-- | examine all uses of types in a program to determine which ones are
-- actually needed in the method generation

module E.TypeAnalysis(typeAnalyze, Typ(),expandPlaceholder) where

import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Foldable as T
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set

import DataConstructors
import Doc.PPrint
import E.Annotate
import E.E hiding(isBottom)
import E.Eta
import E.Program
import E.Rules
import E.Subst
import E.Traverse(emapE',emapE_,emapE)
import E.TypeCheck
import E.Values
import Fixer.Fixer
import Fixer.Supply
import Fixer.VMap
import Info.Types
import Name.Id
import Name.Name
import Name.Names
import Support.CanType
import Util.Gen
import Util.SetLike hiding(Value)
import qualified Info.Info as Info
import qualified Stats

type Typ = VMap () Name
data Env = Env {
    envRuleSupply :: Supply (Module,Int) Bool,
    envValSupply  :: Supply TVr Bool,
    envEnv        :: IdMap [Value Typ]

extractValMap :: [(TVr,E)] -> IdMap [Value Typ]
extractValMap ds = fromList [ (tvrIdent t,f e []) | (t,e) <- ds] where
    f (ELam tvr e) rs | sortKindLike (getType tvr) = f e (runIdentity (Info.lookup $ tvrInfo tvr):rs)
    f _ rs = reverse rs

-- all variables _must_ be unique before running this
{-# NOINLINE typeAnalyze #-}
typeAnalyze :: Bool -> Program -> IO Program
typeAnalyze doSpecialize prog = do
    fixer <- newFixer
    ur <- newSupply fixer
    uv <- newSupply fixer
    let lambind _ nfo = do
            x <- newValue fixer ( bottom :: Typ)
            return $ Info.insert x (Info.delete (undefined :: Typ) nfo)
    prog <- annotateProgram mempty lambind (\_ -> return . deleteArity) (\_ -> return) prog
    let ds = programDs prog
        env = Env { envRuleSupply = ur, envValSupply = uv, envEnv = extractValMap ds }
        entries = progEntryPoints prog
    calcCombs env $ progCombinators prog
    forM_ entries $ \tvr ->  do
        vv <- supplyValue uv tvr
        addRule $ assert vv
    mapM_ (sillyEntry env) entries
    findFixpoint Nothing fixer
    let lamread _ nfo | Just v <- Info.lookup nfo = do
            rv <- readValue v
            return (Info.insert (rv :: Typ) $ Info.delete (undefined :: Value Typ) nfo)
        lamread _ nfo = return nfo
    prog <- annotateProgram mempty lamread (\_ -> return) (\_ -> return) prog
    unusedRules <- supplyReadValues ur >>= return . fsts . filter (not . snd)
    unusedValues <- supplyReadValues uv >>= return . fsts . filter (not . snd)
    let (prog',stats) = Stats.runStatM $ specializeProgram doSpecialize (fromList unusedRules) (fromList unusedValues) prog
    let lamdel _ nfo = return (Info.delete (undefined :: Value Typ) nfo)
    prog <- annotateProgram mempty lamdel (\_ -> return) (\_ -> return) prog'
    return prog { progStats = progStats prog `mappend` stats }

sillyEntry :: Env -> TVr -> IO ()
sillyEntry env t = mapM_ (addRule . (`isSuperSetOf` value (vmapPlaceholder ()))) args where
    args = lookupArgs t env

lookupArgs t Env { envEnv = tm }  = maybe [] id (mlookup (tvrIdent t) tm)

toLit (EPi TVr { tvrType = a } b) = return (tc_Arrow,[a,b])
toLit (ELit LitCons { litName = n, litArgs = ts }) = return (n,ts)
toLit _ = fail "not convertable to literal"

