{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module E.SSimplify(
    ) where

import Control.Monad.Identity
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Typeable
import Data.DeriveTH
import Debug.Trace
import Data.List hiding(delete,union,insert)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Traversable as T

import C.Prims
import Cmm.Number
import DataConstructors
import Doc.PPrint
import E.E
import E.Eta
import E.Inline
import E.PrimOpt
import E.Program
import E.Rules
import E.Subst
--import E.Traverse(runRename)
import E.TypeCheck
import E.Values
import GenUtil hiding (split)
import Info.Types
import Name.Id
import Name.Name
import Name.Names
import Name.VConsts
import Options
import Stats hiding(null,new,print,Stats,singleton)
import StringTable.Atom
import Support.CanType
import Support.FreeVars
import Util.Graph
import Util.HasSize
import Util.NameMonad
import Util.RWS
import Util.ReaderWriter
import Util.SetLike as S
import qualified E.Demand as Demand
import qualified FlagDump as FD
import qualified FlagOpts as FO
import qualified Info.Info as Info

--type Bind = (TVr,E)

data Occurance =
    Unused        -- ^ unused means a var is not used at the term level, but might be at the type level
    | Once        -- ^ Used at most once not inside a lambda or as an argument
    | OnceInLam   -- ^ used once inside a lambda
    | ManyBranch  -- ^ used once in several branches
    | Many        -- ^ used many or an unknown number of times
    | LoopBreaker -- ^ chosen as a loopbreaker, never inline

data UseInfo = UseInfo {
    useOccurance :: !Occurance,   -- ^ occurance Info
    minimumArgs  :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int          -- ^ minimum number of args that are ever passed to this function (if used)

noUseInfo = UseInfo { useOccurance = Many, minimumArgs = 0 }
notUsedInfo = UseInfo { useOccurance = Unused, minimumArgs = maxBound }

programPruneOccurance :: Program -> Program
programPruneOccurance prog =
    let dsIn = progCombinators prog -- (runIdentity $ programMapBodies (return . subst (tVr (-1) Unknown) Unknown) prog)
        (dsIn',(OMap fvs,uids)) = runReaderWriter (unOM $ collectDs dsIn mempty) (progEntry prog)
    in --trace ("dsIn: "++show (length dsIn)) $
       (progCombinators_s dsIn' prog) { progFreeIds = idMapToIdSet fvs, progUsedIds = uids }

newtype OM a = OM (ReaderWriter IdSet (OMap,IdSet) a)
    deriving(Monad,Functor,MonadWriter (OMap,IdSet),MonadReader IdSet)

unOM (OM a) = a

newtype OMap = OMap (IdMap UseInfo)

type instance Value OMap = UseInfo
type instance Key OMap = Id
type instance Elem OMap = (Key OMap,Value OMap)

instance Monoid OMap where
    mempty = OMap mempty
    mappend (OMap a) (OMap b) = OMap (andOM a b)

maybeLetRec [] e = e
maybeLetRec ds e = ELetRec ds e

-- | occurance analysis

grump :: OM a -> OM (a,OMap)
grump m = fmap ( \ (x, (y,z)) -> (x,y) ) $ censor (\ (_,y) -> (mempty,y)) (listen m)

collectOccurance' :: E -> (E,IdMap UseInfo)
collectOccurance' e = (fe,omap) where
    (fe,(OMap omap,_)) = runReaderWriter (unOM $ collectOccurance e) mempty

collectOccurance :: E -> OM E -- ^ (annotated expression, free variables mapped to their occurance info)
collectOccurance e = f e where
    f e@ESort {} = return e
    f e@Unknown {} = return e
    f (EPi tvr@TVr { tvrIdent = eid, tvrType =  a} b) | isEmptyId eid = arg $ do
        a <- f a
        b <- f b
        return (EPi tvr { tvrType = a } b)
    f (EPi tvr@(TVr { tvrIdent = n, tvrType =  a}) b) = arg $ do
        a <- f a
        (b,tfvs) <- grump (f b)
        case mlookup n tfvs of
            Nothing -> tell (tfvs,mempty) >> return (EPi tvr { tvrIdent = emptyId, tvrType = a } b)
            Just occ -> tell (delete n tfvs,singleton n) >> return (EPi (annb' tvr { tvrType = a }) b)
    f (ELit lc@LitCons { litArgs = as, litType = t }) = arg $ do
        t <- f t
        as <- mapM f as
        return (ELit lc { litArgs = as, litType = t })
    f (ELit (LitInt i t)) = do
        t <- arg (f t)
        return $ ELit (LitInt i t)
    f (EPrim p as t) = arg $ do
        t <- f t
        as <- mapM f as
        return (EPrim p as t)
    f (EError err t) = do
        t <- arg (f t)
        return $ EError err t
    f e | (b,as@(_:_)) <- fromLam e = do
        (b',bvs) <- grump (f b)
        (as',asfv) <- grump (arg $ mapM ftvr as)
        let avs = bvs `andOM` asfv
            as'' = map (annbind' avs) as'
        case all (getProperty prop_ONESHOT) as of
            True ->  tell $ (foldr delete avs (map tvrIdent as),fromList $ map tvrIdent as)
            False -> tell $ (inLam $ foldr delete avs (map tvrIdent as),fromList $ map tvrIdent as)
        return (foldr ELam b' as'')
    f e | Just (x,t) <- from_unsafeCoerce e  = do x <- f x ; t <- (arg (f t)); return (prim_unsafeCoerce x t)
    f (EVar tvr@TVr { tvrIdent = n, tvrType =  t}) = do
        tell $ (msingleton n UseInfo { useOccurance = Once, minimumArgs = 0 },mempty)
        t <- arg (f t)
        return $ EVar tvr { tvrType = t }
    f e | (EVar tvr@TVr { tvrIdent = n, tvrType = t},xs@(_:_)) <- fromAp e = do
        tell $ (msingleton n UseInfo { useOccurance = Once, minimumArgs = length xs },mempty)
        t <- arg (f t)
        xs <- arg (mapM f xs)
        return (foldl EAp (EVar tvr { tvrType = t}) xs)
    f e | (x,xs@(_:_)) <- fromAp e = do
        x <- f x
        xs <- arg (mapM f xs)
        return (foldl EAp x xs)
    f ec@ECase { eCaseScrutinee = e, eCaseBind = b, eCaseAlts = as, eCaseDefault = d} = do
        scrut' <- f e
        (d',fvb) <- grump (T.mapM f d)
        (as',fvas) <- mapAndUnzipM (grump . alt) as
        let fidm = orMaps (fvb:fvas)
        ct <- arg $ f (eCaseType ec)
        b <- arg (ftvr b)
        tell $ (delete (tvrIdent b) fidm,singleton (tvrIdent b))
        return $ caseUpdate ec { eCaseScrutinee = scrut', eCaseAlts = as',
            eCaseBind = annbind' fidm b, eCaseType = ct, eCaseDefault = d'}
    f ELetRec { eDefs = ds, eBody = e } = do
        (e',fve) <- grump (f e)
        ds''' <- collectDs (map bindComb ds) fve
        return (maybeLetRec (map combBind ds''') e')
    f e = error $ "SSimplify.collectOcc.f: " ++ show e
    alt (Alt l e) = do
        (e',fvs) <- grump (f e)
        l <- arg (mapLitBindsM ftvr l)
        l <- arg (T.mapM f l)
        let fvs' = foldr delete fvs (map tvrIdent $ litBinds l)
            l' = mapLitBinds (annbind' fvs) l
        tell (fvs',fromList $ map tvrIdent (litBinds l'))
        return (Alt l' e')
    arg m = do
        let mm (OMap mp,y) = (OMap $ fmap (const noUseInfo) mp,y)
        censor mm m
    ftvr tvr = do
        tt <- f (tvrType tvr)
        return tvr { tvrType = tt }

