{-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes, TemplateHaskell #-}
module FrontEnd.Tc.Monad(
    ) where

import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import Data.DeriveTH
--import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ(Doc)
import qualified Data.Foldable as T
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Traversable as T

import Doc.DocLike
import Doc.PPrint
import FrontEnd.Class
import FrontEnd.Diagnostic
import FrontEnd.KindInfer
import FrontEnd.Rename(DeNameable(..))
import FrontEnd.SrcLoc(bogusASrcLoc,MonadSrcLoc(..))
import FrontEnd.Tc.Kind
import FrontEnd.Tc.Type
import FrontEnd.Warning
import GenUtil
import Name.Name
import Name.Names
import Options
import Support.CanType
import Support.FreeVars
import Support.Tickle
import qualified FlagDump as FD
import {-# SOURCE #-} FrontEnd.Tc.Class(simplify)

-- data BindingType = RecursiveInfered | Supplied
type TypeEnv = Map.Map Name Sigma

-- | information that is passed into the type checker.
data TcInfo = TcInfo {
    tcInfoEnv            :: TypeEnv, -- initial typeenv, data constructors, and previously infered types
    tcInfoSigEnv         :: TypeEnv, -- type signatures used for binding analysis
    tcInfoModName        :: Module,
    tcInfoKindInfo       :: KindEnv,
    tcInfoClassHierarchy :: ClassHierarchy

-- read only environment, set up before type checking.
data TcEnv = TcEnv {
    tcInfo              :: TcInfo,
    tcDiagnostics       :: [Diagnostic],   -- list of information that might help diagnosis
    tcVarnum            :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef Int),
    tcCollectedEnv      :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef (Map.Map Name Sigma)),
    tcCollectedCoerce   :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef (Map.Map Name CoerceTerm)),
    tcConcreteEnv       :: Map.Map Name Sigma,
    tcMutableEnv        :: Map.Map Name Sigma,
    tcCurrentScope      :: Set.Set MetaVar,
    tcRecursiveCalls    :: Set.Set Name,
    tcInstanceEnv       :: InstanceEnv,
    tcOptions           :: Opt  -- module specific options

tcConcreteEnv_u    f r@TcEnv{tcConcreteEnv  = x} = r{tcConcreteEnv = f x}
tcDiagnostics_u    f r@TcEnv{tcDiagnostics  = x} = r{tcDiagnostics = f x}
tcMutableEnv_u     f r@TcEnv{tcMutableEnv  = x}  = r{tcMutableEnv = f x}
tcRecursiveCalls_u f r@TcEnv{tcRecursiveCalls  = x} = r{tcRecursiveCalls = f x}

data Output = Output {
    collectedPreds   :: !Preds,
    existentialPreds :: !Preds,
    constraints      :: !(Seq.Seq Constraint),
    checkedRules     :: !(Seq.Seq Rule),
    existentialVars  :: [Tyvar],
    tcWarnings       :: !(Seq.Seq Warning),
    outKnots         :: [(Name,Name)]

$(derive makeMonoid ''Output)

newtype Tc a = Tc (ReaderT TcEnv (WriterT Output IO) a)
    deriving(MonadFix,MonadIO,MonadReader TcEnv,MonadWriter Output,Functor)

getDeName :: DeNameable n => Tc (n -> n)
getDeName = do
    mn <- asks (tcInfoModName . tcInfo)
    return (\n -> deName mn n)

-- | run a computation with a local environment
localEnv :: TypeEnv -> Tc a -> Tc a
localEnv te act = do
    te' <- T.mapM flattenType te
    let (cenv,menv) = Map.partition (Set.null . freeMetaVars) te'
    --if any isBoxy (Map.elems te') then
    --    fail $ "localEnv error!\n" ++ show te
    local (tcConcreteEnv_u (cenv `Map.union`) . tcMutableEnv_u ((menv `Map.union`) .
        Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `Map.notMember` cenv))) act

-- | add to the collected environment which will be used to annotate uses of
-- variables with their instantiated types.  should contain @-aliases for each
-- use of a polymorphic variable or pattern match.

