/* Copyright (c) 2013 Scott Lembcke and Howling Moon Software * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include "chipmunk_private.h" cpBody* cpBodyAlloc(void) { return (cpBody *)cpcalloc(1, sizeof(cpBody)); } cpBody * cpBodyInit(cpBody *body, cpFloat mass, cpFloat moment) { body->space = NULL; body->shapeList = NULL; body->arbiterList = NULL; body->constraintList = NULL; body->velocity_func = cpBodyUpdateVelocity; body->position_func = cpBodyUpdatePosition; body->sleeping.root = NULL; body->sleeping.next = NULL; body->sleeping.idleTime = 0.0f; body->p = cpvzero; body->v = cpvzero; body->f = cpvzero; body->w = 0.0f; body->t = 0.0f; body->v_bias = cpvzero; body->w_bias = 0.0f; body->userData = NULL; // Setters must be called after full initialization so the sanity checks don't assert on garbage data. cpBodySetMass(body, mass); cpBodySetMoment(body, moment); cpBodySetAngle(body, 0.0f); return body; } cpBody* cpBodyNew(cpFloat mass, cpFloat moment) { return cpBodyInit(cpBodyAlloc(), mass, moment); } cpBody* cpBodyNewKinematic() { cpBody *body = cpBodyNew(0.0f, 0.0f); cpBodySetType(body, CP_BODY_TYPE_KINEMATIC); return body; } cpBody* cpBodyNewStatic() { cpBody *body = cpBodyNew(0.0f, 0.0f); cpBodySetType(body, CP_BODY_TYPE_STATIC); return body; } void cpBodyDestroy(cpBody *body){} void cpBodyFree(cpBody *body) { if(body){ cpBodyDestroy(body); cpfree(body); } } #ifdef NDEBUG #define cpAssertSaneBody(body) #else static void cpv_assert_nan(cpVect v, char *message){cpAssertHard(v.x == v.x && v.y == v.y, message);} static void cpv_assert_infinite(cpVect v, char *message){cpAssertHard(cpfabs(v.x) != INFINITY && cpfabs(v.y) != INFINITY, message);} static void cpv_assert_sane(cpVect v, char *message){cpv_assert_nan(v, message); cpv_assert_infinite(v, message);} static void cpBodySanityCheck(const cpBody *body) { cpAssertHard(body->m == body->m && body->m_inv == body->m_inv, "Body's mass is NaN."); cpAssertHard(body->i == body->i && body->i_inv == body->i_inv, "Body's moment is NaN."); cpAssertHard(body->m >= 0.0f, "Body's mass is negative."); cpAssertHard(body->i >= 0.0f, "Body's moment is negative."); cpv_assert_sane(body->p, "Body's position is invalid."); cpv_assert_sane(body->v, "Body's velocity is invalid."); cpv_assert_sane(body->f, "Body's force is invalid."); cpAssertHard(body->a == body->a && cpfabs(body->a) != INFINITY, "Body's angle is invalid."); cpAssertHard(body->w == body->w && cpfabs(body->w) != INFINITY, "Body's angular velocity is invalid."); cpAssertHard(body->t == body->t && cpfabs(body->t) != INFINITY, "Body's torque is invalid."); } #define cpAssertSaneBody(body) cpBodySanityCheck(body) #endif cpBool cpBodyIsSleeping(const cpBody *body) { return (body->sleeping.root != ((cpBody*)0)); } cpBodyType cpBodyGetType(cpBody *body) { if(body->sleeping.idleTime == INFINITY){ return CP_BODY_TYPE_STATIC; } else if(body->m == INFINITY){ return CP_BODY_TYPE_KINEMATIC; } else { return CP_BODY_TYPE_DYNAMIC; } } void cpBodySetType(cpBody *body, cpBodyType type) { cpBodyType oldType = cpBodyGetType(body); if(oldType == type) return; // Static bodies have their idle timers set to infinity. // Non-static bodies should have their idle timer reset. body->sleeping.idleTime = (type == CP_BODY_TYPE_STATIC ? INFINITY : 0.0f); if(type == CP_BODY_TYPE_DYNAMIC){ body->m = body->i = 0.0f; body->m_inv = body->i_inv = INFINITY; cpBodyAccumulateMassFromShapes(body); } else { body->m = body->i = INFINITY; body->m_inv = body->i_inv = 0.0f; body->v = cpvzero; body->w = 0.0f; } // If the body is added to a space already, we'll need to update some space data structures. cpSpace *space = cpBodyGetSpace(body); if(space != NULL){ cpAssertSpaceUnlocked(space); if(oldType == CP_BODY_TYPE_STATIC){ // TODO This is probably not necessary // cpBodyActivateStatic(body, NULL); } else { cpBodyActivate(body); } // Move the bodies to the correct array. cpArray *fromArray = cpSpaceArrayForBodyType(space, oldType); cpArray *toArray = cpSpaceArrayForBodyType(space, type); if(fromArray != toArray){ cpArrayDeleteObj(fromArray, body); cpArrayPush(toArray, body); } // Move the body's shapes to the correct spatial index. cpSpatialIndex *fromIndex = (oldType == CP_BODY_TYPE_STATIC ? space->staticShapes : space->dynamicShapes); cpSpatialIndex *toIndex = (type == CP_BODY_TYPE_STATIC ? space->staticShapes : space->dynamicShapes); if(fromIndex != toIndex){ CP_BODY_FOREACH_SHAPE(body, shape){ cpSpatialIndexRemove(fromIndex, shape, shape->hashid); cpSpatialIndexInsert(toIndex, shape, shape->hashid); } } } } // Should *only* be called when shapes with mass info are modified, added or removed. void cpBodyAccumulateMassFromShapes(cpBody *body) { if(body == NULL || cpBodyGetType(body) != CP_BODY_TYPE_DYNAMIC) return; // Reset the body's mass data. body->m = body->i = 0.0f; body->cog = cpvzero; // Cache the position to realign it at the end. cpVect pos = cpBodyGetPosition(body); // Accumulate mass from shapes. CP_BODY_FOREACH_SHAPE(body, shape){ struct cpShapeMassInfo *info = &shape->massInfo; cpFloat m = info->m; if(m > 0.0f){ cpFloat msum = body->m + m; body->i += m*info->i + cpvdistsq(body->cog, info->cog)*(m*body->m)/msum; body->cog = cpvlerp(body->cog, info->cog, m/msum); body->m = msum; } } // Recalculate the inverses. body->m_inv = 1.0f/body->m; body->i_inv = 1.0f/body->i; // Realign the body since the CoG has probably moved. cpBodySetPosition(body, pos); cpAssertSaneBody(body); } cpSpace * cpBodyGetSpace(const cpBody *body) { return body->space; } cpFloat cpBodyGetMass(const cpBody *body) { return body->m; } void cpBodySetMass(cpBody *body, cpFloat mass) { cpAssertHard(cpBodyGetType(body) == CP_BODY_TYPE_DYNAMIC, "You cannot set the mass of kinematic or static bodies."); cpAssertHard(0.0f <= mass && mass < INFINITY, "Mass must be positive and finite."); cpBodyActivate(body); body->m = mass; body->m_inv = 1.0f/mass; cpAssertSaneBody(body); } cpFloat cpBodyGetMoment(const cpBody *body) { return body->i; } void cpBodySetMoment(cpBody *body, cpFloat moment) { cpAssertHard(moment >= 0.0f, "Moment of Inertia must be positive."); cpBodyActivate(body); body->i = moment; body->i_inv = 1.0f/moment; cpAssertSaneBody(body); } cpVect cpBodyGetRotation(const cpBody *body) { return cpv(body->transform.a, body->transform.b); } void cpBodyAddShape(cpBody *body, cpShape *shape) { cpShape *next = body->shapeList; if(next) next->prev = shape; shape->next = next; body->shapeList = shape; if(shape->massInfo.m > 0.0f){ cpBodyAccumulateMassFromShapes(body); } } void