8
	    case h of
	      0 -> do
		    aa <- Data.Binary.get
		    ab <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (IsIn aa ab)
	      1 -> do
		    ac <- Data.Binary.get
		    ad <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (IsEq ac ad)
	      _ -> fail "invalid binary data found"

instance (Data.Binary.Binary t) => Data.Binary.Binary (Qual t) where
    put ((:=>) aa ab) = do
	    Data.Binary.put aa
	    Data.Binary.put ab
    get = do
    aa <- get
    ab <- get
    return ((:=>) aa ab)

--  Imported from other files :-