addToCollectedEnv :: TypeEnv -> Tc ()
addToCollectedEnv te = do
    v <- asks tcCollectedEnv
    liftIO $ modifyIORef v (te `Map.union`)

addCoerce :: Name -> CoerceTerm -> Tc ()
addCoerce n te = do
    v <- asks tcCollectedCoerce
    liftIO $ modifyIORef v (Map.insert n te)

getCollectedEnv :: Tc TypeEnv
getCollectedEnv = do
    v <- asks tcCollectedEnv
    r <- liftIO $ readIORef v
    r <- T.mapM flattenType r
    return r

getCollectedCoerce :: Tc (Map.Map Name CoerceTerm)
getCollectedCoerce = do
    v <- asks tcCollectedCoerce
    r <- liftIO $ readIORef v
    r <- T.mapM flattenType r
    return r

runTc :: (MonadIO m,OptionMonad m) => TcInfo -> Tc a -> m a
runTc tcInfo  (Tc tim) = do
    opt <- getOptions
    liftIO $ do
    vn <- newIORef 0
    ce <- newIORef mempty
    cc <- newIORef mempty
    (a,out) <- runWriterT $ runReaderT tim TcEnv {
        tcCollectedEnv    = ce,
        tcCollectedCoerce = cc,
        tcConcreteEnv     = tcInfoEnv tcInfo `mappend` tcInfoSigEnv tcInfo,
        tcMutableEnv      = mempty,
        tcVarnum          = vn,
        tcDiagnostics     = [Msg Nothing $
            "Compilation of module: " ++ show (tcInfoModName tcInfo)],
        tcInfo            = tcInfo,
        tcRecursiveCalls  = mempty,
        tcInstanceEnv     = makeInstanceEnv (tcInfoClassHierarchy tcInfo),
        tcCurrentScope    = mempty,
        tcOptions         = opt
    liftIO $ processErrors (T.toList $ tcWarnings out)
    return a

instance OptionMonad Tc where
    getOptions = asks tcOptions

-- | given a diagnostic and a computation to take place inside the TI-monad,
--   run the computation but during it have the diagnostic at the top of the
--   stack

withContext :: Diagnostic -> Tc a -> Tc a
withContext diagnostic comp = do
    local (tcDiagnostics_u (diagnostic:)) comp

addRule :: Rule -> Tc ()
addRule r = tell mempty { checkedRules = Seq.singleton r }

getErrorContext :: Tc [Diagnostic]
getErrorContext = asks tcDiagnostics

getClassHierarchy  :: Tc ClassHierarchy
getClassHierarchy = asks (tcInfoClassHierarchy . tcInfo)

getKindEnv :: Tc KindEnv
getKindEnv = asks (tcInfoKindInfo . tcInfo)

getSigEnv :: Tc TypeEnv
getSigEnv = asks (tcInfoSigEnv . tcInfo)

askCurrentEnv = do
    env1 <- asks tcConcreteEnv
    env2 <- asks tcMutableEnv
    return (env2 `Map.union` env1)

dConScheme :: Name -> Tc Sigma
dConScheme conName = do
    env <- askCurrentEnv
    case Map.lookup conName env of
        Just s -> return s
        Nothing -> error $ "dConScheme: constructor not found: " ++ show conName ++
                              "\nin this environment:\n" ++ show env

-- | returns a new box and a function to read said box.

newBox :: Kind -> Tc Type
newBox k = newMetaVar Sigma k

unificationError t1 t2 = do
    t1 <- evalFullType t1
    t2 <- evalFullType t2
    diagnosis <- getErrorContext
    let Left msg = typeError (Unification $ "attempted to unify " ++
            prettyPrintType t1 ++ " with " ++ prettyPrintType t2) diagnosis
    liftIO $ processIOErrors
    liftIO $ putErrLn msg
    liftIO $ exitFailure

lookupName :: Name -> Tc Sigma
lookupName n = do
    env <- askCurrentEnv
    case Map.lookup n env of
        Just x -> freshSigma x
        Nothing | Just 0 <- fromUnboxedNameTuple n  -> do
            return (tTTuple' [])
        Nothing | Just num <- fromUnboxedNameTuple n -> do
            nvs <- mapM newVar  (replicate num kindArg)
            let nvs' = map TVar nvs
            return (TForAll nvs $ [] :=> foldr TArrow  (tTTuple' nvs') nvs')
        Nothing -> fail $ "Could not find var in tcEnv:" ++ show (nameType n,n)

newMetaVar :: MetaVarType -> Kind -> Tc Type
newMetaVar t k = do
    te <- ask
    n <- newUniq
    r <- liftIO $ newIORef Nothing
    return $ TMetaVar MetaVar { metaUniq = n, metaKind = k, metaRef = r, metaType = t }

