{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
-- SJC: is it possible to move this to the prototype part of ampersand? I mean,
--      do functions like plugFields and plug-path really need to be here?
--      perhaps we can at least move the largest part?
module DatabaseDesign.Ampersand.Fspec.Plug
     (Plugable(..), PlugInfo(..)
import DatabaseDesign.Ampersand.ADL1 
import DatabaseDesign.Ampersand.Classes (fullContents,atomsOf,Relational(..))
import DatabaseDesign.Ampersand.Basics
import Data.List(nub,transpose)
import GHC.Exts (sortWith)
import DatabaseDesign.Ampersand.Fspec.Fspec
import Prelude hiding (Ordering(..))

fatal :: Int -> String -> a
fatal = fatalMsg "Fspec.Plug"

--TODO151210 -> define what a plug is and what it should do
--Plugs are of the class Object just like Activities(??? => PHP plug isn't an instance of Object)
--An Object is an entity to do things with like reading, updating, creating,deleting.
--A Interface is an Object using only Plugs for reading and writing data; a Plug is a data service maintaining the rules for one object:
-- + GEN Interface,Plug ISA Object
-- + cando::Operation*Object
-- + uses::Interface*Plug [TOT].
-- + maintains::Plug*Rule.
-- + signals::Interface*SignalRule.
--Plugs can currently be implemented in PHP or SQL.
--type Plugs = [Plug]
--data Plug = PlugSql PlugSQL | PlugPhp PlugPHP deriving (Show,Eq)

class (Identified p, Eq p, Show p) => Plugable p where
  makePlug :: PlugInfo -> p
instance Plugable PlugSQL where
  makePlug (InternalPlug p) = p
  makePlug (ExternalPlug _) = fatal 112 "external plug is not Plugable"

--TblSQL, BinSQL, and ScalarSQL hold different entities. See their definition Fspec.hs

--           all kernel fields can be related to an imaginary concept ID for the plug (a SqlField with type=SQLID)
--             i.e. For all kernel fields k1,k2, where concept k1=A, concept k2=B, fldexpr k1=r~, fldexpr k2=s~
--                  You can imagine :
--                    - a relation value::ID->A[INJ] or value::ID->A[INJ,SUR]
--                    - a relation value::ID->B[INJ] or value::ID->B[INJ,SUR]
--                    such that s~=value~;value;r~ and r~=value~;value;s~
--                    because value is at least uni,tot,inj, all NULL in k0 imply NULL in k1 xor v.v.
--                    if value also sur then all NULL in k0 imply NULL in k1 and v.v.
--           Without such an ID, the surjective or total property between any two kernel fields is required.
--           Because you can imagine an ID concept the surjective or total property between two kernel field has become a design choice.
--           With or without ID we choose to keep kernel = A closure of concepts A,B for which there exists a r::A->B[INJ] instead of r::A*B[UNI,INJ]
--           By making this choice:
--             - nice database table size
--             - we do not need the imaginary concept ID  (and relation value::ID->A[INJ] or value::ID->A[INJ,SUR]), because:
--                  with ID    -> there will always be one or more kernel field k1 such that (value;(fldexpr k1)~)[UNI,INJ,TOT,SUR].
--                                any of those k1 can serve as ID of the plug (a.k.a. concept p / source p)
--                  without ID -> any of those k1 can still serve as ID of the plug (a.k.a. concept p / source p)
--               In other words, the imaginary concept is never needed 
--                               because there always is an existing one with the correct properties by definition of kernel.
--               Implementation without optional ID:
--                        -> fldexpr of some kernel field k1 will be r~
--                           k1 holds the target of r~
--                           the source of r~ is a kernel concept too
--                           r~ may be I
--                        -> fldexpr of some attMor field a1 will be s
--                           a1 holds the target of s
--                           the source of s is a kernel concept
--                        -> sqlRelFields r = (r,k1,a1) (or (r,k1,k2)) in mLkpTbl
--                           is used to generate SQL code and PHP-objects without needing the ID field.
--                           The ID field can be ignored and does not have to be generated because r=(fldexpr k1)~;(fldexpr a1)
--                           You could generate the ID-field with autonum if you want, because it will not be used
--                        -> TODO151210 -> sqlRelFields e where e is not in mLkpTbl
--                           option1) Generate the ID field (see entityfield)
--                                    sqlRelFields e = (e, idfld;k1, idfld;a1) where e=(fldexpr k1)~;value~;value;(fldexpr a1)
--                                    remark: binary tables can be binary tables without kernels, but with ID field
--                                            (or from a different perspective: ID is the only kernel field)
--                                            sqlRelFields r = (r,idfld/\r;r~,idfld;m1) where r = (idfld/\r;r~)~;idfld;(fldexpr m1)
--                                            (sqlRelFields r~  to get the target of r)
--                                            (scalar tables can of course also have an ID field)
--                           option2) sqlRelFields e = (e, k1;k2;..kn, a1) 
--                                    where e=(fldexpr kn)~;..;(fldexpr k2)~;(fldexpr k1)~;(fldexpr k1)(fldexpr k2);..;(fldexpr kn);(fldexpr a1)
--                           If I am right the function isTrue tries to support sqlRelFields e by ignoring the type error in kn;a1.
--                           That is wrong! 

