{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
--TODO -> Maybe this module is useful at more places than just func spec rendering.
--        In that case it's not a Rendering module and it needs to be replaced
module DatabaseDesign.Ampersand.Fspec.Motivations (Motivated(purposeOf,purposesDefinedIn,explanations,explForObj), Meaning(..))
import DatabaseDesign.Ampersand.Core.AbstractSyntaxTree
import DatabaseDesign.Ampersand.Fspec.Fspec(Fspc(..),FProcess(..), Activity(..)) -- TODO FProc should not be in here at the first place... It has been put here because of the removal of Activities from Process
import DatabaseDesign.Ampersand.Basics
import Text.Pandoc

fatal :: Int -> String -> a
fatal = fatalMsg "Fspec.Motivations"

-- The general idea is that an Ampersand declaration such as:
--     {+This text explains why r[A*B] exists-}
-- produces the exact right text in the functional specification

-- The class Motivated exists so that we can write the Haskell expression 'purposeOf fSpec l x'
-- anywhere we like for every type of x that could possibly be motivated in an Purpose.
-- 'purpose fSpec l x' produces all explanations related to x from the context (fSpec)
--  that are available in the language specified in 'l'.
-- The other functions in this class are solely meant to be used in the definition of purpose.
-- They are defined once for each instance of Explainable, not be used in other code.
-- TODO: Han, kan dat worden afgeschermd, zodat de programmeur alleen 'purpose' ziet en de andere functies
--       dus niet kan gebruiken?
--     @Stef: Ja, het is al zoveel mogelijk afgeschermd (zie definities die deze module exporteert, hierboven)
--     maar er wordt nog gebruik van gemaakt voor oa foutmeldingen in de atlas, en het prototype.
--     Zodra iemand iets anders verzint voor het gebruik van "ExplainOutputFormat(..),format",
--     kunnen deze uit de export-list van deze module worden verwijderd.
class  Identified a => Motivated a where 
  purposeOf :: Fspc -> Lang -> a -> Maybe [Purpose] -- ^ explains the purpose of a, i.e. the reason why a exists. The purpose could be either given by the user, or generated by Ampersand. 
                                                    --   Multiple purposes are allowed for the following reasons:
                                                    --  * Different purposes from different sources make me want to document them all.
                                                    --  * Combining two overlapping scripts from (i.e. from different authors) may cause multiple purposes.
  purposeOf fSpec l x = case expls of
                        []  -> Nothing -- fatal 40 "No purpose is generated! (should be automatically generated and available in Fspc.)"
                        ps  -> Just ps
   where expls = [e | e<-explanations fSpec
                    , explForObj x (explObj e)                  -- informally: "if x and e are the same"
                    , markupMatchesLang (explMarkup e)
         markupMatchesLang m = amLang m == l
  explForObj :: a -> ExplObj -> Bool    -- ^ Given an Explainable object and an ExplObj, return TRUE if they concern the identical object.
  explanations :: a -> [Purpose]  -- ^ The explanations that are defined inside a (including that of a itself)
  purposesDefinedIn :: Fspc -> Lang -> a -> [Purpose]  -- ^ The explanations that are defined inside a (including that of a itself)
  purposesDefinedIn fSpec l x
   = [e | e<-explanations fSpec
        , amLang (explMarkup e) == l
        , explForObj x (explObj e)                  -- informally: "if x and e are the same"
instance Motivated ConceptDef where
--  meaning _ cd = fatal 49 ("Concept definitions have no intrinsic meaning, (used with concept definition of '"++cdcpt cd++"')")
  explForObj x (ExplConceptDef x') = x == x'
  explForObj _ _ = False
  explanations _ = []
instance Motivated A_Concept where
--  meaning _ c = fatal 54 ("Concepts have no intrinsic meaning, (used with concept '"++name c++"')")
  explForObj x (ExplConceptDef cd) = name x == name cd
  explForObj _ _ = False
  explanations _ = []

