Copyright | (c) 2013-2023 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- Operations
- CreateApp
- CreateBackendEnvironment
- CreateBranch
- CreateDeployment
- CreateDomainAssociation
- CreateWebhook
- DeleteApp
- DeleteBackendEnvironment
- DeleteBranch
- DeleteDomainAssociation
- DeleteJob
- DeleteWebhook
- GenerateAccessLogs
- GetApp
- GetArtifactUrl
- GetBackendEnvironment
- GetBranch
- GetDomainAssociation
- GetJob
- GetWebhook
- ListApps
- ListArtifacts
- ListBackendEnvironments
- ListBranches
- ListDomainAssociations
- ListJobs
- ListTagsForResource
- ListWebhooks
- StartDeployment
- StartJob
- StopJob
- TagResource
- UntagResource
- UpdateApp
- UpdateBranch
- UpdateDomainAssociation
- UpdateWebhook
- Types
- createApp_accessToken :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe Text)
- createApp_autoBranchCreationConfig :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe AutoBranchCreationConfig)
- createApp_autoBranchCreationPatterns :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe [Text])
- createApp_basicAuthCredentials :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe Text)
- createApp_buildSpec :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe Text)
- createApp_customHeaders :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe Text)
- createApp_customRules :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe [CustomRule])
- createApp_description :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe Text)
- createApp_enableAutoBranchCreation :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe Bool)
- createApp_enableBasicAuth :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe Bool)
- createApp_enableBranchAutoBuild :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe Bool)
- createApp_enableBranchAutoDeletion :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe Bool)
- createApp_environmentVariables :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createApp_iamServiceRoleArn :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe Text)
- createApp_oauthToken :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe Text)
- createApp_platform :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe Platform)
- createApp_repository :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe Text)
- createApp_tags :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createApp_name :: Lens' CreateApp Text
- createAppResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateAppResponse Int
- createAppResponse_app :: Lens' CreateAppResponse App
- createBackendEnvironment_deploymentArtifacts :: Lens' CreateBackendEnvironment (Maybe Text)
- createBackendEnvironment_stackName :: Lens' CreateBackendEnvironment (Maybe Text)
- createBackendEnvironment_appId :: Lens' CreateBackendEnvironment Text
- createBackendEnvironment_environmentName :: Lens' CreateBackendEnvironment Text
- createBackendEnvironmentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateBackendEnvironmentResponse Int
- createBackendEnvironmentResponse_backendEnvironment :: Lens' CreateBackendEnvironmentResponse BackendEnvironment
- createBranch_backendEnvironmentArn :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Text)
- createBranch_basicAuthCredentials :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Text)
- createBranch_buildSpec :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Text)
- createBranch_description :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Text)
- createBranch_displayName :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Text)
- createBranch_enableAutoBuild :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Bool)
- createBranch_enableBasicAuth :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Bool)
- createBranch_enableNotification :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Bool)
- createBranch_enablePerformanceMode :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Bool)
- createBranch_enablePullRequestPreview :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Bool)
- createBranch_environmentVariables :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createBranch_framework :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Text)
- createBranch_pullRequestEnvironmentName :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Text)
- createBranch_stage :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Stage)
- createBranch_tags :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createBranch_ttl :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Text)
- createBranch_appId :: Lens' CreateBranch Text
- createBranch_branchName :: Lens' CreateBranch Text
- createBranchResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateBranchResponse Int
- createBranchResponse_branch :: Lens' CreateBranchResponse Branch
- createDeployment_fileMap :: Lens' CreateDeployment (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createDeployment_appId :: Lens' CreateDeployment Text
- createDeployment_branchName :: Lens' CreateDeployment Text
- createDeploymentResponse_jobId :: Lens' CreateDeploymentResponse (Maybe Text)
- createDeploymentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateDeploymentResponse Int
- createDeploymentResponse_fileUploadUrls :: Lens' CreateDeploymentResponse (HashMap Text Text)
- createDeploymentResponse_zipUploadUrl :: Lens' CreateDeploymentResponse Text
- createDomainAssociation_autoSubDomainCreationPatterns :: Lens' CreateDomainAssociation (Maybe [Text])
- createDomainAssociation_autoSubDomainIAMRole :: Lens' CreateDomainAssociation (Maybe Text)
- createDomainAssociation_enableAutoSubDomain :: Lens' CreateDomainAssociation (Maybe Bool)
- createDomainAssociation_appId :: Lens' CreateDomainAssociation Text
- createDomainAssociation_domainName :: Lens' CreateDomainAssociation Text
- createDomainAssociation_subDomainSettings :: Lens' CreateDomainAssociation [SubDomainSetting]
- createDomainAssociationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateDomainAssociationResponse Int
- createDomainAssociationResponse_domainAssociation :: Lens' CreateDomainAssociationResponse DomainAssociation
- createWebhook_description :: Lens' CreateWebhook (Maybe Text)
- createWebhook_appId :: Lens' CreateWebhook Text
- createWebhook_branchName :: Lens' CreateWebhook Text
- createWebhookResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateWebhookResponse Int
- createWebhookResponse_webhook :: Lens' CreateWebhookResponse Webhook
- deleteApp_appId :: Lens' DeleteApp Text
- deleteAppResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteAppResponse Int
- deleteAppResponse_app :: Lens' DeleteAppResponse App
- deleteBackendEnvironment_appId :: Lens' DeleteBackendEnvironment Text
- deleteBackendEnvironment_environmentName :: Lens' DeleteBackendEnvironment Text
- deleteBackendEnvironmentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteBackendEnvironmentResponse Int
- deleteBackendEnvironmentResponse_backendEnvironment :: Lens' DeleteBackendEnvironmentResponse BackendEnvironment
- deleteBranch_appId :: Lens' DeleteBranch Text
- deleteBranch_branchName :: Lens' DeleteBranch Text
- deleteBranchResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteBranchResponse Int
- deleteBranchResponse_branch :: Lens' DeleteBranchResponse Branch
- deleteDomainAssociation_appId :: Lens' DeleteDomainAssociation Text
- deleteDomainAssociation_domainName :: Lens' DeleteDomainAssociation Text
- deleteDomainAssociationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteDomainAssociationResponse Int
- deleteDomainAssociationResponse_domainAssociation :: Lens' DeleteDomainAssociationResponse DomainAssociation
- deleteJob_appId :: Lens' DeleteJob Text
- deleteJob_branchName :: Lens' DeleteJob Text
- deleteJob_jobId :: Lens' DeleteJob Text
- deleteJobResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteJobResponse Int
- deleteJobResponse_jobSummary :: Lens' DeleteJobResponse JobSummary
- deleteWebhook_webhookId :: Lens' DeleteWebhook Text
- deleteWebhookResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteWebhookResponse Int
- deleteWebhookResponse_webhook :: Lens' DeleteWebhookResponse Webhook
- generateAccessLogs_endTime :: Lens' GenerateAccessLogs (Maybe UTCTime)
- generateAccessLogs_startTime :: Lens' GenerateAccessLogs (Maybe UTCTime)
- generateAccessLogs_domainName :: Lens' GenerateAccessLogs Text
- generateAccessLogs_appId :: Lens' GenerateAccessLogs Text
- generateAccessLogsResponse_logUrl :: Lens' GenerateAccessLogsResponse (Maybe Text)
- generateAccessLogsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GenerateAccessLogsResponse Int
- getApp_appId :: Lens' GetApp Text
- getAppResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetAppResponse Int
- getAppResponse_app :: Lens' GetAppResponse App
- getArtifactUrl_artifactId :: Lens' GetArtifactUrl Text
- getArtifactUrlResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetArtifactUrlResponse Int
- getArtifactUrlResponse_artifactId :: Lens' GetArtifactUrlResponse Text
- getArtifactUrlResponse_artifactUrl :: Lens' GetArtifactUrlResponse Text
- getBackendEnvironment_appId :: Lens' GetBackendEnvironment Text