--the entityfield is not implemented as part of the data type PlugSQL
--It is a constant which may or may not be used (you may always imagine it)
--TODO151210 -> generate the entityfield if options = --autoid -p
--REMARK151210 -> one would expect I[entityconcept p], 
--                but any p (as instance of Object) has one always existing concept p suitable to replace entityconcept p.
--                concept p and entityconcept p are related uni,tot,inj,sur.

--the entity stored in a plug is an imaginary concept, that is uni,tot,inj,sur with (concept p)
--REMARK: there is a (concept p) because all kernel fields are related SUR with (concept p)

--Maintain rule: Object ObjectDef = Object (makeUserDefinedSqlPlug :: ObjectDef -> PlugSQL)
--TODO151210 -> Build a check which checks this rule for userdefined/showADL generated plugs(::[ObjectDef]) 
--TODO151210 -> The ObjectDef of a BinSQL plug for relation r is that:
--           1) SQLPLUG mybinplug: r      , or
--           2) SQLPLUG labelforsourcem : I /\ r;r~ --(or just I if r is TOT)
--               = [labelfortargetm : r]
--           The first option has been implemented in instance ObjectPlugSQL i.e. attributes=[], ctx=ERel r _
instance Object PlugSQL where
 concept p = case p of
   TblSQL{mLkpTbl = []} -> fatal 263 $ "empty lookup table for plug "++name p++"."
   TblSQL{}             -> --TODO151210-> deze functieimplementatie zou beter moeten matchen met onderstaande beschrijving
                            --        nu wordt aangenomen dat de source van het 1e rel in mLkpTbl de source van de plug is.
                            --a relation between kernel concepts r::A*B is at least [UNI,INJ]
                            --to be able to point out one concept to be the source we are looking for one without NULLs in its field
                            -- i.e. there is a concept A such that
                            --      for all kernel field expr (s~)::B*C[UNI,INJ]:
                            --      s~ is total and there exists an expr::A*B[UNI,INJ,TOT,SUR] (possibly A=B => I[A][UNI,INJ,TOT,SUR]) 
                            --If A is such a concept,
                            --   and A is not B,
                            --   and there exist an expr::A*B[UNI,INJ,TOT,SUR]
                            --then (concept PlugSQL{}) may be A or B
                            --REMARK -> (source p) used to be implemented as (source . fldexpr . head . fields) p. That is different!
                            head [source r |(r,_,_)<-mLkpTbl p]
   BinSQL{} -> source (mLkp p) --REMARK151210 -> the concept is actually ID such that I[ID]=I[source r]/\r;r~
   ScalarSQL{} -> cLkp p
-- Usually source a==concept p. Otherwise, the attribute computation is somewhat more complicated. See ADL2Fspec for explanation about kernels.
 attributes p@TblSQL{}
  = [ Obj (fldname tFld)                                                   -- objnm 
          (Origin "This object is generated by attributes (Object PlugSQL)")                        -- objpos
          (if source a==concept p then a  else f (source a) [[a]])  -- objctx
          Nothing []                                                            -- objats and objstrs
    | (a,_,tFld)<-mLkpTbl p]
     f c mms
      = case sortWith length stop of
         []  -> f c mms'  -- a path from c to a is not found (yet), so add another step to the recursion
         (hd:_) -> case hd of
                    []  -> fatal 201 "Empty head should be impossible."
                    _  -> case [(l,r) | (l,r)<-zip (init hd) (tail hd), target l/=source r] of
                            [] -> foldr1 (.:.) hd  -- pick the shortest path and turn it into an expression.
                            lrs -> fatal 204 ("illegal compositions " ++show lrs)
        mms' = if [] `elem` mms 
               then fatal 295 "null in mms."
               else [a:ms | ms<-mms, (a,_,_)<-mLkpTbl p, target a==source (head ms)]
        stop = if [] `elem` mms'
               then fatal 298 "null in mms'."
               else [ms | ms<-mms', source (head ms)==c]  -- contains all found paths from c to a 
 attributes _ = [] --no attributes for BinSQL and ScalarSQL
 contextOf p@BinSQL{} = mLkp p 
 contextOf p = EDcI (concept p)