instance Motivated Declaration where
--  meaning l decl = if null (decMean decl)
--                   then concat [explCont expl | expl<-autoMeaning l decl, Just l == explLang expl || Nothing == explLang expl]
--                   else decMean decl
  explForObj d1 (ExplDeclaration d2) = d1 == d2 
  explForObj _ _ = False
  explanations _ = []
--  autoMeaning lang d
--   = [Expl { explPos   = decfpos d
--           , explObj   = ExplDeclaration d 
--           , explLang  = Just lang
--           , explRefIds = []
--           , explCont  = [Para langInlines]
--           } ] 
--     where 
--      langInlines =
--       case lang of
--         English 
--              | null ([Sym,Asy]         >- multiplicities d) -> [Emph [Str (name d)]]
--                                                              ++[Str " is a property of a "]
--                                                              ++[Str ((unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([Sym,Rfx,Trn]     >- multiplicities d) -> [Emph [Str (name d)]]
--                                                              ++[Str " is an equivalence relation on "]
--                                                              ++[Str ((unCap.plural English .name.source) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([Asy,Trn]         >- multiplicities d) -> [Emph [Str (name d)]]
--                                                              ++[Str " is an ordering relation on "]
--                                                              ++[Str ((unCap.plural English .name.source) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([Uni,Tot,Inj,Sur] >- multiplicities d) -> applyM d [Str ("each "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                                         [Str ("exactly one "++(unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str " and vice versa."]
--              | null ([Uni,Tot,Inj    ] >- multiplicities d) -> applyM d [Str ("each "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                                         [Str ("exactly one "++(unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str ", but not for each "]
--                                                              ++[Str ((unCap.name.target) d++" there must be a "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([Uni,Tot,    Sur] >- multiplicities d) -> applyM d [Str ("each "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                                         [Str ("exactly one "++(unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str ", but each "]
--                                                              ++[Str ((unCap.name.target) d++" is related to one or more "++(unCap.plural English .name.source) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([Uni,    Inj,Sur] >- multiplicities d) -> [Str ("There is exactly one "++(unCap.name.source) d++" (")]
--                                                              ++[Math InlineMath "a"]
--                                                              ++[Str (") for each "++(unCap.name.target) d++" (")]
--                                                              ++[Math InlineMath "b"]
--                                                              ++[Str "), for which: "]
--                                                              ++applyM d [Math InlineMath "b"] [Math InlineMath "a"]
--                                                              ++[Str (", but not for each "++(unCap.name.source) d++" there must be a "++(unCap.name.target) d++".")]
--              | null ([    Tot,Inj,Sur] >- multiplicities d) -> [Str ("There is exactly one "++(unCap.name.source) d++" (")]
--                                                              ++[Math InlineMath "a"]
--                                                              ++[Str (") for each "++(unCap.name.target) d++" (")]
--                                                              ++[Math InlineMath "b"]
--                                                              ++[Str "), for which: "]
--                                                              ++applyM d [Math InlineMath "b"] [Math InlineMath "a"]
--                                                              ++[Str (", but each "++(unCap.name.source) d++" is related to one or more "++(unCap.plural English .name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([Uni,Tot        ] >- multiplicities d) -> applyM d [Str ("each "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                                         [Str ("exactly one "++(unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([Uni,    Inj    ] >- multiplicities d) -> applyM d [Str ("each "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                                         [Str ("at most one "++(unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str (" and each "++(unCap.name.target) d++" is related to at most one "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([Uni,        Sur] >- multiplicities d) -> applyM d [Str ("each "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                                         [Str ("at most one "++(unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str (", whereas each "++(unCap.name.target) d++" is related to at least one "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([    Tot,Inj    ] >- multiplicities d) -> applyM d [Str ("each "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                                         [Str ("at least one "++(unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str (", whereas each "++(unCap.name.target) d++" is related to at most one "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([    Tot,    Sur] >- multiplicities d) -> applyM d [Str ("each "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                                         [Str ("at least one "++(unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str (" and each "++(unCap.name.target) d++" is related to at least one "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([        Inj,Sur] >- multiplicities d) -> [Str ("There is exactly one "++(unCap.name.source) d++" (")]
--                                                              ++[Math InlineMath "a"]
--                                                              ++[Str (") for each "++(unCap.name.target) d++" (")]
--                                                              ++[Math InlineMath "b"]
--                                                              ++[Str "), for which: "]
--                                                              ++applyM d [Math InlineMath "b"] [Math InlineMath "a"]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([            Sur] >- multiplicities d) -> [Str ("There is at least one "++(unCap.name.source) d++" (")]
