name: apecs version: 0.7.2 homepage: license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Jonas Carpay maintainer: category: Game, Control, Data build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.10 synopsis: Fast Entity-Component-System library for game programming description: The Entity-Component-System architecture provides an imperative game programming paradigm that tackles many of the shortcomings of more OO-oriented approaches. apecs is a type-driven ECS library, that leverages strong typing for an expressive DSL that compiles into fast game code. extra-source-files:, source-repository head type: git location: git:// library hs-source-dirs: src exposed-modules: Apecs, Apecs.Core, Apecs.Components, Apecs.Stores, Apecs.Stores.Extra, Apecs.Reactive, Apecs.System, Apecs.TH, Apecs.Util other-modules: Apecs.THTuples default-language: Haskell2010 build-depends: base >= 4.9 && < 5, containers >= 0.5 && < 0.8, mtl >= 2.2 && < 2.3, template-haskell >= 2.12 && < 3, vector >= 0.11 && < 0.13 ghc-options: -Wall test-suite apecs-test type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: Main.hs hs-source-dirs: test build-depends: apecs, base >= 4.9 && < 5, containers >= 0.5 && < 0.8, linear >= 1.20 && < 2, vector >= 0.10 && < 0.13, QuickCheck >= 2.10 && < 3 default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -Wall benchmark apecs-bench type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: bench main-is: Main.hs build-depends: apecs, base >= 4.9 && < 5, criterion >= 1.3 && < 2, linear >= 1.20 && < 2 default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -Wall -O2 -optlo-O3 -- -fllvm -threaded -funfolding-use-threshold1000 -funfolding-keeness-factor1000