{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
  -- The purpose of ShowADL is to print things in Ampersand source format.
  -- Rule: The semantics of each fSpec produced by the compiler is identical to the semantics  of (parse (showADL fSpec)).
  -- Rule: The standard show is used only for simple error messages during testing.
  -- Question (SJC): If STRING is the code produced by showADL, would STRING == showADL (parse STRING) (context (parse STRING)) be true?
  -- Answer (SJ):   No, not for every STRING. Yet, for every fSpec we want  semantics fSpec == semantics (parse (showADL fSpec)).
  --                Note that 'parse' and 'semantics' do not exist in this shape, so the actual expression is slightly more complicated.
  -- Every Expression should be disambiguated before printing to ensure unambiguity.
module DatabaseDesign.Ampersand.Fspec.ShowADL
    ( ShowADL(..), LanguageDependent(..), showPAclause, showREL)
import DatabaseDesign.Ampersand.Core.ParseTree
import DatabaseDesign.Ampersand.Core.AbstractSyntaxTree
import DatabaseDesign.Ampersand.Basics      (fatalMsg,eqCl,Collection(..),Identified(..))
import DatabaseDesign.Ampersand.Classes
import DatabaseDesign.Ampersand.ADL1 (insParentheses)
import DatabaseDesign.Ampersand.Fspec.Fspec
import Data.List hiding (head)
import Prelude hiding (head)
--import Debug.Trace

head :: [a] -> a
head [] = fatal 30 "head must not be used on an empty list!"
head (a:_) = a

fatal :: Int -> String -> a
fatal = fatalMsg "Fspec.ShowADL"

class ShowADL a where
 showADL :: a -> String

-- there are data types yielding language dependent data like an Expression
-- the LanguageDependent class provides function(s) to map language dependent functions on those data if any.
-- for example to print all expressions in a data structure with a practical amount of type directives
-- (instances have been created when needed)
-- LanguageDependent is part of ShowAdl because the only application at time of writing is to disambiguate expressions for the purpose of printing
-- SJ 31-12-2012: Since 'disambiguate' has become obsolete, do we still need this?
class LanguageDependent a where
  mapexprs :: (Language l, ConceptStructure l, Identified l) => (l -> Expression -> Expression) -> l -> a -> a
  mapexprs _ _ = id

instance LanguageDependent a => LanguageDependent (Maybe a) where
  mapexprs _ _ Nothing  = Nothing
  mapexprs f l (Just x) = Just $ mapexprs f l x

instance LanguageDependent (a, Expression) where
  mapexprs f l (x,e) = (x, f l e)
instance LanguageDependent Rule where
  mapexprs f l rul = rul{rrexp = f l (rrexp rul)}
instance LanguageDependent Interface where
  mapexprs f l ifc = ifc{ifcObj = mapexprs f l (ifcObj ifc)}
instance LanguageDependent ObjectDef where
  mapexprs f l obj = obj{objctx = f l (objctx obj), objmsub = mapexprs f l $ objmsub obj}
instance LanguageDependent SubInterface where
  mapexprs _ _ iref@(InterfaceRef _) = iref
  mapexprs f l (Box o objs) = Box o $ map (mapexprs f l) objs
instance LanguageDependent Declaration where
  mapexprs _ _ = id
instance LanguageDependent ECArule where
  mapexprs _ _ = id
instance LanguageDependent Event where
  mapexprs _ _ = id
instance ShowADL (P_SubIfc a) where
  showADL (P_Box{}) = "BOX"
  showADL (P_InterfaceRef _ nm) = " INTERFACE "++showstr nm

