{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- Module : Network.AWS.Redshift.Types -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2014 Brendan Hay -- License : This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of -- the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- A copy of the MPL can be found in the LICENSE file or -- you can obtain it at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0. module Network.AWS.Redshift.Types ( -- * Service Redshift -- ** Error , RESTError -- ** XML , ns -- * Snapshot , Snapshot , snapshot , sAccountsWithRestoreAccess , sActualIncrementalBackupSizeInMegaBytes , sAvailabilityZone , sBackupProgressInMegaBytes , sClusterCreateTime , sClusterIdentifier , sClusterVersion , sCurrentBackupRateInMegaBytesPerSecond , sDBName , sElapsedTimeInSeconds , sEncrypted , sEncryptedWithHSM , sEstimatedSecondsToCompletion , sKmsKeyId , sMasterUsername , sNodeType , sNumberOfNodes , sOwnerAccount , sPort , sSnapshotCreateTime , sSnapshotIdentifier , sSnapshotType , sSourceRegion , sStatus , sTags , sTotalBackupSizeInMegaBytes , sVpcId -- * ClusterParameterGroup , ClusterParameterGroup , clusterParameterGroup , cpgDescription , cpgParameterGroupFamily , cpgParameterGroupName , cpgTags -- * RestoreStatus , RestoreStatus , restoreStatus , rsCurrentRestoreRateInMegaBytesPerSecond , rsElapsedTimeInSeconds , rsEstimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds , rsProgressInMegaBytes , rsSnapshotSizeInMegaBytes , rsStatus -- * Event , Event , event , eDate , eEventCategories , eEventId , eMessage , eSeverity , eSourceIdentifier , eSourceType -- * ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus , ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus , clusterSnapshotCopyStatus , cscsDestinationRegion , cscsRetentionPeriod -- * Tag , Tag , tag , tagKey , tagValue -- * HsmClientCertificate , HsmClientCertificate , hsmClientCertificate , hccHsmClientCertificateIdentifier , hccHsmClientCertificatePublicKey , hccTags -- * Cluster , Cluster , cluster , cAllowVersionUpgrade , cAutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod , cAvailabilityZone , cClusterCreateTime , cClusterIdentifier , cClusterNodes , cClusterParameterGroups , cClusterPublicKey , cClusterRevisionNumber , cClusterSecurityGroups , cClusterSnapshotCopyStatus , cClusterStatus , cClusterSubnetGroupName , cClusterVersion , cDBName , cElasticIpStatus , cEncrypted , cEndpoint , cHsmStatus , cKmsKeyId , cMasterUsername , cModifyStatus , cNodeType , cNumberOfNodes , cPendingModifiedValues , cPreferredMaintenanceWindow , cPubliclyAccessible , cRestoreStatus , cTags , cVpcId , cVpcSecurityGroups -- * ClusterNode , ClusterNode , clusterNode , cnNodeRole , cnPrivateIPAddress , cnPublicIPAddress -- * EC2SecurityGroup , EC2SecurityGroup , ec2SecurityGroup , ecsgEC2SecurityGroupName , ecsgEC2SecurityGroupOwnerId , ecsgStatus , ecsgTags -- * OrderableClusterOption , OrderableClusterOption , orderableClusterOption , ocoAvailabilityZones , ocoClusterType , ocoClusterVersion , ocoNodeType -- * SourceType , SourceType (..) -- * ClusterParameterGroupStatus , ClusterParameterGroupStatus , clusterParameterGroupStatus , cpgsParameterApplyStatus , cpgsParameterGroupName -- * Subnet , Subnet , subnet , sSubnetAvailabilityZone , sSubnetIdentifier , sSubnetStatus -- * ClusterSecurityGroup , ClusterSecurityGroup , clusterSecurityGroup , csgClusterSecurityGroupName , csgDescription , csgEC2SecurityGroups , csgIPRanges , csgTags -- * DefaultClusterParameters , DefaultClusterParameters , defaultClusterParameters , dcpMarker , dcpParameterGroupFamily , dcpParameters -- * ClusterSubnetGroup , ClusterSubnetGroup , clusterSubnetGroup , csg1ClusterSubnetGroupName , csg1Description , csg1SubnetGroupStatus , csg1Subnets , csg1Tags , csg1VpcId -- * EventInfoMap , EventInfoMap , eventInfoMap , eimEventCategories , eimEventDescription , eimEventId , eimSeverity -- * ClusterSecurityGroupMembership , ClusterSecurityGroupMembership , clusterSecurityGroupMembership , csgmClusterSecurityGroupName , csgmStatus -- * ReservedNodeOffering , ReservedNodeOffering , reservedNodeOffering , rnoCurrencyCode , rnoDuration , rnoFixedPrice , rnoNodeType , rnoOfferingType , rnoRecurringCharges , rnoReservedNodeOfferingId , rnoUsagePrice -- * ReservedNode , ReservedNode , reservedNode , rnCurrencyCode , rnDuration , rnFixedPrice , rnNodeCount , rnNodeType , rnOfferingType , rnRecurringCharges , rnReservedNodeId , rnReservedNodeOfferingId , rnStartTime , rnState , rnUsagePrice -- * LoggingStatus , LoggingStatus , loggingStatus , lsBucketName , lsLastFailureMessage , lsLastFailureTime , lsLastSuccessfulDeliveryTime , lsLoggingEnabled , lsS3KeyPrefix -- * AccountWithRestoreAccess , AccountWithRestoreAccess , accountWithRestoreAccess , awraAccountId -- * AvailabilityZone , AvailabilityZone , availabilityZone , azName -- * EventSubscription , EventSubscription , eventSubscription , esCustSubscriptionId , esCustomerAwsId , esEnabled , esEventCategoriesList , esSeverity , esSnsTopicArn , esSourceIdsList , esSourceType , esStatus , esSubscriptionCreationTime , esTags -- * HsmStatus , HsmStatus , hsmStatus , hsHsmClientCertificateIdentifier , hsHsmConfigurationIdentifier , hsStatus -- * ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage , ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage , clusterParameterGroupNameMessage , cpgnmParameterGroupName , cpgnmParameterGroupStatus -- * ElasticIpStatus , ElasticIpStatus , elasticIpStatus , eisElasticIp , eisStatus -- * ClusterVersion , ClusterVersion , clusterVersion , cvClusterParameterGroupFamily , cvClusterVersion , cvDescription -- * RecurringCharge , RecurringCharge , recurringCharge , rcRecurringChargeAmount , rcRecurringChargeFrequency -- * Endpoint , Endpoint , endpoint , eAddress , ePort -- * IPRange , IPRange , iprange , iprCIDRIP , iprStatus , iprTags -- * TaggedResource , TaggedResource , taggedResource , trResourceName , trResourceType , trTag -- * EventCategoriesMap , EventCategoriesMap , eventCategoriesMap , ecmEvents , ecmSourceType -- * HsmConfiguration , HsmConfiguration , hsmConfiguration , hcDescription , hcHsmConfigurationIdentifier , hcHsmIpAddress , hcHsmPartitionName , hcTags -- * PendingModifiedValues , PendingModifiedValues , pendingModifiedValues , pmvAutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod , pmvClusterIdentifier , pmvClusterType , pmvClusterVersion , pmvMasterUserPassword , pmvNodeType , pmvNumberOfNodes -- * VpcSecurityGroupMembership , VpcSecurityGroupMembership , vpcSecurityGroupMembership , vsgmStatus , vsgmVpcSecurityGroupId -- * Parameter , Parameter , parameter , pAllowedValues , pDataType , pDescription , pIsModifiable , pMinimumEngineVersion , pParameterName , pParameterValue , pSource ) where import Network.AWS.Prelude import Network.AWS.Signing import qualified GHC.Exts -- | Version @2012-12-01@ of the Amazon Redshift service. data Redshift instance AWSService Redshift where type Sg Redshift = V4 type Er Redshift = RESTError service = service' where service' :: Service Redshift service' = Service { _svcAbbrev = "Redshift" , _svcPrefix = "redshift" , _svcVersion = "2012-12-01" , _svcTargetPrefix = Nothing , _svcJSONVersion = Nothing , _svcHandle = handle , _svcRetry = retry } handle :: Status -> Maybe (LazyByteString -> ServiceError RESTError) handle = restError statusSuccess service' retry :: Retry Redshift retry = Exponential { _retryBase = 0.05 , _retryGrowth = 2 , _retryAttempts = 5 , _retryCheck = check } check :: Status -> RESTError -> Bool check (statusCode -> s) (awsErrorCode -> e) | s == 400 && (Just "Throttling") == e = True -- Throttling | s == 500 = True -- General Server Error | s == 509 = True -- Limit Exceeded | s == 503 = True -- Service Unavailable | otherwise = False ns :: Text ns = "http://redshift.amazonaws.com/doc/2012-12-01/" {-# INLINE ns #-} data Snapshot = Snapshot { _sAccountsWithRestoreAccess :: List "member" AccountWithRestoreAccess , _sActualIncrementalBackupSizeInMegaBytes :: Maybe Double , _sAvailabilityZone :: Maybe Text , _sBackupProgressInMegaBytes :: Maybe Double , _sClusterCreateTime :: Maybe ISO8601 , _sClusterIdentifier :: Maybe Text , _sClusterVersion :: Maybe Text , _sCurrentBackupRateInMegaBytesPerSecond :: Maybe Double , _sDBName :: Maybe Text , _sElapsedTimeInSeconds :: Maybe Integer , _sEncrypted :: Maybe Bool , _sEncryptedWithHSM :: Maybe Bool , _sEstimatedSecondsToCompletion :: Maybe Integer , _sKmsKeyId :: Maybe Text , _sMasterUsername :: Maybe Text , _sNodeType :: Maybe Text , _sNumberOfNodes :: Maybe Int , _sOwnerAccount :: Maybe Text , _sPort :: Maybe Int , _sSnapshotCreateTime :: Maybe ISO8601 , _sSnapshotIdentifier :: Maybe Text , _sSnapshotType :: Maybe Text , _sSourceRegion :: Maybe Text , _sStatus :: Maybe Text , _sTags :: List "member" Tag , _sTotalBackupSizeInMegaBytes :: Maybe Double , _sVpcId :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Read, Show) -- | 'Snapshot' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'sAccountsWithRestoreAccess' @::@ ['AccountWithRestoreAccess'] -- -- * 'sActualIncrementalBackupSizeInMegaBytes' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Double' -- -- * 'sAvailabilityZone' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sBackupProgressInMegaBytes' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Double' -- -- * 'sClusterCreateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'sClusterIdentifier' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sClusterVersion' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sCurrentBackupRateInMegaBytesPerSecond' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Double' -- -- * 'sDBName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sElapsedTimeInSeconds' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Integer' -- -- * 'sEncrypted' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool' -- -- * 'sEncryptedWithHSM' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool' -- -- * 'sEstimatedSecondsToCompletion' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Integer' -- -- * 'sKmsKeyId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sMasterUsername' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sNodeType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sNumberOfNodes' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- -- * 'sOwnerAccount' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sPort' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- -- * 'sSnapshotCreateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'sSnapshotIdentifier' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sSnapshotType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sSourceRegion' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sTags' @::@ ['Tag'] -- -- * 'sTotalBackupSizeInMegaBytes' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Double' -- -- * 'sVpcId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- snapshot :: Snapshot snapshot = Snapshot { _sSnapshotIdentifier = Nothing , _sClusterIdentifier = Nothing , _sSnapshotCreateTime = Nothing , _sStatus = Nothing , _sPort = Nothing , _sAvailabilityZone = Nothing , _sClusterCreateTime = Nothing , _sMasterUsername = Nothing , _sClusterVersion = Nothing , _sSnapshotType = Nothing , _sNodeType = Nothing , _sNumberOfNodes = Nothing , _sDBName = Nothing , _sVpcId = Nothing , _sEncrypted = Nothing , _sKmsKeyId = Nothing , _sEncryptedWithHSM = Nothing , _sAccountsWithRestoreAccess = mempty , _sOwnerAccount = Nothing , _sTotalBackupSizeInMegaBytes = Nothing , _sActualIncrementalBackupSizeInMegaBytes = Nothing , _sBackupProgressInMegaBytes = Nothing , _sCurrentBackupRateInMegaBytesPerSecond = Nothing , _sEstimatedSecondsToCompletion = Nothing , _sElapsedTimeInSeconds = Nothing , _sSourceRegion = Nothing , _sTags = mempty } -- | A list of the AWS customer accounts authorized to restore the snapshot. -- Returns 'null' if no accounts are authorized. Visible only to the snapshot -- owner. sAccountsWithRestoreAccess :: Lens' Snapshot [AccountWithRestoreAccess] sAccountsWithRestoreAccess = lens _sAccountsWithRestoreAccess (\s a -> s { _sAccountsWithRestoreAccess = a }) . _List -- | The size of the incremental backup. sActualIncrementalBackupSizeInMegaBytes :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Double) sActualIncrementalBackupSizeInMegaBytes = lens _sActualIncrementalBackupSizeInMegaBytes (\s a -> s { _sActualIncrementalBackupSizeInMegaBytes = a }) -- | The Availability Zone in which the cluster was created. sAvailabilityZone :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sAvailabilityZone = lens _sAvailabilityZone (\s a -> s { _sAvailabilityZone = a }) -- | The number of megabytes that have been transferred to the snapshot backup. sBackupProgressInMegaBytes :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Double) sBackupProgressInMegaBytes = lens _sBackupProgressInMegaBytes (\s a -> s { _sBackupProgressInMegaBytes = a }) -- | The time (UTC) when the cluster was originally created. sClusterCreateTime :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe UTCTime) sClusterCreateTime = lens _sClusterCreateTime (\s a -> s { _sClusterCreateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The identifier of the cluster for which the snapshot was taken. sClusterIdentifier :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sClusterIdentifier = lens _sClusterIdentifier (\s a -> s { _sClusterIdentifier = a }) -- | The version ID of the Amazon Redshift engine that is running on the cluster. sClusterVersion :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sClusterVersion = lens _sClusterVersion (\s a -> s { _sClusterVersion = a }) -- | The number of megabytes per second being transferred to the snapshot backup. -- Returns '0' for a completed backup. sCurrentBackupRateInMegaBytesPerSecond :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Double) sCurrentBackupRateInMegaBytesPerSecond = lens _sCurrentBackupRateInMegaBytesPerSecond (\s a -> s { _sCurrentBackupRateInMegaBytesPerSecond = a }) -- | The name of the database that was created when the cluster was created. sDBName :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sDBName = lens _sDBName (\s a -> s { _sDBName = a }) -- | The amount of time an in-progress snapshot backup has been running, or the -- amount of time it took a completed backup to finish. sElapsedTimeInSeconds :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Integer) sElapsedTimeInSeconds = lens _sElapsedTimeInSeconds (\s a -> s { _sElapsedTimeInSeconds = a }) -- | If 'true', the data in the snapshot is encrypted at rest. sEncrypted :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Bool) sEncrypted = lens _sEncrypted (\s a -> s { _sEncrypted = a }) -- | A boolean that indicates whether the snapshot data is encrypted using the HSM -- keys of the source cluster. 