{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- Module : Network.AWS.EMR.Types -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2014 Brendan Hay -- License : This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of -- the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- A copy of the MPL can be found in the LICENSE file or -- you can obtain it at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0. module Network.AWS.EMR.Types ( -- * Service EMR -- ** Error , JSONError -- * MarketType , MarketType (..) -- * InstanceGroupConfig , InstanceGroupConfig , instanceGroupConfig , igcBidPrice , igcInstanceCount , igcInstanceRole , igcInstanceType , igcMarket , igcName -- * InstanceStateChangeReason , InstanceStateChangeReason , instanceStateChangeReason , iscrCode , iscrMessage -- * JobFlowDetail , JobFlowDetail , jobFlowDetail , jfdAmiVersion , jfdBootstrapActions , jfdExecutionStatusDetail , jfdInstances , jfdJobFlowId , jfdJobFlowRole , jfdLogUri , jfdName , jfdServiceRole , jfdSteps , jfdSupportedProducts , jfdVisibleToAllUsers -- * KeyValue , KeyValue , keyValue , kvKey , kvValue -- * SupportedProductConfig , SupportedProductConfig , supportedProductConfig , spcArgs , spcName -- * Command , Command , command , cArgs , cName , cScriptPath -- * StepExecutionState , StepExecutionState (..) -- * ActionOnFailure , ActionOnFailure (..) -- * ClusterStateChangeReason , ClusterStateChangeReason , clusterStateChangeReason , cscrCode , cscrMessage -- * Tag , Tag , tag , tagKey , tagValue -- * Application , Application , application , aAdditionalInfo , aArgs , aName , aVersion -- * JobFlowExecutionStatusDetail , JobFlowExecutionStatusDetail , jobFlowExecutionStatusDetail , jfesdCreationDateTime , jfesdEndDateTime , jfesdLastStateChangeReason , jfesdReadyDateTime , jfesdStartDateTime , jfesdState -- * InstanceGroupStatus , InstanceGroupStatus , instanceGroupStatus , igsState , igsStateChangeReason , igsTimeline -- * Cluster , Cluster , cluster , c1Applications , c1AutoTerminate , c1Ec2InstanceAttributes , c1Id , c1LogUri , c1Name , c1RequestedAmiVersion , c1RunningAmiVersion , c1ServiceRole , c1Status , c1Tags , c1TerminationProtected , c1VisibleToAllUsers -- * InstanceTimeline , InstanceTimeline , instanceTimeline , itCreationDateTime , itEndDateTime , itReadyDateTime -- * Ec2InstanceAttributes , Ec2InstanceAttributes , ec2InstanceAttributes , eiaEc2AvailabilityZone , eiaEc2KeyName , eiaEc2SubnetId , eiaIamInstanceProfile -- * StepStateChangeReasonCode , StepStateChangeReasonCode (..) -- * ClusterState , ClusterState (..) -- * HadoopStepConfig , HadoopStepConfig , hadoopStepConfig , hscArgs , hscJar , hscMainClass , hscProperties -- * JobFlowExecutionState , JobFlowExecutionState (..) -- * StepDetail , StepDetail , stepDetail , sdExecutionStatusDetail , sdStepConfig -- * InstanceGroupStateChangeReason , InstanceGroupStateChangeReason , instanceGroupStateChangeReason , igscrCode , igscrMessage -- * InstanceGroupType , InstanceGroupType (..) -- * InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode , InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode (..) -- * StepStatus , StepStatus , stepStatus , ssState , ssStateChangeReason , ssTimeline -- * StepSummary , StepSummary , stepSummary , ssId , ssName , ssStatus -- * InstanceGroupState , InstanceGroupState (..) -- * StepTimeline , StepTimeline , stepTimeline , stCreationDateTime , stEndDateTime , stStartDateTime -- * PlacementType , PlacementType , placementType , ptAvailabilityZone -- * HadoopJarStepConfig , HadoopJarStepConfig , hadoopJarStepConfig , hjscArgs , hjscJar , hjscMainClass , hjscProperties -- * InstanceGroupModifyConfig , InstanceGroupModifyConfig , instanceGroupModifyConfig , igmcEC2InstanceIdsToTerminate , igmcInstanceCount , igmcInstanceGroupId -- * InstanceGroupDetail , InstanceGroupDetail , instanceGroupDetail , igdBidPrice , igdCreationDateTime , igdEndDateTime , igdInstanceGroupId , igdInstanceRequestCount , igdInstanceRole , igdInstanceRunningCount , igdInstanceType , igdLastStateChangeReason , igdMarket , igdName , igdReadyDateTime , igdStartDateTime , igdState -- * StepStateChangeReason , StepStateChangeReason , stepStateChangeReason , sscrCode , sscrMessage -- * ClusterStateChangeReasonCode , ClusterStateChangeReasonCode (..) -- * Step , Step , step , sActionOnFailure , sConfig , sId , sName , sStatus -- * StepState , StepState (..) -- * InstanceGroupTimeline , InstanceGroupTimeline , instanceGroupTimeline , igtCreationDateTime , igtEndDateTime , igtReadyDateTime -- * BootstrapActionDetail , BootstrapActionDetail , bootstrapActionDetail , badBootstrapActionConfig -- * StepExecutionStatusDetail , StepExecutionStatusDetail , stepExecutionStatusDetail , sesdCreationDateTime , sesdEndDateTime , sesdLastStateChangeReason , sesdStartDateTime , sesdState -- * InstanceStatus , InstanceStatus , instanceStatus , isState , isStateChangeReason , isTimeline -- * InstanceRoleType , InstanceRoleType (..) -- * JobFlowInstancesConfig , JobFlowInstancesConfig , jobFlowInstancesConfig , jficEc2KeyName , jficEc2SubnetId , jficHadoopVersion , jficInstanceCount , jficInstanceGroups , jficKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps , jficMasterInstanceType , jficPlacement , jficSlaveInstanceType , jficTerminationProtected -- * StepConfig , StepConfig , stepConfig , scActionOnFailure , scHadoopJarStep , scName -- * InstanceGroup , InstanceGroup , instanceGroup , igBidPrice , igId , igInstanceGroupType , igInstanceType , igMarket , igName , igRequestedInstanceCount , igRunningInstanceCount , igStatus -- * BootstrapActionConfig , BootstrapActionConfig , bootstrapActionConfig , bacName , bacScriptBootstrapAction -- * ClusterSummary , ClusterSummary , clusterSummary , csId , csName , csStatus -- * JobFlowInstancesDetail , JobFlowInstancesDetail , jobFlowInstancesDetail , jfidEc2KeyName , jfidEc2SubnetId , jfidHadoopVersion , jfidInstanceCount , jfidInstanceGroups , jfidKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps , jfidMasterInstanceId , jfidMasterInstanceType , jfidMasterPublicDnsName , jfidNormalizedInstanceHours , jfidPlacement , jfidSlaveInstanceType , jfidTerminationProtected -- * ClusterStatus , ClusterStatus , clusterStatus , csState , csStateChangeReason , csTimeline -- * InstanceState , InstanceState (..) -- * ClusterTimeline , ClusterTimeline , clusterTimeline , ctCreationDateTime , ctEndDateTime , ctReadyDateTime -- * InstanceStateChangeReasonCode , InstanceStateChangeReasonCode (..) -- * Instance , Instance , instance' , iEc2InstanceId , iId , iPrivateDnsName , iPrivateIpAddress , iPublicDnsName , iPublicIpAddress , iStatus -- * ScriptBootstrapActionConfig , ScriptBootstrapActionConfig , scriptBootstrapActionConfig , sbacArgs , sbacPath ) where import Data.Char (isUpper) import Network.AWS.Error import Network.AWS.Prelude import Network.AWS.Signing.V4 import qualified GHC.Exts -- | Version @2009-03-31@ of the Amazon Elastic MapReduce service. data EMR instance AWSService EMR where type Sg EMR = V4 type Er EMR = JSONError service = Service { _svcAbbrev = "EMR" , _svcPrefix = "elasticmapreduce" , _svcVersion = "2009-03-31" , _svcTargetPrefix = Just "ElasticMapReduce" , _svcJSONVersion = Just "1.1" } handle = jsonError statusSuccess data MarketType = OnDemand -- ^ ON_DEMAND | Spot -- ^ SPOT deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable MarketType instance FromText MarketType where parser = takeText >>= \case "ON_DEMAND" -> pure OnDemand "SPOT" -> pure Spot e -> fail $ "Failure parsing MarketType from " ++ show e instance ToText MarketType where toText = \case OnDemand -> "ON_DEMAND" Spot -> "SPOT" instance ToByteString MarketType instance ToHeader MarketType instance ToQuery MarketType instance FromJSON MarketType where parseJSON = parseJSONText "MarketType" instance ToJSON MarketType where toJSON = toJSONText data InstanceGroupConfig = InstanceGroupConfig { _igcBidPrice :: Maybe Text , _igcInstanceCount :: Int , _igcInstanceRole :: InstanceRoleType , _igcInstanceType :: Text , _igcMarket :: Maybe MarketType , _igcName :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'InstanceGroupConfig' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'igcBidPrice' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'igcInstanceCount' @::@ 'Int' -- -- * 'igcInstanceRole' @::@ 'InstanceRoleType' -- -- * 'igcInstanceType' @::@ 'Text' -- -- * 'igcMarket' @::@ 'Maybe' 'MarketType' -- -- * 'igcName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- instanceGroupConfig :: InstanceRoleType -- ^ 'igcInstanceRole' -> Text -- ^ 'igcInstanceType' -> Int -- ^ 'igcInstanceCount' -> InstanceGroupConfig instanceGroupConfig p1 p2 p3 = InstanceGroupConfig { _igcInstanceRole = p1 , _igcInstanceType = p2 , _igcInstanceCount = p3 , _igcName = Nothing , _igcMarket = Nothing , _igcBidPrice = Nothing } -- | Bid price for each Amazon EC2 instance in the instance group when launching -- nodes as Spot Instances, expressed in USD. igcBidPrice :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig (Maybe Text) igcBidPrice = lens _igcBidPrice (\s a -> s { _igcBidPrice = a }) -- | Target number of instances for the instance group. igcInstanceCount :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig Int igcInstanceCount = lens _igcInstanceCount (\s a -> s { _igcInstanceCount = a }) -- | The role of the instance group in the cluster. igcInstanceRole :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig InstanceRoleType igcInstanceRole = lens _igcInstanceRole (\s a -> s { _igcInstanceRole = a }) -- | The Amazon EC2 instance type for all instances in the instance group. igcInstanceType :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig Text igcInstanceType = lens _igcInstanceType (\s a -> s { _igcInstanceType = a }) -- | Market type of the Amazon EC2 instances used to create a cluster node. igcMarket :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig (Maybe MarketType) igcMarket = lens _igcMarket (\s a -> s { _igcMarket = a }) -- | Friendly name given to the instance group. igcName :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig (Maybe Text) igcName = lens _igcName (\s a -> s { _igcName = a }) instance FromJSON InstanceGroupConfig where parseJSON = withObject "InstanceGroupConfig" $ \o -> InstanceGroupConfig <$> o .:? "BidPrice" <*> o .: "InstanceCount" <*> o .: "InstanceRole" <*> o .: "InstanceType" <*> o .:? "Market" <*> o .:? "Name" instance ToJSON InstanceGroupConfig where toJSON InstanceGroupConfig{..} = object [ "Name" .= _igcName , "Market" .= _igcMarket , "InstanceRole" .= _igcInstanceRole , "BidPrice" .= _igcBidPrice , "InstanceType" .= _igcInstanceType , "InstanceCount" .= _igcInstanceCount ] data InstanceStateChangeReason = InstanceStateChangeReason { _iscrCode :: Maybe InstanceStateChangeReasonCode , _iscrMessage :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'InstanceStateChangeReason' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'iscrCode' @::@ 'Maybe' 'InstanceStateChangeReasonCode' -- -- * 'iscrMessage' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- instanceStateChangeReason :: InstanceStateChangeReason instanceStateChangeReason = InstanceStateChangeReason { _iscrCode = Nothing , _iscrMessage = Nothing } -- | The programmable code for the state change reason. iscrCode :: Lens' InstanceStateChangeReason (Maybe InstanceStateChangeReasonCode) iscrCode = lens _iscrCode (\s a -> s { _iscrCode = a }) -- | The status change reason description. iscrMessage :: Lens' InstanceStateChangeReason (Maybe Text) iscrMessage = lens _iscrMessage (\s a -> s { _iscrMessage = a }) instance FromJSON InstanceStateChangeReason where parseJSON = withObject "InstanceStateChangeReason" $ \o -> InstanceStateChangeReason <$> o .:? "Code" <*> o .:? "Message" instance ToJSON InstanceStateChangeReason where toJSON InstanceStateChangeReason{..} = object [ "Code" .= _iscrCode , "Message" .= _iscrMessage ] data JobFlowDetail = JobFlowDetail { _jfdAmiVersion :: Maybe Text , _jfdBootstrapActions :: List "BootstrapActions" BootstrapActionDetail , _jfdExecutionStatusDetail :: JobFlowExecutionStatusDetail , _jfdInstances :: JobFlowInstancesDetail , _jfdJobFlowId :: Text , _jfdJobFlowRole :: Maybe Text , _jfdLogUri :: Maybe Text , _jfdName :: Text , _jfdServiceRole :: Maybe Text , _jfdSteps :: List "Steps" StepDetail , _jfdSupportedProducts :: List "SupportedProducts" Text , _jfdVisibleToAllUsers :: Maybe Bool } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'JobFlowDetail' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'jfdAmiVersion' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'jfdBootstrapActions' @::@ ['BootstrapActionDetail'] -- -- * 'jfdExecutionStatusDetail' @::@ 'JobFlowExecutionStatusDetail' -- -- * 'jfdInstances' @::@ 'JobFlowInstancesDetail' -- -- * 'jfdJobFlowId' @::@ 'Text' -- -- * 'jfdJobFlowRole' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'jfdLogUri' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'jfdName' @::@ 'Text' -- -- * 'jfdServiceRole' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'jfdSteps' @::@ ['StepDetail'] -- -- * 'jfdSupportedProducts' @::@ ['Text'] -- -- * 'jfdVisibleToAllUsers' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool' -- jobFlowDetail :: Text -- ^ 'jfdJobFlowId' -> Text -- ^ 'jfdName' -> JobFlowExecutionStatusDetail -- ^ 'jfdExecutionStatusDetail' -> JobFlowInstancesDetail -- ^ 'jfdInstances' -> JobFlowDetail jobFlowDetail p1 p2 p3 p4 = JobFlowDetail { _jfdJobFlowId = p1 , _jfdName = p2 , _jfdExecutionStatusDetail = p3 , _jfdInstances = p4 , _jfdLogUri = Nothing , _jfdAmiVersion = Nothing , _jfdSteps = mempty , _jfdBootstrapActions = mempty , _jfdSupportedProducts = mempty , _jfdVisibleToAllUsers = Nothing , _jfdJobFlowRole = Nothing , _jfdServiceRole = Nothing } -- | The version of the AMI used to initialize Amazon EC2 instances in the job -- flow. For a list of AMI versions currently supported by Amazon -- ElasticMapReduce, go to in the /Amazon Elastic MapReduce Developer's Guide./ jfdAmiVersion :: Lens' JobFlowDetail (Maybe Text) jfdAmiVersion = lens _jfdAmiVersion (\s a -> s { _jfdAmiVersion = a }) -- | A list of the bootstrap actions run