// Copyright 2013 Howling Moon Software. All rights reserved. // See http://chipmunk2d.net/legal.php for more information. #include #include //TODO: Move all the thread stuff to another file //#include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #else #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #endif #ifndef NOMINMAX #define NOMINMAX #endif #include // _beginthreadex #include #ifndef ETIMEDOUT #define ETIMEDOUT 1 #endif // Simple pthread implementation for Windows // Made from scratch to avoid the LGPL licence from pthread-win32 enum { SIGNAL = 0, BROADCAST = 1, MAX_EVENTS = 2 }; typedef HANDLE pthread_t; typedef struct { // Based on http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/win32-cv-1.html since Windows has no condition variable until NT6 UINT waiters_count; // Count of the number of waiters. CRITICAL_SECTION waiters_count_lock; // Serialize access to . HANDLE events[MAX_EVENTS]; } pthread_cond_t; typedef CRITICAL_SECTION pthread_mutex_t; typedef struct {} pthread_condattr_t; // Dummy; int pthread_cond_destroy(pthread_cond_t* cv) { CloseHandle(cv->events[BROADCAST]); CloseHandle(cv->events[SIGNAL]); DeleteCriticalSection(&cv->waiters_count_lock); return 0; } int pthread_cond_init(pthread_cond_t* cv, const pthread_condattr_t* attr) { // Initialize the count to 0. cv->waiters_count = 0; // Create an auto-reset event. cv->events[SIGNAL] = CreateEvent(NULL, // no security FALSE, // auto-reset event FALSE, // non-signaled initially NULL); // unnamed // Create a manual-reset event. cv->events[BROADCAST] = CreateEvent(NULL, // no security TRUE, // manual-reset FALSE, // non-signaled initially NULL); // unnamed InitializeCriticalSection(&cv->waiters_count_lock); return 0; } int pthread_cond_broadcast(pthread_cond_t *cv) { // Avoid race conditions. EnterCriticalSection(&cv->waiters_count_lock); int have_waiters = cv->waiters_count > 0; LeaveCriticalSection(&cv->waiters_count_lock); if (have_waiters) SetEvent(cv->events[BROADCAST]); return 0; } int pthread_cond_signal(pthread_cond_t* cv) { // Avoid race conditions. EnterCriticalSection(&cv->waiters_count_lock); int have_waiters = cv->waiters_count > 0; LeaveCriticalSection(&cv->waiters_count_lock); if (have_waiters) SetEvent(cv->events[SIGNAL]); return 0; } int pthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t* cv, pthread_mutex_t* external_mutex) { // Avoid race conditions. EnterCriticalSection(&cv->waiters_count_lock); cv->waiters_count++; LeaveCriticalSection(&cv->waiters_count_lock); // It's ok to release the here since Win32 // manual-reset events maintain state when used with // . This avoids the "lost wakeup" bug... LeaveCriticalSection(external_mutex); // Wait for either event to become signaled due to // being called or being called. int result = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, cv->events, FALSE, INFINITE); EnterCriticalSection(&cv->waiters_count_lock); cv->waiters_count--; int last_waiter = result == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + BROADCAST && cv->waiters_count == 0; LeaveCriticalSection(&cv->waiters_count_lock); // Some thread called . if (last_waiter) // We're the last waiter to be notified or to stop waiting, so // reset the manual event. ResetEvent(cv->events[BROADCAST]); // Reacquire the . EnterCriticalSection(external_mutex); return result == WAIT_TIMEOUT ? ETIMEDOUT : 0; } typedef struct {} pthread_mutexattr_t; //< Dummy int pthread_mutex_init(pthread_mutex_t* mutex, const pthread_mutexattr_t* attr) { InitializeCriticalSection(mutex); return 