fldauto::SqlField->Bool -- is the field auto increment?
fldauto f = (fldtype f==SQLId) && not (fldnull f) && flduniq f -- && isIdent (fldexpr f)

showSQL :: SqlType -> String
showSQL (SQLChar    n) = "CHAR("++show n++")"
showSQL (SQLBlob     ) = "BLOB"
showSQL (SQLPass     ) = "VARCHAR(255)"
showSQL (SQLSingle   ) = "FLOAT" -- todo
showSQL (SQLDouble   ) = "FLOAT"
showSQL (SQLText     ) = "TEXT"
showSQL (SQLuInt    n) = "INT("++show n++") UNSIGNED"
showSQL (SQLsInt    n) = "INT("++show n++")"
showSQL (SQLId       ) = "INT"
showSQL (SQLVarchar n) = "VARCHAR("++show n++")"
showSQL (SQLBool     ) = "BOOLEAN"
-- Every kernel field is a key, kernel fields are in cLkpTbl or the column of ScalarSQL (which has one column only)
-- isPlugIndex refers to UNIQUE key -- TODO: this is wrong
--isPlugIndex may contain NULL, but their key (the entityfield of the plug) must be unique for a kernel field (isPlugIndex=True)
--the field that is isIdent and isPlugIndex (i.e. concept plug), or any similar (uni,inj,sur,tot) field is also UNIQUE key
--IdentityDefs define UNIQUE key (fld1,fld2,..,fldn)
--REMARK -> a kernel field does not have to be in cLkpTbl, in that cast there is another kernel field that is 
--          thus I must check whether fldexpr isUni && isInj && isSur
isPlugIndex :: PlugSQL->SqlField->Bool
isPlugIndex plug f =
  case plug of 
    ScalarSQL{} -> sqlColumn plug==f
    BinSQL{}  --mLkp is not uni or inj by definition of BinSQL, if mLkp total then the (fldexpr srcfld)=I/\r;r~=I i.e. a key for this plug
     | isUni(mLkp plug) || isInj(mLkp plug) -> fatal 366 "BinSQL may not store a univalent or injective rel, use TblSQL instead."
     | otherwise                            -> False --binary does not have key, but I could do a SELECT DISTINCT iff f==fst(columns plug) && (isTot(mLkp plug)) 
    TblSQL{}    -> elem f (fields plug) && isUni(fldexpr f) && isInj(fldexpr f) && isSur(fldexpr f)

--mLkpTbl stores the relation of some target field with one source field
--an isPlugIndex target field is a kernel field related to some similar or larger kernel field
--any other target field is an attribute field related to its kernel field
kernelrels::PlugSQL ->[(SqlField,SqlField)]
kernelrels plug@ScalarSQL{} = [(sqlColumn plug,sqlColumn plug)]
kernelrels (BinSQL{})       = fatal 375 "Binary plugs do not know the concept of kernel fields."
kernelrels plug@TblSQL{}    = [(sfld,tfld) |(_,sfld,tfld)<-mLkpTbl plug,isPlugIndex plug tfld] 
attrels::PlugSQL ->[(SqlField,SqlField)]
attrels plug@ScalarSQL{}    = [(sqlColumn plug,sqlColumn plug)]
attrels BinSQL{}            = fatal 379 "Binary plugs do not know the concept of attribute fields."
attrels plug@TblSQL{}       = [(sfld,tfld) |(_,sfld,tfld)<-mLkpTbl plug,not(isPlugIndex plug tfld)] 

