Name: archive Version: 1.2.12 Cabal-Version: >= 1.2 Category: System Synopsis: A library and programs for creating hardlinked incremental archives or backups Description: Uses rsync, etc to before backups similar to the old timemachine script and the newer 'Time Machine' OS X tool. License: BSD3 License-File: COPYRIGHT Author: David Fox, Jeremy Shaw Maintainer: Stability: alpha Build-Type: Simple Library Build-Depends: base >= 3 && <5, regex-compat, regex-posix, HUnit, process, unix, old-locale, directory, Unixutils, network, time, bytestring, mtl, xhtml, pretty, debian >= 2.19, debian-mirror >= 1.1.3, help, filepath, progress >= 1.51, Extra Exposed-Modules: System.Archive.Archive, System.Archive.Prune, System.Archive.Target, System.Archive.UpdateMirror, System.Archive.AptMethods ghc-options: -O2 -W Executable archive Main-Is: util/ArchiveMain.hs -- Hs-Source-Dirs: util ghc-options: -O2 -W -threaded