- getBackendEnvironment_environmentName :: Lens' GetBackendEnvironment Text
- getBackendEnvironmentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetBackendEnvironmentResponse Int
- getBackendEnvironmentResponse_backendEnvironment :: Lens' GetBackendEnvironmentResponse BackendEnvironment
- getBranch_appId :: Lens' GetBranch Text
- getBranch_branchName :: Lens' GetBranch Text
- getBranchResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetBranchResponse Int
- getBranchResponse_branch :: Lens' GetBranchResponse Branch
- getDomainAssociation_appId :: Lens' GetDomainAssociation Text
- getDomainAssociation_domainName :: Lens' GetDomainAssociation Text
- getDomainAssociationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetDomainAssociationResponse Int
- getDomainAssociationResponse_domainAssociation :: Lens' GetDomainAssociationResponse DomainAssociation
- getJob_appId :: Lens' GetJob Text
- getJob_branchName :: Lens' GetJob Text
- getJob_jobId :: Lens' GetJob Text
- getJobResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetJobResponse Int
- getJobResponse_job :: Lens' GetJobResponse Job
- getWebhook_webhookId :: Lens' GetWebhook Text
- getWebhookResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetWebhookResponse Int
- getWebhookResponse_webhook :: Lens' GetWebhookResponse Webhook
- listApps_maxResults :: Lens' ListApps (Maybe Natural)
- listApps_nextToken :: Lens' ListApps (Maybe Text)
- listAppsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAppsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listAppsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListAppsResponse Int
- listAppsResponse_apps :: Lens' ListAppsResponse [App]
- listArtifacts_maxResults :: Lens' ListArtifacts (Maybe Natural)
- listArtifacts_nextToken :: Lens' ListArtifacts (Maybe Text)
- listArtifacts_appId :: Lens' ListArtifacts Text
- listArtifacts_branchName :: Lens' ListArtifacts Text
- listArtifacts_jobId :: Lens' ListArtifacts Text
- listArtifactsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListArtifactsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listArtifactsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListArtifactsResponse Int
- listArtifactsResponse_artifacts :: Lens' ListArtifactsResponse [Artifact]
- listBackendEnvironments_environmentName :: Lens' ListBackendEnvironments (Maybe Text)
- listBackendEnvironments_maxResults :: Lens' ListBackendEnvironments (Maybe Natural)
- listBackendEnvironments_nextToken :: Lens' ListBackendEnvironments (Maybe Text)
- listBackendEnvironments_appId :: Lens' ListBackendEnvironments Text
- listBackendEnvironmentsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListBackendEnvironmentsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listBackendEnvironmentsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListBackendEnvironmentsResponse Int
- listBackendEnvironmentsResponse_backendEnvironments :: Lens' ListBackendEnvironmentsResponse [BackendEnvironment]
- listBranches_maxResults :: Lens' ListBranches (Maybe Natural)
- listBranches_nextToken :: Lens' ListBranches (Maybe Text)
- listBranches_appId :: Lens' ListBranches Text
- listBranchesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListBranchesResponse (Maybe Text)
- listBranchesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListBranchesResponse Int
- listBranchesResponse_branches :: Lens' ListBranchesResponse [Branch]
- listDomainAssociations_maxResults :: Lens' ListDomainAssociations (Maybe Natural)
- listDomainAssociations_nextToken :: Lens' ListDomainAssociations (Maybe Text)
- listDomainAssociations_appId :: Lens' ListDomainAssociations Text
- listDomainAssociationsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListDomainAssociationsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listDomainAssociationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListDomainAssociationsResponse Int
- listDomainAssociationsResponse_domainAssociations :: Lens' ListDomainAssociationsResponse [DomainAssociation]
- listJobs_maxResults :: Lens' ListJobs (Maybe Natural)
- listJobs_nextToken :: Lens' ListJobs (Maybe Text)
- listJobs_appId :: Lens' ListJobs Text
- listJobs_branchName :: Lens' ListJobs Text
- listJobsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListJobsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listJobsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListJobsResponse Int
- listJobsResponse_jobSummaries :: Lens' ListJobsResponse [JobSummary]
- listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text
- listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int
- listWebhooks_maxResults :: Lens' ListWebhooks (Maybe Natural)
- listWebhooks_nextToken :: Lens' ListWebhooks (Maybe Text)
- listWebhooks_appId :: Lens' ListWebhooks Text
- listWebhooksResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListWebhooksResponse (Maybe Text)
- listWebhooksResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListWebhooksResponse Int
- listWebhooksResponse_webhooks :: Lens' ListWebhooksResponse [Webhook]
- startDeployment_jobId :: Lens' StartDeployment (Maybe Text)
- startDeployment_sourceUrl :: Lens' StartDeployment (Maybe Text)
- startDeployment_appId :: Lens' StartDeployment Text
- startDeployment_branchName :: Lens' StartDeployment Text
- startDeploymentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartDeploymentResponse Int
- startDeploymentResponse_jobSummary :: Lens' StartDeploymentResponse JobSummary
- startJob_commitId :: Lens' StartJob (Maybe Text)
- startJob_commitMessage :: Lens' StartJob (Maybe Text)
- startJob_commitTime :: Lens' StartJob (Maybe UTCTime)
- startJob_jobId :: Lens' StartJob (Maybe Text)
- startJob_jobReason :: Lens' StartJob (Maybe Text)
- startJob_appId :: Lens' StartJob Text
- startJob_branchName :: Lens' StartJob Text
- startJob_jobType :: Lens' StartJob JobType
- startJobResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartJobResponse Int
- startJobResponse_jobSummary :: Lens' StartJobResponse JobSummary
- stopJob_appId :: Lens' StopJob Text
- stopJob_branchName :: Lens' StopJob Text
- stopJob_jobId :: Lens' StopJob Text
- stopJobResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StopJobResponse Int
- stopJobResponse_jobSummary :: Lens' StopJobResponse JobSummary
- tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text
- tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (HashMap Text Text)
- tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int
- untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text
- untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource (NonEmpty Text)
- untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int
- updateApp_accessToken :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Text)
- updateApp_autoBranchCreationConfig :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe AutoBranchCreationConfig)
- updateApp_autoBranchCreationPatterns :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe [Text])
- updateApp_basicAuthCredentials :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Text)
- updateApp_buildSpec :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Text)
- updateApp_customHeaders :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Text)
- updateApp_customRules :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe [CustomRule])
- updateApp_description :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Text)
- updateApp_enableAutoBranchCreation :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Bool)
- updateApp_enableBasicAuth :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Bool)
- updateApp_enableBranchAutoBuild :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Bool)
- updateApp_enableBranchAutoDeletion :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Bool)
- updateApp_environmentVariables :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- updateApp_iamServiceRoleArn :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Text)
- updateApp_name :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Text)
- updateApp_oauthToken :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Text)
- updateApp_platform :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Platform)
- updateApp_repository :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Text)
- updateApp_appId :: Lens' UpdateApp Text
- updateAppResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateAppResponse Int
- updateAppResponse_app :: Lens' UpdateAppResponse App
- updateBranch_backendEnvironmentArn :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Text)
- updateBranch_basicAuthCredentials :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Text)
- updateBranch_buildSpec :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Text)
- updateBranch_description :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Text)
- updateBranch_displayName :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Text)
- updateBranch_enableAutoBuild :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Bool)
- updateBranch_enableBasicAuth :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Bool)
