/* Copyright (c) 2013 Scott Lembcke and Howling Moon Software * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include "chipmunk_private.h" //MARK: Contact Set Helpers // Equal function for arbiterSet. static cpBool arbiterSetEql(cpShape **shapes, cpArbiter *arb) { cpShape *a = shapes[0]; cpShape *b = shapes[1]; return ((a == arb->a && b == arb->b) || (b == arb->a && a == arb->b)); } //MARK: Collision Handler Set HelperFunctions // Equals function for collisionHandlers. static cpBool handlerSetEql(cpCollisionHandler *check, cpCollisionHandler *pair) { return ( (check->typeA == pair->typeA && check->typeB == pair->typeB) || (check->typeB == pair->typeA && check->typeA == pair->typeB) ); } // Transformation function for collisionHandlers. static void * handlerSetTrans(cpCollisionHandler *handler, void *unused) { cpCollisionHandler *copy = (cpCollisionHandler *)cpcalloc(1, sizeof(cpCollisionHandler)); memcpy(copy, handler, sizeof(cpCollisionHandler)); return copy; } //MARK: Misc Helper Funcs // Default collision functions. static cpBool DefaultBegin(cpArbiter *arb, cpSpace *space, void *data){ cpBool retA = cpArbiterCallWildcardBeginA(arb, space); cpBool retB = cpArbiterCallWildcardBeginB(arb, space); return retA && retB; } static cpBool DefaultPreSolve(cpArbiter *arb, cpSpace *space, void *data){ cpBool retA = cpArbiterCallWildcardPreSolveA(arb, space); cpBool retB = cpArbiterCallWildcardPreSolveB(arb, space); return retA && retB; } static void DefaultPostSolve(cpArbiter *arb, cpSpace *space, void *data){ cpArbiterCallWildcardPostSolveA(arb, space); cpArbiterCallWildcardPostSolveB(arb, space); } static void DefaultSeparate(cpArbiter *arb, cpSpace *space, void *data){ cpArbiterCallWildcardSeparateA(arb, space); cpArbiterCallWildcardSeparateB(arb, space); } // Use the wildcard identifier since the default handler should never match any type pair. static cpCollisionHandler cpCollisionHandlerDefault = { CP_WILDCARD_COLLISION_TYPE, CP_WILDCARD_COLLISION_TYPE, DefaultBegin, DefaultPreSolve, DefaultPostSolve, DefaultSeparate, NULL }; static cpBool AlwaysCollide(cpArbiter *arb, cpSpace *space, void *data){return cpTrue;} static void DoNothing(cpArbiter *arb, cpSpace *space, void *data){} cpCollisionHandler cpCollisionHandlerDoNothing = { CP_WILDCARD_COLLISION_TYPE, CP_WILDCARD_COLLISION_TYPE, AlwaysCollide, AlwaysCollide, DoNothing, DoNothing, NULL }; // function to get the estimated velocity of a shape for the cpBBTree. static cpVect ShapeVelocityFunc(cpShape *shape){return shape->body->v;} // Used for disposing of collision handlers. static void FreeWrap(void *ptr, void *unused){cpfree(ptr);} //MARK: Memory Management Functions cpSpace * cpSpaceAlloc(void) { return (cpSpace *)cpcalloc(1, sizeof(cpSpace)); } cpSpace* cpSpaceInit(cpSpace *space) { #ifndef NDEBUG static cpBool done = cpFalse; if(!done){ printf("apecs-physics: Initializing new Space, Chipmunk v%s (Debug Enabled)\n", cpVersionString); printf("apecs-physics: Compile with the -frelease (cabal) or --flag apecs-physics:release (stack) to disable debug mode and runtime assertion checks\n"); done = cpTrue; } #endif space->iterations = 10; space->gravity = cpvzero; space->damping = 1.0f; space->collisionSlop = 0.1f; space->collisionBias = cpfpow(1.0f - 0.1f, 60.0f); space->collisionPersistence = 3; space->locked = 0; space->stamp = 0; space->shapeIDCounter = 0; space->staticShapes = cpBBTreeNew((cpSpatialIndexBBFunc)cpShapeGetBB, NULL); space->dynamicShapes = cpBBTreeNew((cpSpatialIndexBBFunc)cpShapeGetBB, space->staticShapes); cpBBTreeSetVelocityFunc(space->dynamicShapes, (cpBBTreeVelocityFunc)ShapeVelocityFunc); space->allocatedBuffers = cpArrayNew(0); space->dynamicBodies = cpArrayNew(0); space->staticBodies = cpArrayNew(0); space->sleepingComponents = cpArrayNew(0); space->rousedBodies = cpArrayNew(0); space->sleepTimeThreshold = INFINITY; space->idleSpeedThreshold = 0.0f; space->arbiters = cpArrayNew(0); space->pooledArbiters = cpArrayNew(0); space->contactBuffersHead = NULL; space->cachedArbiters = cpHashSetNew(0, (cpHashSetEqlFunc)arbiterSetEql); space->constraints = cpArrayNew(0); space->usesWildcards = cpFalse; memcpy(&space->defaultHandler, &cpCollisionHandlerDoNothing, sizeof(cpCollisionHandler)); space->collisionHandlers = cpHashSetNew(0, (cpHashSetEqlFunc)handlerSetEql); space->postStepCallbacks = cpArrayNew(0); space->skipPostStep = cpFalse; cpBody *staticBody = cpBodyInit(&space->_staticBody, 0.0f, 0.0f); cpBodySetType(staticBody, CP_BODY_TYPE_STATIC); cpSpaceSetStaticBody(space, staticBody); return space; } cpSpace* cpSpaceNew(void) { return cpSpaceInit(cpSpaceAlloc()); } static void cpBodyActivateWrap(cpBody *body, void *unused){cpBodyActivate(body);} void cpSpaceDestroy(cpSpace *space) { cpSpaceEachBody(space, (cpSpaceBodyIteratorFunc)cpBodyActivateWrap, NULL); cpSpatialIndexFree(space->staticShapes); cpSpatialIndexFree(space->dynamicShapes); cpArrayFree(space->dynamicBodies); cpArrayFree(space->staticBodies); cpArrayFree(space->sleepingComponents); cpArrayFree(space->rousedBodies); cpArrayFree(space->constraints); cpHashSetFree(space->cachedArbiters); cpArrayFree(space->arbiters); cpArrayFree(space->pooledArbiters); if(space->allocatedBuffers){ cpArrayFreeEach(space->allocatedBuffers, cpfree); cpArrayFree(space->allocatedBuffers); } if(space->postStepCallbacks){ cpArrayFreeEach(space->postStepCallbacks, cpfree); cpArrayFree(space->postStepCallbacks); } if(space->collisionHandlers) cpHashSetEach(space->collisionHandlers, FreeWrap, NULL); cpHashSetFree(space->collisionHandlers); } void cpSpaceFree(cpSpace *space) { if(space){ cpSpaceDestroy(space); cpfree(space); } } //MARK: Basic properties: int cpSpaceGetIterations(const cpSpace *space) { return space->iterations; } void cpSpaceSetIterations(cpSpace *space, int iterations) { cpAssertHard(iterations > 0, "Iterations must be positive and non-zero."); space->iterations = iterations; } cpVect cpSpaceGetGravity(const cpSpace *space) { return space->gravity; } void cpSpaceSetGravity(cpSpace *space, cpVect gravity) { space->gravity = gravity; // Wake up all of the bodies since the gravity changed. cpArray *components = space->sleepingComponents; for(int i=0; inum; i++){ cpBodyActivate((cpBody *)components->arr[i]); } } cpFloat cpSpaceGetDamping(const cpSpace *space) { return space->damping; } void cpSpaceSetDamping(cpSpace *space, cpFloat damping) { cpAssertHard(damping >= 0.0, "Damping must be positive."); space->damping = damping; } cpFloat cpSpaceGetIdleSpeedThreshold(const cpSpace *space) { return space->idleSpeedThreshold; } void cpSpaceSetIdleSpeedThreshold(cpSpace *space, cpFloat idleSpeedThreshold) { space->idleSpeedThreshold = idleSpeedThreshold; } cpFloat cpSpaceGetSleepTimeThreshold(const cpSpace *space) { return space->sleepTimeThreshold; } void cpSpaceSetSleepTimeThreshold(cpSpace *space, cpFloat sleepTimeThreshold) { space->sleepTimeThreshold = sleepTimeThreshold; } cpFloat cpSpaceGetCollisionSlop(const cpSpace *space) { return space->collisionSlop; } void cpSpaceSetCollisionSlop(cpSpace *space, cpFloat collisionSlop) { space->collisionSlop = collisionSlop; } cpFloat cpSpaceGetCollisionBias(const cpSpace *space) { return space->collisionBias; } void cpSpaceSetCollisionBias(cpSpace *space, cpFloat collisionBias) { space->collisionBias = collisionBias; } cpTimestamp