by the job flow. jfdBootstrapActions :: Lens' JobFlowDetail [BootstrapActionDetail] jfdBootstrapActions = lens _jfdBootstrapActions (\s a -> s { _jfdBootstrapActions = a }) . _List -- | Describes the execution status of the job flow. jfdExecutionStatusDetail :: Lens' JobFlowDetail JobFlowExecutionStatusDetail jfdExecutionStatusDetail = lens _jfdExecutionStatusDetail (\s a -> s { _jfdExecutionStatusDetail = a }) -- | Describes the Amazon EC2 instances of the job flow. jfdInstances :: Lens' JobFlowDetail JobFlowInstancesDetail jfdInstances = lens _jfdInstances (\s a -> s { _jfdInstances = a }) -- | The job flow identifier. jfdJobFlowId :: Lens' JobFlowDetail Text jfdJobFlowId = lens _jfdJobFlowId (\s a -> s { _jfdJobFlowId = a }) -- | The IAM role that was specified when the job flow was launched. The EC2 -- instances of the job flow assume this role. jfdJobFlowRole :: Lens' JobFlowDetail (Maybe Text) jfdJobFlowRole = lens _jfdJobFlowRole (\s a -> s { _jfdJobFlowRole = a }) -- | The location in Amazon S3 where log files for the job are stored. jfdLogUri :: Lens' JobFlowDetail (Maybe Text) jfdLogUri = lens _jfdLogUri (\s a -> s { _jfdLogUri = a }) -- | The name of the job flow. jfdName :: Lens' JobFlowDetail Text jfdName = lens _jfdName (\s a -> s { _jfdName = a }) -- | The IAM role that will be assumed by the Amazon EMR service to access AWS -- resources on your behalf. jfdServiceRole :: Lens' JobFlowDetail (Maybe Text) jfdServiceRole = lens _jfdServiceRole (\s a -> s { _jfdServiceRole = a }) -- | A list of steps run by the job flow. jfdSteps :: Lens' JobFlowDetail [StepDetail] jfdSteps = lens _jfdSteps (\s a -> s { _jfdSteps = a }) . _List -- | A list of strings set by third party software when the job flow is launched. -- If you are not using third party software to manage the job flow this value -- is empty. jfdSupportedProducts :: Lens' JobFlowDetail [Text] jfdSupportedProducts = lens _jfdSupportedProducts (\s a -> s { _jfdSupportedProducts = a }) . _List -- | Specifies whether the job flow is visible to all IAM users of the AWS account -- associated with the job flow. If this value is set to 'true', all IAM users of -- that AWS account can view and (if they have the proper policy permissions -- set) manage the job flow. If it is set to 'false', only the IAM user that -- created the job flow can view and manage it. This value can be changed using -- the 'SetVisibleToAllUsers' action. jfdVisibleToAllUsers :: Lens' JobFlowDetail (Maybe Bool) jfdVisibleToAllUsers = lens _jfdVisibleToAllUsers (\s a -> s { _jfdVisibleToAllUsers = a }) instance FromJSON JobFlowDetail where parseJSON = withObject "JobFlowDetail" $ \o -> JobFlowDetail <$> o .:? "AmiVersion" <*> o .: "BootstrapActions" <*> o .: "ExecutionStatusDetail" <*> o .: "Instances" <*> o .: "JobFlowId" <*> o .:? "JobFlowRole" <*> o .:? "LogUri" <*> o .: "Name" <*> o .:? "ServiceRole" <*> o .: "Steps" <*> o .: "SupportedProducts" <*> o .:? "VisibleToAllUsers" instance ToJSON JobFlowDetail where toJSON JobFlowDetail{..} = object [ "JobFlowId" .= _jfdJobFlowId , "Name" .= _jfdName , "LogUri" .= _jfdLogUri , "AmiVersion" .= _jfdAmiVersion , "ExecutionStatusDetail" .= _jfdExecutionStatusDetail , "Instances" .= _jfdInstances , "Steps" .= _jfdSteps , "BootstrapActions" .= _jfdBootstrapActions , "SupportedProducts" .= _jfdSupportedProducts , "VisibleToAllUsers" .= _jfdVisibleToAllUsers , "JobFlowRole" .= _jfdJobFlowRole , "ServiceRole" .= _jfdServiceRole ] data KeyValue = KeyValue { _kvKey :: Maybe Text , _kvValue :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'KeyValue' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'kvKey' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'kvValue' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- keyValue :: KeyValue keyValue = KeyValue { _kvKey = Nothing , _kvValue = Nothing } -- | The unique identifier of a key value pair. kvKey :: Lens' KeyValue (Maybe Text) kvKey = lens _kvKey (\s a -> s { _kvKey = a }) -- | The value part of the identified key. kvValue :: Lens' KeyValue (Maybe Text) kvValue = lens _kvValue (\s a -> s { _kvValue = a }) instance FromJSON KeyValue where parseJSON = withObject "KeyValue" $ \o -> KeyValue <$> o .:? "Key" <*> o .:? "Value" instance ToJSON KeyValue where toJSON KeyValue{..} = object [ "Key" .= _kvKey , "Value" .= _kvValue ] data SupportedProductConfig = SupportedProductConfig { _spcArgs :: List "Args" Text , _spcName :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'SupportedProductConfig' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'spcArgs' @::@ ['Text'] -- -- * 'spcName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- supportedProductConfig :: SupportedProductConfig supportedProductConfig = SupportedProductConfig { _spcName = Nothing , _spcArgs = mempty } -- | The list of user-supplied arguments. spcArgs :: Lens' SupportedProductConfig [Text] spcArgs = lens _spcArgs (\s a -> s { _spcArgs = a }) . _List -- | The name of the product configuration. spcName :: Lens' SupportedProductConfig (Maybe Text) spcName = lens _spcName (\s a -> s { _spcName = a }) instance FromJSON SupportedProductConfig where parseJSON = withObject "SupportedProductConfig" $ \o -> SupportedProductConfig <$> o .: "Args" <*> o .:? "Name" instance ToJSON SupportedProductConfig where toJSON SupportedProductConfig{..} = object [ "Name" .= _spcName , "Args" .= _spcArgs ] data Command = Command { _cArgs :: List "Args" Text , _cName :: Maybe Text , _cScriptPath :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'Command' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'cArgs' @::@ ['Text'] -- -- * 'cName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cScriptPath' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- command :: Command command = Command { _cName = Nothing , _cScriptPath = Nothing , _cArgs = mempty } -- | Arguments for Amazon EMR to pass to the command for execution. cArgs :: Lens' Command [Text] cArgs = lens _cArgs (\s a -> s { _cArgs = a }) . _List -- | The name of the command. cName :: Lens' Command (Maybe Text) cName = lens _cName (\s a -> s { _cName = a }) -- | The Amazon S3 location of the command script. cScriptPath :: Lens' Command (Maybe Text) cScriptPath = lens _cScriptPath (\s a -> s { _cScriptPath = a }) instance FromJSON Command where parseJSON = withObject "Command" $ \o -> Command <$> o .: "Args" <*> o .:? "Name" <*> o .:? "ScriptPath" instance ToJSON Command where toJSON Command{..} = object [ "Name" .= _cName , "ScriptPath" .= _cScriptPath , "Args" .= _cArgs ] data StepExecutionState = Cancelled -- ^ CANCELLED | Completed -- ^ COMPLETED | Continue -- ^ CONTINUE | Failed -- ^ FAILED | Interrupted -- ^ INTERRUPTED | Pending -- ^ PENDING | Running -- ^ RUNNING deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable StepExecutionState instance FromText StepExecutionState where parser = takeText >>= \case "CANCELLED" -> pure Cancelled "COMPLETED" -> pure Completed "CONTINUE" -> pure Continue "FAILED" -> pure Failed "INTERRUPTED" -> pure Interrupted "PENDING" -> pure Pending "RUNNING" -> pure Running e -> fail $ "Failure parsing StepExecutionState from " ++ show e instance ToText StepExecutionState where toText = \case Cancelled -> "CANCELLED" Completed -> "COMPLETED" Continue -> "CONTINUE" Failed -> "FAILED" Interrupted -> "INTERRUPTED" Pending -> "PENDING" Running -> "RUNNING" instance ToByteString StepExecutionState instance ToHeader StepExecutionState instance ToQuery StepExecutionState instance FromJSON StepExecutionState where parseJSON = parseJSONText "StepExecutionState" instance ToJSON StepExecutionState where toJSON = toJSONText data ActionOnFailure = AOFCancelAndWait -- ^ CANCEL_AND_WAIT | AOFContinue -- ^ CONTINUE | AOFTerminateCluster -- ^ TERMINATE_CLUSTER | AOFTerminateJobFlow -- ^ TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable ActionOnFailure instance FromText ActionOnFailure where parser = takeText >>= \case "CANCEL_AND_WAIT" -> pure AOFCancelAndWait "CONTINUE" -> pure AOFContinue "TERMINATE_CLUSTER" -> pure AOFTerminateCluster "TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW" -> pure AOFTerminateJobFlow e -> fail $ "Failure parsing ActionOnFailure from " ++ show e instance ToText ActionOnFailure where toText = \case AOFCancelAndWait -> "CANCEL_AND_WAIT" AOFContinue -> "CONTINUE" AOFTerminateCluster -> "TERMINATE_CLUSTER" AOFTerminateJobFlow -> "TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW" instance ToByteString ActionOnFailure instance ToHeader ActionOnFailure instance ToQuery ActionOnFailure instance FromJSON ActionOnFailure where parseJSON = parseJSONText "ActionOnFailure" instance ToJSON ActionOnFailure where toJSON = toJSONText data ClusterStateChangeReason = ClusterStateChangeReason { _cscrCode :: Maybe ClusterStateChangeReasonCode , _cscrMessage :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'ClusterStateChangeReason' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'cscrCode' @::@ 'Maybe' 'ClusterStateChangeReasonCode' -- -- * 'cscrMessage' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- clusterStateChangeReason :: ClusterStateChangeReason clusterStateChangeReason = ClusterStateChangeReason { _cscrCode = Nothing , _cscrMessage = Nothing } -- | The programmatic code for the state change reason. cscrCode :: Lens' ClusterStateChangeReason (Maybe ClusterStateChangeReasonCode) cscrCode = lens _cscrCode (\s a -> s { _cscrCode = a }) -- | The descriptive message for the state change reason. cscrMessage :: Lens' ClusterStateChangeReason (Maybe Text) cscrMessage = lens _cscrMessage (\s a -> s { _cscrMessage = a }) instance FromJSON ClusterStateChangeReason where parseJSON = withObject "ClusterStateChangeReason" $ \o -> ClusterStateChangeReason <$> o .:? "Code" <*> o .:? "Message" instance ToJSON ClusterStateChangeReason where toJSON ClusterStateChangeReason{..} = object [ "Code" .= _cscrCode , "Message" .= _cscrMessage ] data Tag = Tag { _tagKey :: Maybe Text , _tagValue :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'Tag' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'tagKey' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'tagValue' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- tag :: Tag tag = Tag { _tagKey = Nothing , _tagValue = Nothing } -- | A user-defined key, which is the minimum required information for a valid -- tag. For more information, see . tagKey :: Lens' Tag (Maybe Text) tagKey = lens _tagKey (\s a -> s { _tagKey = a }) -- | A user-defined value, which is optional in a tag. For more information, see . tagValue :: Lens' Tag (Maybe Text) tagValue = lens _tagValue (\s a -> s { _tagValue = a }) instance FromJSON Tag where parseJSON = withObject "Tag" $ \o -> Tag <$> o .:? "Key" <*> o .:? "Value" instance ToJSON Tag where toJSON Tag{..} = object [ "Key" .= _tagKey , "Value" .= _tagValue ] data Application = Application { _aAdditionalInfo :: Map Text Text , _aArgs :: List "Args" Text , _aName :: Maybe Text , _aVersion :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'Application' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'aAdditionalInfo' @::@ 'HashMap' 'Text' 'Text' -- -- * 'aArgs' @::@ ['Text'] -- -- * 'aName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'aVersion' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- application :: Application application = Application { _aName = Nothing , _aVersion = Nothing , _aArgs = mempty , _aAdditionalInfo = mempty } -- | This option is for advanced users only. This is meta information about -- third-party applications that third-party vendors use for testing purposes. aAdditionalInfo :: Lens' Application (HashMap Text Text) aAdditionalInfo = lens _aAdditionalInfo (\s a -> s { _aAdditionalInfo = a }) . _Map -- | Arguments for Amazon EMR to pass to the application. aArgs :: Lens' Application [Text] aArgs = lens _aArgs (\s a -> s { _aArgs = a }) . _List -- | The name of the application. aName :: Lens' Application (Maybe Text) aName = lens _aName (\s a -> s { _aName = a }) -- | The version of the application. aVersion :: Lens' Application (Maybe Text) aVersion = lens _aVersion (\s a -> s { _aVersion = a }) instance FromJSON Application where parseJSON = withObject "Application" $ \o -> Application <$> o .: "AdditionalInfo" <*> o .: "Args" <*> o .:? "Name" <*> o .:? "Version" instance ToJSON Application where toJSON Application{..} = object [ "Name" .= _aName , "Version" .= _aVersion , "Args" .= _aArgs , "AdditionalInfo" .= _aAdditionalInfo ] data JobFlowExecutionStatusDetail = JobFlowExecutionStatusDetail { _jfesdCreationDateTime :: POSIX , _jfesdEndDateTime :: Maybe POSIX , _jfesdLastStateChangeReason :: Maybe Text , _jfesdReadyDateTime :: Maybe POSIX , _jfesdStartDateTime :: Maybe POSIX , _jfesdState :: JobFlowExecutionState } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'JobFlowExecutionStatusDetail' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'jfesdCreationDateTime' @::@ 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'jfesdEndDateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'jfesdLastStateChangeReason' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'jfesdReadyDateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'jfesdStartDateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'jfesdState' @::@ 'JobFlowExecutionState' -- jobFlowExecutionStatusDetail :: JobFlowExecutionState -- ^ 'jfesdState' -> UTCTime -- ^ 'jfesdCreationDateTime' -> JobFlowExecutionStatusDetail jobFlowExecutionStatusDetail p1 p2 = JobFlowExecutionStatusDetail { _jfesdState = p1 , _jfesdCreationDateTime = withIso _Time (const id) p2 , _jfesdStartDateTime = Nothing , _jfesdReadyDateTime = Nothing , _jfesdEndDateTime = Nothing , _jfesdLastStateChangeReason = Nothing } -- | The creation date and time of the job flow. jfesdCreationDateTime :: Lens' JobFlowExecutionStatusDetail UTCTime jfesdCreationDateTime = lens _jfesdCreationDateTime (\s a -> s { _jfesdCreationDateTime = a }) . _Time -- | The completion date and time of the job flow. jfesdEndDateTime :: Lens' JobFlowExecutionStatusDetail (Maybe UTCTime) jfesdEndDateTime = lens _jfesdEndDateTime (\s a -> s { _jfesdEndDateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | Description of the job flow last changed state. jfesdLastStateChangeReason :: Lens' JobFlowExecutionStatusDetail (Maybe Text) jfesdLastStateChangeReason = lens _jfesdLastStateChangeReason (\s a -> s { _jfesdLastStateChangeReason = a }) -- | The date and time when the job flow was ready to start running bootstrap -- actions. jfesdReadyDateTime :: Lens' JobFlowExecutionStatusDetail (Maybe UTCTime) jfesdReadyDateTime = lens _jfesdReadyDateTime (\s a -> s { _jfesdReadyDateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The start date and time of the job flow. jfesdStartDateTime :: Lens' JobFlowExecutionStatusDetail (Maybe UTCTime) jfesdStartDateTime = lens _jfesdStartDateTime (\s a -> s { _jfesdStartDateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The state of the job flow. jfesdState :: Lens' JobFlowExecutionStatusDetail JobFlowExecutionState jfesdState = lens _jfesdState (\s a -> s { _jfesdState = a }) instance FromJSON JobFlowExecutionStatusDetail where parseJSON = withObject "JobFlowExecutionStatusDetail" $ \o -> JobFlowExecutionStatusDetail <$> o .: "CreationDateTime" <*> o .:? "EndDateTime" <*> o .:? "LastStateChangeReason" <*> o .:? "ReadyDateTime" <*> o .:? "StartDateTime" <*> o .: "State" instance ToJSON JobFlowExecutionStatusDetail where toJSON JobFlowExecutionStatusDetail{..