module Main ( main ) where import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Monad (forM_) import System.IO (hFlush, stdout) import System.Console.ANSI examples :: [IO ()] examples = [ cursorMovementExample , lineChangeExample , setCursorPositionExample , saveRestoreCursorExample , clearExample , scrollExample , sgrExample , cursorVisibilityExample , titleExample , getCursorPositionExample ] main :: IO () main = mapM_ (\example -> resetScreen >> example) examples -- Annex D to Standard ECMA-48 (5th Ed, 1991) identifies that the representation -- of an erased state is implementation-dependent. There may or may not be a -- distinction between a character position in the erased state and one imaging -- SPACE. Consequently, to reset the screen, the default graphic rendition must -- be selected (setSGR [Reset]) before all character positions are put into the -- erased state (clearScreen). resetScreen :: IO () resetScreen = setSGR [Reset] >> clearScreen >> setCursorPosition 0 0 pause :: IO () pause = do hFlush stdout -- 1 second pause threadDelay 1000000 cursorMovementExample :: IO () cursorMovementExample = do putStrLn "Line One" putStr "Line Two" pause -- Line One -- Line Two cursorUp 1 putStr " - Extras" pause -- Line One - Extras -- Line Two cursorBackward 2 putStr "zz" pause -- Line One - Extrzz -- Line Two cursorForward 2 putStr "- And More" pause -- Line One - Extrzz - And More -- Line Two cursorDown 1 putStr "Disconnected" pause -- Line One - Extrzz - And More -- Line Two Disconnected lineChangeExample :: IO () lineChangeExample = do putStrLn "Line One" putStr "Line Two" pause -- Line One -- Line Two cursorUpLine 1 putStr "New Line One" pause -- New Line One -- Line Two cursorDownLine 1 putStr "New Line Two" pause -- New Line One -- New Line Two setCursorPositionExample :: IO () setCursorPositionExample = do putStrLn "Line One" putStrLn "Line Two" pause -- Line One -- Line Two setCursorPosition 0 5 putStr "Foo" pause -- Line Foo -- Line Two setCursorPosition 1 5 putStr "Bar" pause -- Line Foo -- Line Bar setCursorColumn 1 putStr "oaf" pause -- Line Foo -- Loaf Bar saveRestoreCursorExample :: IO () saveRestoreCursorExample = do putStr "Start sentence ..." pause -- Start sentence ... saveCursor setCursorPosition 2 3 putStr "SPLASH!" pause -- Start sentence ... -- -- SPLASH! restoreCursor putStr " end sentence, uninterrupted." pause -- Start sentence ... end sentence, uninterrupted -- -- SPLASH! clearExample :: IO () clearExample = do putStrLn "Line One" putStrLn "Line Two" pause -- Line One -- Line Two setCursorPosition 0 4 clearFromCursorToScreenEnd pause -- Line resetScreen putStrLn "Line One" putStrLn "Line Two" pause -- Line One -- Line Two setCursorPosition 1 4 clearFromCursorToScreenBeginning pause -- -- Two resetScreen putStrLn "Line One" putStrLn "Line Two" pause -- Line One -- Line Two setCursorPosition 0 4 clearFromCursorToLineEnd pause -- Line -- Line Two setCursorPosition 1 4 clearFromCursorToLineBeginning pause -- Line -- Two clearLine pause -- Line clearScreen pause -- scrollExample :: IO () scrollExample = do putStrLn "Line One" putStrLn "Line Two" putStrLn "Line Three" pause -- Line One -- Line Two -- Line Three scrollPageDown 2 pause -- -- -- Line One -- Line Two -- Line Three scrollPageUp 3 pause -- Line Two -- Line Three sgrExample :: IO () sgrExample = do let colors = enumFromTo minBound maxBound :: [Color] forM_ [Foreground, Background] $ \layer -> do forM_ [Dull, Vivid] $ \intensity -> do resetScreen forM_ colors $ \color -> do setSGR [Reset] setSGR [SetColor layer intensity color] putStrLn (show color) pause -- All the colors, 4 times in sequence let named_styles = [ (SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity, "Bold") , (SetConsoleIntensity FaintIntensity, "Faint") , (SetConsoleIntensity NormalIntensity, "Normal") , (SetItalicized True, "Italic") , (SetItalicized False, "No Italics") , (SetUnderlining SingleUnderline, "Single Underline") , (SetUnderlining DoubleUnderline, "Double Underline") , (SetUnderlining NoUnderline, "No Underline") , (SetBlinkSpeed SlowBlink, "Slow Blink") , (SetBlinkSpeed RapidBlink, "Rapid Blink") , (SetBlinkSpeed NoBlink, "No Blink") , (SetVisible False, "Conceal") , (SetVisible True, "Reveal") ] forM_ named_styles $ \(style, name) -> do resetScreen setSGR [style] putStrLn name pause -- Text describing a style displayed in that style in sequence setSGR [SetColor Foreground Vivid Red] setSGR [SetColor Background Vivid Blue] clearScreen >> setCursorPosition 0 0 setSGR [SetSwapForegroundBackground False] putStr "Red-On-Blue" pause -- Red-On-Blue clearScreen >> setCursorPosition 0 0 setSGR [SetSwapForegroundBackground True] putStr "Blue-On-Red" pause -- Blue-On-Red cursorVisibilityExample :: IO () cursorVisibilityExample = do putStr "Cursor Demo" pause -- Cursor Demo| hideCursor pause -- Cursor Demo showCursor pause -- Cursor Demo| titleExample :: IO () titleExample = do putStr "Title Demo" pause -- ~/foo/ - ansi-terminal-ex - 83x70 ------------------------------------ -- Title Demo setTitle "Yup, I'm a new title!" pause -- Yup, I'm a new title! - ansi-terminal-ex - 83x70 --------------------------------------------------- -- Title Demo getCursorPositionExample :: IO () getCursorPositionExample = do putStrLn " 11111111112222222222" putStrLn "12345678901234567890123456789" putStr "Report cursor position here:" pause -- 11111111112222222222 -- 12345678901234567890123456789 -- Report cursor position here:| result <- getCursorPosition putStrLn " (3rd row, 29th column) to stdin, as CSI 3 ; 29 R.\n" case result of Just (row, col) -> putStrLn $ "The cursor was at row number " ++ show row ++ " and column number " ++ show col ++ ".\n" Nothing -> putStrLn "Error: unable to get the cursor position\n" pause -- 11111111112222222222 -- 12345678901234567890123456789 -- Report cursor position here: (3rd row, 29th column) to stdin, as CSI 3 ; 29 R. -- -- The cursor was at row number 3 and column number 29.