/* Copyright (c) 2013 Scott Lembcke and Howling Moon Software * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef CHIPMUNK_PRIVATE_H #define CHIPMUNK_PRIVATE_H #include "chipmunk.h" #include "chipmunk_structs.h" #define CP_HASH_COEF (3344921057ul) #define CP_HASH_PAIR(A, B) ((cpHashValue)(A)*CP_HASH_COEF ^ (cpHashValue)(B)*CP_HASH_COEF) // TODO: Eww. Magic numbers. #define MAGIC_EPSILON 1e-5 //MARK: cpArray cpArray *cpArrayNew(int size); void cpArrayFree(cpArray *arr); void cpArrayPush(cpArray *arr, void *object); void *cpArrayPop(cpArray *arr); void cpArrayDeleteObj(cpArray *arr, void *obj); cpBool cpArrayContains(cpArray *arr, void *ptr); void cpArrayFreeEach(cpArray *arr, void (freeFunc)(void*)); //MARK: cpHashSet typedef cpBool (*cpHashSetEqlFunc)(void *ptr, void *elt); typedef void *(*cpHashSetTransFunc)(void *ptr, void *data); cpHashSet *cpHashSetNew(int size, cpHashSetEqlFunc eqlFunc); void cpHashSetSetDefaultValue(cpHashSet *set, void *default_value); void cpHashSetFree(cpHashSet *set); int cpHashSetCount(cpHashSet *set); void *cpHashSetInsert(cpHashSet *set, cpHashValue hash, void *ptr, cpHashSetTransFunc trans, void *data); void *cpHashSetRemove(cpHashSet *set, cpHashValue hash, void *ptr); void *cpHashSetFind(cpHashSet *set, cpHashValue hash, void *ptr); typedef void (*cpHashSetIteratorFunc)(void *elt, void *data); void cpHashSetEach(cpHashSet *set, cpHashSetIteratorFunc func, void *data); typedef cpBool (*cpHashSetFilterFunc)(void *elt, void *data); void cpHashSetFilter(cpHashSet *set, cpHashSetFilterFunc func, void *data); //MARK: Bodies void cpBodyAddShape(cpBody *body, cpShape *shape); void cpBodyRemoveShape(cpBody *body, cpShape *shape); //void cpBodyAccumulateMassForShape(cpBody *body, cpShape *shape); void cpBodyAccumulateMassFromShapes(cpBody *body); void cpBodyRemoveConstraint(cpBody *body, cpConstraint *constraint); //MARK: Spatial Index Functions cpSpatialIndex *cpSpatialIndexInit(cpSpatialIndex *index, cpSpatialIndexClass *klass, cpSpatialIndexBBFunc bbfunc, cpSpatialIndex *staticIndex); //MARK: Arbiters cpArbiter* cpArbiterInit(cpArbiter *arb, cpShape *a, cpShape *b); static inline struct cpArbiterThread * cpArbiterThreadForBody(cpArbiter *arb, cpBody *body) { return (arb->body_a == body ? &arb->thread_a : &arb->thread_b); } void cpArbiterUnthread(cpArbiter *arb); void cpArbiterUpdate(cpArbiter *arb, struct cpCollisionInfo *info, cpSpace *space); void cpArbiterPreStep(cpArbiter *arb, cpFloat dt, cpFloat bias, cpFloat slop); void cpArbiterApplyCachedImpulse(cpArbiter *arb, cpFloat dt_coef); void cpArbiterApplyImpulse(cpArbiter *arb); //MARK: Shapes/Collisions cpShape *cpShapeInit(cpShape *shape, const cpShapeClass *klass, cpBody *body, struct cpShapeMassInfo massInfo); static inline cpBool cpShapeActive(cpShape *shape) { // checks if the shape is added to a shape list. // TODO could this just check the space now? return (shape->prev || (shape->body && shape->body->shapeList == shape)); } // Note: This function returns contact points with r1/r2 in absolute coordinates, not body relative. struct cpCollisionInfo