} = object [ "State" .= _jfesdState , "CreationDateTime" .= _jfesdCreationDateTime , "StartDateTime" .= _jfesdStartDateTime , "ReadyDateTime" .= _jfesdReadyDateTime , "EndDateTime" .= _jfesdEndDateTime , "LastStateChangeReason" .= _jfesdLastStateChangeReason ] data InstanceGroupStatus = InstanceGroupStatus { _igsState :: Maybe InstanceGroupState , _igsStateChangeReason :: Maybe InstanceGroupStateChangeReason , _igsTimeline :: Maybe InstanceGroupTimeline } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'InstanceGroupStatus' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'igsState' @::@ 'Maybe' 'InstanceGroupState' -- -- * 'igsStateChangeReason' @::@ 'Maybe' 'InstanceGroupStateChangeReason' -- -- * 'igsTimeline' @::@ 'Maybe' 'InstanceGroupTimeline' -- instanceGroupStatus :: InstanceGroupStatus instanceGroupStatus = InstanceGroupStatus { _igsState = Nothing , _igsStateChangeReason = Nothing , _igsTimeline = Nothing } -- | The current state of the instance group. igsState :: Lens' InstanceGroupStatus (Maybe InstanceGroupState) igsState = lens _igsState (\s a -> s { _igsState = a }) -- | The status change reason details for the instance group. igsStateChangeReason :: Lens' InstanceGroupStatus (Maybe InstanceGroupStateChangeReason) igsStateChangeReason = lens _igsStateChangeReason (\s a -> s { _igsStateChangeReason = a }) -- | The timeline of the instance group status over time. igsTimeline :: Lens' InstanceGroupStatus (Maybe InstanceGroupTimeline) igsTimeline = lens _igsTimeline (\s a -> s { _igsTimeline = a }) instance FromJSON InstanceGroupStatus where parseJSON = withObject "InstanceGroupStatus" $ \o -> InstanceGroupStatus <$> o .:? "State" <*> o .:? "StateChangeReason" <*> o .:? "Timeline" instance ToJSON InstanceGroupStatus where toJSON InstanceGroupStatus{..} = object [ "State" .= _igsState , "StateChangeReason" .= _igsStateChangeReason , "Timeline" .= _igsTimeline ] data Cluster = Cluster { _c1Applications :: List "Applications" Application , _c1AutoTerminate :: Maybe Bool , _c1Ec2InstanceAttributes :: Maybe Ec2InstanceAttributes , _c1Id :: Maybe Text , _c1LogUri :: Maybe Text , _c1Name :: Maybe Text , _c1RequestedAmiVersion :: Maybe Text , _c1RunningAmiVersion :: Maybe Text , _c1ServiceRole :: Maybe Text , _c1Status :: Maybe ClusterStatus , _c1Tags :: List "Tags" Tag , _c1TerminationProtected :: Maybe Bool , _c1VisibleToAllUsers :: Maybe Bool } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'Cluster' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'c1Applications' @::@ ['Application'] -- -- * 'c1AutoTerminate' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool' -- -- * 'c1Ec2InstanceAttributes' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Ec2InstanceAttributes' -- -- * 'c1Id' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'c1LogUri' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'c1Name' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'c1RequestedAmiVersion' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'c1RunningAmiVersion' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'c1ServiceRole' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'c1Status' @::@ 'Maybe' 'ClusterStatus' -- -- * 'c1Tags' @::@ ['Tag'] -- -- * 'c1TerminationProtected' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool' -- -- * 'c1VisibleToAllUsers' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool' -- cluster :: Cluster cluster = Cluster { _c1Id = Nothing , _c1Name = Nothing , _c1Status = Nothing , _c1Ec2InstanceAttributes = Nothing , _c1LogUri = Nothing , _c1RequestedAmiVersion = Nothing , _c1RunningAmiVersion = Nothing , _c1AutoTerminate = Nothing , _c1TerminationProtected = Nothing , _c1VisibleToAllUsers = Nothing , _c1Applications = mempty , _c1Tags = mempty , _c1ServiceRole = Nothing } -- | The applications installed on this cluster. c1Applications :: Lens' Cluster [Application] c1Applications = lens _c1Applications (\s a -> s { _c1Applications = a }) . _List -- | Specifies whether the cluster should terminate after completing all steps. c1AutoTerminate :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Bool) c1AutoTerminate = lens _c1AutoTerminate (\s a -> s { _c1AutoTerminate = a }) c1Ec2InstanceAttributes :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Ec2InstanceAttributes) c1Ec2InstanceAttributes = lens _c1Ec2InstanceAttributes (\s a -> s { _c1Ec2InstanceAttributes = a }) -- | The unique identifier for the cluster. c1Id :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) c1Id = lens _c1Id (\s a -> s { _c1Id = a }) -- | The path to the Amazon S3 location where logs for this cluster are stored. c1LogUri :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) c1LogUri = lens _c1LogUri (\s a -> s { _c1LogUri = a }) -- | The name of the cluster. c1Name :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) c1Name = lens _c1Name (\s a -> s { _c1Name = a }) -- | The AMI version requested for this cluster. c1RequestedAmiVersion :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) c1RequestedAmiVersion = lens _c1RequestedAmiVersion (\s a -> s { _c1RequestedAmiVersion = a }) -- | The AMI version running on this cluster. This differs from the requested -- version only if the requested version is a meta version, such as "latest". c1RunningAmiVersion :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) c1RunningAmiVersion = lens _c1RunningAmiVersion (\s a -> s { _c1RunningAmiVersion = a }) -- | The IAM role that will be assumed by the Amazon EMR service to access AWS -- resources on your behalf. c1ServiceRole :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) c1ServiceRole = lens _c1ServiceRole (\s a -> s { _c1ServiceRole = a }) -- | The current status details about the cluster. c1Status :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe ClusterStatus) c1Status = lens _c1Status (\s a -> s { _c1Status = a }) -- | A list of tags associated with a cluster. c1Tags :: Lens' Cluster [Tag] c1Tags = lens _c1Tags (\s a -> s { _c1Tags = a }) . _List -- | Indicates whether Amazon EMR will lock the cluster to prevent the EC2 -- instances from being terminated by an API call or user intervention, or in -- the event of a cluster error. c1TerminationProtected :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Bool) c1TerminationProtected = lens _c1TerminationProtected (\s a -> s { _c1TerminationProtected = a }) -- | Indicates whether the job flow is visible to all IAM users of the AWS account -- associated with the job flow. If this value is set to 'true', all IAM users of -- that AWS account can view and manage the job flow if they have the proper -- policy permissions set. If this value is 'false', only the IAM user that -- created the cluster can view and manage it. This value can be changed using -- the 'SetVisibleToAllUsers' action. c1VisibleToAllUsers :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Bool) c1VisibleToAllUsers = lens _c1VisibleToAllUsers (\s a -> s { _c1VisibleToAllUsers = a }) instance FromJSON Cluster where parseJSON = withObject "Cluster" $ \o -> Cluster <$> o .: "Applications" <*> o .:? "AutoTerminate" <*> o .:? "Ec2InstanceAttributes" <*> o .:? "Id" <*> o .:? "LogUri" <*> o .:? "Name" <*> o .:? "RequestedAmiVersion" <*> o .:? "RunningAmiVersion" <*> o .:? "ServiceRole" <*> o .:? "Status" <*> o .: "Tags" <*> o .:? "TerminationProtected" <*> o .:? "VisibleToAllUsers" instance ToJSON Cluster where toJSON Cluster{..} = object [ "Id" .= _c1Id , "Name" .= _c1Name , "Status" .= _c1Status , "Ec2InstanceAttributes" .= _c1Ec2InstanceAttributes , "LogUri" .= _c1LogUri , "RequestedAmiVersion" .= _c1RequestedAmiVersion , "RunningAmiVersion" .= _c1RunningAmiVersion , "AutoTerminate" .= _c1AutoTerminate , "TerminationProtected" .= _c1TerminationProtected , "VisibleToAllUsers" .= _c1VisibleToAllUsers , "Applications" .= _c1Applications , "Tags" .= _c1Tags , "ServiceRole" .= _c1ServiceRole ] data InstanceTimeline = InstanceTimeline { _itCreationDateTime :: Maybe POSIX , _itEndDateTime :: Maybe POSIX , _itReadyDateTime :: Maybe POSIX } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'InstanceTimeline' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'itCreationDateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'itEndDateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'itReadyDateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- instanceTimeline :: InstanceTimeline instanceTimeline = InstanceTimeline { _itCreationDateTime = Nothing , _itReadyDateTime = Nothing , _itEndDateTime = Nothing } -- | The creation date and time of the instance. itCreationDateTime :: Lens' InstanceTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) itCreationDateTime = lens _itCreationDateTime (\s a -> s { _itCreationDateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The date and time when the instance was terminated. itEndDateTime :: Lens' InstanceTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) itEndDateTime = lens _itEndDateTime (\s a -> s { _itEndDateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The date and time when the instance was ready to perform tasks. itReadyDateTime :: Lens' InstanceTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) itReadyDateTime = lens _itReadyDateTime (\s a -> s { _itReadyDateTime = a }) . mapping _Time instance FromJSON InstanceTimeline where parseJSON = withObject "InstanceTimeline" $ \o -> InstanceTimeline <$> o .:? "CreationDateTime" <*> o .:? "EndDateTime" <*> o .:? "ReadyDateTime" instance ToJSON InstanceTimeline where toJSON InstanceTimeline{..} = object [ "CreationDateTime" .= _itCreationDateTime , "ReadyDateTime" .= _itReadyDateTime , "EndDateTime" .= _itEndDateTime ] data Ec2InstanceAttributes = Ec2InstanceAttributes { _eiaEc2AvailabilityZone :: Maybe Text , _eiaEc2KeyName :: Maybe Text , _eiaEc2SubnetId :: Maybe Text , _eiaIamInstanceProfile :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'Ec2InstanceAttributes' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'eiaEc2AvailabilityZone' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'eiaEc2KeyName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'eiaEc2SubnetId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'eiaIamInstanceProfile' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- ec2InstanceAttributes :: Ec2InstanceAttributes ec2InstanceAttributes = Ec2InstanceAttributes { _eiaEc2KeyName = Nothing , _eiaEc2SubnetId = Nothing , _eiaEc2AvailabilityZone = Nothing , _eiaIamInstanceProfile = Nothing } -- | The Availability Zone in which the cluster will run. eiaEc2AvailabilityZone :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe Text) eiaEc2AvailabilityZone = lens _eiaEc2AvailabilityZone (\s a -> s { _eiaEc2AvailabilityZone = a }) -- | The name of the Amazon EC2 key pair to use when connecting with SSH into the -- master node as a user named "hadoop". eiaEc2KeyName :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe Text) eiaEc2KeyName = lens _eiaEc2KeyName (\s a -> s { _eiaEc2KeyName = a }) -- | To launch the job flow in Amazon VPC, set this parameter to the identifier -- of the Amazon VPC subnet where you want the job flow to launch. If you do not -- specify this value, the job flow is launched in the normal AWS cloud, outside -- of a VPC. -- -- Amazon VPC currently does not support cluster compute quadruple extra large -- (cc1.4xlarge) instances. Thus, you cannot specify the cc1.4xlarge instance -- type for nodes of a job flow launched in a VPC. eiaEc2SubnetId :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe Text) eiaEc2SubnetId = lens _eiaEc2SubnetId (\s a -> s { _eiaEc2SubnetId = a }) -- | The IAM role that was specified when the job flow was launched. The EC2 -- instances of the job flow assume this role. eiaIamInstanceProfile :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe Text) eiaIamInstanceProfile = lens _eiaIamInstanceProfile (\s a -> s { _eiaIamInstanceProfile = a }) instance FromJSON Ec2InstanceAttributes where parseJSON = withObject "Ec2InstanceAttributes" $ \o -> Ec2InstanceAttributes <$> o .:? "Ec2AvailabilityZone" <*> o .:? "Ec2KeyName" <*> o .:? "Ec2SubnetId" <*> o .:? "IamInstanceProfile" instance ToJSON Ec2InstanceAttributes where toJSON Ec2InstanceAttributes{..} = object [ "Ec2KeyName" .= _eiaEc2KeyName , "Ec2SubnetId" .= _eiaEc2SubnetId , "Ec2AvailabilityZone" .= _eiaEc2AvailabilityZone , "IamInstanceProfile" .