instance ShowADL ObjectDef where
-- WHY (HJ)? In deze instance van ShowADL worden diverse zaken gebruikt die ik hier niet zou verwachten.
--              Het vertroebelt de code ook een beetje, want nu moeten er dingen als 'source' en
--              'target' hier al bekend zijn.
--              Dat lijkt me hier nog niet op z'n plaats, als je alleen maar wat wilt kunnen 'prettyprinten'. 
-- BECAUSE (SJ): Dit blijft nog even zo, omdat showADL gebruikt wordt in het genereren van interfaces.
--              Zolang we dat nog niet onder de knie hebben blijft de code wat troebel.
 showADL obj = " : "++showADL (objctx obj)++
               recur "\n  " (objmsub obj)
  where recur :: String -> Maybe SubInterface -> String
        recur _   Nothing = ""
        recur ind (Just (InterfaceRef nm)) = ind++" INTERFACE "++showstr nm
        recur ind (Just (Box _ objs))
         = ind++" BOX [ "++
           intercalate (ind++"     , ") 
                               [ showstr (name o)++
                                  (if null (objstrs o) then "" else " {"++intercalate ", " [showstr (unwords ss) | ss<-objstrs o]++"}")++
                                  " : "++showADL (objctx o)++
                                  recur (ind++"      ") (objmsub o)
                               | o<-objs
           ind++"     ]"

instance ShowADL Meta where
 showADL (Meta _ metaObj nm val) = 
   "META "++(if null $ showADL metaObj then "" else showADL metaObj++" ") ++show nm++" "++show val

instance ShowADL MetaObj where
 showADL ContextMeta = ""
instance ShowADL Purpose where
 showADL expl = "PURPOSE "++showADL (explObj expl)
                ++showADL (amLang (explMarkup expl))
                ++showADL (amFormat (explMarkup expl))
                ++(if null (explRefIds expl) then "" else " REF "++intercalate ";" (explRefIds expl))
                ++ "{+"++aMarkup2String (explMarkup expl)++"-}"

instance ShowADL PandocFormat where
 showADL LaTeX = "LATEX"
 showADL HTML  = "HTML"
 showADL ReST  = "REST"
 showADL Markdown = "MARKDOWN"
instance ShowADL A_Markup where
 showADL m 
     = "IN " ++showADL (amLang m) 
    ++ " "++showADL (amFormat m) 
    ++ "{+"++aMarkup2String m++"-}"
instance ShowADL Lang where
 showADL Dutch   = "DUTCH"
 showADL English = "ENGLISH"
--instance ShowADL (Maybe Lang) where
-- showADL  Nothing       = "IN DUTCH"
-- showADL (Just Dutch  ) = "IN DUTCH"
-- showADL (Just English) = "IN ENGLISH"
instance ShowADL ExplObj where
 showADL e = case e of
      ExplConceptDef cd  -> "CONCEPT "++cdcpt cd
      ExplDeclaration d  -> "RELATION "++show (name d)
      ExplRule str       -> "RULE "++showstr str
      ExplIdentityDef str-> "IDENT "++showstr str
      ExplViewDef str    -> "VIEW "++showstr str
      ExplPattern str    -> "PATTERN "++ showstr str
      ExplProcess str    -> "PROCESS "++str
      ExplInterface str  -> "INTERFACE "++showstr str
      ExplContext str    -> "CONTEXT "++showstr str

showstr :: String -> String
showstr str = "\""++str++"\""

instance ShowADL Process where
 showADL prc
  = "PROCESS " ++ name prc 
    ++ (if null (udefrules prc) then "" else "\n  " ++intercalate "\n  " (map showADL (udefrules prc)) ++ "\n")
    ++ (if null (maintains prc) then "" else "\n  " ++                        showRM prc               ++ "\n")
    ++ (if null (mayEdit prc)   then "" else "\n  " ++                        showRR prc               ++ "\n")
-- concept definitions are not printed, because we have no way of telling where they come from.... 
    ++ (if null (prcIds prc)    then "" else "\n  " ++intercalate "\n  " (map showADL (prcIds prc))    ++ "\n")
    ++ (if null (prcXps prc)    then "" else "\n  " ++intercalate "\n  " (map showADL (prcXps prc))    ++ "\n")
-- The relations declared in the pattern are supplemented by all relations used by the rules.
-- Thus, the resulting pattern is self-contained with respect to declarations.
    ++ (if null decls           then "" else "\n  " ++intercalate "\n  " (map showADL decls)           ++ "\n")
      decls = [d | d@Sgn{}<-relsDefdIn prc `uni` relsMentionedIn prc]
 -- TODO: the following definitions should be unneccessary, but 'map showADL (maintains prc)' and "map showADL (mayEdit prc)" don't work...
      showRM :: Process -> String
      showRM pr = intercalate "\n  " [ "ROLE "++role++" MAINTAINS "++intercalate ", " [name rul | (_,rul)<-cl]
                                     | cl<-eqCl fst (maintains pr), let role = fst (head cl)]
      showRR :: Process -> String
      showRR pr = intercalate "\n  " [ "ROLE "++role++" EDITS "++intercalate ", " [name rul | (_,rul)<-cl]
                                     | cl<-eqCl fst (mayEdit pr), let role = fst (head cl)]

