{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0. -- | -- Module : Network.AWS.CognitoSync.Types.Product -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2015 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- module Network.AWS.CognitoSync.Types.Product where import Network.AWS.CognitoSync.Types.Sum import Network.AWS.Lens import Network.AWS.Prelude -- | Configuration options for configure Cognito streams. -- -- /See:/ 'cognitoStreams' smart constructor. data CognitoStreams = CognitoStreams' { _csStreamingStatus :: !(Maybe StreamingStatus) , _csStreamName :: !(Maybe Text) , _csRoleARN :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'CognitoStreams' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'csStreamingStatus' -- -- * 'csStreamName' -- -- * 'csRoleARN' cognitoStreams :: CognitoStreams cognitoStreams = CognitoStreams' { _csStreamingStatus = Nothing , _csStreamName = Nothing , _csRoleARN = Nothing } -- | Status of the Cognito streams. Valid values are: -- -- ENABLED - Streaming of updates to identity pool is enabled. -- -- DISABLED - Streaming of updates to identity pool is disabled. Bulk -- publish will also fail if StreamingStatus is DISABLED. csStreamingStatus :: Lens' CognitoStreams (Maybe StreamingStatus) csStreamingStatus = lens _csStreamingStatus (\ s a -> s{_csStreamingStatus = a}); -- | The name of the Cognito stream to receive updates. This stream must be -- in the developers account and in the same region as the identity pool. csStreamName :: Lens' CognitoStreams (Maybe Text) csStreamName = lens _csStreamName (\ s a -> s{_csStreamName = a}); -- | The ARN of the role Amazon Cognito can assume in order to publish to the -- stream. This role must grant access to Amazon Cognito (cognito-sync) to -- invoke PutRecord on your Cognito stream. csRoleARN :: Lens' CognitoStreams (Maybe Text) csRoleARN = lens _csRoleARN (\ s a -> s{_csRoleARN = a}); instance FromJSON CognitoStreams where parseJSON = withObject "CognitoStreams" (\ x -> CognitoStreams' <$> (x .:? "StreamingStatus") <*> (x .:? "StreamName") <*> (x .:? "RoleArn")) instance ToJSON CognitoStreams where toJSON CognitoStreams'{..} = object (catMaybes [("StreamingStatus" .=) <$> _csStreamingStatus, ("StreamName" .=) <$> _csStreamName, ("RoleArn" .=) <$> _csRoleARN]) -- | A collection of data for an identity pool. An identity pool can have -- multiple datasets. A dataset is per identity and can be general or -- associated with a particular entity in an application (like a saved -- game). Datasets are automatically created if they don\'t exist. Data is -- synced by dataset, and a dataset can hold up to 1MB of key-value pairs. -- -- /See:/ 'dataset' smart constructor. data Dataset = Dataset' { _dLastModifiedDate :: !(Maybe POSIX) , _dNumRecords :: !(Maybe Integer) , _dDataStorage :: !(Maybe Integer) , _dDatasetName :: !(Maybe Text) , _dCreationDate :: !(Maybe POSIX) , _dLastModifiedBy :: !(Maybe Text) , _dIdentityId :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'Dataset' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'dLastModifiedDate' -- -- * 'dNumRecords' -- -- * 'dDataStorage' -- -- * 'dDatasetName' -- -- * 'dCreationDate' -- -- * 'dLastModifiedBy' -- -- * 'dIdentityId' dataset :: Dataset dataset = Dataset' { _dLastModifiedDate = Nothing , _dNumRecords = Nothing , _dDataStorage = Nothing , _dDatasetName = Nothing , _dCreationDate = Nothing , _dLastModifiedBy = Nothing , _dIdentityId = Nothing } -- | Date when the dataset was last