= _eiaIamInstanceProfile ] data StepStateChangeReasonCode = None -- ^ NONE deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable StepStateChangeReasonCode instance FromText StepStateChangeReasonCode where parser = takeText >>= \case "NONE" -> pure None e -> fail $ "Failure parsing StepStateChangeReasonCode from " ++ show e instance ToText StepStateChangeReasonCode where toText None = "NONE" instance ToByteString StepStateChangeReasonCode instance ToHeader StepStateChangeReasonCode instance ToQuery StepStateChangeReasonCode instance FromJSON StepStateChangeReasonCode where parseJSON = parseJSONText "StepStateChangeReasonCode" instance ToJSON StepStateChangeReasonCode where toJSON = toJSONText data ClusterState = CSBootstrapping -- ^ BOOTSTRAPPING | CSRunning -- ^ RUNNING | CSStarting -- ^ STARTING | CSTerminated -- ^ TERMINATED | CSTerminatedWithErrors -- ^ TERMINATED_WITH_ERRORS | CSTerminating -- ^ TERMINATING | CSWaiting -- ^ WAITING deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable ClusterState instance FromText ClusterState where parser = takeText >>= \case "BOOTSTRAPPING" -> pure CSBootstrapping "RUNNING" -> pure CSRunning "STARTING" -> pure CSStarting "TERMINATED" -> pure CSTerminated "TERMINATED_WITH_ERRORS" -> pure CSTerminatedWithErrors "TERMINATING" -> pure CSTerminating "WAITING" -> pure CSWaiting e -> fail $ "Failure parsing ClusterState from " ++ show e instance ToText ClusterState where toText = \case CSBootstrapping -> "BOOTSTRAPPING" CSRunning -> "RUNNING" CSStarting -> "STARTING" CSTerminated -> "TERMINATED" CSTerminatedWithErrors -> "TERMINATED_WITH_ERRORS" CSTerminating -> "TERMINATING" CSWaiting -> "WAITING" instance ToByteString ClusterState instance ToHeader ClusterState instance ToQuery ClusterState instance FromJSON ClusterState where parseJSON = parseJSONText "ClusterState" instance ToJSON ClusterState where toJSON = toJSONText data HadoopStepConfig = HadoopStepConfig { _hscArgs :: List "Args" Text , _hscJar :: Maybe Text , _hscMainClass :: Maybe Text , _hscProperties :: Map Text Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'HadoopStepConfig' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'hscArgs' @::@ ['Text'] -- -- * 'hscJar' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'hscMainClass' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'hscProperties' @::@ 'HashMap' 'Text' 'Text' -- hadoopStepConfig :: HadoopStepConfig hadoopStepConfig = HadoopStepConfig { _hscJar = Nothing , _hscProperties = mempty , _hscMainClass = Nothing , _hscArgs = mempty } -- | The list of command line arguments to pass to the JAR file's main function -- for execution. hscArgs :: Lens' HadoopStepConfig [Text] hscArgs = lens _hscArgs (\s a -> s { _hscArgs = a }) . _List -- | The path to the JAR file that runs during the step. hscJar :: Lens' HadoopStepConfig (Maybe Text) hscJar = lens _hscJar (\s a -> s { _hscJar = a }) -- | The name of the main class in the specified Java file. If not specified, the -- JAR file should specify a main class in its manifest file. hscMainClass :: Lens' HadoopStepConfig (Maybe Text) hscMainClass = lens _hscMainClass (\s a -> s { _hscMainClass = a }) -- | The list of Java properties that are set when the step runs. You can use -- these properties to pass key value pairs to your main function. hscProperties :: Lens' HadoopStepConfig (HashMap Text Text) hscProperties = lens _hscProperties (\s a -> s { _hscProperties = a }) . _Map instance FromJSON HadoopStepConfig where parseJSON = withObject "HadoopStepConfig" $ \o -> HadoopStepConfig <$> o .: "Args" <*> o .:? "Jar" <*> o .:? "MainClass" <*> o .: "Properties" instance ToJSON HadoopStepConfig where toJSON HadoopStepConfig{..} = object [ "Jar" .= _hscJar , "Properties" .= _hscProperties , "MainClass" .= _hscMainClass , "Args" .= _hscArgs ] data JobFlowExecutionState = JFESBootstrapping -- ^ BOOTSTRAPPING | JFESCompleted -- ^ COMPLETED | JFESFailed -- ^ FAILED | JFESRunning -- ^ RUNNING | JFESShuttingDown -- ^ SHUTTING_DOWN | JFESStarting -- ^ STARTING | JFESTerminated -- ^ TERMINATED | JFESWaiting -- ^ WAITING deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable JobFlowExecutionState instance FromText JobFlowExecutionState where parser = takeText >>= \case "BOOTSTRAPPING" -> pure JFESBootstrapping "COMPLETED" -> pure JFESCompleted "FAILED" -> pure JFESFailed "RUNNING" -> pure JFESRunning "SHUTTING_DOWN" -> pure JFESShuttingDown "STARTING" -> pure JFESStarting "TERMINATED" -> pure JFESTerminated "WAITING" -> pure JFESWaiting e -> fail $ "Failure parsing JobFlowExecutionState from " ++ show e instance ToText JobFlowExecutionState where toText = \case JFESBootstrapping -> "BOOTSTRAPPING" JFESCompleted -> "COMPLETED" JFESFailed -> "FAILED" JFESRunning -> "RUNNING" JFESShuttingDown -> "SHUTTING_DOWN" JFESStarting -> "STARTING" JFESTerminated -> "TERMINATED" JFESWaiting -> "WAITING" instance ToByteString JobFlowExecutionState instance ToHeader JobFlowExecutionState instance ToQuery JobFlowExecutionState instance FromJSON JobFlowExecutionState where parseJSON = parseJSONText "JobFlowExecutionState" instance ToJSON JobFlowExecutionState where toJSON = toJSONText data StepDetail = StepDetail { _sdExecutionStatusDetail :: StepExecutionStatusDetail , _sdStepConfig :: StepConfig } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'StepDetail' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'sdExecutionStatusDetail' @::@ 'StepExecutionStatusDetail' -- -- * 'sdStepConfig' @::@ 'StepConfig' -- stepDetail :: StepConfig -- ^ 'sdStepConfig' -> StepExecutionStatusDetail -- ^ 'sdExecutionStatusDetail' -> StepDetail stepDetail p1 p2 = StepDetail { _sdStepConfig = p1 , _sdExecutionStatusDetail = p2 } -- | The description of the step status. sdExecutionStatusDetail :: Lens' StepDetail StepExecutionStatusDetail sdExecutionStatusDetail = lens _sdExecutionStatusDetail (\s a -> s { _sdExecutionStatusDetail = a }) -- | The step configuration. sdStepConfig :: Lens' StepDetail StepConfig sdStepConfig = lens _sdStepConfig (\s a -> s { _sdStepConfig = a }) instance FromJSON StepDetail where parseJSON = withObject "StepDetail" $ \o -> StepDetail <$> o .: "ExecutionStatusDetail" <*> o .: "StepConfig" instance ToJSON StepDetail where toJSON StepDetail{..} = object [ "StepConfig" .= _sdStepConfig , "ExecutionStatusDetail" .= _sdExecutionStatusDetail ] data InstanceGroupStateChangeReason = InstanceGroupStateChangeReason { _igscrCode :: Maybe InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode , _igscrMessage :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'InstanceGroupStateChangeReason' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'igscrCode' @::@ 'Maybe' 'InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode' -- -- * 'igscrMessage' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- instanceGroupStateChangeReason :: InstanceGroupStateChangeReason instanceGroupStateChangeReason = InstanceGroupStateChangeReason { _igscrCode = Nothing , _igscrMessage = Nothing } -- | The programmable code for the state change reason. igscrCode :: Lens' InstanceGroupStateChangeReason (Maybe InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode) igscrCode = lens _igscrCode (\s a -> s { _igscrCode = a }) -- | The status change reason description. igscrMessage :: Lens' InstanceGroupStateChangeReason (Maybe Text) igscrMessage = lens _igscrMessage (\s a -> s { _igscrMessage = a }) instance FromJSON InstanceGroupStateChangeReason where parseJSON = withObject "InstanceGroupStateChangeReason" $ \o -> InstanceGroupStateChangeReason <$> o .:? "Code" <*> o .:? "Message" instance ToJSON InstanceGroupStateChangeReason where toJSON InstanceGroupStateChangeReason{..} = object [ "Code" .= _igscrCode , "Message" .= _igscrMessage ] data InstanceGroupType = Core -- ^ CORE | Master -- ^ MASTER | Task -- ^ TASK deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable InstanceGroupType instance FromText InstanceGroupType where parser = takeText >>= \case "CORE" -> pure Core "MASTER" -> pure Master "TASK" -> pure Task e -> fail $ "Failure parsing InstanceGroupType from " ++ show e instance ToText InstanceGroupType where toText = \case Core -> "CORE" Master -> "MASTER" Task -> "TASK" instance ToByteString InstanceGroupType instance ToHeader InstanceGroupType instance ToQuery InstanceGroupType instance FromJSON InstanceGroupType where parseJSON = parseJSONText "InstanceGroupType" instance ToJSON InstanceGroupType where toJSON = toJSONText data InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode = ClusterTerminated -- ^ CLUSTER_TERMINATED | InstanceFailure -- ^ INSTANCE_FAILURE | InternalError -- ^ INTERNAL_ERROR | ValidationError -- ^ VALIDATION_ERROR deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode instance FromText InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode where parser = takeText >>= \case "CLUSTER_TERMINATED" -> pure ClusterTerminated "INSTANCE_FAILURE" -> pure InstanceFailure "INTERNAL_ERROR" -> pure InternalError "VALIDATION_ERROR" -> pure ValidationError e -> fail $ "Failure parsing InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode from " ++ show e instance ToText InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode where toText = \case ClusterTerminated -> "CLUSTER_TERMINATED" InstanceFailure -> "INSTANCE_FAILURE" InternalError -> "INTERNAL_ERROR" ValidationError -> "VALIDATION_ERROR" instance ToByteString InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode instance ToHeader InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode instance ToQuery InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode instance FromJSON InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode where parseJSON = parseJSONText "InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode" instance ToJSON InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode where toJSON = toJSONText data StepStatus = StepStatus { _ssState :: Maybe StepState , _ssStateChangeReason :: Maybe StepStateChangeReason , _ssTimeline :: Maybe StepTimeline } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'StepStatus' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'ssState' @::@ 'Maybe' 'StepState' -- -- * 'ssStateChangeReason' @::@ 'Maybe' 'StepStateChangeReason' -- -- * 'ssTimeline' @::@ 'Maybe' 'StepTimeline' -- stepStatus :: StepStatus stepStatus = StepStatus { _ssState = Nothing , _ssStateChangeReason = Nothing , _ssTimeline = Nothing } -- | The execution state of the cluster step. ssState :: Lens' StepStatus (Maybe StepState) ssState = lens _ssState (\s a -> s { _ssState = a }) -- | The reason for the step execution status change. ssStateChangeReason :: Lens' StepStatus (Maybe StepStateChangeReason) ssStateChangeReason = lens _ssStateChangeReason (\s a -> s { _ssStateChangeReason = a }) -- | The timeline of the cluster step status over time. ssTimeline :: Lens' StepStatus (Maybe StepTimeline) ssTimeline = lens _ssTimeline (\s a -> s { _ssTimeline = a }) instance FromJSON StepStatus where parseJSON = withObject "StepStatus" $ \o -> StepStatus <$> o .:? "State" <*> o .:? "StateChangeReason" <*> o .:? "Timeline" instance ToJSON StepStatus where toJSON StepStatus{..} = object [ "State" .= _ssState , "StateChangeReason" .= _ssStateChangeReason , "Timeline" .= _ssTimeline ] data StepSummary = StepSummary { _ssId :: Maybe Text , _ssName :: Maybe Text , _ssStatus :: Maybe StepStatus } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'StepSummary' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'ssId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ssName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ssStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'StepStatus' -- stepSummary :: StepSummary stepSummary = StepSummary { _ssId = Nothing , _ssName = Nothing , _ssStatus = Nothing } -- | The identifier of the cluster step. ssId :: Lens' StepSummary (Maybe Text) ssId = lens _ssId (\s a -> s { _ssId = a }) -- | The name of the cluster step. ssName :: Lens' StepSummary (Maybe Text) ssName = lens _ssName (\s a -> s { _ssName = a }) -- | The current execution status details of the cluster step. ssStatus :: Lens' StepSummary (Maybe StepStatus) ssStatus = lens _ssStatus (\s a -> s { _ssStatus = a }) instance FromJSON StepSummary where parseJSON = withObject "StepSummary" $ \o -> StepSummary <$> o .:? "Id" <*> o .:? "Name" <*> o .:? "Status" instance ToJSON StepSummary where toJSON StepSummary{..} = object [ "Id" .= _ssId , "Name" .= _ssName , "Status" .= _ssStatus ] data InstanceGroupState = IGSArrested -- ^ ARRESTED | IGSBootstrapping -- ^ BOOTSTRAPPING | IGSEnded -- ^ ENDED | IGSProvisioning -- ^ PROVISIONING | IGSResizing -- ^ RESIZING | IGSRunning -- ^ RUNNING | IGSShuttingDown -- ^ SHUTTING_DOWN | IGSSuspended -- ^ SUSPENDED | IGSTerminated -- ^ TERMINATED | IGSTerminating -- ^ TERMINATING deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable InstanceGroupState instance FromText InstanceGroupState where parser = takeText >>= \case "ARRESTED" -> pure IGSArrested "BOOTSTRAPPING" -> pure IGSBootstrapping "ENDED" -> pure IGSEnded "PROVISIONING" -> pure IGSProvisioning "RESIZING" -> pure IGSResizing "RUNNING" -> pure IGSRunning "SHUTTING_DOWN" -> pure IGSShuttingDown "SUSPENDED" -> pure IGSSuspended "TERMINATED" -> pure IGSTerminated "TERMINATING" -> pure IGSTerminating e -> fail $ "Failure parsing InstanceGroupState from " ++ show e instance ToText InstanceGroupState where toText = \case IGSArrested -> "ARRESTED" IGSBootstrapping -> "BOOTSTRAPPING" IGSEnded -> "ENDED" IGSProvisioning -> "PROVISIONING" IGSResizing -> "RESIZING" IGSRunning -> "RUNNING" IGSShuttingDown -> "SHUTTING_DOWN" IGSSuspended -> "SUSPENDED" IGSTerminated -> "TERMINATED" IGSTerminating -> "TERMINATING" instance ToByteString InstanceGroupState instance ToHeader InstanceGroupState instance ToQuery InstanceGroupState instance FromJSON InstanceGroupState where parseJSON = parseJSONText "InstanceGroupState" instance ToJSON InstanceGroupState where toJSON = toJSONText data StepTimeline = StepTimeline { _stCreationDateTime :: Maybe POSIX , _stEndDateTime :: Maybe POSIX , _stStartDateTime :: Maybe POSIX } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'StepTimeline' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'stCreationDateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'stEndDateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'stStartDateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- stepTimeline :: StepTimeline stepTimeline = StepTimeline { _stCreationDateTime = Nothing , _stStartDateTime = Nothing , _stEndDateTime = Nothing } -- | The date and time when the cluster step was created. stCreationDateTime :: Lens' StepTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) stCreationDateTime = lens _stCreationDateTime (\s a -> s { _stCreationDateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The date and time when the cluster step execution completed or failed. stEndDateTime :: Lens' StepTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) stEndDateTime = lens _stEndDateTime (\s a -> s { _stEndDateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The date and time when the cluster step execution started. stStartDateTime :: Lens' StepTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) stStartDateTime = lens _stStartDateTime (\s a -> s { _stStartDateTime = a }) . mapping _Time instance FromJSON StepTimeline where parseJSON = withObject "StepTimeline" $ \o -> StepTimeline <$> o .:? "CreationDateTime" <*> o .:? "EndDateTime" <*> o .:? "StartDateTime" instance ToJSON StepTimeline where toJSON StepTimeline{..