--                                                              ++[Math InlineMath "a"]
--                                                              ++[Str (") for each "++(unCap.name.target) d++" (")]
--                                                              ++[Math InlineMath "b"]
--                                                              ++[Str "), for which: "]
--                                                              ++applyM d [Math InlineMath "b"] [Math InlineMath "a"]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([        Inj    ] >- multiplicities d) -> [Str ("There is at most one "++(unCap.name.source) d++" (")]
--                                                              ++[Math InlineMath "a"]
--                                                              ++[Str (") for each "++(unCap.name.target) d++" (")]
--                                                              ++[Math InlineMath "b"]
--                                                              ++[Str "), for which: "]
--                                                              ++applyM d [Math InlineMath "b"] [Math InlineMath "a"]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([    Tot        ] >- multiplicities d) -> applyM d [Str ("each "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                                         [Str ("at least one "++(unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([Uni            ] >- multiplicities d) -> applyM d [Str ("each "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                                         [Str ("zero or one "++(unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | otherwise                                    -> [Str "The sentence: "]
--                                                              ++[Quoted DoubleQuote 
--                                                                  (applyM d [Math InlineMath ((var [].source) d)]
--                                                                            [Math InlineMath ((var [source d].target) d)])
--                                                                ]
--                                                              ++[Str (" is meaningful (i.e. it is either true or false) for any "++(unCap.name.source) d++" ")]
--                                                              ++[(Math InlineMath . var [] . source) d]
--                                                              ++[Str (" and "++(unCap.name.target) d++" ")]
--                                                              ++[(Math InlineMath . var [source d] . target) d]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--         Dutch
--              | null ([Sym,Asy]         >- multiplicities d) -> [Emph [Str (name d)]]
--                                                              ++[Str " is een eigenschap van een "]
--                                                              ++[Str ((unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([Sym,Rfx,Trn]     >- multiplicities d) ->[Emph [Str (name d)]]
--                                                              ++[Str " is een equivalentierelatie tussen "]
--                                                              ++[Str ((unCap.plural Dutch .name.source) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([Asy,Trn]         >- multiplicities d) ->[Emph [Str (name d)]]
--                                                              ++[Str " is een ordeningsrelatie tussen "]
--                                                              ++[Str ((unCap.plural Dutch .name.source) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([Uni,Tot,Inj,Sur] >- multiplicities d) -> applyM d [Str ("elke "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                                              [Str ("precies één "++(unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str " en vice versa."]
--              | null ([Uni,Tot,Inj]     >- multiplicities d) -> applyM d [Str ("elke "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                                         [Str ("precies één "++(unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str ", maar niet voor elke "]
--                                                              ++[Str ((unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str " hoeft er een "]
--                                                              ++[Str ((unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str " te zijn."]
--              | null ([Uni,Tot,    Sur] >- multiplicities d) -> applyM d [Str ("elke "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                                         [Str ("precies één "++(unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str ", maar elke "]
----                                                            ++[Str ((unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str (" is gerelateerd aan één of meer ")]
--                                                              ++[Str ((unCap.plural Dutch .name.source) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([Uni,    Inj,Sur] >- multiplicities d) -> [Str ("Er is precies één "++(unCap.name.source) d++" (")]
--                                                              ++[Math InlineMath "a"]
--                                                              ++[Str (") voor elke "++(unCap.name.target) d++" (")]
--                                                              ++[Math InlineMath "b"]
--                                                              ++[Str "), waarvoor geldt: "]
--                                                              ++applyM d [Math InlineMath "b"] [Math InlineMath "a"]
--                                                              ++[Str (", maar niet voor elke "++(unCap.name.source) d++" hoeft er een "++(unCap.name.target) d++" te zijn.")]
--              | null ([    Tot,Inj,Sur] >- multiplicities d) -> [Str ("Er is precies één "++(unCap.name.source) d++" (")]
--                                                              ++[Math InlineMath "a"]
--                                                              ++[Str (") voor elke "++(unCap.name.target) d++" (")]
--                                                              ++[Math InlineMath "b"]
--                                                              ++[Str "), waarvoor geldt: "]
--                                                              ++applyM d [Math InlineMath "b"] [Math InlineMath "a"]
--                                                              ++[Str (", maar elke "++(unCap.name.source) d++" mag gerelateerd zijn aan meerdere "++(unCap.plural Dutch .name.target) d++".")]