'true' indicates that the data is encrypted using -- HSM keys. sEncryptedWithHSM :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Bool) sEncryptedWithHSM = lens _sEncryptedWithHSM (\s a -> s { _sEncryptedWithHSM = a }) -- | The estimate of the time remaining before the snapshot backup will complete. -- Returns '0' for a completed backup. sEstimatedSecondsToCompletion :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Integer) sEstimatedSecondsToCompletion = lens _sEstimatedSecondsToCompletion (\s a -> s { _sEstimatedSecondsToCompletion = a }) -- | The AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key ID of the encryption key that was -- used to encrypt data in the cluster from which the snapshot was taken. sKmsKeyId :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sKmsKeyId = lens _sKmsKeyId (\s a -> s { _sKmsKeyId = a }) -- | The master user name for the cluster. sMasterUsername :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sMasterUsername = lens _sMasterUsername (\s a -> s { _sMasterUsername = a }) -- | The node type of the nodes in the cluster. sNodeType :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sNodeType = lens _sNodeType (\s a -> s { _sNodeType = a }) -- | The number of nodes in the cluster. sNumberOfNodes :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Int) sNumberOfNodes = lens _sNumberOfNodes (\s a -> s { _sNumberOfNodes = a }) -- | For manual snapshots, the AWS customer account used to create or copy the -- snapshot. For automatic snapshots, the owner of the cluster. The owner can -- perform all snapshot actions, such as sharing a manual snapshot. sOwnerAccount :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sOwnerAccount = lens _sOwnerAccount (\s a -> s { _sOwnerAccount = a }) -- | The port that the cluster is listening on. sPort :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Int) sPort = lens _sPort (\s a -> s { _sPort = a }) -- | The time (UTC) when Amazon Redshift began the snapshot. A snapshot contains -- a copy of the cluster data as of this exact time. sSnapshotCreateTime :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe UTCTime) sSnapshotCreateTime = lens _sSnapshotCreateTime (\s a -> s { _sSnapshotCreateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The snapshot identifier that is provided in the request. sSnapshotIdentifier :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sSnapshotIdentifier = lens _sSnapshotIdentifier (\s a -> s { _sSnapshotIdentifier = a }) -- | The snapshot type. Snapshots created using 'CreateClusterSnapshot' and 'CopyClusterSnapshot' will be of type "manual". sSnapshotType :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sSnapshotType = lens _sSnapshotType (\s a -> s { _sSnapshotType = a }) -- | The source region from which the snapshot was copied. sSourceRegion :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sSourceRegion = lens _sSourceRegion (\s a -> s { _sSourceRegion = a }) -- | The snapshot status. The value of the status depends on the API operation -- used. 'CreateClusterSnapshot' and 'CopyClusterSnapshot' returns status as -- "creating". 'DescribeClusterSnapshots' returns status as "creating", -- "available", "final snapshot", or "failed". 'DeleteClusterSnapshot' returns -- status as "deleted". sStatus :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sStatus = lens _sStatus (\s a -> s { _sStatus = a }) -- | The list of tags for the cluster snapshot. sTags :: Lens' Snapshot [Tag] sTags = lens _sTags (\s a -> s { _sTags = a }) . _List -- | The size of the complete set of backup data that would be used to restore -- the cluster. sTotalBackupSizeInMegaBytes :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Double) sTotalBackupSizeInMegaBytes = lens _sTotalBackupSizeInMegaBytes (\s a -> s { _sTotalBackupSizeInMegaBytes = a }) -- | The VPC identifier of the cluster if the snapshot is from a cluster in a VPC. -- Otherwise, this field is not in the output. sVpcId :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sVpcId = lens _sVpcId (\s a -> s { _sVpcId = a }) instance FromXML Snapshot where parseXML x = Snapshot <$> x .@? "AccountsWithRestoreAccess" .!@ mempty <*> x .@? "ActualIncrementalBackupSizeInMegaBytes" <*> x .@? "AvailabilityZone" <*> x .@? "BackupProgressInMegaBytes" <*> x .@? "ClusterCreateTime" <*> x .@? "ClusterIdentifier" <*> x .@? "ClusterVersion" <*> x .@? "CurrentBackupRateInMegaBytesPerSecond" <*> x .@? "DBName" <*> x .@? "ElapsedTimeInSeconds" <*> x .@? "Encrypted" <*> x .@? "EncryptedWithHSM" <*> x .@? "EstimatedSecondsToCompletion" <*> x .@? "KmsKeyId" <*> x .@? "MasterUsername" <*> x .@? "NodeType" <*> x .@? "NumberOfNodes" <*> x .@? "OwnerAccount" <*> x .@? "Port" <*> x .@? "SnapshotCreateTime" <*> x .@? "SnapshotIdentifier" <*> x .@? "SnapshotType" <*> x .@? "SourceRegion" <*> x .@? "Status" <*> x .@? "Tags" .!@ mempty <*> x .@? "TotalBackupSizeInMegaBytes" <*> x .@? "VpcId" instance ToQuery Snapshot where toQuery Snapshot{..} = mconcat [ "AccountsWithRestoreAccess" =? _sAccountsWithRestoreAccess , "ActualIncrementalBackupSizeInMegaBytes" =? _sActualIncrementalBackupSizeInMegaBytes , "AvailabilityZone" =? _sAvailabilityZone , "BackupProgressInMegaBytes" =? _sBackupProgressInMegaBytes , "ClusterCreateTime" =? _sClusterCreateTime , "ClusterIdentifier" =? _sClusterIdentifier , "ClusterVersion" =? _sClusterVersion , "CurrentBackupRateInMegaBytesPerSecond" =? _sCurrentBackupRateInMegaBytesPerSecond , "DBName" =? _sDBName , "ElapsedTimeInSeconds" =? _sElapsedTimeInSeconds , "Encrypted" =? _sEncrypted , "EncryptedWithHSM" =? _sEncryptedWithHSM , "EstimatedSecondsToCompletion" =? _sEstimatedSecondsToCompletion , "KmsKeyId" =? _sKmsKeyId , "MasterUsername" =? _sMasterUsername , "NodeType" =? _sNodeType , "NumberOfNodes" =? _sNumberOfNodes , "OwnerAccount" =? _sOwnerAccount , "Port" =? _sPort , "SnapshotCreateTime" =? _sSnapshotCreateTime , "SnapshotIdentifier" =? _sSnapshotIdentifier , "SnapshotType" =? _sSnapshotType , "SourceRegion" =? _sSourceRegion , "Status" =? _sStatus , "Tags" =? _sTags , "TotalBackupSizeInMegaBytes" =? _sTotalBackupSizeInMegaBytes , "VpcId" =? _sVpcId ] data ClusterParameterGroup = ClusterParameterGroup { _cpgDescription :: Maybe Text , _cpgParameterGroupFamily :: Maybe Text , _cpgParameterGroupName :: Maybe Text , _cpgTags :: List "member" Tag } deriving (Eq, Read, Show) -- | 'ClusterParameterGroup' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'cpgDescription' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cpgParameterGroupFamily' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cpgParameterGroupName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cpgTags' @::@ ['Tag'] -- clusterParameterGroup :: ClusterParameterGroup clusterParameterGroup = ClusterParameterGroup { _cpgParameterGroupName = Nothing , _cpgParameterGroupFamily = Nothing , _cpgDescription = Nothing , _cpgTags = mempty } -- | The description of the parameter group. cpgDescription :: Lens' ClusterParameterGroup (Maybe Text) cpgDescription = lens _cpgDescription (\s a -> s { _cpgDescription = a }) -- | The name of the cluster parameter group family that this cluster parameter -- group is compatible with. cpgParameterGroupFamily :: Lens' ClusterParameterGroup (Maybe Text) cpgParameterGroupFamily = lens _cpgParameterGroupFamily (\s a -> s { _cpgParameterGroupFamily = a }) -- | The name of the cluster parameter group. cpgParameterGroupName :: Lens' ClusterParameterGroup (Maybe Text) cpgParameterGroupName = lens _cpgParameterGroupName (\s a -> s { _cpgParameterGroupName = a }) -- | The list of tags for the cluster parameter group. cpgTags :: Lens' ClusterParameterGroup [Tag] cpgTags = lens _cpgTags (\s a -> s { _cpgTags = a }) . _List instance FromXML ClusterParameterGroup where parseXML x = ClusterParameterGroup <$> x .@? "Description" <*> x .@? "ParameterGroupFamily" <*> x .@? "ParameterGroupName" <*> x .@? "Tags" .!@ mempty instance ToQuery ClusterParameterGroup where toQuery ClusterParameterGroup{..} = mconcat [ "Description" =? _cpgDescription , "ParameterGroupFamily" =? _cpgParameterGroupFamily , "ParameterGroupName" =? _cpgParameterGroupName , "Tags" =? _cpgTags ] data RestoreStatus = RestoreStatus { _rsCurrentRestoreRateInMegaBytesPerSecond :: Maybe Double , _rsElapsedTimeInSeconds :: Maybe Integer , _rsEstimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds :: Maybe Integer , _rsProgressInMegaBytes :: Maybe Integer , _rsSnapshotSizeInMegaBytes :: Maybe Integer , _rsStatus :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | 'RestoreStatus' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'rsCurrentRestoreRateInMegaBytesPerSecond' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Double' -- -- * 'rsElapsedTimeInSeconds' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Integer' -- -- * 'rsEstimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Integer' -- -- * 'rsProgressInMegaBytes' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Integer' -- -- * 'rsSnapshotSizeInMegaBytes' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Integer' -- -- * 'rsStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- restoreStatus :: RestoreStatus restoreStatus = RestoreStatus { _rsStatus = Nothing , _rsCurrentRestoreRateInMegaBytesPerSecond = Nothing , _rsSnapshotSizeInMegaBytes = Nothing , _rsProgressInMegaBytes = Nothing , _rsElapsedTimeInSeconds = Nothing , _rsEstimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds = Nothing } -- | The number of megabytes per second being transferred from the backup -- storage. Returns the average rate for a completed backup. rsCurrentRestoreRateInMegaBytesPerSecond :: Lens' RestoreStatus (Maybe Double) rsCurrentRestoreRateInMegaBytesPerSecond = lens _rsCurrentRestoreRateInMegaBytesPerSecond (\s a -> s { _rsCurrentRestoreRateInMegaBytesPerSecond = a }) -- | The amount of time an in-progress restore has been running, or the amount of -- time it took a completed restore to finish. rsElapsedTimeInSeconds :: Lens' RestoreStatus (Maybe Integer) rsElapsedTimeInSeconds = lens _rsElapsedTimeInSeconds (\s a -> s { _rsElapsedTimeInSeconds = a }) -- | The estimate of the time remaining before the restore will complete. Returns -- 0 for a completed restore. rsEstimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds :: Lens' RestoreStatus (Maybe Integer) rsEstimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds = lens _rsEstimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds (\s a -> s { _rsEstimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds = a }) -- | The number of megabytes that have been transferred from snapshot storage. rsProgressInMegaBytes :: Lens' RestoreStatus (Maybe Integer) rsProgressInMegaBytes = lens _rsProgressInMegaBytes (\s a -> s { _rsProgressInMegaBytes = a }) -- | The size of the set of snapshot data used to restore the cluster. rsSnapshotSizeInMegaBytes :: Lens' RestoreStatus (Maybe Integer) rsSnapshotSizeInMegaBytes = lens _rsSnapshotSizeInMegaBytes (\s a -> s { _rsSnapshotSizeInMegaBytes = a }) -- | The status of the restore action. Returns starting, restoring, completed, or -- failed. rsStatus :: Lens' RestoreStatus (Maybe Text) rsStatus = lens _rsStatus (\s a -> s { _rsStatus = a }) instance FromXML RestoreStatus where parseXML x = RestoreStatus <$> x .@? "CurrentRestoreRateInMegaBytesPerSecond" <*> x .@? "ElapsedTimeInSeconds" <*> x .@? "EstimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds" <*> x .@? "ProgressInMegaBytes" <*> x .@? "SnapshotSizeInMegaBytes" <*> x .@? "Status" instance ToQuery RestoreStatus where toQuery RestoreStatus{..} = mconcat [ "CurrentRestoreRateInMegaBytesPerSecond" =? _rsCurrentRestoreRateInMegaBytesPerSecond , "ElapsedTimeInSeconds" =? _rsElapsedTimeInSeconds , "EstimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds" =? _rsEstimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds , "ProgressInMegaBytes" =? _rsProgressInMegaBytes , "SnapshotSizeInMegaBytes" =? _rsSnapshotSizeInMegaBytes , "Status" =? _rsStatus ] data Event = Event { _eDate :: Maybe ISO8601 , _eEventCategories :: List "member" Text , _eEventId :: Maybe Text , _eMessage :: Maybe Text , _eSeverity :: Maybe Text , _eSourceIdentifier :: Maybe Text , _eSourceType :: Maybe SourceType } deriving (Eq, Read, Show) -- | 'Event' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'eDate' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'eEventCategories' @::@ ['Text'] -- -- * 'eEventId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'eMessage' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'eSeverity' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'eSourceIdentifier' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'eSourceType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'SourceType' -- event :: Event event = Event { _eSourceIdentifier = Nothing , _eSourceType = Nothing , _eMessage = Nothing , _eEventCategories = mempty , _eSeverity = Nothing , _eDate = Nothing , _eEventId = Nothing } -- | The date and time of the event. eDate :: Lens' Event (Maybe UTCTime) eDate = lens _eDate (\s a -> s { _eDate = a }) . mapping _Time -- | A list of the event categories. eEventCategories :: Lens' Event [Text] eEventCategories = lens _eEventCategories (\s a -> s { _eEventCategories = a }) . _List -- | The identifier of the event. eEventId :: Lens' Event (Maybe Text) eEventId = lens _eEventId (\s a -> s { _eEventId = a }) -- | The text of this event. eMessage :: Lens' Event (Maybe Text) eMessage = lens _eMessage (\s a -> s { _eMessage = a }) -- | The severity of the event. -- -- Values: ERROR, INFO eSeverity :: Lens' Event (Maybe Text) eSeverity = lens _eSeverity (\s a -> s { _eSeverity = a }) -- | The identifier for the source of the event. eSourceIdentifier :: Lens' Event (Maybe Text) eSourceIdentifier = lens _eSourceIdentifier (\s a -> s { _eSourceIdentifier = a }) -- | The source type for this event. eSourceType :: Lens' Event (Maybe SourceType) eSourceType = lens _eSourceType (\s a -> s { _eSourceType = a }) instance FromXML Event where parseXML x = Event <$> x .