} = object [ "CreationDateTime" .= _stCreationDateTime , "StartDateTime" .= _stStartDateTime , "EndDateTime" .= _stEndDateTime ] newtype PlacementType = PlacementType { _ptAvailabilityZone :: Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Monoid, IsString) -- | 'PlacementType' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'ptAvailabilityZone' @::@ 'Text' -- placementType :: Text -- ^ 'ptAvailabilityZone' -> PlacementType placementType p1 = PlacementType { _ptAvailabilityZone = p1 } -- | The Amazon EC2 Availability Zone for the job flow. ptAvailabilityZone :: Lens' PlacementType Text ptAvailabilityZone = lens _ptAvailabilityZone (\s a -> s { _ptAvailabilityZone = a }) instance FromJSON PlacementType where parseJSON = withObject "PlacementType" $ \o -> PlacementType <$> o .: "AvailabilityZone" instance ToJSON PlacementType where toJSON PlacementType{..} = object [ "AvailabilityZone" .= _ptAvailabilityZone ] data HadoopJarStepConfig = HadoopJarStepConfig { _hjscArgs :: List "Args" Text , _hjscJar :: Text , _hjscMainClass :: Maybe Text , _hjscProperties :: List "Properties" KeyValue } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'HadoopJarStepConfig' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'hjscArgs' @::@ ['Text'] -- -- * 'hjscJar' @::@ 'Text' -- -- * 'hjscMainClass' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'hjscProperties' @::@ ['KeyValue'] -- hadoopJarStepConfig :: Text -- ^ 'hjscJar' -> HadoopJarStepConfig hadoopJarStepConfig p1 = HadoopJarStepConfig { _hjscJar = p1 , _hjscProperties = mempty , _hjscMainClass = Nothing , _hjscArgs = mempty } -- | A list of command line arguments passed to the JAR file's main function when -- executed. hjscArgs :: Lens' HadoopJarStepConfig [Text] hjscArgs = lens _hjscArgs (\s a -> s { _hjscArgs = a }) . _List -- | A path to a JAR file run during the step. hjscJar :: Lens' HadoopJarStepConfig Text hjscJar = lens _hjscJar (\s a -> s { _hjscJar = a }) -- | The name of the main class in the specified Java file. If not specified, the -- JAR file should specify a Main-Class in its manifest file. hjscMainClass :: Lens' HadoopJarStepConfig (Maybe Text) hjscMainClass = lens _hjscMainClass (\s a -> s { _hjscMainClass = a }) -- | A list of Java properties that are set when the step runs. You can use these -- properties to pass key value pairs to your main function. hjscProperties :: Lens' HadoopJarStepConfig [KeyValue] hjscProperties = lens _hjscProperties (\s a -> s { _hjscProperties = a }) . _List instance FromJSON HadoopJarStepConfig where parseJSON = withObject "HadoopJarStepConfig" $ \o -> HadoopJarStepConfig <$> o .: "Args" <*> o .: "Jar" <*> o .:? "MainClass" <*> o .: "Properties" instance ToJSON HadoopJarStepConfig where toJSON HadoopJarStepConfig{..} = object [ "Properties" .= _hjscProperties , "Jar" .= _hjscJar , "MainClass" .= _hjscMainClass , "Args" .= _hjscArgs ] data InstanceGroupModifyConfig = InstanceGroupModifyConfig { _igmcEC2InstanceIdsToTerminate :: List "EC2InstanceIdsToTerminate" Text , _igmcInstanceCount :: Maybe Int , _igmcInstanceGroupId :: Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'InstanceGroupModifyConfig' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'igmcEC2InstanceIdsToTerminate' @::@ ['Text'] -- -- * 'igmcInstanceCount' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- -- * 'igmcInstanceGroupId' @::@ 'Text' -- instanceGroupModifyConfig :: Text -- ^ 'igmcInstanceGroupId' -> InstanceGroupModifyConfig instanceGroupModifyConfig p1 = InstanceGroupModifyConfig { _igmcInstanceGroupId = p1 , _igmcInstanceCount = Nothing , _igmcEC2InstanceIdsToTerminate = mempty } -- | The EC2 InstanceIds to terminate. For advanced users only. Once you terminate -- the instances, the instance group will not return to its original requested -- size. igmcEC2InstanceIdsToTerminate :: Lens' InstanceGroupModifyConfig [Text] igmcEC2InstanceIdsToTerminate = lens _igmcEC2InstanceIdsToTerminate (\s a -> s { _igmcEC2InstanceIdsToTerminate = a }) . _List -- | Target size for the instance group. igmcInstanceCount :: Lens' InstanceGroupModifyConfig (Maybe Int) igmcInstanceCount = lens _igmcInstanceCount (\s a -> s { _igmcInstanceCount = a }) -- | Unique ID of the instance group to expand or shrink. igmcInstanceGroupId :: Lens' InstanceGroupModifyConfig Text igmcInstanceGroupId = lens _igmcInstanceGroupId (\s a -> s { _igmcInstanceGroupId = a }) instance FromJSON InstanceGroupModifyConfig where parseJSON = withObject "InstanceGroupModifyConfig" $ \o -> InstanceGroupModifyConfig <$> o .: "EC2InstanceIdsToTerminate" <*> o .:? "InstanceCount" <*> o .: "InstanceGroupId" instance ToJSON InstanceGroupModifyConfig where toJSON InstanceGroupModifyConfig{..} = object [ "InstanceGroupId" .= _igmcInstanceGroupId , "InstanceCount" .= _igmcInstanceCount , "EC2InstanceIdsToTerminate" .= _igmcEC2InstanceIdsToTerminate ] data InstanceGroupDetail = InstanceGroupDetail { _igdBidPrice :: Maybe Text , _igdCreationDateTime :: POSIX , _igdEndDateTime :: Maybe POSIX , _igdInstanceGroupId :: Maybe Text , _igdInstanceRequestCount :: Int , _igdInstanceRole :: InstanceRoleType , _igdInstanceRunningCount :: Int , _igdInstanceType :: Text , _igdLastStateChangeReason :: Maybe Text , _igdMarket :: MarketType , _igdName :: Maybe Text , _igdReadyDateTime :: Maybe POSIX , _igdStartDateTime :: Maybe POSIX , _igdState :: InstanceGroupState } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'InstanceGroupDetail' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'igdBidPrice' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'igdCreationDateTime' @::@ 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'igdEndDateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'igdInstanceGroupId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'igdInstanceRequestCount' @::@ 'Int' -- -- * 'igdInstanceRole' @::@ 'InstanceRoleType' -- -- * 'igdInstanceRunningCount' @::@ 'Int' -- -- * 'igdInstanceType' @::@ 'Text' -- -- * 'igdLastStateChangeReason' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'igdMarket' @::@ 'MarketType' -- -- * 'igdName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'igdReadyDateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'igdStartDateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'igdState' @::@ 'InstanceGroupState' -- instanceGroupDetail :: MarketType -- ^ 'igdMarket' -> InstanceRoleType -- ^ 'igdInstanceRole' -> Text -- ^ 'igdInstanceType' -> Int -- ^ 'igdInstanceRequestCount' -> Int -- ^ 'igdInstanceRunningCount' -> InstanceGroupState -- ^ 'igdState' -> UTCTime -- ^ 'igdCreationDateTime' -> InstanceGroupDetail instanceGroupDetail p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 = InstanceGroupDetail { _igdMarket = p1 , _igdInstanceRole = p2 , _igdInstanceType = p3 , _igdInstanceRequestCount = p4 , _igdInstanceRunningCount = p5 , _igdState = p6 , _igdCreationDateTime = withIso _Time (const id) p7 , _igdInstanceGroupId = Nothing , _igdName = Nothing , _igdBidPrice = Nothing , _igdLastStateChangeReason = Nothing , _igdStartDateTime = Nothing , _igdReadyDateTime = Nothing , _igdEndDateTime = Nothing } -- | Bid price for EC2 Instances when launching nodes as Spot Instances, expressed -- in USD. igdBidPrice :: Lens' InstanceGroupDetail (Maybe Text) igdBidPrice = lens _igdBidPrice (\s a -> s { _igdBidPrice = a }) -- | The date/time the instance group was created. igdCreationDateTime :: Lens' InstanceGroupDetail UTCTime igdCreationDateTime = lens _igdCreationDateTime (\s a -> s { _igdCreationDateTime = a }) . _Time -- | The date/time the instance group was terminated. igdEndDateTime :: Lens' InstanceGroupDetail (Maybe UTCTime) igdEndDateTime = lens _igdEndDateTime (\s a -> s { _igdEndDateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | Unique identifier for the instance group. igdInstanceGroupId :: Lens' InstanceGroupDetail (Maybe Text) igdInstanceGroupId = lens _igdInstanceGroupId (\s a -> s { _igdInstanceGroupId = a }) -- | Target number of instances to run in the instance group. igdInstanceRequestCount :: Lens' InstanceGroupDetail Int igdInstanceRequestCount = lens _igdInstanceRequestCount (\s a -> s { _igdInstanceRequestCount = a }) -- | Instance group role in the cluster igdInstanceRole :: Lens' InstanceGroupDetail InstanceRoleType igdInstanceRole = lens _igdInstanceRole (\s a -> s { _igdInstanceRole = a }) -- | Actual count of running instances. igdInstanceRunningCount :: Lens' InstanceGroupDetail Int igdInstanceRunningCount = lens _igdInstanceRunningCount (\s a -> s { _igdInstanceRunningCount = a }) -- | Amazon EC2 Instance type. igdInstanceType :: Lens' InstanceGroupDetail Text igdInstanceType = lens _igdInstanceType (\s a -> s { _igdInstanceType = a }) -- | Details regarding the state of the instance group. igdLastStateChangeReason :: Lens' InstanceGroupDetail (Maybe Text) igdLastStateChangeReason = lens _igdLastStateChangeReason (\s a -> s { _igdLastStateChangeReason = a }) -- | Market type of the Amazon EC2 instances used to create a cluster node. igdMarket :: Lens' InstanceGroupDetail MarketType igdMarket = lens _igdMarket (\s a -> s { _igdMarket = a }) -- | Friendly name for the instance group. igdName :: Lens' InstanceGroupDetail (Maybe Text) igdName = lens _igdName (\s a -> s { _igdName = a }) -- | The date/time the instance group was available to the cluster. igdReadyDateTime :: Lens' InstanceGroupDetail (Maybe UTCTime) igdReadyDateTime = lens _igdReadyDateTime (\s a -> s { _igdReadyDateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The date/time the instance group was started. igdStartDateTime :: Lens' InstanceGroupDetail (Maybe UTCTime) igdStartDateTime = lens _igdStartDateTime (\s a -> s { _igdStartDateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | State of instance group. The following values are deprecated: STARTING, -- TERMINATED, and FAILED. igdState :: Lens' InstanceGroupDetail InstanceGroupState igdState = lens _igdState (\s a -> s { _igdState = a }) instance FromJSON InstanceGroupDetail where parseJSON = withObject "InstanceGroupDetail" $ \o -> InstanceGroupDetail <$> o .:? "BidPrice" <*> o .: "CreationDateTime" <*> o .:? "EndDateTime" <*> o .:? "InstanceGroupId" <*> o .: "InstanceRequestCount" <*> o .: "InstanceRole" <*> o .: "InstanceRunningCount" <*> o .: "InstanceType" <*> o .:? "LastStateChangeReason" <*> o .: "Market" <*> o .:? "Name" <*> o .:? "ReadyDateTime" <*> o .:? "StartDateTime" <*> o .: "State" instance ToJSON InstanceGroupDetail where toJSON InstanceGroupDetail{..} = object [ "InstanceGroupId" .= _igdInstanceGroupId , "Name" .= _igdName , "Market" .= _igdMarket , "InstanceRole" .= _igdInstanceRole , "BidPrice" .= _igdBidPrice , "InstanceType" .= _igdInstanceType , "InstanceRequestCount" .= _igdInstanceRequestCount , "InstanceRunningCount" .= _igdInstanceRunningCount , "State" .= _igdState , "LastStateChangeReason" .= _igdLastStateChangeReason , "CreationDateTime" .= _igdCreationDateTime , "StartDateTime" .= _igdStartDateTime , "ReadyDateTime" .= _igdReadyDateTime , "EndDateTime" .= _igdEndDateTime ] data StepStateChangeReason = StepStateChangeReason { _sscrCode :: Maybe StepStateChangeReasonCode , _sscrMessage :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'StepStateChangeReason' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'sscrCode' @::@ 'Maybe' 'StepStateChangeReasonCode' -- -- * 'sscrMessage' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- stepStateChangeReason :: StepStateChangeReason stepStateChangeReason = StepStateChangeReason { _sscrCode = Nothing , _sscrMessage = Nothing } -- | The programmable code for the state change reason. sscrCode :: Lens' StepStateChangeReason (Maybe StepStateChangeReasonCode) sscrCode = lens _sscrCode (\s a -> s { _sscrCode = a }) -- | The descriptive message for the state change reason. sscrMessage :: Lens' StepStateChangeReason (Maybe Text) sscrMessage = lens _sscrMessage (\s a -> s { _sscrMessage = a }) instance FromJSON StepStateChangeReason where parseJSON = withObject "StepStateChangeReason" $ \o -> StepStateChangeReason <$> o .:? "Code" <*> o .:? "Message" instance ToJSON StepStateChangeReason where toJSON StepStateChangeReason{..} = object [ "Code" .= _sscrCode , "Message" .