instance ShowADL (String,Rule) where
 showADL (role,rul) = "ROLE "++role++" MAINTAINS "++show (name rul)

instance ShowADL (String,Declaration) where
 showADL           (role,rel) = "ROLE "++role++" EDITS "++showADL rel

instance ShowADL (String,Interface) where
 showADL (role,ifc) = "ROLE "++role++" USES "++show (name ifc)
instance ShowADL Pattern where
 showADL pat
  = "PATTERN " ++ showstr (name pat) ++ "\n"
    ++ (if null (ptrls pat)  then "" else "\n  " ++intercalate "\n  " (map showADL (ptrls pat)) ++ "\n")
    ++ (if null (ptgns pat)  then "" else "\n  " ++intercalate "\n  " (map showADL (ptgns pat)) ++ "\n")
    ++ (if null (ptdcs pat)  then "" else "\n  " ++intercalate "\n  " (map showADL (ptdcs pat)) ++ "\n")
-- concept definitions are not printed, because we have no way of telling where they come from.... 
    ++ (if null (ptids pat)  then "" else "\n  " ++intercalate "\n  " (map showADL (ptids pat)) ++ "\n")

instance ShowADL (PairViewSegment Expression) where
 showADL (PairViewText str)         = "TXT " ++ show str
 showADL (PairViewExp srcOrTgt e) = showADL srcOrTgt ++ " " ++ showADL e

instance ShowADL SrcOrTgt where
 showADL Src = "source"
 showADL Tgt = "target"
--showADLSrcOrTgt :: SrcOrTgt -> String
--showADLSrcOrTgt Src = "SRC"
--showADLSrcOrTgt Tgt = "TGT"
instance ShowADL Rule where
 showADL r
  = "RULE \""++rrnm r++"\" : "++showADL (rrexp r)
     ++ concat ["\n     MEANING "++showADL mng | mng <- ameaMrk $ rrmean r ]
     ++ concat ["\n     MESSAGE "++showADL msg | msg <- rrmsg r]
     ++ case rrviol r of
          Nothing                -> ""
          Just (PairView pvSegs) -> "\n     VIOLATION ("++intercalate ", " (map showADL pvSegs)++")"
instance ShowADL A_Gen where
 showADL g =
   case g of
    Isa{} -> "CLASSIFY "++showADL (genspc g)++" ISA "++showADL (gengen g)
    IsE{} -> "CLASSIFY "++showADL (genspc g)++" IS "++intercalate " /\\ " (map showADL (genrhs g))

instance ShowADL RoleRelation where
 showADL r
  = "ROLE "++intercalate ", " (map show (rrRoles r))++" EDITS "++intercalate ", " (map showADL (rrRels r))

instance ShowADL RoleRule where
 showADL r = "ROLE "++intercalate ", " (map show (mRoles r))++" MAINTAINS "++intercalate ", " (map show (mRules r))

