{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

module Data.Apiary.Param
    ( -- * route path parameter
    , readPathAs
      -- * query parameter
    , Query(..)
    , QueryRep(..)
    , File(..)
    -- * request parameter
    , Param
    , ReqParam(..)
    -- * Strategy
    , Strategy(..)
    , StrategyRep(..)
    , First(..)
    , One(..)
    , Many(..)
    , Some(..)
    , Option(..)
    , Optional(..)
      -- * Proxies
    , pBool
    , pInt
    , pWord
    , pDouble
    , pText
    , pLazyText
    , pByteString
    , pLazyByteString
    , pString
    , pMaybe
    , pFile
    -- ** strategy
    , pFirst
    , pOne
    , pMany
    , pSome
    , pOption
    , pOptional
    ) where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Arrow

import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as Http

import Data.Int
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Word
import Data.Apiary.Compat
import Data.Apiary.Dict

import Data.String(IsString)
import Data.Time.Calendar
import qualified Data.Text.Read as TR
import Data.Text.Encoding.Error
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TL

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lex.Integral as SL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lex.Double   as SL

jsToBool :: (IsString a, Eq a) => a -> Bool
jsToBool = flip notElem jsFalse
    jsFalse = ["false", "0", "-0", "", "null", "undefined", "NaN"]

-- | readPath providing type using Proxy.
readPathAs :: Path a => proxy a -> T.Text -> Maybe a
readPathAs _ t = readPath t
{-# INLINE readPathAs #-}

data Text deriving Typeable

type Param = (S.ByteString, S.ByteString)

data File = File
    { fileParameter   :: S.ByteString
    , fileName        :: S.ByteString
    , fileContentType :: S.ByteString
    , fileContent     :: L.ByteString
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)

data QueryRep
    = Strict   TypeRep -- ^ require value
    | Nullable TypeRep -- ^ allow key only value
    | Check            -- ^ check existance
    | NoValue
    deriving (Show, Eq)

class Path a where
    -- | read route path parameter.
    readPath :: T.Text
             -> Maybe a -- ^ Nothing is failed.
    -- | pretty type of route path parameter.
    pathRep  :: proxy a -> TypeRep

instance Path Char where
    pathRep = typeRep
    readPath s
        | T.null s  = Nothing
        | otherwise = Just $ T.head s

readText :: TR.Reader a -> T.Text -> (Maybe a)
readText p s = case p s of
    Right (a, t) -> if T.null t then Just a else Nothing
    Left   _     -> Nothing

readTextInt :: Integral i => T.Text -> Maybe i
readTextInt = readText (TR.signed TR.decimal)

readTextWord :: Integral i => T.Text -> Maybe i
readTextWord = readText TR.decimal

readTextDouble :: T.Text -> Maybe Double
readTextDouble = readText TR.double

-- | javascript boolean.
-- when \"false\", \"0\", \"-0\", \"\", \"null\", \"undefined\", \"NaN\" then False, else True. since
instance Path Bool    where readPath = Just . jsToBool; pathRep = typeRep

instance Path Int     where readPath = readTextInt; pathRep = typeRep
instance Path Int8    where readPath = readTextInt; pathRep = typeRep
instance Path Int16   where readPath = readTextInt; pathRep = typeRep
instance Path Int32   where readPath = readTextInt; pathRep = typeRep
instance Path Int64   where readPath = readTextInt; pathRep = typeRep
instance Path Integer where readPath = readTextInt; pathRep = typeRep

instance Path Word    where readPath = readTextWord; pathRep = typeRep
instance Path Word8   where readPath = readTextWord; pathRep = typeRep
instance Path Word16  where readPath = readTextWord; pathRep = typeRep
instance Path Word32  where readPath = readTextWord; pathRep = typeRep
instance Path Word64  where readPath = readTextWord; pathRep = typeRep

instance Path Double  where readPath = readTextDouble; pathRep = typeRep
instance Path Float   where readPath = fmap realToFrac . readTextDouble; pathRep = typeRep

instance Path  T.Text      where readPath = Just;                 pathRep _ = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy Text)
instance Path TL.Text      where readPath = Just . TL.fromStrict; pathRep _ = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy Text)
instance Path S.ByteString where readPath = Just . T.encodeUtf8;  pathRep _ = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy Text)
instance Path L.ByteString where readPath = Just . TL.encodeUtf8 . TL.fromStrict; pathRep _ = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy Text)
instance Path String       where readPath = Just . T.unpack;      pathRep _ = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy Text)


class Query a where
    -- | read query parameter.
    readQuery :: Maybe S.ByteString -- ^ value of query parameter. Nothing is key only parameter.
              -> Maybe a -- ^ Noting is fail.