- updateBranch_enableNotification :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Bool)
- updateBranch_enablePerformanceMode :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Bool)
- updateBranch_enablePullRequestPreview :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Bool)
- updateBranch_environmentVariables :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- updateBranch_framework :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Text)
- updateBranch_pullRequestEnvironmentName :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Text)
- updateBranch_stage :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Stage)
- updateBranch_ttl :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Text)
- updateBranch_appId :: Lens' UpdateBranch Text
- updateBranch_branchName :: Lens' UpdateBranch Text
- updateBranchResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateBranchResponse Int
- updateBranchResponse_branch :: Lens' UpdateBranchResponse Branch
- updateDomainAssociation_autoSubDomainCreationPatterns :: Lens' UpdateDomainAssociation (Maybe [Text])
- updateDomainAssociation_autoSubDomainIAMRole :: Lens' UpdateDomainAssociation (Maybe Text)
- updateDomainAssociation_enableAutoSubDomain :: Lens' UpdateDomainAssociation (Maybe Bool)
- updateDomainAssociation_subDomainSettings :: Lens' UpdateDomainAssociation (Maybe [SubDomainSetting])
- updateDomainAssociation_appId :: Lens' UpdateDomainAssociation Text
- updateDomainAssociation_domainName :: Lens' UpdateDomainAssociation Text
- updateDomainAssociationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateDomainAssociationResponse Int
- updateDomainAssociationResponse_domainAssociation :: Lens' UpdateDomainAssociationResponse DomainAssociation
- updateWebhook_branchName :: Lens' UpdateWebhook (Maybe Text)
- updateWebhook_description :: Lens' UpdateWebhook (Maybe Text)
- updateWebhook_webhookId :: Lens' UpdateWebhook Text
- updateWebhookResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateWebhookResponse Int
- updateWebhookResponse_webhook :: Lens' UpdateWebhookResponse Webhook
- app_autoBranchCreationConfig :: Lens' App (Maybe AutoBranchCreationConfig)
- app_autoBranchCreationPatterns :: Lens' App (Maybe [Text])
- app_basicAuthCredentials :: Lens' App (Maybe Text)
- app_buildSpec :: Lens' App (Maybe Text)
- app_customHeaders :: Lens' App (Maybe Text)
- app_customRules :: Lens' App (Maybe [CustomRule])
- app_enableAutoBranchCreation :: Lens' App (Maybe Bool)
- app_enableBranchAutoDeletion :: Lens' App (Maybe Bool)
- app_iamServiceRoleArn :: Lens' App (Maybe Text)
- app_productionBranch :: Lens' App (Maybe ProductionBranch)
- app_repositoryCloneMethod :: Lens' App (Maybe RepositoryCloneMethod)
- app_tags :: Lens' App (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- app_appId :: Lens' App Text
- app_appArn :: Lens' App Text
- app_name :: Lens' App Text
- app_description :: Lens' App Text
- app_repository :: Lens' App Text
- app_platform :: Lens' App Platform
- app_createTime :: Lens' App UTCTime
- app_updateTime :: Lens' App UTCTime
- app_environmentVariables :: Lens' App (HashMap Text Text)
- app_defaultDomain :: Lens' App Text
- app_enableBranchAutoBuild :: Lens' App Bool
- app_enableBasicAuth :: Lens' App Bool
- artifact_artifactFileName :: Lens' Artifact Text
- artifact_artifactId :: Lens' Artifact Text
- autoBranchCreationConfig_basicAuthCredentials :: Lens' AutoBranchCreationConfig (Maybe Text)
- autoBranchCreationConfig_buildSpec :: Lens' AutoBranchCreationConfig (Maybe Text)
- autoBranchCreationConfig_enableAutoBuild :: Lens' AutoBranchCreationConfig (Maybe Bool)
- autoBranchCreationConfig_enableBasicAuth :: Lens' AutoBranchCreationConfig (Maybe Bool)
- autoBranchCreationConfig_enablePerformanceMode :: Lens' AutoBranchCreationConfig (Maybe Bool)
- autoBranchCreationConfig_enablePullRequestPreview :: Lens' AutoBranchCreationConfig (Maybe Bool)
- autoBranchCreationConfig_environmentVariables :: Lens' AutoBranchCreationConfig (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- autoBranchCreationConfig_framework :: Lens' AutoBranchCreationConfig (Maybe Text)
- autoBranchCreationConfig_pullRequestEnvironmentName :: Lens' AutoBranchCreationConfig (Maybe Text)
- autoBranchCreationConfig_stage :: Lens' AutoBranchCreationConfig (Maybe Stage)
- backendEnvironment_deploymentArtifacts :: Lens' BackendEnvironment (Maybe Text)
- backendEnvironment_stackName :: Lens' BackendEnvironment (Maybe Text)
- backendEnvironment_backendEnvironmentArn :: Lens' BackendEnvironment Text
- backendEnvironment_environmentName :: Lens' BackendEnvironment Text
- backendEnvironment_createTime :: Lens' BackendEnvironment UTCTime
- backendEnvironment_updateTime :: Lens' BackendEnvironment UTCTime
- branch_associatedResources :: Lens' Branch (Maybe [Text])
- branch_backendEnvironmentArn :: Lens' Branch (Maybe Text)
- branch_basicAuthCredentials :: Lens' Branch (Maybe Text)
- branch_buildSpec :: Lens' Branch (Maybe Text)
- branch_destinationBranch :: Lens' Branch (Maybe Text)
- branch_enablePerformanceMode :: Lens' Branch (Maybe Bool)
- branch_pullRequestEnvironmentName :: Lens' Branch (Maybe Text)
- branch_sourceBranch :: Lens' Branch (Maybe Text)
- branch_tags :: Lens' Branch (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- branch_thumbnailUrl :: Lens' Branch (Maybe Text)
- branch_branchArn :: Lens' Branch Text
- branch_branchName :: Lens' Branch Text
- branch_description :: Lens' Branch Text
- branch_stage :: Lens' Branch Stage
- branch_displayName :: Lens' Branch Text
- branch_enableNotification :: Lens' Branch Bool
- branch_createTime :: Lens' Branch UTCTime
- branch_updateTime :: Lens' Branch UTCTime
- branch_environmentVariables :: Lens' Branch (HashMap Text Text)
- branch_enableAutoBuild :: Lens' Branch Bool
- branch_customDomains :: Lens' Branch [Text]
- branch_framework :: Lens' Branch Text
- branch_activeJobId :: Lens' Branch Text
- branch_totalNumberOfJobs :: Lens' Branch Text
- branch_enableBasicAuth :: Lens' Branch Bool
- branch_ttl :: Lens' Branch Text
- branch_enablePullRequestPreview :: Lens' Branch Bool
- customRule_condition :: Lens' CustomRule (Maybe Text)
- customRule_status :: Lens' CustomRule (Maybe Text)
- customRule_source :: Lens' CustomRule Text
- customRule_target :: Lens' CustomRule Text
- domainAssociation_autoSubDomainCreationPatterns :: Lens' DomainAssociation (Maybe [Text])
- domainAssociation_autoSubDomainIAMRole :: Lens' DomainAssociation (Maybe Text)
- domainAssociation_certificateVerificationDNSRecord :: Lens' DomainAssociation (Maybe Text)
- domainAssociation_domainAssociationArn :: Lens' DomainAssociation Text
- domainAssociation_domainName :: Lens' DomainAssociation Text
- domainAssociation_enableAutoSubDomain :: Lens' DomainAssociation Bool
- domainAssociation_domainStatus :: Lens' DomainAssociation DomainStatus
- domainAssociation_statusReason :: Lens' DomainAssociation Text
- domainAssociation_subDomains :: Lens' DomainAssociation [SubDomain]
- job_summary :: Lens' Job JobSummary
- job_steps :: Lens' Job [Step]
- jobSummary_endTime :: Lens' JobSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- jobSummary_jobArn :: Lens' JobSummary Text
- jobSummary_jobId :: Lens' JobSummary Text
- jobSummary_commitId :: Lens' JobSummary Text
- jobSummary_commitMessage :: Lens' JobSummary Text
- jobSummary_commitTime :: Lens' JobSummary UTCTime
- jobSummary_startTime :: Lens' JobSummary UTCTime
- jobSummary_status :: Lens' JobSummary JobStatus
- jobSummary_jobType :: Lens' JobSummary JobType
- productionBranch_branchName :: Lens' ProductionBranch (Maybe Text)
- productionBranch_lastDeployTime :: Lens' ProductionBranch (Maybe UTCTime)
- productionBranch_status :: Lens' ProductionBranch (Maybe Text)
- productionBranch_thumbnailUrl :: Lens' ProductionBranch (Maybe Text)
- step_artifactsUrl :: Lens' Step (Maybe Text)
- step_context :: Lens' Step (Maybe Text)
- step_logUrl :: Lens' Step (Maybe Text)
- step_screenshots :: Lens' Step (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- step_statusReason :: Lens' Step (Maybe Text)
- step_testArtifactsUrl :: Lens' Step (Maybe Text)
- step_testConfigUrl :: Lens' Step (Maybe Text)
- step_stepName :: Lens' Step Text
- step_startTime :: Lens' Step UTCTime
- step_status :: Lens' Step JobStatus
- step_endTime :: Lens' Step UTCTime
- subDomain_subDomainSetting :: Lens' SubDomain SubDomainSetting
- subDomain_verified :: Lens' SubDomain Bool
- subDomain_dnsRecord :: Lens' SubDomain Text
- subDomainSetting_prefix :: Lens' SubDomainSetting Text
- subDomainSetting_branchName :: Lens' SubDomainSetting Text
- webhook_webhookArn :: Lens' Webhook Text
- webhook_webhookId :: Lens' Webhook Text
- webhook_webhookUrl :: Lens' Webhook Text
- webhook_branchName :: Lens' Webhook Text
- webhook_description :: Lens' Webhook Text
- webhook_createTime :: Lens' Webhook UTCTime
- webhook_updateTime :: Lens' Webhook UTCTime
createApp_accessToken :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe Text) Source #
The personal access token for a GitHub repository for an Amplify app. The personal access token is used to authorize access to a GitHub repository using the Amplify GitHub App. The token is not stored.