instance ShowADL Interface where
 showADL ifc 
  = "INTERFACE "++showstr(name ifc)
          ++(if null (ifcParams ifc) then "" else "("++intercalate ", " [showADL r | r<-ifcParams ifc]++")")
          ++(if null (ifcArgs ifc) then "" else "{"++intercalate ", " [showstr(unwords strs) | strs<-ifcArgs ifc]++"}")
          ++(if null (ifcRoles ifc) then "" else " FOR "++intercalate ", " [ r | r<-ifcRoles ifc])
          ++showADL (ifcObj ifc)

instance ShowADL IdentityDef where
 showADL identity 
  = "IDENT "++idLbl identity
          ++ ": " ++name (idCpt identity)
          ++ "(" ++intercalate ", " (map showADL $ identityAts identity) ++ ")"

instance ShowADL IdentitySegment where
 showADL (IdentityExp objDef) = (if null (name objDef) then "" else "\""++name objDef++"\":") ++ showADL (objctx objDef)

instance ShowADL ViewDef where
 showADL vd 
  = "VIEW "++vdlbl vd
          ++ ": " ++name (vdcpt vd)
          ++ "(" ++intercalate ", " (map showADL $ vdats vd) ++ ")"

instance ShowADL ViewSegment where
 showADL (ViewExp objDef) = (if null (name objDef) then "" else "\""++name objDef++"\":") ++ showADL (objctx objDef)
 showADL (ViewText str) = "TXT " ++ show str
 showADL (ViewHtml str) = "PRIMHTML " ++ show str

-- showADL Relation only prints complete signatures to ensure unambiguity.
-- therefore, when printing expressions, do not apply this function to print relations, but apply one that prints names only
--instance ShowADL Relation where
-- showADL rel = show rel

instance ShowADL Expression where
 showADL = showExpr (" = ", " |- ", " /\\ ", " \\/ ", " - ", " / ", " \\ ", " <> ", ";", "!", "*", "*", "+", "~", ("-"++), "(", ")", "[", "*", "]")
-- NOTE: retain space after \\, because of unexpected side effects if it is used just before an 'r' or 'n'....
     showExpr :: (String,String,String,String,String,String,String,String,String,String,String,String,String,String,String -> String,String,String,String,String,String)
            -> Expression -> String
     showExpr    (equi,  impl,  inter, union',diff,  lresi, rresi, rDia, rMul  , rAdd , rPrd ,closK0,closK1,flp',  compl,           lpar,  rpar,  lbr,   star,  rbr)  expr
      = --let c = PlainConcept "A" in trace (showchar (insParentheses (ECps (ECps (EDcI c,EDcI c),ECps (EDcI c,EDcI c))))) $
        showchar (insParentheses expr)
          showchar (EEqu (l,r)) = showchar l++equi++showchar r
          showchar (EImp (l,r)) = showchar l++impl++showchar r
          showchar (EIsc (l,r)) = showchar l++inter++showchar r
          showchar (EUni (l,r)) = showchar l++union'++showchar r
          showchar (EDif (l,r)) = showchar l++diff ++showchar r
          showchar (ELrs (l,r)) = showchar l++lresi++showchar r
          showchar (ERrs (l,r)) = showchar l++rresi++showchar r
          showchar (EDia (l,r)) = showchar l++rDia++showchar r
          showchar (ECps (l,r)) = showchar l++rMul++showchar r
          showchar (ERad (l,r)) = showchar l++rAdd++showchar r
          showchar (EPrd (l,r)) = showchar l++rPrd++showchar r
          showchar (EKl0 e)     = showchar e++closK0
          showchar (EKl1 e)     = showchar e++closK1
          showchar (EFlp e)     = showchar e++flp'
          showchar (ECpl e)     = compl (showchar e)
          showchar (EBrk e)     = lpar++showchar e++rpar
          showchar (EDcD dcl)   = name dcl
          showchar (EDcI c)     = "I"++lbr++name c++rbr
          showchar (EEps i _)   = "Eps{"++name i++"}"
          showchar (EDcV sgn)   = "V"++lbr++name (source sgn)++star++name (target sgn)++rbr
          showchar (EMp1 a c)   = "'"++a++"'"++lbr++name c++rbr