assert :: Value Bool -> Fixer.Fixer.Rule
assert v = v `isSuperSetOf` value True

calcComb :: Env -> Comb -> IO ()
calcComb env@Env { envRuleSupply = ur, envValSupply = uv } comb = do
    let (_,ls) = fromLam $ combBody comb
        tls = takeWhile (sortKindLike . getType) ls
        rs = combRules comb
        t = combHead comb
        hr r = do
            ruleUsed <- supplyValue ur (ruleUniq r)
            addRule $ conditionalRule id ruleUsed (ioToRule $  calcE env (ruleBody r))
            let hrg r (t,EVar a) | a `elem` ruleBinds r = do
                    let (t'::Value Typ) = Info.fetch (tvrInfo t)
                    let (a'::Value Typ) = Info.fetch (tvrInfo a)
                    addRule $ conditionalRule id ruleUsed $ ioToRule $ do
                        addRule $ a' `isSuperSetOf` t'
                    return True
                hrg r (t,e) | Just (n,as) <- toLit e = do
                    let (t'::Value Typ) = Info.fetch (tvrInfo t)
                    as' <- mapM getValue as
                    addRule $ conditionalRule id ruleUsed $ ioToRule $ do
                        forMn_ ((zip as as')) $ \ ((a',a''),i) -> do
                            when (isEVar a') $ addRule $ modifiedSuperSetOf a'' t' (vmapArg n i)
                    addRule $ conditionalRule (n `vmapMember`) t' (assert ruleUsed)
                    return False
                hrg x y = error $ "TypeAnalyis.hrg: " ++ show (x,y)
            rr <- mapM (hrg r) (zip tls (ruleArgs r))
            when (and rr) $ addRule (assert ruleUsed)
    valUsed <- supplyValue uv t
    addRule $ conditionalRule id valUsed $ ioToRule $ do
        mapM_ hr rs
        calcE env $ combBody comb

calcDef :: Env -> (TVr,E) -> IO ()
calcDef env@Env { envValSupply = uv } (t,e) = do
    valUsed <- supplyValue uv t
    addRule $ conditionalRule id valUsed $ ioToRule $ do
        calcE env e

calcCombs ::  Env -> [Comb] -> IO ()
calcCombs env@Env { envRuleSupply = ur, envValSupply = uv } ds = do
    mapM_ (calcTE env) [ (combHead c,combBody c) | c <- ds ]
    mapM_ (calcComb env) ds

calcTE ::  Env -> (TVr,E) -> IO ()
calcTE env@Env { envRuleSupply = ur, envValSupply = uv } ds = d ds where
    d (t,e) | not (sortKindLike (getType t)) = return ()
    d (t,e) | Just v <- getValue e = do
        let Just t' = Info.lookup (tvrInfo t)
        addRule $ t' `isSuperSetOf` v
    d (t,e) | Just (n,xs) <- toLit e = do
        let Just t' = Info.lookup (tvrInfo t)
            v = vmapSingleton n
        addRule $ t' `isSuperSetOf` (value v)
        xs' <- mapM getValue xs
        forMn_ xs' $ \ (v,i) -> do
            addRule $ modifiedSuperSetOf t' v (vmapArgSingleton n i)
    d (t,e) | (EVar v,as) <- fromAp e = do
        let Just t' = Info.lookup (tvrInfo t)
            Just v' = Info.lookup (tvrInfo v)
        as' <- mapM getValue as
        addRule $ dynamicRule v' $ \ v -> mconcat $ (t' `isSuperSetOf` value (vmapDropArgs v)):case vmapHeads v of
                Just vs -> concat $ flip map vs $ \h -> (flip map (zip as' [0.. ])  $ \ (a,i) -> modifiedSuperSetOf t' a $ \ v -> vmapArgSingleton h i v)
                Nothing -> flip map (zip as' [0.. ])  $ \ (_,i) -> isSuperSetOf t' (value $ vmapProxyIndirect i v)
    d (t,e) = fail $ "calcDs: " ++ show (t,e)

calcDs ::  Env -> [(TVr,E)] -> IO ()
calcDs env@Env { envRuleSupply = ur, envValSupply = uv } ds = do
    mapM_ (calcTE env) ds
    forM_ ds $ \ (v,e) -> do calcDef env (v,e)