Use accessToken
for GitHub repositories only. To authorize access to a
repository provider such as Bitbucket or CodeCommit, use oauthToken
You must specify either accessToken
or oauthToken
when you create a
new app.
Existing Amplify apps deployed from a GitHub repository using OAuth continue to work with CI/CD. However, we strongly recommend that you migrate these apps to use the GitHub App. For more information, see Migrating an existing OAuth app to the Amplify GitHub App in the Amplify User Guide .
createApp_autoBranchCreationConfig :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe AutoBranchCreationConfig) Source #
The automated branch creation configuration for an Amplify app.
createApp_autoBranchCreationPatterns :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The automated branch creation glob patterns for an Amplify app.
createApp_basicAuthCredentials :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe Text) Source #
The credentials for basic authorization for an Amplify app. You must
base64-encode the authorization credentials and provide them in the
format user:password
createApp_buildSpec :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe Text) Source #
The build specification (build spec) for an Amplify app.
createApp_customHeaders :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe Text) Source #
The custom HTTP headers for an Amplify app.
createApp_customRules :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe [CustomRule]) Source #
The custom rewrite and redirect rules for an Amplify app.
createApp_enableAutoBranchCreation :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables automated branch creation for an Amplify app.
createApp_enableBasicAuth :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables basic authorization for an Amplify app. This will apply to all branches that are part of this app.
createApp_enableBranchAutoBuild :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables the auto building of branches for an Amplify app.
createApp_enableBranchAutoDeletion :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe Bool) Source #
Automatically disconnects a branch in the Amplify Console when you delete a branch from your Git repository.
createApp_environmentVariables :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The environment variables map for an Amplify app.
createApp_iamServiceRoleArn :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe Text) Source #
The AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service role for an Amplify app.
createApp_oauthToken :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe Text) Source #
The OAuth token for a third-party source control system for an Amplify app. The OAuth token is used to create a webhook and a read-only deploy key using SSH cloning. The OAuth token is not stored.
Use oauthToken
for repository providers other than GitHub, such as
Bitbucket or CodeCommit. To authorize access to GitHub as your
repository provider, use accessToken
You must specify either oauthToken
or accessToken
when you create a
new app.
Existing Amplify apps deployed from a GitHub repository using OAuth continue to work with CI/CD. However, we strongly recommend that you migrate these apps to use the GitHub App. For more information, see Migrating an existing OAuth app to the Amplify GitHub App in the Amplify User Guide .
createApp_platform :: Lens' CreateApp (Maybe Platform) Source #
The platform for the Amplify app. For a static app, set the platform
type to WEB
. For a dynamic server-side rendered (SSR) app, set the
platform type to WEB_COMPUTE
. For an app requiring Amplify Hosting's
original SSR support only, set the platform type to WEB_DYNAMIC
createAppResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateAppResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createAppResponse_app :: Lens' CreateAppResponse App Source #
Undocumented member.
createBackendEnvironment_deploymentArtifacts :: Lens' CreateBackendEnvironment (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of deployment artifacts.
createBackendEnvironment_stackName :: Lens' CreateBackendEnvironment (Maybe Text) Source #
The AWS CloudFormation stack name of a backend environment.
createBackendEnvironment_appId :: Lens' CreateBackendEnvironment Text Source #
The unique ID for an Amplify app.
createBackendEnvironment_environmentName :: Lens' CreateBackendEnvironment Text Source #
The name for the backend environment.
createBackendEnvironmentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateBackendEnvironmentResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createBackendEnvironmentResponse_backendEnvironment :: Lens' CreateBackendEnvironmentResponse BackendEnvironment Source #
Describes the backend environment for an Amplify app.
createBranch_backendEnvironmentArn :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a backend environment that is part of an Amplify app.
createBranch_basicAuthCredentials :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Text) Source #
The basic authorization credentials for the branch. You must
base64-encode the authorization credentials and provide them in the
format user:password
createBranch_buildSpec :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Text) Source #
The build specification (build spec) for the branch.
createBranch_description :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Text) Source #
The description for the branch.
createBranch_displayName :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Text) Source #
The display name for a branch. This is used as the default domain prefix.
createBranch_enableAutoBuild :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables auto building for the branch.
createBranch_enableBasicAuth :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables basic authorization for the branch.
createBranch_enableNotification :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables notifications for the branch.
createBranch_enablePerformanceMode :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables performance mode for the branch.
Performance mode optimizes for faster hosting performance by keeping content cached at the edge for a longer interval. When performance mode is enabled, hosting configuration or code changes can take up to 10 minutes to roll out.
createBranch_enablePullRequestPreview :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables pull request previews for this branch.
createBranch_environmentVariables :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The environment variables for the branch.
createBranch_framework :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Text) Source #
The framework for the branch.
createBranch_pullRequestEnvironmentName :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amplify environment name for the pull request.
createBranch_stage :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Stage) Source #
Describes the current stage for the branch.
createBranch_tags :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tag for the branch.
createBranch_ttl :: Lens' CreateBranch (Maybe Text) Source #
The content Time To Live (TTL) for the website in seconds.
createBranch_appId :: Lens' CreateBranch Text Source #
The unique ID for an Amplify app.
createBranch_branchName :: Lens' CreateBranch Text Source #
The name for the branch.
createBranchResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateBranchResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createBranchResponse_branch :: Lens' CreateBranchResponse Branch Source #
Describes the branch for an Amplify app, which maps to a third-party repository branch.
createDeployment_fileMap :: Lens' CreateDeployment (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
An optional file map that contains the file name as the key and the file content md5 hash as the value. If this argument is provided, the service will generate a unique upload URL per file. Otherwise, the service will only generate a single upload URL for the zipped files.
createDeployment_appId :: Lens' CreateDeployment Text Source #
The unique ID for an Amplify app.
createDeployment_branchName :: Lens' CreateDeployment Text Source #
The name for the branch, for the job.
createDeploymentResponse_jobId :: Lens' CreateDeploymentResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The job ID for this deployment. will supply to start deployment api.
createDeploymentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateDeploymentResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createDeploymentResponse_fileUploadUrls :: Lens' CreateDeploymentResponse (HashMap Text Text) Source #
When the fileMap
argument is provided in the request, fileUploadUrls
will contain a map of file names to upload URLs.
