{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-} -- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0. -- | -- Module : Amazonka.DeviceFarm.Types.ScheduleRunTest -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2023 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) module Amazonka.DeviceFarm.Types.ScheduleRunTest where import qualified Amazonka.Core as Core import qualified Amazonka.Core.Lens.Internal as Lens import qualified Amazonka.Data as Data import Amazonka.DeviceFarm.Types.TestType import qualified Amazonka.Prelude as Prelude -- | Represents test settings. This data structure is passed in as the test -- parameter to ScheduleRun. For an example of the JSON request syntax, see -- ScheduleRun. -- -- /See:/ 'newScheduleRunTest' smart constructor. data ScheduleRunTest = ScheduleRunTest' { -- | The test\'s filter. filter' :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Text, -- | The test\'s parameters, such as test framework parameters and fixture -- settings. Parameters are represented by name-value pairs of strings. -- -- For all tests: -- -- - @app_performance_monitoring@: Performance monitoring is enabled by -- default. Set this parameter to false to disable it. -- -- For Calabash tests: -- -- - profile: A cucumber profile (for example, @my_profile_name@). -- -- - tags: You can limit execution to features or scenarios that have (or -- don\'t have) certain tags (for example, \@smoke or \@smoke,~\@wip). -- -- For Appium tests (all types): -- -- - appium_version: The Appium version. Currently supported values are -- 1.6.5 (and later), latest, and default. -- -- - latest runs the latest Appium version supported by Device Farm -- (1.9.1). -- -- - For default, Device Farm selects a compatible version of Appium -- for the device. The current behavior is to run 1.7.2 on Android -- devices and iOS 9 and earlier and 1.7.2 for iOS 10 and later. -- -- - This behavior is subject to change. -- -- For fuzz tests (Android only): -- -- - event_count: The number of events, between 1 and 10000, that the UI -- fuzz test should perform. -- -- - throttle: The time, in ms, between 0 and 1000, that the UI fuzz test -- should wait between events. -- -- - seed: A seed to use for randomizing the UI fuzz test. Using the same -- seed value between tests ensures identical event sequences. -- -- For Explorer tests: -- -- - username: A user name to use if the Explorer encounters a login -- form. If not supplied, no user name is inserted. -- -- - password: A password to use if the Explorer encounters a login form. -- If not supplied, no password is inserted. -- -- For Instrumentation: -- -- - filter: A test filter string. Examples: -- -- - Running a single test case: @com.android.abc.Test1@ -- -- - Running a single test: @com.android.abc.Test1#smoke@ -- -- - Running multiple tests: -- @com.android.abc.Test1,com.android.abc.Test2@ -- -- For XCTest and XCTestUI: -- -- - filter: A test filter string. Examples: -- -- - Running a single test class: @LoginTests@ -- -- - Running a multiple test classes: @LoginTests,SmokeTests@ -- -- - Running a single test: @LoginTests\/testValid@ -- -- - Running multiple tests: -- @LoginTests\/testValid,LoginTests\/testInvalid@ -- -- For UIAutomator: -- -- - filter: A test filter string. Examples: -- -- - Running a single test case: @com.android.abc.Test1@ -- -- - Running a single test: @com.android.abc.Test1#smoke@ -- -- - Running multiple tests: -- @com.android.abc.Test1,com.android.abc.Test2@ parameters :: Prelude.Maybe (Prelude.HashMap Prelude.Text Prelude.Text), -- | The ARN of the uploaded test to be run. testPackageArn :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Text, -- | The ARN of the YAML-formatted test specification. testSpecArn :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Text, -- | The test\'s type. -- -- Must be one of the following values: -- -- - BUILTIN_FUZZ -- -- - BUILTIN_EXPLORER. For Android, an app explorer that traverses an -- Android app, interacting with it and capturing screenshots at the -- same time. -- -- - APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT -- -- - APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG -- -- - APPIUM_PYTHON -- -- - APPIUM_NODE -- -- - APPIUM_RUBY -- -- - APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_JUNIT -- -- - APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_TESTNG -- -- - APPIUM_WEB_PYTHON -- -- - APPIUM_WEB_NODE -- -- - APPIUM_WEB_RUBY -- -- - CALABASH -- -- - INSTRUMENTATION -- -- - UIAUTOMATION -- -- - UIAUTOMATOR -- -- - XCTEST -- -- - XCTEST_UI type' :: TestType } deriving (Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Read, Prelude.Show, Prelude.Generic) -- | -- Create a value of 'ScheduleRunTest' with all optional fields omitted. -- -- Use or to modify other optional