--the kernel of SqlFields is ordered by existence of elements for some instance of the entity stored in the plug.
--fldexpr of key is the relation with a similar or larger key.
--(similar = uni,tot,inj,sur, includes = uni,inj,sur)
--each kernel field is a key to attributes and itself (kfld), and each attribute field is related to one kernel field (kfld)
--kfld may be smaller than the ID of the plug, but larger than other kernel fields in the plug
--All (kernel) fields larger than or similar to kfld and their total attributes are required.
--(remark that the total property of an attribute points to the relation of the att with its key, which is not the ID of the plug per se)
--Smaller (kernel) fields and their total attributes may contain NULL where kfld does not and are not required.
--auto increment fields are not considered to be required
requiredFields :: PlugSQL -> SqlField ->[SqlField]
requiredFields plug@ScalarSQL{} _ = [sqlColumn plug]
requiredFields plug@BinSQL{}    _ = [fst(columns plug),snd(columns plug)]
requiredFields plug@TblSQL{} fld 
 = [f |f<-requiredkeys++requiredatts, not (fldauto f)] 
  kfld | null findfld = fatal 401 $ "fld "++fldname fld++" must be in the plug "++name plug++"."
       | isPlugIndex plug fld = fld
       | otherwise = fst(head findfld) --fld is an attribute field, take its kernel field
  findfld = [(k,maybek) |(_,k,maybek)<-mLkpTbl plug,fld==maybek]
  requiredkeys = similar++requiredup 
  requiredatts = [a |k<-requiredkeys,(k',a)<-attrels plug,k==k',isTot(fldexpr a)]
  --kernelclusters is a list of kernel field clusters clustered by similarity
  --similar is the cluster where kfld is in
  similar = [c |Cluster cs<-kernelclusters plug,kfld `elem` cs,c<-cs]
  --the kernel fields in which a similar field is included, but not a similar field
  --(clusterBy includeskey [Cluster [x]] (kernelrels plug) returns one inclusion chain (cluster) from ID to x 
  --Thus, similar elements of elements in the chain (except x) are not taken into account yet (see similarskeysup and requiredup)
  keysup = nub[rf |x<-similar
                  ,cs<-map cslist(clusterBy includeskey [Cluster [x]] (kernelrels plug))
            >- similar
  --there can be a key1 similar to a key2 in keysup, but key1 is not in keysup.
  --key1 is required just like key2 because they are similar
  similarskeysup = nub[key1 | Cluster cs<-kernelclusters plug
                            , key1<-cs 
                            , key2<-keysup
                            , key2 `elem` cs
                            , key1 `notElem` keysup]
  --the similarskeysup may have required fields not in keysup (recursion)
  --add those which are not in keysup yet
  requiredup = nub(keysup++requiredbysimilarkeysup)
  requiredbysimilarkeysup = nub[rf |x<-similarskeysup,rf<-requiredFields plug x]

--fld1 requires fld2 in plug?
requires :: PlugSQL -> (SqlField,SqlField) ->Bool
requires plug (fld1,fld2) = fld2 `elem` requiredFields plug fld1