-- delete any occurance info for non-let-bound vars to be safe
annb' tvr = tvrInfo_u (Info.delete noUseInfo) tvr
annbind' idm tvr = case mlookup (tvrIdent tvr) idm of
    Nothing | sortTermLike (getType tvr) -> annb' tvr { tvrIdent = emptyId }
    _ -> annb' tvr

-- add ocucrance info
annbind idm tvr = case mlookup (tvrIdent tvr) idm of
    Nothing -> annb notUsedInfo tvr { tvrIdent = emptyId }
    Just x -> annb x tvr
annb x tvr = tvrInfo_u (Info.insert x) tvr

mapLitBinds f lc@LitCons { litArgs = es } = lc { litArgs = map f es }
mapLitBinds f (LitInt e t) = LitInt e t
mapLitBindsM f lc@LitCons { litArgs = es } = do
    es <- mapM f es
    return lc { litArgs = es }
mapLitBindsM f (LitInt e t) = return $  LitInt e t

collectBinding :: Comb -> OM (Comb,OMap)
collectBinding comb = do
    e' <- collectOccurance $ combBody comb
    let rvars = freeVars (combRules comb)  :: IdSet
        romap = OMap (idSetToIdMap (const noUseInfo) rvars)
    return (combBody_s e' comb,romap)

unOMap (OMap x) = x

--collectCombs :: [Comb] -> OMap -> OM [Comb]
--collectCombs cs _ = return cs

collectDs :: [Comb] -> OMap -> OM [Comb]
collectDs ds (OMap fve) = do
    ds' <- mapM (grump . collectBinding) ds
    exp <- ask
    let (reachable',_) = newGraphReachable ds' (\ ((comb,_),_) -> combIdent comb) (\ ((_,rv),fv) -> keys (fv `mappend` rv))
        rds = reachable' (keys fve ++ [ combIdent t | t <- ds,  (combIdent t `member` exp)])
        -- ignore rules when calculating loopbreakers
        -- we must not simplify the expanded body of a rule without recalculating occurance info.
        graph' = newGraph rds (\ ((comb,_),_) -> combIdent comb) (\ (_,fv) -> keys fv)
        (lb,lbds) =  findLoopBreakers (\ ((comb,_),_) -> loopFunc (combHead comb) (combBody comb)) canBeLoopBreaker graph'
        canBeLoopBreaker n = not $ getProperty prop_WRAPPER (fst $ fst $ n)
        ds'' = map ( \ ((t,rv),rv') -> (t,rv `mappend` rv') ) lbds
        fids = foldl andOM mempty (fve:map unOMap (snds ds''))
        ffids = fromList [ (tvrIdent t,lup t) | (Comb { combHead = t },_) <- ds'' ]
        cycNodes = (fromList $ [ combIdent c | ((c,_),_) <- cyclicNodes graph'] :: IdSet)
        calcStrictInfo :: TVr -> TVr
        calcStrictInfo t
            | tvrIdent t `member` cycNodes = setProperty prop_CYCLIC t
            | otherwise = t
        lup t = case tvrIdent t `elem` [ combIdent c | ((c,_),_) <- lb] of
            True -> noUseInfo { useOccurance = LoopBreaker }
            False -> case  (tvrIdent t `member` exp) of
                True -> noUseInfo
                False | Just r <- mlookup (tvrIdent t) fids -> r
                _ -> error "SSimplify.collectDs: bad."
        ds''' = [ combHead_s (calcStrictInfo $ annbind ffids (combHead comb)) comb | (comb,_) <- ds'']
        froo comb = (combHead_s (combHead comb) {tvrType = t' } comb,fvs) where
            (t',fvs) = collectOccurance' (tvrType $ combHead comb)
        (ds'''',nfids) = unzip $ map froo ds'''
        nfid' = fmap (const noUseInfo) (mconcat nfids)
    tell $ ((OMap $ nfid' `andOM` fids) S.\\ ffids,fromList (map combIdent ds''''))
    return (ds'''')

-- TODO this should use the occurance info
-- loopFunc t _ | getProperty prop_PLACEHOLDER t = -100  -- we must not choose the placeholder as the loopbreaker
loopFunc t e = negate (baseInlinability t e)

inLam (OMap om) = OMap (fmap il om) where
    il ui@UseInfo { useOccurance = Once } = ui { useOccurance = OnceInLam }
    il ui = ui { useOccurance = Many }

--andOM :: IdMap UseInfo -> IdMap UseInfo -> IdMap UseInfo
andOM x y = unionWith andOcc x y
andOcc UseInfo { useOccurance = Unused } x = x
andOcc x UseInfo { useOccurance = Unused } = x
andOcc x y = UseInfo { useOccurance = Many,
    minimumArgs = min (minimumArgs x) (minimumArgs y) }

orMaps ms = OMap $ fmap orMany $ foldl (unionWith (++)) mempty (map (fmap (:[]))
    (map unOMap ms)) where unOMap (OMap m) = m

orMany [] = error "empty orMany"
orMany xs = f (filter ((/= Unused) . useOccurance) xs) where
    f [] = notUsedInfo
    f [x] = x
    f xs = if all good (map useOccurance xs) then ui ManyBranch else ui Many where
        good Once = True
        good ManyBranch = True
        good _ = False
        ui x = UseInfo { minimumArgs =  minimum (map minimumArgs xs), useOccurance = x }

data SimplifyOpts = SimpOpts {
    so_noInlining :: !Bool, -- ^ this inhibits all inlining inside functions which will always be inlined
    so_finalPhase :: !Bool, -- ^ no rules and don't inhibit inlining
    so_postLift   :: !Bool, -- ^ don't inline anything that was lifted out
    so_boundVars :: IdMap Comb,            -- ^ bound variables
    so_forwardVars :: IdSet,               -- ^ variables that we know will exist, but might not yet.