modified. dLastModifiedDate :: Lens' Dataset (Maybe UTCTime) dLastModifiedDate = lens _dLastModifiedDate (\ s a -> s{_dLastModifiedDate = a}) . mapping _Time; -- | Number of records in this dataset. dNumRecords :: Lens' Dataset (Maybe Integer) dNumRecords = lens _dNumRecords (\ s a -> s{_dNumRecords = a}); -- | Total size in bytes of the records in this dataset. dDataStorage :: Lens' Dataset (Maybe Integer) dDataStorage = lens _dDataStorage (\ s a -> s{_dDataStorage = a}); -- | A string of up to 128 characters. Allowed characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -- \'_\' (underscore), \'-\' (dash), and \'.\' (dot). dDatasetName :: Lens' Dataset (Maybe Text) dDatasetName = lens _dDatasetName (\ s a -> s{_dDatasetName = a}); -- | Date on which the dataset was created. dCreationDate :: Lens' Dataset (Maybe UTCTime) dCreationDate = lens _dCreationDate (\ s a -> s{_dCreationDate = a}) . mapping _Time; -- | The device that made the last change to this dataset. dLastModifiedBy :: Lens' Dataset (Maybe Text) dLastModifiedBy = lens _dLastModifiedBy (\ s a -> s{_dLastModifiedBy = a}); -- | A name-spaced GUID (for example, -- us-east-1:23EC4050-6AEA-7089-A2DD-08002EXAMPLE) created by Amazon -- Cognito. GUID generation is unique within a region. dIdentityId :: Lens' Dataset (Maybe Text) dIdentityId = lens _dIdentityId (\ s a -> s{_dIdentityId = a}); instance FromJSON Dataset where parseJSON = withObject "Dataset" (\ x -> Dataset' <$> (x .:? "LastModifiedDate") <*> (x .:? "NumRecords") <*> (x .:? "DataStorage") <*> (x .:? "DatasetName") <*> (x .:? "CreationDate") <*> (x .:? "LastModifiedBy") <*> (x .:? "IdentityId")) -- | Usage information for the identity pool. -- -- /See:/ 'identityPoolUsage' smart constructor. data IdentityPoolUsage = IdentityPoolUsage' { _ipuLastModifiedDate :: !(Maybe POSIX) , _ipuIdentityPoolId :: !(Maybe Text) , _ipuDataStorage :: !(Maybe Integer) , _ipuSyncSessionsCount :: !(Maybe Integer) } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'IdentityPoolUsage' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'ipuLastModifiedDate' -- -- * 'ipuIdentityPoolId' -- -- * 'ipuDataStorage' -- -- * 'ipuSyncSessionsCount' identityPoolUsage :: IdentityPoolUsage identityPoolUsage = IdentityPoolUsage' { _ipuLastModifiedDate = Nothing , _ipuIdentityPoolId = Nothing , _ipuDataStorage = Nothing , _ipuSyncSessionsCount = Nothing } -- | Date on which the identity pool was last modified. ipuLastModifiedDate :: Lens' IdentityPoolUsage (Maybe UTCTime) ipuLastModifiedDate = lens _ipuLastModifiedDate (\ s a -> s{_ipuLastModifiedDate = a}) . mapping _Time; -- | A name-spaced GUID (for example, -- us-east-1:23EC4050-6AEA-7089-A2DD-08002EXAMPLE) created by Amazon -- Cognito. GUID generation is unique within a region. ipuIdentityPoolId :: Lens' IdentityPoolUsage (Maybe Text) ipuIdentityPoolId = lens _ipuIdentityPoolId (\ s a -> s{_ipuIdentityPoolId = a}); -- | Data storage information for the identity pool. ipuDataStorage :: Lens' IdentityPoolUsage (Maybe Integer) ipuDataStorage = lens _ipuDataStorage (\ s a -> s{_ipuDataStorage = a}); -- | Number of sync sessions for the identity pool. ipuSyncSessionsCount :: Lens' IdentityPoolUsage (Maybe Integer) ipuSyncSessionsCount = lens _ipuSyncSessionsCount (\ s a -> s{_ipuSyncSessionsCount = a}); instance FromJSON IdentityPoolUsage where parseJSON = withObject "IdentityPoolUsage" (\ x -> IdentityPoolUsage' <$> (x .:? "LastModifiedDate") <*> (x .:? "IdentityPoolId") <*> (x .:? "DataStorage") <*> (x .:? "SyncSessionsCount")) -- | Usage information for the identity. -- -- /See:/ 'identityUsage' smart constructor. data IdentityUsage = IdentityUsage' { _iuLastModifiedDate :: !