module Distribution.ArchLinux.PkgBuild (
) where
import Distribution.Text
import Distribution.Version
import Distribution.PackageDescription
import Distribution.Package
import Distribution.License
import Text.PrettyPrint
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import Debug.Trace
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Instances
import Data.Char
data PkgBuild =
{ arch_pkgname :: String
, arch_pkgver :: Version
, arch_pkgrel :: !Int
, arch_pkgdesc :: String
, arch_arch :: ArchList ArchArch
, arch_url :: String
, arch_license :: ArchList License
, arch_makedepends :: ArchList ArchDep
, arch_depends :: ArchList ArchDep
, arch_source :: ArchList String
, arch_md5sum :: ArchList String
, arch_build :: [String]
, arch_package :: [String]
, arch_install :: Maybe String
, arch_options :: ArchList ArchOptions
deriving (Show, Eq)
data ArchOptions
= Strip
deriving (Show, Eq)
emptyPkgBuild :: PkgBuild
emptyPkgBuild =
{ arch_pkgname = display $ pkgName (package e)
, arch_pkgver = pkgVersion (package e)
, arch_pkgrel = 1
, arch_pkgdesc = synopsis e
, arch_arch = ArchList [Arch_X86, Arch_X86_64]
, arch_url = homepage e
, arch_license = ArchList [license e]
, arch_depends = ArchList []
, arch_makedepends = ArchList []
, arch_source = ArchList []
, arch_md5sum = ArchList []
, arch_build = []
, arch_package = []
, arch_install = Nothing
, arch_options = ArchList [Strip]
e = emptyPackageDescription
newtype ArchDep = ArchDep Dependency
deriving (Eq,Show)
instance Text ArchOptions where
disp Strip = text "strip"
parse = undefined
mydisp :: VersionInterval -> Doc
mydisp (LowerBound v t, NoUpperBound) =
case t of
InclusiveBound -> if v==zeroVersion then empty else text ">=" <> disp v
ExclusiveBound -> text ">" <> disp v
mydisp (LowerBound v1 _, UpperBound v2 t2) = text symbol <> disp v2
where symbol | v1 == v2 = "="
| t2 == InclusiveBound = "<="
| t2 == ExclusiveBound = "<"
zeroVersion :: Version
zeroVersion = Version [0] []
instance Text ArchDep where
disp (ArchDep (Dependency name ver)) =
disp name <> mydisp (collapse intervals)
intervals = asVersionIntervals ver
strName = display name
collapse l | null l = trace ("WARNING: version requirement for " ++
strName ++ " is logically impossible.")
(head $ asVersionIntervals anyVersion)
| null $ tail l = head l
| otherwise = trace ("WARNING: multiple version ranges specified for " ++
strName ++ ", using the extremal bounds instead.")