class Instantiate a where
    inst:: Map.Map Int Type -> Map.Map Name Type -> a -> a

instance Instantiate Type where
    inst mm ts (TAp l r)     = tAp (inst mm ts l) (inst mm ts r)
    inst mm ts (TArrow l r)  = TArrow (inst mm ts l) (inst mm ts r)
    inst mm  _ t@TCon {}     = t
    inst mm ts (TVar tv ) = case Map.lookup (tyvarName tv) ts of
            Just t'  -> t'
            Nothing -> (TVar tv)
    inst mm ts (TForAll as qt) = TForAll as (inst mm (foldr Map.delete ts (map tyvarName as)) qt)
    inst mm ts (TExists as qt) = TExists as (inst mm (foldr Map.delete ts (map tyvarName as)) qt)
    inst mm ts (TMetaVar mv) | Just t <- Map.lookup (metaUniq mv) mm  = t
    inst mm ts (TMetaVar mv) = TMetaVar mv
    inst mm ts (TAssoc tc as bs) = TAssoc tc (map (inst mm ts) as) (map (inst mm ts) bs)
    --inst mm _ t = error $ "inst: " ++ show t

instance Instantiate a => Instantiate [a] where
  inst mm ts = map (inst mm ts)

instance Instantiate t => Instantiate (Qual t) where
  inst mm ts (ps :=> t) = inst mm ts ps :=> inst mm ts t

instance Instantiate Pred where
  inst mm ts is = tickle (inst mm ts :: Type -> Type) is

freshInstance :: MetaVarType -> Sigma -> Tc ([Type],Rho)
freshInstance typ (TForAll as qt) = do
    ts <- mapM (newMetaVar typ) (map tyvarKind as)
    let (ps :=> t) = (applyTyvarMapQT (zip as ts) qt)
    addPreds ps
    return (ts,t)
freshInstance _ x = return ([],x)

addPreds :: Preds -> Tc ()
addPreds ps = do
    sl <- getSrcLoc
    Tc $ tell mempty { collectedPreds = [ p | p@IsIn {} <- ps ],
        constraints = Seq.fromList [ Equality { constraintSrcLoc = sl,
        constraintType1 = a, constraintType2 = b } | IsEq a b <- ps ] }

--addConstraints :: [Constraint] -> Tc ()
--addConstraints ps = Tc $ tell mempty { constraints = Seq.fromList ps }

listenPreds :: Tc a -> Tc (a,Preds)
listenPreds action = censor (\x -> x { collectedPreds = mempty }) $
    listens collectedPreds action

listenCPreds :: Tc a -> Tc (a,(Preds,[Constraint]))
listenCPreds action = censor (\x -> x { constraints = mempty, collectedPreds = mempty }) $
    listens (\x -> (collectedPreds x,T.toList $ constraints x)) action

listenCheckedRules :: Tc a -> Tc (a,[Rule])
listenCheckedRules action = do
    (a,r) <- censor (\x -> x { checkedRules = mempty }) $ listens checkedRules action
    return (a,T.toList r)

newVar :: Kind -> Tc Tyvar
newVar k = do
    te <- ask
    n <- newUniq
    let ident = toName TypeVal (tcInfoModName $ tcInfo te,'v':show n)
        v = tyvar ident k
    return v

-- rename the bound variables of a sigma, just in case.
freshSigma :: Sigma -> Tc Sigma
freshSigma (TForAll [] ([] :=> t)) = return t
freshSigma (TForAll vs qt) = do
    nvs <- mapM (newVar . tyvarKind) vs
    return (TForAll nvs $ applyTyvarMapQT (zip vs (map TVar nvs)) qt)
freshSigma x = return x

toSigma :: Sigma -> Sigma
toSigma t@TForAll {} = t
toSigma t = TForAll [] ([] :=> t)

-- | replace bound variables with arbitrary new ones and drop the binding
-- TODO predicates?