(Maybe POSIX) , _iuIdentityPoolId :: !(Maybe Text) , _iuDatasetCount :: !(Maybe Int) , _iuDataStorage :: !(Maybe Integer) , _iuIdentityId :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'IdentityUsage' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'iuLastModifiedDate' -- -- * 'iuIdentityPoolId' -- -- * 'iuDatasetCount' -- -- * 'iuDataStorage' -- -- * 'iuIdentityId' identityUsage :: IdentityUsage identityUsage = IdentityUsage' { _iuLastModifiedDate = Nothing , _iuIdentityPoolId = Nothing , _iuDatasetCount = Nothing , _iuDataStorage = Nothing , _iuIdentityId = Nothing } -- | Date on which the identity was last modified. iuLastModifiedDate :: Lens' IdentityUsage (Maybe UTCTime) iuLastModifiedDate = lens _iuLastModifiedDate (\ s a -> s{_iuLastModifiedDate = a}) . mapping _Time; -- | A name-spaced GUID (for example, -- us-east-1:23EC4050-6AEA-7089-A2DD-08002EXAMPLE) created by Amazon -- Cognito. GUID generation is unique within a region. iuIdentityPoolId :: Lens' IdentityUsage (Maybe Text) iuIdentityPoolId = lens _iuIdentityPoolId (\ s a -> s{_iuIdentityPoolId = a}); -- | Number of datasets for the identity. iuDatasetCount :: Lens' IdentityUsage (Maybe Int) iuDatasetCount = lens _iuDatasetCount (\ s a -> s{_iuDatasetCount = a}); -- | Total data storage for this identity. iuDataStorage :: Lens' IdentityUsage (Maybe Integer) iuDataStorage = lens _iuDataStorage (\ s a -> s{_iuDataStorage = a}); -- | A name-spaced GUID (for example, -- us-east-1:23EC4050-6AEA-7089-A2DD-08002EXAMPLE) created by Amazon -- Cognito. GUID generation is unique within a region. iuIdentityId :: Lens' IdentityUsage (Maybe Text) iuIdentityId = lens _iuIdentityId (\ s a -> s{_iuIdentityId = a}); instance FromJSON IdentityUsage where parseJSON = withObject "IdentityUsage" (\ x -> IdentityUsage' <$> (x .:? "LastModifiedDate") <*> (x .:? "IdentityPoolId") <*> (x .:? "DatasetCount") <*> (x .:? "DataStorage") <*> (x .:? "IdentityId")) -- | Configuration options to be applied to the identity pool. -- -- /See:/ 'pushSync' smart constructor. data PushSync = PushSync' { _psApplicationARNs :: !(Maybe [Text]) , _psRoleARN :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'PushSync' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'psApplicationARNs' -- -- * 'psRoleARN' pushSync :: PushSync pushSync = PushSync' { _psApplicationARNs = Nothing , _psRoleARN = Nothing } -- | List of SNS platform application ARNs that could be used by clients. psApplicationARNs :: Lens' PushSync [Text] psApplicationARNs = lens _psApplicationARNs (\ s a -> s{_psApplicationARNs = a}) . _Default . _Coerce; -- | A role configured to allow Cognito to call SNS on behalf of the -- developer. psRoleARN :: Lens' PushSync (Maybe Text) psRoleARN = lens _psRoleARN (\ s a -> s{_psRoleARN = a}); instance FromJSON PushSync where parseJSON = withObject "PushSync" (\ x -> PushSync' <$> (x .:? "ApplicationArns" .!= mempty) <*> (x .:? "RoleArn")) instance ToJSON PushSync where toJSON PushSync'{..} = object (catMaybes [("ApplicationArns" .=) <$> _psApplicationARNs, ("RoleArn" .=) <$> _psRoleARN]) -- | The basic data structure of a dataset. -- -- /See:/ 'record' smart constructor. data Record = Record' { _rSyncCount :: !(Maybe Integer) , _rDeviceLastModifiedDate :: !(Maybe POSIX) , _rLastModifiedDate :: !(Maybe POSIX) , _rValue :: !(Maybe Text) , _rKey :: !