createDeploymentResponse_zipUploadUrl :: Lens' CreateDeploymentResponse Text Source #
When the fileMap
argument is not provided in the request, this
is returned.
createDomainAssociation_autoSubDomainCreationPatterns :: Lens' CreateDomainAssociation (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Sets the branch patterns for automatic subdomain creation.
createDomainAssociation_autoSubDomainIAMRole :: Lens' CreateDomainAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The required AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service role for the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for automatically creating subdomains.
createDomainAssociation_enableAutoSubDomain :: Lens' CreateDomainAssociation (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables the automated creation of subdomains for branches.
createDomainAssociation_appId :: Lens' CreateDomainAssociation Text Source #
The unique ID for an Amplify app.
createDomainAssociation_domainName :: Lens' CreateDomainAssociation Text Source #
The domain name for the domain association.
createDomainAssociation_subDomainSettings :: Lens' CreateDomainAssociation [SubDomainSetting] Source #
The setting for the subdomain.
createDomainAssociationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateDomainAssociationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createDomainAssociationResponse_domainAssociation :: Lens' CreateDomainAssociationResponse DomainAssociation Source #
Describes the structure of a domain association, which associates a custom domain with an Amplify app.
createWebhook_description :: Lens' CreateWebhook (Maybe Text) Source #
The description for a webhook.
createWebhook_appId :: Lens' CreateWebhook Text Source #
The unique ID for an Amplify app.
createWebhook_branchName :: Lens' CreateWebhook Text Source #
The name for a branch that is part of an Amplify app.
createWebhookResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateWebhookResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createWebhookResponse_webhook :: Lens' CreateWebhookResponse Webhook Source #
Describes a webhook that connects repository events to an Amplify app.
deleteAppResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteAppResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteAppResponse_app :: Lens' DeleteAppResponse App Source #
Undocumented member.
deleteBackendEnvironment_appId :: Lens' DeleteBackendEnvironment Text Source #
The unique ID of an Amplify app.
deleteBackendEnvironment_environmentName :: Lens' DeleteBackendEnvironment Text Source #
The name of a backend environment of an Amplify app.
deleteBackendEnvironmentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteBackendEnvironmentResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteBackendEnvironmentResponse_backendEnvironment :: Lens' DeleteBackendEnvironmentResponse BackendEnvironment Source #
Describes the backend environment for an Amplify app.
deleteBranch_appId :: Lens' DeleteBranch Text Source #
The unique ID for an Amplify app.
deleteBranch_branchName :: Lens' DeleteBranch Text Source #
The name for the branch.
deleteBranchResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteBranchResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteBranchResponse_branch :: Lens' DeleteBranchResponse Branch Source #
The branch for an Amplify app, which maps to a third-party repository branch.
deleteDomainAssociation_appId :: Lens' DeleteDomainAssociation Text Source #
The unique id for an Amplify app.
deleteDomainAssociation_domainName :: Lens' DeleteDomainAssociation Text Source #
The name of the domain.
deleteDomainAssociationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteDomainAssociationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteDomainAssociationResponse_domainAssociation :: Lens' DeleteDomainAssociationResponse DomainAssociation Source #
Undocumented member.
deleteJobResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteJobResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteJobResponse_jobSummary :: Lens' DeleteJobResponse JobSummary Source #
Undocumented member.
deleteWebhook_webhookId :: Lens' DeleteWebhook Text Source #
The unique ID for a webhook.
deleteWebhookResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteWebhookResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteWebhookResponse_webhook :: Lens' DeleteWebhookResponse Webhook Source #
Describes a webhook that connects repository events to an Amplify app.
generateAccessLogs_endTime :: Lens' GenerateAccessLogs (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time at which the logs should end. The time range specified is inclusive of the end time.
generateAccessLogs_startTime :: Lens' GenerateAccessLogs (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time at which the logs should start. The time range specified is inclusive of the start time.
generateAccessLogs_domainName :: Lens' GenerateAccessLogs Text Source #
The name of the domain.
generateAccessLogs_appId :: Lens' GenerateAccessLogs Text Source #
The unique ID for an Amplify app.
generateAccessLogsResponse_logUrl :: Lens' GenerateAccessLogsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pre-signed URL for the requested access logs.
generateAccessLogsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GenerateAccessLogsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getAppResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetAppResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getAppResponse_app :: Lens' GetAppResponse App Source #
Undocumented member.
getArtifactUrl_artifactId :: Lens' GetArtifactUrl Text Source #
The unique ID for an artifact.
getArtifactUrlResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetArtifactUrlResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getArtifactUrlResponse_artifactId :: Lens' GetArtifactUrlResponse Text Source #
The unique ID for an artifact.
getArtifactUrlResponse_artifactUrl :: Lens' GetArtifactUrlResponse Text Source #
The presigned URL for the artifact.
getBackendEnvironment_appId :: Lens' GetBackendEnvironment Text Source #
The unique id for an Amplify app.
getBackendEnvironment_environmentName :: Lens' GetBackendEnvironment Text Source #
The name for the backend environment.
getBackendEnvironmentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetBackendEnvironmentResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getBackendEnvironmentResponse_backendEnvironment :: Lens' GetBackendEnvironmentResponse BackendEnvironment Source #
Describes the backend environment for an Amplify app.
getBranchResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetBranchResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getBranchResponse_branch :: Lens' GetBranchResponse Branch Source #
Undocumented member.
getDomainAssociation_appId :: Lens' GetDomainAssociation Text Source #
The unique id for an Amplify app.
getDomainAssociation_domainName :: Lens' GetDomainAssociation Text Source #
The name of the domain.
getDomainAssociationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetDomainAssociationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getDomainAssociationResponse_domainAssociation :: Lens' GetDomainAssociationResponse DomainAssociation Source #
Describes the structure of a domain association, which associates a custom domain with an Amplify app.
getJobResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetJobResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getJobResponse_job :: Lens' GetJobResponse Job Source #
Undocumented member.
getWebhook_webhookId :: Lens' GetWebhook Text Source #
The unique ID for a webhook.
getWebhookResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetWebhookResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getWebhookResponse_webhook :: Lens' GetWebhookResponse Webhook Source #
Describes the structure of a webhook.
listApps_maxResults :: Lens' ListApps (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of records to list in a single response.
listApps_nextToken :: Lens' ListApps (Maybe Text) Source #
A pagination token. If non-null, the pagination token is returned in a result. Pass its value in another request to retrieve more entries.
listAppsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAppsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A pagination token. Set to null to start listing apps from start. If non-null, the pagination token is returned in a result. Pass its value in here to list more projects.
listAppsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListAppsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listAppsResponse_apps :: Lens' ListAppsResponse [App] Source #
A list of Amplify apps.
listArtifacts_maxResults :: Lens' ListArtifacts (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of records to list in a single response.
listArtifacts_nextToken :: Lens' ListArtifacts (Maybe Text) Source #
A pagination token. Set to null to start listing artifacts from start. If a non-null pagination token is returned in a result, pass its value in here to list more artifacts.
listArtifacts_appId :: Lens' ListArtifacts Text Source #
The unique ID for an Amplify app.
listArtifacts_branchName :: Lens' ListArtifacts Text Source #
The name of a branch that is part of an Amplify app.
listArtifacts_jobId :: Lens' ListArtifacts Text Source #
The unique ID for a job.
listArtifactsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListArtifactsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A pagination token. If a non-null pagination token is returned in a result, pass its value in another request to retrieve more entries.
listArtifactsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListArtifactsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listArtifactsResponse_artifacts :: Lens' ListArtifactsResponse [Artifact] Source #
A list of artifacts.
listBackendEnvironments_environmentName :: Lens' ListBackendEnvironments (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the backend environment
listBackendEnvironments_maxResults :: Lens' ListBackendEnvironments (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of records to list in a single response.
