#include #include #include #include #include #include #define NDEBUG 1 #include #define USE_THREADS 0 #if USE_THREADS #include static pthread_mutex_t mutex_hash = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static pthread_mutex_t mutex_string = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; #else #define pthread_mutex_lock(x) ; #define pthread_mutex_unlock(x) ; #endif #include "StringTable_cbits.h" // 23 bits of chunk space to leave one bit for 'valid' flag. // valid flag must be set to 1 for it to be a valid atom static void dieif(bool,char *); uint32_t hash2(uint32_t salt,unsigned char *key, int key_len); static void print_quoted(FILE *file,unsigned char *s,int len); // string allocation stuff #define NUM_CHUNKS 384 #define CHUNK_SIZE 16384 #define ATOM_LEN(c) (((atom_t)(c) >> ATOM_LEN_SHIFT) & ATOM_LEN_MASK) #define CHUNK_INDEX(c) (((atom_t)(c) >> 9)&0xFF) #define CHUNK_OFFSET(c) (((atom_t)(c) >> 17) & 0x3FFF) #define MAKE_ATOM(ci,co,len) ((((((atom_t)len) & ATOM_LEN_MASK) << ATOM_LEN_SHIFT) | ((((atom_t)ci) & 0xff) << 9) | (((atom_t)co & 0x3FFF) << 17)) | VALID_BITMASK) #define ATOM_PTR(c) ((unsigned char *)&(stringtable_chunks[CHUNK_INDEX(c)][CHUNK_OFFSET(c)])) #define ATOM_VALID(a) (a) // ((a) & VALID_BITMASK) static unsigned char first_chunk[CHUNK_SIZE]; static unsigned char *stringtable_chunks[NUM_CHUNKS] = { first_chunk }; static uint16_t current_chunk = 0; static uint16_t next_free_offset = 0; static atom_t add_string(unsigned char *cs, int len) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_string); //printf("add_string(%c,%c,%i)\n",cs[0],cs[1],len); assert(len >= 0); assert(len < MAX_ENTRY_SIZE); assert(next_free_offset < CHUNK_SIZE); if(next_free_offset + 1 > CHUNK_SIZE - MAX_ENTRY_SIZE) { dieif(current_chunk >= NUM_CHUNKS - 1, "No more chunks"); current_chunk++; assert(!stringtable_chunks[current_chunk]); stringtable_chunks[current_chunk] = malloc(CHUNK_SIZE); dieif(!stringtable_chunks[current_chunk], "error alocating memory"); next_free_offset = 0; } memcpy(stringtable_chunks[current_chunk] + next_free_offset, cs, len); atom_t r = MAKE_ATOM(current_chunk, next_free_offset, len); assert(CHUNK_INDEX(r) == current_chunk); assert(CHUNK_OFFSET(r) == next_free_offset); assert(ATOM_PTR(r) == stringtable_chunks[current_chunk] + next_free_offset); assert(ATOM_LEN(r) == len); next_free_offset += len; assert(next_free_offset < CHUNK_SIZE); assert(current_chunk < NUM_CHUNKS); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_string); return r; } // hashtable stuff #define KEEP_HASH 2 #define CUCKOO_HASHES 2U #define CUCKOO_BUCKETS 2U typedef uint32_t hash_t; struct hentry { #if KEEP_HASH hash_t hashes[CUCKOO_HASHES]; #endif atom_t atom; }; #define INIT_SIZE 2 static uint32_t hsize = INIT_SIZE; static struct hentry init_htable[(1 << INIT_SIZE) * CUCKOO_HASHES]; static struct hentry *htable = init_htable; #define HASHSIZE (1 << hsize) #define HASHMASK (HASHSIZE - 1) #define INDEX_HASH(i) ((i) / HASHSIZE) #define HASH_INDEX(h,x) ((h * HASHSIZE) + (HASHMASK & ((uint32_t)x))) #define HASH_BUCKET(x,b) ((((x) + (b)) % HASHSIZE) + (INDEX_HASH(x)*HASHSIZE)) #define DEPTH_LIMIT 512 static void hash_insert(struct hentry x); static void fast_insert(int t, int tb, struct hentry hb) { hash_insert(hb); } #ifndef NDEBUG static bool atom_exists(atom_t a) { for(int i = 0; i < HASHSIZE*CUCKOO_HASHES; i++) { if(a == htable[i].atom) return true; } return false; } static bool item_exists(unsigned char *cs, int len) { for(int i = 0; i < HASHSIZE*CUCKOO_HASHES; i++) { atom_t a = htable[i].atom; if(ATOM_VALID(a)) { if(len == ATOM_LEN(a) && !memcmp(ATOM_PTR(a),cs,len)) return true; } } return false; } #endif void dump_to_file(void) { FILE *file = fopen("atom.dump","w"); for(int i = 0; i < HASHSIZE*CUCKOO_HASHES; i++) { atom_t a = htable[i].atom; if(ATOM_VALID(a)) { fprintf(file,"%u:",ATOM_LEN(a)); print_quoted(file, ATOM_PTR(a),ATOM_LEN(a)); fwrite("\n",1,1,file); } } } void dump_table(void) { for(int i = 0; i < HASHSIZE*CUCKOO_HASHES; i++) { atom_t a = htable[i].atom; if(ATOM_VALID(a)) { printf("%p %u: ",ATOM_PTR(a),ATOM_LEN(a)); fwrite(ATOM_PTR(a),1,ATOM_LEN(a),stdout); fwrite("\n",1,1,stdout); } } } static void grow_table(void) { // fprintf(stderr,"grow_table[[[\n"); uint32_t os = (1 << hsize++) * CUCKOO_HASHES; struct hentry *ot = htable; htable = calloc(sizeof(struct hentry),CUCKOO_HASHES * (1 << hsize)); for(int i = 0; i < os; i++) { if(ATOM_VALID(ot[i].atom)) fast_insert(0,0,ot[i]); } if(ot != init_htable) free(ot); // fprintf(stderr,"]]]\n"); } uint32_t hashlittle(const void *key, size_t length, uint32_t initval); #if KEEP_HASH #define FHASH(x,i) ((x).hashes[i]) #else #define FHASH(x,i) (hashlittle(ATOM_PTR((x).atom),ATOM_LEN((x).atom),i)) #endif static void hash_insert(struct hentry x) { assert(ATOM_VALID(x.atom)); // fprintf(stderr,"hash_insert(%x,%p:%i,%x,%x,[%x,%x]", x.atom, ATOM_PTR(x.atom), ATOM_LEN(x.atom), x.hashes[0], x.hashes[1],HASH_INDEX(0,x.hashes[0]),HASH_INDEX(1,x.hashes[1])); assert(!atom_exists(x.atom)); assert(!item_exists(ATOM_PTR(x.atom),ATOM_LEN(x.atom))); atom_t start = x.atom; for(int loop = 0; loop < DEPTH_LIMIT;loop++) { for(int i = 0; i < CUCKOO_HASHES; i++) { // int e = HASH_INDEX(i,FHASH(x,i)); for(int j = 0; j < CUCKOO_BUCKETS; j++) { //#struct hentry *b = &(htable[(e + j) & HASHJMASK ]); //struct hentry *b = &htable[HASH_BUCKET(e,j)]; struct hentry *b = &htable[HASH_INDEX(i,FHASH(x,i) + j)]; if(!ATOM_VALID(b->atom)) { *b = x; // fprintf(stderr,")\n"); return; } struct hentry tb = x; x = *b; *b = tb; } // struct hentry *b = &(htable[e]); } if(x.atom == start) { break; } } grow_table(); // fprintf(stderr,"R"); return hash_insert(x); } static void print_quoted(FILE *file,unsigned char *s,int len) { for(int i = 0;i < len; i ++) { switch(s[i]) { case '\n': fputs("\\n",file); continue; case '\r': fputs("\\r",file); continue; case '\t': fputs("\\t",file); continue; default: ; } if(isprint(s[i])) fputc(s[i],file); else fprintf(file,"\\x%2.2X", (unsigned)s[i]); } } atom_t stringtable_lookup(unsigned char *cs, int len) { // static FILE *file = NULL; // if(!file) // file = fopen("atom.lookup","w"); // fprintf(file,"stringtable_lookup("); // print_quoted(file,cs,len); // fprintf(file,")\n"); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_hash); assert(len >= 0); assert(len < MAX_ENTRY_SIZE); hash_t h[CUCKOO_HASHES]; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < CUCKOO_HASHES; i++) { h[i] = hashlittle(cs,len,i); //int e = HASH_INDEX(i,h[i]); for(int j = 0; j < CUCKOO_BUCKETS; j++) { //struct hentry *b = &htable[(e + i) & HASHJMASK ]; //struct hentry *b = &htable[HASH_BUCKET(e,j)]; struct hentry *b = &htable[HASH_INDEX(i,h[i] + j)]; #if KEEP_HASH if (ATOM_VALID(b->atom) && h[i] == b->hashes[i] && len == ATOM_LEN(b->atom) && !memcmp(ATOM_PTR(b->atom),cs,len)) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_hash); return b->atom; } #else if (ATOM_VALID(b->atom) && len == ATOM_LEN(b->atom) && !memcmp(ATOM_PTR(b->atom),cs,len)) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_hash); return b->atom; } #endif } } atom_t na = add_string(cs,len); struct hentry hb; hb.atom = na; #if KEEP_HASH memcpy(hb.hashes,h,sizeof hb.hashes); #endif hash_insert(hb); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_hash); return na; } int lexigraphic_compare(atom_t x, atom_t y) { int xl = ATOM_LEN(x); int yl = ATOM_LEN(y); return memcmp(ATOM_PTR(x),ATOM_PTR(y),xl < yl ? xl : yl) || xl - yl; } atom_t atom_append(atom_t x,atom_t y) { unsigned char *xs,*ys; int xl,yl; xl = stringtable_find(x,&xs); yl = stringtable_find(y,&ys); unsigned char buf[MAX_ENTRY_SIZE]; memcpy(buf,xs,xl); memcpy(buf + xl,ys,yl); return stringtable_lookup(buf,xl + yl); } unsigned char * stringtable_ptr(atom_t cl) { assert(ATOM_VALID(cl)); return ATOM_PTR(cl); } int stringtable_get(atom_t cl, char buf[MAX_ENTRY_SIZE]) { assert(ATOM_VALID(cl)); memcpy(buf,ATOM_PTR(cl),ATOM_LEN(cl)); return ATOM_LEN(cl); } int stringtable_find(atom_t cl, unsigned char **res) { assert(ATOM_VALID(cl)); *res = ATOM_PTR(cl); return ATOM_LEN(cl); } void stringtable_stats(void) { unsigned static_memory = sizeof(stringtable_chunks); printf("Static Memory: %u\n", static_memory); unsigned dynamic_memory = (current_chunk + 1) * CHUNK_SIZE; unsigned data_memory = current_chunk*CHUNK_SIZE + next_free_offset;; printf("Used Chunks: %u/%u - %u bytes\n", current_chunk + 1, NUM_CHUNKS, data_memory); unsigned num_entries = 0; unsigned hash_types[CUCKOO_HASHES]; memset(hash_types,0,sizeof hash_types); unsigned num_total = 0; for(int i = 0; i < HASHSIZE * CUCKOO_HASHES; i++) { num_total++; dynamic_memory += sizeof(struct hentry); if(ATOM_VALID(htable[i].atom)) { num_entries++; hash_types[i / HASHSIZE]++; } } for(int i = 0; i < CUCKOO_HASHES; i++) printf("Hash Table %i: %u\n", i, hash_types[i]); printf("Usage: %u/%u %.3f%%\n", num_entries, num_total, (double)num_entries * 100.0 / num_total); printf("Dynamic Memory: %u\n", dynamic_memory); printf("Storage Efficiency: %.3f%%\n", (double)data_memory * 100.0/ dynamic_memory); } static void dieif(bool w,char *str) { if(w) { fprintf(stderr, "stringlib: %s\n", str); exit(1); } } // hash functions /* uint32_t hash2(uint32_t salt, unsigned char *key, int key_len) { uint32_t hash = salt; for (int i = 0; i < key_len; i++) { hash += key[i]; hash += (hash << 10); hash ^= (hash >> 6); } hash += (hash << 3); hash ^= (hash >> 11); hash += (hash << 15); return hash; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned char buf[MAX_ENTRY_SIZE]; while(fgets((char *)buf,MAX_ENTRY_SIZE,stdin)) { buf[MAX_ENTRY_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; unsigned len = strlen((char *)buf); if(!len) continue; if(buf[len - 1] == '\n') buf[--len] = '\0'; stringtable_lookup(buf,len); //printf("%x: %s\n", a, buf); } dump_table(); stringtable_stats(); return 0; } static hash_t hash3(uint32_t salt, unsigned char* str, size_t len) { const uint32_t fnv_prime = 0x811C9DC5; unsigned int hash = salt; for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) { hash *= fnv_prime; hash ^= str[i]; hash ^= salt; } return hash; } */