(Maybe Text) , _rLastModifiedBy :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'Record' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'rSyncCount' -- -- * 'rDeviceLastModifiedDate' -- -- * 'rLastModifiedDate' -- -- * 'rValue' -- -- * 'rKey' -- -- * 'rLastModifiedBy' record :: Record record = Record' { _rSyncCount = Nothing , _rDeviceLastModifiedDate = Nothing , _rLastModifiedDate = Nothing , _rValue = Nothing , _rKey = Nothing , _rLastModifiedBy = Nothing } -- | The server sync count for this record. rSyncCount :: Lens' Record (Maybe Integer) rSyncCount = lens _rSyncCount (\ s a -> s{_rSyncCount = a}); -- | The last modified date of the client device. rDeviceLastModifiedDate :: Lens' Record (Maybe UTCTime) rDeviceLastModifiedDate = lens _rDeviceLastModifiedDate (\ s a -> s{_rDeviceLastModifiedDate = a}) . mapping _Time; -- | The date on which the record was last modified. rLastModifiedDate :: Lens' Record (Maybe UTCTime) rLastModifiedDate = lens _rLastModifiedDate (\ s a -> s{_rLastModifiedDate = a}) . mapping _Time; -- | The value for the record. rValue :: Lens' Record (Maybe Text) rValue = lens _rValue (\ s a -> s{_rValue = a}); -- | The key for the record. rKey :: Lens' Record (Maybe Text) rKey = lens _rKey (\ s a -> s{_rKey = a}); -- | The user\/device that made the last change to this record. rLastModifiedBy :: Lens' Record (Maybe Text) rLastModifiedBy = lens _rLastModifiedBy (\ s a -> s{_rLastModifiedBy = a}); instance FromJSON Record where parseJSON = withObject "Record" (\ x -> Record' <$> (x .:? "SyncCount") <*> (x .:? "DeviceLastModifiedDate") <*> (x .:? "LastModifiedDate") <*> (x .:? "Value") <*> (x .:? "Key") <*> (x .:? "LastModifiedBy")) -- | An update operation for a record. -- -- /See:/ 'recordPatch' smart constructor. data RecordPatch = RecordPatch' { _rpDeviceLastModifiedDate :: !(Maybe POSIX) , _rpValue :: !(Maybe Text) , _rpOp :: !Operation , _rpKey :: !Text , _rpSyncCount :: !Integer } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'RecordPatch' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'rpDeviceLastModifiedDate' -- -- * 'rpValue' -- -- * 'rpOp' -- -- * 'rpKey' -- -- * 'rpSyncCount' recordPatch :: Operation -- ^ 'rpOp' -> Text -- ^ 'rpKey' -> Integer -- ^ 'rpSyncCount' -> RecordPatch recordPatch pOp_ pKey_ pSyncCount_ = RecordPatch' { _rpDeviceLastModifiedDate = Nothing , _rpValue = Nothing , _rpOp = pOp_ , _rpKey = pKey_ , _rpSyncCount = pSyncCount_ } -- | The last modified date of the client device. rpDeviceLastModifiedDate :: Lens' RecordPatch (Maybe UTCTime) rpDeviceLastModifiedDate = lens _rpDeviceLastModifiedDate (\ s a -> s{_rpDeviceLastModifiedDate = a}) . mapping _Time; -- | The value associated with the record patch. rpValue :: Lens' RecordPatch (Maybe Text) rpValue = lens _rpValue (\ s a -> s{_rpValue = a}); -- | An operation, either replace or remove. rpOp :: Lens' RecordPatch Operation rpOp = lens _rpOp (\ s a -> s{_rpOp = a}); -- | The key associated with the record patch. rpKey :: Lens' RecordPatch Text rpKey = lens _rpKey (\ s a -> s{_rpKey = a}); -- | Last known server sync count for this record. Set to 0 if unknown. rpSyncCount :: Lens' RecordPatch Integer rpSyncCount = lens _rpSyncCount (\ s a -> s{_rpSyncCount = a}); instance ToJSON RecordPatch where toJSON RecordPatch'{..} = object (catMaybes [("DeviceLastModifiedDate" .=) <$> _rpDeviceLastModifiedDate, ("Value" .=) <$> _rpValue, Just ("Op" .= _rpOp), Just ("Key" .= _rpKey), Just ("SyncCount" .= _rpSyncCount)])