fields. -- -- The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided -- for backwards compatibility: -- -- 'filter'', 'scheduleRunTest_filter' - The test\'s filter. -- -- 'parameters', 'scheduleRunTest_parameters' - The test\'s parameters, such as test framework parameters and fixture -- settings. Parameters are represented by name-value pairs of strings. -- -- For all tests: -- -- - @app_performance_monitoring@: Performance monitoring is enabled by -- default. Set this parameter to false to disable it. -- -- For Calabash tests: -- -- - profile: A cucumber profile (for example, @my_profile_name@). -- -- - tags: You can limit execution to features or scenarios that have (or -- don\'t have) certain tags (for example, \@smoke or \@smoke,~\@wip). -- -- For Appium tests (all types): -- -- - appium_version: The Appium version. Currently supported values are -- 1.6.5 (and later), latest, and default. -- -- - latest runs the latest Appium version supported by Device Farm -- (1.9.1). -- -- - For default, Device Farm selects a compatible version of Appium -- for the device. The current behavior is to run 1.7.2 on Android -- devices and iOS 9 and earlier and 1.7.2 for iOS 10 and later. -- -- - This behavior is subject to change. -- -- For fuzz tests (Android only): -- -- - event_count: The number of events, between 1 and 10000, that the UI -- fuzz test should perform. -- -- - throttle: The time, in ms, between 0 and 1000, that the UI fuzz test -- should wait between events. -- -- - seed: A seed to use for randomizing the UI fuzz test. Using the same -- seed value between tests ensures identical event sequences. -- -- For Explorer tests: -- -- - username: A user name to use if the Explorer encounters a login -- form. If not supplied, no user name is inserted. -- -- - password: A password to use if the Explorer encounters a login form. -- If not supplied, no password is inserted. -- -- For Instrumentation: -- -- - filter: A test filter string. Examples: -- -- - Running a single test case: @com.android.abc.Test1@ -- -- - Running a single test: @com.android.abc.Test1#smoke@ -- -- - Running multiple tests: -- @com.android.abc.Test1,com.android.abc.Test2@ -- -- For XCTest and XCTestUI: -- -- - filter: A test filter string. Examples: -- -- - Running a single test class: @LoginTests@ -- -- - Running a multiple test classes: @LoginTests,SmokeTests@ -- -- - Running a single test: @LoginTests\/testValid@ -- -- - Running multiple tests: -- @LoginTests\/testValid,LoginTests\/testInvalid@ -- -- For UIAutomator: -- -- - filter: A test filter string. Examples: -- -- - Running a single test case: @com.android.abc.Test1@ -- -- - Running a single test: @com.android.abc.Test1#smoke@ -- -- - Running multiple tests: -- @com.android.abc.Test1,com.android.abc.Test2@ -- -- 'testPackageArn', 'scheduleRunTest_testPackageArn' - The ARN of the uploaded test to be run. -- -- 'testSpecArn', 'scheduleRunTest_testSpecArn' - The ARN of the YAML-formatted test specification. -- -- 'type'', 'scheduleRunTest_type' - The test\'s type. -- -- Must be one of the following values: -- -- - BUILTIN_FUZZ -- -- - BUILTIN_EXPLORER. For Android, an app explorer that traverses an -- Android app, interacting with it and capturing screenshots at the -- same time. -- -- - APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT -- -- - APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG -- -- - APPIUM_PYTHON -- -- - APPIUM_NODE -- -- - APPIUM_RUBY -- -- - APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_JUNIT -- -- - APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_TESTNG -- -- - APPIUM_WEB_PYTHON -- -- - APPIUM_WEB_NODE -- -- - APPIUM_WEB_RUBY -- -- - CALABASH -- -- - INSTRUMENTATION -- -- - UIAUTOMATION -- -- - UIAUTOMATOR -- -- - XCTEST -- -- - XCTEST_UI newScheduleRunTest :: -- | 'type'' TestType -> ScheduleRunTest newScheduleRunTest pType_ = ScheduleRunTest' { filter' = Prelude.Nothing, parameters = Prelude.Nothing, testPackageArn = Prelude.Nothing, testSpecArn = Prelude.Nothing, type' = pType_ } -- | The test\'s filter. scheduleRunTest_filter :: Lens.Lens' ScheduleRunTest (Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Text) scheduleRunTest_filter = Lens.lens (\ScheduleRunTest' {filter'} -> filter') (\s@ScheduleRunTest' {} a -> s {filter' = a} :: ScheduleRunTest) -- | The test\'s parameters, such as test framework parameters and fixture -- settings. Parameters are represented by name-value pairs of strings. -- -- For all tests: -- -- - @app_performance_monitoring@: Performance monitoring is enabled by -- default. Set this parameter to false to disable it. -- -- For Calabash tests: -- -- - profile: A cucumber profile (for example, @my_profile_name@). -- -- - tags: You can limit execution to features or scenarios that have (or -- don\'t have) certain tags (for example, \@smoke