0; } int pthread_mutex_destroy(pthread_mutex_t* mutex) { DeleteCriticalSection(mutex); return 0; } int pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t* mutex) { EnterCriticalSection(mutex); return 0; } int pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t* mutex) { LeaveCriticalSection(mutex); return 0; } typedef struct {} pthread_attr_t; typedef struct { void *(*start_routine) (void *); void* arg; } pthread_internal_thread; unsigned int __stdcall ThreadProc(void* userdata) { pthread_internal_thread* ud = (pthread_internal_thread*) userdata; ud->start_routine(ud->arg); free(ud); return 0; } int pthread_create(pthread_t* thread, const pthread_attr_t* attr, void *(*start_routine) (void *), void *arg) { pthread_internal_thread* ud = (pthread_internal_thread*) malloc(sizeof(pthread_internal_thread)); ud->start_routine = start_routine; ud->arg = arg; *thread = (HANDLE) (_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, &ThreadProc, ud, 0, NULL)); if (!*thread) return 1; return 0; } int pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void **value_ptr) { WaitForSingleObject(thread, INFINITE); CloseHandle(thread); return 0; } #endif #include "chipmunk_private.h" #include "cpHastySpace.h" //MARK: ARM NEON Solver #if __ARM_NEON__ #include // Tested and known to work fine with Clang 3.0 and GCC 4.2 // Doesn't work with Clang 1.6, and I have no idea why. #if defined(__clang_major__) && __clang_major__ < 3 #error Compiler not supported. #endif #if CP_USE_DOUBLES #if !__arm64 #error Cannot use CP_USE_DOUBLES on 32 bit ARM. #endif typedef float64_t cpFloat_t; typedef float64x2_t cpFloatx2_t; #define vld vld1q_f64 #define vdup_n vdupq_n_f64 #define vst vst1q_f64 #define vst_lane vst1q_lane_f64 #define vadd vaddq_f64 #define vsub vsubq_f64 #define vpadd vpaddq_f64 #define vmul vmulq_f64 #define vmul_n vmulq_n_f64 #define vneg vnegq_f64 #define vget_lane vgetq_lane_f64 #define vset_lane vsetq_lane_f64 #define vmin vminq_f64 #define vmax vmaxq_f64 #define vrev(__a) __builtin_shufflevector(__a, __a, 1, 0) #else typedef float32_t cpFloat_t; typedef float32x2_t cpFloatx2_t; #define vld vld1_f32 #define vdup_n vdup_n_f32 #define vst vst1_f32 #define vst_lane vst1_lane_f32 #define vadd vadd_f32 #define vsub vsub_f32 #define vpadd vpadd_f32 #define vmul vmul_f32 #define vmul_n vmul_n_f32 #define vneg vneg_f32 #define vget_lane vget_lane_f32 #define vset_lane vset_lane_f32 #define vmin vmin_f32 #define vmax vmax_f32 #define vrev vrev64_f32 #endif // TODO could probably do better here, maybe using vcreate? // especially for the constants // Maybe use the {} notation for GCC/Clang? static inline cpFloatx2_t vmake(cpFloat_t x, cpFloat_t y) { // cpFloatx2_t v = {}; // v = vset_lane(x, v, 0); // v = vset_lane(y, v, 1); // // return v; // This might not be super compatible, but all the NEON headers use it... return (cpFloatx2_t){x, y}; } static void cpArbiterApplyImpulse_NEON(cpArbiter *arb) { cpBody *a = arb->body_a; cpBody *b = arb->body_b; cpFloatx2_t surface_vr = vld((cpFloat_t *)&arb->surface_vr); cpFloatx2_t n = vld((cpFloat_t *)&arb->n); cpFloat_t friction = arb->u; int numContacts = arb->count; struct cpContact *contacts = arb->contacts; for(int i=0; ir1); cpFloatx2_t r2 = vld((cpFloat_t *)&con->r2); cpFloatx2_t perp = vmake(-1.0, 1.0); cpFloatx2_t r1p = vmul(vrev(r1), perp); cpFloatx2_t r2p = vmul(vrev(r2), perp); cpFloatx2_t vBias_a = vld((cpFloat_t *)&a->v_bias); cpFloatx2_t vBias_b = vld((cpFloat_t *)&b->v_bias); cpFloatx2_t wBias = vmake(a->w_bias, b->w_bias); cpFloatx2_t vb1 = vadd(vBias_a, vmul_n(r1p, vget_lane(wBias, 0))); cpFloatx2_t vb2 = vadd(vBias_b, vmul_n(r2p, vget_lane(wBias, 1))); cpFloatx2_t vbr = vsub(vb2, vb1); cpFloatx2_t v_a = vld((cpFloat_t *)&a->v); cpFloatx2_t v_b = vld((cpFloat_t *)&b->v); cpFloatx2_t w = vmake(a->w, b->w); cpFloatx2_t v1 = vadd(v_a, vmul_n(r1p, vget_lane(w, 0))); cpFloatx2_t v2 = vadd(v_b, vmul_n(r2p, vget_lane(w, 1))); cpFloatx2_t vr = vsub(v2, v1); cpFloatx2_t vbn_vrn = vpadd(vmul(vbr, n), vmul(vr, n)); cpFloatx2_t v_offset = vmake(con->bias, -con->bounce); cpFloatx2_t jOld = vmake(con->jBias, con->jnAcc); cpFloatx2_t jbn_jn = vmul_n(vsub(v_offset, vbn_vrn), con->nMass); jbn_jn = vmax(vadd(jOld, jbn_jn), vdup_n(0.0)); cpFloatx2_t jApply = vsub(jbn_jn, jOld); cpFloatx2_t t = vmul(vrev(n), perp); cpFloatx2_t vrt_tmp = vmul(vadd(vr, surface_vr), t); cpFloatx2_t vrt = vpadd(vrt_tmp, vrt_tmp); cpFloatx2_t jtOld = {}; jtOld = vset_lane(con->jtAcc, jtOld, 0); cpFloatx2_t jtMax = vrev(vmul_n(jbn_jn, friction)); cpFloatx2_t jt = vmul_n(vrt, -con->tMass); jt = vmax(vneg(jtMax), vmin(vadd(jtOld, jt), jtMax)); cpFloatx2_t jtApply = vsub(jt, jtOld); cpFloatx2_t i_inv = vmake(-a->i_inv, b->i_inv); cpFloatx2_t nperp = vmake(1.0, -1.0); cpFloatx2_t jBias = vmul_n(n, vget_lane(jApply, 0)); cpFloatx2_t jBiasCross = vmul(vrev(jBias), nperp); cpFloatx2_t biasCrosses = vpadd(vmul(r1, jBiasCross), vmul(r2, jBiasCross)); wBias = vadd(wBias, vmul(i_inv, biasCrosses)); vBias_a = vsub(vBias_a, vmul_n(jBias, a->m_inv)); vBias_b = vadd(vBias_b, vmul_n(jBias, b->m_inv)); cpFloatx2_t j = vadd(vmul_n(n, vget_lane(jApply, 1)), vmul_n(t, vget_lane(jtApply, 0))); cpFloatx2_t jCross = vmul(vrev(j), nperp); cpFloatx2_t crosses = vpadd(vmul(r1, jCross), vmul(r2, jCross)); w = vadd(w, vmul(i_inv, crosses)); v_a = vsub(v_a, vmul_n(j, a->m_inv)); v_b = vadd(v_b, vmul_n(j, b->m_inv)); // TODO would moving these earlier help pipeline them better? vst((cpFloat_t *)&a->v_bias, vBias_a); vst((cpFloat_t *)&b->v_bias, vBias_b); vst_lane((cpFloat_t *)&a->w_bias, wBias, 0); vst_lane((cpFloat_t *)&b->w_bias, wBias, 1); vst((cpFloat_t *)&a->v, v_a); vst((cpFloat_t *)&b->v, v_b); vst_lane((cpFloat_t *)&a->w, w, 0); vst_lane((cpFloat_t *)&b->w, w, 1); vst_lane((cpFloat_t *)&con->jBias, jbn_jn, 0); vst_lane((cpFloat_t *)&con->jnAcc, jbn_jn, 1); vst_lane((cpFloat_t *)&con->jtAcc, jt, 0); } } #endif //MARK: PThreads // Right now using more than 2 threads probably wont help your performance any. // If you are using a ridiculous number of iterations it could help though. #define MAX_THREADS 2 struct ThreadContext { pthread_t thread; cpHastySpace *space; unsigned long thread_num; }; typedef void (*cpHastySpaceWorkFunction)(cpSpace *space, unsigned long worker, unsigned long worker_count); struct cpHastySpace { cpSpace space; // Number of worker threads (including the main thread) unsigned long num_threads; // Number of worker threads currently executing. (also including the main thread) unsigned long num_working; // Number of constraints (plus contacts) that must exist per step to start the worker threads. unsigned long constraint_count_threshold; pthread_mutex_t mutex; pthread_cond_t cond_work, cond_resume; // Work function to invoke. cpHastySpaceWorkFunction work; struct ThreadContext workers[MAX_THREADS - 1]; }; static void * WorkerThreadLoop(struct ThreadContext *context) { cpHastySpace *hasty = context->space; unsigned long thread = context->thread_num; unsigned long num_threads = hasty->num_threads; for(;;){ pthread_mutex_lock(&hasty->mutex); { if(--hasty->num_working == 0){ pthread_cond_signal(&hasty->cond_resume); } pthread_cond_wait(&hasty->cond_work, &hasty->mutex); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&hasty->mutex); cpHastySpaceWorkFunction func = hasty->work; if(func){ hasty->work(&hasty->space, thread, num_threads); } else { break; } } return NULL; } static void RunWorkers(cpHastySpace *hasty, cpHastySpaceWorkFunction func) { hasty->num_working = hasty->num_threads - 1; hasty->work = func; if(hasty->num_working > 0){ pthread_mutex_lock(&hasty->mutex); { pthread_cond_broadcast(&hasty->cond_work); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&hasty->mutex); func((cpSpace *)hasty, 0, hasty->num_threads); pthread_mutex_lock(&hasty->mutex); { if(hasty->num_working > 0){ pthread_cond_wait(&hasty->cond_resume, &hasty->mutex); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&hasty->mutex); } else { func((cpSpace *)hasty, 0, hasty->num_threads); } hasty->work = NULL; } static void Solver(cpSpace *space, unsigned long worker, unsigned long worker_count) { cpArray *constraints = space->constraints; cpArray *arbiters = space->arbiters; cpFloat dt = space->curr_dt; unsigned long iterations = (space->iterations + worker_count - 1)/worker_count; for(unsigned long i=0; inum; j++){ cpArbiter *arb = (cpArbiter *)arbiters->arr[j]; #ifdef __ARM_NEON__ cpArbiterApplyImpulse_NEON(arb); #else cpArbiterApplyImpulse(arb); #endif } for(int j=0; jnum; j++){ cpConstraint *constraint = (cpConstraint *)constraints->arr[j]; constraint->klass->applyImpulse(constraint, dt); } } } //MARK: Thread Management Functions static void HaltThreads(cpHastySpace *hasty) { pthread_mutex_t *mutex = &hasty->mutex; pthread_mutex_lock(mutex); { hasty->work = NULL; // NULL work function means break and exit pthread_cond_broadcast(&hasty->cond_work); } pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex); for(unsigned long i=0; i<(hasty->num_threads-1); i++){ pthread_join(hasty->workers[i].thread, NULL); } } void cpHastySpaceSetThreads(cpSpace *space, unsigned long threads) { #if TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR == 1 // Individual values appear to be written non-atomically when compiled as debug for the simulator. // No idea why, so threads are disabled. threads = 1; #endif cpHastySpace *hasty = (cpHastySpace *)space; HaltThreads(hasty); #ifdef __APPLE__ if(threads == 0){ size_t size = sizeof(threads); sysctlbyname("hw.ncpu", &threads, &size, NULL, 0); } #else if(threads == 0) threads = 1; #endif hasty->num_threads = (threads < MAX_THREADS ? threads : MAX_THREADS); hasty->num_working = hasty->num_threads - 1; // Create the worker threads and wait for them to signal ready. if(hasty->num_working > 0){ pthread_mutex_lock(&hasty->mutex); for(unsigned long i=0; i<(hasty->num_threads-1); i++){ hasty->workers[i].space = hasty; hasty->workers[i].thread_num = i + 1; pthread_create(&hasty->workers[i].thread, NULL, (void*(*)(void*))WorkerThreadLoop, &hasty->workers[i]); } pthread_cond_wait(&hasty->cond_resume, &hasty->mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&hasty->mutex); } } unsigned long cpHastySpaceGetThreads(cpSpace *space) { return ((cpHastySpace *)space)->num_threads; } //MARK: Overriden cpSpace Functions. cpSpace * cpHastySpaceNew(void) { cpHastySpace *hasty = (cpHastySpace *)cpcalloc(1, sizeof(cpHastySpace)); cpSpaceInit((cpSpace *)hasty); pthread_mutex_init(&hasty->mutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&hasty->cond_work, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&hasty->cond_resume, NULL); // TODO magic number, should