    so_boundVarsCache :: IdSet,
    so_cachedScope :: Env

emptySimplifyOpts = SimpOpts { so_noInlining  = False
                             , so_finalPhase  = False
                             , so_boundVars   = mempty
                             , so_forwardVars = mempty
                             , so_postLift    = False
                             , so_boundVarsCache = mempty
                             , so_cachedScope = mempty }

cacheSimpOpts opts = opts {
    so_boundVarsCache = idMapToIdSet (so_boundVars opts),
    so_cachedScope = cacheSubst (extendScope initScope mempty {
        envSubst = mapMaybeIdMap bb (so_boundVars opts), envRules = rules })
   } where
    bb Comb { combBody = e } | isFullyConst e = Just (Done e)
    bb _ = Nothing
    initScope = fmap (\ c -> isBoundTo opts (combHead c) noUseInfo (combBody c)) (so_boundVars opts)
    rules = mapMaybeIdMap f (so_boundVars opts)
    f Comb { combRules = rs } = if null rs then Nothing else Just $ arules rs

data Range = Done OutE | Susp InE Subst
type Subst = IdMap Range

data Forced = ForceInline | ForceNoinline | NotForced

data Binding
    = NotAmong [Name]
    | IsBoundTo {
        bindingOccurance :: !Occurance,
        bindingE :: OutE,
        bindingCheap :: !Bool,
        inlineForced :: !Forced,
        bindingAtomic :: !Bool
    | NotKnown

isBoundTo opt v o e = fixInline (so_finalPhase opt) v $ IsBoundTo {
    bindingOccurance = useOccurance o,
    bindingE = e,
    bindingCheap = isCheap e,
    inlineForced = case () of
      _ | useOccurance o == LoopBreaker -> ForceNoinline
        | otherwise -> NotForced,
    bindingAtomic = atomic
    } where
    atomic = isAtomic e

instance Monoid Forced where
    mempty = NotForced
    mappend NotForced x = x
    mappend x NotForced = x
    mappend _ ForceNoinline = ForceNoinline
    mappend ForceNoinline _ = ForceNoinline
    mappend ForceInline ForceInline = ForceInline

fixInline finalPhase v bt@IsBoundTo {} = bt {
    inlineForced = inlineForced bt `mappend` calcForced finalPhase v }
fixInline _ _ _ = error "SSimplify.fixInline: bad."

calcForced finalPhase v =
    let props = getProperties v in
        case (forceNoinline props,finalPhase,forceInline props) of
            (True,_,_) -> ForceNoinline
            (False,_,True) -> ForceInline
            (False,True,_) -> NotForced
            (False,False,False) -> NotForced

data Env = Env {
    envCachedSubst :: IdMap E,
    envSubst :: Subst,
    envRules :: IdMap ARules,
    envInScope :: IdMap Binding,
    envInScopeCache :: IdMap E

envSubst_u f r@Env{envSubst  = x} = r{envSubst = f x}
envSubst_s v =  envSubst_u  (const v)

susp:: E -> Subst -> Range
susp e sub =  Susp e sub

--insertSuspSubst :: TVr -> InE -> Env -> Env
--insertSuspSubst t e env = insertSuspSubst' (tvrIdent t) e env

--insertSuspSubst' :: Id -> InE -> Env -> Env
--insertSuspSubst' z _e env | isEmptyId z = env
--insertSuspSubst' t e env = cacheSubst env {
--    envSubst = minsert t (susp e (envSubst env)) (envSubst env) }

insertRange :: Id -> Range -> Env -> Env
insertRange z e env | isEmptyId z = env
insertRange t e env = cacheSubst env { envSubst = minsert t e (envSubst env) }

insertDoneSubst :: TVr -> OutE -> Env -> Env
insertDoneSubst t e env = insertDoneSubst' (tvrIdent t) e env

insertDoneSubst' :: Id -> OutE -> Env -> Env
insertDoneSubst' z _e env | isEmptyId z = env
insertDoneSubst' t e env = insertRange t (Done e) env

insertInScope :: Id -> Binding -> Env -> Env
insertInScope z _b env | isEmptyId z = env
insertInScope t b env = extendScope (msingleton t b) env

extendScope :: IdMap Binding -> Env -> Env
extendScope m env = cacheSubst env { envInScope = m `union` envInScope env
                                   , envInScopeCache = cachedM `union` envInScopeCache env }
    where cachedM = mapMaybeIdMap fromBinding m
          fromBinding (IsBoundTo {bindingE = e}) = Just e
          fromBinding _                          = Nothing

changeScope :: (Binding -> Binding) -> Env -> Env
changeScope fn env = cacheScope $ cacheSubst env { envInScope = fmap fn (envInScope env) }

cacheScope :: Env -> Env
cacheScope env = env { envInScopeCache = mapMaybeIdMap fromBinding (envInScope env) }
    where fromBinding (IsBoundTo {bindingE = e}) = Just e
          fromBinding _                          = Nothing

substLookup :: Id -> SM (Maybe Range)
substLookup id = SM $ ask >>= return . mlookup id . envSubst

substAddList ls env = cacheSubst env { envSubst = fromList ls `union` envSubst env }

applySubst :: Subst -> IdMap a -> IdMap OutE
applySubst s nn = applySubst' s where
    check n = n `member` s || n `member` nn
    applySubst' s = fmap g s
    g (Done e) = e
    g (Susp e s') = doSubst' False False (applySubst' s') check e

evalRange :: Range -> SM OutE
evalRange (Done e) = return e
evalRange (Susp e s) = localEnv (envSubst_s s)  $ dosub e

cacheSubst env = env { envCachedSubst = applySubst (envSubst env) (envInScope env) }

dosub :: InE -> SM OutE
dosub e = ask >>= \inb ->  coerceOpt return (doSubst' False False (envCachedSubst inb) (`member` envCachedSubst inb) e)

simplifyE :: SimplifyOpts -> InE -> (Stat,OutE)
simplifyE sopts e = (stat,e') where
    Identity ([Comb { combBody = e' }],stat) =  runStatT $ simplifyDs program sopts [bindComb (tvrSilly,e)]

programSSimplify :: SimplifyOpts -> Program -> Program
programSSimplify sopts prog = let
    Identity (dsIn,stats) = runStatT $ simplifyDs prog sopts (progCombinators prog)
    in (progCombinators_s dsIn prog) { progStats = progStats prog `mappend` stats }

programSSimplifyPStat :: SimplifyOpts -> Program -> IO Program
programSSimplifyPStat sopts prog = do
    setPrintStats True
    dsIn <- simplifyDs prog sopts (progCombinators prog)
    return (progCombinators_s dsIn prog)

type InE = E
type OutE = E
type InTVr = TVr
type OutTVr = TVr

data Cont =
    ApplyTo {
        contArg  :: Range,
        contNext :: Cont
    | LazyContext TVr  -- the RHS of a let statement
    | StartContext
--    | ArgContext
    | Coerce Range Cont
{-    | Scrutinee {
        contExamined :: Bool  -- ^ whether the result is actually examined, or just bound to a variable