instance ShowADL DnfClause where
 showADL dnfClause = showADL (dnf2expr dnfClause)

instance ShowADL Declaration where
 showADL decl = 
  case decl of
     Sgn{} -> name decl++" :: "++name (source decl)++(if null ([Uni,Tot]>-multiplicities decl) then " -> " else " * ")++name (target decl)++
              (let mults=if null ([Uni,Tot]>-multiplicities decl) then multiplicities decl>-[Uni,Tot] else multiplicities decl in
               if null mults then "" else "["++intercalate "," (map showADL mults)++"]")++
              (if null(decprL decl++decprM decl++decprR decl) then "" else
               " PRAGMA "++unwords (map show [decprL decl,decprM decl,decprR decl]))
               ++ concatMap meaning (ameaMrk (decMean decl))
     Isn{} -> "I["++show (detyp decl)++"]" -- Isn{} is of type Declaration and it is implicitly defined
     Vs{}  -> "V"++show (decsgn decl)      -- Vs{}  is of type Declaration and it is implicitly defined
     meaning :: A_Markup -> String
     meaning pmkup = " MEANING "++showADL pmkup

showREL :: Declaration-> String
showREL decl = show decl
  case decl of
     Sgn{} -> name decl++showSign (sign decl)
     Isn{} -> "I["++show (detyp decl)++"]" -- Isn{} is of type Declaration and it is implicitly defined
     Vs{}  -> "V"++show (decsgn decl)

instance ShowADL P_Markup where
 showADL (P_Markup lng fmt str) = case lng of
                                     Nothing -> ""
                                     Just l  -> "IN "++show l++" "
                                  case fmt of
                                     Nothing -> ""
                                     Just f  -> " "++show f++" "
                                  "{+"++str++"-} "
instance ShowADL Prop where
 showADL = show

instance ShowADL A_Concept where
 showADL c = show (name c)

instance ShowADL ConceptDef where
 showADL cd
  = "\n  CONCEPT "++show (cdcpt cd)++" "++show (cddef cd)++" "++(if null (cdref cd) then "" else show (cdref cd))

instance ShowADL A_Context where
 showADL context
  = "CONTEXT " ++name context
    ++ (if null (ctxmetas context) then "" else "\n"      ++intercalate "\n\n" (map showADL (ctxmetas context))++ "\n")
    ++ (if null (ctxprocs context) then "" else "\n"      ++intercalate "\n\n" (map showADL (ctxprocs context))++ "\n") -- All processes
    ++ (if null (ctxifcs context)  then "" else "\n"      ++intercalate "\n\n" (map showADL (ctxifcs context)) ++ "\n")
    ++ (if null (ctxpats context)  then "" else "\n"      ++intercalate "\n\n" (map showADL (ctxpats context)) ++ "\n")
    ++ (if null (ctxrs context)    then "" else "\n"      ++intercalate "\n"   (map showADL (ctxrs context))   ++ "\n")
    ++ (if null (ctxds context)    then "" else "\n"      ++intercalate "\n"   (map showADL (ctxds context))   ++ "\n")
    ++ (if null (ctxks context)    then "" else "\n"      ++intercalate "\n"   (map showADL (ctxks context))   ++ "\n")
    ++ (if null (ctxgs context)    then "" else "\n"      ++intercalate "\n"   (map showADL (ctxgs context))   ++ "\n")
    ++ (if null (ctxcds context)   then "" else "\n"      ++intercalate "\n"   (map showADL (ctxcds context))  ++ "\n")
    ++ (if null (ctxpopus context) then "" else "\n"      ++intercalate "\n"   (map showADL (ctxpopus context))++ "\n")
    ++ (if null (ctxsql context)   then "" else "\n"      ++intercalate "\n\n" (map showADL (ctxsql context)) ++ "\n")
    ++ (if null (ctxphp context)   then "" else "\n"      ++intercalate "\n\n" (map showADL (ctxphp context)) ++ "\n")
    ++ "\n\nENDCONTEXT"