--              | null ([Uni,Tot        ] >- multiplicities d) -> applyM d [Str ("elke "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                                         [Str ("precies één "++(unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([Uni,    Inj    ] >- multiplicities d) -> applyM d [Str ("elke "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                                         [Str ("ten hoogste één "++(unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str " en elke "]
--                                                              ++[Str ((unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str (" is gerelateerd aan ten hoogste één ")]
--                                                              ++[Str ((unCap.name.source) d++".")]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([Uni,        Sur] >- multiplicities d) -> applyM d [Str ("elke "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                                         [Str ("ten hoogste één "++(unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str ", terwijl elke "]
--                                                              ++[Str ((unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str (" is gerelateerd aan tenminste één ")]
--                                                              ++[Str ((unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([    Tot,Inj    ] >- multiplicities d) -> applyM d [Str ("elke "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                                         [Str ("tenminste één "++(unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str ", terwijl elke "]
--                                                              ++[Str ((unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str (" is gerelateerd aan ten hoogste één ")]
--                                                              ++[Str ((unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([    Tot,    Sur] >- multiplicities d) -> applyM d [Str ("elke "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                                         [Str ("tenminste één "++(unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str (" en elke "++(unCap.name.target) d++" is gerelateerd aan tenminste één "++(unCap.name.source) d++".")]
--              | null ([        Inj,Sur] >- multiplicities d) -> [Str ("Er is precies één "++(unCap.name.source) d++" (")]
--                                                              ++[Math InlineMath "a"]
--                                                              ++[Str (") voor elke "++(unCap.name.target) d++" (")]
--                                                              ++[Math InlineMath "b"]
--                                                              ++[Str "), waarvoor geldt: "]
--                                                              ++applyM d [Math InlineMath "b"] [Math InlineMath "a"]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([            Sur] >- multiplicities d) -> [Str ("Er is tenminste één "++(unCap.name.source) d++" (")]
--                                                              ++[Math InlineMath "a"]
--                                                              ++[Str (") voor elke "++(unCap.name.target) d++" (")]
--                                                              ++[Math InlineMath "b"]
--                                                              ++[Str "), waarvoor geldt: "]
--                                                              ++applyM d [Math InlineMath "b"] [Math InlineMath "a"]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([        Inj    ] >- multiplicities d) -> [Str ("Er is hooguit één "++(unCap.name.source) d++" (")]
--                                                              ++[Math InlineMath "a"]
--                                                              ++[Str (") voor elke "++(unCap.name.target) d++" (")]
--                                                              ++[Math InlineMath "b"]
--                                                              ++[Str "), waarvoor geldt: "]
--                                                              ++applyM d [Math InlineMath "b"] [Math InlineMath "a"]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([    Tot        ] >- multiplicities d) -> applyM d [Str ("elke "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                                         [Str ("tenminste één "++(unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | null ([Uni            ] >- multiplicities d) -> applyM d [Str ("elke "++(unCap.name.source) d)]
--                                                                         [Str ("nul of één "++(unCap.name.target) d)]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--              | otherwise                                    -> [Str "De zin: "]
--                                                              ++[Quoted DoubleQuote 
--                                                                  (applyM d [(Math InlineMath . var [] . source) d]
--                                                                            [(Math InlineMath . var [source d] . target) d])
--                                                                ]
--                                                              ++[Str (" heeft betekenis (dus: is waar of niet waar) voor een "++(unCap.name.source) d++" ")]
--                                                              ++[(Math InlineMath . var [].source) d]
--                                                              ++[Str (" en een "++(unCap.name.target) d++" ")]
--                                                              ++[(Math InlineMath . var [source d].target) d]
--                                                              ++[Str "."]
--      applyM :: Declaration -> [Inline] -> [Inline] -> [Inline]
--      applyM decl a b =
--               case decl of
--                 Sgn{} | null (prL++prM++prR) 
--                            -> a++[Space,Str "corresponds",Space,Str "to",Space]++b++[Space,Str "in",Space,Str "relation",Space,Str(decnm decl)]
--                       | null prL
--                            -> a++[Space,Str prM,Space]++b++[Space,Str prR]
--                       | otherwise 
--                            -> [Str (upCap prL),Space]++a++[Space,Str prM,Space]++b++if null prR then [] else [Space,Str prR]
--                              where prL = decprL decl
--                                    prM = decprM decl
--                                    prR = decprR decl
--                 Isn{}     -> a++[Space,Str "equals",Space]++b
--                 Vs{}      -> [Str (show True)]
--      var :: Identified a => [a] -> a -> String     -- TODO Vervangen door mkvar, uit predLogic.hs
--      var seen c = low c ++ ['\'' | c'<-seen, low c == low c']
--                      where low idt= if null (name idt) then "x" else [(toLower.head.name) idt]