cpSpaceGetCollisionPersistence(const cpSpace *space) { return space->collisionPersistence; } void cpSpaceSetCollisionPersistence(cpSpace *space, cpTimestamp collisionPersistence) { space->collisionPersistence = collisionPersistence; } cpDataPointer cpSpaceGetUserData(const cpSpace *space) { return space->userData; } void cpSpaceSetUserData(cpSpace *space, cpDataPointer userData) { space->userData = userData; } cpBody * cpSpaceGetStaticBody(const cpSpace *space) { return space->staticBody; } cpFloat cpSpaceGetCurrentTimeStep(const cpSpace *space) { return space->curr_dt; } void cpSpaceSetStaticBody(cpSpace *space, cpBody *body) { if(space->staticBody != NULL){ cpAssertHard(space->staticBody->shapeList == NULL, "Internal Error: Changing the designated static body while the old one still had shapes attached."); space->staticBody->space = NULL; } space->staticBody = body; body->space = space; } cpBool cpSpaceIsLocked(cpSpace *space) { return (space->locked > 0); } //MARK: Collision Handler Function Management static void cpSpaceUseWildcardDefaultHandler(cpSpace *space) { // Spaces default to using the slightly faster "do nothing" default handler until wildcards are potentially needed. if(!space->usesWildcards){ space->usesWildcards = cpTrue; memcpy(&space->defaultHandler, &cpCollisionHandlerDefault, sizeof(cpCollisionHandler)); } } cpCollisionHandler *cpSpaceAddDefaultCollisionHandler(cpSpace *space) { cpSpaceUseWildcardDefaultHandler(space); return &space->defaultHandler; } cpCollisionHandler *cpSpaceAddCollisionHandler(cpSpace *space, cpCollisionType a, cpCollisionType b) { cpHashValue hash = CP_HASH_PAIR(a, b); cpCollisionHandler handler = {a, b, DefaultBegin, DefaultPreSolve, DefaultPostSolve, DefaultSeparate, NULL}; return (cpCollisionHandler*)cpHashSetInsert(space->collisionHandlers, hash, &handler, (cpHashSetTransFunc)handlerSetTrans, NULL); } cpCollisionHandler * cpSpaceAddWildcardHandler(cpSpace *space, cpCollisionType type) { cpSpaceUseWildcardDefaultHandler(space); cpHashValue hash = CP_HASH_PAIR(type, CP_WILDCARD_COLLISION_TYPE); cpCollisionHandler handler = {type, CP_WILDCARD_COLLISION_TYPE, AlwaysCollide, AlwaysCollide, DoNothing, DoNothing, NULL}; return (cpCollisionHandler*)cpHashSetInsert(space->collisionHandlers, hash, &handler, (cpHashSetTransFunc)handlerSetTrans, NULL); } //MARK: Body, Shape, and Joint Management cpShape * cpSpaceAddShape(cpSpace *space, cpShape *shape) { cpBody *body = shape->body; cpAssertHard(shape->space != space, "You have already added this shape to this space. You must not add it a second time."); cpAssertHard(!shape->space, "You have already added this shape to another space. You cannot add it to a second."); // cpAssertHard(body->space == space, "The shape's body must be added to the space before the shape."); cpAssertSpaceUnlocked(space); cpBool isStatic = (cpBodyGetType(body) == CP_BODY_TYPE_STATIC); if(!isStatic) cpBodyActivate(body); cpBodyAddShape(body, shape); shape->hashid = space->shapeIDCounter++; cpShapeUpdate(shape, body->transform); cpSpatialIndexInsert(isStatic ? space->staticShapes : space->dynamicShapes, shape, shape->hashid); shape->space = space; return shape; } cpBody * cpSpaceAddBody(cpSpace *space, cpBody *body) { cpAssertHard(body->space != space, "You have already added this body to this space. You must not add it a second time."); cpAssertHard(!body->space, "You have already added this body to another space. You cannot add it to a second."); cpAssertSpaceUnlocked(space); cpArrayPush(cpSpaceArrayForBodyType(space, cpBodyGetType(body)), body); body->space = space; return body; } cpConstraint * cpSpaceAddConstraint(cpSpace *space, cpConstraint *constraint) { cpAssertHard(constraint->space != space, "You have already added this constraint to this space. You must not add it a second time."); cpAssertHard(!constraint->space, "You have already added this constraint to another space. You cannot add it to a second."); cpAssertSpaceUnlocked(space); cpBody *a = constraint->a, *b = constraint->b; cpAssertHard(a != NULL && b != NULL, "Constraint is attached to a NULL body."); // cpAssertHard(a->space == space && b->space == space, "The constraint's bodies must be added to the space before the constraint."); cpBodyActivate(a); cpBodyActivate(b); cpArrayPush(space->constraints, constraint); // Push onto the heads of the bodies' constraint lists constraint->next_a = a->constraintList; a->constraintList = constraint; constraint->next_b = b->constraintList; b->constraintList = constraint; constraint->space = space; return constraint; } struct arbiterFilterContext { cpSpace *space; cpBody *body; cpShape *shape; }; static cpBool cachedArbitersFilter(cpArbiter *arb, struct arbiterFilterContext *context) { cpShape *shape = context->shape; cpBody *body = context->body; // Match on the filter shape, or if it's NULL the filter body if( (body == arb->body_a && (shape == arb->a || shape == NULL)) || (body == arb->body_b && (shape == arb->b || shape == NULL)) ){ // Call separate when removing shapes. if(shape && arb->state != CP_ARBITER_STATE_CACHED){ // Invalidate the arbiter since one of the shapes was removed. arb->state = CP_ARBITER_STATE_INVALIDATED; cpCollisionHandler *handler = arb->handler; handler->separateFunc(arb, context->space, handler->userData); } cpArbiterUnthread(arb); cpArrayDeleteObj(context->space->arbiters, arb); cpArrayPush(context->space->pooledArbiters, arb); return cpFalse; } return cpTrue; } void cpSpaceFilterArbiters(cpSpace *space, cpBody *body, cpShape *filter) { cpSpaceLock(space); { struct arbiterFilterContext context = {space, body, filter}; cpHashSetFilter(space->cachedArbiters, (cpHashSetFilterFunc)cachedArbitersFilter, &context); } cpSpaceUnlock(space, cpTrue); } void cpSpaceRemoveShape(cpSpace *space, cpShape *shape) { cpBody *body = shape->body; cpAssertHard(cpSpaceContainsShape(space, shape), "Cannot remove a shape that was not added to the space. (Removed twice maybe?)"); cpAssertSpaceUnlocked(space); cpBool isStatic = (cpBodyGetType(body) == CP_BODY_TYPE_STATIC); if(isStatic){ cpBodyActivateStatic(body, shape); } else { cpBodyActivate(body); } cpBodyRemoveShape(body, shape); cpSpaceFilterArbiters(space, body, shape); cpSpatialIndexRemove(isStatic ? space->staticShapes : space->dynamicShapes, shape, shape->hashid); shape->space = NULL; shape->hashid = 0; } void cpSpaceRemoveBody(cpSpace *space, cpBody *body) { cpAssertHard(body != cpSpaceGetStaticBody(space), "Cannot remove the designated static body for the space."); cpAssertHard(cpSpaceContainsBody(space, body), "Cannot remove a body that was not added to the space. (Removed twice maybe?)"); // cpAssertHard(body->shapeList == NULL, "Cannot remove a body from the space before removing the bodies attached to it."); // cpAssertHard(body->constraintList == NULL, "Cannot remove a body from the space before removing the constraints attached to it."); cpAssertSpaceUnlocked(space); cpBodyActivate(body); // cpSpaceFilterArbiters(space, body, NULL); cpArrayDeleteObj(cpSpaceArrayForBodyType(space, cpBodyGetType(body)), body); body->space = NULL; } void cpSpaceRemoveConstraint(cpSpace *space, cpConstraint *constraint) { cpAssertHard(cpSpaceContainsConstraint(space, constraint), "Cannot remove a constraint that was not added to the space. (Removed twice