@? "Date" <*> x .@? "EventCategories" .!@ mempty <*> x .@? "EventId" <*> x .@? "Message" <*> x .@? "Severity" <*> x .@? "SourceIdentifier" <*> x .@? "SourceType" instance ToQuery Event where toQuery Event{..} = mconcat [ "Date" =? _eDate , "EventCategories" =? _eEventCategories , "EventId" =? _eEventId , "Message" =? _eMessage , "Severity" =? _eSeverity , "SourceIdentifier" =? _eSourceIdentifier , "SourceType" =? _eSourceType ] data ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus = ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus { _cscsDestinationRegion :: Maybe Text , _cscsRetentionPeriod :: Maybe Integer } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | 'ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'cscsDestinationRegion' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cscsRetentionPeriod' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Integer' -- clusterSnapshotCopyStatus :: ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus clusterSnapshotCopyStatus = ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus { _cscsDestinationRegion = Nothing , _cscsRetentionPeriod = Nothing } -- | The destination region that snapshots are automatically copied to when -- cross-region snapshot copy is enabled. cscsDestinationRegion :: Lens' ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus (Maybe Text) cscsDestinationRegion = lens _cscsDestinationRegion (\s a -> s { _cscsDestinationRegion = a }) -- | The number of days that automated snapshots are retained in the destination -- region after they are copied from a source region. cscsRetentionPeriod :: Lens' ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus (Maybe Integer) cscsRetentionPeriod = lens _cscsRetentionPeriod (\s a -> s { _cscsRetentionPeriod = a }) instance FromXML ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus where parseXML x = ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus <$> x .@? "DestinationRegion" <*> x .@? "RetentionPeriod" instance ToQuery ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus where toQuery ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus{..} = mconcat [ "DestinationRegion" =? _cscsDestinationRegion , "RetentionPeriod" =? _cscsRetentionPeriod ] data Tag = Tag { _tagKey :: Maybe Text , _tagValue :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | 'Tag' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'tagKey' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'tagValue' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- tag :: Tag tag = Tag { _tagKey = Nothing , _tagValue = Nothing } -- | The key, or name, for the resource tag. tagKey :: Lens' Tag (Maybe Text) tagKey = lens _tagKey (\s a -> s { _tagKey = a }) -- | The value for the resource tag. tagValue :: Lens' Tag (Maybe Text) tagValue = lens _tagValue (\s a -> s { _tagValue = a }) instance FromXML Tag where parseXML x = Tag <$> x .@? "Key" <*> x .@? "Value" instance ToQuery Tag where toQuery Tag{..} = mconcat [ "Key" =? _tagKey , "Value" =? _tagValue ] data HsmClientCertificate = HsmClientCertificate { _hccHsmClientCertificateIdentifier :: Maybe Text , _hccHsmClientCertificatePublicKey :: Maybe Text , _hccTags :: List "member" Tag } deriving (Eq, Read, Show) -- | 'HsmClientCertificate' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'hccHsmClientCertificateIdentifier' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'hccHsmClientCertificatePublicKey' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'hccTags' @::@ ['Tag'] -- hsmClientCertificate :: HsmClientCertificate hsmClientCertificate = HsmClientCertificate { _hccHsmClientCertificateIdentifier = Nothing , _hccHsmClientCertificatePublicKey = Nothing , _hccTags = mempty } -- | The identifier of the HSM client certificate. hccHsmClientCertificateIdentifier :: Lens' HsmClientCertificate (Maybe Text) hccHsmClientCertificateIdentifier = lens _hccHsmClientCertificateIdentifier (\s a -> s { _hccHsmClientCertificateIdentifier = a }) -- | The public key that the Amazon Redshift cluster will use to connect to the -- HSM. You must register the public key in the HSM. hccHsmClientCertificatePublicKey :: Lens' HsmClientCertificate (Maybe Text) hccHsmClientCertificatePublicKey = lens _hccHsmClientCertificatePublicKey (\s a -> s { _hccHsmClientCertificatePublicKey = a }) -- | The list of tags for the HSM client certificate. hccTags :: Lens' HsmClientCertificate [Tag] hccTags = lens _hccTags (\s a -> s { _hccTags = a }) . _List instance FromXML HsmClientCertificate where parseXML x = HsmClientCertificate <$> x .@? "HsmClientCertificateIdentifier" <*> x .@? "HsmClientCertificatePublicKey" <*> x .@? "Tags" .!@ mempty instance ToQuery HsmClientCertificate where toQuery HsmClientCertificate{..} = mconcat [ "HsmClientCertificateIdentifier" =? _hccHsmClientCertificateIdentifier , "HsmClientCertificatePublicKey" =? _hccHsmClientCertificatePublicKey , "Tags" =? _hccTags ] data Cluster = Cluster { _cAllowVersionUpgrade :: Maybe Bool , _cAutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod :: Maybe Int , _cAvailabilityZone :: Maybe Text , _cClusterCreateTime :: Maybe ISO8601 , _cClusterIdentifier :: Maybe Text , _cClusterNodes :: List "member" ClusterNode , _cClusterParameterGroups :: List "member" ClusterParameterGroupStatus , _cClusterPublicKey :: Maybe Text , _cClusterRevisionNumber :: Maybe Text , _cClusterSecurityGroups :: List "member" ClusterSecurityGroupMembership , _cClusterSnapshotCopyStatus :: Maybe ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus , _cClusterStatus :: Maybe Text , _cClusterSubnetGroupName :: Maybe Text , _cClusterVersion :: Maybe Text , _cDBName :: Maybe Text , _cElasticIpStatus :: Maybe ElasticIpStatus , _cEncrypted :: Maybe Bool , _cEndpoint :: Maybe Endpoint , _cHsmStatus :: Maybe HsmStatus , _cKmsKeyId :: Maybe Text , _cMasterUsername :: Maybe Text , _cModifyStatus :: Maybe Text , _cNodeType :: Maybe Text , _cNumberOfNodes :: Maybe Int , _cPendingModifiedValues :: Maybe PendingModifiedValues , _cPreferredMaintenanceWindow :: Maybe Text , _cPubliclyAccessible :: Maybe Bool , _cRestoreStatus :: Maybe RestoreStatus , _cTags :: List "member" Tag , _cVpcId :: Maybe Text , _cVpcSecurityGroups :: List "member" VpcSecurityGroupMembership } deriving (Eq, Read, Show) -- | 'Cluster' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'cAllowVersionUpgrade' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool' -- -- * 'cAutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- -- * 'cAvailabilityZone' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cClusterCreateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'cClusterIdentifier' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cClusterNodes' @::@ ['ClusterNode'] -- -- * 'cClusterParameterGroups' @::@ ['ClusterParameterGroupStatus'] -- -- * 'cClusterPublicKey' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cClusterRevisionNumber' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cClusterSecurityGroups' @::@ ['ClusterSecurityGroupMembership'] -- -- * 'cClusterSnapshotCopyStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus' -- -- * 'cClusterStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cClusterSubnetGroupName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cClusterVersion' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cDBName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cElasticIpStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'ElasticIpStatus' -- -- * 'cEncrypted' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool' -- -- * 'cEndpoint' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Endpoint' -- -- * 'cHsmStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'HsmStatus' -- -- * 'cKmsKeyId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cMasterUsername' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cModifyStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cNodeType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cNumberOfNodes' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- -- * 'cPendingModifiedValues' @::@ 'Maybe' 'PendingModifiedValues' -- -- * 'cPreferredMaintenanceWindow' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cPubliclyAccessible' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool' -- -- * 'cRestoreStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'RestoreStatus' -- -- * 'cTags' @::@ ['Tag'] -- -- * 'cVpcId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cVpcSecurityGroups' @::@ ['VpcSecurityGroupMembership'] -- cluster :: Cluster cluster = Cluster { _cClusterIdentifier = Nothing , _cNodeType = Nothing , _cClusterStatus = Nothing , _cModifyStatus = Nothing , _cMasterUsername = Nothing , _cDBName = Nothing , _cEndpoint = Nothing , _cClusterCreateTime = Nothing , _cAutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod = Nothing , _cClusterSecurityGroups = mempty , _cVpcSecurityGroups = mempty , _cClusterParameterGroups = mempty , _cClusterSubnetGroupName = Nothing , _cVpcId = Nothing , _cAvailabilityZone = Nothing , _cPreferredMaintenanceWindow = Nothing , _cPendingModifiedValues = Nothing , _cClusterVersion = Nothing , _cAllowVersionUpgrade = Nothing , _cNumberOfNodes = Nothing , _cPubliclyAccessible = Nothing , _cEncrypted = Nothing , _cRestoreStatus = Nothing , _cHsmStatus = Nothing , _cClusterSnapshotCopyStatus = Nothing , _cClusterPublicKey = Nothing , _cClusterNodes = mempty , _cElasticIpStatus = Nothing , _cClusterRevisionNumber = Nothing , _cTags = mempty , _cKmsKeyId = Nothing } -- | If 'true', major version upgrades will be applied automatically to the cluster -- during the maintenance window. cAllowVersionUpgrade :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Bool) cAllowVersionUpgrade = lens _cAllowVersionUpgrade (\s a -> s { _cAllowVersionUpgrade = a }) -- | The number of days that automatic cluster snapshots are retained. cAutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Int) cAutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod = lens _cAutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod (\s a -> s { _cAutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod = a }) -- | The name of the Availability Zone in which the cluster is located. cAvailabilityZone :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) cAvailabilityZone = lens _cAvailabilityZone (\s a -> s { _cAvailabilityZone = a }) -- | The date and time that the cluster was created. cClusterCreateTime :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe UTCTime) cClusterCreateTime = lens _cClusterCreateTime (\s a -> s { _cClusterCreateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The unique identifier of the cluster. cClusterIdentifier :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) cClusterIdentifier = lens _cClusterIdentifier (\s a -> s { _cClusterIdentifier = a }) -- | The nodes in a cluster. cClusterNodes :: Lens' Cluster [ClusterNode] cClusterNodes = lens _cClusterNodes (\s a -> s { _cClusterNodes = a }) . _List -- | The list of cluster parameter groups that are associated with this cluster. cClusterParameterGroups :: Lens' Cluster [ClusterParameterGroupStatus] cClusterParameterGroups = lens _cClusterParameterGroups (\s a -> s { _cClusterParameterGroups = a }) . _List -- | The public key for the cluster. cClusterPublicKey :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) cClusterPublicKey = lens _cClusterPublicKey (\s a -> s { _cClusterPublicKey = a }) -- | The specific revision number of the database in the cluster. cClusterRevisionNumber :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) cClusterRevisionNumber = lens _cClusterRevisionNumber (\s a -> s { _cClusterRevisionNumber = a }) -- | A list of cluster security group that are associated with the cluster. Each -- security group is represented by an element that contains 'ClusterSecurityGroup.Name' and 'ClusterSecurityGroup.Status' subelements. -- -- Cluster security groups are used when the cluster is not created in a VPC. -- Clusters that are created in a VPC use VPC security groups, which are listed -- by the VpcSecurityGroups parameter. cClusterSecurityGroups :: Lens' Cluster [ClusterSecurityGroupMembership] cClusterSecurityGroups = lens _cClusterSecurityGroups (\s a -> s { _cClusterSecurityGroups = a }) . _List -- | Returns the destination region and retention period that are configured for -- cross-region snapshot copy. cClusterSnapshotCopyStatus :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus) cClusterSnapshotCopyStatus = lens _cClusterSnapshotCopyStatus (\s a -> s { _cClusterSnapshotCopyStatus = a }) -- | The current state of this cluster. Possible values