listBackendEnvironments_nextToken :: Lens' ListBackendEnvironments (Maybe Text) Source #
A pagination token. Set to null to start listing backend environments from the start. If a non-null pagination token is returned in a result, pass its value in here to list more backend environments.
listBackendEnvironments_appId :: Lens' ListBackendEnvironments Text Source #
The unique ID for an Amplify app.
listBackendEnvironmentsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListBackendEnvironmentsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A pagination token. If a non-null pagination token is returned in a result, pass its value in another request to retrieve more entries.
listBackendEnvironmentsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListBackendEnvironmentsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listBackendEnvironmentsResponse_backendEnvironments :: Lens' ListBackendEnvironmentsResponse [BackendEnvironment] Source #
The list of backend environments for an Amplify app.
listBranches_maxResults :: Lens' ListBranches (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of records to list in a single response.
listBranches_nextToken :: Lens' ListBranches (Maybe Text) Source #
A pagination token. Set to null to start listing branches from the start. If a non-null pagination token is returned in a result, pass its value in here to list more branches.
listBranches_appId :: Lens' ListBranches Text Source #
The unique ID for an Amplify app.
listBranchesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListBranchesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A pagination token. If a non-null pagination token is returned in a result, pass its value in another request to retrieve more entries.
listBranchesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListBranchesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listBranchesResponse_branches :: Lens' ListBranchesResponse [Branch] Source #
A list of branches for an Amplify app.
listDomainAssociations_maxResults :: Lens' ListDomainAssociations (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of records to list in a single response.
listDomainAssociations_nextToken :: Lens' ListDomainAssociations (Maybe Text) Source #
A pagination token. Set to null to start listing apps from the start. If non-null, a pagination token is returned in a result. Pass its value in here to list more projects.
listDomainAssociations_appId :: Lens' ListDomainAssociations Text Source #
The unique ID for an Amplify app.
listDomainAssociationsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListDomainAssociationsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A pagination token. If non-null, a pagination token is returned in a result. Pass its value in another request to retrieve more entries.
listDomainAssociationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListDomainAssociationsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listDomainAssociationsResponse_domainAssociations :: Lens' ListDomainAssociationsResponse [DomainAssociation] Source #
A list of domain associations.
listJobs_maxResults :: Lens' ListJobs (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of records to list in a single response.
listJobs_nextToken :: Lens' ListJobs (Maybe Text) Source #
A pagination token. Set to null to start listing steps from the start. If a non-null pagination token is returned in a result, pass its value in here to list more steps.
listJobsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListJobsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A pagination token. If non-null the pagination token is returned in a result. Pass its value in another request to retrieve more entries.
listJobsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListJobsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listJobsResponse_jobSummaries :: Lens' ListJobsResponse [JobSummary] Source #
The result structure for the list job result request.
listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to use to list tags.
listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A list of tags for the specified The Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listWebhooks_maxResults :: Lens' ListWebhooks (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of records to list in a single response.
listWebhooks_nextToken :: Lens' ListWebhooks (Maybe Text) Source #
A pagination token. Set to null to start listing webhooks from the start. If non-null,the pagination token is returned in a result. Pass its value in here to list more webhooks.
listWebhooks_appId :: Lens' ListWebhooks Text Source #
The unique ID for an Amplify app.
listWebhooksResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListWebhooksResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A pagination token. If non-null, the pagination token is returned in a result. Pass its value in another request to retrieve more entries.
listWebhooksResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListWebhooksResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listWebhooksResponse_webhooks :: Lens' ListWebhooksResponse [Webhook] Source #
A list of webhooks.
startDeployment_jobId :: Lens' StartDeployment (Maybe Text) Source #
The job ID for this deployment, generated by the create deployment request.
startDeployment_sourceUrl :: Lens' StartDeployment (Maybe Text) Source #
The source URL for this deployment, used when calling start deployment without create deployment. The source URL can be any HTTP GET URL that is publicly accessible and downloads a single .zip file.
startDeployment_appId :: Lens' StartDeployment Text Source #
The unique ID for an Amplify app.
startDeployment_branchName :: Lens' StartDeployment Text Source #
The name for the branch, for the job.
startDeploymentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartDeploymentResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
startDeploymentResponse_jobSummary :: Lens' StartDeploymentResponse JobSummary Source #
The summary for the job.
startJob_commitId :: Lens' StartJob (Maybe Text) Source #
The commit ID from a third-party repository provider for the job.
startJob_commitMessage :: Lens' StartJob (Maybe Text) Source #
The commit message from a third-party repository provider for the job.
startJob_jobId :: Lens' StartJob (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique ID for an existing job. This is required if the value of
startJob_jobReason :: Lens' StartJob (Maybe Text) Source #
A descriptive reason for starting this job.
startJob_jobType :: Lens' StartJob JobType Source #
Describes the type for the job. The job type RELEASE
starts a new job
with the latest change from the specified branch. This value is
available only for apps that are connected to a repository. The job type
retries an existing job. If the job type value is RETRY
, the
is also required.
startJobResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartJobResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
startJobResponse_jobSummary :: Lens' StartJobResponse JobSummary Source #
The summary for the job.
stopJobResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StopJobResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
stopJobResponse_jobSummary :: Lens' StopJobResponse JobSummary Source #
The summary for the job.
tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to use to tag a resource.
tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (HashMap Text Text) Source #
The tags used to tag the resource.
tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to use to untag a resource.
untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource (NonEmpty Text) Source #
The tag keys to use to untag a resource.
untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateApp_accessToken :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Text) Source #
The personal access token for a GitHub repository for an Amplify app. The personal access token is used to authorize access to a GitHub repository using the Amplify GitHub App. The token is not stored.
Use accessToken
for GitHub repositories only. To authorize access to a
repository provider such as Bitbucket or CodeCommit, use oauthToken
You must specify either accessToken
or oauthToken
when you update an
Existing Amplify apps deployed from a GitHub repository using OAuth continue to work with CI/CD. However, we strongly recommend that you migrate these apps to use the GitHub App. For more information, see Migrating an existing OAuth app to the Amplify GitHub App in the Amplify User Guide .
updateApp_autoBranchCreationConfig :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe AutoBranchCreationConfig) Source #
The automated branch creation configuration for an Amplify app.
updateApp_autoBranchCreationPatterns :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Describes the automated branch creation glob patterns for an Amplify app.
updateApp_basicAuthCredentials :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Text) Source #
The basic authorization credentials for an Amplify app. You must
base64-encode the authorization credentials and provide them in the
format user:password
updateApp_buildSpec :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Text) Source #
The build specification (build spec) for an Amplify app.
updateApp_customHeaders :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Text) Source #
The custom HTTP headers for an Amplify app.
updateApp_customRules :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe [CustomRule]) Source #
The custom redirect and rewrite rules for an Amplify app.
updateApp_enableAutoBranchCreation :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables automated branch creation for an Amplify app.
updateApp_enableBasicAuth :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables basic authorization for an Amplify app.
updateApp_enableBranchAutoBuild :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables branch auto-building for an Amplify app.
updateApp_enableBranchAutoDeletion :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Bool) Source #
Automatically disconnects a branch in the Amplify Console when you delete a branch from your Git repository.
updateApp_environmentVariables :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The environment variables for an Amplify app.
updateApp_iamServiceRoleArn :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Text) Source #
The AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service role for an Amplify app.
updateApp_oauthToken :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Text) Source #
The OAuth token for a third-party source control system for an Amplify app. The OAuth token is used to create a webhook and a read-only deploy key using SSH cloning. The OAuth token is not stored.
Use oauthToken
for repository providers other than GitHub, such as
Bitbucket or CodeCommit.
