-- |
-- Module      : Data.Alpino.DepStruct
-- Copyright   : (c) 2011 Daniël de Kok
-- License     : Apache 2
-- Maintainer  : Daniël de Kok <me@danieldk.eu>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Definitions for Alpino dependency structures.

module Data.Alpino.DepStruct (

  -- * Dependency structures

) where

import Data.Tree

-- | Alpino dependency structures define syntactic relations between
--   words. For convenience, the dependency structure is represented
--   as a rose tree. Additionally, the dependency structure contains
--   the sentence corresponding to the dependency structure.
data AlpinoDS = AlpinoDS {
  -- | Root of the dependency tree. 
  dsRoot     :: Tree DSLabel,
  -- | Sentence corresponding to the dependency tree. 
  dsSentence :: String
} deriving(Show, Eq)

-- | Label containing syntactic or lexical information of a node.
data DSLabel =
   CatLabel {
    -- | Category
    labelRel   :: Rel,
    -- | Dependency relation
    labelCat   :: Cat,
    -- | Coindexation
    labelIdx   :: Maybe Integer,
    -- | Start position
    labelBegin :: Maybe Integer,
    -- | End position
    labelEnd   :: Maybe Integer
  | LexLabel {
    -- | Dependency relation
    labelRel  :: Rel,
    -- | Part of speech tag
    labelPos  :: String,
    -- | Root/stem
    labelRoot :: String,
    -- | Coindexation
    labelIdx  :: Maybe Integer,
    -- | Start position
    labelBegin :: Maybe Integer,
    -- | End position
    labelEnd   :: Maybe Integer
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

data Rel = Hdf | Hd | Cmp | Sup | Su | Obj1 | PObj1 | Obj2| Se | PC | VC
  | SVP | PredC | Ld | Me | PredM | ObComp | Mod | Body | Det | App | Whd
  | Rhd | Cnj | Crd | Nucl | Sat | Tag | DP | Top | MWP | DLink | DashDash 
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

data Cat = SMain | NP | PPart | PPres | PP | SSub | Inf | Cp | DU | Ap
  | AdvP | TI | Rel | WhRel | WhSub | Conj | WhQ | Oti | Ahi | DetP | SV1
  | SVan | MWU | TopCat
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)