maybe?)"); cpAssertSpaceUnlocked(space); cpBodyActivate(constraint->a); cpBodyActivate(constraint->b); cpArrayDeleteObj(space->constraints, constraint); cpBodyRemoveConstraint(constraint->a, constraint); cpBodyRemoveConstraint(constraint->b, constraint); constraint->space = NULL; } cpBool cpSpaceContainsShape(cpSpace *space, cpShape *shape) { return (shape->space == space); } cpBool cpSpaceContainsBody(cpSpace *space, cpBody *body) { return (body->space == space); } cpBool cpSpaceContainsConstraint(cpSpace *space, cpConstraint *constraint) { return (constraint->space == space); } //MARK: Iteration void cpSpaceEachBody(cpSpace *space, cpSpaceBodyIteratorFunc func, void *data) { cpSpaceLock(space); { cpArray *bodies = space->dynamicBodies; for(int i=0; inum; i++){ func((cpBody *)bodies->arr[i], data); } cpArray *otherBodies = space->staticBodies; for(int i=0; inum; i++){ func((cpBody *)otherBodies->arr[i], data); } cpArray *components = space->sleepingComponents; for(int i=0; inum; i++){ cpBody *root = (cpBody *)components->arr[i]; cpBody *body = root; while(body){ cpBody *next = body->sleeping.next; func(body, data); body = next; } } } cpSpaceUnlock(space, cpTrue); } typedef struct spaceShapeContext { cpSpaceShapeIteratorFunc func; void *data; } spaceShapeContext; static void spaceEachShapeIterator(cpShape *shape, spaceShapeContext *context) { context->func(shape, context->data); } void cpSpaceEachShape(cpSpace *space, cpSpaceShapeIteratorFunc func, void *data) { cpSpaceLock(space); { spaceShapeContext context = {func, data}; cpSpatialIndexEach(space->dynamicShapes, (cpSpatialIndexIteratorFunc)spaceEachShapeIterator, &context); cpSpatialIndexEach(space->staticShapes, (cpSpatialIndexIteratorFunc)spaceEachShapeIterator, &context); } cpSpaceUnlock(space, cpTrue); } void cpSpaceEachConstraint(cpSpace *space, cpSpaceConstraintIteratorFunc func, void *data) { cpSpaceLock(space); { cpArray *constraints = space->constraints; for(int i=0; inum; i++){ func((cpConstraint *)constraints->arr[i], data); } } cpSpaceUnlock(space, cpTrue); } //MARK: Spatial Index Management void cpSpaceReindexStatic(cpSpace *space) { cpAssertHard(!space->locked, "You cannot manually reindex objects while the space is locked. Wait until the current query or step is complete."); cpSpatialIndexEach(space->staticShapes, (cpSpatialIndexIteratorFunc)&cpShapeUpdateFunc, NULL); cpSpatialIndexReindex(space->staticShapes); } void cpSpaceReindexShape(cpSpace *space, cpShape *shape) { cpAssertHard(!space->locked, "You cannot manually reindex objects while the space is locked. Wait until the current query or step is complete."); cpShapeCacheBB(shape); // attempt to rehash the shape in both hashes cpSpatialIndexReindexObject(space->dynamicShapes, shape, shape->hashid); cpSpatialIndexReindexObject(space->staticShapes, shape, shape->hashid); } void cpSpaceReindexShapesForBody(cpSpace *space, cpBody *body) { CP_BODY_FOREACH_SHAPE(body, shape) cpSpaceReindexShape(space, shape); } static void copyShapes(cpShape *shape, cpSpatialIndex *index) { cpSpatialIndexInsert(index, shape, shape->hashid); } void cpSpaceUseSpatialHash(cpSpace *space, cpFloat dim, int count) { cpSpatialIndex *staticShapes = cpSpaceHashNew(dim, count, (cpSpatialIndexBBFunc)cpShapeGetBB, NULL); cpSpatialIndex *dynamicShapes = cpSpaceHashNew(dim, count, (cpSpatialIndexBBFunc)cpShapeGetBB, staticShapes); cpSpatialIndexEach(space->staticShapes, (cpSpatialIndexIteratorFunc)copyShapes, staticShapes); cpSpatialIndexEach(space->dynamicShapes, (cpSpatialIndexIteratorFunc)copyShapes, dynamicShapes); cpSpatialIndexFree(space->staticShapes); cpSpatialIndexFree(space->dynamicShapes); space->staticShapes = staticShapes; space->dynamicShapes = dynamicShapes; }