= _sscrMessage ] data ClusterStateChangeReasonCode = CSCRCAllStepsCompleted -- ^ ALL_STEPS_COMPLETED | CSCRCBootstrapFailure -- ^ BOOTSTRAP_FAILURE | CSCRCInstanceFailure -- ^ INSTANCE_FAILURE | CSCRCInternalError -- ^ INTERNAL_ERROR | CSCRCStepFailure -- ^ STEP_FAILURE | CSCRCUserRequest -- ^ USER_REQUEST | CSCRCValidationError -- ^ VALIDATION_ERROR deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable ClusterStateChangeReasonCode instance FromText ClusterStateChangeReasonCode where parser = takeText >>= \case "ALL_STEPS_COMPLETED" -> pure CSCRCAllStepsCompleted "BOOTSTRAP_FAILURE" -> pure CSCRCBootstrapFailure "INSTANCE_FAILURE" -> pure CSCRCInstanceFailure "INTERNAL_ERROR" -> pure CSCRCInternalError "STEP_FAILURE" -> pure CSCRCStepFailure "USER_REQUEST" -> pure CSCRCUserRequest "VALIDATION_ERROR" -> pure CSCRCValidationError e -> fail $ "Failure parsing ClusterStateChangeReasonCode from " ++ show e instance ToText ClusterStateChangeReasonCode where toText = \case CSCRCAllStepsCompleted -> "ALL_STEPS_COMPLETED" CSCRCBootstrapFailure -> "BOOTSTRAP_FAILURE" CSCRCInstanceFailure -> "INSTANCE_FAILURE" CSCRCInternalError -> "INTERNAL_ERROR" CSCRCStepFailure -> "STEP_FAILURE" CSCRCUserRequest -> "USER_REQUEST" CSCRCValidationError -> "VALIDATION_ERROR" instance ToByteString ClusterStateChangeReasonCode instance ToHeader ClusterStateChangeReasonCode instance ToQuery ClusterStateChangeReasonCode instance FromJSON ClusterStateChangeReasonCode where parseJSON = parseJSONText "ClusterStateChangeReasonCode" instance ToJSON ClusterStateChangeReasonCode where toJSON = toJSONText data Step = Step { _sActionOnFailure :: Maybe ActionOnFailure , _sConfig :: Maybe HadoopStepConfig , _sId :: Maybe Text , _sName :: Maybe Text , _sStatus :: Maybe StepStatus } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'Step' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'sActionOnFailure' @::@ 'Maybe' 'ActionOnFailure' -- -- * 'sConfig' @::@ 'Maybe' 'HadoopStepConfig' -- -- * 'sId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'StepStatus' -- step :: Step step = Step { _sId = Nothing , _sName = Nothing , _sConfig = Nothing , _sActionOnFailure = Nothing , _sStatus = Nothing } -- | This specifies what action to take when the cluster step fails. Possible -- values are TERMINATE_CLUSTER, CANCEL_AND_WAIT, and CONTINUE. sActionOnFailure :: Lens' Step (Maybe ActionOnFailure) sActionOnFailure = lens _sActionOnFailure (\s a -> s { _sActionOnFailure = a }) -- | The Hadoop job configuration of the cluster step. sConfig :: Lens' Step (Maybe HadoopStepConfig) sConfig = lens _sConfig (\s a -> s { _sConfig = a }) -- | The identifier of the cluster step. sId :: Lens' Step (Maybe Text) sId = lens _sId (\s a -> s { _sId = a }) -- | The name of the cluster step. sName :: Lens' Step (Maybe Text) sName = lens _sName (\s a -> s { _sName = a }) -- | The current execution status details of the cluster step. sStatus :: Lens' Step (Maybe StepStatus) sStatus = lens _sStatus (\s a -> s { _sStatus = a }) instance FromJSON Step where parseJSON = withObject "Step" $ \o -> Step <$> o .:? "ActionOnFailure" <*> o .:? "Config" <*> o .:? "Id" <*> o .:? "Name" <*> o .:? "Status" instance ToJSON Step where toJSON Step{..} = object [ "Id" .= _sId , "Name" .= _sName , "Config" .= _sConfig , "ActionOnFailure" .= _sActionOnFailure , "Status" .= _sStatus ] data StepState = SSCancelled -- ^ CANCELLED | SSCompleted -- ^ COMPLETED | SSFailed -- ^ FAILED | SSInterrupted -- ^ INTERRUPTED | SSPending -- ^ PENDING | SSRunning -- ^ RUNNING deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable StepState instance FromText StepState where parser = takeText >>= \case "CANCELLED" -> pure SSCancelled "COMPLETED" -> pure SSCompleted "FAILED" -> pure SSFailed "INTERRUPTED" -> pure SSInterrupted "PENDING" -> pure SSPending "RUNNING" -> pure SSRunning e -> fail $ "Failure parsing StepState from " ++ show e instance ToText StepState where toText = \case SSCancelled -> "CANCELLED" SSCompleted -> "COMPLETED" SSFailed -> "FAILED" SSInterrupted -> "INTERRUPTED" SSPending -> "PENDING" SSRunning -> "RUNNING" instance ToByteString StepState instance ToHeader StepState instance ToQuery StepState instance FromJSON StepState where parseJSON = parseJSONText "StepState" instance ToJSON StepState where toJSON = toJSONText data InstanceGroupTimeline = InstanceGroupTimeline { _igtCreationDateTime :: Maybe POSIX , _igtEndDateTime :: Maybe POSIX , _igtReadyDateTime :: Maybe POSIX } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'InstanceGroupTimeline' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'igtCreationDateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'igtEndDateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'igtReadyDateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- instanceGroupTimeline :: InstanceGroupTimeline instanceGroupTimeline = InstanceGroupTimeline { _igtCreationDateTime = Nothing , _igtReadyDateTime = Nothing , _igtEndDateTime = Nothing } -- | The creation date and time of the instance group. igtCreationDateTime :: Lens' InstanceGroupTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) igtCreationDateTime = lens _igtCreationDateTime (\s a -> s { _igtCreationDateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The date and time when the instance group terminated. igtEndDateTime :: Lens' InstanceGroupTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) igtEndDateTime = lens _igtEndDateTime (\s a -> s { _igtEndDateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The date and time when the instance group became ready to perform tasks. igtReadyDateTime :: Lens' InstanceGroupTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) igtReadyDateTime = lens _igtReadyDateTime (\s a -> s { _igtReadyDateTime = a }) . mapping _Time instance FromJSON InstanceGroupTimeline where parseJSON = withObject "InstanceGroupTimeline" $ \o -> InstanceGroupTimeline <$> o .:? "CreationDateTime" <*> o .:? "EndDateTime" <*> o .:? "ReadyDateTime" instance ToJSON InstanceGroupTimeline where toJSON InstanceGroupTimeline{..} = object [ "CreationDateTime" .= _igtCreationDateTime , "ReadyDateTime" .= _igtReadyDateTime , "EndDateTime" .= _igtEndDateTime ] newtype BootstrapActionDetail = BootstrapActionDetail { _badBootstrapActionConfig :: Maybe BootstrapActionConfig } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'BootstrapActionDetail' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'badBootstrapActionConfig' @::@ 'Maybe' 'BootstrapActionConfig' -- bootstrapActionDetail :: BootstrapActionDetail bootstrapActionDetail = BootstrapActionDetail { _badBootstrapActionConfig = Nothing } -- | A description of the bootstrap action. badBootstrapActionConfig :: Lens' BootstrapActionDetail (Maybe BootstrapActionConfig) badBootstrapActionConfig = lens _badBootstrapActionConfig (\s a -> s { _badBootstrapActionConfig = a }) instance FromJSON BootstrapActionDetail where parseJSON = withObject "BootstrapActionDetail" $ \o -> BootstrapActionDetail <$> o .:? "BootstrapActionConfig" instance ToJSON BootstrapActionDetail where toJSON BootstrapActionDetail{..} = object [ "BootstrapActionConfig" .= _badBootstrapActionConfig ] data StepExecutionStatusDetail = StepExecutionStatusDetail { _sesdCreationDateTime :: POSIX , _sesdEndDateTime :: Maybe POSIX , _sesdLastStateChangeReason :: Maybe Text , _sesdStartDateTime :: Maybe POSIX , _sesdState :: StepExecutionState } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'StepExecutionStatusDetail' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'sesdCreationDateTime' @::@ 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'sesdEndDateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'sesdLastStateChangeReason' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sesdStartDateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'sesdState' @::@ 'StepExecutionState' -- stepExecutionStatusDetail :: StepExecutionState -- ^ 'sesdState' -> UTCTime -- ^ 'sesdCreationDateTime' -> StepExecutionStatusDetail stepExecutionStatusDetail p1 p2 = StepExecutionStatusDetail { _sesdState = p1 , _sesdCreationDateTime = withIso _Time (const id) p2 , _sesdStartDateTime = Nothing , _sesdEndDateTime = Nothing , _sesdLastStateChangeReason = Nothing } -- | The creation date and time of the step. sesdCreationDateTime :: Lens' StepExecutionStatusDetail UTCTime sesdCreationDateTime = lens _sesdCreationDateTime (\s a -> s { _sesdCreationDateTime = a }) . _Time -- | The completion date and time of the step. sesdEndDateTime :: Lens' StepExecutionStatusDetail (Maybe UTCTime) sesdEndDateTime = lens _sesdEndDateTime (\s a -> s { _sesdEndDateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | A description of the step's current state. sesdLastStateChangeReason :: Lens' StepExecutionStatusDetail (Maybe Text) sesdLastStateChangeReason = lens _sesdLastStateChangeReason (\s a -> s { _sesdLastStateChangeReason = a }) -- | The start date and time of the step. sesdStartDateTime :: Lens' StepExecutionStatusDetail (Maybe UTCTime) sesdStartDateTime = lens _sesdStartDateTime (\s a -> s { _sesdStartDateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The state of the job flow step. sesdState :: Lens' StepExecutionStatusDetail StepExecutionState sesdState = lens _sesdState (\s a -> s { _sesdState = a }) instance FromJSON StepExecutionStatusDetail where parseJSON = withObject "StepExecutionStatusDetail" $ \o -> StepExecutionStatusDetail <$> o .: "CreationDateTime" <*> o .:? "EndDateTime" <*> o .:? "LastStateChangeReason" <*> o .:? "StartDateTime" <*> o .: "State" instance ToJSON StepExecutionStatusDetail where toJSON StepExecutionStatusDetail{..} = object [ "State" .= _sesdState , "CreationDateTime" .= _sesdCreationDateTime , "StartDateTime" .= _sesdStartDateTime , "EndDateTime" .= _sesdEndDateTime , "LastStateChangeReason" .= _sesdLastStateChangeReason ] data InstanceStatus = InstanceStatus { _isState :: Maybe InstanceState , _isStateChangeReason :: Maybe InstanceStateChangeReason , _isTimeline :: Maybe InstanceTimeline } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'InstanceStatus' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'isState' @::@ 'Maybe' 'InstanceState' -- -- * 'isStateChangeReason' @::@ 'Maybe' 'InstanceStateChangeReason' -- -- * 'isTimeline' @::@ 'Maybe' 'InstanceTimeline' -- instanceStatus :: InstanceStatus instanceStatus = InstanceStatus { _isState = Nothing , _isStateChangeReason = Nothing , _isTimeline = Nothing } -- | The current state of the instance. isState :: Lens' InstanceStatus (Maybe InstanceState) isState = lens _isState (\s a -> s { _isState = a }) -- | The details of the status change reason for the instance. isStateChangeReason :: Lens' InstanceStatus (Maybe InstanceStateChangeReason) isStateChangeReason = lens _isStateChangeReason (\s a -> s { _isStateChangeReason = a }) -- | The timeline of the instance status over time. isTimeline :: Lens' InstanceStatus (Maybe InstanceTimeline) isTimeline = lens _isTimeline (\s a -> s { _isTimeline = a }) instance FromJSON InstanceStatus where parseJSON = withObject "InstanceStatus" $ \o -> InstanceStatus <$> o .:? "State" <*> o .:? "StateChangeReason" <*> o .:? "Timeline" instance ToJSON InstanceStatus where toJSON InstanceStatus{..} = object [ "State" .= _isState , "StateChangeReason" .= _isStateChangeReason , "Timeline" .= _isTimeline ] data InstanceRoleType = IRTCore -- ^ CORE | IRTMaster -- ^ MASTER | IRTTask -- ^ TASK deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable InstanceRoleType instance FromText InstanceRoleType where parser = takeText >>= \case "CORE" -> pure IRTCore "MASTER" -> pure IRTMaster "TASK" -> pure IRTTask e -> fail $ "Failure parsing InstanceRoleType from " ++ show e instance ToText InstanceRoleType where toText = \case IRTCore -> "CORE" IRTMaster -> "MASTER" IRTTask -> "TASK" instance ToByteString InstanceRoleType instance ToHeader InstanceRoleType instance ToQuery InstanceRoleType instance FromJSON InstanceRoleType where parseJSON = parseJSONText "InstanceRoleType" instance ToJSON InstanceRoleType where toJSON = toJSONText data JobFlowInstancesConfig = JobFlowInstancesConfig { _jficEc2KeyName :: Maybe Text , _jficEc2SubnetId :: Maybe Text , _jficHadoopVersion :: Maybe Text , _jficInstanceCount :: Maybe Int , _jficInstanceGroups :: List "InstanceGroups" InstanceGroupConfig , _jficKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps :: Maybe Bool , _jficMasterInstanceType :: Maybe Text , _jficPlacement :: Maybe PlacementType , _jficSlaveInstanceType :: Maybe Text , _jficTerminationProtected :: Maybe Bool } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'JobFlowInstancesConfig' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'jficEc2KeyName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'jficEc2SubnetId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'jficHadoopVersion' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'jficInstanceCount' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- -- * 'jficInstanceGroups' @::@ ['InstanceGroupConfig'] -- -- * 'jficKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool' -- -- * 'jficMasterInstanceType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'jficPlacement' @::@ 'Maybe' 'PlacementType' -- -- * 'jficSlaveInstanceType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'jficTerminationProtected' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool' -- jobFlowInstancesConfig :: JobFlowInstancesConfig jobFlowInstancesConfig = JobFlowInstancesConfig { _jficMasterInstanceType = Nothing , _jficSlaveInstanceType = Nothing , _jficInstanceCount = Nothing , _jficInstanceGroups = mempty , _jficEc2KeyName = Nothing , _jficPlacement = Nothing , _jficKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps = Nothing , _jficTerminationProtected = Nothing , _jficHadoopVersion = Nothing , _jficEc2SubnetId = Nothing } -- | The name of the Amazon EC2 key pair that can be used to ssh to the master -- node as the user called "hadoop." jficEc2KeyName :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Text) jficEc2KeyName = lens _jficEc2KeyName (\s a -> s { _jficEc2KeyName = a }) -- | To launch the job flow in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), set -- this parameter to the identifier of the Amazon VPC subnet where you want the -- job flow to launch. If you do not specify this value, the job flow is -- launched in the normal Amazon Web Services cloud, outside of an Amazon VPC. -- -- Amazon VPC currently does not support cluster compute quadruple extra large -- (cc1.4xlarge) instances. Thus you cannot specify the cc1.4xlarge instance -- type for nodes of a job flow launched in a Amazon VPC. jficEc2SubnetId :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Text) jficEc2SubnetId = lens _jficEc2SubnetId (\s a -> s { _jficEc2SubnetId = a }) -- | The Hadoop version for the job flow. Valid inputs are "0.18", "0.20", or -- "0.20.205". If you do not set this value, the default of 0.18 is used, unless -- the AmiVersion parameter is set in the RunJobFlow call, in which case the -- default version of Hadoop for that AMI version is used. jficHadoopVersion :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Text) jficHadoopVersion = lens _jficHadoopVersion (\s a -> s { _jficHadoopVersion = a }) -- | The number of Amazon EC2 instances used to execute the job flow. jficInstanceCount :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Int) jficInstanceCount = lens _jficInstanceCount (\s a -> s { _jficInstanceCount = a }) -- | Configuration for the job flow's instance groups. jficInstanceGroups :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig [InstanceGroupConfig] jficInstanceGroups = lens _jficInstanceGroups (\s a -> s { _jficInstanceGroups = a }) . _List -- | Specifies whether the job flow should terminate after completing all steps. jficKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Bool) jficKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps = lens _jficKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps (\s a -> s { _jficKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps = a }) -- | The EC2 instance type of the master node. jficMasterInstanceType :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Text) jficMasterInstanceType = lens _jficMasterInstanceType (\s a -> s { _jficMasterInstanceType = a }) -- | The Availability Zone the job flow will run in. jficPlacement :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe PlacementType) jficPlacement = lens _jficPlacement (\s a -> s { _jficPlacement = a }) -- | The EC2 instance type of the slave nodes. jficSlaveInstanceType :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Text) jficSlaveInstanceType = lens _jficSlaveInstanceType (\s a -> s { _jficSlaveInstanceType = a }) -- | Specifies whether to lock the job flow to prevent the Amazon EC2 instances -- from being terminated by API call, user intervention, or in the event of a -- job flow error. jficTerminationProtected :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Bool) jficTerminationProtected = lens _jficTerminationProtected (\s a -> s { _jficTerminationProtected = a }) instance FromJSON JobFlowInstancesConfig where parseJSON = withObject "JobFlowInstancesConfig" $ \o -> JobFlowInstancesConfig <$> o .:? "Ec2KeyName" <*> o .:? "Ec2SubnetId" <*> o .:? "HadoopVersion" <*> o .:? "InstanceCount" <*> o .: "InstanceGroups" <*> o .:? "KeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps" <*> o .:? "MasterInstanceType" <*> o .:? "Placement" <*> o .:? "SlaveInstanceType" <*> o .:? "TerminationProtected" instance ToJSON JobFlowInstancesConfig where toJSON JobFlowInstancesConfig{..} = object [ "MasterInstanceType" .= _jficMasterInstanceType , "SlaveInstanceType" .= _jficSlaveInstanceType , "InstanceCount" .= _jficInstanceCount , "InstanceGroups" .= _jficInstanceGroups , "Ec2KeyName" .= _jficEc2KeyName , "Placement" .= _jficPlacement , "KeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps" .= _jficKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps , "TerminationProtected" .= _jficTerminationProtected , "HadoopVersion" .= _jficHadoopVersion , "Ec2SubnetId" .= _jficEc2SubnetId ] data StepConfig = StepConfig { _scActionOnFailure :: Maybe ActionOnFailure , _scHadoopJarStep :: HadoopJarStepConfig , _scName :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'StepConfig' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'scActionOnFailure' @::@ 'Maybe' 'ActionOnFailure' -- -- * 'scHadoopJarStep' @::@ 'HadoopJarStepConfig' -- -- * 'scName' @::@ 'Text' -- stepConfig :: Text -- ^ 'scName' -> HadoopJarStepConfig -- ^ 'scHadoopJarStep' -> StepConfig stepConfig p1 p2 = StepConfig { _scName = p1 , _scHadoopJarStep = p2 , _scActionOnFailure = Nothing } -- | The action to take if the job flow step fails. scActionOnFailure :: Lens' StepConfig (Maybe ActionOnFailure) scActionOnFailure = lens _scActionOnFailure (\s a -> s { _scActionOnFailure = a }) -- | The JAR file used for the job flow step. scHadoopJarStep :: Lens' StepConfig HadoopJarStepConfig scHadoopJarStep = lens _scHadoopJarStep (\s a -> s { _scHadoopJarStep = a }) -- | The name of the job flow step. scName :: Lens' StepConfig Text scName = lens _scName (\s a -> s { _scName = a }) instance FromJSON StepConfig where parseJSON = withObject "StepConfig" $ \o -> StepConfig <$> o .:? "ActionOnFailure" <*> o .: "HadoopJarStep" <*> o .: "Name" instance ToJSON StepConfig where toJSON StepConfig{..} = object [ "Name" .= _scName , "ActionOnFailure" .= _scActionOnFailure , "HadoopJarStep" .= _scHadoopJarStep ] data InstanceGroup = InstanceGroup { _igBidPrice :: Maybe Text , _igId :: Maybe Text , _igInstanceGroupType :: Maybe InstanceGroupType , _igInstanceType :: Maybe Text , _igMarket :: Maybe MarketType , _igName :: Maybe Text , _igRequestedInstanceCount :: Maybe Int , _igRunningInstanceCount :: Maybe Int , _igStatus :: Maybe InstanceGroupStatus } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'InstanceGroup' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'igBidPrice' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'igId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'igInstanceGroupType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'InstanceGroupType' -- -- * 'igInstanceType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'igMarket' @::@ 'Maybe' 'MarketType' -- -- * 'igName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'igRequestedInstanceCount' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- -- * 'igRunningInstanceCount' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- -- * 'igStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'InstanceGroupStatus' -- instanceGroup :: InstanceGroup instanceGroup = InstanceGroup { _igId = Nothing , _igName = Nothing , _igMarket = Nothing , _igInstanceGroupType = Nothing , _igBidPrice = Nothing , _igInstanceType = Nothing , _igRequestedInstanceCount = Nothing , _igRunningInstanceCount = Nothing , _igStatus = Nothing } -- | The bid price for each EC2 instance in the instance group when launching -- nodes as Spot Instances, expressed in USD. igBidPrice :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Text) igBidPrice = lens _igBidPrice (\s a -> s { _igBidPrice = a }) -- | The identifier of the instance group. igId :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Text) igId = lens _igId (\s a -> s { _igId = a }) -- | The type of the instance group. Valid values are MASTER, CORE or TASK. igInstanceGroupType :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe InstanceGroupType) igInstanceGroupType = lens _igInstanceGroupType (\s a -> s { _igInstanceGroupType = a }) -- | The EC2 instance type for all instances in the instance group. igInstanceType :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Text) igInstanceType = lens _igInstanceType (\s a -> s { _igInstanceType = a }) -- | The marketplace to provision instances for this group. Valid values are -- ON_DEMAND or SPOT. igMarket :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe MarketType) igMarket = lens _igMarket (\s a -> s { _igMarket = a }) -- | The name of the instance group. igName :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Text) igName = lens _igName (\s a -> s { _igName = a }) -- | The target number of instances for the instance group. igRequestedInstanceCount :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Int) igRequestedInstanceCount = lens _igRequestedInstanceCount (\s a -> s { _igRequestedInstanceCount = a }) -- | The number of instances currently running in this instance group. igRunningInstanceCount :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Int) igRunningInstanceCount = lens _igRunningInstanceCount (\s a -> s { _igRunningInstanceCount = a }) -- | The current status of the instance group. igStatus :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe InstanceGroupStatus) igStatus = lens _igStatus (\s a -> s { _igStatus = a }) instance FromJSON InstanceGroup where parseJSON = withObject "InstanceGroup" $ \o -> InstanceGroup <$> o .:? "BidPrice" <*> o .:? "Id" <*> o .:? "InstanceGroupType" <*> o .:? "InstanceType" <*> o .:? "Market" <*> o .:? "Name" <*> o .:? "RequestedInstanceCount" <*> o .:? "RunningInstanceCount" <*> o .:? "Status" instance ToJSON InstanceGroup where toJSON InstanceGroup{..} = object [ "Id" .= _igId , "Name" .= _igName , "Market" .= _igMarket , "InstanceGroupType" .= _igInstanceGroupType , "BidPrice" .= _igBidPrice , "InstanceType" .= _igInstanceType , "RequestedInstanceCount" .= _igRequestedInstanceCount , "RunningInstanceCount" .= _igRunningInstanceCount , "Status" .= _igStatus ] data BootstrapActionConfig = BootstrapActionConfig { _bacName :: Text , _bacScriptBootstrapAction :: ScriptBootstrapActionConfig } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'BootstrapActionConfig' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'bacName' @::@ 'Text' -- -- * 'bacScriptBootstrapAction' @::@ 'ScriptBootstrapActionConfig' -- bootstrapActionConfig :: Text -- ^ 'bacName' -> ScriptBootstrapActionConfig -- ^ 'bacScriptBootstrapAction' -> BootstrapActionConfig bootstrapActionConfig p1 p2 = BootstrapActionConfig { _bacName = p1 , _bacScriptBootstrapAction = p2 } -- | The name of the bootstrap action. bacName :: Lens' BootstrapActionConfig Text bacName = lens _bacName (\s a -> s { _bacName = a }) -- | The script run by the bootstrap action. bacScriptBootstrapAction :: Lens' BootstrapActionConfig ScriptBootstrapActionConfig bacScriptBootstrapAction = lens _bacScriptBootstrapAction (\s a -> s { _bacScriptBootstrapAction = a }) instance FromJSON BootstrapActionConfig where parseJSON = withObject "BootstrapActionConfig" $ \o -> BootstrapActionConfig <$> o .: "Name" <*> o .: "ScriptBootstrapAction" instance ToJSON BootstrapActionConfig where toJSON BootstrapActionConfig{..} = object [ "Name" .= _bacName , "ScriptBootstrapAction" .= _bacScriptBootstrapAction ] data ClusterSummary = ClusterSummary { _csId :: Maybe Text , _csName :: Maybe Text , _csStatus :: Maybe ClusterStatus } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'ClusterSummary' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'csId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'csName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'csStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'ClusterStatus' -- clusterSummary :: ClusterSummary clusterSummary = ClusterSummary { _csId = Nothing , _csName = Nothing , _csStatus = Nothing } -- | The unique identifier for the cluster. csId :: Lens' ClusterSummary (Maybe Text) csId = lens _csId (\s a -> s { _csId = a }) -- | The name of the cluster. csName :: Lens' ClusterSummary (Maybe Text) csName = lens _csName (\s a -> s { _csName = a }) -- | The details about the current status of the cluster. csStatus :: Lens' ClusterSummary (Maybe ClusterStatus) csStatus = lens _csStatus (\s a -> s { _csStatus = a }) instance FromJSON ClusterSummary where parseJSON = withObject "ClusterSummary" $ \o -> ClusterSummary <$> o .:? "Id" <*> o .:? "Name" <*> o .:? "Status" instance ToJSON ClusterSummary where toJSON ClusterSummary{..} = object [ "Id" .= _csId , "Name" .= _csName , "Status" .= _csStatus ] data JobFlowInstancesDetail = JobFlowInstancesDetail { _jfidEc2KeyName :: Maybe Text , _jfidEc2SubnetId :: Maybe Text , _jfidHadoopVersion :: Maybe Text , _jfidInstanceCount :: Int , _jfidInstanceGroups :: List "InstanceGroups" InstanceGroupDetail , _jfidKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps :: Maybe Bool , _jfidMasterInstanceId :: Maybe Text , _jfidMasterInstanceType :: Text , _jfidMasterPublicDnsName :: Maybe Text , _jfidNormalizedInstanceHours :: Maybe Int , _jfidPlacement :: Maybe PlacementType , _jfidSlaveInstanceType :: Text , _jfidTerminationProtected :: Maybe Bool } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'JobFlowInstancesDetail' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'jfidEc2KeyName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'jfidEc2SubnetId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'jfidHadoopVersion' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'jfidInstanceCount' @::@ 'Int' -- -- * 'jfidInstanceGroups' @::@ ['InstanceGroupDetail'] -- -- * 'jfidKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool' -- -- * 'jfidMasterInstanceId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'jfidMasterInstanceType' @::@ 'Text' -- -- * 'jfidMasterPublicDnsName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'jfidNormalizedInstanceHours' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- -- * 'jfidPlacement' @::@ 'Maybe' 'PlacementType' -- -- * 'jfidSlaveInstanceType' @::@ 'Text' -- -- * 'jfidTerminationProtected' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool' -- jobFlowInstancesDetail :: Text -- ^ 'jfidMasterInstanceType' -> Text -- ^ 'jfidSlaveInstanceType' -> Int -- ^ 'jfidInstanceCount' -> JobFlowInstancesDetail jobFlowInstancesDetail p1 p2 p3 = JobFlowInstancesDetail { _jfidMasterInstanceType = p1 , _jfidSlaveInstanceType = p2 , _jfidInstanceCount = p3 , _jfidMasterPublicDnsName = Nothing , _jfidMasterInstanceId = Nothing , _jfidInstanceGroups = mempty , _jfidNormalizedInstanceHours = Nothing , _jfidEc2KeyName = Nothing , _jfidEc2SubnetId = Nothing , _jfidPlacement = Nothing , _jfidKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps = Nothing , _jfidTerminationProtected = Nothing , _jfidHadoopVersion = Nothing } -- | The name of an Amazon EC2 key pair that can be used to ssh to the master node -- of job flow. jfidEc2KeyName :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesDetail (Maybe Text) jfidEc2KeyName = lens _jfidEc2KeyName (\s a -> s { _jfidEc2KeyName = a }) -- | For job flows launched within Amazon Virtual Private Cloud, this value -- specifies the identifier of the subnet where the job flow was launched. jfidEc2SubnetId :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesDetail (Maybe Text) jfidEc2SubnetId = lens _jfidEc2SubnetId (\s a -> s { _jfidEc2SubnetId = a }) -- | The Hadoop version for the job flow. jfidHadoopVersion :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesDetail (Maybe Text) jfidHadoopVersion = lens _jfidHadoopVersion (\s a -> s { _jfidHadoopVersion = a }) -- | The number of Amazon EC2 instances in the cluster. If the value is 1, the -- same instance serves as both the