include 'available', 'creating', 'deleting', 'rebooting', 'renaming', and 'resizing'. cClusterStatus :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) cClusterStatus = lens _cClusterStatus (\s a -> s { _cClusterStatus = a }) -- | The name of the subnet group that is associated with the cluster. This -- parameter is valid only when the cluster is in a VPC. cClusterSubnetGroupName :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) cClusterSubnetGroupName = lens _cClusterSubnetGroupName (\s a -> s { _cClusterSubnetGroupName = a }) -- | The version ID of the Amazon Redshift engine that is running on the cluster. cClusterVersion :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) cClusterVersion = lens _cClusterVersion (\s a -> s { _cClusterVersion = a }) -- | The name of the initial database that was created when the cluster was -- created. This same name is returned for the life of the cluster. If an -- initial database was not specified, a database named "dev" was created by -- default. cDBName :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) cDBName = lens _cDBName (\s a -> s { _cDBName = a }) -- | Describes the status of the elastic IP (EIP) address. cElasticIpStatus :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe ElasticIpStatus) cElasticIpStatus = lens _cElasticIpStatus (\s a -> s { _cElasticIpStatus = a }) -- | If 'true', data in the cluster is encrypted at rest. cEncrypted :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Bool) cEncrypted = lens _cEncrypted (\s a -> s { _cEncrypted = a }) -- | The connection endpoint. cEndpoint :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Endpoint) cEndpoint = lens _cEndpoint (\s a -> s { _cEndpoint = a }) -- | Reports whether the Amazon Redshift cluster has finished applying any HSM -- settings changes specified in a modify cluster command. -- -- Values: active, applying cHsmStatus :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe HsmStatus) cHsmStatus = lens _cHsmStatus (\s a -> s { _cHsmStatus = a }) -- | The AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key ID of the encryption key used to -- encrypt data in the cluster. cKmsKeyId :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) cKmsKeyId = lens _cKmsKeyId (\s a -> s { _cKmsKeyId = a }) -- | The master user name for the cluster. This name is used to connect to the -- database that is specified in DBName. cMasterUsername :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) cMasterUsername = lens _cMasterUsername (\s a -> s { _cMasterUsername = a }) -- | The status of a modify operation, if any, initiated for the cluster. cModifyStatus :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) cModifyStatus = lens _cModifyStatus (\s a -> s { _cModifyStatus = a }) -- | The node type for the nodes in the cluster. cNodeType :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) cNodeType = lens _cNodeType (\s a -> s { _cNodeType = a }) -- | The number of compute nodes in the cluster. cNumberOfNodes :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Int) cNumberOfNodes = lens _cNumberOfNodes (\s a -> s { _cNumberOfNodes = a }) -- | If present, changes to the cluster are pending. Specific pending changes are -- identified by subelements. cPendingModifiedValues :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe PendingModifiedValues) cPendingModifiedValues = lens _cPendingModifiedValues (\s a -> s { _cPendingModifiedValues = a }) -- | The weekly time range (in UTC) during which system maintenance can occur. cPreferredMaintenanceWindow :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) cPreferredMaintenanceWindow = lens _cPreferredMaintenanceWindow (\s a -> s { _cPreferredMaintenanceWindow = a }) -- | If 'true', the cluster can be accessed from a public network. cPubliclyAccessible :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Bool) cPubliclyAccessible = lens _cPubliclyAccessible (\s a -> s { _cPubliclyAccessible = a }) -- | Describes the status of a cluster restore action. Returns null if the -- cluster was not created by restoring a snapshot. cRestoreStatus :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe RestoreStatus) cRestoreStatus = lens _cRestoreStatus (\s a -> s { _cRestoreStatus = a }) -- | The list of tags for the cluster. cTags :: Lens' Cluster [Tag] cTags = lens _cTags (\s a -> s { _cTags = a }) . _List -- | The identifier of the VPC the cluster is in, if the cluster is in a VPC. cVpcId :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) cVpcId = lens _cVpcId (\s a -> s { _cVpcId = a }) -- | A list of Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) security groups that are associated -- with the cluster. This parameter is returned only if the cluster is in a VPC. cVpcSecurityGroups :: Lens' Cluster [VpcSecurityGroupMembership] cVpcSecurityGroups = lens _cVpcSecurityGroups (\s a -> s { _cVpcSecurityGroups = a }) . _List instance FromXML Cluster where parseXML x = Cluster <$> x .@? "AllowVersionUpgrade" <*> x .@? "AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod" <*> x .@? "AvailabilityZone" <*> x .@? "ClusterCreateTime" <*> x .@? "ClusterIdentifier" <*> x .@? "ClusterNodes" .!@ mempty <*> x .@? "ClusterParameterGroups" .!@ mempty <*> x .@? "ClusterPublicKey" <*> x .@? "ClusterRevisionNumber" <*> x .@? "ClusterSecurityGroups" .!@ mempty <*> x .@? "ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus" <*> x .@? "ClusterStatus" <*> x .@? "ClusterSubnetGroupName" <*> x .@? "ClusterVersion" <*> x .@? "DBName" <*> x .@? "ElasticIpStatus" <*> x .@? "Encrypted" <*> x .@? "Endpoint" <*> x .@? "HsmStatus" <*> x .@? "KmsKeyId" <*> x .@? "MasterUsername" <*> x .@? "ModifyStatus" <*> x .@? "NodeType" <*> x .@? "NumberOfNodes" <*> x .@? "PendingModifiedValues" <*> x .@? "PreferredMaintenanceWindow" <*> x .@? "PubliclyAccessible" <*> x .@? "RestoreStatus" <*> x .@? "Tags" .!@ mempty <*> x .@? "VpcId" <*> x .@? "VpcSecurityGroups" .!@ mempty instance ToQuery Cluster where toQuery Cluster{..} = mconcat [ "AllowVersionUpgrade" =? _cAllowVersionUpgrade , "AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod" =? _cAutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod , "AvailabilityZone" =? _cAvailabilityZone , "ClusterCreateTime" =? _cClusterCreateTime , "ClusterIdentifier" =? _cClusterIdentifier , "ClusterNodes" =? _cClusterNodes , "ClusterParameterGroups" =? _cClusterParameterGroups , "ClusterPublicKey" =? _cClusterPublicKey , "ClusterRevisionNumber" =? _cClusterRevisionNumber , "ClusterSecurityGroups" =? _cClusterSecurityGroups , "ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus" =? _cClusterSnapshotCopyStatus , "ClusterStatus" =? _cClusterStatus , "ClusterSubnetGroupName" =? _cClusterSubnetGroupName , "ClusterVersion" =? _cClusterVersion , "DBName" =? _cDBName , "ElasticIpStatus" =? _cElasticIpStatus , "Encrypted" =? _cEncrypted , "Endpoint" =? _cEndpoint , "HsmStatus" =? _cHsmStatus , "KmsKeyId" =? _cKmsKeyId , "MasterUsername" =? _cMasterUsername , "ModifyStatus" =? _cModifyStatus , "NodeType" =? _cNodeType , "NumberOfNodes" =? _cNumberOfNodes , "PendingModifiedValues" =? _cPendingModifiedValues , "PreferredMaintenanceWindow" =? _cPreferredMaintenanceWindow , "PubliclyAccessible" =? _cPubliclyAccessible , "RestoreStatus" =? _cRestoreStatus , "Tags" =? _cTags , "VpcId" =? _cVpcId , "VpcSecurityGroups" =? _cVpcSecurityGroups ] data ClusterNode = ClusterNode { _cnNodeRole :: Maybe Text , _cnPrivateIPAddress :: Maybe Text , _cnPublicIPAddress :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | 'ClusterNode' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'cnNodeRole' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cnPrivateIPAddress' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cnPublicIPAddress' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- clusterNode :: ClusterNode clusterNode = ClusterNode { _cnNodeRole = Nothing , _cnPrivateIPAddress = Nothing , _cnPublicIPAddress = Nothing } -- | Whether the node is a leader node or a compute node. cnNodeRole :: Lens' ClusterNode (Maybe Text) cnNodeRole = lens _cnNodeRole (\s a -> s { _cnNodeRole = a }) -- | The private IP address of a node within a cluster. cnPrivateIPAddress :: Lens' ClusterNode (Maybe Text) cnPrivateIPAddress = lens _cnPrivateIPAddress (\s a -> s { _cnPrivateIPAddress = a }) -- | The public IP address of a node within a cluster. cnPublicIPAddress :: Lens' ClusterNode (Maybe Text) cnPublicIPAddress = lens _cnPublicIPAddress (\s a -> s { _cnPublicIPAddress = a }) instance FromXML ClusterNode where parseXML x = ClusterNode <$> x .@? "NodeRole" <*> x .@? "PrivateIPAddress" <*> x .@? "PublicIPAddress" instance ToQuery ClusterNode where toQuery ClusterNode{..} = mconcat [ "NodeRole" =? _cnNodeRole , "PrivateIPAddress" =? _cnPrivateIPAddress , "PublicIPAddress" =? _cnPublicIPAddress ] data EC2SecurityGroup = EC2SecurityGroup { _ecsgEC2SecurityGroupName :: Maybe Text , _ecsgEC2SecurityGroupOwnerId :: Maybe Text , _ecsgStatus :: Maybe Text , _ecsgTags :: List "member" Tag } deriving (Eq, Read, Show) -- | 'EC2SecurityGroup' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'ecsgEC2SecurityGroupName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ecsgEC2SecurityGroupOwnerId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ecsgStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ecsgTags' @::@ ['Tag'] -- ec2SecurityGroup :: EC2SecurityGroup ec2SecurityGroup = EC2SecurityGroup { _ecsgStatus = Nothing , _ecsgEC2SecurityGroupName = Nothing , _ecsgEC2SecurityGroupOwnerId = Nothing , _ecsgTags = mempty } -- | The name of the EC2 Security Group. ecsgEC2SecurityGroupName :: Lens' EC2SecurityGroup (Maybe Text) ecsgEC2SecurityGroupName = lens _ecsgEC2SecurityGroupName (\s a -> s { _ecsgEC2SecurityGroupName = a }) -- | The AWS ID of the owner of the EC2 security group specified in the 'EC2SecurityGroupName' field. ecsgEC2SecurityGroupOwnerId :: Lens' EC2SecurityGroup (Maybe Text) ecsgEC2SecurityGroupOwnerId = lens _ecsgEC2SecurityGroupOwnerId (\s a -> s { _ecsgEC2SecurityGroupOwnerId = a }) -- | The status of the EC2 security group. ecsgStatus :: Lens' EC2SecurityGroup (Maybe Text) ecsgStatus = lens _ecsgStatus (\s a -> s { _ecsgStatus = a }) -- | The list of tags for the EC2 security group. ecsgTags :: Lens' EC2SecurityGroup [Tag] ecsgTags = lens _ecsgTags (\s a -> s { _ecsgTags = a }) . _List instance FromXML EC2SecurityGroup where parseXML x = EC2SecurityGroup <$> x .@? "EC2SecurityGroupName" <*> x .@? "EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId" <*> x .@? "Status" <*> x .@? "Tags" .!@ mempty instance ToQuery EC2SecurityGroup where toQuery EC2SecurityGroup{..} = mconcat [ "EC2SecurityGroupName" =? _ecsgEC2SecurityGroupName , "EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId" =? _ecsgEC2SecurityGroupOwnerId , "Status" =? _ecsgStatus , "Tags" =? _ecsgTags ] data OrderableClusterOption = OrderableClusterOption { _ocoAvailabilityZones :: List "member" AvailabilityZone , _ocoClusterType :: Maybe Text , _ocoClusterVersion :: Maybe Text , _ocoNodeType :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Read, Show) -- | 'OrderableClusterOption' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'ocoAvailabilityZones' @::@ ['AvailabilityZone'] -- -- * 'ocoClusterType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ocoClusterVersion' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ocoNodeType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- orderableClusterOption :: OrderableClusterOption orderableClusterOption = OrderableClusterOption { _ocoClusterVersion = Nothing , _ocoClusterType = Nothing , _ocoNodeType = Nothing , _ocoAvailabilityZones = mempty } -- | A list of availability zones for the orderable cluster. ocoAvailabilityZones :: Lens' OrderableClusterOption [AvailabilityZone] ocoAvailabilityZones = lens _ocoAvailabilityZones (\s a -> s { _ocoAvailabilityZones = a }) . _List -- | The cluster type, for example 'multi-node'. ocoClusterType :: Lens' OrderableClusterOption (Maybe Text) ocoClusterType = lens _ocoClusterType (\s a -> s { _ocoClusterType = a }) -- | The version of the orderable cluster. ocoClusterVersion :: Lens' OrderableClusterOption (Maybe Text) ocoClusterVersion = lens _ocoClusterVersion (\s a -> s { _ocoClusterVersion = a }) -- | The node type for the orderable cluster. ocoNodeType :: Lens' OrderableClusterOption (Maybe Text) ocoNodeType = lens _ocoNodeType (\s a -> s { _ocoNodeType = a }) instance FromXML OrderableClusterOption where parseXML x = OrderableClusterOption <$> x .@? "AvailabilityZones" .!@ mempty <*> x .@? "ClusterType" <*> x .@? "ClusterVersion" <*> x .@? "NodeType" instance ToQuery OrderableClusterOption where toQuery OrderableClusterOption{..} = mconcat [ "AvailabilityZones" =? _ocoAvailabilityZones , "ClusterType" =? _ocoClusterType , "ClusterVersion" =? _ocoClusterVersion , "NodeType" =? _ocoNodeType ] data SourceType = STCluster -- ^ cluster | STClusterParameterGroup -- ^ cluster-parameter-group | STClusterSecurityGroup -- ^ cluster-security-group | STClusterSnapshot -- ^ cluster-snapshot deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable SourceType instance FromText SourceType where parser = takeLowerText >>= \case "cluster" -> pure STCluster "cluster-parameter-group" -> pure STClusterParameterGroup "cluster-security-group" -> pure STClusterSecurityGroup "cluster-snapshot" -> pure STClusterSnapshot e -> fail $ "Failure parsing SourceType from " ++ show e instance ToText SourceType where toText = \case STCluster -> "cluster" STClusterParameterGroup -> "cluster-parameter-group" STClusterSecurityGroup -> "cluster-security-group" STClusterSnapshot -> "cluster-snapshot" instance ToByteString SourceType instance ToHeader SourceType instance ToQuery SourceType instance FromXML SourceType where parseXML = parseXMLText "SourceType" data ClusterParameterGroupStatus = ClusterParameterGroupStatus { _cpgsParameterApplyStatus :: Maybe Text , _cpgsParameterGroupName :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | 'ClusterParameterGroupStatus' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'cpgsParameterApplyStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cpgsParameterGroupName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- clusterParameterGroupStatus :: ClusterParameterGroupStatus clusterParameterGroupStatus = ClusterParameterGroupStatus { _cpgsParameterGroupName = Nothing , _cpgsParameterApplyStatus = Nothing } -- | The status of parameter updates. cpgsParameterApplyStatus :: Lens' ClusterParameterGroupStatus (Maybe Text) cpgsParameterApplyStatus = lens _cpgsParameterApplyStatus (\s a -> s { _cpgsParameterApplyStatus = a }) -- | The name of the cluster parameter group. cpgsParameterGroupName :: Lens' ClusterParameterGroupStatus (Maybe Text) cpgsParameterGroupName = lens _cpgsParameterGroupName (\s a -> s { _cpgsParameterGroupName = a }) instance FromXML ClusterParameterGroupStatus where parseXML x = ClusterParameterGroupStatus <$> x .