{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module DatabaseDesign.Ampersand.Classes.Populated                 (fullContents,atomsOf)
{- This file contains all functions to compute populations.
   The implementation is done through Haskell's Map mechanism, as defined in Data.Map, for reasons of efficiency.
   import Prelude hiding (lookup)
   import DatabaseDesign.Ampersand.ADL1.Pair
   import DatabaseDesign.Ampersand.ADL1.Expression                 (notCpl)
   import DatabaseDesign.Ampersand.Core.AbstractSyntaxTree
   import DatabaseDesign.Ampersand.Basics                          (Collection (uni,isc,(>-)),fatalMsg, Identified(..))  
   import Data.Map (Map, (!), lookup, keys, assocs, elems, fromList, fromListWith, unionWith, unionsWith, differenceWith, mergeWithKey, empty)
      -- WHY: don't we use strict Maps? Since the sets of atoms and pairs are finite, we might want the efficiency of strictness.
   import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
   import Data.List (nub)
   fatal :: Int -> String -> a
   fatal = fatalMsg "Classes.Populated"

   -- | This function returns the atoms of a concept (like fullContents does for relation-like things.)
   atomsOf :: [A_Gen]      -- the generalisation relations from the context
           -> [Population] -- the user defined populations in the context
           -> A_Concept    -- the concept from which the population is requested
           -> [String]     -- the elements in the concept's set of atoms
   atomsOf gens pt c
    = case c of
        ONE -> ["1"] -- fatal 22 "Asking for the value of the universal singleton"
            -> let smallerconcs = c:smallerConcepts gens c in
               nub$ [srcPaire p | pop@PRelPopu{} <- pt, source (popdcl pop) `elem` smallerconcs, p <- popps pop]
                  ++[trgPaire p | pop@PRelPopu{} <- pt, target (popdcl pop) `elem` smallerconcs, p <- popps pop]
                  ++[a          | pop@PCptPopu{} <- pt, popcpt pop `elem` smallerconcs, a <- popas pop]

   pairsOf :: [A_Gen] -> [Population] -> Declaration -> Map String [String]
   pairsOf gens pt dcl
    = case dcl of
        Isn c  -> fromList [ (a,[a])   | a  <-atomsOf gens pt c]
        Vs sgn -> fromList [ (sa, atomsOf gens pt (target sgn)) | sa <-atomsOf gens pt (source sgn)]
        Sgn{}  -> unionsWith uni
                         [ fromListWith uni [ (srcPaire p,[trgPaire p]) | p<-popps pop]
                         | pop@PRelPopu{} <- pt
                         , name dcl==name (popdcl pop)
                         , let s=source (popdcl pop) in s `elem` s:smallerConcepts gens (source dcl)
                         , let t=target (popdcl pop) in t `elem` t:smallerConcepts gens (target dcl)

   fullContents :: [A_Gen] -> [Population] -> Expression -> Pairs
   fullContents gens pt e = [ mkPair a b | let pairMap=contents e, a<-keys pairMap, b<-pairMap ! a ]
      unions t1 t2 = unionWith uni t1 t2
      inters t1 t2 = mergeWithKey (\_ l r ->case l `isc` r of [] -> Nothing; atoms -> Just atoms) c c t1 t2
                     where c=const empty
      differ t1 t2 = differenceWith (\l r->case l >- r of [] -> Nothing; atoms -> Just atoms) t1 t2
      contents :: Expression -> Map String [String]
      contents expr
       = let lkp x contMap = (concat.maybeToList.lookup x) contMap in  -- (!) may not be used, because we don't know whether x `elem` keys fmap
         case expr of
            EEqu (l,r) -> contents ((l .|-. r) ./\. (r .|-. l))
            EImp (l,r) -> contents (notCpl l .\/. r)
            EUni (l,r) -> unions (contents l) (contents r)
            EIsc (l,r) -> inters (contents l) (contents r)
            EDif (l,r) -> differ (contents l) (contents r)
            -- The left residual l/r is defined by: for all x,y:  x(l/r)y  <=>  for all z in X, y r z implies x l z.
            ELrs (l,r) -> fromListWith (++)
                          [(x,[y]) | x<-atomsOf gens pt (source l), y<-atomsOf gens pt (source r)
                                   , null (lkp y (contents r) >- lkp x (contents l))
            -- The right residual l\r defined by: for all x,y:   x(l\r)y  <=>  for all z in X, z l x implies z r y.
            ERrs (l,r) -> fromListWith uni
                          [(x,[y]) | x<-atomsOf gens pt (target l), y<-atomsOf gens pt (target r)
                                   , null (lkp x (contents (EFlp l)) >- lkp y (contents (EFlp r)))
            EDia (l,r) -> fromListWith (++)
                          [(x,[y]) | x<-atomsOf gens pt (source l), y<-atomsOf gens pt (source r)
                                   , null (lkp y (contents r) >- lkp x (contents l))
                                   , null (lkp y (contents l) >- lkp x (contents r))
            ERad (l,r) -> fromListWith uni
                          [(x,[y]) | x<-atomsOf gens pt (source l), y<-atomsOf gens pt (target r)
                                   , null (atomsOf gens pt (target l) >- (lkp x (contents l) `uni` lkp y (contents (EFlp r))))
            EPrd (l,r) -> fromList $ 
                          [ (a,cod) | a <- atomsOf gens pt (source l), let cod=atomsOf gens pt (target r), not (null cod) ]
            ECps (l,r) -> fromListWith uni
                          [(x,[y]) | x<-keys (contents l), y<-keys flipr
                                   , (not.null) ((contents l ! x ) `isc` (flipr ! y))
                                   ] where flipr = contents (EFlp r)
            EKl0 x     -> if source x == target x --see #166
                          then closMap (unionWith uni (contents x) (contents (EDcI (source x))))
                          else fatal 87 ("source and target of "++show x++show (sign x)++ " are not equal.")
            EKl1 x     -> if source x == target x --see #166
                          then closMap (contents x)
                          else fatal 90 ("source and target of "++show x++show (sign x)++ " are not equal.")
            EFlp x     -> fromListWith uni [(b,[a]) | (a,bs)<-assocs (contents x), b<-bs]
            ECpl x     -> contents (EDcV (sign x) .-. x)
            EBrk x     -> contents x
            EDcD dcl   -> pairsOf gens pt dcl
            EDcI c     -> fromList [(a,[a]) | a <- atomsOf gens pt c]
            EEps i _   -> fromList [(a,[a]) | a <- atomsOf gens pt i]
            EDcV sgn   -> fromList [(s, cod) | s <- atomsOf gens pt (source sgn), let cod=atomsOf gens pt (target sgn), not (null cod) ]
            EMp1 a c   -> fromList [(a,[a]) | name c/="SESSION"] -- prevent populating SESSION

--  Warshall's transitive closure algorithm in Haskell:
   closMap :: (Eq a, Ord a) => Map a [a] -> Map a [a]
   closMap xs
     = foldl f xs (keys xs `isc` nub (concat (elems xs)))
        f :: (Eq a, Ord a) => Map a [a] -> a -> Map a [a]   -- The type is given for documentation purposes only
        f q x = unionWith uni q (fromListWith uni [(a, q ! x) | (a, bs) <- assocs q, x `elem` bs])