cabal-version: 2.4 name: antiope-shell version: 7.4.2 synopsis: Please see the README on Github at description: Please see the README on Github at . category: Services homepage: bug-reports: author: Arbor Networks maintainer: copyright: Arbor Networks license: MIT license-file: LICENSE build-type: Simple extra-source-files: source-repository head type: git location: common base { build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5 } common config default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -Wall -Wcompat -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wredundant-constraints library import: base, config exposed-modules: Antiope.Shell.S3 hs-source-dirs: src default-extensions: BangPatterns GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving OverloadedStrings TupleSections build-depends: aeson , amazonka >= 1.6.0 , amazonka-core >= 1.6.0 , amazonka-s3 >= 1.6.0 , antiope-s3 , antiope-core , antiope-messages , attoparsec , bytestring , exceptions , generic-lens , http-types , lens , mtl , network-uri , process >= , resourcet , text , time , unliftio-core test-suite antiope-shell-test import: base, config type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: Spec.hs hs-source-dirs: test other-modules: Antiope.Shell.S3Spec default-extensions: BangPatterns GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving OverloadedStrings TupleSections ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N build-tool-depends: hspec-discover:hspec-discover build-depends: aeson , amazonka >= 1.6.0 , amazonka-core >= 1.6.0 , amazonka-s3 >= 1.6.0 , antiope-core , antiope-shell , attoparsec , bytestring , conduit , conduit-extra , exceptions , generic-lens , hedgehog >= 0.5 && < 1.1 , hspec >= 2.4 && < 2.7 , http-types , hw-hspec-hedgehog >= 0.1 && < 0.3 , lens , mtl , network-uri , resourcet , text , time , unliftio-core