@? "ParameterApplyStatus" <*> x .@? "ParameterGroupName" instance ToQuery ClusterParameterGroupStatus where toQuery ClusterParameterGroupStatus{..} = mconcat [ "ParameterApplyStatus" =? _cpgsParameterApplyStatus , "ParameterGroupName" =? _cpgsParameterGroupName ] data Subnet = Subnet { _sSubnetAvailabilityZone :: Maybe AvailabilityZone , _sSubnetIdentifier :: Maybe Text , _sSubnetStatus :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Read, Show) -- | 'Subnet' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'sSubnetAvailabilityZone' @::@ 'Maybe' 'AvailabilityZone' -- -- * 'sSubnetIdentifier' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sSubnetStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- subnet :: Subnet subnet = Subnet { _sSubnetIdentifier = Nothing , _sSubnetAvailabilityZone = Nothing , _sSubnetStatus = Nothing } sSubnetAvailabilityZone :: Lens' Subnet (Maybe AvailabilityZone) sSubnetAvailabilityZone = lens _sSubnetAvailabilityZone (\s a -> s { _sSubnetAvailabilityZone = a }) -- | The identifier of the subnet. sSubnetIdentifier :: Lens' Subnet (Maybe Text) sSubnetIdentifier = lens _sSubnetIdentifier (\s a -> s { _sSubnetIdentifier = a }) -- | The status of the subnet. sSubnetStatus :: Lens' Subnet (Maybe Text) sSubnetStatus = lens _sSubnetStatus (\s a -> s { _sSubnetStatus = a }) instance FromXML Subnet where parseXML x = Subnet <$> x .@? "SubnetAvailabilityZone" <*> x .@? "SubnetIdentifier" <*> x .@? "SubnetStatus" instance ToQuery Subnet where toQuery Subnet{..} = mconcat [ "SubnetAvailabilityZone" =? _sSubnetAvailabilityZone , "SubnetIdentifier" =? _sSubnetIdentifier , "SubnetStatus" =? _sSubnetStatus ] data ClusterSecurityGroup = ClusterSecurityGroup { _csgClusterSecurityGroupName :: Maybe Text , _csgDescription :: Maybe Text , _csgEC2SecurityGroups :: List "member" EC2SecurityGroup , _csgIPRanges :: List "member" IPRange , _csgTags :: List "member" Tag } deriving (Eq, Read, Show) -- | 'ClusterSecurityGroup' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'csgClusterSecurityGroupName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'csgDescription' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'csgEC2SecurityGroups' @::@ ['EC2SecurityGroup'] -- -- * 'csgIPRanges' @::@ ['IPRange'] -- -- * 'csgTags' @::@ ['Tag'] -- clusterSecurityGroup :: ClusterSecurityGroup clusterSecurityGroup = ClusterSecurityGroup { _csgClusterSecurityGroupName = Nothing , _csgDescription = Nothing , _csgEC2SecurityGroups = mempty , _csgIPRanges = mempty , _csgTags = mempty } -- | The name of the cluster security group to which the operation was applied. csgClusterSecurityGroupName :: Lens' ClusterSecurityGroup (Maybe Text) csgClusterSecurityGroupName = lens _csgClusterSecurityGroupName (\s a -> s { _csgClusterSecurityGroupName = a }) -- | A description of the security group. csgDescription :: Lens' ClusterSecurityGroup (Maybe Text) csgDescription = lens _csgDescription (\s a -> s { _csgDescription = a }) -- | A list of EC2 security groups that are permitted to access clusters -- associated with this cluster security group. csgEC2SecurityGroups :: Lens' ClusterSecurityGroup [EC2SecurityGroup] csgEC2SecurityGroups = lens _csgEC2SecurityGroups (\s a -> s { _csgEC2SecurityGroups = a }) . _List -- | A list of IP ranges (CIDR blocks) that are permitted to access clusters -- associated with this cluster security group. csgIPRanges :: Lens' ClusterSecurityGroup [IPRange] csgIPRanges = lens _csgIPRanges (\s a -> s { _csgIPRanges = a }) . _List -- | The list of tags for the cluster security group. csgTags :: Lens' ClusterSecurityGroup [Tag] csgTags = lens _csgTags (\s a -> s { _csgTags = a }) . _List instance FromXML ClusterSecurityGroup where parseXML x = ClusterSecurityGroup <$> x .@? "ClusterSecurityGroupName" <*> x .@? "Description" <*> x .@? "EC2SecurityGroups" .!@ mempty <*> x .@? "IPRanges" .!@ mempty <*> x .@? "Tags" .!@ mempty instance ToQuery ClusterSecurityGroup where toQuery ClusterSecurityGroup{..} = mconcat [ "ClusterSecurityGroupName" =? _csgClusterSecurityGroupName , "Description" =? _csgDescription , "EC2SecurityGroups" =? _csgEC2SecurityGroups , "IPRanges" =? _csgIPRanges , "Tags" =? _csgTags ] data DefaultClusterParameters = DefaultClusterParameters { _dcpMarker :: Maybe Text , _dcpParameterGroupFamily :: Maybe Text , _dcpParameters :: List "member" Parameter } deriving (Eq, Read, Show) -- | 'DefaultClusterParameters' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'dcpMarker' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'dcpParameterGroupFamily' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'dcpParameters' @::@ ['Parameter'] -- defaultClusterParameters :: DefaultClusterParameters defaultClusterParameters = DefaultClusterParameters { _dcpParameterGroupFamily = Nothing , _dcpMarker = Nothing , _dcpParameters = mempty } -- | A value that indicates the starting point for the next set of response -- records in a subsequent request. If a value is returned in a response, you -- can retrieve the next set of records by providing this returned marker value -- in the 'Marker' parameter and retrying the command. If the 'Marker' field is -- empty, all response records have been retrieved for the request. dcpMarker :: Lens' DefaultClusterParameters (Maybe Text) dcpMarker = lens _dcpMarker (\s a -> s { _dcpMarker = a }) -- | The name of the cluster parameter group family to which the engine default -- parameters apply. dcpParameterGroupFamily :: Lens' DefaultClusterParameters (Maybe Text) dcpParameterGroupFamily = lens _dcpParameterGroupFamily (\s a -> s { _dcpParameterGroupFamily = a }) -- | The list of cluster default parameters. dcpParameters :: Lens' DefaultClusterParameters [Parameter] dcpParameters = lens _dcpParameters (\s a -> s { _dcpParameters = a }) . _List instance FromXML DefaultClusterParameters where parseXML x = DefaultClusterParameters <$> x .@? "Marker" <*> x .@? "ParameterGroupFamily" <*> x .@? "Parameters" .!@ mempty instance ToQuery DefaultClusterParameters where toQuery DefaultClusterParameters{..} = mconcat [ "Marker" =? _dcpMarker , "ParameterGroupFamily" =? _dcpParameterGroupFamily , "Parameters" =? _dcpParameters ] data ClusterSubnetGroup = ClusterSubnetGroup { _csg1ClusterSubnetGroupName :: Maybe Text , _csg1Description :: Maybe Text , _csg1SubnetGroupStatus :: Maybe Text , _csg1Subnets :: List "member" Subnet , _csg1Tags :: List "member" Tag , _csg1VpcId :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Read, Show) -- | 'ClusterSubnetGroup' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'csg1ClusterSubnetGroupName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'csg1Description' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'csg1SubnetGroupStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'csg1Subnets' @::@ ['Subnet'] -- -- * 'csg1Tags' @::@ ['Tag'] -- -- * 'csg1VpcId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- clusterSubnetGroup :: ClusterSubnetGroup clusterSubnetGroup = ClusterSubnetGroup { _csg1ClusterSubnetGroupName = Nothing , _csg1Description = Nothing , _csg1VpcId = Nothing , _csg1SubnetGroupStatus = Nothing , _csg1Subnets = mempty , _csg1Tags = mempty } -- | The name of the cluster subnet group. csg1ClusterSubnetGroupName :: Lens' ClusterSubnetGroup (Maybe Text) csg1ClusterSubnetGroupName = lens _csg1ClusterSubnetGroupName (\s a -> s { _csg1ClusterSubnetGroupName = a }) -- | The description of the cluster subnet group. csg1Description :: Lens' ClusterSubnetGroup (Maybe Text) csg1Description = lens _csg1Description (\s a -> s { _csg1Description = a }) -- | The status of the cluster subnet group. Possible values are 'Complete', 'Incomplete' and 'Invalid'. csg1SubnetGroupStatus :: Lens' ClusterSubnetGroup (Maybe Text) csg1SubnetGroupStatus = lens _csg1SubnetGroupStatus (\s a -> s { _csg1SubnetGroupStatus = a }) -- | A list of the VPC 'Subnet' elements. csg1Subnets :: Lens' ClusterSubnetGroup [Subnet] csg1Subnets = lens _csg1Subnets (\s a -> s { _csg1Subnets = a }) . _List -- | The list of tags for the cluster subnet group. csg1Tags :: Lens' ClusterSubnetGroup [Tag] csg1Tags = lens _csg1Tags (\s a -> s { _csg1Tags = a }) . _List -- | The VPC ID of the cluster subnet group. csg1VpcId :: Lens' ClusterSubnetGroup (Maybe Text) csg1VpcId = lens _csg1VpcId (\s a -> s { _csg1VpcId = a }) instance FromXML ClusterSubnetGroup where parseXML x = ClusterSubnetGroup <$> x .@? "ClusterSubnetGroupName" <*> x .@? "Description" <*> x .@? "SubnetGroupStatus" <*> x .@? "Subnets" .!@ mempty <*> x .@? "Tags" .!@ mempty <*> x .@? "VpcId" instance ToQuery ClusterSubnetGroup where toQuery ClusterSubnetGroup{..} = mconcat [ "ClusterSubnetGroupName" =? _csg1ClusterSubnetGroupName , "Description" =? _csg1Description , "SubnetGroupStatus" =? _csg1SubnetGroupStatus , "Subnets" =? _csg1Subnets , "Tags" =? _csg1Tags , "VpcId" =? _csg1VpcId ] data EventInfoMap = EventInfoMap { _eimEventCategories :: List "member" Text , _eimEventDescription :: Maybe Text , _eimEventId :: Maybe Text , _eimSeverity :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | 'EventInfoMap' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'eimEventCategories' @::@ ['Text'] -- -- * 'eimEventDescription' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'eimEventId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'eimSeverity' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- eventInfoMap :: EventInfoMap eventInfoMap = EventInfoMap { _eimEventId = Nothing , _eimEventCategories = mempty , _eimEventDescription = Nothing , _eimSeverity = Nothing } -- | The category of an Amazon Redshift event. eimEventCategories :: Lens' EventInfoMap [Text] eimEventCategories = lens _eimEventCategories (\s a -> s { _eimEventCategories = a }) . _List -- | The description of an Amazon Redshift event. eimEventDescription :: Lens' EventInfoMap (Maybe Text) eimEventDescription = lens _eimEventDescription (\s a -> s { _eimEventDescription = a }) -- | The identifier of an Amazon Redshift event. eimEventId :: Lens' EventInfoMap (Maybe Text) eimEventId = lens _eimEventId (\s a -> s { _eimEventId = a }) -- | The severity of the event. -- -- Values: ERROR, INFO eimSeverity :: Lens' EventInfoMap (Maybe Text) eimSeverity = lens _eimSeverity (\s a -> s { _eimSeverity = a }) instance FromXML EventInfoMap where parseXML x = EventInfoMap <$> x .@? "EventCategories" .!@ mempty <*> x .@? "EventDescription" <*> x .@? "EventId" <*> x .@? "Severity" instance ToQuery EventInfoMap where toQuery EventInfoMap{..} = mconcat [ "EventCategories" =? _eimEventCategories , "EventDescription" =? _eimEventDescription , "EventId" =? _eimEventId , "Severity" =? _eimSeverity ] data ClusterSecurityGroupMembership = ClusterSecurityGroupMembership { _csgmClusterSecurityGroupName :: Maybe Text , _csgmStatus :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | 'ClusterSecurityGroupMembership' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'csgmClusterSecurityGroupName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'csgmStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- clusterSecurityGroupMembership :: ClusterSecurityGroupMembership clusterSecurityGroupMembership = ClusterSecurityGroupMembership { _csgmClusterSecurityGroupName = Nothing , _csgmStatus = Nothing } -- | The name of the cluster security group. csgmClusterSecurityGroupName :: Lens' ClusterSecurityGroupMembership (Maybe Text) csgmClusterSecurityGroupName = lens _csgmClusterSecurityGroupName (\s a -> s { _csgmClusterSecurityGroupName = a }) -- | The status of the cluster security group. csgmStatus :: Lens' ClusterSecurityGroupMembership (Maybe Text) csgmStatus = lens _csgmStatus (\s a -> s { _csgmStatus = a }) instance FromXML ClusterSecurityGroupMembership where parseXML x = ClusterSecurityGroupMembership <$> x .@? "ClusterSecurityGroupName" <*> x .@? "Status" instance ToQuery ClusterSecurityGroupMembership where toQuery ClusterSecurityGroupMembership{..