Changes ======= Version 0.11.4 -------------- * Add `reportLayerColor`, `getReportedLayerColor` and `getLayerColor` for querying the layer color on terminals that support the functionality. * Add `useAlternateScreenBuffer` and `useNormalScreenBuffer`, and support for switching between the Alternate and Normal Screen Buffers. * When the argument is `0`, `cursorUpCode`, `cursorDownCode`, `cursorForwardCode`, `cursorBackwardCode`,`scrollPageUpCode` and `scrollPageDownCode` now yield `""`, and `cursorUpLineCode` and `cursorDownLineCode` now yield the equivalent of `setCursorColumnCode 0`. This is because, on some terminals, a `0` parameter for the underlying 'ANSI' code specifies a default parameter of `1`. * Add `osc` as a utility function, for OSC sequences. * `setTitle` now uses the recommended STRING TERMINATOR (ST) of `\ESC\\`, rather than the legacy `\BEL` (`\007`), and filters the title of all non-printable characters, not just `\BEL`. * Improvements to Haddock documentation. Version 0.11.3 -------------- * Add `hyperlink`, `hyperlinkWithId` and `hyperlinkWithParams`, and support for clickable hyperlinks. Version 0.11.2 -------------- * On Windows, fix compatability with the Windows I/O Manager (WinIO) when GHC >= 9.0.1 but `Win32` < * Improvements to Haddock documentation. Version 0.11.1 -------------- * On Windows, fix compatability with the Windows I/O Manager (WinIO) introduced in GHC 9.0.1, by incorporating changes made in package `Win32-` in that regard. * Improvements to Haddock documentation. Version 0.11 ------------ * Remove deprecated `getCursorPosition0`. (Use `getCursorPosition` instead.) * On Unix-like operating systems, the temporary turning off of echoing is moved from `getReportedCursorPosition` to `hGetCursorPositon`. * On Unix-like operating systems, fix a bug in `getCursorPosition` and `hGetCursorPosition`, where the console input stream was was not always clear before the cursor position was emitted into it. Version 0.10.3 -------------- * Add `getCursorPosition` as a synonym of `getCursorPosition0` and deprecate the latter. Version 0.10.2 -------------- * `hGetTerminalSize` now assumes a terminal is no bigger than 9,999 by 9,999 (previously, no bigger than 999 by 999). * On Windows, fix a bug where emulated cursor movement functions differed from Windows 10 (movement bounded by the current viewport). Version 0.10.1 -------------- * Add `hGetCursorPosition` and `hGetTerminalSize`. * On Unix-like operating systems, fix a bug where `getReportedCursorPosition` could block indefinitely if no information was forthcoming on the console input stream. * Improvements to Haddock documentation. Version 0.10 ------------ * Add support for setting the default color with new `SetDefaultColor` constructor of the `SGR` type. * `getTerminalSize` now flushes the `stdout` channel, to ensure the cursor position is unaffected. Version 0.9.1 ------------- * Flag modules with GHC's 'Safe Haskell' language extensions (from GHC 7.2.1). * Improvements and corrections to Haddock documentation. Version 0.9 ----------- * Add support for 256-color palettes with new `SetPaletteColor` constructor of the `SGR` type, and `xterm6LevelRGB`, `xterm24LevelGray` and `xtermSystem`. * Remove deprecated `getCursorPosition`. (Use `getCursorPosition0` instead.) * Add `hSupportsANSIColor`. * Add `getTerminalSize`. * Improvements to Haddock documentation. Version 0.8.2 ------------- * Add `getCursorPosition0` and deprecate `getCursorPosition`. Any position provided by the latter is 1-based. Any position provided by the former is 0-based, consistent with `setCursorColumn` and `setCursorPosition`. * Improvements to Haddock documentation in respect of 0-based and 1-based cursor positions. Version 0.8.1 ------------- * Add `hSupportsANSIWithoutEmulation`. On Windows 10, if the handle is identified as connected to a native terminal ('Command Prompt' or 'PowerShell'), the processing of 'ANSI' control characters will be enabled. Version --------------- * On Windows, `hSupportsANSI` now recognises if the handle is connected to a 'mintty' terminal. * Drop support for GHC versions before GHC 7.0.1 (released November 2010) Version --------------- * On Windows, try to enable ANSI on ConHost terminals even if a TERM environment variable exits (such as with the Hyper 2 terminal) * Minor improvements to Haddock documentation Version --------------- * Improve README and Haddock documentation * On Windows, fix compatability with earlier GHC versions * Drop support for GHC versions before 6.12.1 (released December 2009) Version --------------- * On Windows, if the standard output channel is valid but not a ConHost terminal, assume it is ANSI-enabled rather than failing * On Windows, output the improved error message to the standard error channel rather than the standard output channel Version 0.8 ----------- * Make the fields of `SGR` strict * Make compatible with GHC 8.2.2 * Improve the error message on Windows when not ANSI-capable or ConHost * Recognise Appveyor build environment as ANSI-enabled Version --------------- `getReportedCursorPosition`: don't let the cursor reporting code be echo'd Version 0.7.1 ------------- * Allow saving, restoring, and querying the current cursor position * Fix a couple of issues with the Reset emulation on Windows Version 0.7 ----------- Add 24-bit RGB color support Version --------------- Fix Windows + ghc 7.8 compatibility Version 0.6.3 ------------- * Add ANSI support for Windows * Add compatibility with Win32- and above Version --------------- Add an example to the haddocks Version --------------- Fix a GHC 7.10 warning Version --------------- Restore compatibility with GHC 7.4 and older Version 0.6.2 ------------- * Add `hSupportsANSI` * Drop support for `base < 4` Version --------------- Fix to build with GHC 7.8 on Windows Version 0.6.1 ------------- * `BoldIntensity` no longer changes background color on Windows * `setSGR []` was not equivalent to `setSGR [Reset]` on Windows, even though it should be according to the documentation. This is now fixed.