{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}

    A http client for Apiary's 'ActionT' monad stack.
module Web.Apiary.HTTP.Client
    ( HTTPClient
    , initHTTPClient
    , getManager
    , withHTTPClient
    -- ** Helpers to make new Request
    , fromWaiRequest
    , fromRequest
    , resetHeaders
    , setPort
    , setHostName
    , setHostHeader
    , setHost
    -- ** Send request and get respond
    , sendRequset
    , openRequset
    -- ** Send request for side effect
    , sendRequsetNoBody
    -- ** Send request and proxy respond
    , proxyTo
    , proxyWith
    -- ** http client exception handler
    , forwardBadStatus
    , forwardBadStatus'
    , module Network.HTTP.Client
    ) where

import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Network.HTTP.Client hiding (Proxy)
import qualified Network.Wai as W
import Network.HTTP.Types.Header
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (notFound404)
import Data.Apiary.Extension
import Data.Proxy
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as B
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Control.Monad.Apiary.Action as A

newtype HTTPClient = HTTPClient Manager

instance Extension HTTPClient

-- |Initialize a 'MonadExts' with 'Manager'.
initHTTPClient :: MonadIO m
               => Manager -> Initializer m exts (HTTPClient ': exts)
initHTTPClient manager = initializer' . liftIO $ return (HTTPClient manager)

-- |Get 'Manager' from Apiary's 'MonadExts' context.
getManager :: (Has HTTPClient es, MonadExts es m, MonadIO m) => m Manager
getManager = do
    (HTTPClient manager) <- getExt (Proxy :: Proxy HTTPClient)
    return manager

-- |lift operations with initial manager.
withHTTPClient :: (Has HTTPClient es, MonadExts es m, MonadIO m)
           => (Request -> Manager -> IO a) -> Request -> m a
withHTTPClient f r = do
    manager <- getManager
    liftIO $ f r manager

-- |Copy path, headers, method, body and queryString from @"Network.Wai.Request"@
    :: ([T.Text] -> [T.Text])   -- ^ Function to modify request path
    -> ([Header] -> [Header])   -- ^ Function to modify request headers
    -> W.Request -> Request     -- ^ From @"Network.Wai.Request"@ To @"Network.HTTP.Client.Request"@
fromWaiRequest pm hm req =
        needsPopper = \ r -> r (W.requestBody req)
        path = pm (W.pathInfo req)
        headers = hm (W.requestHeaders req)
        requestBody' = case W.requestBodyLength req of
            W.ChunkedBody       -> RequestBodyStreamChunked needsPopper
            W.KnownLength len   -> RequestBodyStream (unsafeCoerce len) needsPopper
        defaultRequest {
            queryString = W.rawQueryString req
        ,   path = T.encodeUtf8 (T.intercalate "/" path)
        ,   method = W.requestMethod req
        ,   requestHeaders = headers
        ,   requestBody = requestBody'

-- |Remove following headers:
-- Transfer-Encoding, Content-Length, Content-Encoding and Accept-Encoding.
-- It's very likely you want to do this.
resetHeaders :: [Header] -> [Header]
resetHeaders = filter (\ (name, _) -> name `notElem` [hTransferEncoding, hContentLength, hContentEncoding, hAcceptEncoding])

-- |Copy path, headers, method, body and queryString from current 'ActionT's context.
    :: (Has HTTPClient exts, MonadIO m)
    => ([T.Text] -> [T.Text])   -- ^ Function to modify request path
    -> ([Header] -> [Header])   -- ^ Function to modify request headers
    -> A.ActionT exts prms m Request
fromRequest pm hm= A.getRequest >>= return . fromWaiRequest pm hm

-- | > setPort port req = req{port = port}
setPort :: Int -> Request -> Request
setPort port req = req{ port = port }

-- | > setHostName host req = req{host = host}
setHostName :: B.ByteString -> Request -> Request
setHostName host req = req{ host = host }

-- |Set HOST header.
setHostHeader :: B.ByteString -> Request -> Request
setHostHeader host req = req{ requestHeaders = headers }
    oHeaders = requestHeaders req
    headers = (hHost, host) : filter (\ (name, _) -> name /= hHost ) oHeaders

-- |Set both HOST header and request's host.
setHost :: B.ByteString -> Request -> Request
setHost host =  setHostHeader host . setHostName host

-- |Send requset and get 'Response' 'BL.ByteString'
-- For large response consider using 'openRequset' and 'responseClose' instead.
sendRequset :: (Has HTTPClient exts, MonadIO m)
    => Request -> A.ActionT exts prms m (Response LB.ByteString)
sendRequset req = withHTTPClient httpLbs req

-- |Send request without receive any body.
sendRequsetNoBody :: (Has HTTPClient exts, MonadIO m)
    => Request -> A.ActionT exts prms m (Response ())
sendRequsetNoBody req = withHTTPClient httpNoBody req

-- |Send request and get 'Response' 'BodyReader'
openRequset :: (Has HTTPClient exts, MonadIO m)
    => Request -> A.ActionT exts prms m (Response BodyReader)
openRequset req = withHTTPClient responseOpen req

-- |Streamming response directly from proxy target.
-- Reset headers automatically using 'resetHeaders'.
proxyTo :: (Has HTTPClient exts, MonadIO m)
    => Request -> A.ActionT exts prms m ()
proxyTo req = do
    res <- openRequset req
    A.rawResponse $ \ _ _ ->
            (responseStatus res)
            (resetHeaders $ responseHeaders res)
            $ \ sendBuilder flush ->
                    bodyReader = responseBody res
                    loop = do
                        bs <- bodyReader
                        if B.null bs then responseClose res >> flush
                                     else sendBuilder (B.byteString bs) >> loop
                in loop

-- |Modify response from proxy target then send.
-- This method caches response body in memory so be careful.
-- You should consider remove following headers:
-- Transfer-Encoding, Content-Length, Content-Encoding and Accept-Encoding.
    :: (Has HTTPClient exts, MonadIO m)
    => Request
    -> (Response LB.ByteString -> Response LB.ByteString) -- ^ Function to modify response.
    -> A.ActionT exts prms m ()
proxyWith req modifier = do
    resLbs <- sendRequset req
    let resLbs' = modifier resLbs
    A.status (responseStatus resLbs')
    A.setHeaders (responseHeaders resLbs')
    A.lazyBytes (responseBody resLbs')

-- |A catch handler which only deal with 'StatusCodeException'
--  the status code will be proxy to user.
--  any other exceptions will be re-thrown.
--  It's intend to use with MonadCatch or MonadBaseControl instance of 'A.ActionT'
forwardBadStatus :: (Has HTTPClient exts, MonadIO m)
    => HttpException -> A.ActionT exts prms m ()
forwardBadStatus (HttpExceptionRequest _ (StatusCodeException s h)) = A.status (responseStatus s) >> A.stop
forwardBadStatus err = liftIO $ throwIO err

-- |same with 'forwardBadStatus', except that
--  any other exceptions will be result in a 404 status with exceptions message.
--  It's intend to use with MonadCatch or MonadBaseControl instance of 'A.ActionT'
forwardBadStatus' :: (Has HTTPClient exts, MonadIO m)
    => HttpException -> A.ActionT exts prms m ()
forwardBadStatus' (HttpExceptionRequest _ (StatusCodeException s h)) = A.status (responseStatus s) >> A.stop
forwardBadStatus' err = A.status notFound404 >> A.showing err >> A.stop