cpCollide(const cpShape *a, const cpShape *b, cpCollisionID id, struct cpContact *contacts); static inline void CircleSegmentQuery(cpShape *shape, cpVect center, cpFloat r1, cpVect a, cpVect b, cpFloat r2, cpSegmentQueryInfo *info) { cpVect da = cpvsub(a, center); cpVect db = cpvsub(b, center); cpFloat rsum = r1 + r2; cpFloat qa = cpvdot(da, da) - 2.0f*cpvdot(da, db) + cpvdot(db, db); cpFloat qb = cpvdot(da, db) - cpvdot(da, da); cpFloat det = qb*qb - qa*(cpvdot(da, da) - rsum*rsum); if(det >= 0.0f){ cpFloat t = (-qb - cpfsqrt(det))/(qa); if(0.0f<= t && t <= 1.0f){ cpVect n = cpvnormalize(cpvlerp(da, db, t)); info->shape = shape; info->point = cpvsub(cpvlerp(a, b, t), cpvmult(n, r2)); info->normal = n; info->alpha = t; } } } static inline cpBool cpShapeFilterReject(cpShapeFilter a, cpShapeFilter b) { // Reject the collision if: return ( // They are in the same non-zero group. (a.group != 0 && a.group == b.group) || // One of the category/mask combinations fails. (a.categories & b.mask) == 0 || (b.categories & a.mask) == 0 ); } void cpLoopIndexes(const cpVect *verts, int count, int *start, int *end); //MARK: Constraints // TODO naming conventions here void cpConstraintInit(cpConstraint *constraint, const struct cpConstraintClass *klass, cpBody *a, cpBody *b); static inline void cpConstraintActivateBodies(cpConstraint *constraint) { cpBody *a = constraint->a; cpBodyActivate(a); cpBody *b = constraint->b; cpBodyActivate(b); } static inline cpVect relative_velocity(cpBody *a, cpBody *b, cpVect r1, cpVect r2){ cpVect v1_sum = cpvadd(a->v, cpvmult(cpvperp(r1), a->w)); cpVect v2_sum = cpvadd(b->v, cpvmult(cpvperp(r2), b->w)); return cpvsub(v2_sum, v1_sum); } static inline cpFloat normal_relative_velocity(cpBody *a, cpBody *b, cpVect r1, cpVect r2, cpVect n){ return cpvdot(relative_velocity(a, b, r1, r2), n); } static inline void apply_impulse(cpBody *body, cpVect j, cpVect r){ body->v = cpvadd(body->v, cpvmult(j, body->m_inv)); body->w += body->i_inv*cpvcross(r, j); } static inline void apply_impulses(cpBody *a , cpBody *b, cpVect r1, cpVect r2, cpVect j) { apply_impulse(a, cpvneg(j), r1); apply_impulse(b, j, r2); } static inline void apply_bias_impulse(cpBody *body, cpVect j, cpVect r) { body->v_bias = cpvadd(body->v_bias, cpvmult(j, body->m_inv)); body->w_bias += body->i_inv*cpvcross(r, j); } static inline void apply_bias_impulses(cpBody *a , cpBody *b, cpVect r1, cpVect r2, cpVect j) { apply_bias_impulse(a, cpvneg(j), r1); apply_bias_impulse(b, j, r2); } static inline cpFloat k_scalar_body(cpBody *body, cpVect r, cpVect n) { cpFloat rcn = cpvcross(r, n); return body->m_inv + body->i_inv*rcn*rcn; } static inline cpFloat k_scalar(cpBody *a, cpBody *b, cpVect r1, cpVect r2, cpVect n) { cpFloat value = k_scalar_body(a, r1, n) + k_scalar_body(b, r2, n); cpAssertSoft(value != 0.0, "Unsolvable collision or constraint."); return value; } static inline cpMat2x2 k_tensor(cpBody *a, cpBody *b, cpVect r1, cpVect r2) { cpFloat m_sum = a->m_inv + b->m_inv; // start with Identity*m_sum cpFloat k11 = m_sum, k12 = 0.0f; cpFloat k21 = 0.0f, k22 = m_sum; // add