instance ShowADL Fspc where
 showADL fSpec
  = "CONTEXT " ++name fSpec
    ++ (if null (map ifcObj [] {- map fsv_ifcdef (fActivities fSpec) -})     
        then "" 
        else "\n"++intercalate "\n\n" (map (showADL . ifcObj) [] {- map fsv_ifcdef (fActivities fSpec) -})     ++ "\n")
    ++ (if null (metas fSpec)    then "" else "\n"++intercalate "\n\n" (map showADL (metas fSpec))    ++ "\n")
    ++ (if null (patterns fSpec)    then "" else "\n"++intercalate "\n\n" (map showADL (patterns fSpec))    ++ "\n")
--    ++ (if null (vprocesses fSpec)    then "" else "\n"++intercalate "\n\n" (map showADL (vprocesses fSpec))    ++ "\n")  -- TODO implement ShowADL FProcess
    ++ (if null (conceptDefs fSpec) then "" else "\n"++intercalate "\n"   (map showADL (conceptDefs fSpec)) ++ "\n")
    ++ (if null (gens fSpec) then "" else "\n"++intercalate "\n"   (map showADL (gens fSpec)) ++ "\n")
    ++ (if null (identities fSpec)       then "" else "\n"++intercalate "\n"   (map showADL (identities fSpec >- concatMap identities (patterns fSpec)))       ++ "\n")
    ++ (if null decls then "" else "\n"++intercalate "\n"   (map showADL decls) ++ "\n")
    ++ (if null (udefrules fSpec) then "" else "\n"++intercalate "\n"   (map showADL (udefrules fSpec >- concatMap udefrules (patterns fSpec))) ++ "\n")
    ++ (if null (fSexpls fSpec) then "" else "\n"++intercalate "\n"   (map showADL (fSexpls fSpec)) ++ "\n")
    ++ "TODO: Populations are not shown..\n" --TODO.
--    ++ (if null showADLpops         then "" else "\n"++intercalate "\n\n" showADLpops                                    ++ "\n")
    ++ (if null (interfaceS fSpec)    then "" else "\n"++intercalate "\n\n" (map showADL (interfaceS fSpec))    ++ "\n")
    ++ "\n\nENDCONTEXT"
    where decls = relsDefdIn fSpec >- (concatMap relsDefdIn (patterns fSpec) `uni` concatMap relsDefdIn (vprocesses fSpec))
instance ShowADL (Maybe String) where
  showADL _ = ""
instance ShowADL ECArule where
  showADL eca = "ECA #"++show (ecaNum eca)

instance ShowADL Event where
  showADL ev = " On " ++show (eSrt ev)++" "++showREL (eDcl ev)

instance (ShowADL a, ShowADL b) => ShowADL (a,b) where
 showADL (a,b) = "(" ++ showADL a ++ ", " ++ showADL b ++ ")"

instance ShowADL P_Population where
 showADL pop
  = "POPULATION "++name pop
  ++ case pop of
        P_TRelPop{} -> "["++(name.pSrc.p_type) pop++"*"++(name.pTgt.p_type) pop++"]"
        _ -> ""
  ++ " CONTAINS\n"
  ++ if (case pop of
            P_RelPopu{} -> null (p_popps pop)
            P_TRelPop{} -> null (p_popps pop)
            P_CptPopu{} -> null (p_popas pop)
     then "" 
     else indent++"[ "++intercalate ("\n"++indent++", ") showContent++indent++"]"
    where indent = "   "
          showContent = case pop of
                          P_RelPopu{} -> map showPaire (p_popps pop)
                          P_TRelPop{} -> map showPaire (p_popps pop)
                          P_CptPopu{} -> map showAtom  (p_popas pop)
showPaire :: Paire -> String
showPaire p = showAtom (srcPaire p)++" * "++ showAtom (trgPaire p)

instance ShowADL Population where
 showADL pop
  ++ case pop of
        PRelPopu{} -> (name.popdcl) pop++(show.sign.popdcl) pop
        PCptPopu{} -> (name.popcpt) pop
  ++ " CONTAINS\n"
  ++ if (case pop of
            PRelPopu{} -> null (popps pop)
            PCptPopu{} -> null (popas pop)
     then "" 
     else indent++"[ "++intercalate ("\n"++indent++", ") showContent++indent++"]"
    where indent = "   "
          showContent = case pop of
                          PRelPopu{} -> map showPaire (popps pop)
                          PCptPopu{} -> map showAtom  (popas pop)