composeCheck :: Expression -> Expression -> Expression
composeCheck l r
 = if target l/=source r then fatal 316 ("\nl: "++show l++"with target "++show (target l)++"\nl: "++show r++"with source "++show (source r)) else
   l .:. r
--composition from srcfld to trgfld, if there is an expression for that
plugpath :: PlugSQL -> SqlField -> SqlField -> Maybe Expression
plugpath p srcfld trgfld =
 case p of
   | srcfld==trgfld -> let tm=mLkp p --(note: mLkp p is the relation from fst to snd column of BinSQL)
                       in if srcfld==fst(columns p) 
                          then Just$ tm .:. flp tm --domain of r
                          else Just$ flp tm .:. tm --codomain of r
   | srcfld==fst(columns p) && trgfld==snd(columns p) -> Just$ fldexpr trgfld
   | trgfld==fst(columns p) && srcfld==snd(columns p) -> Just$ flp(fldexpr srcfld)
   | otherwise -> fatal 444 $ "BinSQL has only two fields:"++show(fldname srcfld,fldname trgfld,name p)
   | srcfld==trgfld -> Just$ fldexpr trgfld
   | otherwise -> fatal 447 $ "scalarSQL has only one field:"++show(fldname srcfld,fldname trgfld,name p)
   | srcfld==trgfld && isPlugIndex p trgfld -> Just$ EDcI (target (fldexpr trgfld))
   | srcfld==trgfld && not(isPlugIndex p trgfld) -> Just$ composeCheck (flp (fldexpr srcfld)) (fldexpr trgfld) --codomain of r of morAtt
   | (not . null) (paths srcfld trgfld)
      -> case head (paths srcfld trgfld) of
          []    -> fatal 338 ("Empty head (paths srcfld trgfld) should be impossible.")
          ps    -> Just$ foldr1 composeCheck ps
   --bijective kernel fields, which are bijective with ID of plug have fldexpr=I[X].
   --thus, path closures of these kernel fields are disjoint (path closure=set of fields reachable by paths),
   --      because these kernel fields connect to themselves by r=I[X] (i.e. end of path).
   --connect two paths over I[X] (I[X];srce)~;(I[X];trge) => filter I[X] => srcpath~;trgpath
   | (not.null) (pathsoverIs srcfld trgfld) -> Just$      foldr1 composeCheck (head (pathsoverIs srcfld trgfld))
   | (not.null) (pathsoverIs trgfld srcfld) -> Just$ flp (foldr1 composeCheck (head (pathsoverIs trgfld srcfld)))
   | otherwise -> Nothing
  --paths from s to t by connecting r from mLkpTbl
  --the (r,srcfld,trgfld) from mLkpTbl form paths longer paths if connected: (trgfld m1==srcfld m2) => (m1;m2,srcfld m1,trgfld m2)
  paths s t = [e |(e,es,et)<-eLkpTbl p,s==es,t==et]
  --paths from I to field t
  pathsfromIs t = [(e,es,et) |(e,es,et)<-eLkpTbl p,et==t,not (null e),isIdent(head e)] 
  --paths from s to t over I[X]
  pathsoverIs s t = [flpsrce++tail trge 
                    |(srce,srces,_)<-pathsfromIs s
                    ,(trge,trges,_)<-pathsfromIs t
                    ,srces==trges, let flpsrce = (map flp.reverse.tail) srce] 

--the expression LkpTbl of a plug is the transitive closure of the mLkpTbl of the plug
--Warshall's transitive closure algorithm clos1 :: (Eq a) => [(a,a)] -> [(a,a)] is extended to combine paths i.e. r++r'
--[Expression] implies a 'composition' from a kernel SqlField to another SqlField
--use plugpath to get the Expression from srcfld to trgfld
--plugpath also combines expressions with head I like (I;tail1)~;(I;tail2) <=> tail1;tail2
eLkpTbl::PlugSQL -> [([Expression],SqlField,SqlField)]
eLkpTbl p = clos1 [([r],s,t)|(r,s,t)<-mLkpTbl p]
  clos1 :: [([Expression],SqlField,SqlField)] -> [([Expression],SqlField,SqlField)]     -- e.g. a list of SqlField pairs
  clos1 xs
     = foldl f xs (nub (map (\(_,x,_)->x) xs) `isc` nub (map (\(_,_,x)->x) xs))
        f q x = q `uni` [( r++r' , a, b') | (r ,a, b) <- q, b == x, (r', a', b') <- q, a' == x]

--bijective fields of f (incl. f)
bijectivefields::PlugSQL -> SqlField -> [SqlField]
bijectivefields p f = [bij |Cluster fs<-kernelclusters p, f `elem` fs,bij<-fs]

--the clusters of kernel sqlfields that are similar because they relate uni,inj,tot,sur
kernelclusters ::PlugSQL -> [Cluster SqlField]
kernelclusters plug@ScalarSQL{} = [Cluster [sqlColumn plug]]
kernelclusters (BinSQL{})       = [] --a binary plugs has no kernel (or at most (entityfield plug))
kernelclusters plug@TblSQL{}    = clusterBy similarkey [] (kernelrels plug)

--similar key: some source key s that is not equal to target key t (i.e. not the identity), but related uni,tot,inj,sur in some other way
similarkey (s,t) = s/=t && isTot (fldexpr t) && isSur (fldexpr t) && isInj (fldexpr t) && isUni (fldexpr t)