(fst $ head l, snd $ last l)
parse = undefined
pkgnameFromArchDep :: ArchDep -> String
pkgnameFromArchDep (ArchDep (Dependency (PackageName p) _)) = p
data ArchArch = Arch_X86 | Arch_X86_64
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Text ArchArch where
disp x = case x of
Arch_X86 -> text "i686"
Arch_X86_64 -> text "x86_64"
parse = error "Text.parrse not defined for ArchList"
newtype ArchList a = ArchList [a]
deriving (Show, Eq, Monoid, Functor)
instance Text String where
disp s = text s
parse = error "Text.parse not defined for String"
instance Text a => Text (ArchList a) where
disp (ArchList xs) =
parens (hcat
(intersperse space
(map (quotes . disp) xs)))
parse = error "Text.parse not defined for ArchList"
dispNoQuotes :: Text a => ArchList a -> Doc
dispNoQuotes (ArchList xs) =
parens (hcat
(intersperse space
(map disp xs)))
data AnnotatedPkgBuild =
{pkgBuiltWith :: Maybe Version
,pkgHeader :: String
,hkgName :: String
,pkgBody :: PkgBuild }
deriving (Eq, Show)
emptyPkg :: AnnotatedPkgBuild
emptyPkg = AnnotatedPkgBuild
{ pkgBuiltWith = Nothing
, pkgHeader = []
, hkgName = []
, pkgBody = emptyPkgBuild { arch_options = ArchList []
, arch_makedepends = ArchList []
type ResultP a = Either String a
decodePackage :: String -> ResultP AnnotatedPkgBuild
decodePackage s = runGetPKG (readPackage emptyPkg) s
newtype GetPKG a = GetPKG { un :: String -> Either String (a,String) }
instance Functor GetPKG where fmap = liftM
instance Monad GetPKG where
return x = GetPKG (\s -> Right (x,s))
fail x = GetPKG (\_ -> Left x)
GetPKG m >>= f = GetPKG (\s -> case m s of
Left err -> Left err
Right (a,s1) -> un (f a) s1)
runGetPKG :: GetPKG a -> String -> ResultP a
runGetPKG (GetPKG m) s = case m s of
Left err -> Left err
Right (a,t) -> case t of
[] -> Right a
_ -> Left $ "Invalid tokens at end of PKG string: "++ show (take 10 t)
getInput :: GetPKG String
getInput = GetPKG (\s -> Right (s,s))
setInput :: String -> GetPKG ()
setInput s = GetPKG (\_ -> Right ((),s))
line :: String -> GetPKG String
line s = case break (== '\n') s of
(h , _ : rest) -> do
setInput rest
return h
readPackage :: AnnotatedPkgBuild -> GetPKG AnnotatedPkgBuild
readPackage st = do
cs <- getInput
case cs of
_ | "# Maintainer" `isPrefixOf` cs -> do
h <- line cs
readPackage st { pkgHeader = h }
| "# Package generated" `isPrefixOf` cs -> do
h <- line cs
let v = simpleParse
. reverse
. takeWhile (not . isSpace)
. reverse $ h
readPackage st { pkgBuiltWith = v }
| "_hkgname=" `isPrefixOf` cs -> do
h <- line cs
let s = drop 9 h
readPackage st { hkgName = s }
| "pkgname=" `isPrefixOf` cs -> do
h <- line cs
let s = drop 8 h
readPackage st { pkgBody = (pkgBody st) { arch_pkgname = s } }
| "pkgrel=" `isPrefixOf` cs -> do
h <- line cs
let s = drop 7 h
readPackage st { pkgBody = (pkgBody st) { arch_pkgrel = read s } }
| "pkgver=" `isPrefixOf` cs -> do
h <- line cs
let s = drop 7 h
case simpleParse s of
Nothing -> fail $ "Unable to parse package version"
Just v -> readPackage st { pkgBody = (pkgBody st) { arch_pkgver = v } }
| "pkgdesc=" `isPrefixOf` cs -> do
h <- line cs
let s = drop 8 h
readPackage st { pkgBody = (pkgBody st) { arch_pkgdesc = s } }
| "url=" `isPrefixOf` cs -> do
h <- line cs
let s = drop 4 h
readPackage st { pkgBody = (pkgBody st) { arch_url = s } }
| "license=" `isPrefixOf` cs -> do
h <- line cs
let s = takeWhile (/= '\'')
. drop 1
. dropWhile (/= '\'')
. drop 8 $ h