-- showADL (PRelPopu r pairs)
--  = "POPULATION "++showADL r++" CONTAINS\n"++
--    indent++"[ "++intercalate ("\n"++indent++", ") (map (\(x,y)-> showatom x++" * "++ showatom y) pairs)++indent++"]"
--    where indent = "   "

showAtom :: String -> String
showAtom x = "'"++[if c=='\'' then '`' else c|c<-x]++"'"              

instance ShowADL TermPrim where
 showADL (PI _)                                   = "I"
 showADL (Pid _ c)                                = "I["++showADL c++"]"
 showADL (Patm _ a Nothing)                       = "'"++a++"'"
 showADL (Patm _ a (Just c))                      = "'"++a++"'["++show c++"]"
 showADL (PVee _)                                 = "V"
 showADL (Pfull _ s t)                            = "V["++show s++"*"++show t++"]"
 showADL (Prel _ rel)                             = rel
 showADL (PTrel _ rel psgn)                       = rel++showsign psgn
  where     showsign (P_Sign src trg)                         = "["++showADL src++"*"++showADL trg++"]"

--used to compose error messages at p2a time
instance (ShowADL a, Traced a) => ShowADL (Term a) where
 showADL = showPExpr (" = ", " |- ", " /\\ ", " \\/ ", " - ", " / ", " \\ ", "<>", ";", "!", "*", "*", "+", "~", "(", ")")
    showPExpr (equi,impl,inter,union',diff,lresi,rresi,rDia,rMul,rAdd,rPrd,closK0,closK1,flp',lpar,rpar) expr
     = showchar (insP_Parentheses expr)
       showchar (Prim a) = showADL a
       showchar (Pequ _ l r)                             = showchar l++equi++showchar r
       showchar (Pimp _ l r)                             = showchar l++impl++showchar r
       showchar (PIsc _ l r)                             = showchar l++inter++showchar r
       showchar (PUni _ l r)                             = showchar l++union'++showchar r
       showchar (PDif _ l r)                             = showchar l++diff ++showchar r
       showchar (PLrs _ l r)                             = showchar l++lresi++showchar r
       showchar (PRrs _ l r)                             = showchar l++rresi++showchar r
       showchar (PDia _ l r)                             = showchar l++rDia++showchar r
       showchar (PCps _ l r)                             = showchar l++rMul++showchar r
       showchar (PRad _ l r)                             = showchar l++rAdd++showchar r
       showchar (PPrd _ l r)                             = showchar l++rPrd++showchar r
       showchar (PKl0 _ e)                               = showchar e++closK0
       showchar (PKl1 _ e)                               = showchar e++closK1
       showchar (PFlp _ e)                               = showchar e++flp'
       showchar (PCpl _ e)                               = '-':showchar e
       showchar (PBrk _ e)                               = lpar++showchar e++rpar