--includes key: some target key t that is related to source key s uni,inj,sur but not tot
includeskey (_,t) = not(isTot (fldexpr t)) && isSur (fldexpr t) && isInj (fldexpr t) && isUni (fldexpr t)

--clusterBy clusters similar items like eqClass clusters equal items
--[(a,a)] defines flat relations between items (not closed)
--((a,a) -> Bool) defines some transitive relation between two items (for example similarity, equality, inclusion)
--[Cluster a] defines the initial set of clusters which may be [] 
--            EXAMPLE USE -> 
--            if the relation is not symmetric and you need one chain from x to the top
--            then set [Cluster [x]]
--            (note: ClusterBy does not take into account any other relation than the one provided!)
--TODO -> test plugs that require more than one run (i.e. a composition of kernel fields n>2: ID(fld1;fld2;..;fldn)KernelConcept )
--REMARK151210 -> I have made a data type of cluster instead of just list to distinguish between lists and clusters (type checked and better readable code)
--                It is an idea to do the same for eqCl and eqClass (Class=Cluster or v.v.)
data Cluster a = Cluster [a] deriving (Eq,Show)
cslist :: Cluster a -> [a]
cslist (Cluster xs) = xs
clusterBy :: (Show a,Eq a) => ((a,a) -> Bool) -> [Cluster a] -> [(a,a)] -> [Cluster a]
clusterBy f [] xs = clusterBy f [Cluster [b] |(_,b)<-xs] xs --initial clusters, for every target there will be a cluster at first (see mergeclusters)
clusterBy f cs xs  
   | cs==nxtrun = mergeclusters cs 
   | otherwise = clusterBy f (mergeclusters nxtrun) xs
   nxtrun = [Cluster (addtohead (head ys)++ys) |Cluster ys<-cs, not(null ys)]
   addtohead y =[fst x | x<-xs, snd x==y, f x] --if x=(fst x);y and (f x), then fst x is chained to y 
   --we can merge clusters with equal heads, because
   -- + similar things are chained to the head of the cluster
   -- + and the head of mergeclusters == head of every cluster in cs' because we mergecluster each time we add one thing to the head of some cluster
   mergeclusters cs' = [Cluster (nub(concat cl)) |cl<-eqClass eqhead (map cslist cs')] 
   eqhead c1 c2 
     | null (c1++c2) = fatal 547 "clusters are not expected to be empty at this point."
     | otherwise = head c1==head c2

-- | tblcontents is meant to compute the contents of an entity table.
--   It yields a list of records. Values in the records may be absent, which is why Maybe String is used rather than String.
type TblRecord = [Maybe String]
tblcontents :: [A_Gen] -> [Population] -> PlugSQL -> [TblRecord]
tblcontents gens udp plug@ScalarSQL{}
   = [[Just x] | x<-atomsOf gens udp (cLkp plug)]
tblcontents gens udp plug@BinSQL{}
   = [[(Just . srcPaire) p,(Just . trgPaire) p] |p<-fullContents gens udp (mLkp plug)]
tblcontents gens udp plug@TblSQL{}
 --TODO15122010 -> remove the assumptions (see comment data PlugSQL)
 --fields are assumed to be in the order kernel+other, 
 --where NULL in a kernel field implies NULL in the following kernel fields
 --and the first field is unique and not null
 --(r,s,t)<-mLkpTbl: s is assumed to be in the kernel, fldexpr t is expected to hold r or (flp r), s and t are assumed to be different
 | null(fields plug) = fatal 593 "no fields in plug."
 | otherwise = transpose
                 ( map Just cAtoms
                 : [case fExp of
                       EDcI c -> [ if a `elem` atomsOf gens udp c then Just a else Nothing | a<-cAtoms ]
                       _      -> [ (lkp a . fullContents gens udp) fExp | a<-cAtoms ]
                   | fld<-tail (fields plug), let fExp=fldexpr fld
                   cAtoms = (atomsOf gens udp . source . fldexpr . head . fields) plug
                   lkp a pairs
                    = case [ p | p<-pairs, a==srcPaire p ] of
                       [] -> Nothing
                       [p] -> Just (trgPaire p)
                       ps -> fatal 428 ("Multiple values in one field: "++show ps)