-- TODO - make default case conditional
calcAlt env v (Alt ~LitCons { litName = n, litArgs = xs } e) = do
    addRule $ conditionalRule (n `vmapMember`) v $ ioToRule $ do
        calcE env e
        forMn_ xs $ \ (t,i) -> do
            let Just t' = Info.lookup (tvrInfo t)
            addRule $ modifiedSuperSetOf t' v (vmapArg n i)

calcE :: Env -> E -> IO ()
calcE env (ELetRec ds e) = calcDs nenv ds >> calcE nenv e where
    nenv = env { envEnv = extractValMap ds `union` envEnv env }
calcE env ec@ECase {} | sortKindLike (getType $ eCaseScrutinee ec) = do
    calcE env (eCaseScrutinee ec)
    T.mapM_ (calcE env) (eCaseDefault ec)
    v <- getValue (eCaseScrutinee ec)
    mapM_ (calcAlt env v) (eCaseAlts ec)
calcE env e | (e',(_:_)) <- fromLam e = calcE env e'
calcE env ec@ECase {} = do
    calcE env (eCaseScrutinee ec)
    mapM_ (calcE env) (caseBodies ec)
calcE env e@ELit {} = tagE env e
calcE env e@EPrim {} = tagE env e
calcE _ EError {} = return ()
calcE _ ESort {} = return ()
calcE _ Unknown = return ()
calcE env e | (EVar v,as@(_:_)) <- fromAp e = do
    let ts = lookupArgs v env
    tagE env e
    when (length as < length ts) $ fail ("calcE: unsaturated call to function: " ++ pprint e)
    forM_ (zip as ts) $ \ (a,t) -> do
        when (sortKindLike (getType a)) $ do
            a' <- getValue a
            addRule $ t `isSuperSetOf` a'
calcE env e@EVar {} = tagE env e
calcE env e@EAp {} = tagE env e
calcE env e@EPi {} = tagE env e
calcE _ e = fail $ "odd calcE: " ++ show e

tagE Env { envValSupply = uv }  (EVar v) | not $ getProperty prop_RULEBINDER v = do
    v <- supplyValue uv v
    addRule $ assert v
tagE env e  = emapE_ (tagE env) e

getValue (EVar v)
    | Just x <- Info.lookup (tvrInfo v) = return x
    | otherwise = return $ value (vmapPlaceholder ())
    ---- | otherwise = fail $ "getValue: no varinfo: " ++ show v
getValue e | Just c <- typConstant e = return $ value c
getValue e = return $ value $ fuzzyConstant e -- TODO - make more accurate

fuzzyConstant :: E -> Typ
fuzzyConstant e | Just (n,as) <- toLit e = vmapValue n (map fuzzyConstant as)
fuzzyConstant _ = vmapPlaceholder ()

typConstant :: Monad m => E -> m Typ
typConstant e | Just (n,as) <- toLit e = return (vmapValue n) `ap` mapM typConstant as
typConstant e = fail $ "typConstant: " ++ show e

data SpecEnv = SpecEnv {
    senvUnusedRules :: Set.Set (Module,Int),
    senvUnusedVars  :: Set.Set TVr,
    senvDataTable :: DataTable,
    senvArgs      :: Map.Map TVr [Int]

getTyp :: Monad m => E -> DataTable -> Typ -> m E
getTyp kind dataTable vm = f (10::Int) kind vm where
    f n _ _ | n <= 0 = fail "getTyp: too deep"
    f n kind vm | Just [] <- vmapHeads vm = return $ tAbsurd kind
    f n kind vm | Just [h] <- vmapHeads vm = do
        let ss = slotTypes dataTable h kind
            as = [ (s,vmapArg h i vm) | (s,i) <- zip ss [0..]]
        as'@(~[fa,fb]) <- mapM (uncurry (f (n - 1))) as
        if h == tc_Arrow
         then return $ EPi tvr { tvrType = fa } fb
         else return $ ELit (updateLit dataTable litCons { litName = h, litArgs = as', litType = kind })
    f _ _ _  = fail "getTyp: not constant type"

specializeProgram :: (Stats.MonadStats m) =>
    Bool                       -- ^ do specialization
    -> (Set.Set (Module,Int))  -- ^ unused rules
    -> (Set.Set TVr)           -- ^ unused values
    -> Program
    -> m Program
specializeProgram doSpecialize unusedRules unusedValues prog = do
    (nds,_) <- specializeCombs doSpecialize SpecEnv
        { senvUnusedRules = unusedRules
        , senvUnusedVars = unusedValues
        , senvDataTable = progDataTable prog
        , senvArgs = mempty } (progCombinators prog)
    return $ progCombinators_s nds prog

