module SettingsDialog where import Graphics.UI.Gtk import Control.Applicative import Network.Tremulous.Protocol import Control.Monad import IndividualServerSettings import TremFormatting import Constants --Favorite server commented out. Perhaps in a later version newSettingsDialog :: Window -> ColorArray -> Bool -> GameServer -> ServerArg -> IO (Maybe ServerArg) newSettingsDialog win colors requirepw GameServer{..} ServerArg{..} = do dia <- dialogNew set dia [ windowTitle := "Server settings" , windowWindowPosition := WinPosCenterOnParent , windowTransientFor := win ] dialogAddButton dia stockCancel ResponseCancel dialogAddButton dia stockOk ResponseOk dialogSetDefaultResponse dia ResponseOk srv <- labelNew $ Just $ pangoPretty colors hostname set srv [ labelWrap := True , labelJustify := JustifyCenter , labelUseMarkup := True , labelAttributes := [AttrWeight 0 (-1) WeightBold, AttrScale 0 (-1) 1.2] ] labelSetLineWrapMode srv WrapPartialWords ip <- labelNew $ Just $ show address tbl <- tableNew 0 0 False set tbl [ tableRowSpacing := spacingHalf , tableColumnSpacing := spacing ] let easyAttach pos lbl tip def = do a <- labelNewWithMnemonic lbl b <- entryNew set b [ entryActivatesDefault := True , entryText := def , entryWidthChars := 30 ] when (pos == 1 && requirepw) $ do labelSetAttributes a [AttrWeight 0 (-1) WeightBold] set a [ labelMnemonicWidget := b , widgetTooltipText := Just tip ] miscSetAlignment a 0 0.5 tableAttach tbl a 0 1 pos (pos+1) [Fill] [] 0 0 tableAttach tbl b 1 2 pos (pos+1) [Expand, Fill] [] 0 0 return b name <- easyAttach 0 "Override _name:" "Set a custom name that will only be used on this server" serverName pass <- easyAttach 1 "_Password:" "Server password" serverPass rcon <- easyAttach 2 "_Rcon:" "Rcon password" serverRcon -- fav <- checkButtonNewWithMnemonic "_Favorite server" -- toggleButtonSetActive fav serverFavorite box <- vBoxNew False spacing set box [ containerBorderWidth := spacing ] boxPackStart box srv PackNatural 0 boxPackStart box ip PackNatural 0 when requirepw $ do l <- labelNew (Just "This server requires a password!") labelSetAttributes l [AttrWeight 0 (-1) WeightBold] boxPackStart box l PackNatural 0 boxPackStart box tbl PackNatural 0 -- boxPackStart box fav PackNatural 0 dbox <- dialogGetUpper dia boxPackStart dbox box PackNatural 0 widgetShowAll dbox when requirepw (widgetGrabFocus pass) answer <- dialogRun dia case answer of ResponseOk -> Just <$> (ServerArg <$> get pass entryText <*> get rcon entryText <*> get name entryText <*> pure False) -- (toggleButtonGetActive fav) <* widgetDestroy dia _ -> widgetDestroy dia >> return Nothing