s' | "custom:" `isPrefixOf` s = drop 7 s
| otherwise = s
case simpleParse s' of
Nothing -> readPackage st { pkgBody = (pkgBody st) { arch_license = ArchList [UnknownLicense s'] } }
Just l -> readPackage st { pkgBody = (pkgBody st) { arch_license = ArchList [l] } }
| "depends=(" `isPrefixOf` cs -> do
h <- line cs
let s = drop 9 h
readPackage st { pkgBody = (pkgBody st) { arch_depends = readDepends s } }
| "makedepends=(" `isPrefixOf` cs -> do
h <- line cs
let s = drop 13 h
readPackage st { pkgBody = (pkgBody st) { arch_makedepends = readDepends s } }
| "arch=" `isPrefixOf` cs
-> do _ <- line cs ; readPackage st
| "options=" `isPrefixOf` cs
-> do _ <- line cs ; readPackage st
| "source=" `isPrefixOf` cs
-> do _ <- line cs ; readPackage st
| "install=" `isPrefixOf` cs
-> do _ <- line cs ; readPackage st
| "md5sums=" `isPrefixOf` cs
-> do _ <- line cs ; readPackage st
| "build()" `isPrefixOf` cs
-> do setInput [] ; return st
| "package()" `isPrefixOf` cs
-> do setInput [] ; return st
| "#" `isPrefixOf` cs
-> do _ <- line cs ; readPackage st
| otherwise -> fail $ "Malformed PKGBUILD: " ++ take 80 cs
readDepends :: String -> ArchList ArchDep
readDepends s =
let s1 = dropWhile (\x -> x `elem` "' )") s
in case s1 of
"" -> ArchList []
_ -> ArchList (d:ds)
where dep = takeWhile (\x -> x `notElem` "' ") s1
s2 = dropWhile (\x -> x `notElem` "' ") s1
s3 = dropWhile (\x -> x `elem` "' ") s2
d = str2archdep dep
ArchList ds = readDepends s3
str2archdep :: String -> ArchDep
str2archdep s = case v of
Nothing -> ArchDep (Dependency (PackageName name) anyVersion)
Just w -> ArchDep (Dependency (PackageName name) w)
where name = takeWhile (\x -> x `notElem` "<=>") s
vspec = dropWhile (\x -> x `notElem` "<=>") s
v = simpleParse vspec
(<=>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
x <=> y = x <> char '=' <> y
rawpkg2doc :: PkgBuild -> Doc
rawpkg2doc pkg = vcat
[ text "pkgname"
<=> text (arch_pkgname pkg)
, text "pkgver"
<=> disp (arch_pkgver pkg)
, text "pkgrel"
<=> int (arch_pkgrel pkg)
, text "pkgdesc"
<=> doubleQuotes (text $ escapeForBash $ arch_pkgdesc pkg)
, text "url"
<=> doubleQuotes (text (arch_url pkg))
, text "license"
<=> disp (arch_license pkg)
, text "arch"
<=> disp (arch_arch pkg)
, text "makedepends"
<=> disp (arch_makedepends pkg)
, case arch_depends pkg of
ArchList [] -> empty
ArchList xs -> text "depends" <=> disp (ArchList (nub xs))
, text "options" <=> disp (arch_options pkg)
, text "source"
<=> dispNoQuotes (arch_source pkg)
, case arch_install pkg of
Nothing -> empty
Just p -> text "install" <=> disp p
, text "md5sums"
<=> disp (arch_md5sum pkg)
, hang
(text "build() {") 4
(vcat $ (map text) (arch_build pkg))
$$ char '}'
, hang
(text "package() {") 4
(vcat $ (map text) (arch_package pkg))
$$ char '}'
escapeForBash :: String -> String
escapeForBash = concatMap escapeCharForBash
escapeCharForBash :: Char -> String
escapeCharForBash c = case c of
'$' -> "\\$"
'`' -> "\\`"
'"' -> "\\\""
'\\' -> "\\\\"
'\n' -> " "
x -> [x]
instance Text PkgBuild where
disp p = rawpkg2doc p
parse = undefined
instance Text AnnotatedPkgBuild where
disp AnnotatedPkgBuild {
pkgBuiltWith = ver,
pkgHeader = header,
hkgName = hkg,
pkgBody = pkg
} = vcat [ if null header then empty else text header
, text "_hkgname" <=> text hkg
, disp pkg ]
parse = undefined
pkg2doc :: String -> AnnotatedPkgBuild -> Doc
pkg2doc email pkg = text "# Maintainer:" <+> text email $$ disp pkg