the influence from r1 cpFloat a_i_inv = a->i_inv; cpFloat r1xsq = r1.x * r1.x * a_i_inv; cpFloat r1ysq = r1.y * r1.y * a_i_inv; cpFloat r1nxy = -r1.x * r1.y * a_i_inv; k11 += r1ysq; k12 += r1nxy; k21 += r1nxy; k22 += r1xsq; // add the influnce from r2 cpFloat b_i_inv = b->i_inv; cpFloat r2xsq = r2.x * r2.x * b_i_inv; cpFloat r2ysq = r2.y * r2.y * b_i_inv; cpFloat r2nxy = -r2.x * r2.y * b_i_inv; k11 += r2ysq; k12 += r2nxy; k21 += r2nxy; k22 += r2xsq; // invert cpFloat det = k11*k22 - k12*k21; cpAssertSoft(det != 0.0, "Unsolvable constraint."); cpFloat det_inv = 1.0f/det; return cpMat2x2New( k22*det_inv, -k12*det_inv, -k21*det_inv, k11*det_inv ); } static inline cpFloat bias_coef(cpFloat errorBias, cpFloat dt) { return 1.0f - cpfpow(errorBias, dt); } //MARK: Spaces #define cpAssertSpaceUnlocked(space) \ cpAssertHard(!space->locked, \ "This operation cannot be done safely during a call to cpSpaceStep() or during a query. " \ "Put these calls into a post-step callback." \ ); void cpSpaceSetStaticBody(cpSpace *space, cpBody *body); extern cpCollisionHandler cpCollisionHandlerDoNothing; void cpSpaceProcessComponents(cpSpace *space, cpFloat dt); void cpSpacePushFreshContactBuffer(cpSpace *space); struct cpContact *cpContactBufferGetArray(cpSpace *space); void cpSpacePushContacts(cpSpace *space, int count); cpPostStepCallback *cpSpaceGetPostStepCallback(cpSpace *space, void *key); cpBool cpSpaceArbiterSetFilter(cpArbiter *arb, cpSpace *space); void cpSpaceFilterArbiters(cpSpace *space, cpBody *body, cpShape *filter); void cpSpaceActivateBody(cpSpace *space, cpBody *body); void cpSpaceLock(cpSpace *space); void cpSpaceUnlock(cpSpace *space, cpBool runPostStep); static inline void cpSpaceUncacheArbiter(cpSpace *space, cpArbiter *arb) { const cpShape *a = arb->a, *b = arb->b; const cpShape *shape_pair[] = {a, b}; cpHashValue arbHashID = CP_HASH_PAIR((cpHashValue)a, (cpHashValue)b); cpHashSetRemove(space->cachedArbiters, arbHashID, shape_pair); cpArrayDeleteObj(space->arbiters, arb); } static inline cpArray * cpSpaceArrayForBodyType(cpSpace *space, cpBodyType type) { return (type == CP_BODY_TYPE_STATIC ? space->staticBodies : space->dynamicBodies); } void cpShapeUpdateFunc(cpShape *shape, void *unused); cpCollisionID cpSpaceCollideShapes(cpShape *a, cpShape *b, cpCollisionID id, cpSpace *space); //MARK: Foreach loops static inline cpConstraint * cpConstraintNext(cpConstraint *node, cpBody *body) { return (node->a == body ? node->next_a : node->next_b); } #define CP_BODY_FOREACH_CONSTRAINT(bdy, var)\ for(cpConstraint *var = bdy->constraintList; var; var = cpConstraintNext(var, bdy)) static inline cpArbiter * cpArbiterNext(cpArbiter *node, cpBody *body) { return (node->body_a == body ? node->thread_a.next : node->thread_b.next); } #define CP_BODY_FOREACH_ARBITER(bdy, var)\ for(cpArbiter *var = bdy->arbiterList; var; var = cpArbiterNext(var, bdy)) #define CP_BODY_FOREACH_SHAPE(body, var)\ for(cpShape *var = body->shapeList; var; var = var->next) #define CP_BODY_FOREACH_COMPONENT(root, var)\ for(cpBody *var = root; var; var = var->sleeping.next) #endif