repi (ELit LitCons { litName = n, litArgs = [a,b] }) | n == tc_Arrow = EPi tvr { tvrIdent = emptyId, tvrType = repi a } (repi b)
repi e = runIdentity $ emapE (return . repi ) e

specializeComb _ env  comb | isUnused env (combHead comb) = let tvr = combHead comb in
    return (combRules_s [] . combBody_s (EError ("Unused Def: " ++ tvrShowName tvr) (tvrType tvr)) $ comb , mempty)
specializeComb _ _ comb | getProperty prop_PLACEHOLDER comb = return (comb, mempty)
specializeComb True SpecEnv { senvDataTable = dataTable }  comb | needsSpec = ans where
    tvr = combHead comb
    e = combBody comb
    sub = substMap'  $ fromList [ (tvrIdent t,v) | (t,Just v) <- sts ]
    sts = map spec ts
    spec t | Just nt <- Info.lookup (tvrInfo t) >>= getTyp (getType t) dataTable, sortKindLike (getType t) = (t,Just (repi nt))
    spec t = (t,Nothing)
    (fe,ts) = fromLam e
    ne = sub $ foldr ELam fe [ t | (t,Nothing) <- sts]
    vs = [ (n,v) | ((_,Just v),n) <- zip sts naturals ]
    needsSpec = not $ null vs
    ans = do
        sequence_ [ Stats.mtick ("Specialize.body.{" ++ pprint tvr ++ "}.{" ++ pprint t ++ "}.{" ++ pprint v) | (t,Just v) <- sts ]
        let nc  = combHead_s tvr { tvrType = infertype dataTable ne }
                . combBody_s ne
                . combRules_u (dropArguments vs)
                $ comb
        return (nc,msingleton tvr (fsts vs))
specializeComb _ _ comb = return (comb,mempty)

instance Error () where
    noMsg = ()
    strMsg _ = ()

evalErrorT :: Monad m => a -> ErrorT () m a -> m a
evalErrorT err action = liftM f (runErrorT action) where
    f (Left _) = err
    f (Right x) = x

eToPatM :: Monad m => (E -> m TVr) -> E -> m (Lit TVr E)
eToPatM cv e = f e where
    f (ELit LitCons { litAliasFor = af,  litName = x, litArgs = ts, litType = t }) = do
        ts <- mapM cv ts
        return litCons { litAliasFor = af, litName = x, litArgs = ts, litType = t }
    f (ELit (LitInt e t)) = return (LitInt e t)
    f (EPi (TVr { tvrType =  a}) b)  = do
        a <- cv a
        b <- cv b
        return litCons { litName = tc_Arrow, litArgs = [a,b], litType = eStar }
    f x = fail $ "E.Values.eToPatM: " ++ show x

caseCast :: TVr -> E -> E -> E
caseCast t ty e = evalState  (f t ty e) (newIds (freeIds e),[]) where
--    f t ty e | isFullyConst ty = return $
--        prim_unsafeCoerce (subst t ty e) (getType e)
    f t ty e = do
        p <- eToPatM cv ty
        (ns,es) <- get
        put (ns,[])
        let rs = map (uncurry caseCast) es
        return (eCase (EVar t) [Alt p (foldr (.) id rs e)] Unknown)
    cv (EVar v) = return v
    cv e = do
        ((n:ns),es) <- get
        let t = tvr { tvrIdent = n, tvrType = getType e }
        put (ns,(t,e):es)
        return t

specAlt :: Stats.MonadStats m => SpecEnv -> Alt E -> m (Alt E)
specAlt env@SpecEnv { senvDataTable = dataTable } (Alt ~lc@LitCons { litArgs = ts } e) = ans where
    f xs = do
        ws <- forM xs $ \t -> evalErrorT id $ do
            False <- return $ isUnused env t
            Just nt <- return $ Info.lookup (tvrInfo t)
            Just tt <- return $ getTyp (getType t) dataTable nt
            Stats.mtick $ "Specialize.alt.{" ++ pprint (show nt,tt) ++ "}"
            return $ caseCast t tt
        return $ foldr (.) id ws
    ans = do
        ws <- f ts
        return (Alt lc (ws e))

isUnused SpecEnv { senvUnusedVars = unusedVars } v =
    v `member` unusedVars && isJust (Info.lookup $ tvrInfo v :: Maybe Typ)