skolomize :: Sigma -> Tc ([Tyvar],[Pred],Type)
skolomize s = freshSigma s >>= return . fromType

boxyInstantiate :: Sigma -> Tc ([Type],Rho')
boxyInstantiate = freshInstance Sigma

deconstructorInstantiate :: Sigma -> Tc Rho'
deconstructorInstantiate tfa@TForAll {} = do
    TForAll vs qt@(_ :=> t) <- freshSigma tfa
    let f (_ `TArrow` b) = f b
        f b = b
        eqvs = vs Data.List.\\ freeVars (f t)
    tell mempty { existentialVars = eqvs }
    (_,t) <- freshInstance Sigma (TForAll (vs Data.List.\\ eqvs) qt)
    return t
deconstructorInstantiate x = return x

boxySpec :: Sigma -> Tc ([(BoundTV,[Sigma'])],Rho')
boxySpec (TForAll as qt@(ps :=> t)) = do
    let f (TVar t) vs | t `elem` vs = do
            b <- lift (newBox $ tyvarKind t)
            tell [(t,b)]
            return b
        f e@TCon {} _ = return e
        f (TAp a b) vs = liftM2 tAp (f a vs) (f b vs)
        f (TArrow a b) vs = liftM2 TArrow (f a vs) (f b vs)
        f (TForAll as (ps :=> t)) vs = do
            t' <- f t (vs Data.List.\\ as)
            return (TForAll as (ps :=> t'))
        f t _ = return t
        -- f t _ = error $ "boxySpec: " ++ show t
    (t',vs) <- runWriterT (f t as)
    addPreds $ inst mempty (Map.fromList [ (tyvarName bt,s) | (bt,s) <- vs ]) ps
    return (sortGroupUnderFG fst snd vs,t')
boxySpec _ = error "boxySpec: bad."

freeMetaVarsEnv :: Tc (Set.Set MetaVar)
freeMetaVarsEnv = do
    env <- asks tcMutableEnv
    xs <- flip mapM (Map.elems env)  $ \ x -> do
        x <- flattenType x
        return $ freeMetaVars x
    return (Set.unions xs)

quantify_n :: [MetaVar] -> [Pred] -> [Rho] -> Tc [Sigma]
quantify_n vs ps rs | not $ any isBoxyMetaVar vs = do
    -- we bind the quantified variables to fresh tvars
    vs <- mapM groundKind vs
    nvs <- mapM (newVar . fixKind . metaKind) vs
    sequence_ [ varBind mv (TVar v) | v <- nvs |  mv <- vs ]

    ps <- flattenType ps
    rs <- flattenType rs

    ch <- getClassHierarchy
    return $ [TForAll nvs (FrontEnd.Tc.Class.simplify ch ps :=> r) | r <- rs ]
                    | otherwise = error "quantify_n: bad."

quantify :: [MetaVar] -> [Pred] -> Rho -> Tc Sigma
quantify vs ps r = do [s] <- quantify_n vs ps [r]; return s

-- turn all ?? into * types, as we can't abstract over unboxed types
fixKind :: Kind -> Kind
fixKind (KBase KQuestQuest) = KBase Star
fixKind (KBase KQuest) = KBase Star
fixKind (a `Kfun` b) = fixKind a `Kfun` fixKind b
fixKind x = x

groundKind mv = zonkKind (fixKind $ metaKind mv) mv

-- this removes all boxes, replacing them with tau vars
unBox ::  Type -> Tc Type
unBox tv = ft' tv where
    ft t@(TMetaVar mv)
        | isBoxyMetaVar mv = do
            tmv <- newMetaVar Tau (getType mv)
            varBind mv tmv
            return tmv
        | otherwise =  return t
    ft t = tickleM ft' t
    ft' t = evalType t >>= ft

evalType t = findType t >>= evalTAssoc >>= evalArrowApp
evalFullType t = f' t where
    f t = tickleM f' t
    f' t =  evalType t >>= f

evalTAssoc ta@TAssoc { typeCon = Tycon { tyconName = n1 }, typeClassArgs = ~[carg], typeExtraArgs = eas }  = do
    carg' <- evalType carg
    case fromTAp carg' of
        (TCon Tycon { tyconName = n2 }, as) -> do
            InstanceEnv ie <- asks tcInstanceEnv
            case Map.lookup (n1,n2) ie of
                Just (aa,bb,tt) -> evalType (applyTyvarMap (zip aa as ++ zip bb eas) tt)
                _ -> fail "no instance for associated type"
        _ -> return ta { typeClassArgs = [carg'] }
evalTAssoc t = return t

evalArrowApp (TAp (TAp (TCon tcon) ta) tb)
    | tyconName tcon == tc_Arrow = return (TArrow ta tb)