--isApplyTo ApplyTo {} = True
--isApplyTo _ = False

simplifyDs :: forall m . MonadStats m => Program -> SimplifyOpts -> [Comb] -> m [Comb]
simplifyDs prog sopts dsIn = ans where
    finalPhase = so_finalPhase sopts
    ans = do
        let ((dsOut,_),stats) = runSM (so_cachedScope sopts) doit
        mtickStat stats
        let lupRules t = concat [ combRules c | c <- dsIn, combIdent c == t]
        return [ combRules_s (lupRules (tvrIdent t)) $ bindComb (t,e) | (t,e) <- dsOut ]

    getType e = infertype (progDataTable prog) e
    doit = do
        smAddNamesIdSet (progUsedIds prog)
        smAddBoundNamesIdSet (progFreeIds prog)
        smAddBoundNamesIdSet (sfilter (`notElem` map combIdent dsIn) $ so_forwardVars sopts)
        smAddBoundNamesIdSet (so_boundVarsCache sopts)
        doDs (map combBind dsIn)
    makeRange b = do
        sub <- asks envSubst
        return $ susp b sub
    f :: Cont -> InE -> SM OutE
    --f cont e | trace (take 20 (show cont) ++ " - " ++ take 40 (show e)) False = undefined
--    f ArgContext e = dosub e
    f c (EAp a b) = do
        b' <- makeRange b
        f ApplyTo { contArg = b', contNext = c } a
    f (ApplyTo rng cont) (ELam t b) = do
        addBoundNames [tvrIdent t]
        mtick (toAtom $ "E.Simplify.f-beta-reduce/{" ++ pprint t)
        localEnv (insertRange (tvrIdent t) rng) $ f cont b
    f (ApplyTo rng cont) (EPi t b) = do
        addBoundNames [tvrIdent t]
        mtick (toAtom $ "E.Simplify.f-pi-reduce/{" ++ pprint t)
        localEnv (insertRange (tvrIdent t) rng) $ f cont b
    f cont (EVar v) = do
        z <- substLookup (tvrIdent v)
        case z of
            Just (Done e) -> done cont e
            Just (Susp e s) -> localEnv (envSubst_s s)  $ f cont e
            Nothing -> done cont (EVar v)
    f (Coerce t cont) (EError s _) = evalRange t >>= \t' -> done cont (EError s t')
    f (Coerce t cont) (ELit (LitInt n _)) = evalRange t >>= \t' -> done cont (ELit (LitInt n t'))
    f cont v | Just (e,t) <- from_unsafeCoerce v =
        makeRange t >>= \t' -> f (g t' cont) e where g t' (Coerce _ cont) = Coerce t' cont ; g t' cont = Coerce t' cont
    f cont ep@EPrim {} = do
        ep' <- performPrimOpt ep
        ep'' <- dosub ep'
        done cont ep''
    f cont (ELit lc@LitCons { litArgs = xs }) = do
        xs' <- mapM performPrimOpt xs
        dosub (ELit lc { litArgs = xs' }) >>= done cont
    f cont e@ELit {} = dosub e >>= done cont
    f cont (ELam v e)  = do
        addNames [tvrIdent v]
        v' <- nname v
        e' <- localEnv (insertDoneSubst v (EVar v') . insertInScope (tvrIdent v') NotKnown) $ f StartContext e
        done cont $ ELam v' e'
    f cont e@(EPi (TVr { tvrIdent = n }) _) = do
        addNames [n]
        e' <- dosub e
        done cont e'
    f cont (EError s t) = (EError s `fmap` dosub t) >>= done cont
    f cont ec@ECase { eCaseScrutinee = e, eCaseBind = b, eCaseAlts = as, eCaseDefault = d} = do
        addNames (map tvrIdent $ caseBinds ec)
--        e' <- f (Scrutinee (not $ null as)) e
        e' <- f StartContext e
        ec' <- doCaseCont cont e' (eCaseType ec) b as d
        done StartContext ec'
    f cont ELetRec { eDefs = [], eBody = e } = f cont e
    f cont ELetRec { eDefs = ds@(_:_), eBody =  e } = do
        tickCont cont "let"
        (ds',inb') <- doDs ds
        e' <- localEnv (const inb') $ f cont e
        res <- case ds' of
            [(t,e)] | worthStricting e, Just (Demand.S _) <- Info.lookup (tvrInfo t), not (getProperty prop_CYCLIC t) -> do
                mtick $ "E.Simplify.strictness.let-to-case/{" ++ pprint t
                return $ eStrictLet t e e'
            [(t,ec@ECase { eCaseScrutinee = sc@(EPrim p _ _), eCaseAlts = [], eCaseDefault = Just def })] | primEagerSafe p && not (getProperty prop_CYCLIC t) -> do
                mtick $ "E.Simplify.strictness.cheap-eagerness.def/{" ++ pprint t
                return $ caseUpdate ec { eCaseDefault = Just $ ELetRec [(t,def)] e', eCaseType = getType e' }
            [(t,ec@ECase { eCaseScrutinee = sc@(EPrim p _ _), eCaseAlts = [Alt c def], eCaseDefault = Nothing })] | primEagerSafe p && not (getProperty prop_CYCLIC t) -> do
                mtick $ "E.Simplify.strictness.cheap-eagerness.con/{" ++ pprint t
                return $ caseUpdate ec { eCaseAlts = [Alt c (ELetRec [(t,def)] e')], eCaseType = getType e' }
            _ -> do
                let fn ds (ELetRec { eDefs = ds', eBody = e}) | not (hasRepeatUnder fst (ds ++ ds')) = fn (ds' ++ ds) e
                    fn ds e = f ds (Set.fromList $ fsts ds) [] False where
                        f ((t,ELetRec { eDefs = ds', eBody = e}):rs) us ds b | all (not . (`Set.member` us)) (fsts ds') = f ((t,e):rs) (Set.fromList (fsts ds') `Set.union` us) (ds':ds) True
                        f (te:rs) us ds b = f rs us ([te]:ds) b
                        f [] _ ds True = fn (concat ds) e
                        f [] _ ds False = (concat ds,e)
                let (ds'',e'') = fn ds' e'
                when (flint && hasRepeatUnder fst ds'') $ fail "hasRepeats!"
                mticks  (length ds'' - length ds') (toAtom $ "E.Simplify.let-coalesce")
                return $ eLetRec ds'' e''
        done StartContext res
    f cont e = trace ("Fall through: " ++ show (cont,e)) $ dosub e >>= done cont

    showName t | isJust (fromId t) || dump FD.EVerbose = tvrShowName (tVr t Unknown)
             | otherwise = "(epheremal)"

    -- Rename a if necessary. We always have to substitute all occurrences because we update the type.
    nname tvr@(TVr { tvrIdent = n, tvrType = t}) = do
        t' <- dosub t
        inb <- ask
        let t'' = substMap' (envInScopeCache inb) t'
        n' <- if n == emptyId then return emptyId else uniqueName n
        return $ tvr { tvrIdent = n', tvrType =  t'' }
    -- TODO - case simplification
    tickCont (ApplyTo _ cont) cs = mtick ("E.Simplify.application-push." ++ cs) >> tickCont cont cs
    tickCont (Coerce _ cont) cs = mtick ("E.Simplify.coerce-push." ++ cs) >> tickCont cont cs
    tickCont _ _ = return ()
    contType (ApplyTo z cont) t = contType cont t >>= \t' -> evalRange z >>= \z' -> return (eAp t' z')
    contType (Coerce t cont) _ = evalRange t
    contType _ t = return t
    doCaseCont :: Cont -> OutE -> InE -> InTVr -> [Alt InE] -> (Maybe InE) ->  SM OutE
    doCaseCont cont e t b as d = do
        inb <- ask
            varval = do EVar v <- return e; mlookup (tvrIdent v) (envInScope inb)
            doCase ELetRec { eDefs = ds, eBody = e} t b as d = do
                mtick "E.Simplify.let-from-case"
                e' <- doCaseCont cont e t b as d
                done StartContext (substLet' ds e')