insP_Parentheses :: (Traced a) => Term a -> Term a
insP_Parentheses = insPar 0
       wrap :: (Traced a) => Integer -> Integer -> Term a -> Term a
       wrap i j e' = if i<=j then e' else PBrk (origin e') e'
       insPar :: (Traced a) => Integer -> Term a -> Term a
       insPar i (Pequ o l r) = wrap i     0 (Pequ o (insPar 1 l) (insPar 1 r))
       insPar i (Pimp o l r) = wrap i     0 (Pimp o (insPar 1 l) (insPar 1 r))
       insPar i (PIsc o l r) = wrap (i+1) 2 (PIsc o (insPar 2 l) (insPar 2 r))
       insPar i (PUni o l r) = wrap (i+1) 2 (PUni o (insPar 2 l) (insPar 2 r))
       insPar i (PDif o l r) = wrap i     4 (PDif o (insPar 5 l) (insPar 5 r))
       insPar i (PLrs o l r) = wrap i     6 (PLrs o (insPar 7 l) (insPar 7 r))
       insPar i (PRrs o l r) = wrap i     6 (PRrs o (insPar 7 l) (insPar 7 r))
       insPar i (PDia o l r) = wrap i     6 (PDia o (insPar 7 l) (insPar 7 r))
       insPar i (PCps o l r) = wrap (i+1) 8 (PCps o (insPar 8 l) (insPar 8 r))
       insPar i (PRad o l r) = wrap (i+1) 8 (PRad o (insPar 8 l) (insPar 8 r))
       insPar i (PPrd o l r) = wrap (i+1) 8 (PPrd o (insPar 8 l) (insPar 8 r))
       insPar _ (PKl0 o e)   = PKl0 o (insPar 10 e)
       insPar _ (PKl1 o e)   = PKl1 o (insPar 10 e)
       insPar _ (PFlp o e)   = PFlp o (insPar 10 e)
       insPar _ (PCpl o e)   = PCpl o (insPar 10 e)
       insPar i (PBrk _ e)   = insPar i e
       insPar _ x            = x

--used to compose error messages at p2a time
instance ShowADL P_Concept where
 showADL = name

instance ShowADL PAclause where
    showADL = showPAclause "\n "

showPAclause :: String -> PAclause -> String
showPAclause indent pa@Do{}
       = ( case paSrt pa of
            Ins -> "INSERT INTO "
            Del -> "DELETE FROM ")++
         showREL (paTo pa) ++
         indent++" SELECTFROM "++
         showADL (paDelta pa)++
         indent++motivate indent "TO MAINTAIN " (paMotiv pa)
showPAclause indent (New c clause cj_ruls)
       = "NEW x:"++show c++";"++indent'++showPAclause indent' (clause "x")++motivate indent "MAINTAINING" cj_ruls
         where indent'  = indent++"  "
showPAclause indent (Rmv c clause cj_ruls)
       = "REMOVE x:"++show c++";"++indent'++showPAclause indent' (clause "x")++motivate indent "MAINTAINING" cj_ruls
         where indent'  = indent++"  "
showPAclause indent (CHC ds cj_ruls)
       = "ONE OF "++intercalate indent' [showPAclause indent' d | d<-ds]++motivate indent "MAINTAINING" cj_ruls
         where indent'  = indent++"       "
showPAclause indent (GCH ds cj_ruls)
       = "ONE NONEMPTY ALTERNATIVE OF "++intercalate indent'
         ["PICK a,b FROM "++showADL links++indent'++"THEN "++showPAclause (indent'++"     ") p| (_,links,p)<-ds]++
         motivate indent "MAINTAINING" cj_ruls
         where indent'  = indent++"       "
showPAclause indent (ALL ds cj_ruls)
       = "ALL of "++intercalate indent' [showPAclause indent' d | d<-ds]++motivate indent "MAINTAINING" cj_ruls
         where indent'  = indent++"       "
showPAclause indent (Nop cj_ruls)
       = "DO NOTHING"++motivate indent "TO MAINTAIN" cj_ruls
showPAclause indent (Blk cj_ruls)
       = "BLOCK"++motivate indent "CANNOT CHANGE" cj_ruls
showPAclause  _ (Let _ _ _)  = fatal 55 "showPAclause is missing for `Let`. Contact your dealer!"
showPAclause  _ (Ref _)      = fatal 56 "showPAclause is missing for `Ref`. Contact your dealer!"
motivate :: [Char] -> [Char] -> [(Expression, [Rule])] -> [Char]
motivate indent motive motives = concat [ indent++showConj cj_rul | cj_rul<-motives ]
   where showConj (conj,rs) = "("++motive++" "++showADL conj++" FROM "++intercalate ", " (map name rs) ++")"