{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0. -- | -- Module : Network.AWS.EMR.Types -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2015 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- module Network.AWS.EMR.Types ( -- * Service Configuration eMR -- * Errors , _InvalidRequestException , _InternalServerError , _InternalServerException -- * ActionOnFailure , ActionOnFailure (..) -- * ClusterState , ClusterState (..) -- * ClusterStateChangeReasonCode , ClusterStateChangeReasonCode (..) -- * InstanceGroupState , InstanceGroupState (..) -- * InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode , InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode (..) -- * InstanceGroupType , InstanceGroupType (..) -- * InstanceRoleType , InstanceRoleType (..) -- * InstanceState , InstanceState (..) -- * InstanceStateChangeReasonCode , InstanceStateChangeReasonCode (..) -- * MarketType , MarketType (..) -- * StepState , StepState (..) -- * StepStateChangeReasonCode , StepStateChangeReasonCode (..) -- * Application , Application , application , aAdditionalInfo , aArgs , aName , aVersion -- * BootstrapActionConfig , BootstrapActionConfig , bootstrapActionConfig , bacName , bacScriptBootstrapAction -- * Cluster , Cluster , cluster , cluRequestedAMIVersion , cluEC2InstanceAttributes , cluNormalizedInstanceHours , cluConfigurations , cluReleaseLabel , cluLogURI , cluRunningAMIVersion , cluMasterPublicDNSName , cluAutoTerminate , cluTerminationProtected , cluVisibleToAllUsers , cluApplications , cluTags , cluServiceRole , cluId , cluName , cluStatus -- * ClusterStateChangeReason , ClusterStateChangeReason , clusterStateChangeReason , cscrCode , cscrMessage -- * ClusterStatus , ClusterStatus , clusterStatus , csState , csStateChangeReason , csTimeline -- * ClusterSummary , ClusterSummary , clusterSummary , csStatus , csNormalizedInstanceHours , csName , csId -- * ClusterTimeline , ClusterTimeline , clusterTimeline , ctReadyDateTime , ctCreationDateTime , ctEndDateTime -- * Command , Command , command , cArgs , cScriptPath , cName -- * Configuration , Configuration , configuration , cConfigurations , cClassification , cProperties -- * EC2InstanceAttributes , EC2InstanceAttributes , ec2InstanceAttributes , eiaEC2KeyName , eiaEmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup , eiaAdditionalSlaveSecurityGroups , eiaIAMInstanceProfile , eiaAdditionalMasterSecurityGroups , eiaEmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup , eiaEC2SubnetId , eiaEC2AvailabilityZone -- * HadoopJARStepConfig , HadoopJARStepConfig , hadoopJARStepConfig , hjscArgs , hjscMainClass , hjscProperties , hjscJAR -- * HadoopStepConfig , HadoopStepConfig , hadoopStepConfig , hscArgs , hscJAR , hscMainClass , hscProperties -- * Instance , Instance , instance' , iStatus , iPublicDNSName , iEC2InstanceId , iPrivateIPAddress , iId , iPrivateDNSName , iPublicIPAddress -- * InstanceGroup , InstanceGroup , instanceGroup , igStatus , igBidPrice , igRequestedInstanceCount , igRunningInstanceCount , igConfigurations , igInstanceGroupType , igInstanceType , igMarket , igName , igId -- * InstanceGroupConfig , InstanceGroupConfig , instanceGroupConfig , igcBidPrice , igcConfigurations , igcMarket , igcName , igcInstanceRole , igcInstanceType , igcInstanceCount -- * InstanceGroupModifyConfig , InstanceGroupModifyConfig , instanceGroupModifyConfig , igmcInstanceCount , igmcEC2InstanceIdsToTerminate , igmcInstanceGroupId -- * InstanceGroupStateChangeReason , InstanceGroupStateChangeReason , instanceGroupStateChangeReason , igscrCode , igscrMessage -- * InstanceGroupStatus , InstanceGroupStatus , instanceGroupStatus , igsState , igsStateChangeReason , igsTimeline -- * InstanceGroupTimeline , InstanceGroupTimeline , instanceGroupTimeline , igtReadyDateTime , igtCreationDateTime , igtEndDateTime -- * InstanceStateChangeReason , InstanceStateChangeReason , instanceStateChangeReason , iscrCode , iscrMessage -- * InstanceStatus , InstanceStatus , instanceStatus , isState , isStateChangeReason , isTimeline -- * InstanceTimeline , InstanceTimeline , instanceTimeline , itReadyDateTime , itCreationDateTime , itEndDateTime -- * JobFlowInstancesConfig , JobFlowInstancesConfig , jobFlowInstancesConfig , jficSlaveInstanceType , jficEC2KeyName , jficInstanceCount , jficEmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup , jficAdditionalSlaveSecurityGroups , jficHadoopVersion , jficAdditionalMasterSecurityGroups , jficEmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup , jficEC2SubnetId , jficMasterInstanceType , jficInstanceGroups , jficKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps , jficTerminationProtected , jficPlacement -- * KeyValue , KeyValue , keyValue , kvValue , kvKey -- * PlacementType , PlacementType , placementType , ptAvailabilityZone -- * ScriptBootstrapActionConfig , ScriptBootstrapActionConfig , scriptBootstrapActionConfig , sbacArgs , sbacPath -- * Step , Step , step , sStatus , sActionOnFailure , sConfig , sName , sId -- * StepConfig , StepConfig , stepConfig , scActionOnFailure , scName , scHadoopJARStep -- * StepStateChangeReason , StepStateChangeReason , stepStateChangeReason , sscrCode , sscrMessage -- * StepStatus , StepStatus , stepStatus , ssState , ssStateChangeReason , ssTimeline -- * StepSummary , StepSummary , stepSummary , ssStatus , ssActionOnFailure , ssConfig , ssName , ssId -- * StepTimeline , StepTimeline , stepTimeline , stCreationDateTime , stEndDateTime , stStartDateTime -- * SupportedProductConfig , SupportedProductConfig , supportedProductConfig , spcArgs , spcName -- * Tag , Tag , tag , tagValue , tagKey ) where import Network.AWS.EMR.Types.Product import Network.AWS.EMR.Types.Sum import Network.AWS.Prelude import Network.AWS.Sign.V4 -- | API version '2009-03-31' of the Amazon Elastic MapReduce SDK configuration. eMR :: Service eMR = Service { _svcAbbrev = "EMR" , _svcSigner = v4 , _svcPrefix = "elasticmapreduce" , _svcVersion = "2009-03-31" , _svcEndpoint = defaultEndpoint eMR , _svcTimeout = Just 70 , _svcCheck = statusSuccess , _svcError = parseJSONError , _svcRetry = retry } where retry = Exponential { _retryBase = 5.0e-2 , _retryGrowth = 2 , _retryAttempts = 5 , _retryCheck = check } check e | has (hasCode "ThrottlingException" . hasStatus 400) e = Just "throttling_exception" | has (hasCode "Throttling" . hasStatus 400) e = Just "throttling" | has (hasStatus 503) e = Just "service_unavailable" | has (hasStatus 500) e = Just "general_server_error" | has (hasStatus 509) e = Just "limit_exceeded" | otherwise = Nothing -- | This exception occurs when there is something wrong with user input. _InvalidRequestException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _InvalidRequestException = _ServiceError . hasCode "InvalidRequestException" -- | Indicates that an error occurred while processing the request and that -- the request was not completed. _InternalServerError :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _InternalServerError = _ServiceError . hasStatus 500 . hasCode "InternalFailure" -- | This exception occurs when there is an internal failure in the EMR -- service. _InternalServerException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _InternalServerException = _ServiceError . hasCode "InternalServerException"