            doCase _ t b as d |  Just IsBoundTo { bindingE = ELit l } <- varval  = doConstCase cont l t  b as d
            doCase (EPi TVr { tvrType = x} y) t b as d = doConstCase cont litCons { litName = tc_Arrow, litArgs = [x,y], litType = eStar} t b as d
            doCase (ELit l) t b as d  = doConstCase cont l t b as d
            doCase (EVar v) t b as d | Just IsBoundTo { bindingE = e } <- varval , isBottom e = do
                mtick "E.Simplify.case-of-bottom'"
                t' <- makeRange t
                done (Coerce t' cont) (EVar v)
            doCase e t b as d | isBottom e = do
                mtick "E.Simplify.case-of-bottom"
                t' <- makeRange t
                done (Coerce t' cont) e

            doCase ic@ECase { eCaseScrutinee = e, eCaseBind =  b, eCaseAlts =  as, eCaseDefault =  d } t b' as' d'
                | length (filter (not . isBottom) (caseBodies ic)) <= 1 ||
                  all whnfOrBot (caseBodies ic)  ||
                  all whnfOrBot (caseBodies emptyCase { eCaseAlts = as', eCaseDefault = d'} )  = do
                mtick (toAtom "E.Simplify.case-of-case")
                let f (Alt l e) = do
                        e' <- localEnv (extendScope (fromList [ (n,NotKnown) | TVr { tvrIdent = n } <- litBinds l ]))
                                $ doCaseCont StartContext e t b' as' d'
                        return (Alt l e')
                    --g e >>= return . Alt l
                    g x = localEnv (insertInScope (tvrIdent b) NotKnown) $ doCaseCont StartContext x t b' as' d'
                as'' <- mapM f as
                d'' <- T.mapM g d
                t' <- dosub t
                done cont $ caseUpdate ECase {
                    eCaseAllFV = error "eCaseAllFV",
                    eCaseScrutinee = e,
                    eCaseType = t',
                    eCaseBind = b,
                    eCaseAlts = as'',
                    eCaseDefault = d''} -- XXX     -- we duplicate code so continue for next renaming pass before going further.
            doCase ic@ECase { eCaseType = it, eCaseScrutinee = e, eCaseBind =  b, eCaseAlts =  as, eCaseDefault =  d } t b' as' d' | not (isUnboxedTuple it) = do
                mtick (toAtom "E.Simplify.case-of-case-join")
                n1 <- newName
                n2 <- newName
                let cvar = setProperty prop_ONESHOT $ tVr n1 it
                rcc <- doCaseCont StartContext (EVar cvar) t b' as' d'
                let fbody = ELam cvar rcc
                    zvar = setProperties [prop_JOINPOINT,prop_ONESHOT] $ tVr n2 (EPi tvr { tvrType = it } (getType rcc))
                nic <- flip caseBodiesMapM ic $ \body -> return $ eLet cvar body (eAp (EVar zvar) (EVar cvar))
                done cont $ eLet zvar fbody nic { eCaseType = getType rcc }
            doCase e t b as@(Alt LitCons { litName = n } _:_) (Just d) | Just nsib <- numberSiblings (progDataTable prog) n, nsib <= length as = do
                mtick "E.Simplify.case-no-default"
                doCase e t b as Nothing
            doCase e t b (a@(Alt LitCons { litName = n } _):_) (Just d) | Just _ <- fromUnboxedNameTuple n = do
                mtick "E.Simplify.case-unboxed-no-default"
                doCase e t b [a] Nothing
  Remove the default case if possible.
  case lst of [] -> True; _ -> False
  case lst of [] -> True; (:) _ _ -> False
            doCase e t b as (Just d) | te /= tWorld__, (ELit LitCons { litName = cn }) <- followAliases dt te
                                     , Just Constructor { conChildren = DataNormal cs } <- getConstructor cn dt
                                     , length as == length cs - 1 || (False && length as < length cs && isAtomic d)  = do
                let ns = [ n | Alt ~LitCons { litName = n } _ <- as ]
                    ls = filter (`notElem` ns) cs
                    ff n = do
                        con <- getConstructor n dt
                        let g t = do
                                n <- newName
                                return $ tVr n t
                        ts <- mapM g (slotTypes (progDataTable prog) n te)
                        let wtd = ELit $ updateLit (progDataTable prog) litCons { litName = n, litArgs = map EVar ts, litType = te }
                        return $ Alt (updateLit (progDataTable prog) litCons { litName = n, litArgs = ts, litType = te }) (eLet b wtd d)
                mtick $ "E.Simplify.case-improve-default.{" ++ show (sort ls) ++ "}"
                ls' <- mapM ff ls
                --ec <- dosub $ caseUpdate emptyCase { eCaseScrutinee = e, eCaseType = t, eCaseBind = b, eCaseAlts = as ++ ls' }
                --localEnv (envSubst_s mempty) $ f StartContext (caseUpdate ec { eCaseScrutinee = e })
                doCase e t b (as ++ ls') Nothing
                te = getType b
                dt = (progDataTable prog)
            doCase e _ b [] (Just d) | not (isLifted e || isUnboxed (getType e)) = do
                mtick "E.Simplify.case-unlifted"
                b' <- nname b
                d' <- localEnv (insertDoneSubst b (EVar b') . (insertInScope (tvrIdent b') (isBoundTo sopts b' noUseInfo e))) $ f cont d
                done StartContext $ eLet b' e d'
            doCase e@ELam {} _ b [] (Just d)  = do
                mtick "E.Simplify.case-lambda"
                b' <- nname b
                d' <- localEnv (insertDoneSubst b (EVar b') . (insertInScope (tvrIdent b') (isBoundTo sopts b' noUseInfo e))) $ f cont d
                done StartContext $ eLet b' e d'
            -- atomic unboxed values may be substituted or discarded without replicating work or affecting program semantics.
            doCase e _ b [] (Just d) | isUnboxed (getType e), isAtomic e = do
                mtick "E.Simplify.case-atomic-unboxed"
                localEnv (insertDoneSubst b e) $ f cont d
            doCase e _ TVr { tvrIdent = z } [] (Just d) | isEmptyId z, isOmittable inb e = do
                mtick "E.Simplify.case-omittable"
                f cont d
            doCase (EVar v) _ b [] (Just d) | Just (NotAmong _) <-  varval  = do
                mtick $ "E.Simplify.case-evaled/{" ++ pprint v
                localEnv (insertDoneSubst b (EVar v)) $ f cont d
            doCase e _ b [] (Just (EVar v')) | b == v' = do
                mtick $ "E.Simplify.case-trailing/{" ++ pprint b
                done cont e
            doCase scrut _ v [] (Just sc@ECase { eCaseScrutinee = EVar v'} ) | v == v', tvrIdent v `notMember` (freeVars (caseBodies sc) :: IdSet)  = do
                mtick "E.Simplify.case-default-case"
                doCase scrut (eCaseType sc) (eCaseBind sc) (eCaseAlts sc) (eCaseDefault sc)
            doCase e t b as d = do
                tickCont cont "case"
                b' <- nname b
                (ids,b') <- case (e,tvrIdent b') of
                    (EVar v,z) | isEmptyId z -> do
                        nn <- newName
                        b' <- return b' { tvrIdent = nn }
                        return $ (insertInScope (tvrIdent v) (isBoundTo sopts v noUseInfo (EVar b')),b')
                    (EVar v,_) -> return $ (insertDoneSubst b (EVar b') . insertInScope (tvrIdent v) (isBoundTo sopts v noUseInfo (EVar b')),b')
                    _ -> return $ (insertDoneSubst b (EVar b'),b')
                inb <- ask
                let dd e' = localEnv (const $ ids $ extendScope newinb inb) $ f cont e' where
                        na = NotAmong [ n | Alt LitCons { litName = n } _ <- as]
                        newinb = fromList [ (n,na) | EVar (TVr { tvrIdent = n }) <- [EVar b']]
                    da (Alt (LitInt n t) ae) = do
                        t' <- dosub t
                        let p' = LitInt n t'
                        e' <- localEnv (ids . mins e (patToLitEE p')) $ f cont ae
                        return $ Alt p' e'
                    da (Alt lc@LitCons { litName = n, litArgs = ns, litType = t } ae) = do
                        t' <- dosub t
                        ns' <- mapM nname ns
                        let p' = lc { litArgs = ns', litType = t' }
                            nsub =  [ (n,Done (EVar t))  | TVr { tvrIdent = n } <- ns | t <- ns' ]
                            ninb = fromList [ (n,NotKnown)  | TVr { tvrIdent = n } <- ns' ]
                        e' <- localEnv (const $ ids $ substAddList nsub (extendScope ninb $ mins e (patToLitEE p') inb)) $ f cont ae
                        return $ Alt p' e'
                    mins _ e | emptyId `notMember` (freeVars e :: IdSet) = insertInScope (tvrIdent b') (isBoundTo sopts b' noUseInfo e)
                    mins _ _ = id