or \@smoke,~\@wip). -- -- For Appium tests (all types): -- -- - appium_version: The Appium version. Currently supported values are -- 1.6.5 (and later), latest, and default. -- -- - latest runs the latest Appium version supported by Device Farm -- (1.9.1). -- -- - For default, Device Farm selects a compatible version of Appium -- for the device. The current behavior is to run 1.7.2 on Android -- devices and iOS 9 and earlier and 1.7.2 for iOS 10 and later. -- -- - This behavior is subject to change. -- -- For fuzz tests (Android only): -- -- - event_count: The number of events, between 1 and 10000, that the UI -- fuzz test should perform. -- -- - throttle: The time, in ms, between 0 and 1000, that the UI fuzz test -- should wait between events. -- -- - seed: A seed to use for randomizing the UI fuzz test. Using the same -- seed value between tests ensures identical event sequences. -- -- For Explorer tests: -- -- - username: A user name to use if the Explorer encounters a login -- form. If not supplied, no user name is inserted. -- -- - password: A password to use if the Explorer encounters a login form. -- If not supplied, no password is inserted. -- -- For Instrumentation: -- -- - filter: A test filter string. Examples: -- -- - Running a single test case: @com.android.abc.Test1@ -- -- - Running a single test: @com.android.abc.Test1#smoke@ -- -- - Running multiple tests: -- @com.android.abc.Test1,com.android.abc.Test2@ -- -- For XCTest and XCTestUI: -- -- - filter: A test filter string. Examples: -- -- - Running a single test class: @LoginTests@ -- -- - Running a multiple test classes: @LoginTests,SmokeTests@ -- -- - Running a single test: @LoginTests\/testValid@ -- -- - Running multiple tests: -- @LoginTests\/testValid,LoginTests\/testInvalid@ -- -- For UIAutomator: -- -- - filter: A test filter string. Examples: -- -- - Running a single test case: @com.android.abc.Test1@ -- -- - Running a single test: @com.android.abc.Test1#smoke@ -- -- - Running multiple tests: -- @com.android.abc.Test1,com.android.abc.Test2@ scheduleRunTest_parameters :: Lens.Lens' ScheduleRunTest (Prelude.Maybe (Prelude.HashMap Prelude.Text Prelude.Text)) scheduleRunTest_parameters = Lens.lens (\ScheduleRunTest' {parameters} -> parameters) (\s@ScheduleRunTest' {} a -> s {parameters = a} :: ScheduleRunTest) Prelude.. Lens.mapping Lens.coerced -- | The ARN of the uploaded test to be run. scheduleRunTest_testPackageArn :: Lens.Lens' ScheduleRunTest (Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Text) scheduleRunTest_testPackageArn = Lens.lens (\ScheduleRunTest' {testPackageArn} -> testPackageArn) (\s@ScheduleRunTest' {} a -> s {testPackageArn = a} :: ScheduleRunTest) -- | The ARN of the YAML-formatted test specification. scheduleRunTest_testSpecArn :: Lens.Lens' ScheduleRunTest (Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Text) scheduleRunTest_testSpecArn = Lens.lens (\ScheduleRunTest' {testSpecArn} -> testSpecArn) (\s@ScheduleRunTest' {} a -> s {testSpecArn = a} :: ScheduleRunTest) -- | The test\'s type. -- -- Must be one of the following values: -- -- - BUILTIN_FUZZ -- -- - BUILTIN_EXPLORER. For Android, an app explorer that traverses an -- Android app, interacting with it and capturing screenshots at the -- same time. -- -- - APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT -- -- - APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG -- -- - APPIUM_PYTHON -- -- - APPIUM_NODE -- -- - APPIUM_RUBY -- -- - APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_JUNIT -- -- - APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_TESTNG -- -- - APPIUM_WEB_PYTHON -- -- - APPIUM_WEB_NODE -- -- - APPIUM_WEB_RUBY -- -- - CALABASH -- -- - INSTRUMENTATION -- -- - UIAUTOMATION -- -- - UIAUTOMATOR -- -- - XCTEST -- -- - XCTEST_UI scheduleRunTest_type :: Lens.Lens' ScheduleRunTest TestType scheduleRunTest_type = Lens.lens (\ScheduleRunTest' {type'} -> type') (\s@ScheduleRunTest' {} a -> s {type' = a} :: ScheduleRunTest) instance Prelude.Hashable ScheduleRunTest where hashWithSalt _salt ScheduleRunTest' {..} = _salt `Prelude.hashWithSalt` filter' `Prelude.hashWithSalt` parameters `Prelude.hashWithSalt` testPackageArn `Prelude.hashWithSalt` testSpecArn `Prelude.hashWithSalt` type' instance Prelude.NFData ScheduleRunTest where rnf ScheduleRunTest' {..} = Prelude.rnf filter' `Prelude.seq` Prelude.rnf parameters `Prelude.seq` Prelude.rnf testPackageArn `Prelude.seq` Prelude.rnf testSpecArn `Prelude.seq` Prelude.rnf type' instance Data.ToJSON ScheduleRunTest where toJSON ScheduleRunTest' {..} = Data.object ( Prelude.catMaybes [ ("filter" Data..=) Prelude.<$> filter', ("parameters" Data..=) Prelude.<$> parameters, ("testPackageArn" Data..=) Prelude.<$> testPackageArn, ("testSpecArn" Data..=) Prelude.<$> testSpecArn, Prelude.Just ("type" Data..= type') ] )