/* Copyright (c) 2013 Scott Lembcke and Howling Moon Software * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "chipmunk_private.h" #include "chipmunk_unsafe.h" #define CP_DefineShapeGetter(struct, type, member, name) \ CP_DeclareShapeGetter(struct, type, name){ \ cpAssertHard(shape->klass == &struct##Class, "shape is not a "#struct); \ return ((struct *)shape)->member; \ } cpShape * cpShapeInit(cpShape *shape, const cpShapeClass *klass, cpBody *body, struct cpShapeMassInfo massInfo) { shape->klass = klass; shape->body = body; shape->massInfo = massInfo; shape->sensor = 0; shape->e = 0.0f; shape->u = 0.0f; shape->surfaceV = cpvzero; shape->type = 0; shape->filter.group = CP_NO_GROUP; shape->filter.categories = CP_ALL_CATEGORIES; shape->filter.mask = CP_ALL_CATEGORIES; shape->userData = NULL; shape->space = NULL; shape->next = NULL; shape->prev = NULL; return shape; } void cpShapeDestroy(cpShape *shape) { if(shape->klass && shape->klass->destroy) shape->klass->destroy(shape); } void cpShapeFree(cpShape *shape) { if(shape){ cpShapeDestroy(shape); cpfree(shape); } } cpSpace * cpShapeGetSpace(const cpShape *shape) { return shape->space; } cpBody * cpShapeGetBody(const cpShape *shape) { return shape->body; } void cpShapeSetBody(cpShape *shape, cpBody *body) { cpAssertHard(!cpShapeActive(shape), "You cannot change the body on an active shape. You must remove the shape from the space before changing the body."); shape->body = body; } cpFloat cpShapeGetMass(cpShape *shape){ return shape->massInfo.m; } void cpShapeSetMass(cpShape *shape, cpFloat mass){ cpBody *body = shape->body; cpBodyActivate(body); shape->massInfo.m = mass; cpBodyAccumulateMassFromShapes(body); } cpFloat cpShapeGetDensity(cpShape *shape){ return shape->massInfo.m/shape->massInfo.area; } void cpShapeSetDensity(cpShape *shape, cpFloat density){ cpShapeSetMass(shape, density*shape->massInfo.area); } cpFloat cpShapeGetMoment(cpShape *shape){ return shape->massInfo.m*shape->massInfo.i; } cpFloat cpShapeGetArea(cpShape *shape){ return shape->massInfo.area; } cpVect cpShapeGetCenterOfGravity(cpShape *shape) { return shape->massInfo.cog; } cpBB cpShapeGetBB(const cpShape *shape) { return shape->bb; } cpBool cpShapeGetSensor(const cpShape *shape) { return shape->sensor; } void cpShapeSetSensor(cpShape *shape, cpBool sensor) { cpBodyActivate(shape->body); shape->sensor = sensor; } cpFloat cpShapeGetElasticity(const cpShape *shape) { return shape->e; } void cpShapeSetElasticity(cpShape *shape, cpFloat elasticity) { cpAssertHard(elasticity >= 0.0f, "Elasticity must be positive."); cpBodyActivate(shape->body); shape->e = elasticity; } cpFloat cpShapeGetFriction(const cpShape *shape) { return shape->u; } void cpShapeSetFriction(cpShape *shape, cpFloat friction) { cpAssertHard(friction >= 0.0f, "Friction must be postive."); cpBodyActivate(shape->body); shape->u = friction; } cpVect cpShapeGetSurfaceVelocity(const cpShape *shape) { return shape->surfaceV; } void cpShapeSetSurfaceVelocity(cpShape *shape, cpVect surfaceVelocity) { cpBodyActivate(shape->body); shape->surfaceV = surfaceVelocity; } cpDataPointer cpShapeGetUserData(const cpShape *shape) { return shape->userData; } void cpShapeSetUserData(cpShape *shape, cpDataPointer userData) { shape->userData = userData; } cpCollisionType cpShapeGetCollisionType(const cpShape *shape) { return shape->type; } void cpShapeSetCollisionType(cpShape *shape, cpCollisionType collisionType) { cpBodyActivate(shape->body); shape->type = collisionType; } cpShapeFilter cpShapeGetFilter(const cpShape *shape) { return shape->filter; } void cpShapeSetFilter(cpShape *shape, cpShapeFilter filter) { cpBodyActivate(shape->body); shape->filter = filter; } cpBB cpShapeCacheBB(cpShape *shape) { return cpShapeUpdate(shape, shape->body->transform); } cpBB cpShapeUpdate(cpShape *shape, cpTransform transform) { return (shape->bb = shape->klass->cacheData(shape, transform)); } cpFloat cpShapePointQuery(const cpShape *shape, cpVect p, cpPointQueryInfo *info) { cpPointQueryInfo blank = {NULL, cpvzero, INFINITY, cpvzero}; if(info){ (*info) = blank; } else { info = ␣ } shape->klass->pointQuery(shape, p, info); return info->distance; } cpBool cpShapeSegmentQuery(const cpShape *shape, cpVect a, cpVect b, cpFloat radius, cpSegmentQueryInfo *info){ cpSegmentQueryInfo blank = {NULL, b, cpvzero, 1.0f}; if(info){ (*info) = blank; } else { info = ␣ } cpPointQueryInfo nearest; shape->klass->pointQuery(shape, a, &nearest); if(nearest.distance <= radius){ info->shape = shape; info->alpha = 0.0; info->normal = cpvnormalize(cpvsub(a, nearest.point)); } else { shape->klass->segmentQuery(shape, a, b, radius, info); } return (info->shape != NULL); } cpContactPointSet cpShapesCollide(const cpShape *a, const cpShape *b) { struct cpContact contacts[CP_MAX_CONTACTS_PER_ARBITER]; struct cpCollisionInfo info = cpCollide(a, b, 0, contacts); cpContactPointSet set; set.count = info.count; // cpCollideShapes() may have swapped the contact order. Flip the normal. cpBool swapped = (a != info.a); set.normal = (swapped ? cpvneg(info.n) : info.n); for(int i=0; itc = cpTransformPoint(transform, circle->c); return cpBBNewForCircle(c, circle->r); } static void cpCircleShapePointQuery(cpCircleShape *circle, cpVect p, cpPointQueryInfo *info) { cpVect delta = cpvsub(p, circle->tc); cpFloat d = cpvlength(delta); cpFloat r = circle->r; info->shape = (cpShape *)circle; info->point = cpvadd(circle->tc, cpvmult(delta, r/d)); // TODO: div/0 info->distance = d - r; // Use up for the gradient if the distance is very small. info->gradient = (d > MAGIC_EPSILON ? cpvmult(delta, 1.0f/d) : cpv(0.0f, 1.0f)); } static void cpCircleShapeSegmentQuery(cpCircleShape *circle, cpVect a, cpVect b, cpFloat radius, cpSegmentQueryInfo *info) { CircleSegmentQuery((cpShape *)circle, circle->tc, circle->r, a, b, radius, info); } static struct cpShapeMassInfo cpCircleShapeMassInfo(cpFloat mass, cpFloat radius, cpVect center) { struct cpShapeMassInfo info = { mass, cpMomentForCircle(1.0f, 0.0f, radius, cpvzero), center, cpAreaForCircle(0.0f, radius), }; return info; } static const cpShapeClass cpCircleShapeClass = { CP_CIRCLE_SHAPE, (cpShapeCacheDataImpl)cpCircleShapeCacheData, NULL, (cpShapePointQueryImpl)cpCircleShapePointQuery, (cpShapeSegmentQueryImpl)cpCircleShapeSegmentQuery, }; cpCircleShape * cpCircleShapeInit(cpCircleShape *circle, cpBody *body, cpFloat radius, cpVect offset) { circle->c = offset; circle->r = radius; cpShapeInit((cpShape *)circle, &cpCircleShapeClass, body, cpCircleShapeMassInfo(0.0f, radius, offset)); return