evalArrowApp t = return t

-- Bind mv to type, first filling in any boxes in type with tau vars
varBind :: MetaVar -> Type -> Tc ()
varBind u t
--    | getType u /= getType t = error $ "varBind: kinds do not match:" ++ show (u,t)
    | otherwise = do
        kindCombine (getType u) (getType t)
        tt <- unBox t
        --(t,be,_) <- unbox t
        --when be $ error $ "binding boxy: " ++ tupled [pprint u,prettyPrintType t]
        tt <- evalFullType tt
        when (dump FD.BoxySteps) $ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "varBind: " ++ pprint u <+>
            text ":=" <+> prettyPrintType tt
        when (u `Set.member` freeMetaVars tt) $ do
            unificationError (TMetaVar u) tt -- occurs check
        let r = metaRef u
        x <- liftIO $ readIORef r
        case x of
            Just r -> fail $ "varBind: binding unfree: " ++
                tupled [pprint u,prettyPrintType tt,prettyPrintType r]
            Nothing -> liftIO $ do
                --when (dump FD.BoxySteps) $ putStrLn $ "varBind: " ++ pprint u <+> text ":=" <+> prettyPrintType t
                writeIORef r (Just tt)

zonkKind :: Kind -> MetaVar -> Tc MetaVar
zonkKind nk mv = do
    fk <- kindCombine nk (metaKind mv)
    if fk == metaKind mv then return mv else do
        nref <- liftIO $ newIORef Nothing
        let nmv = mv { metaKind = fk, metaRef = nref }
        liftIO $ modifyIORef (metaRef mv) (\Nothing -> Just $ TMetaVar nmv)
        return nmv

zonkBox :: MetaVar -> Tc Type
zonkBox mv | isBoxyMetaVar mv = findType (TMetaVar mv)
zonkBox mv = fail $ "zonkBox: nonboxy" ++ show mv

readFilledBox :: MetaVar -> Tc Type
readFilledBox mv | isBoxyMetaVar mv = zonkBox mv >>= \v -> case v of
    TMetaVar mv' | mv == mv' -> fail $ "readFilledBox: " ++ show mv
    t -> return t
readFilledBox mv = error $ "readFilledBox: nonboxy" ++ show mv

elimBox :: MetaVar -> Tc Type
elimBox mv | isBoxyMetaVar mv = do
    t <- readMetaVar mv
    case t of
        Just t -> return t
        Nothing -> newMetaVar Tau (getType mv)

elimBox mv = error $ "elimBox: nonboxy" ++ show mv

-- Declaration of instances, boilerplate

--pretty :: PPrint Doc a => a -> String
--pretty x = show (pprint x :: Doc)

instance Monad Tc where
    return a = Tc $ return a
    Tc comp >>= fun = Tc $ do x <- comp; case fun x of Tc m -> m
    Tc a >> Tc b = Tc $ a >> b
    fail s = Tc $ do
        st <- ask
        liftIO $ processIOErrors
        Left x <- typeError (Failure s) (tcDiagnostics st)
        liftIO $ fail x

instance MonadWarn Tc where
    addWarning w = tell mempty { tcWarnings = Seq.singleton w }

instance MonadSrcLoc Tc where
    getSrcLoc = do
        xs <- asks tcDiagnostics
        case xs of
            (Msg (Just sl) _:_) -> return sl
            _ -> return bogusASrcLoc

instance UniqueProducer Tc where
    newUniq = do
        v <- asks tcVarnum
        n <- liftIO $ do
            n <- readIORef v
            writeIORef v $! n + 1
            return n
        return n

tcInfoEmpty = TcInfo {
    tcInfoEnv            = mempty,
    tcInfoModName        = toModule "(unknown)",
    tcInfoKindInfo       = mempty,
    tcInfoClassHierarchy = mempty,
    tcInfoSigEnv         = mempty

withMetaVars :: MetaVar -> [Kind] -> ([Sigma] -> Sigma) -> ([Sigma'] -> Tc a) -> Tc a
withMetaVars mv ks sfunc bsfunc | isBoxyMetaVar mv = do
    boxes <- mapM newBox ks
    res <- bsfunc boxes
    tys <- mapM readFilledBox [ mv | ~(TMetaVar mv) <- boxes]
    varBind mv (sfunc tys)
    return res
withMetaVars mv ks sfunc bsfunc  = do
    taus <- mapM (newMetaVar Tau) ks
    varBind mv (sfunc taus)
    bsfunc taus