                d' <- T.mapM dd d
                as' <- mapM da as
                t' <- dosub t
                t' <- contType cont t'
                done StartContext $ caseUpdate ECase {
                    eCaseAllFV = error "eCaseAllFV",
                    eCaseScrutinee = e,
                    eCaseType = t',
                    eCaseBind =  b',
                    eCaseAlts = as',
                    eCaseDefault = d'}
        doCase e t b as d

    isOmittable _ ELit {} = True
    isOmittable _ EPi {} = True
    isOmittable _ ELam {} = True
    isOmittable _ (EPrim p _ _) = primIsConstant p
    isOmittable inb (EVar v) = case mlookup (tvrIdent v) (envInScope inb) of
        Just IsBoundTo { bindingE = e } | not (isEVar e) -> isOmittable inb e
        Just (NotAmong _) -> True
        _ -> False
    isOmittable _ _ = False

    doConstCase :: Cont -> {- Out -} Lit E E -> InE -> InTVr -> [Alt E] -> Maybe InE -> SM OutE
    doConstCase cont l t b as d = do
        t' <- dosub t
        mr <- match l as (b,d)
        inb <- ask
        case mr of
            Just (bs,e) -> do
                let bs' = [ x | x@(TVr { tvrIdent = n },_) <- bs, n /= emptyId]
                binds <- mapM (\ (v,e) -> nname v >>= return . (,,) e v) bs'
                e' <- localEnv (substAddList [ (n,Done $ EVar nt) | (_,TVr { tvrIdent = n },nt) <- binds] . extendScope (fromList [ (n,isBoundTo sopts t noUseInfo e) | (e,_,t@TVr { tvrIdent = n }) <- binds])) $ f StartContext e
                done cont $ eLetRec [ (v,e) | (e,_,v) <- binds ] e'
            Nothing -> do
                done cont $ EError ("match falls off bottom: " ++ pprint l) t'

    match m@LitCons { litName = c, litArgs = xs } ((Alt LitCons { litName = c', litArgs = bs } e):rs) d@(b,_) | c == c' = do
        mtick (toAtom $ "E.Simplify.known-case." ++ show c )
        return $ Just ((b,ELit m):(zip bs xs),e)
         | otherwise = match m rs d
    match m@(LitInt x _) ((Alt (LitInt y _) e):rs) d@(b,_) | x == y = do
        mtick (toAtom $ "E.Simplify.known-case." ++ show x)
        return $ Just ([(b,ELit m)],e)
         | otherwise = match m rs d
    match m@LitCons { litName = c } [] (_,Just e) | Just _ <- fromUnboxedNameTuple c  = do
        mtick (toAtom $ "E.Simplify.known-case._#" ++ show c )
        return (Just ([],e))
    match l [] (b,Just e) = do
        mtick (toAtom "E.Simplify.known-case._")
        return $ Just ([(b,ELit l)],e)
    match m [] (_,Nothing) = do
        mtick (toAtom "E.Simplify.known-case.unmatch")
        return Nothing
    match m as d = error $ "Odd Match: " ++ show ((m,getType m),as,d)