To authorize access to GitHub as your repository provider, use
You must specify either oauthToken
or accessToken
when you update an
Existing Amplify apps deployed from a GitHub repository using OAuth continue to work with CI/CD. However, we strongly recommend that you migrate these apps to use the GitHub App. For more information, see Migrating an existing OAuth app to the Amplify GitHub App in the Amplify User Guide .
updateApp_platform :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Platform) Source #
The platform for the Amplify app. For a static app, set the platform
type to WEB
. For a dynamic server-side rendered (SSR) app, set the
platform type to WEB_COMPUTE
. For an app requiring Amplify Hosting's
original SSR support only, set the platform type to WEB_DYNAMIC
updateApp_repository :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the repository for an Amplify app
updateAppResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateAppResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateAppResponse_app :: Lens' UpdateAppResponse App Source #
Represents the updated Amplify app.
updateBranch_backendEnvironmentArn :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a backend environment that is part of an Amplify app.
updateBranch_basicAuthCredentials :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Text) Source #
The basic authorization credentials for the branch. You must
base64-encode the authorization credentials and provide them in the
format user:password
updateBranch_buildSpec :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Text) Source #
The build specification (build spec) for the branch.
updateBranch_description :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Text) Source #
The description for the branch.
updateBranch_displayName :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Text) Source #
The display name for a branch. This is used as the default domain prefix.
updateBranch_enableAutoBuild :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables auto building for the branch.
updateBranch_enableBasicAuth :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables basic authorization for the branch.
updateBranch_enableNotification :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables notifications for the branch.
updateBranch_enablePerformanceMode :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables performance mode for the branch.
Performance mode optimizes for faster hosting performance by keeping content cached at the edge for a longer interval. When performance mode is enabled, hosting configuration or code changes can take up to 10 minutes to roll out.
updateBranch_enablePullRequestPreview :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables pull request previews for this branch.
updateBranch_environmentVariables :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The environment variables for the branch.
updateBranch_framework :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Text) Source #
The framework for the branch.
updateBranch_pullRequestEnvironmentName :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amplify environment name for the pull request.
updateBranch_stage :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Stage) Source #
Describes the current stage for the branch.
updateBranch_ttl :: Lens' UpdateBranch (Maybe Text) Source #
The content Time to Live (TTL) for the website in seconds.
updateBranch_appId :: Lens' UpdateBranch Text Source #
The unique ID for an Amplify app.
updateBranch_branchName :: Lens' UpdateBranch Text Source #
The name for the branch.
updateBranchResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateBranchResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateBranchResponse_branch :: Lens' UpdateBranchResponse Branch Source #
The branch for an Amplify app, which maps to a third-party repository branch.
updateDomainAssociation_autoSubDomainCreationPatterns :: Lens' UpdateDomainAssociation (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Sets the branch patterns for automatic subdomain creation.
updateDomainAssociation_autoSubDomainIAMRole :: Lens' UpdateDomainAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The required AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service role for the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for automatically creating subdomains.
updateDomainAssociation_enableAutoSubDomain :: Lens' UpdateDomainAssociation (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables the automated creation of subdomains for branches.
updateDomainAssociation_subDomainSettings :: Lens' UpdateDomainAssociation (Maybe [SubDomainSetting]) Source #
Describes the settings for the subdomain.
updateDomainAssociation_appId :: Lens' UpdateDomainAssociation Text Source #
The unique ID for an Amplify app.
updateDomainAssociation_domainName :: Lens' UpdateDomainAssociation Text Source #
The name of the domain.
updateDomainAssociationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateDomainAssociationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateDomainAssociationResponse_domainAssociation :: Lens' UpdateDomainAssociationResponse DomainAssociation Source #
Describes a domain association, which associates a custom domain with an Amplify app.
updateWebhook_branchName :: Lens' UpdateWebhook (Maybe Text) Source #
The name for a branch that is part of an Amplify app.
updateWebhook_description :: Lens' UpdateWebhook (Maybe Text) Source #
The description for a webhook.
updateWebhook_webhookId :: Lens' UpdateWebhook Text Source #
The unique ID for a webhook.
updateWebhookResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateWebhookResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateWebhookResponse_webhook :: Lens' UpdateWebhookResponse Webhook Source #
Describes a webhook that connects repository events to an Amplify app.
app_autoBranchCreationConfig :: Lens' App (Maybe AutoBranchCreationConfig) Source #
Describes the automated branch creation configuration for the Amplify app.
app_autoBranchCreationPatterns :: Lens' App (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Describes the automated branch creation glob patterns for the Amplify app.
app_basicAuthCredentials :: Lens' App (Maybe Text) Source #
The basic authorization credentials for branches for the Amplify app.
You must base64-encode the authorization credentials and provide them in
the format user:password
app_buildSpec :: Lens' App (Maybe Text) Source #
Describes the content of the build specification (build spec) for the Amplify app.
app_customHeaders :: Lens' App (Maybe Text) Source #
Describes the custom HTTP headers for the Amplify app.
app_customRules :: Lens' App (Maybe [CustomRule]) Source #
Describes the custom redirect and rewrite rules for the Amplify app.
app_enableAutoBranchCreation :: Lens' App (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables automated branch creation for the Amplify app.
app_enableBranchAutoDeletion :: Lens' App (Maybe Bool) Source #
Automatically disconnect a branch in the Amplify Console when you delete a branch from your Git repository.
app_iamServiceRoleArn :: Lens' App (Maybe Text) Source #
The AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service role for the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amplify app.
app_productionBranch :: Lens' App (Maybe ProductionBranch) Source #
Describes the information about a production branch of the Amplify app.
app_repositoryCloneMethod :: Lens' App (Maybe RepositoryCloneMethod) Source #
This is for internal use.
The Amplify service uses this parameter to specify the authentication
protocol to use to access the Git repository for an Amplify app. Amplify
specifies TOKEN
for a GitHub repository, SIGV4
for an Amazon Web
Services CodeCommit repository, and SSH
for GitLab and Bitbucket
app_platform :: Lens' App Platform Source #
The platform for the Amplify app. For a static app, set the platform
type to WEB
. For a dynamic server-side rendered (SSR) app, set the
platform type to WEB_COMPUTE
. For an app requiring Amplify Hosting's
original SSR support only, set the platform type to WEB_DYNAMIC
app_environmentVariables :: Lens' App (HashMap Text Text) Source #
The environment variables for the Amplify app.
app_enableBranchAutoBuild :: Lens' App Bool Source #
Enables the auto-building of branches for the Amplify app.
app_enableBasicAuth :: Lens' App Bool Source #
Enables basic authorization for the Amplify app's branches.
autoBranchCreationConfig_basicAuthCredentials :: Lens' AutoBranchCreationConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The basic authorization credentials for the autocreated branch. You must
base64-encode the authorization credentials and provide them in the
format user:password
autoBranchCreationConfig_buildSpec :: Lens' AutoBranchCreationConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The build specification (build spec) for the autocreated branch.
autoBranchCreationConfig_enableAutoBuild :: Lens' AutoBranchCreationConfig (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables auto building for the autocreated branch.
autoBranchCreationConfig_enableBasicAuth :: Lens' AutoBranchCreationConfig (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables basic authorization for the autocreated branch.
autoBranchCreationConfig_enablePerformanceMode :: Lens' AutoBranchCreationConfig (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables performance mode for the branch.