} = mconcat [ "ClusterSecurityGroupName" =? _csgmClusterSecurityGroupName , "Status" =? _csgmStatus ] data ReservedNodeOffering = ReservedNodeOffering { _rnoCurrencyCode :: Maybe Text , _rnoDuration :: Maybe Int , _rnoFixedPrice :: Maybe Double , _rnoNodeType :: Maybe Text , _rnoOfferingType :: Maybe Text , _rnoRecurringCharges :: List "member" RecurringCharge , _rnoReservedNodeOfferingId :: Maybe Text , _rnoUsagePrice :: Maybe Double } deriving (Eq, Read, Show) -- | 'ReservedNodeOffering' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'rnoCurrencyCode' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'rnoDuration' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- -- * 'rnoFixedPrice' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Double' -- -- * 'rnoNodeType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'rnoOfferingType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'rnoRecurringCharges' @::@ ['RecurringCharge'] -- -- * 'rnoReservedNodeOfferingId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'rnoUsagePrice' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Double' -- reservedNodeOffering :: ReservedNodeOffering reservedNodeOffering = ReservedNodeOffering { _rnoReservedNodeOfferingId = Nothing , _rnoNodeType = Nothing , _rnoDuration = Nothing , _rnoFixedPrice = Nothing , _rnoUsagePrice = Nothing , _rnoCurrencyCode = Nothing , _rnoOfferingType = Nothing , _rnoRecurringCharges = mempty } -- | The currency code for the compute nodes offering. rnoCurrencyCode :: Lens' ReservedNodeOffering (Maybe Text) rnoCurrencyCode = lens _rnoCurrencyCode (\s a -> s { _rnoCurrencyCode = a }) -- | The duration, in seconds, for which the offering will reserve the node. rnoDuration :: Lens' ReservedNodeOffering (Maybe Int) rnoDuration = lens _rnoDuration (\s a -> s { _rnoDuration = a }) -- | The upfront fixed charge you will pay to purchase the specific reserved node -- offering. rnoFixedPrice :: Lens' ReservedNodeOffering (Maybe Double) rnoFixedPrice = lens _rnoFixedPrice (\s a -> s { _rnoFixedPrice = a }) -- | The node type offered by the reserved node offering. rnoNodeType :: Lens' ReservedNodeOffering (Maybe Text) rnoNodeType = lens _rnoNodeType (\s a -> s { _rnoNodeType = a }) -- | The anticipated utilization of the reserved node, as defined in the reserved -- node offering. rnoOfferingType :: Lens' ReservedNodeOffering (Maybe Text) rnoOfferingType = lens _rnoOfferingType (\s a -> s { _rnoOfferingType = a }) -- | The charge to your account regardless of whether you are creating any -- clusters using the node offering. Recurring charges are only in effect for -- heavy-utilization reserved nodes. rnoRecurringCharges :: Lens' ReservedNodeOffering [RecurringCharge] rnoRecurringCharges = lens _rnoRecurringCharges (\s a -> s { _rnoRecurringCharges = a }) . _List -- | The offering identifier. rnoReservedNodeOfferingId :: Lens' ReservedNodeOffering (Maybe Text) rnoReservedNodeOfferingId = lens _rnoReservedNodeOfferingId (\s a -> s { _rnoReservedNodeOfferingId = a }) -- | The rate you are charged for each hour the cluster that is using the -- offering is running. rnoUsagePrice :: Lens' ReservedNodeOffering (Maybe Double) rnoUsagePrice = lens _rnoUsagePrice (\s a -> s { _rnoUsagePrice = a }) instance FromXML ReservedNodeOffering where parseXML x = ReservedNodeOffering <$> x .@? "CurrencyCode" <*> x .@? "Duration" <*> x .@? "FixedPrice" <*> x .@? "NodeType" <*> x .@? "OfferingType" <*> x .@? "RecurringCharges" .!@ mempty <*> x .@? "ReservedNodeOfferingId" <*> x .@? "UsagePrice" instance ToQuery ReservedNodeOffering where toQuery ReservedNodeOffering{..} = mconcat [ "CurrencyCode" =? _rnoCurrencyCode , "Duration" =? _rnoDuration , "FixedPrice" =? _rnoFixedPrice , "NodeType" =? _rnoNodeType , "OfferingType" =? _rnoOfferingType , "RecurringCharges" =? _rnoRecurringCharges , "ReservedNodeOfferingId" =? _rnoReservedNodeOfferingId , "UsagePrice" =? _rnoUsagePrice ] data ReservedNode = ReservedNode { _rnCurrencyCode :: Maybe Text , _rnDuration :: Maybe Int , _rnFixedPrice :: Maybe Double , _rnNodeCount :: Maybe Int , _rnNodeType :: Maybe Text , _rnOfferingType :: Maybe Text , _rnRecurringCharges :: List "member" RecurringCharge , _rnReservedNodeId :: Maybe Text , _rnReservedNodeOfferingId :: Maybe Text , _rnStartTime :: Maybe ISO8601 , _rnState :: Maybe Text , _rnUsagePrice :: Maybe Double } deriving (Eq, Read, Show) -- | 'ReservedNode' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'rnCurrencyCode' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'rnDuration' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- -- * 'rnFixedPrice' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Double' -- -- * 'rnNodeCount' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- -- * 'rnNodeType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'rnOfferingType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'rnRecurringCharges' @::@ ['RecurringCharge'] -- -- * 'rnReservedNodeId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'rnReservedNodeOfferingId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'rnStartTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'rnState' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'rnUsagePrice' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Double' -- reservedNode :: ReservedNode reservedNode = ReservedNode { _rnReservedNodeId = Nothing , _rnReservedNodeOfferingId = Nothing , _rnNodeType = Nothing , _rnStartTime = Nothing , _rnDuration = Nothing , _rnFixedPrice = Nothing , _rnUsagePrice = Nothing , _rnCurrencyCode = Nothing , _rnNodeCount = Nothing , _rnState = Nothing , _rnOfferingType = Nothing , _rnRecurringCharges = mempty } -- | The currency code for the reserved cluster. rnCurrencyCode :: Lens' ReservedNode (Maybe Text) rnCurrencyCode = lens _rnCurrencyCode (\s a -> s { _rnCurrencyCode = a }) -- | The duration of the node reservation in seconds. rnDuration :: Lens' ReservedNode (Maybe Int) rnDuration = lens _rnDuration (\s a -> s { _rnDuration = a }) -- | The fixed cost Amazon Redshift charged you for this reserved node. rnFixedPrice :: Lens' ReservedNode (Maybe Double) rnFixedPrice = lens _rnFixedPrice (\s a -> s { _rnFixedPrice = a }) -- | The number of reserved compute nodes. rnNodeCount :: Lens' ReservedNode (Maybe Int) rnNodeCount = lens _rnNodeCount (\s a -> s { _rnNodeCount = a }) -- | The node type of the reserved node. rnNodeType :: Lens' ReservedNode (Maybe Text) rnNodeType = lens _rnNodeType (\s a -> s { _rnNodeType = a }) -- | The anticipated utilization of the reserved node, as defined in the reserved -- node offering. rnOfferingType :: Lens' ReservedNode (Maybe Text) rnOfferingType = lens _rnOfferingType (\s a -> s { _rnOfferingType = a }) -- | The recurring charges for the reserved node. rnRecurringCharges :: Lens' ReservedNode [RecurringCharge] rnRecurringCharges = lens _rnRecurringCharges (\s a -> s { _rnRecurringCharges = a }) . _List -- | The unique identifier for the reservation. rnReservedNodeId :: Lens' ReservedNode (Maybe Text) rnReservedNodeId = lens _rnReservedNodeId (\s a -> s { _rnReservedNodeId = a }) -- | The identifier for the reserved node offering. rnReservedNodeOfferingId :: Lens' ReservedNode (Maybe Text) rnReservedNodeOfferingId = lens _rnReservedNodeOfferingId (\s a -> s { _rnReservedNodeOfferingId = a }) -- | The time the reservation started. You purchase a reserved node offering for -- a duration. This is the start time of that duration. rnStartTime :: Lens' ReservedNode (Maybe UTCTime) rnStartTime = lens _rnStartTime (\s a -> s { _rnStartTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The state of the reserved compute node. -- -- Possible Values: -- -- pending-payment-This reserved node has recently been purchased, and the -- sale has been approved, but payment has not yet been confirmed. active-This -- reserved node is owned by the caller and is available for use. payment-failed-Payment failed for the purchase attempt. -- rnState :: Lens' ReservedNode (Maybe Text) rnState = lens _rnState (\s a -> s { _rnState = a }) -- | The hourly rate Amazon Redshift charge you for this reserved node. rnUsagePrice :: Lens' ReservedNode (Maybe Double) rnUsagePrice = lens _rnUsagePrice (\s a -> s { _rnUsagePrice = a }) instance FromXML ReservedNode where parseXML x = ReservedNode <$> x .@? "CurrencyCode" <*> x .@? "Duration" <*> x .@? "FixedPrice" <*> x .@? "NodeCount" <*> x .@? "NodeType" <*> x .@? "OfferingType" <*> x .@? "RecurringCharges" .!@ mempty <*> x .@? "ReservedNodeId" <*> x .@? "ReservedNodeOfferingId" <*> x .@? "StartTime" <*> x .@? "State" <*> x .@? "UsagePrice" instance ToQuery ReservedNode where toQuery ReservedNode{..} = mconcat [ "CurrencyCode" =? _rnCurrencyCode , "Duration" =? _rnDuration , "FixedPrice" =? _rnFixedPrice , "NodeCount" =? _rnNodeCount , "NodeType" =? _rnNodeType , "OfferingType" =? _rnOfferingType , "RecurringCharges" =? _rnRecurringCharges , "ReservedNodeId" =? _rnReservedNodeId , "ReservedNodeOfferingId" =? _rnReservedNodeOfferingId , "StartTime" =? _rnStartTime , "State" =? _rnState , "UsagePrice" =? _rnUsagePrice ] data LoggingStatus = LoggingStatus { _lsBucketName :: Maybe Text , _lsLastFailureMessage :: Maybe Text , _lsLastFailureTime :: Maybe ISO8601 , _lsLastSuccessfulDeliveryTime :: Maybe ISO8601 , _lsLoggingEnabled :: Maybe Bool , _lsS3KeyPrefix :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | 'LoggingStatus' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'lsBucketName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'lsLastFailureMessage' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'lsLastFailureTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'lsLastSuccessfulDeliveryTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'lsLoggingEnabled' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool' -- -- * 'lsS3KeyPrefix' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- loggingStatus :: LoggingStatus loggingStatus = LoggingStatus { _lsLoggingEnabled = Nothing , _lsBucketName = Nothing , _lsS3KeyPrefix = Nothing , _lsLastSuccessfulDeliveryTime = Nothing , _lsLastFailureTime = Nothing , _lsLastFailureMessage = Nothing } -- | The name of the S3 bucket where the log files are stored. lsBucketName :: Lens' LoggingStatus (Maybe Text) lsBucketName = lens _lsBucketName (\s a -> s { _lsBucketName = a }) -- | The message indicating that logs failed to be delivered. lsLastFailureMessage :: Lens' LoggingStatus (Maybe Text) lsLastFailureMessage = lens _lsLastFailureMessage (\s a -> s { _lsLastFailureMessage = a }) -- | The last time when logs failed to be delivered. lsLastFailureTime :: Lens' LoggingStatus (Maybe UTCTime) lsLastFailureTime = lens _lsLastFailureTime (\s a -> s { _lsLastFailureTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The last time when logs were delivered. lsLastSuccessfulDeliveryTime :: Lens' LoggingStatus (Maybe UTCTime) lsLastSuccessfulDeliveryTime = lens _lsLastSuccessfulDeliveryTime (\s a -> s { _lsLastSuccessfulDeliveryTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | 'true' if logging is on, 'false' if logging is off. lsLoggingEnabled :: Lens' LoggingStatus (Maybe Bool) lsLoggingEnabled = lens _lsLoggingEnabled (\s a -> s { _lsLoggingEnabled = a }) -- | The prefix applied to the log file names. lsS3KeyPrefix :: Lens' LoggingStatus (Maybe Text) lsS3KeyPrefix = lens _lsS3KeyPrefix (\s a -> s { _lsS3KeyPrefix = a }) instance FromXML LoggingStatus where parseXML x = LoggingStatus <$> x .@? "BucketName" <*> x .@? "LastFailureMessage" <*> x .@? "LastFailureTime" <*> x .@? "LastSuccessfulDeliveryTime" <*> x .@? "LoggingEnabled" <*> x .@? "S3KeyPrefix" instance ToQuery LoggingStatus where toQuery LoggingStatus{..} = mconcat [ "BucketName" =? _lsBucketName , "LastFailureMessage" =? _lsLastFailureMessage , "LastFailureTime" =? _lsLastFailureTime , "LastSuccessfulDeliveryTime" =? _lsLastSuccessfulDeliveryTime , "LoggingEnabled" =? _lsLoggingEnabled , "S3KeyPrefix" =? _lsS3KeyPrefix ] newtype AccountWithRestoreAccess = AccountWithRestoreAccess { _awraAccountId :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Monoid) -- | 'AccountWithRestoreAccess' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'awraAccountId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- accountWithRestoreAccess :: AccountWithRestoreAccess accountWithRestoreAccess = AccountWithRestoreAccess { _awraAccountId = Nothing } -- | The identifier of an AWS customer account authorized to restore a snapshot. awraAccountId :: Lens' AccountWithRestoreAccess (Maybe Text) awraAccountId = lens _awraAccountId (\s a -> s { _awraAccountId = a }) instance FromXML AccountWithRestoreAccess where parseXML x = AccountWithRestoreAccess <$> x .@? "AccountId" instance ToQuery AccountWithRestoreAccess where toQuery AccountWithRestoreAccess{..} = mconcat [ "AccountId" =? _awraAccountId ] newtype AvailabilityZone = AvailabilityZone { _azName :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Monoid) -- | 'AvailabilityZone' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'azName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- availabilityZone :: AvailabilityZone availabilityZone = AvailabilityZone { _azName = Nothing } -- | The name of the availability zone. azName :: Lens' AvailabilityZone (Maybe Text) azName = lens _azName (\s a -> s { _azName = a }) instance FromXML AvailabilityZone where parseXML x = AvailabilityZone <$> x .@? "Name" instance ToQuery AvailabilityZone where toQuery AvailabilityZone{..} = mconcat [ "Name" =? _azName ] data EventSubscription = EventSubscription { _esCustSubscriptionId :: Maybe Text , _esCustomerAwsId :: Maybe Text , _esEnabled :: Maybe Bool , _esEventCategoriesList :: List "member" Text , _esSeverity :: Maybe Text , _esSnsTopicArn :: Maybe Text , _esSourceIdsList :: List "member" Text , _esSourceType :: Maybe Text , _esStatus :: Maybe Text , _esSubscriptionCreationTime :: Maybe ISO8601 , _esTags :: List "member" Tag } deriving (Eq, Read, Show) -- | 'EventSubscription' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'esCustSubscriptionId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'esCustomerAwsId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'esEnabled' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool' -- -- * 'esEventCategoriesList' @::@ ['Text'] -- -- * 'esSeverity' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'esSnsTopicArn' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'esSourceIdsList' @::@ ['Text'] -- -- * 'esSourceType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'esStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'esSubscriptionCreationTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'esTags' @::@ ['Tag'] -- eventSubscription :: EventSubscription eventSubscription = EventSubscription { _esCustomerAwsId = Nothing , _esCustSubscriptionId = Nothing , _esSnsTopicArn = Nothing , _esStatus = Nothing , _esSubscriptionCreationTime = Nothing , _esSourceType = Nothing , _esSourceIdsList = mempty , _esEventCategoriesList = mempty , _esSeverity = Nothing , _esEnabled = Nothing , _esTags = mempty } -- | The name of the Amazon Redshift event notification subscription. esCustSubscriptionId :: Lens' EventSubscription (Maybe Text) esCustSubscriptionId = lens _esCustSubscriptionId (\s a -> s { _esCustSubscriptionId = a }) -- | The AWS customer account associated with the Amazon Redshift event -- notification subscription. esCustomerAwsId :: Lens' EventSubscription (Maybe Text) esCustomerAwsId = lens _esCustomerAwsId (\s a -> s { _esCustomerAwsId = a }) -- | A Boolean value indicating whether the subscription is enabled. 