master and slave node. If the value is -- greater than 1, one instance is the master node and all others are slave -- nodes. jfidInstanceCount :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesDetail Int jfidInstanceCount = lens _jfidInstanceCount (\s a -> s { _jfidInstanceCount = a }) -- | Details about the job flow's instance groups. jfidInstanceGroups :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesDetail [InstanceGroupDetail] jfidInstanceGroups = lens _jfidInstanceGroups (\s a -> s { _jfidInstanceGroups = a }) . _List -- | Specifies whether the job flow should terminate after completing all steps. jfidKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesDetail (Maybe Bool) jfidKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps = lens _jfidKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps (\s a -> s { _jfidKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps = a }) -- | The Amazon EC2 instance identifier of the master node. jfidMasterInstanceId :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesDetail (Maybe Text) jfidMasterInstanceId = lens _jfidMasterInstanceId (\s a -> s { _jfidMasterInstanceId = a }) -- | The Amazon EC2 master node instance type. jfidMasterInstanceType :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesDetail Text jfidMasterInstanceType = lens _jfidMasterInstanceType (\s a -> s { _jfidMasterInstanceType = a }) -- | The DNS name of the master node. jfidMasterPublicDnsName :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesDetail (Maybe Text) jfidMasterPublicDnsName = lens _jfidMasterPublicDnsName (\s a -> s { _jfidMasterPublicDnsName = a }) -- | An approximation of the cost of the job flow, represented in m1.small/hours. -- This value is incremented once for every hour an m1.small runs. Larger -- instances are weighted more, so an Amazon EC2 instance that is roughly four -- times more expensive would result in the normalized instance hours being -- incremented by four. This result is only an approximation and does not -- reflect the actual billing rate. jfidNormalizedInstanceHours :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesDetail (Maybe Int) jfidNormalizedInstanceHours = lens _jfidNormalizedInstanceHours (\s a -> s { _jfidNormalizedInstanceHours = a }) -- | The Amazon EC2 Availability Zone for the job flow. jfidPlacement :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesDetail (Maybe PlacementType) jfidPlacement = lens _jfidPlacement (\s a -> s { _jfidPlacement = a }) -- | The Amazon EC2 slave node instance type. jfidSlaveInstanceType :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesDetail Text jfidSlaveInstanceType = lens _jfidSlaveInstanceType (\s a -> s { _jfidSlaveInstanceType = a }) -- | Specifies whether the Amazon EC2 instances in the cluster are protected from -- termination by API calls, user intervention, or in the event of a job flow -- error. jfidTerminationProtected :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesDetail (Maybe Bool) jfidTerminationProtected = lens _jfidTerminationProtected (\s a -> s { _jfidTerminationProtected = a }) instance FromJSON JobFlowInstancesDetail where parseJSON = withObject "JobFlowInstancesDetail" $ \o -> JobFlowInstancesDetail <$> o .:? "Ec2KeyName" <*> o .:? "Ec2SubnetId" <*> o .:? "HadoopVersion" <*> o .: "InstanceCount" <*> o .: "InstanceGroups" <*> o .:? "KeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps" <*> o .:? "MasterInstanceId" <*> o .: "MasterInstanceType" <*> o .:? "MasterPublicDnsName" <*> o .:? "NormalizedInstanceHours" <*> o .:? "Placement" <*> o .: "SlaveInstanceType" <*> o .:? "TerminationProtected" instance ToJSON JobFlowInstancesDetail where toJSON JobFlowInstancesDetail{..} = object [ "MasterInstanceType" .= _jfidMasterInstanceType , "MasterPublicDnsName" .= _jfidMasterPublicDnsName , "MasterInstanceId" .= _jfidMasterInstanceId , "SlaveInstanceType" .= _jfidSlaveInstanceType , "InstanceCount" .= _jfidInstanceCount , "InstanceGroups" .= _jfidInstanceGroups , "NormalizedInstanceHours" .= _jfidNormalizedInstanceHours , "Ec2KeyName" .= _jfidEc2KeyName , "Ec2SubnetId" .= _jfidEc2SubnetId , "Placement" .= _jfidPlacement , "KeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps" .= _jfidKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps , "TerminationProtected" .= _jfidTerminationProtected , "HadoopVersion" .= _jfidHadoopVersion ] data ClusterStatus = ClusterStatus { _csState :: Maybe ClusterState , _csStateChangeReason :: Maybe ClusterStateChangeReason , _csTimeline :: Maybe ClusterTimeline } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'ClusterStatus' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'csState' @::@ 'Maybe' 'ClusterState' -- -- * 'csStateChangeReason' @::@ 'Maybe' 'ClusterStateChangeReason' -- -- * 'csTimeline' @::@ 'Maybe' 'ClusterTimeline' -- clusterStatus :: ClusterStatus clusterStatus = ClusterStatus { _csState = Nothing , _csStateChangeReason = Nothing , _csTimeline = Nothing } -- | The current state of the cluster. csState :: Lens' ClusterStatus (Maybe ClusterState) csState = lens _csState (\s a -> s { _csState = a }) -- | The reason for the cluster status change. csStateChangeReason :: Lens' ClusterStatus (Maybe ClusterStateChangeReason) csStateChangeReason = lens _csStateChangeReason (\s a -> s { _csStateChangeReason = a }) -- | A timeline that represents the status of a cluster over the lifetime of the -- cluster. csTimeline :: Lens' ClusterStatus (Maybe ClusterTimeline) csTimeline = lens _csTimeline (\s a -> s { _csTimeline = a }) instance FromJSON ClusterStatus where parseJSON = withObject "ClusterStatus" $ \o -> ClusterStatus <$> o .:? "State" <*> o .:? "StateChangeReason" <*> o .:? "Timeline" instance ToJSON ClusterStatus where toJSON ClusterStatus{..} = object [ "State" .= _csState , "StateChangeReason" .= _csStateChangeReason , "Timeline" .= _csTimeline ] data InstanceState = ISAwaitingFulfillment -- ^ AWAITING_FULFILLMENT | ISBootstrapping -- ^ BOOTSTRAPPING | ISProvisioning -- ^ PROVISIONING | ISRunning -- ^ RUNNING | ISTerminated -- ^ TERMINATED deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable InstanceState instance FromText InstanceState where parser = takeText >>= \case "AWAITING_FULFILLMENT" -> pure ISAwaitingFulfillment "BOOTSTRAPPING" -> pure ISBootstrapping "PROVISIONING" -> pure ISProvisioning "RUNNING" -> pure ISRunning "TERMINATED" -> pure ISTerminated e -> fail $ "Failure parsing InstanceState from " ++ show e instance ToText InstanceState where toText = \case ISAwaitingFulfillment -> "AWAITING_FULFILLMENT" ISBootstrapping -> "BOOTSTRAPPING" ISProvisioning -> "PROVISIONING" ISRunning -> "RUNNING" ISTerminated -> "TERMINATED" instance ToByteString InstanceState instance ToHeader InstanceState instance ToQuery InstanceState instance FromJSON InstanceState where parseJSON = parseJSONText "InstanceState" instance ToJSON InstanceState where toJSON = toJSONText data ClusterTimeline = ClusterTimeline { _ctCreationDateTime :: Maybe POSIX , _ctEndDateTime :: Maybe POSIX , _ctReadyDateTime :: Maybe POSIX } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'ClusterTimeline' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'ctCreationDateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'ctEndDateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'ctReadyDateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- clusterTimeline :: ClusterTimeline clusterTimeline = ClusterTimeline { _ctCreationDateTime = Nothing , _ctReadyDateTime = Nothing , _ctEndDateTime = Nothing } -- | The creation date and time of the cluster. ctCreationDateTime :: Lens' ClusterTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) ctCreationDateTime = lens _ctCreationDateTime (\s a -> s { _ctCreationDateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The date and time when the cluster was terminated. ctEndDateTime :: Lens' ClusterTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) ctEndDateTime = lens _ctEndDateTime (\s a -> s { _ctEndDateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The date and time when the cluster was ready to execute steps. ctReadyDateTime :: Lens' ClusterTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) ctReadyDateTime = lens _ctReadyDateTime (\s a -> s { _ctReadyDateTime = a }) . mapping _Time instance FromJSON ClusterTimeline where parseJSON = withObject "ClusterTimeline" $ \o -> ClusterTimeline <$> o .:? "CreationDateTime" <*> o .:? "EndDateTime" <*> o .:? "ReadyDateTime" instance ToJSON ClusterTimeline where toJSON ClusterTimeline{..} = object [ "CreationDateTime" .= _ctCreationDateTime , "ReadyDateTime" .= _ctReadyDateTime , "EndDateTime" .= _ctEndDateTime ] data InstanceStateChangeReasonCode = ISCRCBootstrapFailure -- ^ BOOTSTRAP_FAILURE | ISCRCClusterTerminated -- ^ CLUSTER_TERMINATED | ISCRCInstanceFailure -- ^ INSTANCE_FAILURE | ISCRCInternalError -- ^ INTERNAL_ERROR | ISCRCValidationError -- ^ VALIDATION_ERROR deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable InstanceStateChangeReasonCode instance FromText InstanceStateChangeReasonCode where parser = takeText >>= \case "BOOTSTRAP_FAILURE" -> pure ISCRCBootstrapFailure "CLUSTER_TERMINATED" -> pure ISCRCClusterTerminated "INSTANCE_FAILURE" -> pure ISCRCInstanceFailure "INTERNAL_ERROR" -> pure ISCRCInternalError "VALIDATION_ERROR" -> pure ISCRCValidationError e -> fail $ "Failure parsing InstanceStateChangeReasonCode from " ++ show e instance ToText InstanceStateChangeReasonCode where toText = \case ISCRCBootstrapFailure -> "BOOTSTRAP_FAILURE" ISCRCClusterTerminated -> "CLUSTER_TERMINATED" ISCRCInstanceFailure -> "INSTANCE_FAILURE" ISCRCInternalError -> "INTERNAL_ERROR" ISCRCValidationError -> "VALIDATION_ERROR" instance ToByteString InstanceStateChangeReasonCode instance ToHeader InstanceStateChangeReasonCode instance ToQuery InstanceStateChangeReasonCode instance FromJSON InstanceStateChangeReasonCode where parseJSON = parseJSONText "InstanceStateChangeReasonCode" instance ToJSON InstanceStateChangeReasonCode where toJSON = toJSONText data Instance = Instance { _iEc2InstanceId :: Maybe Text , _iId :: Maybe Text , _iPrivateDnsName :: Maybe Text , _iPrivateIpAddress :: Maybe Text , _iPublicDnsName :: Maybe Text , _iPublicIpAddress :: Maybe Text , _iStatus :: Maybe InstanceStatus } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'Instance' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'iEc2InstanceId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'iId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'iPrivateDnsName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'iPrivateIpAddress' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'iPublicDnsName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'iPublicIpAddress' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'iStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'InstanceStatus' -- instance' :: Instance instance' = Instance { _iId = Nothing , _iEc2InstanceId = Nothing , _iPublicDnsName = Nothing , _iPublicIpAddress = Nothing , _iPrivateDnsName = Nothing , _iPrivateIpAddress = Nothing , _iStatus = Nothing } -- | The unique identifier of the instance in Amazon EC2. iEc2InstanceId :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) iEc2InstanceId = lens _iEc2InstanceId (\s a -> s { _iEc2InstanceId = a }) -- | The unique identifier for the instance in Amazon EMR. iId :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) iId = lens _iId (\s a -> s { _iId = a }) -- | The private DNS name of the instance. iPrivateDnsName :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) iPrivateDnsName = lens _iPrivateDnsName (\s a -> s { _iPrivateDnsName = a }) -- | The private IP address of the instance. iPrivateIpAddress :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) iPrivateIpAddress = lens _iPrivateIpAddress (\s a -> s { _iPrivateIpAddress = a }) -- | The public DNS name of the instance. iPublicDnsName :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) iPublicDnsName = lens _iPublicDnsName (\s a -> s { _iPublicDnsName = a }) -- | The public IP address of the instance. iPublicIpAddress :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) iPublicIpAddress = lens _iPublicIpAddress (\s a -> s { _iPublicIpAddress = a }) -- | The current status of the instance. iStatus :: Lens' Instance (Maybe InstanceStatus) iStatus = lens _iStatus (\s a -> s { _iStatus = a }) instance FromJSON Instance where parseJSON = withObject "Instance" $ \o -> Instance <$> o .:? "Ec2InstanceId" <*> o .:? "Id" <*> o .:? "PrivateDnsName" <*> o .:? "PrivateIpAddress" <*> o .:? "PublicDnsName" <*> o .:? "PublicIpAddress" <*> o .:? "Status" instance ToJSON Instance where toJSON Instance{..} = object [ "Id" .= _iId , "Ec2InstanceId" .= _iEc2InstanceId , "PublicDnsName" .= _iPublicDnsName , "PublicIpAddress" .= _iPublicIpAddress , "PrivateDnsName" .= _iPrivateDnsName , "PrivateIpAddress" .= _iPrivateIpAddress , "Status" .= _iStatus ] data ScriptBootstrapActionConfig = ScriptBootstrapActionConfig { _sbacArgs :: List "Args" Text , _sbacPath :: Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'ScriptBootstrapActionConfig' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'sbacArgs' @::@ ['Text'] -- -- * 'sbacPath' @::@ 'Text' -- scriptBootstrapActionConfig :: Text -- ^ 'sbacPath' -> ScriptBootstrapActionConfig scriptBootstrapActionConfig p1 = ScriptBootstrapActionConfig { _sbacPath = p1 , _sbacArgs = mempty } -- | A list of command line arguments to pass to the bootstrap action script. sbacArgs :: Lens' ScriptBootstrapActionConfig [Text] sbacArgs = lens _sbacArgs (\s a -> s { _sbacArgs = a }) . _List -- | Location of the script to run during a bootstrap action. Can be either a -- location in Amazon S3 or on a local file system. sbacPath :: Lens' ScriptBootstrapActionConfig Text sbacPath = lens _sbacPath (\s a -> s { _sbacPath = a }) instance FromJSON ScriptBootstrapActionConfig where parseJSON = withObject "ScriptBootstrapActionConfig" $ \o -> ScriptBootstrapActionConfig <$> o .: "Args" <*> o .: "Path" instance ToJSON ScriptBootstrapActionConfig where toJSON ScriptBootstrapActionConfig{..} = object [ "Path" .= _sbacPath , "Args" .= _sbacArgs ]