Performance mode optimizes for faster hosting performance by keeping content cached at the edge for a longer interval. When performance mode is enabled, hosting configuration or code changes can take up to 10 minutes to roll out.
autoBranchCreationConfig_enablePullRequestPreview :: Lens' AutoBranchCreationConfig (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables pull request previews for the autocreated branch.
autoBranchCreationConfig_environmentVariables :: Lens' AutoBranchCreationConfig (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The environment variables for the autocreated branch.
autoBranchCreationConfig_framework :: Lens' AutoBranchCreationConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The framework for the autocreated branch.
autoBranchCreationConfig_pullRequestEnvironmentName :: Lens' AutoBranchCreationConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amplify environment name for the pull request.
autoBranchCreationConfig_stage :: Lens' AutoBranchCreationConfig (Maybe Stage) Source #
Describes the current stage for the autocreated branch.
backendEnvironment_deploymentArtifacts :: Lens' BackendEnvironment (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of deployment artifacts.
backendEnvironment_stackName :: Lens' BackendEnvironment (Maybe Text) Source #
The AWS CloudFormation stack name of a backend environment.
backendEnvironment_backendEnvironmentArn :: Lens' BackendEnvironment Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a backend environment that is part of an Amplify app.
backendEnvironment_environmentName :: Lens' BackendEnvironment Text Source #
The name for a backend environment that is part of an Amplify app.
backendEnvironment_createTime :: Lens' BackendEnvironment UTCTime Source #
The creation date and time for a backend environment that is part of an Amplify app.
backendEnvironment_updateTime :: Lens' BackendEnvironment UTCTime Source #
The last updated date and time for a backend environment that is part of an Amplify app.
branch_associatedResources :: Lens' Branch (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of custom resources that are linked to this branch.
branch_backendEnvironmentArn :: Lens' Branch (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a backend environment that is part of an Amplify app.
branch_basicAuthCredentials :: Lens' Branch (Maybe Text) Source #
The basic authorization credentials for a branch of an Amplify app. You
must base64-encode the authorization credentials and provide them in the
format user:password
branch_buildSpec :: Lens' Branch (Maybe Text) Source #
The build specification (build spec) content for the branch of an Amplify app.
branch_destinationBranch :: Lens' Branch (Maybe Text) Source #
The destination branch if the branch is a pull request branch.
branch_enablePerformanceMode :: Lens' Branch (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables performance mode for the branch.
Performance mode optimizes for faster hosting performance by keeping content cached at the edge for a longer interval. When performance mode is enabled, hosting configuration or code changes can take up to 10 minutes to roll out.
branch_pullRequestEnvironmentName :: Lens' Branch (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amplify environment name for the pull request.
branch_sourceBranch :: Lens' Branch (Maybe Text) Source #
The source branch if the branch is a pull request branch.
branch_tags :: Lens' Branch (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tag for the branch of an Amplify app.
branch_thumbnailUrl :: Lens' Branch (Maybe Text) Source #
The thumbnail URL for the branch of an Amplify app.
branch_branchArn :: Lens' Branch Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a branch that is part of an Amplify app.
branch_branchName :: Lens' Branch Text Source #
The name for the branch that is part of an Amplify app.
branch_description :: Lens' Branch Text Source #
The description for the branch that is part of an Amplify app.
branch_stage :: Lens' Branch Stage Source #
The current stage for the branch that is part of an Amplify app.
branch_displayName :: Lens' Branch Text Source #
The display name for the branch. This is used as the default domain prefix.
branch_enableNotification :: Lens' Branch Bool Source #
Enables notifications for a branch that is part of an Amplify app.
branch_createTime :: Lens' Branch UTCTime Source #
The creation date and time for a branch that is part of an Amplify app.
branch_updateTime :: Lens' Branch UTCTime Source #
The last updated date and time for a branch that is part of an Amplify app.
branch_environmentVariables :: Lens' Branch (HashMap Text Text) Source #
The environment variables specific to a branch of an Amplify app.
branch_enableAutoBuild :: Lens' Branch Bool Source #
Enables auto-building on push for a branch of an Amplify app.
branch_customDomains :: Lens' Branch [Text] Source #
The custom domains for a branch of an Amplify app.
branch_activeJobId :: Lens' Branch Text Source #
The ID of the active job for a branch of an Amplify app.
branch_totalNumberOfJobs :: Lens' Branch Text Source #
The total number of jobs that are part of an Amplify app.
branch_enableBasicAuth :: Lens' Branch Bool Source #
Enables basic authorization for a branch of an Amplify app.
branch_enablePullRequestPreview :: Lens' Branch Bool Source #
Enables pull request previews for the branch.
customRule_condition :: Lens' CustomRule (Maybe Text) Source #
The condition for a URL rewrite or redirect rule, such as a country code.
customRule_status :: Lens' CustomRule (Maybe Text) Source #
The status code for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
- 200
- Represents a 200 rewrite rule.
- 301
- Represents a 301 (moved pemanently) redirect rule. This and all future requests should be directed to the target URL.
- 302
- Represents a 302 temporary redirect rule.
- 404
- Represents a 404 redirect rule.
- 404-200
- Represents a 404 rewrite rule.
customRule_source :: Lens' CustomRule Text Source #
The source pattern for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
customRule_target :: Lens' CustomRule Text Source #
The target pattern for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
domainAssociation_autoSubDomainCreationPatterns :: Lens' DomainAssociation (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Sets branch patterns for automatic subdomain creation.
domainAssociation_autoSubDomainIAMRole :: Lens' DomainAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The required AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service role for the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for automatically creating subdomains.
domainAssociation_certificateVerificationDNSRecord :: Lens' DomainAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The DNS record for certificate verification.
domainAssociation_domainAssociationArn :: Lens' DomainAssociation Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the domain association.
domainAssociation_domainName :: Lens' DomainAssociation Text Source #
The name of the domain.
domainAssociation_enableAutoSubDomain :: Lens' DomainAssociation Bool Source #
Enables the automated creation of subdomains for branches.
domainAssociation_domainStatus :: Lens' DomainAssociation DomainStatus Source #
The current status of the domain association.
domainAssociation_statusReason :: Lens' DomainAssociation Text Source #
The reason for the current status of the domain association.
domainAssociation_subDomains :: Lens' DomainAssociation [SubDomain] Source #
The subdomains for the domain association.
job_summary :: Lens' Job JobSummary Source #
Describes the summary for an execution job for an Amplify app.
jobSummary_endTime :: Lens' JobSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The end date and time for the job.
jobSummary_jobArn :: Lens' JobSummary Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the job.
jobSummary_jobId :: Lens' JobSummary Text Source #
The unique ID for the job.
jobSummary_commitId :: Lens' JobSummary Text Source #
The commit ID from a third-party repository provider for the job.
jobSummary_commitMessage :: Lens' JobSummary Text Source #
The commit message from a third-party repository provider for the job.
jobSummary_commitTime :: Lens' JobSummary UTCTime Source #
The commit date and time for the job.
jobSummary_startTime :: Lens' JobSummary UTCTime Source #
The start date and time for the job.
jobSummary_status :: Lens' JobSummary JobStatus Source #
The current status for the job.
jobSummary_jobType :: Lens' JobSummary JobType Source #
The type for the job. If the value is RELEASE
, the job was manually
released from its source by using the StartJob
API. If the value is
, the job was manually retried using the StartJob
API. If the
value is WEB_HOOK
, the job was automatically triggered by webhooks.
productionBranch_branchName :: Lens' ProductionBranch (Maybe Text) Source #
The branch name for the production branch.
productionBranch_lastDeployTime :: Lens' ProductionBranch (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The last deploy time of the production branch.
productionBranch_status :: Lens' ProductionBranch (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the production branch.
productionBranch_thumbnailUrl :: Lens' ProductionBranch (Maybe Text) Source #
The thumbnail URL for the production branch.
step_artifactsUrl :: Lens' Step (Maybe Text) Source #
The URL to the artifact for the execution step.
step_context :: Lens' Step (Maybe Text) Source #
The context for the current step. Includes a build image if the step is build.
step_screenshots :: Lens' Step (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The list of screenshot URLs for the execution step, if relevant.
step_testArtifactsUrl :: Lens' Step (Maybe Text) Source #
The URL to the test artifact for the execution step.
step_testConfigUrl :: Lens' Step (Maybe Text) Source #
The URL to the test configuration for the execution step.
subDomain_subDomainSetting :: Lens' SubDomain SubDomainSetting Source #
Describes the settings for the subdomain.
subDomainSetting_prefix :: Lens' SubDomainSetting Text Source #
The prefix setting for the subdomain.
subDomainSetting_branchName :: Lens' SubDomainSetting Text Source #
The branch name setting for the subdomain.