'true' -- indicates the subscription is enabled. esEnabled :: Lens' EventSubscription (Maybe Bool) esEnabled = lens _esEnabled (\s a -> s { _esEnabled = a }) -- | The list of Amazon Redshift event categories specified in the event -- notification subscription. -- -- Values: Configuration, Management, Monitoring, Security esEventCategoriesList :: Lens' EventSubscription [Text] esEventCategoriesList = lens _esEventCategoriesList (\s a -> s { _esEventCategoriesList = a }) . _List -- | The event severity specified in the Amazon Redshift event notification -- subscription. -- -- Values: ERROR, INFO esSeverity :: Lens' EventSubscription (Maybe Text) esSeverity = lens _esSeverity (\s a -> s { _esSeverity = a }) -- | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon SNS topic used by the event -- notification subscription. esSnsTopicArn :: Lens' EventSubscription (Maybe Text) esSnsTopicArn = lens _esSnsTopicArn (\s a -> s { _esSnsTopicArn = a }) -- | A list of the sources that publish events to the Amazon Redshift event -- notification subscription. esSourceIdsList :: Lens' EventSubscription [Text] esSourceIdsList = lens _esSourceIdsList (\s a -> s { _esSourceIdsList = a }) . _List -- | The source type of the events returned the Amazon Redshift event -- notification, such as cluster, or cluster-snapshot. esSourceType :: Lens' EventSubscription (Maybe Text) esSourceType = lens _esSourceType (\s a -> s { _esSourceType = a }) -- | The status of the Amazon Redshift event notification subscription. -- -- Constraints: -- -- Can be one of the following: active | no-permission | topic-not-exist The -- status "no-permission" indicates that Amazon Redshift no longer has -- permission to post to the Amazon SNS topic. The status "topic-not-exist" -- indicates that the topic was deleted after the subscription was created. esStatus :: Lens' EventSubscription (Maybe Text) esStatus = lens _esStatus (\s a -> s { _esStatus = a }) -- | The date and time the Amazon Redshift event notification subscription was -- created. esSubscriptionCreationTime :: Lens' EventSubscription (Maybe UTCTime) esSubscriptionCreationTime = lens _esSubscriptionCreationTime (\s a -> s { _esSubscriptionCreationTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The list of tags for the event subscription. esTags :: Lens' EventSubscription [Tag] esTags = lens _esTags (\s a -> s { _esTags = a }) . _List instance FromXML EventSubscription where parseXML x = EventSubscription <$> x .@? "CustSubscriptionId" <*> x .@? "CustomerAwsId" <*> x .@? "Enabled" <*> x .@? "EventCategoriesList" .!@ mempty <*> x .@? "Severity" <*> x .@? "SnsTopicArn" <*> x .@? "SourceIdsList" .!@ mempty <*> x .@? "SourceType" <*> x .@? "Status" <*> x .@? "SubscriptionCreationTime" <*> x .@? "Tags" .!@ mempty instance ToQuery EventSubscription where toQuery EventSubscription{..} = mconcat [ "CustSubscriptionId" =? _esCustSubscriptionId , "CustomerAwsId" =? _esCustomerAwsId , "Enabled" =? _esEnabled , "EventCategoriesList" =? _esEventCategoriesList , "Severity" =? _esSeverity , "SnsTopicArn" =? _esSnsTopicArn , "SourceIdsList" =? _esSourceIdsList , "SourceType" =? _esSourceType , "Status" =? _esStatus , "SubscriptionCreationTime" =? _esSubscriptionCreationTime , "Tags" =? _esTags ] data HsmStatus = HsmStatus { _hsHsmClientCertificateIdentifier :: Maybe Text , _hsHsmConfigurationIdentifier :: Maybe Text , _hsStatus :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | 'HsmStatus' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'hsHsmClientCertificateIdentifier' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'hsHsmConfigurationIdentifier' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'hsStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- hsmStatus :: HsmStatus hsmStatus = HsmStatus { _hsHsmClientCertificateIdentifier = Nothing , _hsHsmConfigurationIdentifier = Nothing , _hsStatus = Nothing } -- | Specifies the name of the HSM client certificate the Amazon Redshift cluster -- uses to retrieve the data encryption keys stored in an HSM. hsHsmClientCertificateIdentifier :: Lens' HsmStatus (Maybe Text) hsHsmClientCertificateIdentifier = lens _hsHsmClientCertificateIdentifier (\s a -> s { _hsHsmClientCertificateIdentifier = a }) -- | Specifies the name of the HSM configuration that contains the information the -- Amazon Redshift cluster can use to retrieve and store keys in an HSM. hsHsmConfigurationIdentifier :: Lens' HsmStatus (Maybe Text) hsHsmConfigurationIdentifier = lens _hsHsmConfigurationIdentifier (\s a -> s { _hsHsmConfigurationIdentifier = a }) -- | Reports whether the Amazon Redshift cluster has finished applying any HSM -- settings changes specified in a modify cluster command. -- -- Values: active, applying hsStatus :: Lens' HsmStatus (Maybe Text) hsStatus = lens _hsStatus (\s a -> s { _hsStatus = a }) instance FromXML HsmStatus where parseXML x = HsmStatus <$> x .@? "HsmClientCertificateIdentifier" <*> x .@? "HsmConfigurationIdentifier" <*> x .@? "Status" instance ToQuery HsmStatus where toQuery HsmStatus{..} = mconcat [ "HsmClientCertificateIdentifier" =? _hsHsmClientCertificateIdentifier , "HsmConfigurationIdentifier" =? _hsHsmConfigurationIdentifier , "Status" =? _hsStatus ] data ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage = ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage { _cpgnmParameterGroupName :: Maybe Text , _cpgnmParameterGroupStatus :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | 'ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'cpgnmParameterGroupName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cpgnmParameterGroupStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- clusterParameterGroupNameMessage :: ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage clusterParameterGroupNameMessage = ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage { _cpgnmParameterGroupName = Nothing , _cpgnmParameterGroupStatus = Nothing } -- | The name of the cluster parameter group. cpgnmParameterGroupName :: Lens' ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage (Maybe Text) cpgnmParameterGroupName = lens _cpgnmParameterGroupName (\s a -> s { _cpgnmParameterGroupName = a }) -- | The status of the parameter group. For example, if you made a change to a -- parameter group name-value pair, then the change could be pending a reboot of -- an associated cluster. cpgnmParameterGroupStatus :: Lens' ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage (Maybe Text) cpgnmParameterGroupStatus = lens _cpgnmParameterGroupStatus (\s a -> s { _cpgnmParameterGroupStatus = a }) instance FromXML ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage where parseXML x = ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage <$> x .@? "ParameterGroupName" <*> x .@? "ParameterGroupStatus" instance ToQuery ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage where toQuery ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage{..} = mconcat [ "ParameterGroupName" =? _cpgnmParameterGroupName , "ParameterGroupStatus" =? _cpgnmParameterGroupStatus ] data ElasticIpStatus = ElasticIpStatus { _eisElasticIp :: Maybe Text , _eisStatus :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | 'ElasticIpStatus' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'eisElasticIp' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'eisStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- elasticIpStatus :: ElasticIpStatus elasticIpStatus = ElasticIpStatus { _eisElasticIp = Nothing , _eisStatus = Nothing } -- | The elastic IP (EIP) address for the cluster. eisElasticIp :: Lens' ElasticIpStatus (Maybe Text) eisElasticIp = lens _eisElasticIp (\s a -> s { _eisElasticIp = a }) -- | Describes the status of the elastic IP (EIP) address. eisStatus :: Lens' ElasticIpStatus (Maybe Text) eisStatus = lens _eisStatus (\s a -> s { _eisStatus = a }) instance FromXML ElasticIpStatus where parseXML x = ElasticIpStatus <$> x .@? "ElasticIp" <*> x .@? "Status" instance ToQuery ElasticIpStatus where toQuery ElasticIpStatus{..} = mconcat [ "ElasticIp" =? _eisElasticIp , "Status" =? _eisStatus ] data ClusterVersion = ClusterVersion { _cvClusterParameterGroupFamily :: Maybe Text , _cvClusterVersion :: Maybe Text , _cvDescription :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | 'ClusterVersion' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'cvClusterParameterGroupFamily' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cvClusterVersion' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cvDescription' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- clusterVersion :: ClusterVersion clusterVersion = ClusterVersion { _cvClusterVersion = Nothing , _cvClusterParameterGroupFamily = Nothing , _cvDescription = Nothing } -- | The name of the cluster parameter group family for the cluster. cvClusterParameterGroupFamily :: Lens' ClusterVersion (Maybe Text) cvClusterParameterGroupFamily = lens _cvClusterParameterGroupFamily (\s a -> s { _cvClusterParameterGroupFamily = a }) -- | The version number used by the cluster. cvClusterVersion :: Lens' ClusterVersion (Maybe Text) cvClusterVersion = lens _cvClusterVersion (\s a -> s { _cvClusterVersion = a }) -- | The description of the cluster version. cvDescription :: Lens' ClusterVersion (Maybe Text) cvDescription = lens _cvDescription (\s a -> s { _cvDescription = a }) instance FromXML ClusterVersion where parseXML x = ClusterVersion <$> x .@? "ClusterParameterGroupFamily" <*> x .@? "ClusterVersion" <*> x .@? "Description" instance ToQuery ClusterVersion where toQuery ClusterVersion{..} = mconcat [ "ClusterParameterGroupFamily" =? _cvClusterParameterGroupFamily , "ClusterVersion" =? _cvClusterVersion , "Description" =? _cvDescription ] data RecurringCharge = RecurringCharge { _rcRecurringChargeAmount :: Maybe Double , _rcRecurringChargeFrequency :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | 'RecurringCharge' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'rcRecurringChargeAmount' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Double' -- -- * 'rcRecurringChargeFrequency' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- recurringCharge :: RecurringCharge recurringCharge = RecurringCharge { _rcRecurringChargeAmount = Nothing , _rcRecurringChargeFrequency = Nothing } -- | The amount charged per the period of time specified by the recurring charge -- frequency. rcRecurringChargeAmount :: Lens' RecurringCharge (Maybe Double) rcRecurringChargeAmount = lens _rcRecurringChargeAmount (\s a -> s { _rcRecurringChargeAmount = a }) -- | The frequency at which the recurring charge amount is applied. rcRecurringChargeFrequency :: Lens' RecurringCharge (Maybe Text) rcRecurringChargeFrequency = lens _rcRecurringChargeFrequency (\s a -> s { _rcRecurringChargeFrequency = a }) instance FromXML RecurringCharge where parseXML x = RecurringCharge <$> x .@? "RecurringChargeAmount" <*> x .@? "RecurringChargeFrequency" instance ToQuery RecurringCharge where toQuery RecurringCharge{..} = mconcat [ "RecurringChargeAmount" =? _rcRecurringChargeAmount , "RecurringChargeFrequency" =? _rcRecurringChargeFrequency ] data Endpoint = Endpoint { _eAddress :: Maybe Text , _ePort :: Maybe Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | 'Endpoint' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'eAddress' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ePort' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- endpoint :: Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint { _eAddress = Nothing , _ePort = Nothing } -- | The DNS address of the Cluster. eAddress :: Lens' Endpoint (Maybe Text) eAddress = lens _eAddress (\s a -> s { _eAddress = a }) -- | The port that the database engine is listening on. ePort :: Lens' Endpoint (Maybe Int) ePort = lens _ePort (\s a -> s { _ePort = a }) instance FromXML Endpoint where parseXML x = Endpoint <$> x .@? "Address" <*> x .@? "Port" instance ToQuery Endpoint where toQuery Endpoint{..} = mconcat [ "Address" =? _eAddress , "Port" =? _ePort ] data IPRange = IPRange { _iprCIDRIP :: Maybe Text , _iprStatus :: Maybe Text , _iprTags :: List "member" Tag } deriving (Eq, Read, Show) -- | 'IPRange' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'iprCIDRIP' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'iprStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'iprTags' @::@ ['Tag'] -- iprange :: IPRange iprange = IPRange { _iprStatus = Nothing , _iprCIDRIP = Nothing , _iprTags = mempty } -- | The IP range in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation. iprCIDRIP :: Lens' IPRange (Maybe Text) iprCIDRIP = lens _iprCIDRIP (\s a -> s { _iprCIDRIP = a }) -- | The status of the IP range, for example, "authorized". iprStatus :: Lens' IPRange (Maybe Text) iprStatus = lens _iprStatus (\s a -> s { _iprStatus = a }) -- | The list of tags for the IP range. iprTags :: Lens' IPRange [Tag] iprTags = lens _iprTags (\s a -> s { _iprTags = a }) . _List instance FromXML IPRange where parseXML x = IPRange <$> x .