test this more thoroughly. hasty->constraint_count_threshold = 50; // Default to 1 thread for determinism. hasty->num_threads = 1; cpHastySpaceSetThreads((cpSpace *)hasty, 1); return (cpSpace *)hasty; } void cpHastySpaceFree(cpSpace *space) { cpHastySpace *hasty = (cpHastySpace *)space; HaltThreads(hasty); pthread_mutex_destroy(&hasty->mutex); pthread_cond_destroy(&hasty->cond_work); pthread_cond_destroy(&hasty->cond_resume); cpSpaceFree(space); } void cpHastySpaceStep(cpSpace *space, cpFloat dt) { // don't step if the timestep is 0! if(dt == 0.0f) return; space->stamp++; cpFloat prev_dt = space->curr_dt; space->curr_dt = dt; cpArray *bodies = space->dynamicBodies; cpArray *constraints = space->constraints; cpArray *arbiters = space->arbiters; // Reset and empty the arbiter list. for(int i=0; inum; i++){ cpArbiter *arb = (cpArbiter *)arbiters->arr[i]; arb->state = CP_ARBITER_STATE_NORMAL; // If both bodies are awake, unthread the arbiter from the contact graph. if(!cpBodyIsSleeping(arb->body_a) && !cpBodyIsSleeping(arb->body_b)){ cpArbiterUnthread(arb); } } arbiters->num = 0; cpSpaceLock(space); { // Integrate positions for(int i=0; inum; i++){ cpBody *body = (cpBody *)bodies->arr[i]; body->position_func(body, dt); } // Find colliding pairs. cpSpacePushFreshContactBuffer(space); cpSpatialIndexEach(space->dynamicShapes, (cpSpatialIndexIteratorFunc)cpShapeUpdateFunc, NULL); cpSpatialIndexReindexQuery(space->dynamicShapes, (cpSpatialIndexQueryFunc)cpSpaceCollideShapes, space); } cpSpaceUnlock(space, cpFalse); // Rebuild the contact graph (and detect sleeping components if sleeping is enabled) cpSpaceProcessComponents(space, dt); cpSpaceLock(space); { // Clear out old cached arbiters and call separate callbacks cpHashSetFilter(space->cachedArbiters, (cpHashSetFilterFunc)cpSpaceArbiterSetFilter, space); // Prestep the arbiters and constraints. cpFloat slop = space->collisionSlop; cpFloat biasCoef = 1.0f - cpfpow(space->collisionBias, dt); for(int i=0; inum; i++){ cpArbiterPreStep((cpArbiter *)arbiters->arr[i], dt, slop, biasCoef); } for(int i=0; inum; i++){ cpConstraint *constraint = (cpConstraint *)constraints->arr[i]; cpConstraintPreSolveFunc preSolve = constraint->preSolve; if(preSolve) preSolve(constraint, space); constraint->klass->preStep(constraint, dt); } // Integrate velocities. cpFloat damping = cpfpow(space->damping, dt); cpVect gravity = space->gravity; for(int i=0; inum; i++){ cpBody *body = (cpBody *)bodies->arr[i]; body->velocity_func(body, gravity, damping, dt); } // Apply cached impulses cpFloat dt_coef = (prev_dt == 0.0f ? 0.0f : dt/prev_dt); for(int i=0; inum; i++){ cpArbiterApplyCachedImpulse((cpArbiter *)arbiters->arr[i], dt_coef); } for(int i=0; inum; i++){ cpConstraint *constraint = (cpConstraint *)constraints->arr[i]; constraint->klass->applyCachedImpulse(constraint, dt_coef); } // Run the impulse solver. cpHastySpace *hasty = (cpHastySpace *)space; if((unsigned long)(arbiters->num + constraints->num) > hasty->constraint_count_threshold){ RunWorkers(hasty, Solver); } else { Solver(space, 0, 1); } // Run the constraint post-solve callbacks for(int i=0; inum; i++){ cpConstraint *constraint = (cpConstraint *)constraints->arr[i]; cpConstraintPostSolveFunc postSolve = constraint->postSolve; if(postSolve) postSolve(constraint, space); } // run the post-solve callbacks for(int i=0; inum; i++){ cpArbiter *arb = (cpArbiter *) arbiters->arr[i]; cpCollisionHandler *handler = arb->handler; handler->postSolveFunc(arb, space, handler->userData); } } cpSpaceUnlock(space, cpTrue); }