    applyRule :: OutTVr -> [OutE] -> SM (Maybe (OutE,[OutE]))
    applyRule v xs  = do
        inb <- ask
        z <- builtinRule v xs
        let lup x = case mlookup x (envInScope inb) of
                Just IsBoundTo { bindingE = e } -> Just e
                _ -> Nothing
        case z of
            Nothing | fopts FO.Rules -> applyRules lup (findWithDefault mempty (tvrIdent v) $ envRules inb) xs
            x -> return x
    done cont e = z cont [] where
        z (ApplyTo r cont') rs = evalRange r >>= \a -> z cont' (a:rs)
        z (Coerce t cont) rs = do
            t' <- evalRange t
            z <- hFunc e (reverse rs)
            done cont (prim_unsafeCoerce z t')
        z _ rs = hFunc e (reverse rs)
    hFunc :: OutE -> [OutE] -> SM OutE
    hFunc (EVar v) xs' = do
        inb <- ask
        z <- applyRule v xs'
        let txs = map tx xs' where
                tx (ELit l) = knowLit l
                tx EPi {} = KnowSomething
                tx (EVar v) = case mlookup (tvrIdent v) (envInScope inb) of
                    Just (NotAmong xs) -> KnowNotOneOf xs
                    Just IsBoundTo { bindingE = ELit l } -> knowLit l
                    Just IsBoundTo {} -> KnowSomething
                    _ -> KnowNothing
                tx _ = KnowNothing
                knowLit LitCons { litName = c } = KnowIsCon c
                knowLit (LitInt n _) = KnowIsNum n
        case z of
            (Just (x,xs)) -> didInline x xs
            _ -> case mlookup (tvrIdent v) (envInScope inb) of
                Just IsBoundTo { inlineForced = ForceNoinline } -> appVar v xs'
                Just IsBoundTo { bindingOccurance = Once } -> error "IsBoundTo: Once"
                Just IsBoundTo { bindingE = e, bindingAtomic = True }  -> do
                    mtick  (toAtom $ "E.Simplify.inline.atomic/{" ++ tvrShowName v  ++ "}")
                    didInline e xs'
                Just IsBoundTo { bindingE = e, inlineForced = ForceInline } | someBenefit v e txs -> do
                    mtick  (toAtom $ "E.Simplify.inline.Forced/{" ++ tvrShowName v  ++ "}")
                    didInline e xs'
--                Just ibt@IsBoundTo { bindingE = e } | False && someBenefit v e txs && getProperty prop_WRAPPER v -> do
--                    mtick  (toAtom $ "E.Simplify.inline.Wrapper/{" ++ tvrShowName v  ++ "}")
--                    trace (show (v,e,ibt,tvrInfo v)) didInline e xs'
                Just IsBoundTo { bindingOccurance = OnceInLam, bindingE = e, bindingCheap = True } | someBenefit v e txs -> do
                    mtick  (toAtom $ "E.Simplify.inline.OnceInLam/{" ++ showName (tvrIdent v)  ++ "}")
                    didInline e xs'
                Just IsBoundTo { bindingOccurance = ManyBranch, bindingE = e } | multiInline v e txs -> do
                    mtick  (toAtom $ "E.Simplify.inline.ManyBranch/{" ++ showName (tvrIdent v)  ++ "}")
                    didInline e xs'
                Just IsBoundTo { bindingOccurance = Many, bindingE = e, bindingCheap = True } | multiInline v e txs -> do
                    mtick  (toAtom $ "E.Simplify.inline.Many/{" ++ showName (tvrIdent v)  ++ "}")
                    didInline e xs'
                Just _ -> appVar v xs'
                Nothing  -> appVar v xs'
                -- Nothing | tvrIdent v `Set.member` exports -> app (EVar v,xs')
                -- Nothing -> error $ "Var not in scope: " ++ show v
    hFunc e xs' = do app (e,xs')
    didInline ::OutE -> [OutE] -> SM OutE
    didInline z zs = return (foldl EAp z zs)
    --didInline z zs = do
    --    used <- smUsedNames
    --    let (ne,nn) = runRename used (foldl EAp z zs)
    --    smAddNamesIdSet nn
    --    return ne
    appVar v xs | so_postLift sopts = app (EVar v,xs)
    appVar v xs = do
        me <- etaExpandAp (progDataTable prog) v xs
        case me of
            Just e -> return e
            Nothing -> app (EVar v,xs)

    app (e,[]) = return e
    app (e,xs) = app' e xs

    app' (ELit lc@LitCons { litName = n, litArgs = xs, litType = EPi ta tt }) (a:as)  = do
        mtick (toAtom $ "E.Simplify.typecon-reduce.{" ++ show n ++ "}" )
        app' (ELit lc { litArgs = xs ++ [a], litType = subst ta a tt }) as
    app' (ELit LitCons { litName = n, litArgs = es, litAliasFor = Just af }) bs@(_:_) = do
        mtick (toAtom $ "E.Simplify.newtype-reduce.{" ++ show n ++ "}" )
        app' (foldl eAp af (es ++ bs)) []
    app' (EError s t) xs = do
        mticks (length xs) (toAtom "E.Simplify.error-application")
        return $ EError s (foldl eAp t xs)
    app' e as = do
        return $ foldl EAp e as
    doDs ds = do
        addNames $ map (tvrIdent . fst) ds
        let z :: (InTVr,InE) -> SM (Id,UseInfo,OutTVr,InE)
            z (t,EVar t') | t == t' = do    -- look for simple loops and replace them with errors.
                t'' <- nname t
                mtick $ "E.Simplify.<<loop>>.{" ++ showName (tvrIdent t) ++ "}"
                return (tvrIdent t,noUseInfo,t'',EError "<<loop>>" (getType t))
            z (t,e) = do
                t' <- nname t
                case Info.lookup (tvrInfo t) of
                    _ | forceNoinline t -> return (tvrIdent t,noUseInfo { useOccurance = LoopBreaker },t',e)
                      | so_postLift sopts && (isELam e || isECase e) -> return (tvrIdent t,noUseInfo { useOccurance = LoopBreaker },t',e)
                    Just ui@UseInfo { useOccurance = Once } -> return (tvrIdent t,ui,error $ "Once: " ++ show t,e)
                    Just n -> return (tvrIdent t,n,t',e)
                    -- We don't want to inline things we don't have occurance info for because they might lead to an infinite loop. hopefully the next pass will fix it.
                    Nothing -> return (tvrIdent t,noUseInfo { useOccurance = LoopBreaker },t',e)
                    -- Nothing -> error $ "No Occurance info for " ++ show t
            w :: [(Id,UseInfo,OutTVr,InE)] -> [(OutTVr,OutE)] -> SM ([(OutTVr,OutE)],Env)
            w ((t,UseInfo { useOccurance = Once },t',e):rs) ds = do
                mtick $ "E.Simplify.inline.Once/{" ++ showName t ++ "}"
                w rs ds -- (minsert t (Susp e sub) sub) inb ds
            w ((t,n,t',e):rs) ds = do
                let inb = case isForced of
                        ForceInline -> cacheSubst . changeScope nogrowth
                        _ -> id
                    isForced = calcForced finalPhase t'
                    nogrowth IsBoundTo { bindingAtomic = False } = NotKnown
                    nogrowth x = x
                e' <- localEnv inb $ f (LazyContext t') e
                let ibt = isBoundTo sopts t' n e'
                case (bindingAtomic ibt,inlineForced ibt) of
                    (True,f) | f /= ForceNoinline -> do
                        --when (n /= Unused) $ mtick $ "E.Simplify.inline.Atomic.{" ++ showName t ++ "}"
                        localEnv (insertDoneSubst' t e' . insertInScope (tvrIdent t') ibt) $ w rs  ((t',e'):ds)
                    _ -> localEnv (insertInScope (tvrIdent t') ibt) $ w rs ((t',e'):ds)
            w [] ds = ask >>= \inb -> return (ds,inb)
        s' <- mapM z ds
        inb <- ask
        let sub'' = fromList [ (t,susp e sub'') | (t, UseInfo { useOccurance = Once },_,e) <- s'] `union` fromList [ (t,Done (EVar t'))  | (t,n,t',_) <- s', useOccurance n /= Once] `union` envSubst inb
        (ds',inb') <- localEnv (envSubst_s sub'' . extendScope (fromList [ (tvrIdent t',NotKnown) | (_,n,t',_) <- s', useOccurance n /= Once])) $ w s' []
        let minArgs t = case Info.lookup (tvrInfo t) of
                Just (UseInfo { minimumArgs = min }) -> min
                Nothing -> 0

        ds' <- if so_postLift sopts then return ds' else  sequence [ etaExpandDef' (progDataTable prog) (minArgs t) t e | (t,e) <- ds']
        return (ds',inb')

data KnowSomething = KnowNothing | KnowNotOneOf [Name] | KnowIsCon Name | KnowIsNum Number | KnowSomething