@? "CIDRIP" <*> x .@? "Status" <*> x .@? "Tags" .!@ mempty instance ToQuery IPRange where toQuery IPRange{..} = mconcat [ "CIDRIP" =? _iprCIDRIP , "Status" =? _iprStatus , "Tags" =? _iprTags ] data TaggedResource = TaggedResource { _trResourceName :: Maybe Text , _trResourceType :: Maybe Text , _trTag :: Maybe Tag } deriving (Eq, Read, Show) -- | 'TaggedResource' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'trResourceName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'trResourceType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'trTag' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Tag' -- taggedResource :: TaggedResource taggedResource = TaggedResource { _trTag = Nothing , _trResourceName = Nothing , _trResourceType = Nothing } -- | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) with which the tag is associated. For example, 'arn:aws:redshift:us-east-1:123456789:cluster:t1'. trResourceName :: Lens' TaggedResource (Maybe Text) trResourceName = lens _trResourceName (\s a -> s { _trResourceName = a }) -- | The type of resource with which the tag is associated. Valid resource types -- are: Cluster CIDR/IP EC2 security group Snapshot Cluster security group Subnet group -- HSM connection HSM certificate Parameter group -- -- For more information about Amazon Redshift resource types and constructing -- ARNs, go to in the -- Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. trResourceType :: Lens' TaggedResource (Maybe Text) trResourceType = lens _trResourceType (\s a -> s { _trResourceType = a }) -- | The tag for the resource. trTag :: Lens' TaggedResource (Maybe Tag) trTag = lens _trTag (\s a -> s { _trTag = a }) instance FromXML TaggedResource where parseXML x = TaggedResource <$> x .@? "ResourceName" <*> x .@? "ResourceType" <*> x .@? "Tag" instance ToQuery TaggedResource where toQuery TaggedResource{..} = mconcat [ "ResourceName" =? _trResourceName , "ResourceType" =? _trResourceType , "Tag" =? _trTag ] data EventCategoriesMap = EventCategoriesMap { _ecmEvents :: List "member" EventInfoMap , _ecmSourceType :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Read, Show) -- | 'EventCategoriesMap' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'ecmEvents' @::@ ['EventInfoMap'] -- -- * 'ecmSourceType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- eventCategoriesMap :: EventCategoriesMap eventCategoriesMap = EventCategoriesMap { _ecmSourceType = Nothing , _ecmEvents = mempty } -- | The events in the event category. ecmEvents :: Lens' EventCategoriesMap [EventInfoMap] ecmEvents = lens _ecmEvents (\s a -> s { _ecmEvents = a }) . _List -- | The Amazon Redshift source type, such as cluster or cluster-snapshot, that -- the returned categories belong to. ecmSourceType :: Lens' EventCategoriesMap (Maybe Text) ecmSourceType = lens _ecmSourceType (\s a -> s { _ecmSourceType = a }) instance FromXML EventCategoriesMap where parseXML x = EventCategoriesMap <$> x .@? "Events" .!@ mempty <*> x .@? "SourceType" instance ToQuery EventCategoriesMap where toQuery EventCategoriesMap{..} = mconcat [ "Events" =? _ecmEvents , "SourceType" =? _ecmSourceType ] data HsmConfiguration = HsmConfiguration { _hcDescription :: Maybe Text , _hcHsmConfigurationIdentifier :: Maybe Text , _hcHsmIpAddress :: Maybe Text , _hcHsmPartitionName :: Maybe Text , _hcTags :: List "member" Tag } deriving (Eq, Read, Show) -- | 'HsmConfiguration' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'hcDescription' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'hcHsmConfigurationIdentifier' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'hcHsmIpAddress' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'hcHsmPartitionName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'hcTags' @::@ ['Tag'] -- hsmConfiguration :: HsmConfiguration hsmConfiguration = HsmConfiguration { _hcHsmConfigurationIdentifier = Nothing , _hcDescription = Nothing , _hcHsmIpAddress = Nothing , _hcHsmPartitionName = Nothing , _hcTags = mempty } -- | A text description of the HSM configuration. hcDescription :: Lens' HsmConfiguration (Maybe Text) hcDescription = lens _hcDescription (\s a -> s { _hcDescription = a }) -- | The name of the Amazon Redshift HSM configuration. hcHsmConfigurationIdentifier :: Lens' HsmConfiguration (Maybe Text) hcHsmConfigurationIdentifier = lens _hcHsmConfigurationIdentifier (\s a -> s { _hcHsmConfigurationIdentifier = a }) -- | The IP address that the Amazon Redshift cluster must use to access the HSM. hcHsmIpAddress :: Lens' HsmConfiguration (Maybe Text) hcHsmIpAddress = lens _hcHsmIpAddress (\s a -> s { _hcHsmIpAddress = a }) -- | The name of the partition in the HSM where the Amazon Redshift clusters will -- store their database encryption keys. hcHsmPartitionName :: Lens' HsmConfiguration (Maybe Text) hcHsmPartitionName = lens _hcHsmPartitionName (\s a -> s { _hcHsmPartitionName = a }) -- | The list of tags for the HSM configuration. hcTags :: Lens' HsmConfiguration [Tag] hcTags = lens _hcTags (\s a -> s { _hcTags = a }) . _List instance FromXML HsmConfiguration where parseXML x = HsmConfiguration <$> x .@? "Description" <*> x .@? "HsmConfigurationIdentifier" <*> x .@? "HsmIpAddress" <*> x .@? "HsmPartitionName" <*> x .@? "Tags" .!@ mempty instance ToQuery HsmConfiguration where toQuery HsmConfiguration{..} = mconcat [ "Description" =? _hcDescription , "HsmConfigurationIdentifier" =? _hcHsmConfigurationIdentifier , "HsmIpAddress" =? _hcHsmIpAddress , "HsmPartitionName" =? _hcHsmPartitionName , "Tags" =? _hcTags ] data PendingModifiedValues = PendingModifiedValues { _pmvAutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod :: Maybe Int , _pmvClusterIdentifier :: Maybe Text , _pmvClusterType :: Maybe Text , _pmvClusterVersion :: Maybe Text , _pmvMasterUserPassword :: Maybe Text , _pmvNodeType :: Maybe Text , _pmvNumberOfNodes :: Maybe Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | 'PendingModifiedValues' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'pmvAutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- -- * 'pmvClusterIdentifier' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'pmvClusterType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'pmvClusterVersion' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'pmvMasterUserPassword' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'pmvNodeType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'pmvNumberOfNodes' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- pendingModifiedValues :: PendingModifiedValues pendingModifiedValues = PendingModifiedValues { _pmvMasterUserPassword = Nothing , _pmvNodeType = Nothing , _pmvNumberOfNodes = Nothing , _pmvClusterType = Nothing , _pmvClusterVersion = Nothing , _pmvAutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod = Nothing , _pmvClusterIdentifier = Nothing } -- | The pending or in-progress change of the automated snapshot retention -- period. pmvAutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod :: Lens' PendingModifiedValues (Maybe Int) pmvAutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod = lens _pmvAutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod (\s a -> s { _pmvAutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod = a }) -- | The pending or in-progress change of the new identifier for the cluster. pmvClusterIdentifier :: Lens' PendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text) pmvClusterIdentifier = lens _pmvClusterIdentifier (\s a -> s { _pmvClusterIdentifier = a }) -- | The pending or in-progress change of the cluster type. pmvClusterType :: Lens' PendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text) pmvClusterType = lens _pmvClusterType (\s a -> s { _pmvClusterType = a }) -- | The pending or in-progress change of the service version. pmvClusterVersion :: Lens' PendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text) pmvClusterVersion = lens _pmvClusterVersion (\s a -> s { _pmvClusterVersion = a }) -- | The pending or in-progress change of the master user password for the -- cluster. pmvMasterUserPassword :: Lens' PendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text) pmvMasterUserPassword = lens _pmvMasterUserPassword (\s a -> s { _pmvMasterUserPassword = a }) -- | The pending or in-progress change of the cluster's node type. pmvNodeType :: Lens' PendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text) pmvNodeType = lens _pmvNodeType (\s a -> s { _pmvNodeType = a }) -- | The pending or in-progress change of the number of nodes in the cluster. pmvNumberOfNodes :: Lens' PendingModifiedValues (Maybe Int) pmvNumberOfNodes = lens _pmvNumberOfNodes (\s a -> s { _pmvNumberOfNodes = a }) instance FromXML PendingModifiedValues where parseXML x = PendingModifiedValues <$> x .@? "AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod" <*> x .@? "ClusterIdentifier" <*> x .@? "ClusterType" <*> x .@? "ClusterVersion" <*> x .@? "MasterUserPassword" <*> x .@? "NodeType" <*> x .@? "NumberOfNodes" instance ToQuery PendingModifiedValues where toQuery PendingModifiedValues{..} = mconcat [ "AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod" =? _pmvAutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod , "ClusterIdentifier" =? _pmvClusterIdentifier , "ClusterType" =? _pmvClusterType , "ClusterVersion" =? _pmvClusterVersion , "MasterUserPassword" =? _pmvMasterUserPassword , "NodeType" =? _pmvNodeType , "NumberOfNodes" =? _pmvNumberOfNodes ] data VpcSecurityGroupMembership = VpcSecurityGroupMembership { _vsgmStatus :: Maybe Text , _vsgmVpcSecurityGroupId :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | 'VpcSecurityGroupMembership' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'vsgmStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'vsgmVpcSecurityGroupId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- vpcSecurityGroupMembership :: VpcSecurityGroupMembership vpcSecurityGroupMembership = VpcSecurityGroupMembership { _vsgmVpcSecurityGroupId = Nothing , _vsgmStatus = Nothing } vsgmStatus :: Lens' VpcSecurityGroupMembership (Maybe Text) vsgmStatus = lens _vsgmStatus (\s a -> s { _vsgmStatus = a }) vsgmVpcSecurityGroupId :: Lens' VpcSecurityGroupMembership (Maybe Text) vsgmVpcSecurityGroupId = lens _vsgmVpcSecurityGroupId (\s a -> s { _vsgmVpcSecurityGroupId = a }) instance FromXML VpcSecurityGroupMembership where parseXML x = VpcSecurityGroupMembership <$> x .@? "Status" <*> x .@? "VpcSecurityGroupId" instance ToQuery VpcSecurityGroupMembership where toQuery VpcSecurityGroupMembership{..} = mconcat [ "Status" =? _vsgmStatus , "VpcSecurityGroupId" =? _vsgmVpcSecurityGroupId ] data Parameter = Parameter { _pAllowedValues :: Maybe Text , _pDataType :: Maybe Text , _pDescription :: Maybe Text , _pIsModifiable :: Maybe Bool , _pMinimumEngineVersion :: Maybe Text , _pParameterName :: Maybe Text , _pParameterValue :: Maybe Text , _pSource :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | 'Parameter' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'pAllowedValues' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'pDataType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'pDescription' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'pIsModifiable' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool' -- -- * 'pMinimumEngineVersion' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'pParameterName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'pParameterValue' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'pSource' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- parameter :: Parameter parameter = Parameter { _pParameterName = Nothing , _pParameterValue = Nothing , _pDescription = Nothing , _pSource = Nothing , _pDataType = Nothing , _pAllowedValues = Nothing , _pIsModifiable = Nothing , _pMinimumEngineVersion = Nothing } -- | The valid range of values for the parameter. pAllowedValues :: Lens' Parameter (Maybe Text) pAllowedValues = lens _pAllowedValues (\s a -> s { _pAllowedValues = a }) -- | The data type of the parameter. pDataType :: Lens' Parameter (Maybe Text) pDataType = lens _pDataType (\s a -> s { _pDataType = a }) -- | A description of the parameter. pDescription :: Lens' Parameter (Maybe Text) pDescription = lens _pDescription (\s a -> s { _pDescription = a }) -- | If 'true', the parameter can be modified. Some parameters have security or -- operational implications that prevent them from being changed. pIsModifiable :: Lens' Parameter (Maybe Bool) pIsModifiable = lens _pIsModifiable (\s a -> s { _pIsModifiable = a }) -- | The earliest engine version to which the parameter can apply. pMinimumEngineVersion :: Lens' Parameter (Maybe Text) pMinimumEngineVersion = lens _pMinimumEngineVersion (\s a -> s { _pMinimumEngineVersion = a }) -- | The name of the parameter. pParameterName :: Lens' Parameter (Maybe Text) pParameterName = lens _pParameterName (\s a -> s { _pParameterName = a }) -- | The value of the parameter. pParameterValue :: Lens' Parameter (Maybe Text) pParameterValue = lens _pParameterValue (\s a -> s { _pParameterValue = a }) -- | The source of the parameter value, such as "engine-default" or "user". pSource :: Lens' Parameter (Maybe Text) pSource = lens _pSource (\s a -> s { _pSource = a }) instance FromXML Parameter where parseXML x = Parameter <$> x .@? "AllowedValues" <*> x .@? "DataType" <*> x .@? "Description" <*> x .@? "IsModifiable" <*> x .@? "MinimumEngineVersion" <*> x .@? "ParameterName" <*> x .@? "ParameterValue" <*> x .@? "Source" instance ToQuery Parameter where toQuery Parameter{..} = mconcat [ "AllowedValues" =? _pAllowedValues , "DataType" =? _pDataType , "Description" =? _pDescription , "IsModifiable" =? _pIsModifiable , "MinimumEngineVersion" =? _pMinimumEngineVersion , "ParameterName" =? _pParameterName , "ParameterValue" =? _pParameterValue , "Source" =? _pSource ]