-- | A module that exports some simple demonstrations of how to use the package. module System.Console.Ansigraph.Examples ( waveDemo , waveDemoR , waveDemoP , showColors , demo , wave ) where import System.Console.Ansigraph import System.Console.ANSI import Control.Monad (forM_) import Data.Complex ---- Wave Demo ---- wave :: [Complex Double] wave = cis . (*) (pi/20) <$> [0..79] deltas :: [Double] deltas = (*) (-pi/10) <$> [0..50] waves :: [[Complex Double]] waves = zipWith (\z -> map (* z)) (cis <$> deltas) $ replicate 50 wave pwave :: PosGraph pwave = PosGraph $ (+1) . realPart <$> wave rwaves :: [[Double]] rwaves = map (map realPart) waves pwaves :: [PosGraph] pwaves = PosGraph . map (+1) <$> rwaves -- | Display an animation of the positive real function /p(x,t) = cos(x-t) + 1/ in some units. waveDemoP :: IO () waveDemoP = animate pwaves -- | Display an animation of the real function /r(x,t) = cos(x-t)/ in the standard style, i.e. with both -- positive and negative regions. waveDemoR :: IO () waveDemoR = animate rwaves -- | Display an animation of the complex wave /z(x,t) = exp(ix - it)/ in some units. waveDemo :: IO () waveDemo = animate waves ---- Show ANSI Colors ---- colors = [Black,Red,Green,Yellow,Blue,Magenta,Cyan,White] intensities = [Dull,Vivid] -- | Show all of the available 'AnsiColor's and corresponding 'ColorIntensity', 'Color' pairs. showColors = do putStrLn "\n Available colors:" forM_ colors $ \clr -> do forM_ intensities $ \inten -> do setSGR [SetColor Foreground inten clr] putStr $ replicate 20 '█' setSGR [Reset] putStrLn $ " " ++ show inten ++ " " ++ show clr setSGR [Reset] -- | Run all of the demos in sequence. demo = sequence_ [waveDemoP,waveDemoR,waveDemo,showColors]