circle; } cpShape * cpCircleShapeNew(cpBody *body, cpFloat radius, cpVect offset) { return (cpShape *)cpCircleShapeInit(cpCircleShapeAlloc(), body, radius, offset); } cpVect cpCircleShapeGetOffset(const cpShape *shape) { cpAssertHard(shape->klass == &cpCircleShapeClass, "Shape is not a circle shape."); return ((cpCircleShape *)shape)->c; } cpFloat cpCircleShapeGetRadius(const cpShape *shape) { cpAssertHard(shape->klass == &cpCircleShapeClass, "Shape is not a circle shape."); return ((cpCircleShape *)shape)->r; } cpSegmentShape * cpSegmentShapeAlloc(void) { return (cpSegmentShape *)cpcalloc(1, sizeof(cpSegmentShape)); } static cpBB cpSegmentShapeCacheData(cpSegmentShape *seg, cpTransform transform) { seg->ta = cpTransformPoint(transform, seg->a); seg->tb = cpTransformPoint(transform, seg->b); seg->tn = cpTransformVect(transform, seg->n); cpFloat l,r,b,t; if(seg->ta.x < seg->tb.x){ l = seg->ta.x; r = seg->tb.x; } else { l = seg->tb.x; r = seg->ta.x; } if(seg->ta.y < seg->tb.y){ b = seg->ta.y; t = seg->tb.y; } else { b = seg->tb.y; t = seg->ta.y; } cpFloat rad = seg->r; return cpBBNew(l - rad, b - rad, r + rad, t + rad); } static void cpSegmentShapePointQuery(cpSegmentShape *seg, cpVect p, cpPointQueryInfo *info) { cpVect closest = cpClosetPointOnSegment(p, seg->ta, seg->tb); cpVect delta = cpvsub(p, closest); cpFloat d = cpvlength(delta); cpFloat r = seg->r; cpVect g = cpvmult(delta, 1.0f/d); info->shape = (cpShape *)seg; info->point = (d ? cpvadd(closest, cpvmult(g, r)) : closest); info->distance = d - r; // Use the segment's normal if the distance is very small. info->gradient = (d > MAGIC_EPSILON ? g : seg->n); } static void cpSegmentShapeSegmentQuery(cpSegmentShape *seg, cpVect a, cpVect b, cpFloat r2, cpSegmentQueryInfo *info) { cpVect n = seg->tn; cpFloat d = cpvdot(cpvsub(seg->ta, a), n); cpFloat r = seg->r + r2; cpVect flipped_n = (d > 0.0f ? cpvneg(n) : n); cpVect seg_offset = cpvsub(cpvmult(flipped_n, r), a); // Make the endpoints relative to 'a' and move them by the thickness of the segment. cpVect seg_a = cpvadd(seg->ta, seg_offset); cpVect seg_b = cpvadd(seg->tb, seg_offset); cpVect delta = cpvsub(b, a); if(cpvcross(delta, seg_a)*cpvcross(delta, seg_b) <= 0.0f){ cpFloat d_offset = d + (d > 0.0f ? -r : r); cpFloat ad = -d_offset; cpFloat bd = cpvdot(delta, n) - d_offset; if(ad*bd < 0.0f){ cpFloat t = ad/(ad - bd); info->shape = (cpShape *)seg; info->point = cpvsub(cpvlerp(a, b, t), cpvmult(flipped_n, r2)); info->normal = flipped_n; info->alpha = t; } } else if(r != 0.0f){ cpSegmentQueryInfo info1 = {NULL, b, cpvzero, 1.0f}; cpSegmentQueryInfo info2 = {NULL, b, cpvzero, 1.0f}; CircleSegmentQuery((cpShape *)seg, seg->ta, seg->r, a, b, r2, &info1); CircleSegmentQuery((cpShape *)seg, seg->tb, seg->r, a, b, r2, &info2); if(info1.alpha < info2.alpha){ (*info) = info1; } else { (*info) = info2; } } } static struct cpShapeMassInfo cpSegmentShapeMassInfo(cpFloat mass, cpVect a, cpVect b, cpFloat r) { struct cpShapeMassInfo info = { mass, cpMomentForBox(1.0f, cpvdist(a, b) + 2.0f*r, 2.0f*r), // TODO is an approximation. cpvlerp(a, b, 0.5f), cpAreaForSegment(a, b, r), }; return info; } static const cpShapeClass cpSegmentShapeClass = { CP_SEGMENT_SHAPE, (cpShapeCacheDataImpl)cpSegmentShapeCacheData, NULL, (cpShapePointQueryImpl)cpSegmentShapePointQuery, (cpShapeSegmentQueryImpl)cpSegmentShapeSegmentQuery, }; cpSegmentShape * cpSegmentShapeInit(cpSegmentShape *seg, cpBody *body, cpVect a, cpVect b, cpFloat r) { seg->a = a; seg->b = b; seg->n = cpvrperp(cpvnormalize(cpvsub(b, a))); seg->r = r; seg->a_tangent = cpvzero; seg->b_tangent = cpvzero; cpShapeInit((cpShape *)seg, &cpSegmentShapeClass, body, cpSegmentShapeMassInfo(0.0f, a, b, r)); return seg; } cpShape* cpSegmentShapeNew(cpBody *body, cpVect a, cpVect b, cpFloat r) { return (cpShape *)cpSegmentShapeInit(cpSegmentShapeAlloc(), body, a, b, r); } cpVect cpSegmentShapeGetA(const cpShape *shape) { cpAssertHard(shape->klass == &cpSegmentShapeClass, "Shape is not a segment shape."); return ((cpSegmentShape *)shape)->a; } cpVect cpSegmentShapeGetB(const cpShape *shape) { cpAssertHard(shape->klass == &cpSegmentShapeClass, "Shape is not a segment shape."); return ((cpSegmentShape *)shape)->b; } cpVect cpSegmentShapeGetNormal(const cpShape *shape) { cpAssertHard(shape->klass == &cpSegmentShapeClass, "Shape is not a segment shape."); return ((cpSegmentShape *)shape)->n; } cpFloat cpSegmentShapeGetRadius(const cpShape *shape) { cpAssertHard(shape->klass == &cpSegmentShapeClass, "Shape is not a segment shape."); return ((cpSegmentShape *)shape)->r; } void cpSegmentShapeSetNeighbors(cpShape *shape, cpVect prev, cpVect next) { cpAssertHard(shape->klass == &cpSegmentShapeClass, "Shape is not a segment shape."); cpSegmentShape *seg = (cpSegmentShape *)shape; seg->a_tangent = cpvsub(prev, seg->a); seg->b_tangent = cpvsub(next, seg->b); } // Unsafe API (chipmunk_unsafe.h) // TODO setters should wake the shape up? void cpCircleShapeSetRadius(cpShape *shape, cpFloat radius) { cpAssertHard(shape->klass == &cpCircleShapeClass, "Shape is not a circle shape."); cpCircleShape *circle = (cpCircleShape *)shape; circle->r = radius; cpFloat mass = shape->massInfo.m; shape->massInfo = cpCircleShapeMassInfo(mass, circle->r, circle->c); if(mass > 0.0f) cpBodyAccumulateMassFromShapes(shape->body); } void cpCircleShapeSetOffset(cpShape *shape, cpVect offset) { cpAssertHard(shape->klass == &cpCircleShapeClass, "Shape is not a circle shape."); cpCircleShape *circle = (cpCircleShape *)shape; circle->c = offset; cpFloat mass = shape->massInfo.m; shape->massInfo = cpCircleShapeMassInfo(shape->massInfo.m, circle->r, circle->c); if(mass > 0.0f) cpBodyAccumulateMassFromShapes(shape->body); } void cpSegmentShapeSetEndpoints(cpShape *shape, cpVect a, cpVect b) { cpAssertHard(shape->klass == &cpSegmentShapeClass, "Shape is not a segment shape."); cpSegmentShape *seg = (cpSegmentShape *)shape; seg->a = a; seg->b = b; seg->n = cpvperp(cpvnormalize(cpvsub(b, a))); cpFloat mass = shape->massInfo.m; shape->massInfo = cpSegmentShapeMassInfo(shape->massInfo.m, seg->a, seg->b, seg->r); if(mass > 0.0f) cpBodyAccumulateMassFromShapes(shape->body); } void cpSegmentShapeSetRadius(cpShape *shape, cpFloat radius) { cpAssertHard(shape->klass == &cpSegmentShapeClass, "Shape is not a segment shape."); cpSegmentShape *seg = (cpSegmentShape *)shape; seg->r = radius; cpFloat mass = shape->massInfo.m; shape->massInfo = cpSegmentShapeMassInfo(shape->massInfo.m, seg->a, seg->b, seg->r); if(mass > 0.0f) cpBodyAccumulateMassFromShapes(shape->body); }