    -- | pretty query parameter.
    queryRep  :: proxy a            -> QueryRep
    queryRep = Strict . qTypeRep
    qTypeRep  :: proxy a            -> TypeRep

readBS :: (S.ByteString -> Maybe (a, S.ByteString))
       -> S.ByteString -> Maybe a
readBS p b = case p b of
    Just (i, s) -> if S.null s then Just i else Nothing
    _           -> Nothing

readBSInt :: Integral a => S.ByteString -> Maybe a
readBSInt = readBS (SL.readSigned SL.readDecimal)

readBSWord :: Integral a => S.ByteString -> Maybe a
readBSWord = readBS SL.readDecimal

readBSDouble :: S.ByteString -> Maybe Double
readBSDouble = readBS SL.readDouble

-- | javascript boolean.
-- when \"false\", \"0\", \"-0\", \"\", \"null\", \"undefined\", \"NaN\" then False, else True. since
instance Query Bool    where readQuery = fmap jsToBool; qTypeRep = typeRep

instance Query Int     where readQuery = maybe Nothing readBSInt; qTypeRep = typeRep
instance Query Int8    where readQuery = maybe Nothing readBSInt; qTypeRep = typeRep
instance Query Int16   where readQuery = maybe Nothing readBSInt; qTypeRep = typeRep
instance Query Int32   where readQuery = maybe Nothing readBSInt; qTypeRep = typeRep
instance Query Int64   where readQuery = maybe Nothing readBSInt; qTypeRep = typeRep
instance Query Integer where readQuery = maybe Nothing readBSInt; qTypeRep = typeRep

instance Query Word    where readQuery = maybe Nothing readBSWord; qTypeRep = typeRep
instance Query Word8   where readQuery = maybe Nothing readBSWord; qTypeRep = typeRep
instance Query Word16  where readQuery = maybe Nothing readBSWord; qTypeRep = typeRep
instance Query Word32  where readQuery = maybe Nothing readBSWord; qTypeRep = typeRep
instance Query Word64  where readQuery = maybe Nothing readBSWord; qTypeRep = typeRep

instance Query Double  where readQuery = maybe Nothing readBSDouble; qTypeRep = typeRep
instance Query Float   where readQuery = maybe Nothing (fmap realToFrac . readBSDouble); qTypeRep = typeRep

instance Query T.Text where
    readQuery  = fmap $ T.decodeUtf8With lenientDecode
    qTypeRep _ = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy Text)

instance Query TL.Text where
    readQuery  = fmap (TL.decodeUtf8With lenientDecode . L.fromStrict)
    qTypeRep _ = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy Text)

instance Query S.ByteString where 
    readQuery  = id
    qTypeRep _ = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy Text)

instance Query L.ByteString where 
    readQuery  = fmap L.fromStrict
    qTypeRep _ = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy Text)

instance Query String where
    readQuery  = fmap S.unpack
    qTypeRep _ = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy Text)

-- | fuzzy date parse. three decimal split by 1 char.
-- if year < 100 then + 2000. since 0.16.0.
-- example:
-- * 2014-02-05
-- * 14-2-5
-- * 14.2.05
instance Query Day where
    readQuery = (>>= \s0 -> do
        (y, s1) <- SL.readDecimal s0
        when (S.null s1) Nothing
        (m, s2) <- SL.readDecimal (S.tail s1)
        when (S.null s2) Nothing
        (d, s3) <- SL.readDecimal (S.tail s2)
        unless (S.null s3) Nothing
        let y' = if y < 100 then 2000 + y else y
        return $ fromGregorian y' m d)
    qTypeRep _ = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy Day)

-- | fuzzy date parse. three decimal split by 1 char.
-- if year < 100 then + 2000. since 0.16.0.
-- example:
-- * 2014-02-05
-- * 14-2-5
-- * 14.2.05
instance Path Day where
    readPath s0 = either (const Nothing) Just $ do
        (y, s1) <- TR.decimal s0
        when (T.null s1) (Left "")
        (m, s2) <- TR.decimal (T.tail s1)
        when (T.null s2) (Left "")
        (d, s3) <- TR.decimal (T.tail s2)
        unless (T.null s3) (Left "")
        let y' = if y < 100 then 2000 + y else y
        return $ fromGregorian y' m d
    pathRep _ = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy Day)