instance Motivated Rule where
--  meaning l rule
--   = head (expls++map explCont (autoMeaning l rule))
--     where
--        expls = [econt | Means l' econt<-rrxpl rule, l'==Just l || l'==Nothing]
  explForObj x (ExplRule str) = name x == str
  explForObj _ _ = False
  explanations _ = []
--  autoMeaning lang r
--   = [Expl { explObj   = ExplRule (name r)
--           , explPos   = origin r
--           , explLang  = Just lang
--           , explRefIds = []
--           , explCont  = [Plain [RawInline (Text.Pandoc.Builder.Format "latex") (showPredLogic lang r++".")]] 
--           } ] 

instance Motivated Theme where
  explForObj (PatternTheme pat) eo = explForObj pat eo
  explForObj (ProcessTheme prc) eo = explForObj prc eo
  explanations (PatternTheme pat) = explanations pat
  explanations (ProcessTheme prc) = explanations prc
instance Motivated Pattern where
--  meaning _ pat = fatal 324 ("Patterns have no intrinsic meaning, (used with pattern '"++name pat++"')")
  explForObj x (ExplPattern str) = name x == str
  explForObj _ _ = False
  explanations = ptxps

instance Motivated Process where
--  meaning _ prc = fatal 329 ("Processes have no intrinsic meaning, (used with process '"++name prc++"')")
  explForObj x (ExplProcess str) = name x == str
  explForObj _ _ = False
  explanations = prcXps

instance Motivated Interface where
--  meaning _ obj = fatal 342 ("Interfaces have no intrinsic meaning, (used with interface '"++name obj++"')")
  explForObj x (ExplInterface str) = name x == str
  explForObj _ _ = False
  explanations _ = []

class Meaning a where 
  meaning :: Lang -> a -> Maybe A_Markup
  meaning2Blocks :: Lang -> a -> [Block]
  meaning2Blocks l a = case meaning l a of
                         Nothing -> []
                         Just m  -> amPandoc m 
instance Meaning Rule where
  meaning l r = case filter isLang (ameaMrk (rrmean r)) of
                  []   -> Nothing 
                  [m]  -> Just m
                  _    -> fatal 381 ("In the "++show l++" language, too many meanings given for rule "++name r ++".")
                  where isLang m = l == amLang m
instance Meaning Declaration where
  meaning l d = 
    case d of
      Sgn{} -> let isLang m = l == amLang m
               in case filter isLang (ameaMrk (decMean d)) of
                    []   -> Nothing 
                    [m]  -> Just m
                    _    -> fatal 388 ("In the "++show l++" language, too many meanings given for declaration "++name d ++".")
      Isn{} -> fatal 370 "meaning is undefined for Isn"
      Vs{}  -> fatal 371 "meaning is undefined for Vs"
instance Motivated Fspc where
--  meaning _ fSpec = fatal 329 ("No Fspc has an intrinsic meaning, (used with Fspc '"++name fSpec++"')")
  explForObj x (ExplContext str) = name x == str
  explForObj _ _ = False
  explanations fSpec
    = fSexpls fSpec ++
      (concatMap explanations . vpatterns)  fSpec ++
      (concatMap explanations . vprocesses) fSpec ++
      (concatMap explanations . interfaceS) fSpec

instance Motivated FProcess where
--  meaning l fp = meaning l (proc fp)
  explForObj fp = explForObj (fpProc fp)
  explanations fp = explanations (fpProc fp)

-- Ampersand allows multiple purposes for everything.
-- The diagnosis report must make mention of this (so the user will notice if (s)he reads the diagnosis).
-- Multiple purposes are simply concatenated, so the user sees them all.
instance Motivated Activity where
  explForObj _ _ = False
  explanations activity = actPurp activity
  purposeOf _ l x = case [ e | e <- actPurp x, amLang (explMarkup e) == l ] of
                    []    -> Nothing
                    purps -> Just purps