cpBodyRemoveShape(cpBody *body, cpShape *shape) { cpShape *prev = shape->prev; cpShape *next = shape->next; if(prev){ prev->next = next; } else { body->shapeList = next; } if(next){ next->prev = prev; } shape->prev = NULL; shape->next = NULL; if(cpBodyGetType(body) == CP_BODY_TYPE_DYNAMIC && shape->massInfo.m > 0.0f){ cpBodyAccumulateMassFromShapes(body); } } static cpConstraint * filterConstraints(cpConstraint *node, cpBody *body, cpConstraint *filter) { if(node == filter){ return cpConstraintNext(node, body); } else if(node->a == body){ node->next_a = filterConstraints(node->next_a, body, filter); } else { node->next_b = filterConstraints(node->next_b, body, filter); } return node; } void cpBodyRemoveConstraint(cpBody *body, cpConstraint *constraint) { body->constraintList = filterConstraints(body->constraintList, body, constraint); } // 'p' is the position of the CoG static void SetTransform(cpBody *body, cpVect p, cpFloat a) { cpVect rot = cpvforangle(a); cpVect c = body->cog; body->transform = cpTransformNewTranspose( rot.x, -rot.y, p.x - (c.x*rot.x - c.y*rot.y), rot.y, rot.x, p.y - (c.x*rot.y + c.y*rot.x) ); } static inline cpFloat SetAngle(cpBody *body, cpFloat a) { body->a = a; cpAssertSaneBody(body); return a; } cpVect cpBodyGetPosition(const cpBody *body) { return cpTransformPoint(body->transform, cpvzero); } void cpBodySetPosition(cpBody *body, cpVect position) { cpBodyActivate(body); cpVect p = body->p = cpvadd(cpTransformVect(body->transform, body->cog), position); cpAssertSaneBody(body); SetTransform(body, p, body->a); } cpVect cpBodyGetCenterOfGravity(const cpBody *body) { return body->cog; } void cpBodySetCenterOfGravity(cpBody *body, cpVect cog) { cpBodyActivate(body); body->cog = cog; cpAssertSaneBody(body); } cpVect cpBodyGetVelocity(const cpBody *body) { return body->v; } void cpBodySetVelocity(cpBody *body, cpVect velocity) { cpBodyActivate(body); body->v = velocity; cpAssertSaneBody(body); } cpVect cpBodyGetForce(const cpBody *body) { return body->f; } void cpBodySetForce(cpBody *body, cpVect force) { cpBodyActivate(body); body->f = force; cpAssertSaneBody(body); } cpFloat cpBodyGetAngle(const cpBody *body) { return body->a; } void cpBodySetAngle(cpBody *body, cpFloat angle) { cpBodyActivate(body); SetAngle(body, angle); SetTransform(body, body->p, angle); } cpFloat cpBodyGetAngularVelocity(const cpBody *body) { return body->w; } void cpBodySetAngularVelocity(cpBody *body, cpFloat angularVelocity) { cpBodyActivate(body); body->w = angularVelocity; cpAssertSaneBody(body); } cpFloat cpBodyGetTorque(const cpBody *body) { return body->t; } void cpBodySetTorque(cpBody *body, cpFloat torque) { cpBodyActivate(body); body->t = torque; cpAssertSaneBody(body); } cpDataPointer cpBodyGetUserData(const cpBody *body) { return body->userData; } void cpBodySetUserData(cpBody *body, cpDataPointer userData) { body->userData = userData; } void cpBodySetVelocityUpdateFunc(cpBody *body, cpBodyVelocityFunc velocityFunc) { body->velocity_func = velocityFunc; } void cpBodySetPositionUpdateFunc(cpBody *body, cpBodyPositionFunc positionFunc) { body->position_func = positionFunc; } void cpBodyUpdateVelocity(cpBody *body, cpVect gravity, cpFloat damping, cpFloat dt) { // Skip kinematic