-- | Cookie support for Apiary. -- -- @ -- {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} -- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} -- for implicit signature -- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} -- for explicit signature -- -- import Web.Apiary -- import Web.Apiary.Cookie -- import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp -- import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L -- import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S -- @ -- -- 'withCookie' function give 'Cookie' data type for encrypt cookie. -- -- 'setCookie' function set cookie. cookie value is automatically encrypted. -- -- @ -- main :: IO () -- main = 'withCookie' def $ run 3000 . runApiary def $ do -- -- [capture|/:String|] . action $ \\s -> do -- 'setCookie' (def { setCookieName = "param", setCookieValue = S.pack s }) -- 'setCookie' (def { setCookieName = "dog", setCookieValue = "bowwow" }) -- contentType "text/plain" -- lbs "lucky cookie." -- -- root $ action_ splittedAction -- @ -- -- 'getCookie' functions, get and auto decrypt cookie. -- -- @ -- splittedAction :: (Monad m, HasCookie) => ActionT m () -- splittedAction = do -- s <- 'getCookie'' "param" -- p <- 'getCookie'' "dog" -- contentType "text/plain" -- lbs $ L.unlines [L.fromStrict s, L.fromStrict p] -- @ -- -- * first, access localhost:3000, 404 page not found shown. -- -- 'getCookie'' function pass next handler when cookie key is not found, -- and next handler is not exists. so 404. -- -- * next, you access localhost:3000/hoge, set param=hoge, dog=bowwow to cookie. -- -- * then access localhost:3000, show hoge\bowwow. -- -- module Web.Apiary.Cookie ( HasCookie , CookieConfig(..) , withCookie -- * setter , setCookie -- * filter , cookie -- * getter , getCookies, getCookies' , getCookie, getCookie' -- * Reexport -- | SetCookie(..) , module Web.Cookie -- | def , module Data.Default.Class ) where import Web.Cookie (SetCookie(..)) import Data.Default.Class import Web.Apiary.Cookie.Internal