someBenefit _ e _ | isAtomic e = True
someBenefit _ ELit {} _ = True
someBenefit _ EPi {} _ = True
someBenefit _ EPrim {} _ = True
someBenefit v ELetRec { eDefs = ds, eBody = e } xs | someBenefit v e xs = True
--someBenefit _v ECase {} (_:_) = True
someBenefit _ e xs | f e xs = True where
    f (ELam _ e) (_:xs) = f e xs
    f ELam {} [] = any (/= KnowNothing) xs
    f _ _ = not (null xs)
someBenefit v e xs = any (/= KnowNothing) xs

exprSize ::
    Int            -- ^ maximum size before bailing out
    -> E           -- ^ expression
    -> Int         -- ^ discount for case of something known
    -> [(Id,KnowSomething)]        -- ^ things that are known
    -> Maybe Int
exprSize max e discount known = f max e >>= \n -> return (max - n) where
    f n _ | n <= 0 = fail "exprSize: expression too big"
    f n EVar {} = return $! n - 1
    f n (EAp x@(EVar v) y) | Just _ <- lookup (tvrIdent v) known = do
        v <- f (n + discount) x
        f v x
    f n (EAp x y) = do
        v <- f n x
        f v x
    f n (ELam t x) = f (n - 1) x
    f n EPi {} = return $! n - 1
    f n ELit {} = return $! n - 1
    f n ESort {} = return $! n - 1
    f n EPrim {} = return $! n - 1
    f n EError {} = return $! n - 1
    f n ec@ECase { eCaseScrutinee = EVar tv } | Just l <- lookup (tvrIdent tv) known = do
        n <- f (n + discount) (EVar tv)
        let g n []  | Just d <- eCaseDefault ec = f n d
                    | otherwise  = return n
            g n (Alt LitCons { litName = c' } e:rs) | KnowIsCon c <- l = if c == c' then f n e else g n rs
            g n (Alt (LitInt c' _) e:rs) | KnowIsNum c <- l = if c == c' then f n e else g n rs
            g n (Alt LitCons { litName = c } e:rs) | KnowNotOneOf na <- l = if c `elem` na then g n rs else f n e >>= \n' -> g n' rs
            g n (Alt _ e:rs) = f n e >>= \n' -> g n' rs
        g n (eCaseAlts ec)
    f n ec@ECase {} = do
        n <- f n (eCaseScrutinee ec)
        foldM f n (caseBodies ec)
    f n ELetRec {eDefs = ds, eBody = e } = do
        n <- foldM f n (snds ds)
        f n e
    f _ Unknown = error "SSimplify.exprSize: bad."

noSizeIncrease e xs = f e xs where
    currentSize = 1 + length xs
    f (ELam t e) (x:xs) = f e xs
    f ELam {} [] = False -- abort if we will create a lambda
    f e [] = isJust $ exprSize currentSize  e 3 []
    f e xs = isJust $ exprSize (currentSize - length xs) e 3 []

--multiInline _ e xs | isSmall (f e xs) = True  where -- should be noSizeIncrease
--    f e [] = e
--    f (ELam _ e) (_:xs) = f e xs
--    f e xs = foldl EAp e xs

scrutineeDiscount = 4
extraArgDiscount = 1
knowSomethingDiscount = 2

multiInline _ e xs | noSizeIncrease e xs = True
multiInline v e xs | not (someBenefit v e xs) = False
multiInline v e xs = f e xs [] where
    currentSize = 1 + length xs
    f (ELam t e) (KnowNothing:xs) rs = f e xs rs
    f (ELam t e) (x:xs) rs = f e xs ((tvrIdent t,x):rs)
    f e xs rs = isJust $ exprSize (knowSomethingDiscount*(length rs) + discount + currentSize + (if null xs then 0 else extraArgDiscount)) e scrutineeDiscount rs where
           discount = if safeToDup e then 4 else 0

worthStricting EError {} = True
worthStricting ELit {} = False
worthStricting ELam {} = False
worthStricting x = sortTermLike x

coerceOpt :: MonadStats m =>  (E -> m E) -> E -> m E
coerceOpt fn e = do
    let (n,e',p) = unsafeCoerceOpt e
    n `seq` stat_unsafeCoerce `seq` mticks n stat_unsafeCoerce
    e'' <- fn e'
    return (p e'')

stat_unsafeCoerce = toAtom "E.Simplify.unsafeCoerce"

-- simplification Monad

data SmState = SmState {
    idsSeed :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int,
    idsUsed :: !IdSet,
    idsBound :: !IdSet

smState = SmState { idsSeed = 1, idsUsed = mempty, idsBound = mempty }

newtype SM a = SM (RWS Env Stats.Stat SmState a)
    deriving(Monad,Functor,MonadReader Env, MonadState SmState)

localEnv f (SM action) = SM $ local (cacheSubst . f) action

runSM :: Env -> SM a -> (a,Stat)
runSM env (SM x) = (r,s) where
    (r,_,s) = runRWS x (cacheSubst env) smState

instance MonadStats SM where
   mticks' n k = SM $ tell (Stats.singleStat n k) >> return ()
   mtickStat = error "MonadStats.mtickStat: not impl."

modifyIds fn = SM $ modify f where
    f s@SmState { idsUsed = used, idsBound = bound } = case fn (used,bound) of (used',bound') -> s { idsUsed = used', idsBound = bound' }
getIds = SM $ liftM f get where
    f s@SmState { idsUsed = used, idsBound = bound } = (used,bound)
putIds x = SM $ modify (f x) where
    f (used,bound) = \s -> s { idsUsed = used, idsBound = bound }

instance NameMonad Id SM where
    addNames ns = do
        modifyIds (\ (used,bound) -> -- trace ("AddNames: " ++ show (size used,size bound)) $
                   (fromList ns `union` used, bound) )
    addBoundNames ns = do
        let nset = fromList ns
        modifyIds (\ (used,bound) -> --trace ("AddBoundNames: " ++ show (size used, size bound))
                   (nset `union` used, nset `union` bound) )
    uniqueName n = do
        (used,bound) <- getIds
        if n `member` bound then newName else putIds (insert n used,insert n bound) >> return n
    newNameFrom vs = do
        (used,bound) <- getIds
        let f (x:xs)
                | x `member` used = f xs
                | otherwise = x
            f [] = error "newNameFrom: finite list!"
            nn = f vs
        putIds (insert nn used, insert nn bound)
        return nn
    newName  = do
        seed <- gets idsSeed
        modify (\e -> e { idsSeed = seed + 1 })
--        (used,bound) <- getIds
        newNameFrom $ candidateIds seed -- (size used + 10000*size bound)

--smUsedNames = SM $ gets idsUsed
--smBoundNames = SM $ gets idsBound

smAddNamesIdSet nset = --trace ("addNamesIdSet: "++ show (size nset)) $
   do modifyIds (\ (used,bound) -> (nset `union` used, bound) )
smAddBoundNamesIdSet nset = --trace ("addBoundNamesIdSet: "++show (size nset)) $
   do modifyIds (\ (used,bound) -> (nset `union` used, nset `union` bound) )

--smAddBoundNamesIdMap = smAddNamesIdSet . idMapToIdSet

$(derive makeMonoid ''Env)