specBody :: Stats.MonadStats m => Bool -> SpecEnv -> E -> m E
--specBody _ env e | (EVar h,as) <- fromAp e, isUnused env h  = do
--    Stats.mtick $ "Specialize.delete.{" ++ pprint h ++ "}"
--    return $ foldl EAp (EError ("Unused: " ++ pprint h) (getType h)) as
specBody True env@SpecEnv { senvArgs = dmap } e | (EVar h,as) <- fromAp e, Just os <- mlookup h dmap = do
    Stats.mtick $ "Specialize.use.{" ++ pprint h ++ "}"
    as' <- mapM (specBody True env) as
    return $ foldl EAp (EVar h) [ a | (a,i) <- zip as' naturals, i `notElem` os ]
specBody True env ec@ECase { eCaseScrutinee = EVar v } | sortKindLike (getType v) = do
    alts <- mapM (specAlt env) (eCaseAlts ec)
    emapE' (specBody True env) ec { eCaseAlts = alts }
specBody doSpecialize env (ELetRec ds e) = do
    (nds,nenv) <- specializeDs doSpecialize env ds
    e <- specBody doSpecialize nenv e
    return $ ELetRec nds e
specBody doSpecialize env e = emapE' (specBody doSpecialize env) e

--specializeDs :: MonadStats m => DataTable -> Map.Map TVr [Int] -> [(TVr,E)] -> m ([(TVr,E)]
specializeDs doSpecialize env@SpecEnv { senvUnusedRules = unusedRules, senvDataTable = dataTable } ds = do
    (ds,nenv) <- mapAndUnzipM (specializeComb doSpecialize env) (map bindComb ds)
    ds <- return $ map combBind ds
    let tenv = env { senvArgs = unions nenv `union` senvArgs env }
        sb = specBody doSpecialize tenv
    let f (t,e) = do
            e <- sb e
            return (t,e)
    ds <- mapM f ds
    return (ds,tenv)

--specializeDs :: MonadStats m => DataTable -> Map.Map TVr [Int] -> [(TVr,E)] -> m ([(TVr,E)]
specializeCombs doSpecialize env@SpecEnv { senvUnusedRules = unusedRules, senvDataTable = dataTable } ds = do
    (ds,nenv) <- mapAndUnzipM (specializeComb doSpecialize env) ds
    let tenv = env { senvArgs = unions nenv `union` senvArgs env }
        sb = specBody doSpecialize tenv
    let f comb = do
            e <- sb (combBody comb)
            rs <- mapM (mapRBodyArgs sb) (combRules comb)
            let rs' =  filter ( not . (`member` unusedRules) . ruleUniq) rs
            return . combBody_s e . combRules_s rs' $ comb
    ds <- mapM f ds
    return (ds,tenv)

expandPlaceholder :: Monad m => Comb -> m Comb
expandPlaceholder comb  | getProperty prop_PLACEHOLDER (combHead comb) = do
    let rules = filter isBodyRule $  combRules comb
        tvr = combHead comb
        isBodyRule Rule { ruleType = RuleSpecialization } = True
        isBodyRule _ = False
    let mcomb nb = (combBody_s nb  . combHead_u (unsetProperty prop_PLACEHOLDER) $ comb)
    if null rules then return (mcomb $  EError ("Placeholder, no bodies: " ++ tvrShowName tvr) (getType tvr)) else do
    let (oe',as) = fromLam $ combBody comb
        rule1:_ = rules
        ct = getType $ foldr ELam oe' (drop (length $ ruleArgs rule1) as)
                | (a:ras) <- take (length $ ruleArgs rule1) as = (a:ras)
                | otherwise = error $ pprint (tvr,(combBody comb,show rule1))
        ne = emptyCase {
            eCaseScrutinee = EVar a,
            eCaseAlts = map calt rules,
            eCaseBind = a { tvrIdent = emptyId },
            eCaseType = ct
        calt rule@Rule { ruleArgs = ~(arg:rs) } = Alt vp (substMap (fromList [ (tvrIdent v,EVar r) | ~(EVar v) <- rs | r <- ras ]) $ ruleBody rule) where
            Just vp = eToPat arg
    return (mcomb (foldr ELam ne as'))
expandPlaceholder _x = fail "not placeholder"