bodies. if(cpBodyGetType(body) == CP_BODY_TYPE_KINEMATIC) return; cpAssertSoft(body->m > 0.0f && body->i > 0.0f, "Body's mass and moment must be positive to simulate. (Mass: %f Moment: %f)", body->m, body->i); body->v = cpvadd(cpvmult(body->v, damping), cpvmult(cpvadd(gravity, cpvmult(body->f, body->m_inv)), dt)); body->w = body->w*damping + body->t*body->i_inv*dt; // Reset forces. body->f = cpvzero; body->t = 0.0f; cpAssertSaneBody(body); } void cpBodyUpdatePosition(cpBody *body, cpFloat dt) { cpVect p = body->p = cpvadd(body->p, cpvmult(cpvadd(body->v, body->v_bias), dt)); cpFloat a = SetAngle(body, body->a + (body->w + body->w_bias)*dt); SetTransform(body, p, a); body->v_bias = cpvzero; body->w_bias = 0.0f; cpAssertSaneBody(body); } cpVect cpBodyLocalToWorld(const cpBody *body, const cpVect point) { return cpTransformPoint(body->transform, point); } cpVect cpBodyWorldToLocal(const cpBody *body, const cpVect point) { return cpTransformPoint(cpTransformRigidInverse(body->transform), point); } void cpBodyApplyForceAtWorldPoint(cpBody *body, cpVect force, cpVect point) { cpBodyActivate(body); body->f = cpvadd(body->f, force); cpVect r = cpvsub(point, cpTransformPoint(body->transform, body->cog)); body->t += cpvcross(r, force); } void cpBodyApplyForceAtLocalPoint(cpBody *body, cpVect force, cpVect point) { cpBodyApplyForceAtWorldPoint(body, cpTransformVect(body->transform, force), cpTransformPoint(body->transform, point)); } void cpBodyApplyImpulseAtWorldPoint(cpBody *body, cpVect impulse, cpVect point) { cpBodyActivate(body); cpVect r = cpvsub(point, cpTransformPoint(body->transform, body->cog)); apply_impulse(body, impulse, r); } void cpBodyApplyImpulseAtLocalPoint(cpBody *body, cpVect impulse, cpVect point) { cpBodyApplyImpulseAtWorldPoint(body, cpTransformVect(body->transform, impulse), cpTransformPoint(body->transform, point)); } cpVect cpBodyGetVelocityAtLocalPoint(const cpBody *body, cpVect point) { cpVect r = cpTransformVect(body->transform, cpvsub(point, body->cog)); return cpvadd(body->v, cpvmult(cpvperp(r), body->w)); } cpVect cpBodyGetVelocityAtWorldPoint(const cpBody *body, cpVect point) { cpVect r = cpvsub(point, cpTransformPoint(body->transform, body->cog)); return cpvadd(body->v, cpvmult(cpvperp(r), body->w)); } cpFloat cpBodyKineticEnergy(const cpBody *body) { // Need to do some fudging to avoid NaNs cpFloat vsq = cpvdot(body->v, body->v); cpFloat wsq = body->w*body->w; return (vsq ? vsq*body->m : 0.0f) + (wsq ? wsq*body->i : 0.0f); } void cpBodyEachShape(cpBody *body, cpBodyShapeIteratorFunc func, void *data) { cpShape *shape = body->shapeList; while(shape){ cpShape *next = shape->next; func(body, shape, data); shape = next; } } void cpBodyEachConstraint(cpBody *body, cpBodyConstraintIteratorFunc func, void *data) { cpConstraint *constraint = body->constraintList; while(constraint){ cpConstraint *next = cpConstraintNext(constraint, body); func(body, constraint, data); constraint = next; } } void cpBodyEachArbiter(cpBody *body, cpBodyArbiterIteratorFunc func, void *data) { cpArbiter *arb = body->arbiterList; while(arb){ cpArbiter *next = cpArbiterNext(arb, body); cpBool swapped = arb->swapped; { arb->swapped = (body == arb->body_b); func(body, arb, data); } arb->swapped = swapped; arb = next; } }