-- | allow no parameter. but check parameter type.
instance Query a => Query (Maybe a) where
    readQuery (Just a) = Just `fmap` readQuery (Just a)
    readQuery Nothing  = Just Nothing
    queryRep _         = Nullable $ qTypeRep (Proxy :: Proxy a)
    qTypeRep _         = maybeCon `mkTyConApp` [qTypeRep (Proxy :: Proxy a)]
      where maybeCon = typeRepTyCon $ typeOf (Nothing :: Maybe ())

-- | always success. for check existence.
instance Query () where
    readQuery _ = Just ()
    queryRep  _ = Check
    qTypeRep  _ = typeOf ()

pBool :: Proxy Bool
pBool = Proxy

pInt :: Proxy Int
pInt = Proxy

pWord :: Proxy Word
pWord = Proxy

pDouble :: Proxy Double
pDouble = Proxy

pText :: Proxy T.Text
pText = Proxy
pLazyText :: Proxy TL.Text
pLazyText = Proxy
pByteString :: Proxy S.ByteString
pByteString = Proxy
pLazyByteString :: Proxy L.ByteString
pLazyByteString = Proxy
pString :: Proxy String
pString = Proxy

pMaybe :: proxy a -> Proxy (Maybe a)
pMaybe _ = Proxy

pFile :: Proxy File
pFile = Proxy

class ReqParam a where
    reqParams   :: proxy a -> Http.Query -> [Param] -> [File] -> [(S.ByteString, Maybe a)]
    reqParamRep :: proxy a -> QueryRep

instance ReqParam File where
    reqParams _ _ _ = map (\f -> (fileParameter f, Just f))
    reqParamRep   _ = Strict $ typeRep pFile

instance Query a => ReqParam a where
    reqParams _ q p _ = map (second readQuery) q ++
        map (second $ readQuery . Just) p
    reqParamRep = queryRep

newtype StrategyRep = StrategyRep
    { strategyInfo :: T.Text }
    deriving (Show, Eq)

class Strategy (w :: * -> *) where
    type SNext w (k::Symbol) a (prms :: [Elem]) :: [Elem]
    strategy :: (NotMember k prms, MonadPlus m) => w a -> proxy' k -> [Maybe a] -> Dict prms -> m (Dict (SNext w k a prms))
    strategyRep :: w a -> StrategyRep

data First a = First
instance Strategy First where
    type SNext First k a ps = k := a ': ps
    strategy _ k (Just a:_) d = return $ insert k a d
    strategy _ _ _          _ = mzero
    strategyRep _ = StrategyRep "first"

data One a = One
instance Strategy One where
    type SNext One k a ps = k := a ': ps
    strategy _ k [Just a] d = return $ insert k a d
    strategy _ _ _        _ = mzero
    strategyRep _ = StrategyRep "one"

data Many a = Many
instance Strategy Many where
    type SNext Many k a ps = k := [a] ': ps
    strategy _ k as d = if all isJust as then return $ insert k (catMaybes as) d else mzero
    strategyRep _ = StrategyRep "many"

data Some a = Some
instance Strategy Some where
    type SNext Some k a ps = k := [a] ': ps
    strategy _ _ [] _ = mzero
    strategy _ k as d = if all isJust as then return $ insert k (catMaybes as) d else mzero
    strategyRep _ = StrategyRep "some"

data Option a = Option
instance Strategy Option where
    type SNext Option k a ps = k := Maybe a ': ps
    strategy _ k (Just a:_)  d = return $ insert k (Just a) d
    strategy _ _ (Nothing:_) _ = mzero
    strategy _ k []          d = return $ insert k Nothing d
    strategyRep _ = StrategyRep "option"

data Optional a = Optional T.Text a
instance Strategy Optional where
    type SNext Optional k a ps = k := a ': ps
    strategy _              k (Just a:_)  d = return $ insert k a d
    strategy _              _ (Nothing:_) _ = mzero
    strategy (Optional _ a) k []          d = return $ insert k a d
    strategyRep (Optional a _) = StrategyRep $ "default:" `T.append` a

pFirst :: proxy a -> First a
pFirst _ = First

pOne :: proxy a -> One a
pOne _ = One

pMany :: proxy a -> Many a
pMany _ = Many

pSome :: proxy a -> Some a
pSome _ = Some

pOption :: proxy a -> Option a
pOption _ = Option

pOptional :: Show a => a -> Optional a
pOptional a = Optional (T.pack $ show a) a